
地质:geology 矿物:mineral 地质断块:geological blocks
地层:formation 产层:pay zone,productive layer,productive formation 多孔地层:vuggy rock 软地层:soft formation 硬地层:hard formaton
研磨性地层:abrasive formaton 沉积岩:sedimentary rock
砂岩:sandstone 石灰岩:limestone 泥岩:shale,mudstone
花岗岩:granite 火成岩:igneaus rook 明下段:lower member of minghua town 明上段:up member of minghua town 管陶组:guantao formation 白垩纪:cretaceous period 东营组:Dongying formation 井段:hole interval 油砂:oil sand 变质岩:matamorphic rock 石英岩:quartzite 页岩:shale 碳酸盐岩:carbonate rock 白云岩:dolomite 泥灰岩:marl
灰岩地层:limestone formation 含水地层:water content formation
碳酸储层:carbonate reservoir 生产测试:production test
特殊油层:special oil reservoir 砾石:grave to the 裂缝:fissures
地质数据:geologic data 地质参数:geologic parameters
衰减风化层:decay weathered layer 地震分辨率:seismic resolutionv型钢
隐蔽断层:buried fault 油层连通情况:oil reservoir interconnection situation 隐蔽断层:buried fault 油层连通情况:oil reservoir interconnection situation 地质目标:geology object 地层构造:formation construct
小断块:small broken lump 地层圈闭:stratigraphic trap
不整合:discordance 超履或退复:overlap or offlap 尖灭:pinch out
岩性圈:lithologic trap 砂岩体:sand stone 裂缝带:fracture block
地层静态描述:layer static description 动态监测:dynamic monitoring
高分辨率:high resolution 垂直分辨率:vertical resolution 尖灭:pinch out 岩性圈:lithologic trap 砂岩体:sand stone 裂缝带:fracture block
隐蔽断层:buried fault 油层连通情况分析:oil reservoir inter-connection situation analysis 综合技术:comprehensive technology
静态模型:the static model 数值模拟:numerical simulation
动态模型:dynamic model 地质建模:establishment of reservoir geological models 储量评价:reserve estimation 油藏地质:reservoir geology
油藏模拟:reservoir simulation 油藏工程:reservoir engineering
靠背轮油藏描述:reservoir description 油藏工程评价:reservoir-engineering evaluation 油藏模拟:reservoir simulation 油藏评价:reservoir evaluation,reserve estimation 油藏保护:oil reservoir protection 地球物理:geophysics 剩余油分布:residual oil spread studies 技术适应性:technology adaptability 未动用储量:non-producing reservoirs 圈闭研究:trap study 地层评价:formation evaluation 储量估计:reserve estimation 稠油开采:heavy oil production 地质问题:geology problems 薄互层:thin inter-bed 流体描述:fluid distribution,注气:gas injection 稠油蒸汽驱:thick oil vapor drive 水文工程:hydrological project 下井固定深度:setting depth 渗透率:permeability 非紊流:nonturbulent 孔隙度:porosity 毛细管:capillary 达西公式:Darcy equation 诊断:diagnosis 处理:treatment 评价:evaluation 地层损害:formation damages 优化参数:optimized parameters. 地
质断块:geological blocks 科学原理:scientific principles 生产评价一体化:the integration of production and evaluation 流体特点:fluids feature 地层物理性质:formation physical property. 油层保护:reservoir protection 举升设备:lifting requirement 地理位置:geological allocation 化学吞吐:chemical soak,综合技术:comprehensive technology 深埋油藏:deeply buried oil reservoir 稠油油藏:condensate oil reservoir 特殊油藏:special oil reservoir 低压油气藏:low-pressure reservoirs 裂缝性油气藏:fractured reservoirs 低压油气藏:low-pressure reservoirs 裂缝性油气藏:fractured reservoirs 油气藏静压:static reservoir pressure 地球物理:geophysics 剩余油分布:residual oil spread studies 技术适应性:technology adaptability 经济性评价:economic evaluation. 储量特点研究:reservoir character study 潜在储量研究:potential analysis 调剖:profile modification 堵水:water plugging and broking down. 循环注气:gas recycling injection 地层损害:damage to formation. 地层物理性质:formation physical property 可动油饱和度:movable oil saturation 渗流状况:vadose status 投入产出比:input-output ratio 地面集输:surface transmission.
环空:well annular space,抗腐蚀材料:corrosion-resistant material 凝析气体:condense gas 凝析油:condense oil 采收率:recovery. 先进与成熟技术:advanced and mature technology,稳定油气产出:stable oil & gas output 高效率:high efficiency 编制:compile 低压低渗透油田:low pressure
and low permeability oilfields 一整套钻井和完井技术:a whole set of drilling and completion technique 岩石机械性能:rock mechanic characteristics 静态和动态数据:static and dynamic data 油气层污染:pollution in the oil and gas formation. 地层破裂压力:formation fracture pressure 液体冲动:fluid percussion 射流冲击原理:influx principle 射流冲击器:fluid hammer 滑动摩擦:sliding friction 滚动摩擦:rolling friction 屈服变形:the buckling strain of casings 直形滚轮扶正器:straight idler wheel casing centralizer,螺旋滚轮扶正器:spiral idler wheel casing centralizer 界面:interfaces 弧面:tapered concave surface 锻洗开窗:milling window cutting 弧面斜向器开窗:whipstock window cutting. 固定系统:anchor system 自锁功能:self-locking function; 柔性:tenacity 零析水:zero free-flow water 抗压强度:anti-bending strength crushing strength 流动距离:Flow distance 抗冲击功:anti-percussion work 初始稠度:Initial consistency 岩相学:lithofacies. 敏感指数:sensitivity index 优化配方:optimum formula 兼容,可溶:compatible 油田勘探:oilfield exploration,常规方法:routine method 敏感性分析:sensitivity analysis 地层潜在敏感性:formation potential sensitivity 工作液侵入深度:invasion depth of working fluid 损害因素:harmful factors 泥浆粘附系数:The adhesion coefficient of the mud 井径扩大率:ratio of the hole’s extending diameter 渗透率:permeability 溶油的:oil soluble 溶水的:water soluble 软化点:softening points 现场测试:field-test 高温高压滤失:HTHP filtration 流体漏失时:fluid leakage 生物降解:degrade biologically 抗温度范围:temperature tolerance 储层污染:reservoir contamination 自我降解聚合物:
self-degrade polymer 抗热:heat-resistance 水敏:water sensitive 结垢:scale forming; 热稳定:thermal stable 固体悬浮:solids suspension; 对地层永久性伤害:permanent damage to the formation 自行解堵:self-removal 微硅粉:micro-silica powder 漂珠:PFA (pulverized fly ash) 弹性防漏剂:elastic lost circulation additive 流变性:rheological characteristics 稳定性:stability 长封固段固井:long intervals cementing 地层岩石:formation rocks 非固相:none-solid 低固相:low-solid,water-in-oil and oil-in-water systems. 水包油修井液系统:water-in-oil workover fluid system 冲砂:sand washing 自生热压裂:in-situ thermal fracturing 碳酸盐岩:carbonate reservoir 胶凝酸体系:gelling acid system 常规盐酸:conventional hydrochloric acid. 自生酸体系:In-situ acid generating system 冻胶酸体系:DJS gel 裂缝长度:fracture length 试采:production test 曲线:curve 曲线图:curves chart 分离器:separator 连续冲砂:continued sand washing 分流皮碗分隔器:diverter cup packer 负压泵:under-balance pressure,vacuum pressure 负压喷射泵:under-balance jet pump 放射同位素自动检测仪器:memory automatic detector of radioactive isotope 高凝高粘度:high condensate and viscosity 盐酸:hydrochloric acid 土酸酸化:acid acidizing 地层粘土:formation clay 水基地层:water base formation. 无残渣压裂液:residua free fracturing fluid 堵水:water shut-off 剪切力:shearing force 抗高温高压封隔器:anti-high temperature high pressure packer 锚固定机构:anchor structure 双锥:double cone 封座压力:setting pressure range 排气方法:gas bleeding method 泵效:pump efficiency 抽油杆:sucker-rod 有效升举:efficient lift for the d
eviated 抽油杆扶正工具:sucker rod centralizing tools. 严重的管杆偏磨:serious string partial wear 挂泵深度:pump setting depth. 尾管长度:length of liner. 管柱结构:the structure of pipe string 防脱器:dropout-prevent device 井斜角:hole angle 电热杆:borehole electric heating rod 电热杆技术:the electric heating sucker rod system 空心杆热载体技术:hollow sucker rod heat carrier

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