Directive 2008 121 EC

on textile names(recast)
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Article95thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(1),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article251of the Treaty(2),
(1)Directive96/74/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of16December1996on textile names(3)
has been substantially amended several times(4).Since
further amendments are to be made,it should be
recast in the interests of clarity.
远距离遥控器(2)If the provisions of the Member States with regard to the
names,composition and labelling of textile products
were to vary from one Member State to another,this
would create hindrances to the proper functioning of
the internal market.
(3)Those hindrances can be eliminated if the placing of
textile products on the market at Community level is
subject to uniform rules.It is therefore necessary to
harmonise the names of textile fibres and the particulars
appearing on labels,markings and documents which
accompany textile products at the various stages of their
production,processing and distribution.
(4)Provision should also be made in respect of certain
products which are not made exclusively of textile
materials but have a textile content which constitutes
an essential part of the product or to which attention
is specifically drawn by the producer,processor or trader.
(5)The tolerance in respect of‘other fibres’,which has
already been laid down for pure products,should also
be applied to mixtures.
(6)In order to attain the objective underlying national
provisions in this field,labelling should be compulsory.
(7)In cases where it is technically difficult to specify the
composition of a product at the time of manufacture,
any fibres known at that time may be stated on the
label provided that they account for a certain percentage
of the finished product.
(8)It is expedient,in order to avoid differences of appli­
cation in the Community,to specify the exact methods
of labelling certain textile products consisting of two or
more components,and also the components of textile
products that need not be taken into account for
purposes of labelling and analysis.
(9)Textile products subject only to the requirements of
inclusive labelling,and those sold by the metre or in
cut lengths,should be offered for sale in such a way
that the consumer can fully acquaint himself with the
particulars affixed to the overall packaging or the roll.
It is for the Member States to decide on the measures to
be adopted for this purpose.
(10)The use of descriptions or names which enjoy particular
prestige among users and consumers should be made
subject to certain conditions.
(1)OJ C162,25.6.2008,p.40.
(2)Opinion of the European Parliament of17June2008(not yet
published in the Official Journal)and Council Decision of 16December2008.
(3)OJ L32,3.2.1997,p.38.
(4)See Annex VI,Part A.
(11)It is necessary to lay down methods for the sampling and
analysis of textiles in order to exclude any possibility of
objections to the methods used.However,the provisional
retention of the national methods currently in force does
not prevent the application of uniform rules.
(12)Annex V,which sets out the agreed allowances to be
applied to the anhydrous mass of each fibre during the
determination by analysis of the fibre content of textile
products,gives,in items1,2and3,two different agreed
allowances for calculating the composition of carded or
combed fibres containing wool and/or animal hair.
Laboratories cannot always tell whether a product is
carded or combed,and consequently inconsistent
results can arise from the application of this provision
during checks on the conformity of textile products
carried out in the Community.Laboratories should
therefore be authorised to apply a single agreed
allowance in doubtful cases.
(13)It is not advisable,in a separate Directive on textile
products,to harmonise all the provisions applicable to
such products.
(14)Annexes III and IV,because of the exceptional nature of
the items referred to therein,should also cover other
products exempt from labelling,in particular‘disposable’
products or products for which only inclusive labelling is
(15)The measures necessary for the implementation of this
Directive should be adopted in accordance with Council
Decision1999/468/EC of28June1999laying down the
procedures for the exercise of implementing powers
conferred on the Commission(1).
(16)In particular,the Commission should be empowered to
adapt Annexes I and V to technical progress and to
adopt new methods of quantitative analysis for binary
and ternary mixtures.Since those measures are of
general scope and are designed to amend non-essential
elements of this Directive,inter alia,by supplementing it,
they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory
procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article5a of
(17)The new elements introduced into this Directive only
concern the committee procedure.They therefore do
not need to be transposed by the Member States.
(18)This Directive should be without prejudice to the obli­
gations of the Member States relating to the time limits
for transposition into national law of the Directives set
1.Textile products may be marketed within the Community, either before or during their industrial processing or at any of the distribution stages,only where such products comply with this Directive.
2.This Directive shall not apply to textile products which:
(a)are intended for export to third countries;
滑动水口(b)enter Member States,under customs control,for transit
(c)are imported from third countries for inward processing;
(d)are contracted out to persons working in their own homes,
or to independent firms that make up work from materials supplied without the property therein being transferred for consideration.
1.For the purposes of this Directive,the following defi­nitions shall apply:
(a)‘textile products’means any raw,semi-worked,worked,
semi-manufactured,manufactured,semi-made-up or made-up products which are exclusively composed of textile fibres,regardless of the mixing or assembly process employed;
(b)‘textile fibre’means:索道安装
(i)a unit of matter characterised by its flexibility,fineness
and high ratio of length to maximum transverse
dimension,which render it suitable for textile appli­
(ii)flexible strips or tubes,of which the apparent width does not exceed5mm,including strips cut from
wider strips or films,produced from the substances
used for the manufacture of the fibres listed under
items19to47in Annex I and suitable for textile
applications;the apparent width is the width of the
strip or tube when folded,flattened,compressed or
twisted,or the average width where the width is not
(1)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.
2.The following shall be treated in the same way as textile products and shall be subject to this Directive:
(a)products containing at least80%by weight of textile fibres;
(b)furniture,umbrella and sunshade coverings containing at
least80%by weight of textile components;similarly,the textile components of multi-layer floor coverings,of mattresses and of camping goods,and warm linings of footwear,gloves,mittens and mitts,provided such parts or linings constitute at least80%by weight of the complete article;
(c)textiles incorporated in other products and forming an
integral part thereof,where their composition is specified.
1.The names and descriptions of fibres referred to in Article2are listed in Annex I.睫毛器
2.Use of the names appearing in the table in Annex I shall be reserved for fibres the nature of which is specified under the same item of that table.
3.None of those names may be used for any other fibre, whether on their own or as an adjective or as a root,in any language whatsoever.
4.The word‘silk’may not be used to indicate the shape or particular presentation in continuous yarn of textile fibres.
1.No textile product may be described as‘100%’,‘pure’or ‘all’unless it is exclusively composed of the same fibre;no similar term may be used.
2.A textile product may contain up to2%by weight of other fibres,provided this quantity is justified on technical grounds and is not added as a matter of routine.This tolerance shall be increased to5%in the case of textile products which have undergone a carding process.
1.A wool product may be described with one of the names referred to in Annex II,provided that it is composed exclusively of a fibre which has not previously been incorporated in a finished product,which has not been subjected to any spinning and/or felting processes other than those required in the manufacture of that product,and which has not been damaged by treatment or use.
2.By way of derogation from paragraph1,the names referred to in Annex II may be used to describe wool contained in a fibre mixture when:
(a)all the wool contained in that mixture satisfies the
requirements laid down in paragraph1;
(b)this wool accounts for not less than25%of the total
weight of the mixture;
(c)in the case of a scribbled mixture,the wool is mixed with
only one other fibre.
In the case referred to in this paragraph,the full percentage composition must be given.
3.The tolerance justified on technical grounds connected with manufacture shall be limited to0,3%of fibrous impurities in the case of the products referred to in paragraphs1and2, including wool products which have undergone a carding process.
1.A textile product composed of two or more fibres,one of which accounts for at least85%of the total weight,shall be designated by one of the following:
(a)by the name of the latter fibre followed by its percentage by
(b)by the name of the latter fibre followed by the words‘85%
(c)by the full percentage composition of the product.
电力驱动单人车2.A textile product composed of two or more fibres,none of which accounts for as much as85%of the total weight,shall be designated by the name and percentage by weight of at least the two main fibres,followed by the names of the other constituent fibres in descending order of weight,with or without an indication of their percentage by weight.However:
(a)fibres which separately account for less than10%of the
total weight of a product may be collectively designated by the term‘other fibres’,followed by the total percentage by weight;
(b)where the name of a fibre which accounts for less than
10%of the total weight of a product is specified,the full percentage composition of that product shall be given.
3.Products having a pure cotton warp and a pure flax weft, in which the percentage of flax accounts for not less than40% of the total weight of the unsized fabric may be given the name ‘cotton linen union’which must be accompanied by the compo­sition specification‘pure cotton warp—pure flax weft’.
4.The term‘mixed fibres’or the term‘unspecified textile composition’may be used for any product the composition of which cannot easily be stated at the time of manufacture.
5.In the case of textile products intended for the end consumer,in the percentage compositions specified in para­graphs1to4:
(a)a quantity of extraneous fibres of up to2%of the total
weight of the textile product shall be tolerated,provided that this quantity is justified on technical grounds and is not added as a matter of routine;this tolerance shall be increased to5%in the case of products which have undergone a carding process and shall be without prejudice to the tolerance referred to in Article5(3);
(b)a manufacturing tolerance of3%shall be permitted
between the stated fibre percentages and the percentages obtained from analysis,in relation to the total weight of fibres shown on the label;such tolerance shall also be applied to fibres which,in accordance with paragraph2, are listed in descending order of weight with no indication of their percentage.This tolerance shall also apply for the purpose of Article5(2)(b).
On analysis,the tolerances shall be calculated separately.The total weight to be taken into account in calculating the tolerance referred to in point(b)shall be that of the fibres of the finished product less the weight of any extraneous fibres found when applying the tolerance referred to in point(a).
The addition of the tolerances referred to in points(a)and(b) shall be permitted only if any extraneous fibres found by analysis,when applying the tolerance referred to in point(a), prove to be of the same chemical type as one or more of the fibres shown on the label.
In the case of particular products for which the manufacturing process requires tolerances higher than those given in points(a) and(b),higher tolerances may be authorised when the conformity of the product is checked pursuant to Article13(1)only in exceptional cases and where adequate justification is provided by the manufacturer.Member States shall immediately inform the Commissio
n thereof.
Without prejudice to the tolerances laid down in Article4(2), Article5(3)and Article6(5),visible,isolable fibres which are purely decorative and do not exceed7%of the weight of the finished product need not be mentioned in the fibre compo­sitions provided for in Articles4and6.The same shall apply to fibres,such as metallic fibres,which are incorporated in order to obtain an antistatic effect and which do not exceed2%of the weight of the finished product.In the case of the products referred to in Article6(3),such percentages shall be calculated not on the weight of the fabric but on the weight of the warp and that of the weft separately.
1.Textile products within the meaning of this Directive shall be labelled or marked whenever they are put on the market for production or commercial purposes.This labelling or marking may be replaced or supplemented by accompanying commercial documents when the products are not being offered for sale to the end consumer,or when they are delivered in performance of an order placed by the State or by some other legal person governed by public law or,in those Member States where this co
ncept is unknown,by an equivalent entity.
2.The names,descriptions and particulars as to textile fibre content referred to in Articles3to6and in Annexes I and II shall be clearly indicated in the commercial documents.This requirement shall,in particular,preclude the use of abbre­viations in sales contracts,bills and invoices.However,a mechanised processing code may be used,provided that code is explained in the same document.
3.The names,descriptions and particulars as to textile fibre content referred to in Articles3to6and in Annexes I and II shall be indicated in clear,legible and uniform print when textile products are offered for sale or sold to the consumer, and in particular in catalogues and trade literature,on packagings,on labels and on markings.
Particulars and information other than those provided for by this Directive shall be separate.This provision shall not apply to trade marks or to the name of the undertaking which may be given immediately before or after particulars provided for by this Directive.
If,however,when a textile product is offered for sale or is sold to the consumer as referred to in the first subparagraph,a trade mark or a name of an undertaking is indicated which contains, on its own or as an adjective or as a root,one of the names listed in Annex I or a name liable to be confused the
rewith,the trade mark or the name of an undertaking must be immediately preceded or followed by the names,descriptions and particulars as to textile fibre content referred to in Articles3to6and in Annexes I and II in clear,legible and uniform print.
4.Member States may require that,when textile products are offered for sale or are sold to the end consumer in their territory,their national languages should also be used for the labelling and marking required by this Article.
In the case of bobbins,reels,skeins,balls or any other small quantity of sewing,mending and embroidery yarns,the option provided for in the first subparagraph may be exercised by the Member States only in the case of inclusive labelling on packaging or displays.Without prejudice to the cases referred to in item18of Annex IV,individual items may be labelled in any of the Community languages.
5.Member States may not prohibit the use of descriptions or particulars other than those referred to in Articles3,4and5 which relate to characteristics of products where such descriptions or particulars are consistent with their fair trade practices.
1.Any textile product composed of two or more components which have different fibre contents shall bear a label stating the fibre content of each component.Such labelling shall not be compulsory for components representing less than30%of the total weight of the product,excluding main linings.
2.Where two or more textile products have the same fibre content and normally form a single unit,they need bear only one label.
3.Without prejudice to Article12:
(a)the fibre composition of the following corsetry articles shall
be indicated by stating the composition of the whole product or that of the components listed below either inclu­sively or separately:
(i)for brassières:the outside and inside fabric of the cups
and back;
(ii)for corsets:the front,rear and side stiffening panels;
(iii)for corselets:the outside and inside fabric of the cups, the front and rear stiffening panels and the side panels.
The fibre composition of corsetry articles other than those listed in the first subparagraph shall be indicated by stating the composition of the whole product or,either inclusively or separately,the composition of the various components of the articles;such labelling shall not be compulsory for components representing less than10%of the total weight of the product.
The separate labelling of the various parts of the said corsetry articles shall be carried out in such a way that the end consumer can easily understand to which part of the product the particulars on the label refer;
(b)the fibre composition of etch-printed textiles shall be given
for the product as a whole and may be indicated by stating, separately,the composition of the base fabric and that of the etched parts.These components must be mentioned by name;
(c)the fibre composition of embroidered textiles shall be given
for the product as a whole and may be indicated by stating, separately,the composition of the base f
abric and that of the embroidery yarn;these components must be mentioned by name;if the embroidered parts amount to less than10% of the surface area of the product,only the composition of the base fabric need be stated;
(d)the fibre composition of yarns consisting of a core and a
cover made up of different fibres,and offered for sale as such to the consumer,shall be given for the product as a whole and may be indicated by stating the composition of the core and the cover separately;these components must be mentioned by name;
(e)the fibre composition of velvet and plush textiles,or of
textiles resembling velvet or plush,shall be given for the whole product and,where the product comprises a distinct backing and a use-surface composed of different fibres,may be stated separately for these two parts,which must be mentioned by name;
(f)the composition of floor coverings and carpets of which the
backing and the use-surface are composed of different fibres may be stated for the use-surface alone,which must be mentioned by name.
1.By way of derogation from Articles8and9:
(a)in the case of textile products listed in Annex III which are
at one of the stages referred to in Article2(1),point(a), Member States may not require any labelling or marking bearing the name or composition.However,the provisions of Articles8and9shall apply where such products bear a label or marking giving the name or composition,or a trade mark or name of an undertaking which incorporates,on its own or as an adjective or as a root,either one of the names listed in Annex I or a name liable to be confused therewith;
(b)where textile products listed in Annex IV are of the same
type and composition,they may be offered for sale together under an inclusive label giving the composition particulars laid down by this Directive;

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