
2023年12月17日发(作者:combined with)

She's not here yet. She's not here. 她还没来 她还没来

She's having my baby and she's not here. 她就要生下我的孩子 她却还没来

I'm sure everything's fine. 我肯定一切都好

- Has her water broken yet? - I don't know. -她的羊水破了吗 -我不知道

When I spoke to her, she said she'd already passed the mucous plug.


Do we have to know about that? 我们非得知道这些吗

Joey, what are you going to do when you have a baby? 乔伊 等到你有小孩时你会怎么做

I'll be in the waiting room, handing out cigars. 我会在等待室中分发雪茄

Joey's made arrangements to have his baby 乔伊已经打定主意让他的孩子

in a movie from the '50s. 出生在50年代的电影场景中

God, I don't believe this. 天啊 我真不敢相信

She could be giving birth in the cab. 她有可能在出租车中分娩

Ross, relax. 罗斯 放轻松

It's probably like $2 for the 说不定就是第一次宫缩收二块钱

...and then 50 cents for each additional contraction. 之后每收缩一次只收五毛

What, it's okay when Chandler does it? 怎么了 钱德勒这样说就没关系

You have to pick your moments. 你得选对时间

Did I miss it? 我错过了吗

No, She's not here yet. 没有 她根本还没出现

What's with the guitar? 干嘛带吉他来

I just thought we might be here for a while. 我想我们大概会在这儿待一阵子

Things might get musical. 说不定有人想听歌

Where the hell have you been? 你到底跑哪儿去了

We stopped at the gift shop. 我们在礼品店待了一会儿

We stopped at the gift shop. 雀巢的一款内含坚果的巧克力棒

I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a Chunky. 我想买个填充玩偶


Oh, Susan wanted a Chunky. 苏珊想吃巧克力棒啊

We're having a baby, ok, a baby, you don't stop for Chunkys. 我们要有小宝宝


I used to have that bumper sticker. 我过去也用那个汽车贴纸

You see what I mean? 懂我意思吗

- "Stopped for a Chunky." - Let it go, Ross. -下车买巧克力棒 -别介意了 罗斯

- I got an extra one. You want this? - No. -我多买了一个 要吗 -不要

How's my favorite parenting team doing? 我最爱的"父母团"准备如何

Dr. Franzblau. Hi. 弗兰兹布朗医生 你好

I understand you're thinking of having a baby. 我了解你们在考虑生宝宝的事

I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. 看来你已怀胎九月了 这是好的开始

- How are you doing with your contractions? - I love them. -你宫缩的情况如何 -我爱死了

Each one's like a little party in my uterus. 每收缩一次都像是子宫里在狂欢

Every 4 minutes, lasting 55 seconds. 每4分钟一次 每次55秒

59 seconds. Quartz. 是59秒 石英表 赢你

Swiss quartz. 瑞士石英表 休想

- Am I allowed to drink anything? - lce chips. just ice chips. -我能喝饮料吗 -冰沙 只能喝冰沙

- They're at the nurses' station. - I'll get it! -护士站有 -我去拿

- No,I'll get it. - No, I'm getting it. -不 我去拿 -别 我这就去

Hi. Thought you might like some ice chips. 嗨 我想你或许想喝点冰沙

- Thanks. - And if you need anything -谢谢 -如果还需要别的 我...

...do not believe we've met. 我们还没见过吧

I'm Rachel Green. 我叫瑞秋·格林

I'm Carol's ex-husband's sister's roommate. 卡罗尔前夫妹妹的室友

Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Franzblau. 幸会 我是弗兰兹布朗医生

I'm your roommate's brother's ex-wife's obstetrician. 你室友哥哥前妻的产科医生

Oh, that's funny. 真有趣

I want a baby. 我想要个宝宝

Not tonight, honey. I got an early day tomorrow. 今晚不行亲爱的 明天我得早起

Get up. Come on. Let's get some coffee. 起来 快点 我们去买咖啡

Okay, because we never do that. 好吧 这倒是前所未闻

Shoot, shoot, shoot. Or just fall down. That's good too. 投篮 投 投 或是倒下也成 挺好

- Knick fan? - Oh, yeah. -尼克斯迷吗 -对

- Oh, boy, do they suck. -Listen, lady -天啊 他们烂透了 -听着 女士

Look. Look at your man, Ewing. 看看你喜欢的尤恩

Nice shoot. You know what, 好球 你知道吗

He couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat. 他就算站在船上往水里投球都不会

- Oh yeah? And who do you like? - Celtics. -是吗 那你支持谁 -凯尔特人

Celtics? They couldn't hit a boat if 凯尔特人 他们连船都击不中 除非


They suck, all right? 反正他们很烂 好吗

Shut up. You know, it's a rebuilding year 闭嘴 你知道吗 今年是重建年

Let me get the father. 我帮你叫孩子爸爸去

We need a father over here. We need a father. 来人啊 我们这儿需要个爸爸

There's no father. 这孩子没有爸爸

- Oh, sorry. - That's okay. I'm fine. -抱歉 -没关系 我没事

Okay. Right this way. 这边来

All the other pregnant women seem to be going in here. 所有的孕妇似乎都往这儿走

*They're tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch* *他们小小的肉肉的手感很棒*

*But soon they'll grow up* *但不久他们会长大*

*And resent you so much* *对你恨之入骨*

*Now they're yelling at you* *现在他们对你大吼大叫*

*And you don 't know why* *而你不知原因何在*

*And you cry and you cry and you cry* *你只能哭啊哭啊哭个不停*

*And you cry and you cry and you cry* *你只能哭啊哭啊哭个不停*

- Thanks, Ross. - I'm paying you to stop. OK? -谢谢 罗斯 -我是付钱请你别唱了

OK. 好

Oh, look, twins. Hi, guys. Oh, cute. 看啊 是双胞胎 好可爱

No fair. 不公平

I don't even have one. How come they get two? 我一个都没有 他们怎会有两个

- You'll get one. - Oh yeah? When? -你也会有的 -是吗 什么时候

I'll tell you what. When we're 40, if neither of us 这样吧


...what do you say you and I get together and have one? 我们就在一起生个娃 如何

Why won't I be married when I'm 40? 为何我会到了40岁还单身

Oh no no no. No, I just meant hypothetically. 不不不你误会了 只是个假设

- Hypothetically, why won't I be married when I'm 40? -No. -假设 为何我到了40岁还单身 -不是

What is it? Seriously, is there something unmarriable about me? 为什么 说真的


Well? 怎么回事

Well? 源自西方著名笑话

Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack. 我的老天 这降落伞是个背包

Look at you, dressy-dress. 看看你 盛装登场

Did you go home and change? 你是回家换了衣服吗

It's an important day. I want to look nice. 今天是个重要的日子 我想漂亮一点

Has Dr. Franzblau been by? 弗兰兹布朗医生来过没

No, I haven't seen him. 不 我还没见到他

Where is he? He is supposed to be here. 他在哪儿 他应该在这儿的

What if the baby needs him? 万一宝宝需要他怎么办

Rachel, what's the deal with you and doctors anyway? 瑞秋 你为什么这么喜欢医生

Is it like your father a doctor? 难道你爸也是个医生

Yeah. Why? 对 干嘛问

No reason. 没理由

Mom, we've been through this. 妈妈 我们都说好了

No, I am not calling him. 不 我不他

I don't care if it is his kid, the guy's a jerk. 我不管这是不是他的孩子 他是个浑蛋

No, I am not alone. Joey's here. 不 我不是一个人 乔伊在这儿

What do you mean "Joey who"? 什么意思 乔伊什么

-Tribbiani. - Joey Tribbiani. -崔比安尼 -乔伊·崔比安尼

Yes. Okay. Hold on. 对 好 等等

She wants to talk to you. 她要跟你谈

Take the phone. 拿着电话

Yeah, it's me. 对 是我

No, we're just friends. 不 我们只是朋友

Yeah, I'm single. 对 我单身

Twenty-five. 25岁

An actor. Hello? 是个演员 喂

- She's not much of a phone person. -Yeah. -她不怎么爱讲电话 -是啊

So, what's the deal with this father guy? 孩子的爸怎么了

I mean, If someone was having my baby somewhere, 如果有人在某处即将生下我的孩子

I'd wanna know about it, you know? 我会想知道的 你懂吗

Hey, Knick fan, am I interested in your views on fatherhood? No. 尼克斯迷


- Ok, look, Maybe I should just go. - Maybe you should. -或许我该走了 -或许你就应该


...and take care. 保重了

You know what the Celtics problem is? 你知道凯尔特人队问题所在吗

They let the players run the team. 他们让球员掌控球队

- That is so not true. - Oh, it is. -这绝对不是真的 -当然是

- It isn't. - It is. -才不是 -就是

- Breathe. - Breathe. -深呼吸 -深呼吸

You're gonna kill me. 你们会害死我的

- Fifteen more seconds. 14, 13, 12. - Count faster. -还15秒 14 13 12 -数快点

It's ok, just remember we're doing this for Jordie. 没事的 记住这样做全是为了裘帝

Just keep focusing on Jordie. 把注意力放在裘帝身上

- Who the hell is Jordy? - Your son. -到底谁是裘帝 -你儿子

No, no, no. I don't have a son named Jordy. 不不不 我儿子不能叫裘帝

We all agreed, my son's name is Jamie. 我们商量好的 给他起名洁米

Jamie was the name of Susan's 洁米是苏珊第一任女友的名字

...so we went back to Jordy. 所以我们决定还是用裘帝

What do you mean, back to Jordy? 你说什么呢 还是用裘帝

We never landed on Jordy. 我们根本没讨论过裘帝

We just passed by it during the whole Jesse-Cody-Dillon fiasco. 我们只在弃用杰西 科德


Ow! Leg cramp! 腿抽筋了

- I got it. - I got it. I'm doing it. -我来了 -我来 我来处理

You get to sleep with her. I get the cramps. 你能和她睡觉 抽筋得归我处理

No, you don't. 你不行

That is it. I want both of you out. 够了 你们都给我出去

- What? She started it. - He did. -什么 是她引起的 -明明是他

I don't care. I'm trying to get a person out of my 我不管 我在这鼓劲儿生孩子

...and you're not making it any easier! Now go! 你们却在帮倒忙 都出去

- Thanks a lot. - See what you did? -真多谢你了 -看你干了什么

- Listen - Out! -听着 -出去

Breathe. Breathe. 深呼吸 深呼吸

What is that? Something exploded. 怎么了 有东西爆炸了

It's just her water breaking. Calm down, will you? 只是她的羊水破了 冷静点行吗

Water breaking, what do you mean? What's that, water breaking? 羊水破了 你什么意思


Breathe. Breathe. 深呼吸 深呼吸

Oh, please, this is so your fault. 算了吧 这都是你的错

How is this my fault? 怎么成了我的错

Look, Carol never threw me out of a room before you came along.


Yeah? Well, there's a lot of things Carol never did before I came along.


You tryin' to be clever? A funny lady? 想卖弄小聪明吗 刻薄女

You know what your problem is? You're so threatened by me. 你知道自己问题在哪吗


Hey. Okay, all right. That's it. Get in here. Come on, come on. 行了 我受够了 进去 快点

My God, you guys. I don't believe you. 天哪 伙计们 我真不敢相信你们两个

There are children coming into the world in this


...and your fighting isn't the first thing they should hear.


So stop all the yelling! Just stop it! 所以你们别再吵了 别吵了

Yeah, Susan. 听到没 苏珊

Don't make me do this again! I don't like my voice like this! 别再逼我发脾气


Who wants to hear something ironic? 有件讽刺的事情 谁想听听

- Help! - Come on! -救命 -来人啊

- I'm having a baby in there! - Hello! -我的宝宝要出生了 -有人吗

- Help! - Okay, everyone stand back. -救命 -行了 大家退后

Are they here yet? 他们到了没有

No, honey, they're not, 不 亲爱的 还没到

but don't worry, because we are going to find them, 但是别担心 我们会到他们的

And until we do, we are all here for you. Okay? 到之前 我们都会在这儿陪你的

-Okay? - Okay. -好吗 -好的

Anyway, you were telling me about Paris. It sounds wonderful. 话说


There was this great little pastry shop right by my hotel.


There you go, sweety. 加油 亲爱的

Come on, Lydia, you can do it. 加油 莉迪亚 你办得到

Push. Push him out, push him out. Harder, harder. 用力 用力 再加油

Push him out, push him out. Way out. 挤他 挤他 挤远远

Let's get that ball and really move. 我们抢到球动起来

Let's get 我们...

I was just.. Yeah, okay. Push, push, push. 我只是 好吧 用力 用力 用力

What are you gonna do, suck the door open? 你想干嘛 把门吸开吗

Help! Help! 救命 救命

*And they found their bodies the very next day* *就在第二天 他们的尸体被发现*

*And they found their bodies the * *就在第二天 他们的尸体终于*

Mom, everything's going fine. Really. 妈妈 一切顺利 真的

Ross is great. 罗斯没问题

he's in a whole other place. 他在...反正不在这儿

No, he's gone. 不 他不见了

No, you don't have to fly back. Really. 不 你们不用飞回来 真的

What do you mean "This might be your only chance"? 什么叫"这可能是你们唯一的机会"

Would you stop? I'm only 26. 住嘴好吗 我才26岁

I'm not even thinking about babies yet. 我连要小孩的事都没想过

- Where have you been? - I just had a baby. -你上哪儿去了 -我刚生了个小孩

Mazel tov. 好运气[希伯来语]

I don't know. It could be an hour or it could be three. 说不定 或许是一小时也可能是三小时

But relax. She's doing great. 但请放心 她的状况良好

So tell me, are you currently involved with anyone? 告诉我 你目前有对象吗

Not at the moment, I'm not. Are you? 没有 现在没有 你呢

No, it's hard enough to get women to go out with me. 没有 我连约到女人跟我出去都很难

Right. Yeah, I've heard that about cute doctors. 是啊我听说过 帅哥医生都不好对象

No, really. I suppose it's because 没有 真的 我想这是因为

I spend so much time, 我花了太多的时间在 你懂的

...where I do. 在我的工作上

I try not to let work affect my personal life. 我试着不让工作影响我的生活

But it's hard when, when you do what I do. It's, 但是当你从事我这种工作的时候就很难

Well, for instance, what do you do? 这样 举个例子 你从事什么工作

I'm a waitress. 我是服务生

OK, alright. Aren't there times when you come home at the end of the day 好的

你辛苦一天下班回家后 有时候

and you 会不会觉得

"If I see one more cup " "如果我再看见一杯"

Gotcha. 我懂

- I'm gonna check up on your friend. - Ok, that's fine. -我去看看你朋友 -去吧 没事

- So how'd you know I was even here? - Your mom called me. -你怎么知道我在这 -你妈打给我的

So is this her? 这就是她吗

No, this is a loaner. 不 这是租来的

I'm sorry you had to do this by yourself. 抱歉让你自己承担这一切

I wasn't by myself. 我不是一个人

I had a doctor, a nurse and a helper guy. 我有医生 护士和一个好心人

So did you see who won the game? 你看到谁赢了比赛吗

The Knicks by 10. They suck. 尼克斯胜十分 他们真烂

They're not so bad. 也不算太烂啦

Come on. Come on. 拜托 拜托

Damn it. Damn it. 可恶 可恶

Damn it, damn it. This is all your fault. 可恶 可恶...都是你的错

This should be like the greatest day of my life. 这本该是我今生最快乐的日子

My son is being born, and I should be in there. 我儿子即将出世 我应该在那儿的

Instead, I'm stuck in a closet with you. 而我却跟你一起被困在储物间里

The woman I love is having a baby today. 我爱的女人今天要生孩子

I have been waiting for this as much as you have. 我和你一样期待已久

No no no believe me, 不不不 相信我

no one has been waiting for this as much as I have, okay? 没人会像我这么期待 好吗

You know what's the funny thing is? 你知道什么最讽刺吗

When this day is over, you get to go home with the baby. 今天晚上 你们可以带着宝宝回家

What does that leave me? 而我有什么呢

You get to be the baby's father. Everyone knows who you are. 你是宝宝的父亲 每个人都知道

Who am l? There's Father's Day. There's Mother's Day. 我是谁 这世上有父亲节 母亲节

There's no Lesbian Lover Day. 却没有女同志节

Every day is Lesbian Lover Day. 每天都是女同志节

This is so great. 这真是好极了

Do you wanna explain that? 你愿意解释一下吗

I mean, well, 'cause when I was growing up, you know my dad left, 我是说 你们知道


...and my mother died and my stepfather went to jail. 然后我妈过世 我继父入狱

I barely had enough pieces of parents to make one whole one.


here's this little baby 如今这个宝宝

who has like three whole parents who care about it so much that 他有三个父母亲


they're fighting over who gets to love it the most. 甚至为谁能爱他最多而争吵

...and it's not even born yet. 而他根本还未出世

It's just, it's just the luckiest baby in the whole world. 他真是 真是全天下最幸福的宝宝

I'm sorry. You were fighting. 抱歉 你们刚在吵架

Where are they? 他们在哪儿

- I'm sure they'll be here soon. - Yeah, honey, they wouldn't miss this. -我确信他们会来的 -他们不会错过的

Relax. You're only at 9 centimeters, 放轻松 才开了九公分

Relax. You're only at 9 centimeters, 指胎儿头部刚到达坐骨棘

and the baby's at zero station. 宝宝刚到"零号位"

You are really frightening me. 你真要吓到我了

Somebody wanna help me? Trying to rip out my heart. 有人帮我吗 她想掏出我的心脏

That's great. Anybody seen a nipple? 这下可好 有人看见乳头吗

Ten centimeters. Here we go. 十公分 开始用力

All right, honey, time to start pushing. 好了亲爱的 该用力了

But they're not here yet! 但他们还没来

-Sorry, I can't tell the baby to wait for. - Oh, God. -抱歉 我可没法让宝宝等 -上帝啊

- Okay, got the vent open. - Hi, I'm Ben. -通气口开了 -看啊 我是本

I'm hospital worker Ben. 我是医院工人本

It's Ben to the rescue. 本来拯救世界了

Ben, you ready? Give me your foot. 本 准备好没 脚给我

On three, Ben. One, two, three. 数到三 本 一 二 三

Come on, Ben. That's it, Ben. 加油 本 这就对了 本

What do you see? 你看见什么

Susan, I see what appears to be a dark vent. 苏珊 我貌似看到漆黑的通气孔

Wait. 等等

Yes, it is, in fact, a dark vent. 没错 真是漆黑的通气孔

Pheebs, it's open. It's open. 菲比 门开了 门开了

Wait. You forgot your legs. 等等 你们把腿忘了

- Push. Push. - We're here. We're here. -用力 用力 -我们来了 我们来了

Where have you been? 你们上哪儿去了

Long story, honey. 说来话长 亲爱的

Carol, I need you to keep pushing. 卡罗尔 你得不断用力 用力再用力

Excuse me, can I have this? 抱歉 这能给我吗

All right, all right, there's a few too many people in this room 行了 行了 这里人有点太多了

There's about to be one more. 待会儿还要多一个

So anybody who's not an ex-husband 所以如果你不是产妇前夫

or lesbian life partner, out you go. 或者同性伴侣 都先出去

- Bye-bye. - Good luck, you guys. -再见了 -祝你好运 伙计

Let me ask you, do you have to be Carol's lesbian life partner 我问你


Out. 出去

All right, he's crowning. Here he comes. 好了 他露头了 出来了

Let me see, I gotta see, I gotta see. 让我看看 我得看看 一定得看

A head. 看到头了

It's huge. Carol, how are you doing this? 好大的头 卡罗尔 你怎么办到的

Not helping. 别帮倒忙

You're doing great, you're doing fine. 你做得很好 你做得很好

- Hello? - Oh, sorry. -喂 -哦 对不起

What do you see? What do you see? 你看见什么 你看见什么

We got a head. We got shoulders. 我看到头 肩膀出来了

We got arms. Oh, look at the little fingers. 胳膊出来了 看看这些小手指

A chest and 小胸脯 小肚子

...and it's a boy, definitely a boy. 是个男孩 百分百男孩

Legs, knees and feet. 腿 膝盖还有脚

He's here. 他出来了

He's a person. 他是个人

- Look at that. - What does he look like? -看啊 -他看起来像谁

Kind of like my Uncle Ed, covered in Jell-O. 像我叔叔艾德 被果冻包着

Really? 真的吗

You guys, he's beautiful. 各位 他好漂亮

Thanks, Pheebs. 谢了 菲比

No shouting, but we still need a name for this little guy. 不准吵架 但我们还得给他取个名字

- How about Ben? - I like Ben. -本如何 -我喜欢本

Ben. 本

Ben's good. How come you never mentioned Ben before? 这名字不错 你们之前怎么没提过

We just cooked it up. 刚想出来的

That's what we were off doing. 我们刚才不在就是想名字去了

- Can we come in? - Yeah, come on. -我们能进来吗 -当然 请进

I know. I know. 我知道 我知道

Everybody, there's someone I'd like you to meet. 各位 向你们介绍一个人

- This is Ben. - Hi, Ben. -他叫本 -嗨 本

Ben, this is everybody. 本 这是大家

Susan, he looks just like you. 苏珊 他长得真像你

Thanks. 谢谢

God, I can't believe one of us actually has one of these. 天啊 真没想到我们之中有人生宝宝了

I know. I still am one of these. 我知道 我还没长大呢

Ross, Can l? 罗斯 我能抱抱他吗

Okay, the head. 好 当心头 你得...

Hi Ben, 你好本

I'm your Aunt Monica. Yes,I am. 我是你姑姑莫妮卡 没错

I'm your Aunt Monica. 我就是你姑姑莫妮卡

I will always have gum. 我会永远给你准备口香糖的

... I want you to know that there may be some 我要你知道 有的时候

... I may not be around like this. 我可能不在 就像这样

But I'll still always 但我永远都会回来

...like this. 像这样

And sometimes, I may be 有些时候 我会离开久一点

...like this. 像这样

But I'll still always 但我还是会回来

...like this. 像这样

And sometimes, I'll want you to steal third 有时候 我要你到三垒的位置

and I'll go like this: 我会这样

He is so amazing. 他太神奇了

Yeah, I know. Look at him. 对 我明白 你看他

Ben, Ben, hey Ben. 本 本 嗨 小本

Nothing. I don't think that's his name. 没反应 我想这名字不适合他

Look, he's closing his eyes. 看 他闭上眼睛了

Look, he's opening his eyes. 看 他张开眼睛了

He doesn't do much, does he? 他不怎么动弹 是不是

Nope, this is pretty much it. 的确 他也就这几个动作

- You guys wanna get some coffee? - Yeah. -你们想喝咖啡吗 -好

I'll see you guys later. 待会儿见

Look, He's closing his eyes again. 看 他又闭上眼睛了

第一季第二十三集 老友记

So no one told you life was gonna be this way 没人告诉你生活会是这样

your jobs a joke, you're broke, 你滑稽的工作 你的差劲

your love life's D.O.A. 你半途而废的爱情

It's like you're always stuck in second gear, 就像开车卡在二档

And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, 每日每周每月

or even your year, but 甚至每年都是如此

I'll be there for you, 大雨倾盆时

when the rain starts to pour. 我会陪伴你

I'll be there for you, 我会陪伴你

like I've been there before. 像我以前那样

I'll be there for you, 我会陪伴你

'cause you're there for me too. 因为你也陪伴着我

本文发布于:2024-09-22 07:32:17,感谢您对本站的认可!



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