高中英语_Antarctica-the Last Continent教学设计学情分析教材分析课后


Book8 Module1 Deep South

Antarctica: the Last Continent 教学设计


1. Try to master the vocabulary of page1-3, and finish task3 on page3

2. Review Grammar: V-ing used as adverbial and the usage of “

3. Try to know something about Antarctica through the tasks on page1

【设计说明】本课涉及许多地理方面的专业词汇,学生课前识记单词,通过完成课本第三页的选词填空练习加以夯实,为课文阅读做好准备。现在分词作状语和not until倒装句式在本文中再次出现,有必要提醒学生复习巩固。学生通过自主探究的方式完成课本第一页Introduction部分的内容,对极地生态环境形成初步了解,激发学习兴趣。





4.通过语言现象总结,归纳as well as连接两个名词作主语时的用法并通过例句熟练应用;




Step one- Lead-in

T: Hello, everyone. Now I have some pictures to share with you. Very

beautiful, right?This huge land mass is called Antarctica in geography.

(The last picture, which is about the map of Antarctica, is used to

introduce the topic.) Now turn to page 2 and 3. Our topic today is

Antarctica: the Last Continent.

Step two- Reading Comprehension

Task 1- Get familiar with 2 reading skills: skimming and scanning

T: As you can see, it’s a long passage. To make you understand it better, I

have some reading skills to share with you now.


Ss: Know about skimming and scanning according to the hints given by

the teacher.

To get the main idea, we read by _________


To get detailed information, we read by ___________



Task 2- Practice skimming and summarizing

T: Now we need to match the heading with each paragraph in one minute,

what reading skill can we use? You can have a try.

Ss: Read the passage by skimming, find the topic sentence for each

paragraph and then summarize the key point.

Para.1 _____________________________

Para.2 _____________________________


Para.4 _____________________________

Para.5 _____________________________





Task 3- Practice scanning and summarizing

Activity 1:

T: Now you need to reading the pata.2 to find some detailed information

about the physical geography of the land. What reading skill would you

use? Please scan the para.1 underlining the information about its physical

geography and then write down the key words . For example (brief and to

the point)

Location: around the South Pole

Ss: Read the para.1 by scanning to get the detailed information about

physical geography of Antarctica and summarize the key points to fill in

the blanks.




Fresh water:_________________________________






Activity 2: (订正活动一答案后)

T: Show students the map of Antarctica, let students focus on the

Trans-Antarctic range , and ask students : What’s the meaning of the

prefix(前缀) “ trans-” here? _________

Ss: According to the hints on the map, guess the meaning of the prefix

“ trans-” here.

T: Give students another example : transatlantic flight

【设计说明】本活动旨在引导学生关注构词法中加前缀的现象,通过图片让学生更形象的理解“ trans-” 这一前缀此处的意义,帮助学生积累词汇方面的知识。

【评价说明】学生依据图片的提示,结合地理方面的常识,应该可以猜出这里“ trans-” 表示“across or through”

Activity 3:

T: According to the information, especially the climate, fresh water and

surface state in Antarctica, we can conclude that Antarctica is the most

__________ place in the world.

Ss: Try to find one word to describe its environment.


T: Let students focus on the prefix “in-” in the word “ inhospitable”.



Task 4- Practice scanning and analyzing long complicated sentence

Activity 1:

T: Now please scan the para.2 to find one sentence describing the extreme

conditions in Antarctica.

Ss: Read the para.2 by scanning to find the sentence and underline it.

Activity 2:

T: Can you tell the skeleton of this long sentence?

Ss: Try to find out the skeleton of this long sentence(句子主干).

Activity 3:

T: Here the 2 parts of the subject are conjunct by “ as well as”. How to

translate it?

Ss: Try to translate the subject according to their experience.

T: As the subject, usually “A as well as B” means “not only B but also A”

or “besides B”. So the verb must agree in person and number with A.

Give students an exercise to practice.


The teacher as well as the students _______(wish) for holidays.

Ss: Finish the exercise according to the teacher’s explanation and then

retell the sentence in English.

Activity 4:

T: Now can you tell the reasons for the extreme conditions in Antarctica?

Just use the key words.

Ss: Try to find the key words in the long sentence.


【评价说明】学生自主探究,运用scanning快速到所需信息,这一步大多数同学都能很快完成任务。长难句的分析是难点,学生需要在教师的指导下学会抓句子主干,再结合余下成份把握完整信息。学生Activity 4的完成情况恰恰能反映出其对长难句的理解是否到位。

Activity 5:

T: With such extreme conditions, only few varieties of wildlife can adapt

to it. Here are some pictures. (Show students some pictures about wildlife

in Antarctica)

Ss: Enjoy the pictures.



Task 5- Practice scanning and guessing words meaning

Activity 1:

T: Do you think our humans can adapt to the extreme conditions of

Antarctica?No, of course not. But we know lots of scientists are

working there. Why? Please scan the Para.3 and answer the questions:

1. What is the significance of exploring Antarctica?

2. What are mentioned as important evidence for research?

3. Find one sentence to describe the picture.

Ss: Scan the para.3 and answer the questions.



Activity 2:

T: (借助问题3的答案提问)What’s the meanings of “stand out” here?

Tips: You can judge from the hints in the context. For example, the dark

rocks against the white snow, look at the picture.

Ss: Guess the meaning of “stand out” according to the hints.


T: Why are rocks are so special there?

Ss: They contain evidence of extra-terrestrial life.

T: What does the prefix “extra-” mean here? It means “ outside or beyond”

here. For example, extra-solar.

【设计说明】引导学生通过上下文暗示的信息猜测词义。本句话中,两个表示颜的词dark和white是关键,结合学生的常识,不难理解stand out 在这里表示Something is noticeable. 学生知道extraordinary,这里再次提及,仍然希望学生能重视对词缀的积累。


Task 6- Practice scanning and analyzing writing skill

T: Antarctica is so amazing, which arouses our humans’ curiosity. Do you

know who was the first man to make it to Antarctica? Please scan the

para.4 and answer the questions:

1. Who was the first man to land the Antarctic mainland?

2. Who was the first man to reach the South Pole?

Ss: Scan the para4 and find the answers to the 2 questions.

T: (After checking the answer to Q1) Please answer the question 2 using

the sentence pattern similar to answer 1.

S1: Try to answer the question with the sentence pattern similar to


T: Who can give us a third sentence with the similar sentence in this



S2: Try to find the sentence and read it out.



3. Para. 4 is developed in order of _______.

T: How is the para.4 developed?

Ss: Answer the question according to the text.

【设计说明】这一环节训练学生依据scanning所获取的信息分析判断写作手法。本段出现很多关于时间的数字,学生不难归纳出 “in order

of time”


Task 7- Discuss in groups.

T: With more people from different countries setting foot on Antarctica,

can you imagine what impacts could have man’s behavior had on it? You

can discuss this question in groups and write down your answers in the

paper. Your opinions should be based on what we have learned this period.

Also, you can add more details according to your common sense in


geography. The more sentences, the better.

Ss: Discuss the question in groups.







Task 8- Practice scanning and summarizing

T: Just as every coin has two sides, many countries agreed on a treaty in

1961. Now scan the para.5 to find out the aims of the Antarctic Treaty and

then try to summarize the effects it has brought about.

Ss: Scan the para.5 to finish the tasks.







Step three - Further thinking

Activity 1:

T: Do you think the treaty is very effective in regulating man’s behavior I

Antarctica?Let’s watch a video about the Antarctic Treaty and then give

your opinions about man's exploration in Antarctica or even other parts of

the earth? Shall we continue or not? Why?

Ss: Watch the video and then give their opinions about the questions.



Activity 2:

T: Now, how do you comprehend “Antarctica: the last continent”?

Ss: Talk about their understanding of the title.


【评价说明】学生要能从文本信息本身和其内涵引申义两方面阐述自己所理解的 “the last continent”。

Activity 3:

T: Let’s watch a video about environmental protection and think about


how to balance the relationship between human development and

environmental protection.

Ss & T: (After watching the video, read the following sentences together)

The earth doesn't belong to us but we belong to it. We belong to the

community of life on this planet. So try to protect the earth mother, and

live in harmony with all creatures. There is only one earth, so love it from



Step four - Summary and homework:

Write a report describing Antarctica, including its physical geography

and the significance of man's research work there, and then give your

opinions about how to balance human development and the environment



重新审视本节课的学习内容和能力目标, 以便学生对自己的完成情况进行自我评价。

Self-evaluation of this period:


☺I can do it well.  I have some difficulties.  I fail to do it.

Learn some reading skills

Use reading skills to finish the


Take an active part in group work ☺□ □ □

Practice speaking in English

Grasp main words , phrases and

sentence structure

What is your difficulty in

studying in this period?

☺□ □ □

☺□ □ □

☺□ □ □

☺□ □ □


Book8 Module1 Deep South

Antarctica: the Last Continent 学情分析




Book8 Module1 Deep South

Antarctica: the Last Continent 效果分析

本节课设定以阅读课,训练学生运用适当的阅读方法高效的完成阅读任务的能力。首先训练学生运用skimming,寻段落主题句,归纳key words的能力。从学生完成任务的情况看,学生掌握良好,能够在规定时间内完成任务,且正确率较高。其次训练学生运用scanning,逐段阅读课文,寻与阅读任务相关的信息的能力。从课堂表现来看,学生在寻关键句方面完成良好,但是在对关键句进行分析、归纳关键词方面,部分同学尤其是英语学困生还是有些力不从





Book8 Module1 Deep South

Antarctica: the Last Continent 教材分析

这篇文章的题目是“Antarctica: the Last Continent”,是Book8

Module1 Deep South的第一篇文章,为学生后期学习本模块其它文章奠定语言基础和技能基础。整篇文章由五个自然段落组成,文章结构清晰,生词量不大,难度适中。但是课文中句式多变,句子结构复杂,长短句的使用为这篇文章的学习增添了难度,同时也创造了挑战。本课是阅读课,主要是让学生通过阅读文章,首先是跳读(skimming),出各段主题句,总结归纳小标题;其次通过扫读(scanning),获取关键信息信息,进一步理解文章内容;同时,引导学生练习长难句的分析,学会借助句子主干正确理解句意。






Book8 Module1 Deep South

Antarctica: the Last Continent 评测练习

I 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)

1. Anyone with an (每年的) income of under 5,000 yuan may

be eligible to apply.


2. The company has put up many advertisements to (促进) its


3. Her (缺席) meant that she had to give up such a good


4. It is (不正常) to be so hot in March.

5. I work for a (商业的) radio station.

6. The film is (改编) from a novel with the same name.

7. What he said (使泄气) me from taking part in the game.

8. As a student, you have to (平衡) work and play, or you might

fail your exams.

9. In case of (紧急情况), to stay calm is the most important


10. We all regard it as an (鼓舞) for us to continue our trip on


11. They stood there, (怒视) at each other.

12. The (探险家) told the boys about his adventures in the


13. Chris needs to be in a place without the (极度的) pressure.

14. The (严厉的) teacher has gone abroad. You can breathe

freely again.

15. My parents thought it was (反常的) for a boy to be

interested in ballet.


II. 选词填空

close to, adapt to, run away, set foot on, on average, lack of,

in the form of, be trapped in, stand out, as well as, as a result

1. You must ________ the norms of the society you live in.

2. The overseas are very glad to ________ their homeland.

3. Help ________ money is welcome.

4. Our daughter is a great dancer, she ________ above the rest.

5. He ______ the crashed car and couldn't move his legs.

6.________ we receive five emails each day.

7.She buys a flat ________ her office.

8.The plant died for ________ water.

9.He ________ from home at the age of thirteen.

10.I'm learning French ________ English.

11.He was late ________ of the snowstorm.

III. 同义句转换

1. Antarctica holds 90% of the world’s fresh water, and most of it is in a

frozen state.

Antarctica holds 90% of the world’s fresh water, most of ______ is in a

frozen state.

2. The noise of the streets didn’t stop until midnight.

______ _______ ________ did the noise of the street stop.

3. Because the task was finished, they went out to play.

_______ ______ ______ ______, they went out to play.

4. To imagine a more inhospitable place is difficult.

____ ____ _________ ____ imagine a more inhospitable place.


5. I’m in charge of financial affairs.

Financial affairs _______ _______ ______ _________ _______me.

IV. 阅读理解


Penguins are the number-one attraction for many visitors to

Antarctica. If you go on a ship that is allowed to make shore landings,

you may see them. But to get a close look at penguins, you have to be


First of all, keep in mind that Antarctica's visitor rules require that

you remain at least five meters away from the penguins in order not to

disturb them. You could easily become responsible for the death of a little

penguin or the destruction of an egg if your too-close presence should

disturb a penguin parent.

If a penguin is trying to move away from you, you must stop what

you're doing and back off even if you're farther than five meters away.

However, the rules don't prevent a curious penguin from approaching

within five meters of you—as long as the bird makes the move, not you.

Little penguins, in particular, are quite curious. I've seen several

lucky tourists who were astonished to find that little penguins came right

up to them. If a penguin comes extremely close to you, remember: you

are not allowed to touch or hold them.


Here are more tips for getting close to penguins: Ignore the smell:

where penguins live is filled with guano(海鸟粪) and the smell takes

some time getting used to.

Be quiet because loud noises make penguins nervous.

Fast or sudden movements signal meat-eating animals to penguins,

and they react accordingly, so slow down when you walk around them.

Since it may take half an hour or more before the penguins get used

to you, you need to be patient.

Put away your camera—too often people are so focused on getting

the pictures that they forget to look with their own eyes, but most of your

most memorable experiences in Antarctica will be marked in your mind,

not on a roll of films.

1. What will happen if visitors disturb penguins according to Paragraph


A. Visitors may step on a little penguin.

B. Penguin parents may break their eggs.

C. Visitors are easily attacked by penguins.

D. Penguin parents may attack other animals.

2. When a penguin is trying to move away from you, you'd

better .

A. step back B. try to stop it

C. go after it quietly D. keep five meters away from it


3. If a penguin comes very close to you, .

A. you may hold it B. you may touch it gently

C. you should stay where you are D. you should walk away


4. The author advises visitors to Antarctica to .

A. ignore loud strange noises

B. take as many pictures as they can

C. allow penguins to get used to them

D. stay away from meat-eating animals

5. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To offer some tips about catching penguins.

B. To invite readers to pay a visit to Antarctica.

C. To tell readers how to behave near penguins.

D. To give some advice on how to watch penguins closely.


The hole in the Earth's ozone layer (臭氧层) has until now protected

Antarctica from the worst effects of global warming. But scientists have

warned that as the hole closes up in the next few decades, temperatures

on the continent could rise by around 3℃, with melting(融化) ice leading

to a global sea level increase of up to 1.4 meters.

In the past decades the western Antarctica has seen rapid ice loss as

the world has warmed, but the other parts of the continent have been


cooling, resulting in a 10% increase in ice in the seas around the area.

This is because the hole in the ozone layer has increased cold winds in

Antarctica, making much of the continent surface colder than usual.

But now that the grasses that cause the ozone hole have not been

allowed, scientists expect the hole to repair itself within the next 50 to 60

years. By then the cooling effect will have disappeared slowly and the

Antarctic will face the full influence of global warming. This means an

increase in air temperatures of around 3℃ and a reduction in sea ice by

around a third.

The biggest threat(威胁) to the continent comes from warming seas.

Robert Johnson, a scientist who checks Antarctica ice sheets, said, “The

ice sheets in Antarctica are hundreds of metres thick. But once warm

ocean waters start flowing underneath, the ice will begin thinning and

could break up very quickly.” Thinning ice sheets cause ice to break

away from the continent and to melt even faster. Escaping ice from

western Antarctica has already resulted in a 10% rise in global sea level

in recent decades.

Johnson believes that international action to reduce global warming

is required immediately or it may be too late. “Everything is

connected—Antarctica may be a long way away but it is an important

part of the Earth's system,” said Johnson. “It contains 90% of the world's


ice, 70% of the world's fresh water and that is enough, if it melts

completely, to raise sea levels by 63 meters.”

Even in a worse-case situation scientists don't expect the ice to

entirely disappear, but predict that, because of the melting ice sheets, the

sea level rise will be around 1.4 meters higher by the end of the century.

6. What is the effect of the hole in the ozone layer on Antarctica?

A. It is causing the ice to melt faster.

B. It is making much of the continent colder.

C. It is making the effects of global warming in the area worse.

D. It is reducing the amount of water in Antarctica.

7. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Antarctica is now experiencing the full effects of global warming

B. The temperature has increased by 3℃ in recent decades

C. Antarctica contains most of the world's fresh water

D. Ten percent of Antarctica's ice has already been lost

8. The best title for the passage is .

A. Antarctica Melting Away B. Our Planet in Danger

C. Action Plan to Save Antarctica D. Let's Save the Ozone Layer


The Arctic is a polar region. It surrounds the North Pole.

Like Antarctica,the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica

holds the record for a low temperature reading 125 degrees Fahrenheit

below zero. Reading of 85 degrees below zero are common in both the


Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below

zero in the Arctic. At the South Pole the winter average is about 73

degrees below zero.

One thing alone makes it almost impossible for men to live in

Antarctica and in parts of the Arctic. This one thing is the low

temperature—the killing chill of the far North and the polar South.

To survive,men must wear the warmest possible clothing. They

must build windproof shelters. They must keep heaters going at all times.

Not even for a moment can they be unprotected against the below­zero


Men have a way of providing for themselves. Polar explorers wrap

themselves in warm coats and furs. The cold makes life difficult,but the

explorers can stay alive.

What about animals?Can they survive?Do we find plants?Do we

find life in the Arctic and in Antarctica?Yes,we do. There is life in the

oceans. There is life on land.

Antarctica,as we have seen,is a cold place indeed. But this has not

always been the case. Expedition scientists have discovered that

Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent. At one time the

weather in Antarctica may have been much like our own.

Explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to

believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swamps and forests.

Heat and moisture must have kept the trees in the forests alive.

9. What does the underlined word “chill” probably mean?

A.coldness B.coolness C.damp

parts of the Arctic is that________.

A.there are no wildlife there B.there are no minerals



10. One of the reasons why there is no man living in Antarctica and in

C.they are extremely cold D.they are hard to access

11. According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?

A.The lowest temperature of the world is in the Arctic.

B.To survive in the Poles, the explorers wear the warmest possible


C.Antarctica has always been a cold place.

D.Coal has been found in the Arctic.

12. If you are exploring the polar region,you need to______.

A.wear only furs B.build a windproof shelter

C.use heaters sometimes D.live in groups

V. 完形填空

So far, about 27 countries have visited Antarctica for scientific

research. Hard __1__ the living conditions are, many scientists __2__ to

stay there for long periods of research.

So, how do they manage their lives on the ice?

Well, during the __3__, the temperature in Antarctica reaches about

-20℃. It falls to about -60℃ in winter. So, __4__ there are 24 hours

of sunshine, scientists must keep wearing all the correct clothes to __5__

themselves from the cold. These clothes include jeans, running shoes,

jackets, long underwear, boots and woolen socks.

Although highly technical clothing provides much __6__ against the

extreme cold, scientists often need to __7__ when there is an icy wind

blowing and the temperature is -30℃. Natural protection such as facial

hair can also __8__.

That's __9__ many researchers wear a __10__. It really does keep

you warm.

Usually, the polar researchers have __11__ meals. Some __12__


have feasts on holidays like Christmas and New Year's Day. __13__ are

always welcomed and usually finished quickly.

Life on the ice means living with other researchers in __14__ living

space. Most people sleep in dorm-style rooms. Some remote field

camps use __15__ tents. So, at least some researchers won't be __16__ by

annoying snores(鼾声).

But what do they do for __17__ in their spare time? There are

actually a lot of things they can do. They watch movies,read tons of

books, listen to music, paint and ski. Some __18__ researchers might

even do some knitting(编织).

It is important for a polar researcher to be in good physical condition.

They can be required to __19__ to heights of more than 3 000 metres and

the Antarctic atmosphere has less oxygen than that of any other __20__.

1.A. as B.but

2.A. supposed B.used

3.A. spring B.summer

C.because D.unless

C.ought D.have

C.winter D.autumn

4.A. as if B.as long as C.even though D.in case

5.A. prevent B.separate

6.A. water B.food





7.A. go outside B.stay indoors C.sleep on ice D.work at


8.A. help B.do

9.A. how B.where

10.A. hat B.shirt

11.A. bad B.good

12.A. even B.still

C.mind D.depend

C.why D.when

C.raincoat D.beard

C.sweet D.common

C.ever D.yet

13.A. Books B.Vegetables C.Songs D.Letters


14.A. comfortable B.bright C.tight D.big

15.A. common B.advanced C.small D.separate

16.A. caught up B.kept up C.made up D.bothered



17.A. sports B.fun C.work

18.A. women B.man

19.A. skate B.run

20.A. state B.city


C.climb D.fly

C.continent D.country

VI. 语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Arctic and Antarctic are the coldest places on Earth, where the

wind is strong, the temperatures are low and everything 1. (cover)

with snow. The Antarctic is 2. (cold) and has more glaciers than

the Arctic 3._ there is land underneath the Antarctic region. The

ability of the region to store heat is weak. The heat from summer fades

4._______ (quick), resulting in an average annual

temperature of -56 5._______ (degree). In the ocean around

the Antarctic, large chunks of floating ice form huge icebergs.

In contrast most of the Arctic region is covered by the Arctic Ocean.

Since water can absorb more heat and distribute heat more efficiently

6._______ land, the average annual temperature is about 8 degrees.

Therefore there are fewer glaciers in the Antarctic and Greenland. The

average 7._______(thick) of the ice in the Antarctic is 1,700 metres, and

the thickest point is 4,000 metres. The total volume of the Antarctic


Glacier is about 28 million cubic metres. The ice in the Arctic is about

two to four metres thick, and the total number of glaciers in the Arctic is

one tenth of 8._______ in the Antarctic. The tip of the

Antarctic is one of the world’s 9.______ (fresh) water

resources. Currently some countries that don’t have enough water 10.

(try) to find ways to ship the tip of the Antarctic to places that need


VII. 单句改错

1.The annually rings of the tree can tell us how old the tree is.

2.The scientists adapted them to their new life in the Antarctic.

3.This young man enjoys setting feet on inhospitable places.

4.The huntsman aimed his gun for the wolf and fired, but missed it.

5.With all the crops damaging, the villagers had to plant vegetables.

6.Weather permits, we'll go to the Great Wall tomorrow.

7.We saw the winner ran along the playground for 3 minutes and

applauded for him.

8.My job is to teaching 30 students to learn oil painting on the sixth floor

every Sunday afternoon.


9.Having told many times,the little boy still forgot to close the window.

VIII. 写作

假设你是李华,学校学英语社团将举办主题为“Live a low­carbon










Hello everyone,






I .1. annual 2. promote 3. absence 4. abnormal 5. commercial

6. adapted raged 8. balance 9. emergency 10. inspiration

11. glaring 12. explorer 13. extreme 14. severe 15. abnormal

II. 1. adapt to 2. set foot on 3. in the form of 4. stands out 5. was


trapped in average to of away

well as a result

III. 1. which 2. Not until midnight 3. With the task finished

4. It is difficult to 5. are in the charge of

IV.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.B

V. 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C

10.D 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.A

19.C 20.C

VI. covered e y s

ess st trying

VII. ly→annual →themselves →foot →at

ng→damaged s→permitting →running 8.去掉第一个to 前加been

VIII. One possible version:

Hello everyone,

With the changing climate and severe pollution,I strongly believe

we should all be living low­carbon lives today.

Living a low­carbon life is a good way to reduce emissions of

greenhouse gases. I shall do it in the following ways. At home, I shall

only turn on the lights if necessary,take shorter showers and keep the

refrigerator and air conditioners in the low­carbon mode to save energy.

For transportation, the bus or bicycle will be my first choice. When

shopping. I'll limit the use of plastic bags and wherever possible, I will

separate my rubbish into non­recyclable and recyclable waste.

I am hoping that more and more schoolmates will join me in my




Book8 Module1 Deep South

Antarctica: the Last Continent 课后反思






Book8 Module1 Deep South

Antarctica: the Last Continent 课标分析



八级目标 1 能识别不同文体的特征

八级目标 2 能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句

八级目标 4 能经过准备就一般话题作3分钟演讲。

能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或写 八级目标 2





八级目标 2 在新旧语言知识之间建立联系


八级目标5 遵循记忆规律,提高记忆效果


八级目标 3 根据语言使用环境,得体地使用语言。


八级目标 4 交际中善于克服语言障碍,维持交际


策略 泛的语言信息,扩展所学知识。

八级目标 2 有稳定和持久的英语学习动机


使用适当的语言形式描述事物, 简单地表八级目标 3


八级目标 3 有学好英语的毅力和克服困难的意志




语言技能目标:“识别不同文体的特征”是指能够根据文章的写作特分辨出是属于哪类文章,是记叙文、说明文还是议论文;”分析理解长难句”指的是能够把一段结构复杂多变的长句,根据已有的语法知识,分析句子结构,出主干,理解句意;“经过准备”表示“就某一话题列出演讲提纲和关键词”,“一般话题”指的就是本课时老师要求的话题,可以运用“Look and Speak”的技巧或者脱稿,但不能照稿或课本念出;“能根据文字提供的信息”是指学生在阅读完文本之后,利用关键词、短语、句子等提示信息,把文本的主要内容写出来,评价的标准是书面表达是否清晰完整、准确无误,要求学生在老师的引导和帮助下总结提纲或关键词汇和句型。












9.通过语言现象总结,归纳as well as连接两个名词作主语时的用法并通过例句熟练应用;




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