


ⅠFill in the following blanks with appropriate words and expressions.

(20%,one point for each blank)

Chomsky’s term, is “the speaker-hearer’s knowledge of his language”,

while is “the actual use of language in concrete situations”.

study of a language is concerned with the changes or historical

development of the language through time.

speech organs above the larynx form the vocal tract. The vocal tract can be

divided into the that is within the mouth and pharynx, and the

that is within the nose.

4. are vowels that consist of a movement or glide from one vowel to


two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound

for the other does mot cause a change of meaning, then they are said to be

in .

6. language are languages that use pitch to contrast meanings at word

level, whereas language are languages that use pitch to distinguish

different meanings at phrase level or sentence level.

morphemes can be divided into two sub-groups: morphemes and


8. refers to the phenomenon that there is no motivated relationship

between a linguistic form and its meaning.

9. relation is a kind of relation between linguistic forms in a sentence

and linguistic forms outside the sentence.

can we decide to which syntactic category a certain linguistic form belongs?

Generally speaking, we may determine it according to and

features shared by linguistic forms that belong to the same class.

phrase structure rules with property can account for the creative

aspect of language.

T-rules have to be applied if we want to obtain well-formed

sentences, such as T-Affix.

13. are the realizations of phonemes in general while are the

realization of a particular phoneme.

primary function of inflectional morphemes is not to transmit information, but

to convey .

Ⅱ Choose the right answer that fits each blanks in the sentences from the

four choices given.(15%, one point for each)

saying language is ,we mean that we cannot give a sound reason

why such a form is pronounced in this way rather than in that way, and why a

particular meaning should be indicated by this form rather than by that form.

A. creative B. symbolic C. double-structured D. arbitrary

2. knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about whether a sentence is

grammatical or not.

A. Phonological B. Morphological C. Syntactic D. Semantic

ars are different from post-alveolars in terms of .

A. the position of the velum

B. the presence or absence of vocal-cord vibration

C. the place of articulation

D. the manner of articulation

4. The sound [c] is .

A. an oral voiceless palatal plosive

B. a nasal voiced velar plosive

C. an oral voiced alveo-palatal fricative

D. an oral voiceless dental fricative

vowel [e] can be marked with .

A. [-high] , [ +low ] , [ +front ] , [-back ] , [-rounded] , and [+tense ]

B. [-high] , [-low ] , [ +front ] , [-back ] , [-rounded] , and [+tense ]

C.[-high] , [-low ] , [ +front ] , [-back ] , [-rounded] , and [-tense ]

D. [-high] , [+low ] , [ +front ] , [+back ] , [+rounded] , and [-tense ]

6. A phoneme is defined as .

A. a minimal meaningful unit in the sound system of a language

B. a maximal distinctive unit in the grammatical system of a language

C. a minimal distinctive unit in the sound system of a language

D. a maximal meaningless unit in the lexical system of a language

7. If two forms meet three of the following conditions except , then we can say

they form a minimal pair.

A. they are different in meaning

B. they differ only in only sound segment

C. the different sounds occur in the same position in strings

D. they have the same spelling except one letter

8. If two or more sounds and the substitution of one sound for another ,

then they are said to be in contrastive distribution.

A. can occur in the same environment, does not cause a change of meaning

B. cannot occur in same environment , brings about a change of meaning

C. can occur in the same environment , brings about a change of meaning

D. cannot occur in the same environment, does mot cause a change of meaning

of the following can form a natural class of sounds except .

A. / j w/ B./ u: u / C. /m n / D. / /

interrelations between semantic and structural classifications of morphemes

can be summarized as: .

A. all free morphemes are roots, but not all roots are free morphemes; all affixes are

bound morphemes, but not all bound morphemes are affixes

B. all roots are free morphemes and all bound morphemes are affixes

C. affixes are likely to be free morphemes or bound morphemes

D. free morphemes are all roots and bound morphemes are all affixes

11. If two or one morphs are identical and also in , then they are

said to be allomorphs of the same morpheme.

A. phonologically, contrastive distribution

B. morphologically, contrastive distribution

C. syntactically, free variation

D. semantically, complementary distribution

12. In a tree-branch diagram of IC Analysis, the forms under each point where the

tree branches are called of the form on one level above.

A. ultimate constituents B. immediate constituents

C. constituents D. compulsory constituents

13. The word SARS involves the word-formation process of .

A. clipping B. acronymy C. blending D. back-formation

14. In drawing a phrase marker, if a phrase marker, if a phrase only contains a word,

it is always labeled first with a category then with a category.

A. lexical ,phrase B. phrase, lexical

C. grammatical , syntactic D. syntactic, grammatical

15. According to TG Grammar, in the deep structure sentences, verbs in verb phrase

always take the .

A. base form B. present form C. past form D. past participle

Ⅲ Judge whether each of the following statements is true of false. Write T for

true or F false in the blank offered after each statement.(15%, one point

for each)

( ) 1. Velar plosives appear before or after front vowels.

( ) when voiceless plosives occur initially in a word or initially in a stressed

syllable are they aspirated.

( ) English words are not symbolic.

( ) sounds produced by human speech organs are linguistic symbols.

( ) the standard variety is the pure form of a language.

( ) mes tow articulators are brought together to form a complete closure

followed by a sudden release. The sounds produced in this way are called


( ) are obtained on the basis of phonemic data.

( ) two forms/ / and / / can be regarded as a minimal pair.

( ) two or more minimal meaningful sequences of phonemes are identical in

both forms and meaning ,then they are regarded as one morph.

( ) rphs are the realizations of a particular morpheme.

( ) morph is defined as morph that has form but no meaning.

( ) matic relation refers to the linear ordering of the words and the phrases

within a sentence.

( ) 13.A deep structure corresponds most closely to the liner arrangement of words

as they are pronounced, while a surface structure corresponds most closely to

the meaningful grouping of words.

( ) phrase structure rules, the constituents which may be present or absent on

the right side of the arrow are called optional comstituents.

( ) 15.T-Reflexive must be applied before T-Passive.

ⅣAnswer the following questions.(20%)

1. How many types of linguistic knowledge does a native speaker possess? What are

they? Explain them. (6%)

2. What are the differences between surface structure and deep structure?(8%)

3. What are the three types of distribution? Define them respectively. (6%)

Ⅴ. Practical word. (30%)

e the following words by IC Analyze: (5%)

1) untruly 2) disapproval 3) unsuccessfully

4) endearment 5) immaturity

in the following “+”or “-”: (9%)












3. Judge whether the sounds [k] and [c] are allophones of the same phoneme or two

different phonemes according to the data given: (6%)

[ pa:k] [ska:] [kla:] [kuk] [pi:c] [scin] [ci:] [cat]

4. Draw the deep structure phrase markers and apply necessary transformational rules

to generate the following two sentences (10%)

1) Behave yourself. 2) His car was not stolen.

答 案


1. competence , performance 2. diachronic 3. oral cavity , nasal cavity

4. Diphthongs 5. free variation 6. Tone, intonation

7. lexical, functional 8. Arbitrariness 9. Paradigmatic

10. morphological, distributional 11. recursive 12. obligatory

13. Phones, allophones 14. grammatical meanings


Ⅱ. (每题1分,共15分)

1----5 D C C A B 6----10 C D C D A 11----15 D C B B A


1----5 F T T F F 6----10 F T F T T 11----15 F T F T F

Ⅳ. (共20分)

1. Generally speaking , a native speaker has four types of linguistic knowledge:

Phonological , morphological , syntactic and semantic.(2分)

Phonological knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about the sounds and

sound patterns of his language.(1分)

Morphological knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about how a word is


Syntactic knowledge is native speaker’s intuition about whether a sentence is

grammatical or not.

Semantic knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about the meaning of


2. (1) A surface structure corresponds most closely to the linear arrangement of words

as they are pronounced; a deep structure corresponds most closely to the

meaningful grouping of words.

(2) A surface structure is relatively concrete, while a deep structure is more


(3) A surface structure gives the form of a sentence as it is used in communication,

but a deep structure gives the meaning of a sentence.

(4) A surface structure is pronounceable while a deep structure is not.

3. There are three types of distribution: contrastive distribution, complementary

distribution, and free variation.

If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of

one sound for another brings about a change of meaning, they are in contrastive


If two or more sounds never appear in the same environment, that is, each sound

only appears in the environments where the other sound never occurs, then they

are said to be in complementary distribution.

If two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound

for the other does not cause a change of meaning, then they are said to be in free



1. (共5分)

1) untruly 2) disapproval

3) unsuccessfully 4) endearment

5) immaturity

2. (共9分)






3. (共5分)

Step 1

Question: Are they in contrastive distribution?

Answer: No, because there is no minimal pair.

Step 2





















Question: Are they always in free variation?

Answer: No.

Step 3

Question: Are they in complementary distribution?

Answer: Yes, because they can never occur in the same environment; the sound [c]

always occurs before of after a front vowel while the sound [k] occurs in other


Step 4

Question: Are they phonetically similar?

Answer: Yes, because both of them are oral voiceless plosives.

Conclusion: The two sounds [k] and [c] are two allophones of the same phoneme/k/.

4. (共10分)

1)Behave yourself.(5分)

2)His car was not stolen.( 5分)


ⅠFill in the following blanks with appropriate words and expressions.

(20%,one point for each blank)

1. Language is in the sense that there is no intrinsic or logical connection

between a linguistic symbol and what the symbol stands for.

2. According to John Lyons, linguistics attempts to establish a model that

describes the rules of one particular language.

3. The relation refers to the linear ordering of the words and the phrases

within a sentence.

4. The vocal tract is made up of two parts: cavity and cavity.

5. Technically speaking, are minimal distinctive units in the sound

system of a language.

6. morphemes are those which cannot occur on their own as separate

words, They are always joined with other morphemes to form words.

7. In IC Analysis, the forms at the bottom of a tree-branch diagram are

called constituents.

8. If a lexical item has a range of different meanings, it is regarded as a .

9. According to Chomsky, is the ideal language user’s knowledge of the

rules of his language.

Ⅱ Choose the right answer that fits each blanks in the sentences from the

four choices given.(15%, one point for each)

1. The sound [v] is a(n) .

A. oral voiced alveolar affricate B. oral voiceless dental liquid

C. oral voiced labiodental fricative D. nasal voiced post-alveolar fricative

2. Which of the following is a minimal pair? .

A. beat and bought B. /li:v/ and /fi:l/

C. /mi:t/ and /ti:m/ D. /sit/ and /su:p/

3. The sound [i] can be described as a(n) vowel.

A. oral central high unrounded lax B. nasal front mid rounded tense

C. oral front high unrounded lax D. oral back low rounded tense

4. refer to the sounds produced by raising the back of the tongue to the soft


A. Velars B. Palatals C. Alveo-palatals D. Glottals

5. If two or more sounds , they are in contrastive distribution.

A. can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another

does not cause a change of meaning

B. can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another

causes a change of meaning

C. can never occur in the same environment

D. can always appear in the same environment

6. Different from intonation languages, tone languages are languages that use pitch to

contrast meaning at level.

A. sentence B. word C. phrase D. phrase or sentence

7. Some new words are created simply by joining the initial letters of several words

together. The process involved is called .

A. affixation B. compounding C. acronymy D. blending

8. The sound is an oral voiceless post-alveolar affricate.

A. [tr] B.[h] C.[s] D.[t]

of the following is not a minimal pair?

A. /mi:t/ and /met/ B. /fi:l/ and /fel/

C. /dns/ and /dɑ:ns/ D. /beit/ and /bit/

10. is the science that is concerned with the sound system of a language.

A. Morphology B. Semantics C. Phonology D. Phonetics

11. are the sounds which are produced by bringing the tip of the tongue to

the rear part of the alveolar ridge.

A. Alveolars B. Post-alveolars C. Phonology D. Phonetics

12. In terms of , vowels are grouped into tense vowels and lax vowels.

A. velum state B. tongue position C. tension of the muscles at pharynx

D. lip rounding

13. Phones are the realizations of .

A. phonemes in general B. A specific phoneme

C. morphemes in general D. a particular morpheme

14. The following words contain inflectional affixes except .

A. taller B. Mary’s C. assignment D. students

15. According to Chomsky’s TG Grammar, in the deep structure of a sentence, verbs

always take the .

A. present form B. base form C. inflectional affixes D. past form

16. A native speaker usually possesses four types of knowledge about his own

language. Knowledge is a native speaker’s intuition about whether a

sentence is grammatical or not.

A. Semantic B. Syntactic C. Morphological D. Phonological

17. Phonetics has three sub-branches. phonetics is concerned with how a

sound is perceived by the vocal organs.

A. Articulatory B. Acoustic C. Auditory D. Visual

18. Labio-dentals are sounds .

A. formed by bringing the tip of the tongue to the rear part of the alveolar ridge

B. produced by both lips

C. produced by the contact between the upper teeth and the lower the lip

D. articulated by raising the tip or the blade of the tongue to the alveolar ridge

19. Allophones are defined as .

A. the realizations of a particular morpheme

B. the realizations of phonemes in general

C. minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language

D. the realizations of a specific phoneme

20. If , then they are said to be in free variation.

A. two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound

for the other does not cause a change of meaning

B. two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound

for the other causes a change of meaning

C. two sound can never occur in the same environment

D. two sounds can occur in contrastive environments

21. If two sounds are ,they are said to be allophones of the same phoneme.

A. in contrastive distribution B. always in free variation

C. phonetically similar D. in complementary diatribution

22. Conversion refers to the process in which .

A. new words are created simply by changing their parts of speech

B. a new word is formed by putting an affix to the base

C. two or more separate words are conjoined to produce a form which is used as a

single word

D. we delete a suffix from an apparently complex form instead of adding a suffix

23. A surface structure is different from a deep structure in that .

A. a deep structure is pronounceable but a surface structure is not

B. a surface structure is relatively abstract but a deep structure is concrete

C. a surface structure gives the form of a sentence but a deep structure gives the

meaning of sentence

D. a deep structure corresponds most closely to the linear arrangement of words as

they are pronounced while a surface structure corresponds most closely to the

meaningful grouping of words.

24. is regarded as the father of modern linguistics.

A. Mathesius B. Saussure C. Halliday D. Chomsky

25. S1 entails S2 in the case of .

A. S1: I can see a dog. S2: I can see an animal.

B. S1: Pollution is our common foe. S2: Pollution is our common enemy.

C. S1: The victim was dead. S2: The victim was alive.

D. S1: Tom’s car needs repairing. S2: Tom has a car.

Ⅲ Judge whether each of the following statements is true of false. Write T for

true or F false in the blank offered after each statement.(15%, one point

for each)

( ) 1. The sound [p] is an oral voiceless alveolar plosive.

( ) 2. A diachronic study of a language is concerned with a state of a language at a

particular point of time.

( ) 3. Acoustic phonetics is concerned with how a sound is transmitted from the

speaker’s mouth to the listener’s ears.

( )-alveolars are different from alveolars in terms of manner of articulation.

( )5.A morpheme is a minimal meaningful unit in the lexical system of a


( )6. Derivational affixes serve to indicate grammatical relations.

( )7. According to TG Grammar, to generate sentences, we start with surface

structures and then transform them into deep structures.

( )8. A deep structure corresponds most closely to the meaningful grouping of


( )9. In the rule T-Affix, the term “affix” refers to the affixes of main verbs.

( )10. The sound [w] is an oral voiced bilabial glide.

( )11. General linguistics deals with the whole human language.

( )12. When two articulators are brought together to form a complete closure

which is followed by a sudden release, the sounds are called affricates.

( )13. The sound [ ] can be specified as [-high], [+low], [+front],

[-back],[-rounded] and [-tense].

( )14. Chinese is a tone language.

( )15. Inflectional affixes never cause a change in grammatical class.

ⅣAnswer the following questions.(20%)

1. Explain the interrelations between semantic and structural classifications of


2. How does competence differ from performance?

3. Define the four terms: phonemes, allophones, morphemes and allomorphs.

4. How does a surface structure differ from a deep structure?

Ⅴ. Puactical work. (30%)

1. Write the symbol that corresponds to each of the following phonetic dewcriptions:

1) a voiceless dental fricative

2) an oral high back lax vowel

3) a voiceless labio-dental fricative

4) a bilabial glide

5) an alveolar

6) an oral front high tense vowel

2. Analyze the following words by IC Analysis:

1) replacements 2)decentralized 3)rntruly

4) disapproval 5)irreplaceable

3. Judge whether the following are minimal pairs by putting “Yes” or “No” on the blank


1) /fait/ and /f/ Yes or No?

2) /a:sk/ and /sk/ Yes or No?

3)bit and bought Yes or No?

4)/net/ and /ten/ Yes or No?

5) /’ni:/ and /nai/ Yes or No?

6) /ft/ and/ht/ Yes or No?

7)/hai/ and /mai/ Yes or No?

8)/dns/ and /dns/ Yes or No?

4. Draw the deep structure phrase marker and apply necessary transformational rules to

generate the following sentence:

Has the work been finished?



1.arbitrary 2. descriptive matic 4. oral, nasal

5. phonemes te 8. polyseme

Ⅱ (每题1分,共25分)

1﹣5 C A C A B 6﹣10 B C A C C 11﹣15 B C A C B

16﹣20 B C C D A 21-25 B A C B A

Ⅲ (每题1分,共15分)

1-5 F F T F F 6-10 F F T F T 1-15 T F T T T


1. Semantically speaking, morphemes are grouped into roots and affixes.

Structurally speaking, they are divided into free morphemes and bound morphemes.

All free morphemes are roots, but not all roots are free morphemes .All affixes are

bound morphemes, but not all bound morphemes are affixes.

2. Competence and performance are two terms given by Chomsky. The difference

between them can be summarized as follows:

Competence is “the speaker-hearer’s knowledge of his language”, while performance

is “the actual use of his language in concrete situations”.

Competence is abstract and not directly observed, while performance is concrete and

directly observable.

3. Phonemes are minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.

Allophones are the realizations of a particular phoneme. Morphemes are minimal

meaningful units in the grammatical system of a language. Allomorphs are the

realizations of a particular morpheme.

4. There are four differences between a surface structure and a deep structure:

(1) A surface structure corresponds most closely to the linear arrangement of words as

they are pronounced, but a deep structure corresponds most closely to the

meaningful grouping of words.

(2) A surface structure is relatively concrete, but a deep structure is abstract.

(3) A surface structure gives the form of a sentence as it is used in communication, but

a deep structure gives the meaning of a sentence.

(4) A surface structure is pronounceable, but a deep structure is not.

Ⅴ. (共30分)

1. (共6分)

1)[ ] 2)[ ] 3) [f] 4) [w] 5) [n] 6 [i:]

2. (共5分)


1) Yes 2) No 3) Yes 4) No

5) No 6) Yes 7) Yes 8) No


ⅰ. The work Present have-EN +be-EN finish by someone


ⅲ. Present have the work EN be-EN finish

ⅳ.Have Present be EN finish EN

Has been finished

(Noteⅰ)T-Passive; ⅱ) T-Agent-deletion; ⅲ)T-Yes/ No question;

ⅳ) T-Affix)

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