

欧美组合One Direction资料简介

单向组合(One Direction,简称1D)是一支来自英国与爱尔兰的男子组合,由路易斯·汤姆林森(Louis Tomlinson)、哈里·斯泰尔斯(Harry

Styles)、利亚姆·佩恩(Liam Payne)与尼尔▪霍拉尼(Niall Horan)四位成员组成。下面是小编为大家整理的欧美组合One Direction资料简介,希望大家喜欢!

One Direction资料简介

乐 队 名:One Direction单向组合

别 名:1D、小破团

国 籍:英国、爱尔兰

职 业:歌手、乐队

经纪公司:Syco Music

代表作品: 《What Makes You Beautiful》《Up All Night》《Best Song Ever》《You & I》


One Direction艺人资料

2010年Louis Tomlinson、Harry Styles、Liam Payne、Zayn

Malik和Niall Horan参加英国选秀节目《The X Factor》第七季(他们的平均年龄都在19岁左右,其中最小的18,最大的20岁),原本以独唱歌手参赛,却均未能成功晋级“独唱男歌手”组别的决赛。在评委Nicole Scherzinger的建议下,五人决定组成乐团One Direction,并借此进入“乐队/乐团”组别,决赛四周中击败F.Y.D, Diva Fever和Belle Amie,最终获得季军(继Matt Cardle和Rebecca Ferguson之后)。

2011年9月11日,One Direction发行首单《What Makes You

Beautiful》,该单曲打破了索尼唱片公司预售纪录,首周卖出153965张,名列英国单曲榜(UK Singles Chart)榜首,在爱尔兰单曲榜(Irish Singles Chart)上的冠军位置上停留了四周。11月21日,One Direction发行首张专辑《Up All Night》,该专辑首周就获得了

全美专辑榜冠军,主打单曲《What Makes You Beautiful》创下了英国偶像团体出道单曲的最佳排名位。

2012年1月6日,One Direction发行第二首单曲《Gotta Be

You》。2月13日,One Direction发行第三单曲《One Thing》。5月2日,One Direction在中国内地发行首张专辑《Up All Night》。7月,One Direction发行带有成员个人风格的歌曲《Best Song

Ever》。8月,One Direction在伦敦奥运会闭幕式上演唱了代表作《What makes you beautiful》。8月12日,One Direction在英国青少年选择奖上获得最受欢迎新人奖,以及英国最受欢迎组合奖两个奖项。9月26日,One Direction宣布举办首场英国巡演《Up All

Night Tour》。9月,One Direction在MTV音乐录影带大奖上凭借MV“What Makes You Beautiful”获得“最佳新人”、“最佳流行录影带”两个奖项,并在“最值得分享MV(MOST SHARE-WORTHY

VIDEO)”的推特投票中获得第一。同日,One Direction担任MTV音乐录影带大奖表演嘉宾并演唱了他们的作品《One Thing》。11月,在英国皇家大汇演期间,男孩团体One Direction接受了英国女王伊丽莎白二世的接见。12月,One Direction进行英国首次巡演,通过维特发出邀请。3位女孩成为幸运者。2012年年底,One Direction推出第二张专辑《Take Me Home》,主打单曲是具有抒情风格的《Live While We're Young》。

2013年8月1日,单曲《Best Song Ever》在发行首周获得公告牌Hot 100单曲榜亚军,并且以三十二万两千张的销量成绩获得了下载单曲榜冠军。8月12日,美国第15界青少年票选奖在洛杉矶举行,One Direction担任开场嘉宾,并且获得最佳团体奖。8月28日,由《超大码的我》(Super Size Me)导演摩根·斯波劳克(Morgan

Spurlock)拍摄的关于One Direction的3D音乐会纪录片《This Is Us》在全球正式上映,在英国第一天的销量达到17万张,三天卖出27万张。11月25日,One Direction发行了其第三张专辑《Midnight


One Direction为英国红鼻子慈善日(Red Nose Day)翻唱金发女郎创作的单曲《One Way Or Another》,将募集的善款捐赠红十字会、红鼻子慈善日等相关慈善机构。

2014年2月12日,第34届全英音乐奖主办方宣布新增英国最佳音乐录像带奖(British Music Video award)奖项,One Direction的《Best Song Ever》获得提名。2月20日,One Direction在伦敦举行2014全英音乐奖上获得英国年度录影带、全球成功奖两个奖项。


2016年1月2日英国单曲榜,One Direction专辑《Made In

The AM》排在该周榜单第五位。4月4日英国专辑榜,One

Direction单飞成员萨恩·马利克依靠首张个人大碟《Mind of Mine》夺得该周冠军。同日,该专辑在公告牌空降榜首,他也成为首周就夺得冠军的第一位英国音乐人。5月,2016美国公告牌颁奖礼,One


One Direction's History

In 2010, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles,

and Louis Tomlinson auditioned as solo candidates for the

seventh series of the British televised singing competition The X

failed to progress to the "Boys" category at "judges'

houses" but were put together to form a five-piece boy band at

Wembley Arena, in London, England, in July 2010, during the

"bootcamp" stage of the competition,thus qualifying for the

"Groups" category. Nicole Scherzinger, a guest judge,and Simon

Cowell have both claimed to have come up with the idea of

forming the band. In 2013, Cowell said that it "took him 10

minutes to put them together as a group". Subsequently, the

group got together for two weeks to get to know each other and

to came up with the name One their

qualifying song at "judges' houses", and their first song as a

group, One Direction sang an acoustic version of "Torn". Cowell

later commented that their performance convinced him that they

"were confident, fun, like a gang of friends, and kind of fearless

as well."Within the first four weeks of the live shows, they were

his last act in the competition. The group quickly gained

popularity in the UK.

One Direction finished in third place and immediately after

the final, their song "Forever Young", which would have been

released if they had won The X Factor, was leaked onto the

y afterwards it was confirmed that One Direction

had been signed by Cowell to a reported £2 million Syco Records

record contract. Recording for their debut album began in

January 2011, as they flew to Los Angeles to work with RedOne,

a record producer.A book licensed by One Direction, One

Direction: Forever Young (Our Official X Factor Story), was

published by HarperCollins in February 2011,subsequently

topping The Sunday Times Best Seller same month, the

boy band and other contestants from the series participated in

the X Factor Live the tour, the group performed for

500,000 people throughout the the tour concluded in

April 2011, the group continued working on their debut

ing took place in Stockholm, London and Los

Angeles, as One Direction worked with producers Carl Falk, Savan

Kotecha, Steve Mac, and Rami Yacoub, among others.

Released in September 2011, One Direction's debut single,

"What Makes You Beautiful", reached number one on the UK

Singles Chart, after becoming the most pre-ordered Sony Music

Entertainment single in uent singles, "Gotta Be

You" and "One Thing", peaked in the UK Singles Chart top

November 2011, they signed a record deal with Columbia

Records in North Barnett, the co-chairman of

Columbia Records, said it was not a difficult decision to sign One

Direction; "I just thought there was a void, and maybe they could

seize and hold it.""What Makes You Beautiful" was released in the

United States in February 2012, where it debuted on the Billboard

Hot 100 at number 28, becoming the highest debut for a British

act since has sold over 4 million copies in the

arrival in the U.S. in February 2012, One Direction embarked on

a radio promotion spree, as well as their first North American

concert tour as an opening act for Big Time made their

first U.S. television appearance on The Today Show, at the

Rockefeller Center; an estimated 15,000 fans descended on the

ally commended for its appeal to the teenage

audience,One Direction's first studio album, Up All Night, was

released globally in early 2012. It became the UK's fastest-selling

debut album of 2011,and topped the charts in sixteen

album bowed atop the Billboard 200 chart, making

One Direction the first British group in US chart history to enter

at number one with their debut were inducted into

the Guinness World Records as a All Night also became

the first album by a boy band to sell 500,000 digital copies in the

U.S. and, by August 2012, had sold over 3 million copies


In April 2012, an American band that went by the same name

filed a trademark infringement ing to the lawsuit,

the U.S. band had been using the name since 2009, recorded two

albums and filed an application to register the trademark name

in the U.S. in February 2011.

In December 2011, One Direction embarked on their first

headlining UK concert tour, the Up All Night early 2012,

they announced Australasian and North American legs of the

concert tour, with dates from April to July tour,

comprising 62 shows, was met with positivity both critically and

commercially.A recording of a concert from the tour, Up All Night:

The Live Tour, was released in May addition to the DVD

topping the charts in twenty-five countries, its global sales had

exceeded 1 million copies by August Direction's first

book to be licensed in America, Dare to Dream: Life as One

Direction, published in the United States in May 2012, topped

The New York Times Best Seller June 2012, Nick Gatfield,

the chairman and chief executive officer of Sony Music

Entertainment UK, stated how he expects One Direction to

represent a $100 million business empire over ld was

quoted as saying, "What you might not know about One

Direction is that they already represent a $50 million business

and that's a figure we expect to double next year".In August 2012,

the group's record sales exceeded 8 million singles, 3 million

albums, and 1 million DVDs, and they performed "What Makes

You Beautiful" at the 2012 Summer Olympics closing ceremony

in London, which represented the handover to Rio de Janeiro as

the host of the 2016 Summer Direction were the

biggest winners of the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards winning

their three nominations on 6 September 2012, including Best

New Artist.

One Direction's second studio album, Take Me Home, was

released in November Me Home was written in groups

and has an average of just under five songwriters per track. Savan

Kotecha, Rami Yacoub, and Carl Falk, who composed One

Direction's hits "What Makes You Beautiful" and "One Thing",

spent six months in Stockholm developing songs for the album,

and were able to shape melodies around their

Direction began recording the album in May 2012, in Stockholm

at Kinglet Studios.

One Direction performed "Little Things" at the 2012 Royal

Variety Performance in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II, and

headlined a sold-out show at New York City's Madison Square

Garden on 3 December February 2013, One Direction

released a cover version of "One Way or Another" and "Teenage

Kicks", "One Way or Another (Teenage Kicks)", as the 2013 Comic

Relief single. As part of their involvement with the UK charity, One

Direction travelled to Ghana to volunteer at a children's hospital,

visit a school and make donations.

The Official Charts Company revealed that One Direction had

sold 2,425,000 records in the UK by February Direction

embarked on their second concert tour in February 2013, the

Take Me Home concert tour consists of over 100 shows

in Europe, North America and Australasia. Ticket sales reached

300,000 within a day of release in the UK and Ireland, which

included a six-date sell-out at London's The O2 the

Australian and New Zealand markets, tickets grossed US$15.7

million, with all 190,000 tickets being sold for the eighteen shows

to be tour received critical acclaim from music critics

who praised the band's live vocals and their performance abilities

and was a commercial success, selling 1,635,000 tickets from 134


One Direction: This Is Us, a 3D documentary and concert film

about the group directed by Morgan Spurlock and produced by

Spurlock, Ben Winston, Adam Milano and Simon Cowell, was

released by TriStar Pictures on 30 August film features

the song "Best Song Ever", released on 22 July 2013. "Best Song

Ever" was the lead single of the group's third studio album

Midnight film was a box office success, topping

the UK and US box offices and grossing over $60 million

worldwide, and became the fourth highest grossing concert

movie."Best Song Ever" broke the 24-Hour Vevo Record with 10.9

million views on YouTube (this was the second time the band held

the record with "Live While We're Young" attaining 8.2 million

views on 20 September 2012).On 16 May 2013, the band

announced their first stadium tour, the Where We Are Tour, which

began in April 2014. On 30 May 2013, the band announced a

partnership with Office Depot on a limited-edition capsule

collection of back to school supplies. They also confirmed that a

portion of the proceeds from the alliance would go toward an

anti-bullying educational program intended to promote kinder

behaviour in schools.

On 23 November 2013, in support of Midnight Memories,

the band participated in "1D Day",a day dedicated to One

Direction fans. The day constituted of a landmark 7.5 hour

socially interactive YouTube live-stream featuring live band

performances, celebrity guests including, Simon Cowell, Cindy

Crawford, Piers Morgan, Jerry Springer and many more. The

event was unique not only because of its long runtime but the

unprecedented use of social media whereby fans got to

participate in the show interact directly with the band via

Google+ Hangout.

In December 2013, One Direction broke yet another UK sales

record with the DVD and Blu-ray release of their 3-D concert film

This is Us. Nearly 270,000 copies of the film were sold in the UK

within three days of its release, beating the record previously set

by Michael Jackson's This Is It in 2010 by 10,000 group

was named Top Global artists of 2013 by the IFPI because of

strong digital downloads, physical albums, on-demand streams,

and music videos.

On 21 July, One Direction announced One Direction: Where

We Are - The Concert Film, a film which documents the 28 June

and 29 June 2014 concerts that took place in San Siro Stadium

during their Where We Are Tour. After the announcement, the

band announced the film will also have a limited 10–11 October

2014 international cinema release before its home media release

in November group also released an autobiography

book titled Who We Are on 25 September 2014.

On 8 September, One Direction announced their fourth

studio album to be titled Four, set to be released on 17

November 22 November, Paul Higgins, the group's tour

manager who has been with them since its formation, parted

ways with the band confirmed at the BBC Music Awards

that following the success of Four, they had hopes to continue to

go "somewhere else" on their fifth album.

On 25 March 2015, the band released a statement

announcing Malik's say that they were angry at

first because of Zayn Malik's departure. The group made their

first official public appearance as a four piece on The Late Late

Show with James Corden on 14 May, where they confirmed that

they would continue working without a new fifth member.

On 31 July 2015, the group released "Drag Me Down"

without promotional material or announcement. The single is the

first single from their fifth studio album, Made in the A.M., and

the first material released by the group after Malik's

the 2015 American Music Awards on 22 November, One Direction

won the award for Artist of the Year for the second year in

succession. Louis Tomlinson later confirmed that the break would

be around 18 months. On 13 December, One Direction

performed on The X Factor final. Their last televised performance

as a group, before their hiatus, was on Dick Clark's New Year's

Rockin' Eve on 31 December 2015.

On 13 January 2016, Us Weekly published a report claiming

that the group's hiatus would become a permanent split, with a

"source" citing that each of the four remaining group members

did not renew their contracts following the completion of the On

the Road Again Tour in October entatives for the

group denied said-report in a statement to Billboard, stating,

"nothing has changed regarding hiatus plans for the group, and

all will be revealed in due time from the band members' own

mouths." In February, it was confirmed that Harry Styles had left

the group's management and may begin a solo career path.

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