

新概念3课文解析逃遁的美洲狮 Lesson 01 A Puma at large

Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When

reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as

the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to

investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have

seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking

blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It

immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma

will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved

difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning

and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went,

it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.

Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found

clinging to bushes. Several people complained of "cat-like noises' at

night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The

experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where

had it come from? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in

the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private

collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several

weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a

dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.

生狮和短狮New words and expressions















human being








看出狮狮 spot v.,

强狮狮果辨狮出看狮狮狮狮狮= see, pick out, recognize, catch sight

of , , , ,

-- A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd.-- He has good eye for

spotting mistakes.同意狮,

,强狮狮狮的狮果 ,狮出事狮相真-- find/ find out

,做出重大狮狮 ,注意到-- discover/ notice

,狮察 ,狮察活狮中的人或面画-- observe/ watch

斑点Spot n.

-- There is a white spot on the shirt.

有含狮,两个on the spot

立刻狮上;,1> , at once, immediately

-- Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.

在狮狮2> at the place of the action

-- Wherever she is needed, she is quickly on the spot.

狮据;不可名狮,数Evidence n.

明狮的狮然的明狮地狮然Evident adj., / evidently adv.,

狮据Evidence = proof (n.)

-- When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence.

狮而易狮的in evidence

-- He was in evidence at the party.

狮累狮聚;强狮狮累的狮程,Accumulate v.,

-- As the evidence accumulates, experts from the zoo felt obliged to


聚集把某人召集在某狮Gather vt.,

-- The teacher gathered his students in the class

搜集采集Collect vt.,

;狮余狮好,-- Do you collect stamps? Yes, I collect stamps as my

集合集会装配Assemble v., /

-- A large number of people assemble on the square.

大量的狮存 ;狮藏,Hoard vt.-- hoard up = store up

;松鼠,;狮果,-- The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter

squirrel n.

狮聚;主要用于狮歌和文作品,学amass vt.

-- The clouds amassed above the hills

使…感到必狮Oblige v.

感狮有必要做某事feel obliged to do sth

;要求需要,-- I feel obliged to say no to his demandn.,

被迫做某事be obliged to do sth

;狮狮,-- They were obliged to sell their car to pay their debts


追狮狮 ;,, hunt for

-- The experts from London zoo began to hunt (v.) for a puma.

;狮明狮狮,-- The hunt (n.) for the puma proved the difficult. prove



-- The police were searching the forest for the missing boy.

强狮追赶追求run after ,

-- look, a dog is running after a cat-- what are you run after in

your life

追狮理想seek = pursue v.()

追 ;赶,chase v.-- They are chasing a thief / They are running after

a thief

黑莓狮果blackberry n./ berry n.

人狮human being

使走投无路使陷入困境作狮狮狮狮常使用被狮狮狮corner v., ,

-- The thief was cornered at last -- The problem cornered me.

角落corner n.

-- at the corner of the street -- in the corner of the room -- on

the corner of the desk

一串一系列Trail n.,

跟踪追踪;,trail vt. , = follow

;罪犯,-- The police trailed the criminal to the place where he was

hiding criminal n.

印痕Print n.

粘 ;,Cling , clung, clinging

-- She is always clinging to her mother.

他狮有成功的希望-- He clung to the hope that he would succeed.

粘住 ;,信封stick v.-- stick the envelopn.

狮持 ;,狮狮stick to -- stick to the plan / stick to one’s promisen.粘的 ;,sticky adj.-- sticky fingers

使…信服convince v.

;狮狮正直, 我使他相信我的狮1>convince sb of sth -- I convince him of


狮。;狮狮的正直的,2> be convinced thathonest .,

不知狮狮地怎搞不知什狮原因somehow adv.,

… -- I am convinced that she is

= by some means, in some way, for some reason unknown

无狮如何我要把狮本狮取回。来-- I’ll get the book back somehow.

不知狮狮地怎搞我迷失了。-- I got lost somehow ,

稍微有点有些 ;,Somewhat adv., , = a little

;高的,-- The price is somewhat higher than I adj.

令人不安disturb v.

令人不安的感到不安的disturbing adj./ disturbed adj.

令人狮的惊感到狮的惊surprising adj./ surprised adj.

令人激狮的感到激狮的exciting adj./ excited adj.

野性的野生的wild adj.,

狮狮研究investigate v.,

描写描述description n.,

特狮地~非常地~格外extraordinarily adv.

相似的狮似的similar adj.,

攻狮attack vt.

困狮的狮狮的困狮狮点difficult adj., difficulty n.,

兔野兔rabbit n.,

手掌手爪paw n.,

毛皮毛狮毛fur n., ,

矮狮狮bush n.

充分地完全地fully adv.,

收藏家征收者collector n.,


逃遁的没有被控制的 at large , -- The thief is still at large

狮狮地;,狮狮狮情 at large = in detailn., -- I need talk to you at


狮狮;体来,at large = as a whole

;狮狮的渴望的,-- The students at large are hungry for English.

hungry adj.,

Where must the puma have come from?Pumas are large, cat-like animals

which are found in America.

在英文的表方式中~首先呈狮狮狮者的是狮果英文擅狮用狮句~中文擅狮用短句。;熊猫,-- Pandas are large cat-like animals which are found in Asia.

panda n.


When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted

forty-five miles

狗一狮的栩栩如生的cat-like , / dog-like / life-;和中文不同,达

south of London, they were not taken seriously.一般狮来定狮句从和同位狮句从狮在被修狮名狮的后面~但狮了保持句子平衡~也可以把狮狮狮狮随放到句之前从定狮句从只是狮于被修狮狮的狮充狮明、修狮定狮句的引狮狮,从--

指人,主狮~狮狮~定狮 -- whowho, whomwhose

指物,;也可以指人,-- that/ which

狮狮狮状,地点狮,状原因狮,状-- when / where / why


名狮做主狮、狮狮等,狮系狮用而不是-- ()thatwhich

狮狮,~地点,-- whenwhere

定狮句中有从没狮狮系狮~但个可以引狮同位狮句从-- whatwhat



-- An idea came to her that she might do the experiment in another


。-- I have no idea what has happened to him

;指代,they were not taken seriouslytheyreports

狮地狮待某事真take sth seriously = deal with sth seriously

-- I always take your suggestions seriously.

草率地狮待某事 ;狮率地,take sth lightly lightly adv.

;棘手的狮狮,-- Don’t take the hot potato lightly hot potato r, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo

felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who

claimed to have seen the puma were

extraordinarily similar.

然而起狮折作用However adv.()

狮狮,着随当之狮As , ...


-- the descriptions given by people

海狮水手船狮-- the story told by the sailor (n., , )

-- a book written by Luxun

声称曾狮做狮某事claim to have done sth

-- He claimed to have been the manager of the large shop.

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking

blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her.

定狮句从Where a woman picking… -- I still remember the school where I studied English.

It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that

a puma will not attack

a human being unless it is cornered.

确定Confirm = be sure = be certain (confirm vt.)

如果不除非Unless it is cornered = if it is not cornered (unless

conj., )

-- He will accept the job unless the salary is too low.

The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one

place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the


search = hunt

Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small

animals like rabbits.把某物留在后面,leave behind

;血,-- Wherever he went, the wound left behind him a trail of

Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found

clinging to bushes.英文表方式狮狮用被狮狮狮达突出客狮事狮。而中文狮善于用狮作的狮行者。运,

;被狮,puma fur was found clinging to bushes.

;主狮,à We found the puma fur clinging to bushes.

是狮在分狮短狮做狮狮-- clinging to bushes

Several people complained of "cat-like noises' at night and a

businessman on a fishing


saw the puma up a tree.

抱怨某事complain of/about sth


在上升在增加-- on the rise / on the increase

在狮看在比狮中-- on the watch / on the match

在狮狮的途中在度假-- on the fishing trip / on holiday

The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but

where had it



;充分地完全地,Fullyadv., = completely = entirely

As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country,

this one must have

been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to


某物狮某人所有主狮是物sb's possession ()

-- The beautiful car is in my possession.= The beautiful car is in

the possession of me.

某人狮有某物主狮是人Sb be in possession of sth ()

sth be in the possession of sb = sth be in

;做表狮,-- I am in possession of the beautiful possession

of… ;做定狮,-- The person in possession of the big house is excited. in

possession of… 狮有…take possession of… The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught.

;狮狮持狮,Went on = lasted last vi.,

It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at

large in the quiet


一想到…就心理不安It is disturbing to

-- It is disturbing to think that I fail my examination

在的山村宁静in the quiet countryside

狮点Special difficulties

Exercises A

1. at/for 2. to 3. to 4. in 5. on

Exercises B

1. He is the man we have heard about so much.

;倒塌崩狮瓦解,2. The shelf you put those books on has

., ,

did you receive a letter from?



Whom, 省略狮~介狮不能前置到狮系代狮前~只能用于非固定的狮狮短狮后面。Which

固定的狮狮短狮,狮;去掉后没有狮的意思~所以介狮不能前置非固定的狮狮短狮,注狮look at

,居住;去掉后仍有居住的意思~所以介狮可以前置,live ininlivein

,look forforlookfor

This is the old house in which he lived. = This is the old house he

lived in.

is the road we came by?

is the pencil you were playing with?

多狮狮狮Multiple choice questions

正确答案,共有 ;替狮了,1… D in common r正确答案,2… B,只是一个体具的特定的事列~狮狮理解狮的狮候要把握中心大意cat

, ABlarge

狮服狮狮persuade v.,

答案正,确3… C

做理解狮狮要狮主狮、狮中心大意。文扣扣章最后一句狮狮狮了大意句型狮狮和狮狮狮是构每狮的狮狮答案正,确4… C


;在主狮狮狮中不定式的符号狮狮省略,make somebody doto

;被狮狮狮中不定式的符号必狮狮充完整,be made to doto

-- They made her wait for hours. à She was made to wait for hours.

答案正, 确5… D

,把改成就狮了 ;,Asayclaim-- People claimed to have seen the puma.,楚的道明了狮作狮生的先后狮系D

正确答案,6… B原句中的引狮的狮狮狮狮句表状从示,,就…;,as soon as被狮,On being observed, it immediately ran away.主狮,On observing

her, it immediately ran seeing me, he waved to me.

正确答案,7… D可以和名狮名狮性句狮行从搭配;也可是引狮的句从形式,except/when/if

unless = if...not = except on the condition that…when = if-- …except when they are cornered. = …except if they are cornered.-- Whenever you come, you are welcome. = If ever you come, you are


正确答案,8… D,只是狮客狮狮狮的推狮~狮狮不一致Amust be

狮于狮去事狮推狮一定要用,情狮狮狮狮去分狮-- + have +

正确答案,9… Con more than = nothing more than = only / within = not more than

正确答案,10… B狮狮摸摸地暗中地秘密地落于陷中阱in a trap

不正的狮斜的;角角度角落狮角棱角,at an angle , angle n., , , ,

在遮蔽狮秘密地暗中under cover , ,

正确答案,11... B

狮狮消遣外出游玩狮狮消遣fishes for pleasure travel for pleasure

read for pleasure

独自地独立地主狮地;,12… on one's own adv., , = alonein a corner , ,

狮了某人自己的利益for one's own benefit

十三等于一 Lesson 02 Thirteen equals one

Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he

has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.

The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged

many years ago and has been silent ever since.

One night, however, our vicar work up with a start: the clock was

striking the hours! Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock,

but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch,

the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the

torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized

as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.

'Whatever are you doing up here Bill?' asked the vicar in surprise.

'I'm trying to repair the bell,' answered Bill. 'I've been coming up

here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you

a surprise.'

'You certainly did give me a surprise!' said the vicar. 'You've

probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I'm glad the

bell is working again.'

That's the trouble, vicar,' answered Bill. 'It's working all right,

but I'm afraid that at one o'clock it will strike thirteen times and

there's nothing I can do about it."

We'll get used to that, Bill,' said the vicar. "Thirteen is not as

good as one, but it's better than nothing. Now let's go downstairs and

have a cup of tea.'

生狮和短狮New words and expressions









生狮和短狮New words and expression

等于equal v.

等于AB à A equals B与相匹狮 -- None of us can equal her, either in beauty

or as a dancer.

名狮;不相上下的,be equal to +equal adj.

;智力狮髓,-- Mary is quite equal to John ,

狮狮可以和狮翰在狮力上相匹狮。,有能力有力量做某事 ;来是介狮,be equal to doing, to

-- I am equal to running the company.

牧狮vicar n.

募集~狮;款, 募集狮金raise v.-- raise money

提高提高物价-- raise the price

狮狮、供狮狮狮一匹狮-- raise a horse

狮植狮植小麦-- raise wheat

召集、招募招募一支狮狮 ;狮狮狮狮,-- raise an armyarmy n.,

提出、狮出狮出狮呼声 ;愉快狮呼,-- raise a cheer cheer n.,

狮筒光手狮筒torchlight n.

事情cause n.

教堂church n.

外形狮廓体形figure n., ,

食品商人狮狮商人grocer n.,

狮狮狮声狮形之物bell n., , ,

塔城堡tower n.,


Was the vicar pleased that the clock was striking? Why?Our vicar is

always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed

to get

enough money to have the church clock repaired.狮搭配狮,表示狮狮人狮有某狮的情感彩狮姆狮是做家庭作狮~狮也做不完。怎狮姆狮是做家庭作狮~不拖欠作狮。他狮是狮狮~狮人。吵吵真always

Tom is always doing homework.

Tom always does his homework.

狮在狮行狮和等狮度副He is always making noises.

,表示狮狮或那狮one or another

狮于狮狮或那狮的原因-- for one reason or another

在狮狮或那狮的狮狮-- at one time or another

用狮狮或那狮的方法-- in one way or another

募集足狮的狮金做某事get enough money to do sth

-- I have to get enough money to have my house

something done


-- have the church clock repaired

-- have the plane repaired / -- have hair cut情;主狮必狮是狮出狮作的人,况2>

-- His wallet was stolen. à He had his wallet stolen.某人所遭受到的意外某狮The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was

damaged many years


and has been silent ever since.

,狮去常常做~而狮在不再狮生的事情了。-- He used to smoke every day.

used to

One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was

striking the hours!

在口狮中主要用于句首~在作文中最好用在句中、句尾。要用逗号来分隔狮-- He said that it was so, he was mistaken, however.

He said that it was so, however, he was mistaken.

他狮狮件事就是如此~然而他弄狮了。-- I know his story, however, I wouldn't like to tell you.I know his

story, I, however, wouldn't like to tell r = Nevertheless (adv.

conj.) = Nonetheless (adv.)

惊跳惊起Start .,

-- The noise made him started(v.).

-- What a start(n.) you give me. / -- he stood up with a start(n.).

Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock, but the bell

struck thirteen times

before it stopped.


-- Nearly a week passed before she could explain what had happened

to her.

Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see

what was going on.

狮去分狮Armed with

However -- , ,

狮在分狮Looking at his watch… / 分狮做狮状定狮的狮候~一定要注意和狮狮主狮要它呼狮一致In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately

recognized as Bill


, our local grocer.

在手狮筒光下在月光下in the torchlight / in the moonlight

在太光下阳在狮光下in the sunshine / in the candlelight


狮出某人是…recognized somebody as… 狮狮某人是狮狮某人是regard somebody as / think of somebody as

把某人狮待狮把某人尊敬狮treat somebody as / have on somebody as

'Whatever are you doing up here Bill?' asked the vicar in surprise.


'I'm trying to repair the bell,' answered Bill. 'I've been coming up

here night after night for

weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.'

一夜狮着一夜night after night

一天又一天一年又一年day after day / year after year

一周又一周一狮狮接着一狮狮week after week / bus after bus

'You certainly did give me a surprise!' said the vicar.加强狮和情感气彩;一定要位于狮狮原形之前,do, did, does

你确很今天看上去狮狮不狮。-- You do like nice today.

-- I do like you.


'You've probably woken up everyone in the village as well.


-- You looked nice yesterday and you look beautiful as well today.

Still, I'm glad the bell is working again.'

用于句首用逗号来分隔狮表一狮折的狮系‘That'sthe trouble, vicar,,狮然如达个此但是still, , ,

as welltoo, ,

’ answered Bill.'It's working all right,

but I'm afraid that at one o'clock it will strike thirteen times and

there's nothing I can do about it."

;困惑,There is nothing I can do about it = I am at a lose what to

doat a loss adv.

‘We'll get used to that, Bill,’ said the vicar."Thirteen is not as

good as one, but it's better than nothing. Now let's go downstairs and

have a cup of tea.'

都表示狮狮于 get used to / be used to / be accustomed to / get

accustomed to

强狮狮近的狮程强狮狮狮了的狮状狮点Special difficulties



惊奇地惊愕的in surprise/ in astonishment

恐吓的窘迫的in alarm / in embarrassment

极惊狮狮狮狮望的in amazement / in despair

get, be

沮狮的狮火的失望的in dismay / in anger/ in disappointment

表示以、用。用于狮言狮写材料彩或声音等方面。2>, ,

用狮料用狮用代狮in English / in pencil / in ink / in oil / in

red/ in code

用狮狮高的声音用句狮几in such a high voice / in a few words

3> 表示状况狮、情或狮境在困境中在床上匆忙的in trouble / in difficulty/ in bed/ in a hurry

狮狮狮上某人流着泪in debt / in love with sb/ in tears

有不条紊整狮情正常况狮修良好in good order, , / in good repair

身体好身体坏in good health / in poor health

情狮坏情狮好in the bad mood/ in the good mood

匆忙的欣喜若狂in haste / in a favor of excitement

在狮狮中奢侈的in poverty / in luxury


very quickly = in a hurry

;最后狮于,eventually = in the end eventually adv.,

be seen = in sight

with a pen = in ink / with a pencil = in pencil

;共享,which they share = in common share v.

crying = in tears

多狮狮狮Multiple choice questions

1... D

整狮状况良好适宜in order adv., ,

次序狮倒不整狮状狮不好 ;,out of order adv., , = was damaged

2... B

3... C

狮…表示感狮,be grateful for… / be thankful for…不辞辛狮地做某事,take the trouble to do sth.

是狮去狮狮的狮志~用在狮意狮狮之前4... B in the past always

狮敲狮狮的狮声5... D stroke n., ,

强狮句式狮,构直到…才…It was —直到半夜雪才停了。-- It was not until midnight that snow stopped.

狮狮句的狮从序是狮述句狮序6... B

修理修狮7... C Mend vt.,


表示狮狮于 ;是介狮,8... A get used to doing to

9... B

基金~狮金~狮学金~投狮fund cash scholarship investment

狮狮商店10... A run a shop

11... A night after night = every night

12... C

仍仍然狮still 1>adv., ,

他昨天来的~狮仍在此。-- He came yesterday and he is still here.

狮接副狮尽管如此依旧仍然;表一狮狮持的狮度,达still 2>adv.() , ,

相于当,in spite of that, even though, just the same

~-- It's rainingStill, I must go out.

~-- This picture is not too valuableStill, I like it.

— ,

但是然而;表示一狮狮折的狮系,Yet conj.,

n I have failed, yet I shall try again.

无名女神 Lesson 03 An unknown goddess

Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists

on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which

stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at

one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of

civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone.

They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was

equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found

beneath the narrow streets.

The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of

worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most

sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found.

Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted.

The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth

century B.C. It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth

century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and

carefully preserved.

It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists

reconstructed the

fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to

be a very modern-

looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her

hips. She was

wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her

great age, she was very

graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to

discover her identity.

生狮和短狮New words and expressions









































生狮和短狮New words and expression

女神goddess(tile) n.

考古学家archaeologist n.

狮琴海的Aegean adj.

考察~勘探Explore v.

-- The archaeologists are exploring the cave.

探狮探狮家exploration n./ explorer n.

海角promontory n.

;狮狮上,繁狮的~昌盛的prosperous adj.

我狮的狮狮非常的繁狮。;狮政金融,-- our finance is prosperous Finance

n., 昌盛的~狮旺的 thriving adj.-- thriving business

蓬勃的~景气的繁狮的市狮booming adj.-- a booming market

繁茂的~健康的flourishing adj.

那些植物狮得茂盛。-- Those plants are flourishing.

文明使狮化使文明civilization n. / civilize vt.,

高度文明-- high level of civilization

楼狮 ;的狮,体storey

排水drainage n.

祟拜尊敬尊重狮美狮佩羡慕worship n.v./ respect vt., / admire v., ,

-- Who do you worship in the world?宗教的神圣的Sacred adj.,

圣狮神圣的狮言-- sacred music / sacred promise

神圣的圣狮的Holy adj. ,

圣狮的人神圣的地方-- a holy person. / a holy place.

Solemn adj. ,

庄狮的庄重的狮狮狮船Warship n.,

狮狮的面孔隆重的狮式-- a solemn face / a solemn ceremony

碎片Fragment n.

狮物~狮迹~狮墟Remains n.

;希和狮狮,腊即古文化的;狮狮的,~文科的人文科学的Classical adj.,

古典音狮人文科育学教-- classical music / classical education 第一流的狮准的著名的典型的Classic adj. , , ,

-- This is the classic example of love at the first sight.

杰作狮典之作Classic n.,

狮个确属笑狮一流真横是妙趣生。-- That joke's a classic; it really is

funny. ","

修狮 ;重新再次,Reconstruct --,

构造建造狮狮;通狮配或狮合装构部件而成,Construct vt., ,

;雕象,-- construct a sentence / construct a broken statuaryn.

造建筑物 -- build a house / put up a tent

建狮建造construction n.,

有教育意狮的constructive adj.

建造者建狮者constructor n.,

盖使狮立使直立;,erect vt., , build high buildings

建造狮念碑建造狮楼-- erect a monument / erect a clock tower

建立setup / establish / found

学会生 ;狮盟狮,会-- setup students' union union n.,

狮立一狮狮条-- establish a school / establish a rule

建立一家个国-- found a country

倚放放置Rest v.,

屁股臀部Hip n.,


狮狮是狮狮狮狮的人。个赶髦-- Mary is a real hip.

狮家什狮伙懂都不。-- The guy isn't a hip.

表示交情极厚的Joined at the hip

-- These two are joined at the hip.

信口狮河shoot from the hip

-- Sorry, I said that I shouldn't have shot from the hip.

;裙衣,拖地狮的全狮的全身的拽地狮裙-- a full-length dress

生狮完全的狮育完全的full-grown adj.,

full-length adj., ,

Hip n. []

狮狮全部狮狮full time n.,

狮雅的graceful adj.

-- a graceful lady

狮雅的;狮止, 狮止文雅的狮士elegant adj.-- an elegant gentleman.

身份identity n.

狮古的旧的ancient adj.,

装狮~点狮decorate vt.

粘土泥土clay n.,

狮狮的狮狮人的狮狮人Roman adj., n.

狮狮意大利首都Rome n.()

真正地加强狮气确狮Indeed adv., ()


How did the archaeologists know that the statue was a goddess?Some

time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the



of Kea.

狮狮若干狮狮在未来的某狮some time 1>2>

sometime adv., , 在某一狮候曾狮有一天不狮有狮sometimes adv.,

中文狮狮用主狮狮狮。英文狮狮用被狮狮狮。以事件、狮果、影响、效果狮主狮~强狮狮客狮事狮的狮述。An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city

on the promontory


Ayia Irini.

引狮定狮句~修狮从限定。;,whichtemplewhich = that

不及物不及物位于stand() = lie()

及物使位于使狮于= situate() ,

及物使坐落于位于= locate() ...,

which = which lies inis

身高表示高高坐落于矗立于Stand 1 >2>,

她身高米 -- She stands 1.75m. 1.75

一大狮狮立在山上。棵-- A great tree stands on the mount.

… = which is located in… = which

The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a

high level of civilization.


-- The day broke for the birds were singing.

表曾狮达一度;狮去狮狮的狮志,at one time , , = once

狮狮去事狮肯定的推狮must have been


享有高度文明enjoyed a high level of civilization

Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had

large rooms with

beautifully decorated walls.

具有…With… -- a young man with broad shoulders / an old lady with black hair

狮去分狮做定狮beautifully decorated

衣着漂亮的女士-- a beautifully dressed lady

狮的弃停狮狮-- a deserted car park

被刷成白的狮-- a white painted door

狮在分狮做定狮被修狮狮修狮狮之狮狮狮狮主狮狮系与正在爬狮的男孩-- a boy climbing the tree

正在房狮里狮狮的生学-- the students reading in the room

The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay

pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.

配狮装狮 ;装狮配狮,be equipped with , equip vt.,

空气装狮狮狮置空气狮狮机空狮狮狮air conditioning / air conditioner ,


-- The car was equipped with air conditioning.


在正下方,Beneath = under

-- beneath the narrow streets = under the narrow streets

-- He is standing under/beneath the umbrella.


控制之中狮狮之中修理之中-- under control / under discussion /

under repairs


-- She is sitting below the window

The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of

worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times.

把…用作狮be used as / be used to be

-- The box was used as a desk in the small village school.-- The

wooden box was used as a bookcase.

被用做…来be used to do

-- The wooden box is used to contain books

In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues

were of these represented a goddess and had, at one time,

been painted.

代表represent vt.

-- I represent all the classmates.

The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the

fifteenth century B.C.

狮在分狮修狮dating , remains

;狮始于…起始于…,date from = date back to ,

;狮狮狮俗,-- The custom dating from 1990. custom n.,

-- The tradition dates from the time when his grandfather was

young.-- The castle dates from the 14th century. = The castle dates back

to the 14th century.


Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century


偶然碰巧;强狮事情的偶然狮生,happen to ,

我恰巧狮狮那狮狮。-- I happen to have driven that kind of car.

-- He happened to find the ticket in his pocket.

从句It happens that +

-- It happened that I met her on my way to work.

= I happened to meet her on my way work.

碰碰巧上happen on

-- I happened on this old picture in the back of the drawer.

我偶然的在抽狮的背面狮狮了狮狮旧照片。-- Guess, who did I happen on while I was in London last month?This

head must have been found in Classical times and carefully

was very old and precious even then.

When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were

amazed to find that the

goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.

;恢狮使回狮,Reconstruct = put together, piece together, restorevt.,

Amazed = very much surprised

感到狮;狮狮增,惊气surprised > astonished > amazed > astounded

/ / / to seesurprised to see you here

;表示狮果,狮果是原是 ;来都表示系狮狮,1> turn outturn out (to be)+ n./adj.

-- The concert turned out to be a failure.

我狮的聚非常的成功。会-- Our party turned out (to be) a success.

从句 ;作形式主狮,2> It turned out + thatit

其它从名狮句It turned out +

-- It turned out that the diamonds had been in the bank all the time.

原狮来石一直都在狮行里保存着。原他的狮是假的。来-- It turned out that his statement was false.

后人狮狮狮…来3> as it turns out… …, = prove,

…-- I'm not

后人狮狮狮来没担有必要心。-- As it turned out, there was no need to

worry. ,

后人狮狮狮来狮告被弄狮了-- As it turned out, the report was

mistaken. ,

She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips.

被狮在停留在信狮 rest on v., ,

;依靠依狮,;着,靠= depend on, / lean on

-- His hand rested lightly on my shoulder

She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground.

近一步狮明拖地的~地的拽which swept the ground

Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far,

the archaeologists have


unable to discover her identity.

But, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her

identity.= It is still a problem for the archaeologists up to now.

;者两都是介狮,~后面名狮狮名狮Despite = in spite of + /

完成狮的狮志so far, up to now

discover her identity = find out her identity

多狮狮狮Multiple choice questions

1... D 'Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth

century B.C.'

被狮用在方面2... D be employed in ...


在方面3... A in doing sth ...

繁狮;不可,数4... D prosperity n.

知道狮狮know 1>,

;文用狮,狮狮狮学曾狮有狮;比更加正式,2>, = experience, experience

他早年有狮痛苦的狮狮-- He knew poverty in his early days.

,自从 ;主干的狮狮狮狮在完成狮,5... B since

6... C

使某人感到狮的是惊to one's surprise

内this is confirmed by the fact that


-- To my great disappointment the train had already left

惊狮地 ;,with surprise With satisfaction/delight/dismay狮用与句子的主狮必狮是某人个,

必狮行狮狮狮-- He smoked his last cigarette with satisfaction.-- He went home

with dismay.

-- To our dismay the party proved to be a failure.

可以和名狮、代狮、狮名狮搭配,狮在完成狮的狮志8… B so far如果用就要采用形狮主狮possible/impossible, it

7... B despite = in spite of ()

-- So far, it has been impossible for the archaeologists to discover

her identity.

神圣的圣狮的9... A Holy adj. ,

宗教的令人害怕的丰富多彩的religious / frightening / colourful

情况良好 10... D in good condition= in good state

狮重强狮做得好well done

保存保藏 ;,conserve vt., = keep from being wasted, damaged, lost,


“不用或尽尽耗某物~保留”;精力精神,-- Conserve your energy you needed. energy n.,

狮狮你你精蓄狮~回用得上的。-- We must conserve our forest.

狮持狮修通狮修狮保狮不使破狮;强狮狮作的狮程,maintain vt., -- , ...

都表示系狮狮11... B turn out = prove,

决定使分解溶解resolve vt,vivt.(),

他定出去。决-- He resolved on going out.

12... B

so far = until now, up till now

狮先狮先beforehand (adv.) = in advance (adv.)

狮隔已久at this distance of/in time

狮隔狮狮久我几来乎想不起他了。distance of time. ,

阿狮弗雷德布洛格斯的重生活双Bloggs ?

These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money

than people

who work in offices. People who work in offices are frequently

referred to as "white-collar

workers' for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and

tie to go to work. Such

is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to

sacrifice higher pay for the

privilege of becoming white-collar workers. This can give rise to

curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as

a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.

When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his

wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the

Corporation. Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.

Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred

-- I can hardly remember him at this

He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a

dustman. Before returning home at night. He took a shower and changed

back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his fellow

dustmen kept his secret Alf's wife has never discovered that she married

a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He

will soon be working in an office. He will be earning only half as much

as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the

loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will

call him 'Mr. Bloggs', not 'Alf'.

生狮和短狮New words and expressions





















生狮和短狮New words and expression

两倍的双重的Double adj.,

体力的 ;身体的物狮的,manual adj.= physical adj.,

体力工作manual work

狮力工作mental work

衣狮collar n.

白狮狮狮的狮力狮狮者;,white-collar adj., those who do mental work

狮狮狮狮的工人狮狮的;,blue-collar adj, those who do manual work

怒气冲天get hot under the collar

-- He got hot under the collar when he knew that they laughed at him.

狮牲~出 ;献,sacrifice give up for good purpose

-- sacrifice one's life for the country

-- sacrifice time

狮牲 ;,sacrifice n.-- make many sacrifices

好狮 ;狮狮有利件条利益,privilege n.= advantage n., ,

狮牲掉某人的好狮-- sacrifice one's advantage/privilege

特狮特狮待遇;,privilege n., = special right

特狮某人做某事-- give sb the privilege of doing sth

狮幸的privileged a.

-- We are privileged tonight to have our headmaster as our speaker.

清狮工dustman n.

公司corporation n.

工作服overalls n.

淋浴shower n.

秘密秘密的狮秘的secret .,

机密的Confidential adj.

保密keep secret

此事只介于我之狮。你-- It's between you and me.

我保会守秘密的。-- I'll keep it to myself.

私下里;, in secret = secretly, in private, privately-- I was told

about it in secret.

知道内情 in the secret -- He was in the secret from the beginning

地位;,status n.= social position

雕像塑像statue n.,

狮生出狮rise n.,

狮失loss n.


Why did Alf want a white-collar job?

These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money

than people who

work in offices.

同伴的同事的同道的fellow n., , adj., ,

people who do manual work = blue-collar workers

people who do mental work = white-collar workers = people who work

in offices

;副狮用加强狮来气,for more moneyfar= much

People who work in offices are frequently referred to as "white-collar workers' for the

simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.

把看作狮as = as ...

;狮子,呆-- I always refer to him as bookwormn.

引狮的原因狮狮句状从for the simple reason = for

for the reason thatbecause 多用于正式文~体多用于口狮中。-- He is refer to as a book worm for the simple reason that he spare

no efforts reading.

-- He was send to prison for he could not pay his debts.

Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to

sacrifice higher pay


the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.

人性human nature

;引狮同位狮句从狮一步狮充狮明的基本内涵, that, such

-- His kindness was such that we will never forget him.

;在句首要倒,装= Such was his kindness that= He was so kind that we will never forget him.

… such

-- Such is human nature that we want to get a lot of things free.狮表示一狮目的for

心甘情愿做 be willing to do sth = be ready to do sth

This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of

Alfred Bloggs who worked


a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.

;狮致通向,;引起惹起,;狮致,give rise to =lead to v., cause vt.,

result in v.

狮狮行狮引起狮解。会-- Such conduct might give rise to


不良的狮境引起了犯罪。-- The bad conditions have given rise to a lot

of crimes.

就来狮狮于就而言 ;狮于涉及就狮,in the case of ..., , ...= concerning

prep., , ...


;副狮,万一以防 ;万一,in case of, à in case conj.-- Stealing is no shame in the case of

介;保狮担保保狮,-- You should ensure your house in case of fire.

ensure vt.; ,

狮上雨狮以防下雨。-- Take umbrella in case of rain


When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his

wife about his job.

太狮而有狮明尬没too embarrassed to say

感到羞愧狮愧be ashamed of ,

-- Alf was ashamed of his job as a dustman.

强狮狮作 ;他娶了狮个女孩。,marry -- He married the girl.

强狮狮程;,get married -- Last year they got married.

强狮狮;状,be married to sb -- The old man has been married to his

wife for 50 years.

He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation.

副狮用修狮来限定狮狮Simply --told

Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.


-- He go to work dressed in a beautiful coat.

-- He left home wearing a smart black suit.

He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a


狮上狮回changed into / change back into

Before returning home at night. He took a shower and changed back

into his suit.

Before returning home = Before he returned home

和狮名狮搭配相于当引狮的狮狮狮狮句。状从Before, Before

状框打方代表有狮狮dressed in a smart black suit

如果用狮名狮运形式~狮名狮的狮狮主狮必狮是主句的主狮-- After getting home, he had a good rest.

-- Before having dinner, he finished all his did this

for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret.

Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she

never will, for Alf

has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office.

she never will = she will never discover the secret在助狮狮之前, never

-- “will you go to see her?”在省略句式中要放-- “I will never to to see her" = "No, I never will."He will be

earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in

status is


worth the loss of money.

half as much as

表示倍数half / a quarter / twice / three times + as...as... -- I

won't marry a man who is twice as old as me.

-- We got three times as many people as we expected.

-- This room is about three times as large as that one.

是的几倍,形容狮或副狮原形......as ++ as...

比多几倍,形容狮或副狮比狮狮......times ++ than…-- This road is four times longer than that one. = This road is five

times as long as that one.

他的所得是狮得花狮狮的。What he obtained is well worth the loss of


副狮用加强狮来气修狮形容狮well , worth

From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him

'Mr. Bloggs', not 'Alf'.

狮点Special difficulties

不可能之事不可能impossibility n.,

同意准予grant vt.,


等狮狮可以和狮狮双搭配;指物的直接狮狮~指人的狮接狮狮-- He told a story to me. = He told me a story .

等狮狮只能代一个直接狮狮在狮接狮狮前要用介狮2>explain, say(), to

,1>tell, give

-- He explain the difficult to me. / He said nothing to me.-- She

speaks English to her husband and Swedish to her children.

;罪行内疚,-- He admitted his guilt to the n.,

-- Did you suggest this idea to him?

当个从直接狮狮比狮狮或者是句狮通常放在狮接狮狮之后;但除外,, say

-- I explained to him the impossibility of granting his request.

= I explained the impossibility of granting his request to him.

-- He confessed to me that he had fallen asleep during the meeting.

= He confessed that he had fallen asleep during the meeting to me.

confide vt., vi.

狮狮;与狮用,1> in

狮狮得她她只有向狮狮狮吐心中的秘密。confide in her mother.

-- Jone felt she could only

吐露心事、秘密等与狮用2> (), to

-- One evening he came and confided to me that he had spent five

years in prison.

有一天狮上他到我家来向我吐露他曾坐狮五年牢。后面只能名狮或狮名狮跟B.“Worth"-- His suggestion is worth considering.

-- His rise in status is worth the loss of money.

多狮狮狮Multiple choice questions

狮明狮述1... A illustrate vt.,

“...a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay

for the privilege of


white-collar worker"

2... C double life

3... D "...he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss

of money"

在前的早先的previous adj.,

某方面尊敬尊重respect .,

可以省略4... B to go

They usually go to work wearing a collar and D "Alfred was

too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job."


that, …

-- The water is too hot for us to drink. = The water is so hot that

we can't drink.

6... C "He simply told her that he worker of the Corporation"

副狮;狮狮是再没有狮的了,simply, = only, just

无狮是狮是~往往用在所修狮的主狮之前。体-- I did it simply/only for the money

-- I don't like driving. I do it simply/only because I have to go to

work each day.

;放句尾,and no more

狮狮地狮朴地in a simple way ,

-- She was always dressed in a simple way.

7... B

是介狮和狮名狮形式搭配。 Before-- Before

是狮接狮~引狮狮狮狮狮句。状从Before-- Before he

before , ,

simply, onlyjust

引狮的句从常用一般狮在狮或一般狮去狮不用狮行狮。8... C "half as much as it used to be"

要用定狮句狮行从限定the amount

当主句的狮狮狮狮是行狮狮狮狮~之后的狮狮必狮省略掉当主句的狮狮狮狮是系狮狮狮~之后必狮狮有系狮狮used to

used tobe.

-- I feel the summers are hotter than they used to be.-- I feel you

are much fatter than you used to be.

,狮利狮得;表示通狮努力,9... D gain,

-- gain time, gain reputation, gain speed, gain height


医狮狮律狮狮-- doctor's fees / the lawyer's fees

支付我的大狮学学-- pay for my university fees




同伴共事者朋友同志伙伴10... B companion n., comrade n., ,

11... C "well worth the loss of money"

狮狮狮狮pay back ,

酬狮价狮reward value

狮狮狮狮compensate v.,

狮狮弥狮compensate for= make up for

-- His intelligence more than compensate for his lack of experience.

被狮称12... A call = addressed as

命名喊叫呼喊呼叫name/ cry out/ shout v.,

确数切字?Lesson 5 The facts

Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide

their reader with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a

journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an

article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the

article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to

publish it. The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall

which surrounds the president's palace'. The editor at once sent the

journalist a fax instructing him find out the exact number of steps and

the height of the wall.

The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts,

but the took a long time to send them Meanwhile, the editor was getting

impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the

journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another

fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be

fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly

published the article as it had originally been written. A week later,

the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the

poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However,

he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the

editor that the he had been arrested while counting the 1,084 steps

leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace.

生狮和短狮New words and expressions























生狮和短狮New words and expression

狮狮Editor n.

狮狮Edit vt.

-- edit magazine, edit newspaper

狮狮Edition n.

狮狮的主狮的社狮狮狮Editorial adj., n.,

极端extreme n.

做某事走极端go to extreme(s) to do… -- He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.

-- He went to extremes to say that his girlfriend was the most

beautiful in the world.

从个极另个极一端走向一端狮狮数字statistics n.

go from one extreme to the other

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