


Fulong Wu

School of City and Regional Planning Fax +(44) (0)29 20874845

Cardiff University Tel +(44) (0)29 20876089

Cardiff, CF10 3WA Email WuF@

The United Kingdom


(Chair) Professor of East Asian Planning and Development, School of City and Regional Planning,

Cardiff University, 1 Sept 2005 –

Director of Urban China Research Centre, Cardiff University, 2005 –

Reader (1 March 2004 – 31 August 2005), Senior lecturer (Oct. 2001-Feb 2004), Lecturer (1 Oct 1998

– Sept 2001), School of Geography, University of Southampton.

Research fellow, Department of City & Regional Planning, Cardiff University, 1996-1998

Postdoctoral research fellow, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The

University of Hong Kong, 1995

Lecturer, Department of Geography, Nanjing University, PRC, 1989-1992


Honorary Visiting Professor, Peking University (2010– )

Honorary Professor, The Shanghai Social Science Academy (2004-5)

Research output prize, The University of Hong Kong (2007-8) (with Jiang Xu, Anthony Yeh)

Visiting Professor, The University of Hong Kong (2004)

Leverhulme Trust Fellowship (Grant) (2002)

Otto Koenigsberger Prize (2001, from Habitat International)


BSc Department of Geography, Nanjing University, PRC (July 1986)

MSc Department of Geography, Nanjing University, PRC (July 1989)

PhD Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management,

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (April 1995)


Urban geography and Urban China Research, land and housing development, governance, poverty,

innovation; secondary interests in dynamic urban modelling (cellular automata, GIS-based simulation,

and spatial analysis).


The Development of Migrant Villages under China's Rapid Urbanization: Implications for Poverty

and Slum Policies. ESRC/DFID (05/2010-04/2012, £326K) (PI, with Chris Webster Co-I)


Changing Regional Governance. The British Academy (07/10-06/11, £4,000) (PI)

Global Suburbanism. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) (2010 –,

C$ 3.2 million) (Roger Keil, PI; Fulong Wu, one of CoIs).

Reviews of British Inter-University China Centre and White Rose East Asian Centre. ESRC

(12/2009-05/2010) (PI)

Social Segregation of Recent Immigrants. National Science Foundation, China (09/2009 – 2012,

RMB 440,000 Yuan) (with Zhigang Li, PI, Sun-Yat Sen University; Fulong Wu, CoI)

Governing post-suburban growth: planning and politics of post-suburbia. ESRC (10/2007-07/2009,

£237,000FEC) (Professor Nicholas Phelps, PI; Fulong Wu, CoI)

Sponsored Urban China Research. The Kunshan government (2008-11, £58,448) (PI)

Urban poverty and property right changes. ESRC (2006-2008, £267,875FEC) (Fulong Wu, PI; Chris

Webster, CoI) (completed project rated as ‘outstanding’).

UK-China Sustainable Development Dialogue. UK Department, DEFRA (2007, £25,000) (Fulong

Wu, PI; Alison Brown, CoI)

Urban China Research International Network. The Leverhulme Trust (2006-2010, £98,000) (PI)

Polycentric Urban Structure in Chinese Cities. National Science Foundation, China (01/2006 –

12/2008, 240,000 Yuan) (Feng Jian, PI; Fulong Wu, CoI)

New urban poverty and changing low-income communities under market transition: a case study of

the Chinese city. British Academy Larger Research Grants (2004-2006, £19,756) (PI)

Urban Spatial Structure Changes under the institutional reform: a case study of the Yangtze River

Delta. National Science Foundation, China (2005-2008, 350,000 Yuan) (Zhang Jingxiang, PI; Fulong

Wu, CoI)

The use of GIS and urban dynamic modelling in the simulation of density and pattern of land use.

RGS-IBG/EPSRC Geographical Research Grants (2004-2005, £2,850) (PI)

Gaining from globalisation? Singapore’s extra-territorial grip on multinational enterprise. The British

Academy (2005, £6,550) (Nick A Phelps, PI; Fulong Wu, CoI)

Socio-spatial segregation and neighbourhood change in urban China. Project funded by the British

Academy (2002-2003, £5,000, SG-33836) (PI)

Spatial restructuring, urban planning and politics. Projected funded by the Urban China Research

Network (UCRN) / Andrew Mellon foundation (USA) (2001-2004, $20,000 first phase + $25,000

second phase).

The new urban poverty, its distribution and alleviation measures in China’s transition towards a

market oriented economy. Project funded by the DFID / British Council Higher Education Link

(2002-2005, £25,000) (PI)

Urban Development and Spatial Structure under Non-public Economic Sector. National Science

Foundation, China (2002-2004, 230,000 Yuan) (Zhou Chunshan, PI; Fulong Wu, CoI)


Globalisation and local governance: the transformation of city planning in China, Fellow project. The

Leverhulme Trust (2001-2002, £16,636) (PI)

Chinese local governance and city planning in transition. The British Council, China Studies Grant

(2001-2002, £3,750) (PI)

Globalisation, urban development strategies, and the development finance of Chinese cities. The

British Academy (2000-2001, £3,900) (PI)

Urban redevelopment in the transition towards a more market-oriented economy and its social spatial

implications. The Nuffield Foundation (2000-2001, £4,850) (PI)

Travel grant. The Royal Society (1999, £460) (PI)


Fulong Wu and Chris Webster (2010) (editors) Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative

Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan (in press)

Fulong Wu, Chris Webster, Shenjing He and Yuting Liu (2010) China’s Urban Poverty. Cheltenham,

UK: Edward Elgar. 259pp ISBN: 978 1 84720 969 6.

Fulong Wu (2007) (editor) China’s Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism. London:

Routledge. 306pp ISBN: 0-415-41617-5 (hbk), 0-203-93780-5 (ebk)

Fulong Wu, Jiang Xu and Anthony Gar-On Yeh (2007) Urban Development in Post-reform China:

State, Market and Space. London: Routledge. 312pp ISBN: (hbk), (ebk)

(Research Output Prize, The University of Hong Kong, November 2008)

Fulong Wu (editor) (2006) Globalization and the Chinese City. London: Routeldge. 315pp. ISBN 0–415–35199–5

Laurence Ma and Fulong Wu (editors) (2005) Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society,

Economy and Space. London: Routeldge. 283pp. ISBN 0-415-33385-7

Peter Atkinson, Giles Foody, Steve Darby, and Fulong Wu (editors) (2005) GeoDynamics. London:

CRC Press. 413pp. ISBN 0-8493-2837-3


Chaolin Gu and Fulong Wu (guest editors) (2010) The China Review, Vol. 10, No. 1.

Fulong Wu (guest editor) (2009) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 33, No.


Fulong Wu (guest editor) (2009) Urban Design International, Vol. 14. No. 2 (editorial: pp. 63-64)

Fulong Wu and Fangzhu Zhang (guest editors) (2008) Theme on ‘Planning the Chinese city’, Town

Planning Review, Vol. 79, No. 2-3.

Fulong Wu and Duanfang Lu (guest editors) (2008) Theme on ‘The transition of Chinese cities’, The

Built Environment, Vol. 34, No. 4.


Fulong Wu and Laurence Ma (guest editors) (2006) Theme on ‘Urbanization in China’, Habitat

International, Vol. 30, No. 2.

Fulong Wu (guest editor) (2005) Theme on ‘The city of transition and the transition of cities’, Urban

Geography, 2005, Vol. 26, No. 2 (part I), Urban Geography Vol. 26. No. 3 (part II).

Si-Ming Li and Fulong Wu (guest editors) (2004) Theme on ‘residential mobility’ Environment and

Planning A, Vol. 36, No. 1.


Fulong Wu, 2010, “Retreat from a totalitarian society: China’s urbanism in making”, in A New

Companion to the City, edited by Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. *

Shenjing He, Yuting Liu, Fulong Wu, Chris Webster. 2010. “Social groups and housing

differentiation in China’s urban villages: An institutional interpretation”. Housing Studies 25(5)


Shenjing He, Fulong Wu, Chris Webster and Yuting Liu. 2010. “Poverty concentration and

determinants in China’s urban low-income neighbourhoods and social groups”. International Journal

of Urban and Regional Research (in press)

Fangzhu Zhang, Philip Cooke, Fulong Wu. 2010. “State-sponsored R&D: a case study of China’s

biotechnology”, Regional Studies (forthcoming)

Fulong Wu, Shening He, Chris Webster. 2010 “Deprivation in poverty neighbourhoods in Chinese

cities” Environment and Planning A, 42(1): 134-152.

Chaolin Gu, Guo Chen, Fulong Wu. 2010. “New urban poverty in the Chinese transitional economy:

evidence from Beijing and Nanjing”, Science Reports of Tohoku University, 57(1/2): 1-23*.

Chaolin Gu, Fulong Wu. 2010. “Urbanization in China: processes and policies”, The China Review,

10(1): 1-10.

Fangzhu Zhang, Fulong Wu, Philip Cooke. 2010. “China’s changing national and regional innovation

systems and regional distribution of R&D”, Geography Compass, 2(6): 1-13.

Fulong Wu, Fangzhu Zhang. 2010. “China’s emerging city-region governance: towards a research

framework”. Progress in Planning, 73(1): 60-63.

Yuting Liu, Shenjing He, Fulong Wu, Chris Webster. 2010. “Urban villages under China’s rapid

urbanization: unregulated assets and transitional neighbourhoods”. Habitat International. 34(2): 135-144

Fulong Wu. 2009. “Land development, inequality and urban villages in China”, International Journal

of Urban and Regional Research 33(4): 885-889

Jiang Xu, Anthony Gar-On Yeh, and Fulong Wu. 2009. “Land commodification: new land

development and politics in China since the late 1990s”. International Journal of Urban and Regional

Research 33(4): 890-913

Fulong Wu. 2009. “Neo-urbanism in the making under China’s market transition”. City 13(4): 414-427


Nick Phelps and Fulong Wu. 2009. “Capital’s search for order: foreign direct investment in

Singapore’s overseas parks in Southeast and East Asia”. Political Geography 28: 44-54.

Fulong Wu. 2009. Entries of “Urban Housing” (pp. 22-23) and “Small Town China” (pp. 26-27), and

the sidebar of “Gated Communities” (p. 22), in Encyclopedia of Modern China, Vol. 4, edited by

David Pong. Detroit, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Fulong Wu. 2009. “Shanghai”, in Encyclopedia of Urban Studies, edited by Ray Hutchison. pp. 704-707. London: SAGE.

Fulong Wu. 2009. “Export processing zones”, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography,

edited by Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift. Vol. 1, pp. 691-696. Oxford: Elsevier.

Fulong Wu. 2009. “Globalization, the changing state, and local governance in Shanghai.” In Global

Aspiration, Local Action, edited by Xiangming Chen. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.


Fulong Wu. 2009. “The state and marginality: reflection on Urban Outcasts from China’s urban

transition”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 33(3): 841-847.

Shenjing He and Fulong Wu. 2009. “China’s emerging neo-liberal urbanism, urban redevelopment as

a forefront”. Antipode 41(2): 282-304

Shenjing He, Yuting Liu, Chris Webster, Fulong Wu. 2009. “Property rights redistribution,

entitlement failure and the impoverishment of landless farmers in China”. Urban Studies 46(9): 1925-1949.

Yuting Liu, Fulong Wu and Shenjing He. 2008. “The making of the new urban poor in transitional

China: market versus institutionally based exclusion”. Urban Geography 29(8): 811-834.

Shenjing He, Chris Webster, Fulong Wu, Yuting Liu. 2008. “Profiling the poor in a Chinese city: a

case study of Nanjing”. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 1(1): 193-214.

Fulong Wu and Duanfang Lu. 2008. “The transition of Chinese cities”. Built Environment 34(4): 385-391.

Jian Feng, Fulong Wu and John Logan. 2008. “From homogenous to heterogeneous: the

transformation of Beijing’s socio-spatial structure”. Built Environment 34(4): 482-498.

Fulong Wu and Nick Phelps. 2008. “From suburbia to post-suburbia in China? aspects of the

transformation of the Beijing and Shanghai Global City Regions”. Built Environment 34(4): 464-481.

Fulong Wu and Fangzhu Zhang. 2008. “Planning the Chinese city: governance and development in

the mid of transition”. Town Planning Review 79(2-3): 149-156.

Jingxiang Zhang and Fulong Wu. 2008. “Mega-event marketing and urban growth coalitions: a case

study of Nanjing Olympic New Town”. Town Planning Review 79(2-3): 209-226.

Shenjing He, Yuting Liu, Fulong Wu, and Chris Webster. 2008. “Poverty incidence and concentration

in different social groups in urban China, a case study of Nanjing”. Cities 25(3): 121-132.

Zhigang Li and Fulong Wu. 2008. “Tenure-based residential segregation in post-reform Chinese cities:

a case study of Shanghai”. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 33(3): 404-419.


Liu, Yuting, He, Shenjing and Wu, Fulong. 2008. “Urban pauperization under China's social

exclusion: A case study of Nanjing”. Journal of Urban Affairs 30 (1): 21-36.

Fulong Wu. 2008. “China’s great transformation: neoliberalization as establishing a market society”.

Geoforum 39(3): 1093-1096.

Jian Feng, Yixing Zhou, and Fulong Wu 2008. “New trends of suburbanization in Beijing since 1990:

from government-led to market-oriented”. Regional Studies 42(1): 83-99.

Jian Feng, Yixing Zhou, John R Logan, Fulong Wu. 2007. “Restructuring of Beijing's social space”

Eurasian Geography and Economics 48(5): 509-542.

Fulong Wu. 2007. “Poverty of transition: from the industrial district to poverty neighbourhood in the

city of Nanjing, China”. Urban Studies 44(13): 2673-2694.

Fulong Wu and Jingxiang Zhang. 2007. “Planning the competitive city-region:

The emergence of strategic development plan in China”. Urban Affairs Review 42(5): 714-740.

Shenjing He and Fulong Wu. 2007. “Socio-spatial impacts of property-led redevelopment on China’s

urban neighbourhoods”. Cities 24(3): 194-208.

Fulong Wu and Ningying Huang. 2007. “New urban poverty in China: Economic restructuring and

transformation of welfare provision”. Asian Pacific Review 48(2): 168-185.

Fulong Wu. 2007. “Re-orientation of the city plan: Strategic planning and design competition in

China”. Geoforum 38(2): 379-392.

Michael White, Vincent Chan, and Fulong Wu. 2007. “Socio-spatial inequalities” in John Logan (ed.)

Urban China in Transition. Oxford: Blackwells, pp. 115-139. (ISBN: 9781405161466)

Fulong Wu. 2007. “From ‘state-owned’ to ‘city Inc.’: the re-territorialization of the state in

Shanghai.” In The Making of Global City Regions: An Exploration of Johannesburg, Mumbai /

Bombay, Sao Paulo, and Shanghai, edited by Klaus Sebers. John Hopkins University Press, pp. 207-232. (ISBN-10: )

Shenjing He and Fulong Wu. 2007. “Neighbourhood changes and residential differentiation in

Shanghai”. In China’s Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism, edited by Fulong Wu.

Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 185-209.

Fulong Wu. 2007. “Beyond gradualism: China’s urban revolution and emerging cities”. In China’s

Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism, edited by Fulong Wu. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge,

pp. 3-25.

Shenjing He, Zhigang Li and Fulong Wu. 2006. “Transformation of the Chinese City, 1995-2005:

geographical perspectives and geographers’ contributions”. China Information 20(3): 429-56.

Yuting Liu and Fulong Wu. 2006. “Urban poverty neighbourhoods: typology and poverty

concentration under China’s market transition, a case study of Nanjing”. Geoforum 37: 610-626.

Zhigang Li and Fulong Wu. 2006. “Socioeconomic transformations in Shanghai (1990-2000): Policy

impacts in global-national-local contexts”. Cities 23(4), 250-268.

Zhigang Li and Fulong Wu. 2006 “Residential disparity in urban China: a case study of three

neighborhoods in Shanghai”. Housing Studies 21(5): 695-717.


Yuting Liu and Fulong Wu. 2006. “The state, institutional transition and the creation of new urban

poverty in China”. Social Policy and Administration. 40(2): 121-137.

Zhang, Jingxiang and Fulong Wu. 2006. “China’s changing economic governance: administrative

annexation and the reorganization of local governments in the Yangtze River Delta”. Regional Studies

40(1): 3-21.

Fulong Wu and Laurence J C Ma. 2006. “Transforming China’s globalizing cities” Habitat

International 30(2): 191-198.

Guo Chen, Chaolin Gu, Fulong Wu. 2006. “Urban poverty in the transitional economy: a case of

Nanjing, China”. Habitat International 30(1): 1-26.

Fulong Wu. 2006. “Globalization and China’s new urbanism.” In Globalization and the Chinese City,

edited by Fulong Wu. Oxford: Routledge. pp.1-18.

Fulong Wu. 2006. “Transplanting cityscapes: townhouse and gated community in globalization and

housing commodification.” In Globalization and the Chinese City, edited by Fulong Wu. Oxford:

Routledge. pp. 190-207.

Chris Webster, Fulong Wu, Yanjing Zhao. 2005. “China’s modern walled cities”. In Glasze G,

Webster CJ and Frantz K (editors) (2005) Private cities: local and global perspectives. London:

Routledge. Chapter 11, pp.153-169.

Fulong Wu and Zhigang Li. 2005. “Sociospatial differentiation in subdistricts of Shanghai” Urban

Geography 26(2): 137-166

Fulong Wu, Peter M. Atkinson, Giles M. Foody, and Stephen E. Darby. 2005. “Introduction – Urban

Simulation.” In GeoDynamics, edited by Peter M. Atkinson, Giles M. Foody, Stephen E. Darby, and

Fulong Wu. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. pp. 205-214.

Giles M. Foody, Stephen E. Darby, Fulong Wu, and Peter M. Atkinson. 2005. “Introduction – Remote

Sensing in GeoDynamics.” In GeoDynamics, edited by Peter M. Atkinson, Giles M. Foody, Stephen

E. Darby, and Fulong Wu. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. pp. 3-10.

Stephen E. Darby, Fulong Wu, Peter M. Atkinson, and Giles M. Foody. 2005. “Introduction –

Spatially Distributed Dynamic Modelling.” In GeoDynamics, edited by Peter M. Atkinson, Giles M.

Foody, Stephen E. Darby, and Fulong Wu. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. pp. 121-124.

Fulong Wu and Laurence J. C. Ma. 2005. “The Chinese city in transition: towards theorizing China's

urban restructuring.” In Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space,

edited by L. J. C. Ma and F. Wu. London: Routledge. pp. 260-286

Laurence J. C. Ma and Fulong Wu. 2005. “Restructuring the Chinese city: diverse processes and

reconstituted spaces.” In Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space,

edited by L. J. C. Ma and F. Wu. London: Routledge. pp. 1-20.

Shenjing He and Fulong Wu. 2005. “Property-led redevelopment in post-reform China: a case study

of Xintiandi redevelopment project in Shanghai.” Journal of Urban Affairs 27(1): 1-23.

Fulong Wu and Shenjing He. 2005. Changes in traditional urban areas and impacts of urban

redevelopment: a case study of three neighbourhoods in Nanjing, China. Tijdschrift voor

Economische en Sociale Geografie 96(1):75-95


Fulong Wu. 2005. “The city in transition and the transition of cities in China.” Urban Geography

26(2): 100-106

Fulong Wu. 2005. “Rediscovering the ‘gate’ under market transition: from work-unit compounds to

commodity housing enclaves” Housing Studies 22(2): 235-254 (reprint in Urban Studies – Society,

edited by Ronan Paddison, SAGE Publications, September 2009)

Fulong Wu and Klaire Webber. 2004. “The rise of “foreign gated communities” in Beijing: between

economic globalization and local institutions” Cities 21(3) 203-213

Fulong Wu. 2004. Residential relocation under market-oriented redevelopment: the process and

outcomes in urban China. Geoforum 35: 453-470

Fulong Wu. 2004. Transplanting cityscapes: the use of imagined globalization in housing

commodification. Area 36(3): 227-234

Fulong Wu. 2004. “Urban poverty and marginalization under market transition: the case of Chinese

cities” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 28(2): 401-423

Si-Ming Li and Fulong Wu. 2004. “Contextualizing residential mobility and housing choice: evidence

from urban China” Environment and Planning A 36(1): 1-6

Fulong Wu. 2004. “Intraurban residential relocation in Shanghai: modes and stratification”

Environment and Planning A 36(1): 7-25.

Fulong Wu. 2003. “The (post-)socialist entrepreneurial city as a state project: Shanghai’s

reglobalisation in question” Urban Studies 40(9): 1673-1698.

Fulong Wu. 2003. “Transitional cities” Environment and Planning A 35(8): 1331- 1338.

Fulong Wu. 2003. “Globalization, place promotion, and urban development in Shanghai” Journal of

Urban Affairs 25(1): 55-78.

Fulong Wu. 2003. “Simulating temporal fluctuations of real estate development in a cellular automata

city” Transactions in GIS 7(2): 193-210.

Fulong Wu. 2002. “Sociospatial differentiation in urban China: evidence from Shanghai’s real estate

markets” Environment and Planning A 34 (9): 1591-1615.

Fulong Wu. 2002. “China’s changing urban governance in the transition towards a more market-oriented economy” Urban Studies 39(7): 1071-1093.

Fulong Wu. 2002. “Complexity and urban simulation: towards a computational laboratory”

Geography Research Forum 22: 22-40.

Fulong Wu. 2002. “Calibration of stochastic cellular automata: the application to rural-urban land

conversions” International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences 16(8): 795-818.

Fulong Wu and David Martin. 2002. “Urban expansion simulation of Southeast England using

population surface modelling and cellular automata” Environment and Planning A 34(10):1855-1876.

Fulong Wu. 2002. “The transformation of urban space in Chinese transitional economy: with special

reference to Shanghai” pp. 154-166 in John R. Logan (editor) The New Chinese City: Globalization

and Market Reform. Blackwell: Oxford.


Fulong Wu. 2002. “Georeferencing social spatial data and intra-urban property price modelling in a

data-poor context: the case study for Shanghai” pp. 163-170 in David Kidner, Gary Higgs, and Sean

White (editors) Socio-Economic Applications of Geographic Information Science. Taylor & Francis:


Fulong Wu. 2001. “Housing provision under globalisation: a case study of Shanghai” Environment

and Planning A 33: 1741-1761.

Christopher J. Webster and Fulong Wu. 2001. “Coase, spatial pricing and self-organising cities”

Urban Studies 38(11): 2037-2054.

Fulong Wu. 2001. “China’s recent urban development in the process of land and housing

marketisation and economic globalization” Habitat International 25 (3): 273-289

Fulong Wu. 2000. “The Asian Crisis and its implications for urban development in emerging markets

under globalization” Urban Geography 21(7): 568-585.

Fulong Wu and Christopher J. Webster. 2000. “Simulating artificial cities in a GIS environment:

urban growth under alternative regimes” International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences

14(7): 625-648.

Fulong Wu. 2000. “Modelling intrametropolitan location of foreign investment firms in a Chinese

city” Urban Studies. 37(13): 2441-2464.

Fulong Wu. 2000. “Place promotion in Shanghai” Cities 17: 349-361.

Fulong Wu. 2000. “Global and local dimensions of place-making: remaking Shanghai as a world city”

Urban Studies 37(8): 1359-1377.

Fulong Wu. 2000. “A parameterised urban cellular model combining spontaneous and self-organising

growth” pp.73-85 in Peter Atkinson and David Martin (editors) Geocomputation: Innovation in GIS 7.

Taylor & Francis: London.

Fulong Wu. 1999. “Intrametropolitan FDI firm location in Guangzhou, China: a Poisson and negative

binomial analysis” The Annals of Regional Science 33: 535-555.

Fulong Wu. 1999. “The game of landed-property production and capital circulation in China’s

transitional economy” Environment and Planning A 31: 1757-1771.

Fulong Wu and Anthony Gar-On Yeh. 1999. “The transition of urban spatial structure in China from a

centrally-planned to transitional economy” Journal of American Planning Association 65(4): 377-394.

Fulong Wu. 1999. “GIS-based simulation as an exploratory analysis for space-time processes” The

Journal of Geographical Systems 1(3): 199-218.

Christopher J. Webster and Fulong Wu. 1999. “Regulation, land use mix and urban performance, part

1 theory” Environment and Planning A 31: 1433-1442.

Christopher J. Webster and Fulong Wu. 1999. “Regulation, land use mix and urban performance, part

2. simulation” Environment and Planning A 31: 1529-1545.

Fulong Wu and Christopher J. Webster. 1998. “Simulation of natural land use zoning under free-market and incremental development control regimes” Computer, Environment, and Urban Systems

22(3): 241-256.


Anthony Gar-On Yeh and Fulong Wu. 1998. “The transformation of urban planning system in midst

of economic reform in PRC” Progress in Planning 51: 167-252.

Fulong Wu. 1998. “An experiment on generic polycentricity of urban growth in a cellular automatic

city” Environment and Planning B 25: 731-752.

Fulong Wu. 1998. “The new structure of building provision and the transformation of the urban

landscape in metropolitan Guangzhou, PRC” Urban Studies 35(2): 229-283.

Fulong Wu.1998. “An empirical model of intrametropolitan land use changes in a Chinese city”

Environment and Planning B 25: 245-263.

Fulong Wu. 1998. “SimLand: a prototype to simulate land conversion through the integrated GIS and

CA with AHP-derived transition rules” International Journal of Geographic Information Science

12(1): 63-82.

Fulong Wu.1998. “Polycentric urban development and land use change in a transitional economy: the

case of Guangzhou, PRC” Environment and Planning A 30: 1077-1100.

Fulong Wu. 1998. “Simulating urban encroachment on rural land with fuzzy-logic-controlled cellular

automata in a geographical information system” Journal of Environment Management 53: 293-308.

Fulong Wu and Christopher J. Webster. 1998. “Simulation of land development through the

integration of cellular automata and multi-criteria evaluation” Environment and Planning B 25: 103-126.

Fulong Wu. 1997. “Urban restructuring in China’s emerging market economy: towards a framework

for analysis” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 21: 640-663.

Fulong Wu and Anthony Gar-On Yeh. 1997. “Changing spatial distribution and determinants of land

development in China’s transition to a market economy: the case of Guangzhou” Urban Studies 34:


Fulong Wu. 1996. “A linguistic cellular automata simulation approach for sustainable land

development in a fast growing region” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 20: 367-387.

Fulong Wu. 1996. “Changes in the structure of public housing provision in urban China” Urban

Studies 33: 1601-1628.

Anthony Gar-On Yeh and Fulong Wu. 1996. “The new land development process and urban

development in Chinese cities” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 20: 330-353.

Mee-Kam Ng and Fulong Wu. 1995. “A critique of 1989 Urban Planning Act of PRC: western

perspectives” Third World Planning Review 17: 279-293.

Fulong Wu. 1995. “The changing urban process in the face of China's transition to a socialist

economy” Environment and Planning C 13: 159-177.

Anthony Gar-On Yeh and Fulong Wu. 1995. “Internal structure of Chinese cities in the midst of

economic reform” Urban Geography 16: 521-554.



Fulong Wu, 2010, “Blaming the property boom on capital”, China Daily, 30 March 2010, p. 9.


Book and journal special issue in Chinese

Fulong Wu, Laurence Ma, and Jingxiang Zhang (editors) (2007) Restructuring and Reconstructing:

China’s Urban Development in Multiple Perspectives. Nanjing: Southeast University Press. ISBN.


Zhen Yang, Miao Xu, and Fulong Wu (guest editors) (2008) Urban China Research in International

Perspective, Urban Planning International Vol. 23, No. 4. pp. 1-40. (ISSN 1673-9493)

Journal articles in Chinese

吴缚龙 周岚Fulong Wu, Lao Zhou (2010). 乌托邦的消亡与重构: 理想城市的探索与启示 (The

demise and reconstruction of utopia: exploration of ideal cities), 城市规划 (City Planning Review).

No 3.

袁媛 吴缚龙Yuan Yuan and Fulong Wu (2010) 基于剥夺理论的城市社会空间评价与应用

(Application and evaluation of urban social space based on deprivation theory), 城市规划学刊(Urban

Planning Forum). Vol. 186, No. 1: pp *

吴缚龙 Fulong Wu (2009) 规划研究的国际化与本土化 (Internationalization and localization of

planning research). 国际城市规划 (Urban Planning International), S1: p. 36.

蒋丽 吴缚龙Jiang Li and Fulong Wu (2009) 广州市就业次中心和多中心城市研究 (The

employment sub-centres of Guangzhou and research on the polycentric city). Urban Planning Forum

(城市规划学刊). 181(3): 75-81.

吴缚龙Fulong Wu (2009) 中国城市的新贫困 (New Poverty in Chinese Cities). 二十一世纪 (21st

Century), June (No 113): 86-95.

吴缚龙Fulong Wu (2009) 全球化、国家转变与上海的地方治理 (Globalization, State transition

and Shanghai’s local governance), 《上海崛起:一座全球大都市中的国家战略与地方变革》(Shanghai Rising: State strategy and local changes in a global city), 陈向明 周振华 主编, (edited by

Xiangming Cheng, Zhenghua Zhou). 上海人民出版社 (Shanghai: Shanghai Peoples Press), pp: *

张京祥 吴缚龙 马润潮, Jingxiang Zhang, Fulong Wu, Laurence Ma (2009) 体制转型与中国城市空间重构——建立一种空间演化的制度分析框架 (Institutional transition and Chinese urban spatial

restructuring: establishing an institutional analytical framework for spatial changes) 城市规划 (City

Planning Review) Vol. 32, No. 5: pp. 55-60.

Li Wu in the city research review*

袁媛 吴缚龙 许学强 Yuan Yuan, Fulong Wu, Xueqiang Xu (2009) 转型期中国城市贫困和剥夺的空间模式 (The spatial pattern of urban poverty and deprivation in transitional Chinese cities) 地理学报 (Acta Geographica Sinica) Vol. 64, No. 6: 753-763.

吴缚龙 Fulong Wu (2008) 超越渐进主义:中国的城市革命与崛起的城市 (Beyond gradualism:

China’s urban revolution). 城市规划学刊Urban Planning Forum, Vol. 173, No. 1, pp. 18-22.


李祎 吴缚龙 尼克•费尔普斯 Yi Li, Fulong Wu, and Nick Phelps (2008) 中国特的“边缘城市”发展:解析上海与北京城市区域向多中心结构的转型 (Edge cities with Chinese

characteristics). 国际城市规划Urban Planning International, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 2-6.

杨震 徐苗 吴缚龙 Zhen Yang, Miao Xu, Fulong Wu (2008) 国际视角下的中国城市研究导言

(Introduction to urban China research under the international perspective), 国际城市规划 (Urban

Planning International) Vol. 23, No. 4: p. 1

李志刚 吴缚龙 高向东Zhigang Li, Fulong Wu, and Xiangdong Gao (2007)“全球城市”极化与上海社会空间分异研究 (Global city polarization and socio-spatial restructuring in Shanghai), 地理科学 (Scientia Geographica Sinica) Vol. 27, No. 3: pp. 304-311

刘玉亭 何深静 吴缚龙 Yuting Liu, Shenjing He, Fulong Wu (2007) 英国的住房体系和住房政策

(Housing system and housing policies in the UK), 城市规划 (City Planning Review) Vol. 31, No. 9:

pp. 54-63

刘玉亭; 何深静; 魏立华; 吴缚龙 Yuting Liu, Shenjing He, Lihua Wei, Fulong Wu (2007) 市场转型背景下南京市的住房分异 (Housing differentiation under market transition in Nanjing), 中国人口科学 (China Population Science) No. 6: pp. 82-96

李志刚 吴缚龙 Zhigang Li, Fulong Wu (2006) 转型期上海社会空间分异研究 (Social spatial

differentiation in transitional Shanghai), 地理学报 (Acta Geographica Sinica), Vol. 61, No. 2: pp:


吴缚龙 Fulong Wu (2006) 中国的城市化与“新”城市主义 (Chinese urbanization and ‘new’

urbanism), 城市规划 (City Planning Review), Vol. 30, No. 8: pp. 19-30

刘玉亭 吴缚龙 何深静 李志刚 Yuting Liu, Fulong Wu, Shenjing He, Zhigang Li (2006) 转型期城市低收入邻里的类型、特征和产生机制:以南京市为例 (The types, features and dynamics of low

income neighbourhoods under transition: a case study of Nanjing), 地理研究 (Geographical

Research) Vol. 25, No. 6: pp. 1073-1082

吴缚龙 王红扬 Fulong Wu, Hongyang Wang (2006) “解读城市发展的国际动态,”

(Understanding Metropolitan Urban Development: International Perspectives), 《规划50 年》

(Planning in Fifty Years),中国城市规划学会编 (edited by City Planning Society of China). 中国建筑工业出版社:北京 (Beijing: China Building Industrial Press), 122-129 页 (pp. 122-129).

李志刚 吴缚龙 薛德升 Zhigang Li, Fulong Wu, Desheng Xue (2006) “后社会主义城市”社会空间分异研究述评 (Review of social spatial differentiation in ‘post-socialist cities’), 人文地理 (Human

Geography) Vol. 91, No. 5: pp. 1-5

黄宁莺 吴缚龙 Ningying Huang and Fulong Wu (2004) 就业与保障的背离——新城市贫困形成的深层原因(Disjuncture between employment and social security), 福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) (Journal of Fujian Normal University), Vol. 124, No. 1: pp. 55-58.

张京祥 吴缚龙 Jingxiang Zhang, Fulong Wu (2004) 从行政区兼并到区域管治——长江三角洲的实证与思考 (From Merger of Administrative Region to Regional Governance: Case Study of

Yangtze River Delta), 城市规划 (City Planning Review). Vol. 28, No. 5: pp. 25-30.


李志刚 吴缚龙 卢汉龙 Zhigang Li, Fulong Wu, Hanlong Lu (2004) 当代我国大都市的社会空间分异——对上海三个社区的实证研究 (Sociospatial differentiation in urban China: a case study of

three neighbourhoods in Shanghai), 城市规划 (City Planning Review). Vol. 28, No. 6: pp. 60-67.

吴缚龙 李志刚 何深静 Fulong Wu, Zhigang Li, and Shenjing He (2004) 打造城市的黄金时代——彼得•霍尔的城市世界(Planning the golden city: Peter Hall’s urban world). 国外城市规划 (Urban

Planning Overseas) Vol. 19, No. 4: pp. 1-3.

张京祥 吴缚龙 崔功豪 Jingxiang Zhang, Fulong Wu, and Gonghao Cui (2004) 城市发展战略规划:透视激烈竞争环境中的地方政府管治 Urban development strategy: a perspective of the local

government’s governance in the competitive situation). 人文地理 (Human Geography) Vol. 19, No.

3: pp. 1-5

陈果 顾朝林 吴缚龙 Guo Chen, Chaolin Gu, Fulong Wu (2004) 南京城市贫困空间调查与分析

(Spatial Analysis of Urban Poverty in Nanjing). 地理科学 (Scientia Geographica Sinica). Vol. 24,

No. 5, pp. 542-549

李志刚 吴缚龙 刘玉亭 Zhigang Li, Fulong Wu, Yuting Liu (2004) 城市社会空间分异:倡导还是控制 (Urban social differentiation: promotion or control), 城市规划学刊 (Urban Planning Forum) Vol.

154, No. 6: pp. 48-52

吴缚龙 Fulong Wu (2002) 市场经济转型中的中国城市管治 (Urban governance towards a market

economy in China). 城市规划 (City Planning Review), Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 33-35.

Publication between 1992-2002 to be added*

In French

Fulong Wu, 2005, Mobilité résidentielle, relogement et différenciations soico-spatiales. Urbanisme.

No.341, pp. 73-76. ISSN: 1240-0874

In Korea and English

Fulong Wu: China’s Urban Governance and New Urbanism in Post-reform Period" Planning and

Policy, Vol.305, March edition. Seoul: Korean Research Institute for Human Settlement.


Pow Choon-Piew. Gated communities in China: class, privilege and the moral politics of the good

life. Environment and Planning A, *

Song Yan and Chengri Ding (eds.) Urbanization in China: critical issues in an era of rapid growth.

Cambridge: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Journal of Regional Science, 2009, Vol. 49, No. 1: 232-234.

Yan Liu, Modelling urban development with geographical information systems and cellular automata.

CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Environment and Planning B, 2009, Vol. 36, No. 6: pp. 1129-1130.

Leo Ou-fan Lee. City between Worlds: My Hong Kong. The China Journal, 2009, No. 61: pp. 253-254.


Shahid Yusuf and Tony Saich. China Urbanizes: Consequences, Strategies, and Policies. Washington,

DC: The World Bank. Journal of International Development, 2009, 21: pp. 1-2.

T.G. McGee, George C.S. Lin, Andrew M. Marton, Mark Y.L. Wang, and Jiaping Wu. China’s Urban

Space: Development under Market Socialism. Regional Studies, 2009, 42(10): pp. 1400-1401.

Yu Zhou. The Inside Story of China’s High-tech Industry: Making Silicon Valley in Beijing. China

Information. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2008, 49(5): pp. 631-633.

Duanfang Lu. Remaking Chinese Urban Form: Modernity, Scarcity and Space, 1949-2005. London:

Routledge. China Information Vol. 21, 2007, 524-525.

Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima. Postindustrial East Asian Cities. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford.

Growth and Change 38(3) 2007: 517-519.

Michael Batty. Complexity and City. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Progress in Human

Geography, 31: 113-115, 2007.

Anthony Gar-On Yeh, Victor Fung-shuen Sit, Guanghan Chen and Yunyuan Zhou (eds.) Developing

a Competitive Pearl River Delta in South China under One Country-Two Systems. Hong Kong: Hong

Kong University Press. The China Journal 57 (January) 2007: 160-162.

Ya Ping Wang. Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Changes in China. London: Routledge.

International Development and Planning 28(3) 2006: 412-415.

Anne-Marie Broudehoux. The Making and Selling of Post-Mao Beijing. Routledge: New York.

Journal of Historical Geography 32 (1) 2006: 477-478.

Ya Ping Wang. Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Changes in China. Urban Studies, 42(9), 2005


Yeung, Y-M. New Challenges for Development and Modernization: Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific

Region in the New Millennium. Geographical Review, 93(3) 2003 419-421.

Zhu, J. The Transition of China’s Urban Development: from Plan-controlled to Market-led

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26(4) 2002: 865-866.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT). Cities in a Globalizing World: Global

Report on Human Settlements 2001 European Journal of Housing Policy 2(3) 2002 314-316.

Wei, Y.D. Regional Development in China: States, Globalization, and Inequality Progress in Human

Geography 26(3) 2002: 430-431.

Review essay entitled “transformation of urban life in China” for four books: Tang, W. and W. L.

Parish 2000: Chinese urban life under reform: the changing social contract. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press; Dutton, M. 1998: Streetlife China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Yang,

M. M-H. (ed.) 1999: Spaces of their own: women’s public sphere in transnational China. Minnesota,

MN: University of Minnesota Press; Davis, D S. (ed.) 2000: The consumer revolution in urban China.

Berkeley: University of California Press. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

26(2) 2002: 415-418.

Olds K. Globalization and Urban Change: Capital, Culture, and Pacific Rim Megaprojects

Environment and Planning B. 29(2) 2002: 310-311.


Wu Y. FDI and Economic Growth in China, China Information: A Journal on Contemporary China

Studies XIV(2) 2001: 323-325.

Steinfeld E. S. Forging reform in China: the fate of state-owned industry. Progress in Development

Studies 1(1) 2000: 88-89.


David Martin and Fulong Wu. 1999. “Empirical CA simulation from a high resolution population

surface” in J. Diaz, R. Tynes, D. Caldwell, J. Ehlen (editors) The Proceedings of 4th International

Conference on GeoComputation. Fredericksburg, Virginia (CD-ROM. ISBN: 0-9533477-1-0)

Fulong Wu. 1999. “A simulation approach to urban changes: experiments and observations on

fluctuations in cellular automata” in P. Rizzi. Franco Angeli.(editors) The Proceedings of 6th

International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Management. Venice (CD-ROM.

ISBN. 88-464-1685-6)

Christopher J Webster, Fulong Wu.1999. “Modelling urban property rights” P. Rizzi. Franco

Angeli.(editors) The Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning

and Management. Venice (CD-ROM. ISBN. 88-464-1685-6)

Christopher J Webster, Fulong Wu, and Sheng Zhou.1998. “An object-oriented urban simulation

model” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on GeoComputation, University of Bristol.

CD-ROM. ISBN: 0-9533477-0-2.

Christopher J. Webster and Fulong Wu. 1997. “Simulations of urban growth with models of pollution

property rights and subcentre formation” pp115-122 in Mumford A (editor) Graphics, Visualisation

and the Social Sciences, Report from Workshop Loughborough University: Joint Information Systems

Committee (JISC) (Advisory Group on Computer Graphics (AGOCG) Technical Report Series No.

33 ISSN 1356-9066)

Christopher J. Webster and Fulong Wu. 1997. “Simulating urban growth under alternative systems of

property rights” pp. 734-745 in Sikdar P K (editor) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference

on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Bombay: Indian Institute of Technology.

Anthony Gar-On Yeh and Fulong Wu. 1996. “Changes and challenges of the main shaping forces of

internal structure of Chinese cities: urban planning under housing and land reforms in China” pp. 206-236in L N Chiang, J F Williams, and H Bednarek (editors) Proceedings of Fourth Asian Urbanization

Conference. Michigan: Michigan State University Press.


* Shanghai Forum, 30 May - * 2010 (invited speaker)

“Pathway and challenges to the ‘workshop of the world’: China’s economic growth and urbanization

in political economic perspectives”, Seminar, Bristol University, 18 Feb. 2010.

‘The future of sustainable cities and spatial planning: with reference to Chinese cities’, The Future of

Cities, conference organized by the Chatham House, London, 8-9 Feb 2010 (invited speaker).

“China’s changing area development and planning”, International Area Development Conference 1

Dec 2009, Amsterdam (keynote speaker)


“Pathway and challenges to the ‘workshop of the world’: China’s economic growth and urbanization

in political economic perspectives”, Seminar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 11 Jan 2010.

“Pathway and challenges to the ‘workshop of the world’: China’s economic growth and urbanization

in political economic perspectives”, The Symposium of Making Global Cities and the World

Economic Crisis, Shenzhen, 4-8 Jan 2010 (invited speaker)

“China’s emerging regional governance and the role of spatial plans”, Seminar, Bartlett School of

Planning, University College London, 9 Dec 2009.

‘State-sponsored Research and Development’ (with Fangzhu Zhang). The 2nd Conference of the

International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies (IFCCS). 7-9 September 2009, Nottingham

University, Nottingham (invited speaker).

‘Spatial plan and city-region governance’ (with Fangzhu Zhang). 10th Asian Urbanization Conference,

16-19 August 2009, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

‘State-sponsored R&D: a case study of biotechnology in China’ (with Fangzhu Zhang). Workshop on

‘The Impact of Transnational Corporations on Innovation and Regional Development in China’, 12-13 August 2009, Shanghai.

‘Urban poverty at the level of neighbourhoods’. Seminar, 10 August 2009, Fujing Normal University,


‘Place promotion and urban development’. Expert Workshop on Guangzhou Urban Image. 6-7

August 2009. Guangzhou. PRC (invited speaker by Guangzhou Municipal Government).

‘The development of spatial planning and city-region governance’ (with Fangzhu Zhang). AESOP –

Association of European Schools of Planning Congress. 15-18 July 2009. Liverpool, UK (the track

organizer and chairs of four sessions)

‘The Development of Ideal Urban Environment’. China Planning Network Urban Forum, 15-16 June

2009. Beijing (invited speaker).

‘China’s emerging city region governance’. Shanghai Forum, 11-13 May 2009 (invited speaker)

‘China’s neoliberalization and urban development’, Seminar, 28th April 2009, Manchester University,

Manchester (invited speaker).

‘China’s poverty neighbourhoods’, Seminar, 10th April 2009, Tsinghua University, Beijing.

‘China’s poverty neighbourhoods’, Seminar, 8th April 2009, Beijing University, Beijing.

‘Search for a new spatial fix: the limit of urban entrepreneurialism and rising city-region governance’,

Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers, 22-27 March 2009, Les Vegas.

“China’s neoliberal urban transformation”, Seminar, 25th Feb 2009, University of Plymouth,


“China’s urban transformation: neoliberalization and establishing a market society”, International

Association of Sociology (ISA-RC21) Conference, 16th – 19th Dec 2008, Tokyo (invited plenary



“China’s urban transition: emerging city-region governance”. Conference on Regional Economic in a

Globalising World: Enhancing Intellectual Capacity and Innovation, 21st Nov 2008, Cardiff

University (invited speaker).

“China’s regional governance”, The 3rd World Forum on China Studies, 8th – 10th September 2008,

Shanghai (invited speaker for the sub-forum China’s Metropolitan Development)

“Invited Expert Panel”, Chengdu Post-earthquake Reconstruction Symposium, 17th July 2008.

Chengdu, Sichuan (invited expert panellist)

“Is house price too high: a political economic analysis”, China Urban Housing Congress 2008, 14th -15th June 2008, Beijing (invited speaker by CPN)

“China’s emerging urbanism”, China Now Cities Summit, 25th April, 2008, London (invited speaker

by the Royal Institute of British Architects).

“Poverty neighbourhoods and deprivation in Chinese cities”, Annual Meeting of Association of

American Geographers 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, 15th – 19th April 2008 (paper co-authored with

Shenjing He, Chris Webster)

China and Olympic Games in Beijing Forum, 16th April 2008 (invited Forum panellist).

“China’s urban poverty”, seminar at Brown University, Providence, USA, 15th April 2008 (invited


“Urban poverty neighbourhoods”. Department of Geography, the University of Hong Kong, 1st Feb

2008 (seminar).

“Urban poverty in China: poverty neighbourhoods and geography of deprivation”. Public lecture at

the University of Nottingham, 29th Jan 2008 (public lecture, invited speaker)

“Chinese neoliberalisation”, seminar at Department of Geography, National Taiwan University,

Taipei, 19th Dec 2007 (Invited seminar speaker)

“Social research methods to measuring urban poverty in China”, Department of Social Policy,

National Chenchi University, Taipei, 19th Dec 2007 (invited speaker of public lecture)

“Packaging a new way of (sub-)urban life: gated communities and Chinese new urbanism”.

Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 18th Dec 2007 (Invited seminar


“China’s neoliberalization as great transformation”. International Conference on China’s Urban Land

and Housing in the 21st Century, 13th –15th Dec 2007, Hong Kong.

EPSRC Dongtan Sustainable City Networks, 10th – 11th Dec 2007, London (invited expert


“China’s sustainable urban development: discourses and challenges”, Workshop on Innovation and

Sustainability – A dialogue with China. Manchester, 22nd – 23rd Nov 2007 (invited speaker).

“China’s Urban Revolution”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Workshop:

Theory and Method in Critical Urban Scholarship, Oxford, 8th November 2007 (invited speaker).

“Culture-led Urban Regeneration”. Symposium of Urban Planning International, Ningbo, 1st – 3rd

Nov 2007 (invited speaker).


“Beyond gradualism: China’s urban revolution and emerging cities”, The Fourth Urban Planning

Forum, Shanghai, 27th –28th Oct 2007 (an invited keynote speaker)

“Culture-led Urban Regeneration: Lessons”. Public Lecture invited by Guangzhou City Planning

Association, for an audience of 200+ professionals, Guangzhou, 25th Oct 2007.

“Chinese urban development”, invited speaker at Urban China Seminar, KULeuven: Belgium, 30th

August 2007.

“China’s gated community development”. International Conference on Urban Culture and the 2nd

International Forum on City Planning, Beijing, 9th – 11th June 2007 (invited speaker)

“Packaging a new way of (sub-)urban life: gated communities and Chinese new urbanism”. Speaker at

plenary session, 4th International Conference on Private Urban Governance and Gated Communities,

Paris, 5th –8th June 2007.

“Gated communities”. Seminar at Delft University, Netherlands, 21st May 2007 (invited speaker)

“Packaging a new way of (sub-)urban life: gated communities and Chinese new urbanism”. In

Seminar Series, Urban Salon: a London forum for architecture, cities and international urbanism,

jointly organised by Open University, UCL and LSE. 14th May 2007 (invited speaker)

“Property rights, citizenship and the making of the urban poor”. 2007 Annual Meeting of the

Association of American Geographers, 17th – 21st April 2007, San Francisco, CA.

“Regulating the booming housing market: China’s transition towards a property-based regime of

accumulation and regulation shifts”. International Conference, Where Next for Policy Studies?

Making Connections across Disciplines and Domains. The University of Hong Kong, 22-23 March

2007 (invited speaker)

“Let yesterday and tomorrow meet in Shanghai today”. Seminar at the University of Bristol, 28th Feb


“China’s urban revolution: globalization and urban development in transitional markets”. 9th Annual

Lecture of Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) network (invited annual lecture speaker), 15th

January 2007, Loughborough University, Loughborough.

“Participatory city planning”. Europe-China Workshop on Public Participation. 8th – 10th Dec 2006,

Haikou, China (invited speaker)

“China urban transition”. Public lecture at The Center for Architecture, American Institute of

Architecture (AIA), New York, USA, 18th October 2006 (Invited lecture, with Professor John

Friedmann, in the 3x3 lecture series developed by the Peoples’ Architecture)

“Market transition and the transformation of poverty neighbourhood in urban China”. Beijing Forum,

Beijing, 27th – 29th Oct 2006 (invited speaker).

Decoding the experience of city-region development, 50th Anniversary Celebration for China

Planning, 21st - 23rd September 2006, Guangzhou, China (invited by Urban Planning Society of

China(UPSC), invited speaker) (paper with Hongyang Wang).

Regulating the boom housing market. Shanghai Forum, 19-20 September Shanghai (invited speaker)


Sustainable Real Estate Development in China. The First International Conference of China

Development and City Planning and The Third China Planning Network Annual Conference, 14-16

June 2006, Beijing (invited speaker)

Residential relocation of poverty groups in urban China. Annual Meeting of the Association of

American Geographers (AAG), Chicago, 8-11 March 2006

Urbanization and the making of new urbanism in China. Workshop for Chinese Urbanization:

Theories and Approaches, Nanjing University, 18-20 December 2005 (invited speaker).

The making of China’s new urbanism, Seminar, 11 Nov 2005. Institute for Contemporary China

Studies. Oxford University, Oxford.

Urbanization and the making of Chinese new urbanism. The New Chinese Urbanism, Center for

Place, Culture and Politics, Graduate Center, City University of New York, 23-24 May 2005 (invited


Housing and Land Policies in China: Regulating a Booming Market. Asia Programme, Chatham

House (Royal Institute of International Affairs), 28 April 2005, London (invited speaker).

Transplanting cityscapes: the production of townhouse and gated communities in urban China,

Managing Rapid Growth and Developing Competitive Cities in China, MIT-Harvard China Planning

Network Annual Conference, 17-18 March 2005. Cambridge, MI (invited and funded speaker).

Urban transition in China: a perspective from urban regime of accumulation, Seminar,19 Feb 2005,

Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Bristol

China’s Urban Transition, 14-16 January 2005. New Orleans, USA (invited and funded participant)

The Urban China Research Network Conference, December 2004. Hong Kong (invited and funded

board member).

Beyond China Studies: geographical research on urban China. China World Forum, Shanghai: 19-21

August 2004 (invited and funded speaker)

China’s urban transformation: a perspective from the regime of accumulation. International

Conference on 21st Century Urban Changes. 30 June – 1 July 2004, Shanghai, organized by the

Urban Geography Committee of Chinese Geographer Association (invited and funded keynote


An institutional analysis of urban marginalization: retrenchment of the public sector in low-income

communities in China? Annual Asia-Europe Workshop 2003/04: Enabling role of the public sector in

urban in urban housing and regeneration: converging and diverging experiences in Asia and Europe,

12-14 July 2004 Beijing (invited and funded speaker)

Spatial inequality. Workshop of Urban China Research. 30 April – 1 May 2004, Los Angles, (invited

speaker funded by the URCN).

China urban planning in transition. International Symposium for Planning for Change and Continuity

in China International Symposium, 23rd -24th April 2004. Cambridge.

(Invited speaker and moderator, invited and funded by the Graduate Design School Harvard


Globalization, the state and planning re-orientation in urban China. International Conference on

Globalization, the State, and Urban Transformation in China. Hong Kong, 15-17 December 2003.


Rediscovering the ‘gate’ under market transition: From work-unit compounds to commodity housing

enclaves. Gated Communities: Building Social Division or Safer Communities? Glasgow, 18-19

September 2003.

The city of transition: globalisation and transitional economies. RGS-IBG Annual Conference London

2003, 3-5 September 2003.

Invited internal commentator for the project entitled ‘global city regions as changing sites of

governance’ (Freie Universität Berlin) (2003)

Invited panellist for the public forum, Privatisation of public services, organised by the Boell

Foundation, Berlin (2003)

Privatization of public services in urban China: the experience of Shanghai. Public Panel, invited and

funded by the Boell Foundation. Berlin, August 2003.

Social-spatial differentiation: evidence and research agenda. Workshop of Urban Studies and

Demography of China Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 2003 (invited and funded speaker).

Re-globalization as a state project: globalization and changing local governance in Chinese cities. The

99th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. New Orleans, March 2003.

Globalization and transplantation of residential landscape in transitional urban China 7th Asian

Urbanization Conference: Globalization and the Asian City. Athens, Georgia, March 2003.

Intra-urban residential relocation: the state and market in the transformation of urban space in China.

The 98th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angles, March 2002.

Scale, urban governance and the provision of housing in China (Invited speaker) Workshop of The

Urban Transformation in China and Reorganization of the State in an Era of Globalization. The Urban

China Research Network (UCRN). University of Southern California, Los Angels, March 2002.

Geo-referencing social spatial data and intra-urban property price modelling in a data-poor context:

the case study of Shanghai property data. GIS Research UK 2001. Glamorgan, Wales, April 2001.

Transition of urban space in China: evidence from real estate markets. The 97th Annual Meeting of

the Association of American Geographers. New York. March 2001.

The urban implications of China’s market transition: towards a post-socialist economy? RGS-IBG

Annual Conference. Plymouth, January 2001.

The post-socialist entrepreneurial city? RGS-IBG Annual Conference. Plymouth, January 2001.

Housing provision under globalization: dilemma and prospect, with reference to Shanghai.

Conference on Housing Policy & Practice in the Asia-Pacific: Convergence & Divergence. Hong

Kong, July 2000.

Simulating urban land conversion using calibrated cellular automata procedure in a GIS environment.

GIS Research UK 2000. University of York, April 2000.

A simulation approach to urban changes: experiments and observations on fluctuations in cellular

automata. The 6th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Management.

Venice, September 1999.


Real estate development and the transformation of urban space in China’s transitional economy: with

special reference to Shanghai. The Future of Chinese Cities: a Research Agenda for the 21st Century.

Shanghai, July 1999.

Marketization and globalisation - the dual challenges of China’s urban policy in the 1990s. Workshop

on Social Policy in China. Sheffield, July 1999.

A parameterised urban cellular model combining spontaneous and self-organising growth. GIS

Research UK 99. Southampton, April 1999.

An object-oriented urban simulation model. The 3rd International Conference on GeoComputation.

University of Bristol, September 1998.

The transformation of urban spatial structure in China from a centrally-planned to transitional

economy. International Symposium on Marketization of Land and Housing in Socialist China. Hong

Kong, October 1997.

GIS-based simulation as a tool for studying generic spatial processes: a case study of polycentric

urban structure. GIS Research UK, Leeds, April 1997.

Changes and challenges of the main shaping forces of internal structure of Chinese cities: urban

planning under housing and land reforms in China. Fourth Asian Urbanization Conference, Taipei,

Taiwan, January 1994.

Urban process in the face of China’s transition to a socialist market economy. Annual Meeting of

Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March 1994.


Master course

Comparative Housing Policies (2007-,)

Transitional Cities: Housing and Urban Development (2005-)

Urbanization and Development Processes (2006-)

Research Methods (2005-2008)

Undergraduate / taught postgraduate

Research Papers and Projects (2006-2008)

Cities in Transitional Economies and Emerging Markets (2000 – 2005, Southampton)

Introductory GIS (1998 – 2005, Southampton)

Advanced GIS (1998-2001, Southampton)

Globalization and uneven development (1998-2000)

Research students (PhD supervision)

Jie Shen (2007-):

Yi Li (2007-):

Syafiee Shuid (2006-): Roles of state and market in Malaysian housing

Kisco: Urban simulation modelling (2006-2007, transferred to South Africa)

Shenjing He: Urban redevelopment and neighbourhood changes (2002-2006, now associated

professor in Sun Yat-set University)

Zhigang Li: Sociospatial differentiation in urban China (2001-2005, now associated professor in Sun

Yat-set University)

Visiting students, joint supervision, post-docs mentor

Ma Xueguang, Post-doc, Peking University (2010)


Brenda Madrazo, PhD, Utrecht University, the Netherlands (2008-)

Sheng Zhong, PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada (2006-)

Shenjing He, Post-doc, Cardiff University (2006-2008)

Ma Xueguang, PhD, Sun Yat-sen University (2008)

Zhou Ruibo, PhD, Sun Yat-sen University (2008)

Dylan Myers, Master, University of Washington (2003)

Brian Hammer, PhD, University of Washington (2003)

Wei Lihua, PhD Sun Yat-sen University (2004)

Yuting Liu (2003-2007, research post-doc, now associate professor in South China University of

Science and Technology)


Journal editor, editorial board and professional networks

Environment and Planning C (co-editor, 2010-)

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2008- )

Journal of Planning Education and Environment (2007- )

Geoforum (2007- )

Cities (2006- )

Eurosian Geography and Economics (2006- )

Environment and Planning A (2002-; 2004-; 2006- )

Environment and Planning B (2004- )

Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (2004- )

Annals of Geographical Information Sciences (2007- )

Urban Design International (2009-)

Computer, Environment and Urban Systems (2005-2008)

Journal of Urban and Regional Planning (2006-)

City Planning International (2005- )

China City Planning Review (English edition in China) (2006- )

Taiwan Housing Studies (2007- )

Planning Studies & Practice (Journal of Singapore Institute of Planners) (2008-)

Board member of Urban China Research Network (UCRN), USA (2002-), steering committee of

UCRN (2006- )

Member of the First Governing Board of International Association of China Planning

Member of the Institute of British Geographers (IBG) with Royal Geographical Society (RGS)

Member of the American Association of Geographers (AAG)

Member of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2003 - )

Founder and owner of the Urban China List (/lists/, 1999-)

The founder and coordinator of the working group entitled: spatial restructuring, planning and

politics, under the UCRN (2001-2005)

The British coordinator of the British Higher Education Link entitled: the new urban poverty, its

distribution and alleviation measures in China’s transition towards a market oriented economy (2002-2005)


The host for the British Academy K C Wong Research Fellowship (2001, 2003), host for the British

Academy visiting fellow (2004)

PhD external examiner

Cardiff University (Dec. 2003), the University of Hong Kong (August 2004), University College of

London (Oct. 2004), Liverpool University (Sept 2005), London School of Economics (August 2006),

London School of Economics (November 2006), Delft University of Technology (May 2007),

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (August 2007), University of Newcastle (Oct 2007), University of

Liverpool (Feb 2008), University of Glasgow (April 2008), University of Sheffield (Oct 2008),

Southampton University(Nov 2008), The University of Hong Kong (Nov 2008), the University

College of London (Feb 2009), Heriot-Watt University (June 2009), Kings’ College London (Oct

2009), Loughborough University (Dec 2009), London School of Economics (March 2009), University

of Newcastle (May 2010), Glamorgan University (2010)

Media interviews

BBC World Service, Danish Broadcast Corporation, BBC World Service Cultural Shock, Singapore

Radio International, BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed

Conference organiser / co-organiser

Georeferencing Population Census (Shanghai, May 2002)

Spatial Restructuring, Urban Planning and Politics in China (Albany, June 2002)

Urban Restructuring (Southampton, December 2002), China session (4 with Dr Yang Ping Wang,

RGS/IBG 2003); China sessions (8 sessions, RGS/IBG 2005); various sessions co-organized in AAG

annual meetings.

International Conference on China’s Urban Transition and City Planning (29-30 June 2007), opened

by the First Minister of Wales and addressed by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff.

Training workshops on comparative city planning (July 2007) and sustainable rural development (July


Workshop on Comparative Urban Marginalization and Poverty Studies, 12th -13th June 2008, Cardiff

University, Cardiff, UK

Journal referee

Environment and Planning A, Transaction of the Institute of British Geographers, Annals of

Association of American Geographers, Urban Studies, Housing Studies, International of Urban and

Regional Research, International Planning Studies, Computer, Environment and Urban Systems,

Journal of Environment Management, Cities, The Geographical Journal, Asian Geographer, Political

Geography, European Planning Studies, Planning Perspective, Eurasian Geography and Economics,

Urban Geography, Journal of Planning Literature, China Review, Journal of Urban Affairs, Journal of

Economic Geography, Progress in Planning, Regional Studies, Environment and Planning B,

International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences, Photogrammetric Engineering and

Remote Sensing, Urban Morphology, Pacific Affairs, China: An International Journal, International

Development Planning Review, Professional Geographer, Journal for Current Chinese Affairs,

Geography Compass (Reviewed over 130 manuscripts between 2000 to 2004, no record kept since).

Grant review and project appraisal

Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

ESRC large grant proposal evaluation

ESRC Project Evaluation, ESRC rapporteur for the end of award of a large grant


National Science Foundation (USA), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

(Canada), Research Grants Committee (Hong Kong), International Foundation for Science (Sweden),

Research Grant Committee of Singapore, Royal Society.

Tenure Review / Appointment External Reviewer

The University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Baptist University

London School of Economics

Manchester Metropolitan University

University of Toronto, Canada

University of Washington, USA

University of Melbourne, Australia

National University of Singapore

Nottingham University for chair

University of Massachusetts, USA

University College of London

University of Maryland, USA

University service

Senate member, Cardiff University (2009-)

Director / Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee, CPLAN, Cardiff University (2008-)

Member of the Management Team, CPLAN (2008-)

Board member of China Centre, Cardiff University (2006-)

At University of Southampton: Examination Officer (year 1&2, 2001-2003; year3 2003-2005), deputy

examination officer (year 1&2, 1999-2000). Theme coordinator of ‘remote sensing and spatial

analysis’ (2001-2003), member of the research committee (2001-2005), chair of computing committee

(2000-2001), member of admission team (1998-2001), member of staff-student liaison committee

(1998-1999), member of computing committee (1998-2001), member of teaching committee (2005-).


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