




1.____ anything about the accident, he went to work as usual.

A. Not known

B. Knowing not

C. Known not

D. Not knowing

2._______ more attention, the trees could have grown better.

A. Given

B. To give

C. Giving

D. Having given

3.____ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities

in the United States.

A. Being founded

B. It was founded

C. Founded

D. Founding

4._____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set

up wind farms on their land.

A. Being encouraged

B. Encouraging

C. Encouraged

D. Having encouraged

5._____ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer

players may one day grow into the

international stars. A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D.


6._____ that he was in great danger,Eric walked deeper into

the forest.

A. Not realized

B. Not to realize

C. Not realizing

D. Not to have realized

7.______ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London

decided to spend two days on the farm.

A. Attracting

B. Attracted

C. To be attracted

D. Having attracted

8.____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless

we changed our dog.

A. Being bitten

B. Bitten

C. Having bitten

D. To be bitten

9._____ the general state of his health, it may take him a while

to recover from the operation

A. Given

B. To give

C. Giving

D. Having given

10.___ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10

meters in height.

A. Approaching

B. Approached

C. To approach

D. To be approached

11.____not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for

the airport in a hurry.

A. Reminding

B. Reminded

C. To remind

D. Having reminded

12._____ by the loud noise. I went to see what was happening.

A. Having frightened

B. Frightening

C. To be frightened

D. Frightened

13.____ untidy, his bedroom needs doing out. A. Look B.

Looking C. Looked D. To look

14.______ with such great difficulty , Jack felt at a loss ________.

A. Facing; what to say

B. Faced; what to say

C. Having faced; how to tell

D. Being faced; how to speak

15.______ in white, she looks much more beautiful.

A. Wearing

B. Dressing

C. Dressed

D. Having dressed

16.______ in the fog, we were forced to spend two hours in

the woods.

A. To lose

B. Losing

C. Lost

D. Having lost

17._____ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing

B. Having lost

C. Lost

D. Being lost

18._____ many times, he finally understood it.

A. Told

B. Telling

C. Having told

D. Having been told

19._____ to reach them on the phone,we sent an email


A. Fail

B. Failed

C. To fail

D. Having failed

20._____ in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly

realized he had left the cheque in the

car. A. Waiting B. To wait C. Having waited D. To have waited

21.______ the letter, he went out to post it.

A. Writing

B. Being written

C. Having written

D. Written

,_ ___ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally

took a position at a local advertising

agency. A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to


23.______ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized

that he had left his wallet at home.

A. To wait

B. Have waited

C. Having waited

D. To have waited

24..The old man, ______abroad for twenty years, is on the way

back to his motherland.

A. to work

B. working

C. to have worked

D. having worked

25.______ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to

take some medicine with him

whenever he goes.

A. Suffered

B. Suffering

C. Having suffered

D. Being suffered

26.______ the programme , they have to stay there for another

two weeks.

A. Not completing

B. Not completed

C. Not having completed

D. Having not completed

27._______ where to go , he asked a policeman the way.

A. Having lost his way and not knowing

B. Losing his way and didn’t know

C. Lost his way and not knowing

D. Lost his way and didn’t know

28._____ around the Water Cube,we were then taken to see

the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic

Games. A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been

shown D. To show

29.(2012北京卷)27. _______ with care, one tin will last for six


A. Use

B. Using

C. Used

D. To use

30.(2012江苏卷) 31. ________ an important decision more on

emotion than on reason, you will

regret it sooner or later.

A. Based

B. Basing

C. Base

D. To base

31.(2012福建卷)d from his parents,and _____that

he has wasted too much time, the

boy is determined to stop playing video games.

A. realizing

B. realized

C. to realize

D. being realized

32.(2012陕西卷)15.________ in a long queue, we waited for the

store to open to buy a New iPad.

A. Standing

B. To stand

C. Stood

D. Stand

33.(2012重庆卷)23. ________ to work overtime that evening, I

missed a wonderful film.

A. Having been asked

B. To ask

C. Having asked

D. To be asked

(B) (伴随,目的,结果,原因状语)

Smith, ______of the ______speech, started to read a novel.

A. tired ; boring

B. tiring; bored

C. tired; bored

D. tiring; boring

returned from the manager’s office, ______ me that

the boss wanted to see me at once.

A. having told

B. tells

C. to tell

D. telling

of rescue workers were working around the clock,

supplies to Yushu, Qinghai

Province after the earthquake.

A. sending

B. to send

C. having sent

D. to have sent

poor man, ______ , ran out of the dark cave.

A. trembled and frightened

B. trembling and frightened

C. trembling and frightening

D. trembled and frightening

visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with his

talks, _____ that he had enjoyed his

stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added

we visited my old family home, memory came ______


A. flooding

B. to flood

C. flood

D. flooded

his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned

home, _________.

A. exhausting

B. exhausted

C. being exhausted

D. having exhausted

was sitting there, ____ in deep thought.

A. lose

B. lost

C. losing

D. being lost

9._____ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to

reach the top of Mount Tai.

A. To be tried

B. Tired

C. Tiring

D. Being tired

April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in

Qingdao, ___ the 60th anniversary of the

founding of the PLA Navy.

A. marking

B. marked

C. having marked

D. being marked

sent me an e-mail, ______ to get further information.

A. hoped

B. hoping

C. to hope

D. hope

turned and went to sleep again, ______ that it was still


A. to think

B. and thought

C. thinking

D. thought

had an anxious couple of weeks _____ for the results

of the experiment.

A. wait B .to be waiting C. waited D. waiting

often provide our children with toys, footballs or

basketballs, ______ that all children like

these things . A. thinking B .think C .to think D .thought

lent me the money, ________ that I’d do as much for

him. (12全国卷II)10.

A. hoping

B. to hope

C. hoped

D. having hoped

kept quiet about the accident_____ lose his job.

A. so not as to

B. so as not to

C. so as to not

D. not so as to

17.______ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.

A. To sleep

B. Sleeping

C. Sleep

D. Having slept

asked why he went there, he said he was sent there

__ for a space flight.

A. training

B. being trained

C. to have trained

D. to be trained

old professor said to us every part of the materials

should be made use of ______ the power

station. A. to build B. building C. build D. built

of them try to use the power of the workstation _____

information in a more effective way.

A. presenting

B. presented

C. being presented

D. to present

21.______ the project as planned,we’ll have to work two

more hours a day.

A. Completing

B. Complete

C. Completed

D. To complete

22.______ the project in time, the staff were working at


A. Competing

B. Having completed

C. To have completed

D. To complete

had to shout _________ above the sound of the


A. making herself hear

B. to make herself hear

C. making herself heard

D. to make herself heard

’s mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never

________ again.

A. to find

B. to be found

C. finding

D. being found

ran all the way up to the station, _____ that the train

had left fifteen minutes before.

A. in order to find

B. as to find

C. only to find

D. such as to find

have I said _____you angry?

A. making

B. to make

C. made

D. to have made

went to America ________.

A. never to return

B. never returning

C. to never return

D. and never returning

news reporters hurried to the airport, only ________ the

film star had left.

A. to tell

B. to be told

C. telling

D. told

tried many times to sneak across the border to a

neighbouring country, _____ each time.

A. having been caught

B. unfortunately caught

C. always being caught

D. only to be caught

looked everywhere for the keys, but they are nowhere


A. to find

B. to have found

C. to be found

D. being found

an football is played in 80 countries, ________ it the

most popular sport in the world.

A. making

B. makes

C. made

D. to make

rained heavily in the south,serious flooding in several


A. caused

B. having caused

C. causing

D. to cause

can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big

change in temperature, thus _____ a

stable environment.

A. to create

B. create

C. created

D. creating

husband died ten years ago, ______ her with three

children to look after.

A. to leave

B. and leave

C. leaving

D. leave

news shocked the public, _______to great concern

about students’ safety at school.

A. having led

B. led

C. leading

D. to lead

36.(2012天津卷)11. He got up late and hurried to his office,

_________the breakfast untouched.

A. left

B. to leave

C. leaving

D. having left

37.(2012四川卷)6. Tom took a taxi to the airport, only ________

his plane high up in the sky.

A. finding

B. to find

C. being found

D. to have found

38.(2012山东卷)26. George returned after the war, only

_______ that his wife had left him.

A. to be told

B. telling

C. being told

D. told

39.(2012江西卷)33.Having finished her project, she was

invited by the school to the new


A.speaking B.having spoken C. to speak D.to have


40.I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is

so good _____ .

A. to be breathed

B. to breathe

C. breathing

D. being breathed

41.I feel greatly honored ______ into their society.

A. to welcome

B. welcoming

C. to be welcomed

D. welcomed

were astonished _______ the temple still in its original


A.finding B.to find C.find D.to be found

famous scientist was easy _____ along with.

A. to get

B. for getting

C. getting

D. got

were silly not_____ the door.

A. to lock

B. to have locked

C. locking

D. having locked

45.(2012全国卷II) old man sat in front of the television

every evening, happy ___ anything that happened to be on.

A. to watch

B. watching

C. watched

D. to have watched

46.(2012浙江卷) matter how bright a talker you are,

there are times when it's better _____ silent. A. remain B. be

remaining C. having remained D. to remain

47.(2012辽宁卷)29. This machine is very easy Anybody can

learn to use it in a few minutes.

A. operating

B. to be operating

C. operated

D. to operate


_____ money, his parents managed to send him to


A. lacked

B. lacking of

C. lacking

D. lacked in

2.________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean

does not seem big at all.

A. Compare

B. When comparing

C. Comparing

D. When compared

research is so designed that once_____ nothing can be

done to change it.

B. having begun

C. beginning

D. begun

first _______ to the market, these products enjoyed

great success.

A. introducing

B. introduced

C. introduce

D. being introduced

shames me to say it, but I told a lie when __________ at he

meeting by my boss.

A. questioning

B. having questioned

C. questioned

D. to be questioned

_______ , the museum will be open to the public next


A. completed

B. completing

C. being completed

D. to be completed

lly speaking, _________ according to directions, the

drug has no side effect.

A. when taking

B. when taken

C. when to take

D. when to be taken

_______ to speak, you should remain silent at the


A. invited

B. inviting

C. being invited

D. having invited

you talk to these senior students, you will find that they

have much greater knowledge than


A. supposing

B. supposed

C. to suppose

D. suppose

such kind of medicine, if _______, will possibly do

you great harm.

A. continue

B. to continue

C. continued

D. continued

_________ to see us, the professor gave us a warm


A. surprising

B. as surprised

C. surprised D being surprised

evening after dinner, if not ______ from work, I will

spend some time walking my

dog. A. being tired B. tiring C. tired D. to be tired

has a much shorter history, especially when _______

such art forms as music and painting.


A. having compared to

B. comparing to

C. compare to

D. compared to

_____ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said

he found it very interesting and

rewarding. (安徽卷)30.

A. asking

B. asked

C. having asked

D. to be asked

(D) 独立主格结构

murderer was brought in, with his hands _____ behind

his back.

A. being tied

B. having tied

C. to be tied

D. tied

2.I couldn't do my homework with all that noise ______.

A. going on

B. goes on

C. went on

D. to go on

was a pity that the great writer died _______his works


B. with

C. from

D. of

a lot of difficult problems ______, the newly-elected

president is having a hard time.

A. settled

B. settling

C. to settle

D. being settled

received an invitation to dinner, and with his

work______, he gladly accepted it.

A. finished

B. finishing

C. having finished

D. was finished

6.---Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

---Sorry. With so much work my mind, I almost break down.

A. filled

B. filling

C. to fill

D. being filled

children went home from the grammar school, their

lessons _______ for the day.

A. finishing

B. finished

C. had finished

D. were finished

stood there, _____ from her cheeks.

A. tears were rolling down

B. tears rolled down

C. with tears rolled down

D. tears rolling down

meeting ____ over, we all left the room.

A. is

B. to be

C. being

D. would be

hing_______ into consideration, they ought to have

another chance.

A. to take

B. taken

C. to be taken

D. taking

11._____, we all went swimming in high spirits.

A. It being fine weather

B. It fine weather

C. It was fine weather

D. It being a fine weather

12.__________, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.

A. All things considering

B. All things considered

C. All things were considered

D. With all things were considered

13.___________, I had to buy a new one.

A. My dictionary losing

B. My dictionary having been lost

C. My dictionary had been lost

D. Because my dictionary lost

14.__________ ,we have to get down to business right away.

A. As there was no time left

B. There is no time left

C. There being no time left

D. There to be no time left

old couple often take a walk after supper in the park

with their pet dog them. 辽宁

卷)25. A. to follow B. following C. followed D. follows

(E) 非谓作状语综合训练

g her car stolen, _______.

A. a policeman was asked to help

B. the area was searched thoroughly

C. it was looked for everywhere

D. she hurried to a policeman for help

with a bill for $10, 000,________.

A .John has taken an extra job B. the boss has given John an

extra job

C .an extra job has been taken

D .an extra job has been given to John.

order to make our city green, __________.

A. it is necessary to have planted more trees

B. many more trees need to plant

C. our city need more trees

D. we must plant more trees

having finished their jobs, _____ to leave the company.

A. the boss forbade them

B. they were forbidden

C. so they were forbidden

D. and they preferred

watching television, _________.

A. the door bell rang

B. the doorbell rings

C. we heard the doorbell ring

D. we heard the doorbell rings

listening to pop music, ___________ .

A. she felt asleep

B. the light went to

C. someone knocked at the door

D. and she couldn’t help laughing

22._________ her mother had come, her face lit up.

A. Hearing

B. Having heard

C. When hearing

D. When she heard

do a bit for the motherland, ______.

A. working hard is necessary

B. to learn a foreign language is needed

C. it is important to master science

D. one should serve the people whole-heartedly

lost, _________.

A. it is said to get such a chance again

B. one can never get such a chance again

C. such a chance will never come again

D. to get such a chance will be difficult

y moved by her words, _______ .

A. tears came to his eyes

B. he could hardly hold back his tears

C. tears could hardly be held back

D. his eyes were filled with tears.

order to improve English, _____________.

A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes

B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself

C. a lot tapes were bought by Jenny

D. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father.

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