2021高考英语(全国版)一轮复习考点考法精练: 高考题型突破 完形填空


题型三 完形填空

题组1 记叙文

Cloze 1[2020广东七校第二次联考]















My most rewarding experience in the past two years was volunteering at the swimming competition

of Special Olympics where a disabled friend of my community took had special 1 for

me because experiencing it helped improve my leadership skills,develop my character,and support my


Firstly,my 2 skills developed when I independently told each swimmer where to 3 at the

platform. And I 4 each competitor when they needed to swim.I had to make sure that the swimmers

were 5 and ready to kept me on my feet at all times and 6 of each event’s time

and location.I learned each swimmer’s name, 7 many of them swam in more than one event.

Secondly,my 8 was greatly I saw the swimmers get their awards for winning

each swimming event,I was deeply moved.I was 9 by most swimmers who could swim better than

10 attitudes astonished me,whether they won or also broadened my horizons,offering me

the opportunity to 11 people I would normally not run into.I went out of my 12 zone and did

whatever was needed to be done,even if it was sometimes difficult for was especially 13

when I saw the smiling faces of the competitors.

Lastly,I was of 14 to my community by lending a hand to this be a part of

it gave me a chance to improve my community and become 15 with the people living in this area.

As Winston Churchill once said,"We make a living by what we get,but we make a(n) 16 by what

we give."The importance of 17 should be stressed throughout our life. 18 ,through the

opportunities my community has offered I was privileged to be 19 in this exciting and important

event in these competitors’ lives.I hope to be a(n) 20 again at this event in years to come.

1.A. purpose B. attention C. regulation D. meaning

2.A. speaking B. swimming C. leadership D. exercise

3.A. line up B. pile up

4.A. informed B. awarded

5.A. preserved

C. put up D. set up

C. taught D. compared

B. positioned C. presented D. predicted

C. so D. though

D. figure

D. concerned

6.A. full B. ignorant C. convinced D. aware

7.A. if B. because

8.A. technique

9.A. impressed

B. imagination C. character

B. reminded C. blamed

C. meet

10.A. various B. controversial C. changeable D. positive

11.A. educate B. command D. recommend

D. demanding

D. service

12.A. comfort B. safety C. time D. development

13.A. outstanding B. rewarding C. interesting

14.A. wisdom B. courage C. encouragement

16.A. exception

18.A. Strangely

19.A. committed

15.A. crowded B. combined C. acquainted D. supplied

B. way C. analysis D. life

B. Generally C. Fortunately D. Specially

B. involved C. devoted D. caught

17.A. volunteering B. evaluating C. traveling D. competing

- 1 -

20.A. director B. assistant


C. competitor D. trainer

Cloze 2[2020安徽合肥调研]














Last July,I booked a two-week adventure volunteering at a Thai elephant sanctuary(禁猎区).

In preparation for my trip,I 1 weight training.I even visited an elephant keeper in a zoo and

he told me the elephants for tourism were the ones to 2 — they could be unpredictable and

sometimes dangerous after years of 3 they suffer at the hands of the tourism

surprising,I thought.

I flew to Bangkok and then headed to the 4 .The first day was exciting.I was 5 to my

designated elephant Boonsri by the mahout(驯象人), and my tasks were 6 .I tried to gain the

elephant’s 7 ,feeding her bananas and riding on her mahout 8 me,showing me how to

use my feet to 9 her and teaching me the words to make her stop or 10 .Everything went quite

well. 11 ,I noticed the sharp bullhooks were still used by mahouts.

The second day followed the same 12 .But as we walked to the river at dusk, Boonsri wouldn’t

the mahout hit her with the Boonsri began to shake her head 13 .On the third

stroke(一击)she hit me on the shoulder,knocking me I could 14 the danger,her enormous

foot was crushing my 15 .It felt like a truck was driving over me and I couldn’t breathe at all.

I could only hear the 16 of the helped to pull her foot off me to 17 my

Boonsri lifted her leg,I 18 free and was dragged to safety.I burst into tears with 19 .What

a lucky escape!

In the following days,I stayed in hospital,thinking about a question:Why can these mild animals

be so 20 ?If we humans treat them more gently and kindly,maybe things will be different.

1.A. carried on B. took up C. abandoned

2.A. watch

D. delayed

B. shoot C. protect D. buy

3.A. defeat B. loss C. failure D. abuse

4.A. zoo B. hotel C. sanctuary D. hospital

5.A. used B. introduced C. attached D. dragged

6.A. designed B. reported C. explained D. accomplished

7.A. sympathy B. forgiveness

8.A. accompanied B. greeted

9.A. touch

10.A. move on B. sing along

11.A. Finally B. Naturally

12.A. challenge

C. respect D. trust

C. comforted D. blamed

C. turn up D. give in

C. Unfortunately D. Normally

D. violently

D. forget

D. yells

B. control C. kick D. entertain

B. pattern C. interest D. idea

13.A. happily B. slowly C. gently

14.A. recall B. ignore C. realize

16.A. whispers

15.A. chest B. head C. leg D. hand

B. applause C. laughs

17.A. change B. ruin C. save D. improve

18.A. slipped B. rolled C. dived D. climbed

19.A. relief B. regret C. pride D. pity

20.A. sensitive B. disgusting


C. fragile D. aggressive

Cloze 3[2020河南开封一模]




- 2 -











On a Monday morning, back in 2015, I remembered parking my car outside my doctor’s clinic in

Broadwater, Western Australia. I felt 1 and I carefully practiced what I wanted to tell my doctor.

Heartbreak, sorrow and the loss of a complete family left me not coping well.

I was 2 . I had tried to pick myself up, tried to throw myself into my work as an educator

in before- and after-school care, and also tried to focus on my art. 3 these efforts, my depression

hadn’t gone away. It kept 4 like a cancer in my inner world. I wanted a normal 5 . I wanted

to be as healthy as my son, Kai, who was 6 me. I took a few deep breaths and went into the clinic

for my 7 .

After I returned to my car, I shut the door and started 8 uncontrollably. My doctor said

I had severe depression. I needed to take antidepressants(抗抑郁药). I had to make some big 9

to get better.

Still sobbing, I was 10 to hear a knock on my car door. A slim lady with short fair hair

11 opened it and began to speak calmly and kindly to me. "I don’t know what you’re 12 right

now. But I wish you well. I believe you will be 13 and what you are going through will pass

finally," she said. "Can I give you a hug?"

There I was, a weeping mess, 14 accepting this kind stranger’s comforting hug. All I 15

to reply in a choked(哽咽的) voice was "Thank you".

This is the most significant act of 16 that I’ve ever experienced from a stranger. It gave

me hope. My 17 started right there.

About a year later, I bumped into the same 18 at the opening of an art exhibition. She 19

me and smiled. She said she could tell I was doing well. We 20 again, and once more I expressed

my appreciation for her act.

1.A. confident B. proud C. nervous D. patient

2.A. ashamed B. astonished C. depressed D. confused

3.A. Without B. Despite C. Beyond D. Through

D. reward

4.A. growing B. surviving C. moving D. wandering

5.A. excuse B. life C. job

6.A. looking for B. waiting for

C. walking around D. depending on

7.A. school B. neighborhood

C. house D. appointment

C. laughing D. shaking 8.A. coughing B. weeping

9.A. preparations B. comments

C. changes D. contributions

10.A. surprised B. delighted C. disappointed D. excited

11.A. quickly B. madly C. gently D. casually

12.A. describing B. observing

C. determining D. experiencing

13.A. left behind B. looked after

14.A. calmly B. eagerly

15.A. managed B. decided

17.A. treatment

18.A. lady

C. called on D. turned off

C. unwillingly D. gratefully

C. failed D. attempted

16.A. courage B. kindness C. wisdom D. devotion

B. experiment C. recovery D. adventure

C. educator D. girl

C. understood D. comforted

B. doctor

19.A. recognized B. forgave

Cloze 4[2020辽宁五校协作体联考]

20.A. met B. nodded C. acted D. hugged

- 3 -















Two years ago,my friend and I were at his birthday quickly 1 ,he came to me with

an unusual 2 :Instead of receiving presents,he wanted to do some acts of kindness.

I was 3 with such an idea. 4 instead of taking for the birthday was really different.I

asked him how he came up with such a 5 told me about a TED talk he had watched on

generosity, which had 6 we started to 7 creative things we could do.

Our university employed some security guards to 8 its have to work

9 ,keeping watch on every corner throughout the university. For the most part it’s a thankless

job as most people grow 10 to seeing the guards all around and eventually 11 notice their

presence,let alone acknowledging their could we show them our appreciation?

We decided to make a large pot of hot 12 .We hired a car and asked the driver to take us

to the place on campus where the 13 would be and we poured them each a cup of hot

driver was 14 a bit doubtful about the entire plan but after a while he was helping us 15

the guards and our spirit had 16 to him as met with many 17 and appreciative

was amazing to see how a 18 act or even an intention of generosity can lift everyone’s


I now realize that special energy is created when you choose to think bigger than yourself and

act in 19 of others. You’ll find it’s actually the greatest 20 you’ve ever got,especially

when it’s your birthday.

1.A. ending B. passing C. advancing D. approaching

2.A. order B. request C. problem D. story

D. Donating

3.A. struck B. blessed

4.A. Refusing B. Earning

6.A. controlled

C. burdened D. bored

C. Giving

5.A. complex B. novel C. familiar D. traditional

B. supported

C. inspired D. rewarded

7.A. plan out B. take over

C. watch for

8.A. judge

D. hold back

B. help

C. monitor D. protect

9.A. step by step B. around the clock

C. more or less D. now and then

10.A. addicted B. devoted C. attached D. accustomed

D. generally 11.A. barely B. just C. always

12.A. tea B. milk C. porridge D. chocolate

13.A. workers B. students C. guards D. drivers

14.A. finally B. initially C. occasionally D. frequently

15.A. remind B. track C. spot D. recognize

16.A. spread B. moved C. happened D. returned

17.A. friends B. difficulties

C. greetings D. smiles

D. memory

18.A. similar B. small C. daily D. modest

19.A. service B. place C. charge

Cloze 5[2020四省八校质量检测]

20.A. lesson B. attention C. gift D. care

- 4 -















My son Leon’s passion for surfing began at the age of 13. After school each day, he put on his

wetsuit and swam out to challenge his 1 .

One afternoon, my husband Wilson was informed that Leon’s eye got badly 2 by his board.

Wilson rushed Leon to the 3 room. He received 26 stitches (缝线)from the corner of his eye

to the bridge of his nose.

I was flying home while Leon’s eye was being stitched. Wilson drove 4 to the airport after

they left the doctor’s office. He greeted me at the gate, saying Leon was waiting in the 5 .

"Leon?" I thought the waves must have been 6 that day.

"He had an accident, but he’s going to be 7 ."

A traveling working mother’s worst nightmare had come true. I 8 to the car so fast that

the heel of my shoe broke I saw my youngest son having a patch over his 9 and leaning

toward me 10 ,"Oh, Mom, I’m so glad you’re home. "

I also cried in his arms telling him how 11 I felt about not being there.

"It’s okay, Mom," he comforted me. "You don’t know how to surf 12 . "

"What?" I asked, 13 by his logic.

"I’ll be fine. The doctor says I can go back in the 14 in eight days."

I wanted to tell him he wasn’t allowed to go near water again, but instead I 15 my tongue,

hoping he would forget about 16 .

For the next seven days he kept pressing me to let him surf again. "Mom, you taught us never

to 17 what we love." After 18 "No" for the 100th time, finally I gave in.

Back then Leon was just a boy with a(n) 19 for surfing. Now he’s a man with a strong sense

of responsibility, ranking among the top 25 professional surfers in the world.

Passionate people 20 what they love and never give up.

1.A. teachers B. companions C. relatives D. parents

2.A. injured B. infected C. influenced

3.A. conference B. waiting

D. worsened

D. emergency C. observation

4.A. simply B. normally C. directly D. gradually

5.A. car B. room C. hall D. counter

6.A. favorable

7.A. competent

8.A. flew B. ran

9.A. eye B. jaw

10.A. approving

12.A. anywhere

14.A. home

B. terrible C. smooth

B. impatient C. fine D. wrong

C. crawled D. jumped

C. cheek D. forehead

B. arguing C. crying D. blaming

D. awful

D. anyway

D. depressed

D. brilliant

11.A. astonished B. fortunate C. privileged

B. somewhat C. somehow

13.A. embarrassed B. frustrated C. confused

B. school C. water D. game

C. found D. loosened 15.A. bit B. clicked

17.A. give out

18.A. declaring

16.A. performing B. reciting C. learning D. surfing

B. give up C. give off D. give away

D. criticizing

C. awareness D. expectation

B. repeating C. responding

C. convince D. hug



19.A. passion B. inspiration

20.A. claim B. forgive

Cloze 6[2019陕西三模]



- 5 -











Many little kids dream of changing the world, but how does someone so 1 make a difference

to a place so big? This 5-year-old boy from the UK may have found a 2 .

Toby is reaching out to every country through letters. He’s 3 to contact at least one person

from each country — and get a 4 .Toby’s mission(使命) began with a 5 assignment from school.

His mother, Sabine, said:

He was asked to read a book called





Zealand, which 6 the journey a letter

takes. 7 reading it, he asked, "Mummy, can I write a letter to New Zealand?"And while I was still

trying to 8 how to answer that, he said, "Can I write a letter to the 9 world? "

At first she thought his 10 for the project would 11 , but 239 letters later, Toby is

still going strong. 12 he’s written to 187 countries and received many replies. But Toby’s

project won’t 13 there. The 5-year-old also wants to find a way to help the people he’s 14


"When we started writing letters, we 15 with easily accessible First World countries," his

mother added. "Suddenly, we got a(n) 16 in Somalia. When we researched the country, Toby was 17

and asked what he could do to help. Together, we 18 a charity whose work was accessible to


Toby chose the ShelterBox, a charity that provides for families and children who have 19

everything due to disasters. Just today, Toby met his 20 of raising $950. "I want the world to

be a better place," Toby said.

1.A. noisy B. small C. lovely D. clever

2.A. way B. skill C. friend D. partner

3.A. careful B. proud C. satisfied D. determined

4.A. result B. story C. permit D. response

5.A. reading B. writing

7.A. Until

C. listening D. speaking

D. Despite

6.A. begins B. explains C. describes D. completes

B. After C. Before

8.A. show B. understand C. figure out D. prepare for

9.A. free B. new

11.A. fade

C. other D. whole

C. enthusiasm D. sympathy

D. develop

D. Therefore

10.A. support B. concern

12.A. After all

B. spread C. return

B. So far C. However

13.A. end B. pass C. apply D. expand

14.A. played B. stayed C. connected D. competed

15.A. worked B. negotiated C. kicked off D. caught up

16.A. idea B. deal C. question D. address

17.A. sad B. excited

19.A. requested

20.A. standard

C. happy D. scared

18.A. set up B. looked for C. headed for D. dropped into

B. provided C. recorded D. lost

B. goal C. challenge D. match


Cloze 7[2019晋冀鲁豫中原名校三模]














A few years ago my wife and I took a trip to Costa Rica. Upon arrival we 1 a car and headed

for our first destination which was a few hours away. I had a 2 so I figured I could manage.

- 6 -

After about 20 minutes’ drive I found myself practically 3 in the unmarked streets and dirty

roads. Upset, I turned to the navigation app on my phone for help.

I typed the 4 of our destination on my phone and instantly it 5 the best route(路线)

to get there and we were on our way.

The only 6 was that things didn’t always go the way I had thought they would. With the

streets not being well 7 , I would sometimes miss a turn and drive in a 8 direction. Luckily,

the app never got 9 with me. Any time I missed a turn it would simply 10 and say,

"Recalculating the route. 11 the route." And within a few seconds, it would have a new route

12 to get us to our destination.

Sometimes the new route meant I had to 13 to the right turn and sometimes it found a different

route that took my new location into 14 . Eventually we made it to our hotel 15 and enjoyed

some beautiful scenery along the way.

Most people make the 16 of thinking that success and happiness come from someone setting

a goal and then 17 straight towards it. The 18 is that there is no straight path to success.

There isn’t even the 19 path. There are many paths that can get you to your goals. You just

have to be 20 to recalculate your route when you miss a turn or there is something in your way.

1.A. produced B. repaired C. rented D. purchased

2.A. car B. phone C. compass

4.A. address B. approach C. receipt

D. map

D. schedule

3.A. absorbed B. lost C. experienced D. free

5.A. polished B. discovered C. opened D. managed

6.A. fear B. difference C. sympathy D. problem

7.A. marked B. paved C. arranged

9.A. generous B. mad

D. expanded

8.A. illegal B. new C. wrong D. potential

C. concerned D. cautious

10.A. break down B. cut in C. get up D. go away

11.A. Abandoning B. Canceling C. Reaching D. Changing

12.A. checked B. updated C. adjusted D. planned

D. apply

D. place

13.A. point B. lead C. return

14.A. order B. direction C. account

15.A. safely B. frequently C. hungrily D. gradually

16.A. mistake B. excuse C. accident D. trouble

17.A. accumulating B. withdrawing

C. marching D. fleeing

18.A. answer B. truth C. condition D. privilege

19.A. first B. suitableC. accurate D. only

20.A. willing B. proud C. anxious D. ambitious

Cloze 8[2019河南五月质检]















I was sitting in a consulting room waiting for my annual check-up. When a doctor arrived he

asked about my medical history. But then he threw in a question 1 ,"What are you going to do after

high school?"

"Uh...I don’t know," I said. I was seventeen, but I hadn’t 2 what I was going to do after

high school. I’d just had a meeting with my high school guidance counsellor(顾问) about this very

3 . And she just told me that I wasn’t "college 4 " — and I believed her because my grades

hardly 5 myself! "Well, why don’t you go to college to become a doctor like me?" he 6 .

- 7 -

I thought he was 7 to suggest it. I was the youngest of five children in my family and no

one had graduated from college. Yet, none of that 8 . He remained silent, waiting for my 9 .

Annoyed, I spoke out, "I’m not smart enough to be a doctor."

The doctor immediately stopped 10 , and he capped his pen and 11 at me, very seriously

saying, "You don’t have to be smart to be a doctor. You just have to be 12 ." Then he hurriedly

gathered his things and rushed off to his next 13 .

Later, I 14 to a college close to home and soon 15 myself walking on campus as a new

student. There I never gave up and 16 anything seemingly tough into steps. I tried my best to

pass the first task and when I was done, I put all my 17 into passing the next one. I applied

this approach to each task and passed all the courses 18 . I became the 19 one in my family

to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree five years after that 20 with my doctor.

1.A. consistently B. cautiously

C. unexpectedly

2.A. decided on

3.A. principle

D. habitually

B. depended on

B. subject C. task D. debate

C. recipe D. material

C. focused on D. taken on

4.A. graduate B. participant

5.A. disappointed B. satisfied

C. shocked D. confused

6.A. doubted B. smiled C. declared D. concluded

7.A. embarrassed B. generous

C. crazy D. considerate

8.A. occurred B. helped C. mattered D. worked

9.A. action B. enquiry C. analysis D. response

D. stared

10.A. writing B. asking C. examining D. thinking

11.A. glared B. struck C. laughed

12.A. determined B. inspired

C. confident D. enthusiastic

13.A. invitation B. appointment

C. movement D. position

14.A. applied B. reached

C. adjusted D. corresponded

15.A. imagined

17.A. behavior

18.A. by chance

B. caught C. found D. sensed

B. affection C. energy D. defence

B. at last C. on purpose D. in vain

16.A. overlooked B. mixed up C. overcame D. broke down

19.A. first B. smart C. next D. right

20.A. discussion B. arrangement

C. conference D. conversation

题组2 夹叙夹议文

Cloze 9[2020陕西百校联考]















I was cycling and noticed a person, about a quarter of a kilometer in front of me. I could tell

he was cycling a little slower than me and 1 to try to catch up with him. I had about a kilometer

to go on the road 2 turning off.

- 8 -

So I 3 cycling faster and faster and every 4 , I was gaining on him just a little bit.

After just a few minutes I was only about 100 yards 5 him, so I really picked up the pace and

6 myself. You would have 7 I was cycling in the last section of the London Olympic triathlon.

8 I caught up with him and passed him. On the inside I felt so 9 .I beat him, of course,

but he didn’t even know we were 10 .

After I passed him, I 11 that I had been so focused on competing against him that I had 12

my turn. I had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to turn around and go all the way back.

Isn’t that what happens in life when we 13 competing with co-workers, neighbors, and friends,

trying to 14 that we are more successful or more important? We spend our time and 15 chasing

after them and we miss out on our own 16 to our future.

The 17 of unhealthy competition is that it’s a never-ending 18 . And there will always

be somebody ahead of you, someone with a 19 job, more money and a better education, etc.

Therefore, just take what life has given you, your height, weight and personality. Stay focused

and live a peaceful life. There’s no 20 in life. Run your own race and wish others well!

1.A. failed B. decided

3.A. stopped B. enjoyed

5.A. apart from

6.A. comforted

8.A. Apparently

C. agreed D. forgot

D. regretted

2.A. before B. after C. unless D. when

C. started

4.A. way B. block C. step D. time

B. above C. ahead of D. behind

B. protected C. pushed D. supported

B. Surprisingly C. Fortunately D. Finally

7.A. thought B. remembered C. dreamt D. hoped

9.A. calm B. lucky C. astonished D. good

10.A. racing B. exercising C. celebrating

11.A. believed

D. cycling

B. expected C. realized D. understood

12.A. escaped B. missed C. made D. lost

13.A. worry about B. care for

C. depend on D. focus on

D. inform

D. pain

D. goal

14.A. prove B. declare C. explain

15.A. tears B. money C. energy

17.A. task

16.A. paths B. entrances C. plans D. barriers

B. difficulty C. problem

18.A. movement B. cycle C. event D. routine

C. pressure D. challenge

19.A. steady B. suitable C. temporary D. better

20.A. mistake B. competition

Cloze 10[2019山东四校联考]















My mom is an awesome human being just like all other moms. She knowingly and unknowingly 1

me a whole lot of things about the world. The 2 which I’m going to share today determined the

way I 3 everybody.

I was four years old then. One fine afternoon, my mom and I were 4 outdoors, she reading

and I watching a line of 5 . I was never a naughty kid; 6 , I was known for keeping quiet even

when things were not going my way. So I don’t remember why I did this but I disrupted(使中断) the

line of ants and I liked it when they looked so 7 . I even went ahead and stepped on a couple

of them! My mom saw this and she wasn’t 8 with me but she said something I still 9 today.

- 9 -

She said, "You should never be 10 to anybody however small they are. Everybody is equal and we

shouldn’t treat them 11 .

I got upset when I heard this because I thought I had 12 my mom. Also I started 13 what

I had done to the ants. It has been more than 25 years and I’ve 14 so many things that happened

in my life; 15 , I still do my best to be kind to everybody.

We should teach our young kids never to be mean to anybody. It makes a 16 when people praise

other people for their efforts 17 being envious. We’re proud of people achieving their goals

however 18 they may be. When you’re kind to other people, a positive 19 goes on. It’s a

kind of 20 reaction that uplifts the whole world at a time. I believe in the magic of kindness!

1.A. offered B. left C. promised D. taught

2.A. accident B. information C. incident D. conflict

3.A. respect B. treat C. question D. doubt

4.A. staying B. chatting C. wandering D. playing

5.A. trees B. kids C. ants D. cars

C. above all D. at first

C. ugly D. scary

D. honest

6.A. in short B. in fact

7.A. troubled B. excited

8.A. patient B. familiar C. annoyed

9.A. live by B. disagree with

C. get across

10.A. familiar

11.A. seriously

C. comforted

D. look for

B. cruel C. similar D. cool

B. hopelessly C. directly D. unfairly

D. terrified

12.A. disappointed B. convinced

13.A. believing in B. seeking for

C. laughing at D. thinking about

14.A. accepted

C. forgotten

15.A. thus

16.A. decision

18.A. rare

B. repeated

D. discovered

C. therefore D. besides

C. deal D. living

C. along with D. because of

B. difference

B. however

17.A. instead of B. except for

19.A. debate B. process

B. ambitious C. insignificant D. significant

C. match D. circle

20.A. direct B. immediate C. chain D. first

Cloze 11[2019河南洛阳、许昌第一次质检]















As a young child, I was painfully shy.I’d watch other children at 1 in the park, wishing

I could join their ranks for a 2 of tag, hide-and-seek, or jump rope, but I was too 3 to approach

them. 4 , my mother would come to the ’d get up from the bench where she was sitting

with the other moms, 5 my hand, and ask the other kids if I could play answer was 6

yes (I’m sure the other children didn’t want to get into trouble with their own moms), and then

I’d be happy for the rest of until the pattern 7 itself the next day.

I became 8 awkward and more outgoing as I grew up, thankfully — though I never 9 what

you’d call a social , I feel 10 with giving public lectures in halls, and having

11 in small groups, but I still tend to avoid situations in which I’m expected to mingle(应酬)

with a roomful of 12 (I’m working on it).

- 10 -

The reasons for my aversion(厌恶) could be one thing, I might be 13 some

residual(残留的)childhood fear of beyond that possibility, one 14 element is that

I 15 to underestimate how much others like me after I meet them.

As some authors 16 , conversations are a great 17 of happiness in our lives, but they could

bring us even greater joy if we 18 that others like us more than we know, which is a good thing

to keep in mind as you 19 the awe-inspiring room of strangers at your next cocktail party or

the company’s 20 hour.I know I’ll try to.

1.A. work B. play C. war

2.A. party

D. lunch

D. game

D. shocked

B. course C. presentation

3.A. scared B. thrilled C. ashamed

4.A. Accidentally B. Temporarily

C. Eventually D. Absolutely

5.A. take B. keep C. pick D. push

6.A. yet B. simply C. always D. already

7.A. considered

8.A. worse

B. found C. concerned D. repeated

B. less C. quite D. rather

9.A. turned into B. put forward

C. jumped at D. pointed out

10.A. attractive B. popular

C. serious D. comfortable

11.A. compositions B. conversations

C. essays D. comments

12.A. passengers B. customers

C. strangers D. authors

13.A. leading B. carrying C. describing D. evaluating

14.A. likely B. real C. full D. complete

15.A. like B. happen C. refuse D. tend

16.A. arrange B. demand C. state D. discuss

17.A. level B. reward C. intention D. source

18.A. observe B. realize

19.A. discover



Cloze 12[2020广东惠州第二次调研]






C. consult D. control

B. recognize C. survey D. acquaint

20.A. happy B. last C. proud D. individual










Trees have always held much attraction for are the 1 life form on our planet

and one of the most a direct 2 with thousands of years of history,trees appear in

many books and have 3 artists over the years.

When I was a child I 4 a science fiction story that made me think about trees in a new

the story, 5 from an advanced civilization come to our planet and their spaceship 6 in the

middle of a aliens(外星人)have a long 7 with the trees of the forest and then leave,

8 to think that the inhabitants(居民)of Earth are noble,intelligent and peaceful.

Trees 9 a lot about being part of a community and that cooperation is better for a society

than 10 .Scientists are only just beginning to understand how it all 11 ,but we now know that

trees growing together share all of the available resources with each ,strong trees in a

good 12 will share food and water with 13 trees that receive less 14 ,a

- 11 -

community of trees makes itself 15 of giant redwood trees,for example,grow together

under the ’s as if they are 16 means that they are 17 stronger when

there are heavy winds or floods.

We all acknowledge that trees are 18 for the environment and the survival of our 19 .

Perhaps they have even more to 20 us in the future.

1.A. kindest B. oldest C. heaviest D. fittest

2.A. link B. league C. culture

4.A. took in B. came across

C. set aside D. kept up

5.A. workers B. researchers

C. visitors D. invaders

6.A. lands B. drops

C. flies D. shoots

7.A. translation B. word

C. cooperation D. conversation

8.A. curious B. happy C. desperate D. grateful

9.A. get B. know C. afford D. send

10.A. regulation B. management

C. competition D. construction

11.A. learns B. ends C. grows D. works

12.A. position B. manner C. rank D. model

13.A. lower B. slower C. weaker D. cheaper

14.A. pulling back B. bringing up

C. fighting back D. teaming up

15.A. branches B. fruits C. leaves D. roots

16.A. holding B. clapping C. waving D. raising

17.A. nearly B. really C. only D. merely

18.A. popular B. suitable C. vital D. normal

19.A. city B. country C. continent D. planet

20.A. offer B. take C. pay D. study

Cloze 13[2020广东惠州第一次调研]






D. agreement

3.A. governed B. sponsored C. inspired D. tricked










It has once again been declared the world’s most popular museum. 1 ,it may not be a 2

thing for the Louvre(卢浮宫)in Paris.

The museum broke its own 3 in 2018,welcoming 10.2 million 4 and claiming the top spot in

an index of the world’s most-visited museums.

But the Louvre’s uptick(小幅增加)in visitors 5 too much for many of its 6

by reception and security staff over the number of tourists 7 through its doors hit opening hours

throughout the week.

"The Louvre is suffocating(使人窒息的),"a worker said in a statement."The number of visitors

has increased by more than 20% since 2009,but the palace has not grown,"he 8 .

The museum was 9 on Monday and opened later than advertised on Wednesday,due to a 10 with

the dissatisfied rs 11 outside the building throughout the week,and those without

bookings were 12 .

- 12 -

Although tensions with its workers 13 ,the museum has a 14 bottom line. The Louvre broke

its 2012 15 record in 2018,marking a dramatic 16 from a sharp downturn in visits in

downturn was due to a sudden decrease in 17 in Paris.

The social media that are 18 about Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s music 19 filmed at the museum may

have played a role in that increase.

But while visitor numbers rose at the Louvre, the overall attendance was relatively 20 among

the top 20 museums in the world last ance grew among the top 20 by just 0.1% from 2017

to 2018.

1.A. Moreover B. However C. Finally D. Eventually

2.A. splendid B. skeptical C. tough D. sad

3.A. promise B. rule C. record

4.A. musicians B. artists

D. law

C. visitors D. volunteers

5.A. acquired B. suffered C. blamed D. proved

6.A. strikes B. quarrels C. fights D. contests

7.A. flooding B. jumping

9.A. decorated

C. crawling D. slipping

D. paused

D. closed

8.A. stopped B. added C. started

10.A. lecture B. meeting

12.A. turned up

B. repaired C. visited

C. speech D. lesson

D. served

D. turned on C. turned away

11.A. queued B. dined C. helped

B. turned over

13.A. die out B. pay off C. fade away D. go on

14.A. healthy B. funny C. tinny D. cozy

15.A. quality B. attendance C. photo D. worker

16.A. alarm B. attack C. recovery

17.A. paintings

18.A. innocent

20.A. high

B. selfish

D. prediction

B. products C. population D. tourism

C. crazy D. generous

19.A. concert B. video C. festival D. industry

B. huge C. round D. flat

题组4 议论文

Cloze 14[2019江南十校质检]















Off goes your alarm clock! Your eyes snap open! What is the first thing on your 1 ? Do you

calculate how long you can have a snooze? Are you already going over the day’s to-do list or 2

checking your phone?

You are definitely not 3 if any or all of these morning habits sound familiar. 4 , 60

percent of people check their phones immediately when they 5 , according to a 2015 survey. You

should stop using your smartphone in bed — these mind-numbing routines are among what you will

6 most in life. So why not take a 7 approach?

At the graduation ceremony at Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs made a speech, advising

his 8 to start each morning with one specific sentence. Doing so, he said, will 9 the way

we deal with our day-to-day lives.

Jobs got the idea after reading a quote about 10 when he was 17. From then on, he started

each morning by looking in the 11 and asking, "If today were the last day of my 12 , would

I want to do what I’m about to do today?"

- 13 -

Now, 13 it yourself. Asking yourself this powerful question every day requires you to deeply

14 what you do on a daily basis and whether you can get satisfaction from it. It can also help

you 15 your tasks to fundamental ones. 16 wasting time on mindless activities like surfing

the Internet, you’ll start filling your days with more satisfying things, such as spending time

with family and friends. 17 , you’ll stop worrying about what other people think of you; your

energy and focus should be 18 , like improving yourself, reaching your goals and making an impact

on the world.

19 you have made a habit of asking this one simple question every morning, congratulations!

You are 20 finding the secret to living a meaningful life.

1.A. side B. mind C. phone D. level

2.A. seriously

3.A. aware

B. happily C. mindlessly D. hopelessly

D. In addition

B. afraid C. alone D. alive

C. pull up D. wake up

4.A. In fact B. In brief C. In particular

5.A. stay up B. make up

7.A. different

8.A. consumers

10.A. strength

6.A. forget B. value C. regret D. enjoy

B. similar C. specific D. familiar

D. staff B. audience C. friends

9.A. develop B. change C. promote D. choose

B. weakness C. birth D. death

11.A. mirror B. window C. diary D. paper

12.A. travel B. work C. holiday D. life

13.A. get B. make C. forget D. try

14.A. expect B. consider C. doubt D. ignore

15.A. narrow down B. put aside

C. clear away D. take on

16.A. Instead of B. Regardless of

C. In spite of D. In case of

17.A. Yet B. Therefore

C. Besides D. Otherwise

18.A. nowhere B. elsewhere

C. anywhere D. somewhere

19.A. Even if B. Only if

C. As long as D. Now that

20.A. open to B. devoted to

C. close to D. accustomed to

题组1 人与自然·生态环保

Cloze 1[2019江苏]















Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age. There are species(物种) that are 36

every day. The white-naped crane is a typical example. So scientists are trying their best to

37 the species from going out of existence.

- 14 -

Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping endangered cranes with their 38 . Emma, a female crane,

has been in their 39 since she arrived in 2004.

Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was 40 by human caretakers. This led to an

unexpected 41 , though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had 42 taken herself as a crane

and become deeply attached to humans. She 43 to live with male cranes, and even had a 44

for killing some of them, which made it 45 for her to become a mother.

46 , the two zookeepers didn’t want to see the extinction(灭绝)of this precious species.

With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a 47 of artificial breeding (人工繁殖) and natural reproduction. This 48 Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.

The two keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be 49 , more efforts

must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the 50 , and many other species

appear headed toward extinction. 51 , not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts,

feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.

How can we 52 the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals? Chris and Tim

offered us the 53 : human beings took it for granted that their 54 held all the solutions, but

maybe their hearts can be a better 55 .

36.A. growing B. migrating C. competing D. disappearing

37.A. ban B. save C. split D. remove

38.A. abortion

39.A. care

B. recreation C. reproduction D. administration

D. seized

B. eye C. mind D. story

40.A. found B. chosen C. raised

41.A. bonus B. consequence

C. victory D. sacrifice

42.A. never B. always C. unluckily D. cheerfully

43.A. liked B. refused

44.A. gift

C. decided D. hesitated

D. reputation

D. impossible

B. skill C. concern

B. Moreover

45.A. illegal B. inspiring C. important

46.A. Therefore

C. However D. Instead

47.A. combination B. collection

C. strategy D. system

48.A. forced B. forbade

49.A. defeated

50.A. list

C. taught D. enabled

D. tolerant

D. decline

B. grateful C. assured

B. rise C. agenda

D. On the contrary

51.A. In contrast B. After all

C. By the way

52.A. leave B. bridge C. open D. identify

53.A. course B. excuse C. answer

55.A. guide B. treat C. example

Cloze 2[2019浙江]






D. reward

D. companion

54.A. brains B. behaviors C. services D. projects










There are lots of ways to raise awareness for a cause. Usually, the 36 the idea is, the more

it gets noticed. And that’s precisely why one 37 Frenchman has caught our attention.

- 15 -

Baptiste Dubanchet is biking across Europe, surviving 38 on discarded (丢弃) food. The

three-month, 1,900-mile journey from Paris to Warsaw is Dubanchet’s 39 of raising awareness

of food waste in Europe and throughout the world.

As you can 40 , the trip is no piece of cake. While restaurants 41 tons of food each year,

much of it remains inaccessible because of 42 garbage containers, health regulations, or business

policies. Only about one in ten places 43 him food that would otherwise be discarded. For legal

44 , most restaurants have a policy against 45 food waste."Some people have even 46 their

jobs by giving me food," Dubanchet said.

What’s 47 interesting is the attitude various cities have toward Dubanchet’s cause.

Berlin has been the 48 while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen. There, he had to

49 at some 50 different stores or restaurants before finding food. The 50 is all the more

serious when you consider the 51 exercise required to bike from France to Poland.

"I have to get food 52 because after all the biking I am tired and I need the

53 ,"Dubanchet explained. "Is my 54 full or empty? That is the most important thing, not what

I am eating."

He aims to 55 his journey by mid-July. With any luck, he’ll turn a few more heads in the


36.A. cleverer B. older C. stranger D. simpler

37. A. garbage-eating B. sports-loving

C. food-wasting D. law-breaking

38.A. secretly B. finally C. entirely D. probably

D. dream

D. remember

39.A. purpose B. way

41.A. store B. cook

C. shop for

C. connected

D. throw away

D. abandoned

C. ordered D. sold

42.A. locked B. damaged

43.A. bought B. offered

C. opinion

C. suggest 40.A. observe B. imagine

44.A. reasons B. rights C. fees D. aids

45.A. begging for B. giving away

C. hiding D. causing

46.A. did B. kept C. accepted

47.A. hardly B. usually

48.A. easiest B. nearest

49.A. work

D. risked

D. merely

D. richest

C. particularly

C. biggest

D. jump B. shout C. ask

D. challenge

B. rewarding

D. suitable

50.A. competition B. conversation

C. conflict

51.A. adequate

C. demanding

52.A. again B. alone C. later D. fast

53.A. spirit B. energy C. time D. effort

54.A. stomach B. hand C. pocket D. basket

55.A. arrange B. restart

Cloze 3[2019全国Ⅱ]






C. report D. finish

题组2 人与社会·人际关系和谐










- 16 -

It’s about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers’ home in Minnesota. During

the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting, Ehlers 41 about the small dog he had seen

42 alongside the road. He had 43 to coax(哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had 44 .

Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that 45 dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg,

and the two drove 46 . After a long and careful 47 , Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving

48 away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were

replaced with 49 . It just started licking(舔)Ehlers’ face.

A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one 50 as lost in the local paper. The ad

had a 51 number for a town in southern Michigan. Ehlers 52 the number of Jeff and Lisa to

tell them he had 53 their dog.

Jeff had 54 in Iowa before Thanksgiving with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared

the dog off. Jeff searched 55 for Rosie in the next four days.

Ehlers returned to Minnesota, and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight

to Michigan. "It’s good to know there’s still someone out there who 56 enough to go to that

kind of 57 ," says Lisa of Ehlers’ rescue 58 .

"I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as 59 to it as I am to my dogs," says Ehlers.

"If it had been my dog, I’d hope that somebody would be 60 to go that extra mile."

41.A. read B. forgot C. thought D. heard

42.A. fighting B. trembling C. eating D. sleeping

43.A. tried B. agreed C. promised D. regretted

44.A. calmed down B. stood up

C. rolled over D. run off

45.A. injured B. stolen C. lost D. rescued

46.A. home

C. test

B. past C. back D. on

D. search

47.A. preparation B. explanation

48.A. cautiously B. casually

C. skillfully D. angrily

49.A. surprise

50.A. predicted

C. believed

B. joy C. hesitation D. anxiety

B. advertised

D. recorded

D. car

D. remembered

51.A. house B. phone C. street

52.A. called B. copied C. counted

53.A. fed B. adopted C. found D. cured

54.A. hunted B. skied C. lived D. worked

55.A. on purpose B. on time

C. in turn D. in vain

56.A. cares B. sees C. suffers D. learns

57.A. place B. trouble C. waste D. extreme

58.A. service B. plan C. effort D. team

59.A. equal B. allergic C. grateful D. close

60.A. suitable

Cloze 4[2019北京]






B. proud C. wise D. willing










Regardless of the weather or the distance, Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students in

his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time.

- 17 -

A retired engineer, 76-year-old Wilson has been 11 free rides to college students for the

past eight years. Since he first started 12 his car to the young people, Wilson has 13 an

astonishing 64,000 miles, and has had countless pleasant and often humorous 14 with the students

he transports to and from school. The students who he’s 15 have gone on to become physicians,

teachers and engineers, but what they’ve also got out of their time in school is finding a role

model and a friend in Wilson. Some students 16 call him"Grandpa".

Tina Stern 17 rides from Wilson for all her four years in college, and the trips meant much

more to her than just free 18 ."It’s not just a ride; you’re not just sitting there in 19

silence or with your headphones on,"Stern said."He asks you questions and actually 20 the answers,

so the next time you ride with him, he’ll 21 those things."

Wilson first worked as a driver through a student-support programme of the non-profit

organisation, On Point for College. Although the 22 asks the members only to drive students to

and from their classes, Wilson often goes 23 to ensure the welfare and safety of the students.

If they have problems with registration, Wilson is there to 24 them. If they run out of certain

daily necessities, Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what’s needed. If a student

gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never 25 to buy them a meal.

For many students, Wilson’s help is not only appreciated, it’s also entirely 26 for them

to be able to complete their college education. Some students don’t have a reliable car, while others

have to 27 vehicles with parents who work six days a week. For them, riding with Wilson has 28

them to complete their education — but according to Wilson, he benefits just as much from the

29 ."I just love driving, and I love these kids,"Wilson said. "It’s such a(n) 30 to be a part

of these kids’ lives, even just for a few hours, getting to know them and hearing their stories."

11.A. linking B. sending

C. offering D. distributing

12.A. donating

C. delivering

B. lending

D. volunteering

13.A. paved B. covered

C. measured D. wandered

14.A. arguments B. interviews

C. addressed D. greeted

C. negotiations D. conversations

15.A. met B. driven

16.A. even B. ever C. once D. already

B. style

C. ridiculous D. suspicious

C. guesses D. remembers

D. programme

17.A. earned B. received C. assessed D. demanded

18.A. transportation

C. time D. communication

19.A. forced B. awkward

20.A. selects B. recites

22.A. club

21.A. act on B. settle on C. check on D. agree on

B. league C. college

23.A. far B. around C. beyond D. forwards

24.A. assist B. watch C. urge D. warn

25.A. expects B. attempts C. manages

26.A. extra B. unusual

28.A. required

27.A. share B. fuel C. repair

B. allowed

C. reminded D. convinced

29.A. experience B. arrangement

C. appreciation D. employment

30.A. effort B. ambition

D. hesitates

D. exchange

C. necessary D. adequate

- 18 -

C. privilege

Cloze 5[2019天津]



D. convenience













I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night, when fear seized me. My wallet was

gone. I could only have left it on the G9 bus, which was now speeding in the dark to some 16


The 17 moment was quickly followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost

to replace the 18 of that little wallet? The credit cards, the driver’s license, the cash, all

lost to the bus.

Two hours later, back at my house, I heard a knock on the door. My husband 19 it while I

was on the phone in the dining room. "Does Jennifer live here?" I heard a lady say. In my husband’s

hand was my wallet, with not a penny 20 . She left before I could 21 make it to the door to

offer my thanks.

After sharing the story online, I heard from someone, who 22 the lady as Erin Smith. Without

23 , I called to thank her. She said she 24 my wallet on a bus seat. She 25 that going to

a stranger’s house was a 26 move, but she decided to take the chance. "If I were in that 27 ,

I would want someone to try to find me," she said.

This one stranger responded beautifully to my small 28 , but she actually wasn’t the only

one. Right after Erin 29 my wallet on the bus, she posted a picture of my driver’s license to

an online forum (论坛), trying to see 30 anyone knew me. No sooner did she leave my doorstep

than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son’s nursery and who recognized my face.

I’ve never 31 words with those moms beyond small talk, but they wanted to help. I read that

people are more divided than ever, but that’s not how the people I 32 tend to act.

33 , I feel happy someone had wanted to help a stranger. Erin had gone 34 what almost

anyone would have done, finding my house on a bitterly cold night, and for that I was extremely

35 .

16.A. accessible B. hidden

C. unknown D. convenient

17.A. face-saving B. brain-washing

C. eye-catching D. heart-stopping

18.A. parts B. contents

C. details D. ingredients

19.A. ignored B. answered

C. examined D. interrupted

20.A. missing B. returned

C. remaining D. abandoned

21.A. still B. ever C. yet

22.A. selected B. appointed

C. identified D. defined

23.A. delay B. alarm C. regret D. invitation

24.A. moved B. placed C. opened D. spotted

25.A. disagreed

26.A. selfless

C. slow

B. complained

B. risky

C. calculated D. recommended

D. personal

D. even

27. A. site B. direction

- 19 -

C. situation D. atmosphere

28.A. crisis B. danger

C. threat D. failure

29.A. got rid of B. made use of

C. had control of

31.A. recalled

32.A. encounter

D. took possession of

D. when 30.A. if B. where C. how

B. exchanged

B. follow

C. repeated D. whispered

C. consult D. accompany

33.A. Going away B. Turning around

C. Looking back D. Coming along

34.A. into

C. over

B. against

D. beyond

D. grateful


35.A. longing B. enthusiastic

C. concerned

Cloze 6[2018全国Ⅱ]














Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. He’d moved to England with his mum when he

was three and it had been 13 years since I’d 41 seen him. So imagine my 42 when he emailed

me saying he wanted to come to visit me.

I was 43 ! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to 44 .The bay was 45

in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little 46 ,

I realized one kayak(皮划艇)was in 47 ."Something’s not 48 !" I took off my T-shirt and 49

into the water.I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the was

50 violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors, I helped 51 the young man out of the

water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something 52 to me. Those brown eyes were

very 53 ."What’s his name?" I asked the instructor."Ben," he replied, and immediately I 54 .

That stranger was my son!

The instructors called for an ambulance. 55 , after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well

enough to be allowed to 56 and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything

and then Ben 57 to me."I just want to say thank you," he said."You 58 my life!"

I still can’t believe what a 59 it was. I’m just so glad I was there 60 to help my


41.A. also B. often C. even D. last

C. thrilled D. ashamed

42.A. delight B. relief C. anger D. worry

43.A. scared B. shocked

44.A. talk B. stay C. meet D. settle

D. wiser

45.A. bathed B. clean C. deep D. formed

46.A. faster B. closer C. heavier

47.A. trouble B. advance

48.A. real

C. question D. battle

B. right C. fair D. fit

49.A. stared B. sank C. dived D. fell

50.A. arguing B. fighting C. shouting D. shaking

51.A. lead B. persuade C. carry D. keep

52.A. happened B. occurred

C. applied D. appealed

- 20 -

53.A. sharp B. pleasant C. attractive D. familiar

54.A. agreed B. hesitated C. doubted

55.A. Fortunately B. Frankly

C. Sadly D. Suddenly

56.A. return B. relax C. speak D. leave

57.A. joked B. turned C. listened

58.A. created B. honored

C. pity

59.A. coincidence B. change

D. pain

B. in time 60.A. on board

Cloze 7[2017北京]






D. knew

D. pointed

C. saved D. guided

C. for sure D. on purpose










Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl from Manitoba, Canada. One day, when she was five years old, she

was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg. They saw a man 36 out of a garbage can. She

asked her mother why he did that, and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry. Hannah

was very 37 . She couldn’t understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter

or enough food. Hannah started to think about how she could 38 , but, of course, there is not a

lot one five-year-old can do to solve(解决) the problem of homelessness.

Later, when Hannah attended school, she saw another homeless person. It was a woman, 39 an

old shopping trolley(购物车) which was piled with 40 . It seemed that everything the woman owned

was in them. This made Hannah very sad, and even more 41 to do something. She had been talking

to her mother about the lives of homeless people 42 they first saw the homeless man. Her mother

told her that if she did something to change the problem that made her sad, she wouldn’t 43

as bad.

Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces. She

hoped to 44 her message of hope and awareness. She started the Ladybug Foundation, an

organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness. She began to 45 "Big Bosses" lunches, where

she would try to persuade local business leaders to 46 to the cause. She also organized a

fundraising(募捐) drive in "Ladybug Jars" to collect everyone’s spare change during "Make Change"

month. More recently, the foundation began another 47 called National Red Scarf Day — a day

when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada’s 48 and homeless.

There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called "Hannah’s Place", something that Hannah is

very 49 of. Hannah’s Place is divided into several areas, providing shelter for people when

it is so cold that 50 outdoors can mean death. In the more than five years since Hannah began

her activities, she has received a lot of 51 . For example, she received the 2007 BRICK Award

recognizing the 52 of young people to change the world. But 53 all this, Hannah still has

the 54 life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl, except that she pays regular visits to homeless people.

Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a 55 in the world. You can,


36.A. jumping B. eating C. crying

37.A. annoyed B. nervous C. ashamed

38.A. behave B. manage C. help D. work

39.A. pushing B. carrying C. buying D. holding

40.A. goods B. bottles C. foods D. bags

41.A. excited B. determined C. energetic D. grateful

D. waving

D. upset

- 21 -

42.A. since B. unless C. although D. as

43.A. sound B. get

44.A. exchange

45.A. sell

C. feel D. look

C. host D. pack

B. leave C. keep D. spread

B. deliver

46.A. contribute B. lead C. apply D. agree

47.A. campaign B. trip C. procedure D. trial

D. sick 48.A. elderly B. hungry C. lonely

49.A. aware B. afraid C. proud D. sure

50.A. going B. sleeping C. travelling D. playing

51.A. praises B. invitations

C. replies D. appointments

52.A. needs B. interests C. dreams D. efforts

53.A. for B. through C. besides D. along

D. tough

D. difference

54.A. healthy B. public C. normal

Cloze 8[2016乙卷(全国Ⅰ)]






55.A. choice B. profit C. judgement










A Heroic Driver

Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was 41 along I65 north

after delivering to one of his 42 . Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43 he

got closer, he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed 45

shooting out from under the 46 vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire

extinguisher(灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he had 49 an emergency call.

They 50 heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked(毁坏的) vehicle. 51 the vehicle, they

saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay 52 until

the emergency personnel arrived, 53 she thought the car was going to 54 . Larry told her that

he had already put out the fire and that she should not move 55 she injured her neck.

Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man 56 and let them go to work.

Then, Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go. They let him and the other man go.

One thing is 59 — Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the

burning vehicle! His 60 most likely saved the woman’s life.

41.A. walking B. touring

C. employers

44.A. each

46.A. used

C. traveling D. rushing

42.A. passengers B. colleagues

D. customers

D. If

C. that D. his

D. abandoned

43.A. Since B. Although C. As

B. another

45.A. flames B. smoke C. water D. steam

B. disabled C. removed

D. controlled

47.A. got hold of B. prepared

C. took charge of

48.A. came down

49.A. returned

50.A. then

51.A. Starting

B. came through

B. received C. made D. confirmed

D. even

B. Parking

C. came in D. came over

B. again C. finally

- 22 -

C. Passing D. Approaching

52.A. quiet B. still C. away D. calm

53.A. for B. so C. and D. but

D. crash

C. in case D. after

54.A. explode B. slip away C. fall apart

55.A. as if B. unless

C. moved on

58.A. forbidden

C. reported

60.A. patience

56.A. stepped forward B. backed off

D. set out

B. ready C. asked

D. checked

B. skills C. efforts D. promise

D. free

57.A. woman B. police C. man D. driver

59.A. for certain B. for consideration



Cloze 9[2018全国Ⅰ]















During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering

a "free" course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class

because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted

to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t 43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was

appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which 45 I would be learning from

one of the game’s 46 . I could hardly wait to 47 him.

Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was

no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would

be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how

we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and, 52 , to our lives.

I managed to get an A in that 53 and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the

54 .

Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he 55 me: "The

absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On

every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent(对手) is doing and 59

the best move from among all your options." These words still ring true today in my 60 as a


41.A. put forward B. jumped at

C. tried out D. turned down

C. moved D. tired

42.A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay

43.A. excited B. worried

44.A. title B. competitor C. textbook D. instructor

45.A. urged B. demanded C. held D. meant

46.A. fastest B. easiest

47.A. interview

49.A. real

C. best D. rarest

B. meet C. challenge D. beat

C. clear D. possible

48.A. chance B. qualification C. honor D. job

B. perfect

50.A. attend B. pass C. skip D. observe

51.A. add B. expose

C. directly

53.A. game

C. apply D. compare

52.A. eventually B. naturally

D. normally

B. presentation

- 23 -

C. course D. experiment

54.A. criterion

56.A. fact

B. classroom C. department D. situation

D. skill

D. comments

55.A. taught B. wrote C. questioned D. promised

B. step C. manner

57.A. grades B. decisions C. impressions

58.A. analyze B. describe C. rebuild

59.A. announce

60.A. role



D. control

D. behavior

B. signal C. block D. evaluate

C. concern



B. desire


Cloze 10[2018天津]










No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own 16 .

I learned this lesson from a(n) 17 many years ago. I took the head 18 job at a school

in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school’s old team to play against the 19 team at the end of

spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn’t even practice to 20 the game. Being

the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment

we were defeated. I couldn’t 21 I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came

to 22 that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were 23 me. I had

to change my 24 about their ability and potential.

I started doing anything I could to help them build a little 25 . Most important, I began

to treat them like 26 . That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their 27 , we met every day

and 28 passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering our 29 on the spring practice field, we won our first game and

our second, and continued to 30 .Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that

it would be a 31 for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn’t what happened. My boys beat

the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest 32 of my life!

From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 33 the members

of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and 34 them. I helped them to see

themselves 35 , and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, not born.

16.A. luck B. tests C. efforts D. nature

17.A. experiment B. experience

C. visit D. show

18.A. operating B. editing

C. consulting D. coaching

19.A. successful B. excellent

C. strong D. new

20.A. cheer for B. prepare for

C. help with D. finish with

21.A. believe B. agree C. describe D. regret

D. demand 22.A. realize B. claim C. permit

C. depending on

24.A. decision

C. fortune

26.A. leaders

23.A. reacting to B. looking for

D. caring about

D. intention B. attitude C. conclusion

D. relationship

B. partners C. winners D. learners

25.A. pride B. culture

- 24 -

27.A. rewards B. vacations C. health

C. considered

D. honor

D. practiced 28.A. risked B. missed

29.A. defeat B. decline C. accident D. mistake

30.A. relax B. improve C. expand D. defend

31.A. shame B. burden C. victory

33.A. surprise

C. protected

35.A. honestly

B. serve

D. favor

32.A. chances B. thrills C. concerns D. offers

C. interest D. affect

34.A. encouraged B. observed

D. impressed

B. individually

C. calmly D. differently

Cloze 11[2018浙江]















We have all heard how time is more valuable than money, but is it 36 to have too much time?

I 37 back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also 38 a team sport.

By the time I got home, I only had a few hours to do my homework, and I had to do it 39 .

When I got into college, things 40 . I suddenly found myself out of class before noon time.

Because of all this 41 time, there was no sense of 42 to do my school work immediately. I

was performing this action of waiting until it later became a 43 . Once that happened, I just

kept 44 my studying further and further back in my day. Then I got to the point where I was

45 really late at night to get my work done.

One day I 46 a former classmate of mine who was 47 a lot of money running a sideline

(副业). Since his regular job was 48 , I asked him why he just didn’t do his sideline full-time.

He said without the job, he would 49 have too much time and would just do what I did back in

50 . He said that if he 51 the job, he would lose his 52 to work and succeed.

So, try 53 your time with other work. This is why there is a 54 that if you want something

done, ask a 55 person to do it.

36.A. true B. fair C. strange

B. admit

D. played

D. possible

37.A. remember

C. understand D. expect

38.A. watched B. loved C. coached

39.A. at last B. right away

C. of course D. as usual

40.A. happened B. repeated

C. changed D. mattered

41.A. extra B. difficult C. valuable D. limited

42.A. duty B. achievement

C. urgency D. direction

43.A. burden B. relief C. risk D. habit

44.A. pushing B. taking C. setting

45.A. hanging out B. staying up

C. jogging round D. showing off

46.A. met B. helped

47.A. raising B. wasting

48.A. safe

C. treated D. hired

C. demanding D. making

D. rewarding

D. calling

B. important C. boring

B. college

49.A. luckily B. hardly C. hopefully D. simply

50.A. childhood

- 25 -

C. town

51.A. quit

D. business

B. found C. accepted D. kept

52.A. heart B. chance C. drive D. way

53.A. saving B. filling up C. giving up D. trading

54.A. message B. story C. saying

Cloze 12[2017江苏]






D. fact

55.A. careful B. busy C. reliable D. kind










For a long time Gabriel didn’t want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high

school, Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students, 36 across the campus with their heavy

instrument cases, 37 at school for practice hours 38 anyone else had to be there. He swore

to himself to 39 music, as he hated getting to school extra early.

40 , one day, in the music class that was 41 of his school’s standard curriculum, he was

playing idly(随意地) on the piano and found it 42 to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling,

he realized that he actually 43 doing it. He tried to hide his 44 pleasure from the music

teacher, who had 45 over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, 46 the

teacher told Gabriel that he had a good 47 and suggested that Gabriel go into the music

store-room to see if any of the instruments there 48 him. There he decided to give the cello(大提琴) a 49 . When he began practicing, he took it very 50 . But he quickly found that he loved

playing this instrument, and was 51 to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was

playing reasonably well.

This 52 , of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, 53 his heavy

instrument case across the campus to the 54 looks of the non-musicians he had left 55 .

36.A. travelling B. marching C. pacing D. struggling

37.A. rising up B. coming up C. driving up D. turning up

38.A. before B. after C. until D. since

39.A. betray B. accept C. avoid D. appreciate

40.A. Therefore

41.A. part

B. However C. Thus D. Moreover

C. basis D. spirit B. nature

D. easy

42.A. complicated B. safe

C. confusing

43.A. missed B. disliked

C. enjoyed D. denied

44.A. transparent B. obvious

C. false D. similar

45.A. run B. jogged

46.A. because B. but

C. jumped D. wandered

C. though D. so

47.A. ear B. taste C. heart D. voice

48.A. occurred to B. took to

C. appealed to D. held to

49.A. change B. chance C. mission D. function

50.A. seriously

51.A. committed

B. proudly

B. used

C. casually D. naturally

C. limited D. admitted

52.A. proved B. showed C. stressed D. meant

53.A. pushing B. dragging C. lifting

54.A. admiring B. pitying

D. rushing

D. teasing C. annoying

- 26 -

55.A. over



B. aside C. behind D. out




Cloze 13[2017天津]










At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds. I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it to 16

bad feelings, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. Worried about my health, I tried many

different kinds of 17 but nothing worked. I came to believe that I could do nothing about my

18 .

When I was 50, my weight problem began to affect me 19 . I didn’t want to live the rest of

my life with this 20 weight any more.

That year, I 21 a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world.

A seminar leader shared her 22 story — she had not only lost 125 pounds, but also raised$25,000

for homeless children.

23 by her story, I created the As We Heal(痊愈), the World Heals 24 . My goal was to lose

150 pounds in one year and raise$50,000 25 a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger. This

combination of healing myself and healing the world 26 me as the perfect solution.

27 I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I would 28

the same difficulties that beat me before. While the 29 hung over my head, there were also signs

that I was headed down the right 30 . I sent letters to everyone I knew, telling them about my

project. It worked perfectly. Donations began 31 in from hundreds of people.

Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I consulted with a physician(内科医生), I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and 32 meals. My fund-raising focus

also gave me new motivation to exercise 33 .

A year later, I 34 my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised$50,000! I feel that I’ve been given

a second life to devote to something that is 35 and enormous.

16.A. add B. mix C. kill D. share

D. dishes

D. weight

17.A. diets B. drinks C. fruits

19. A. temporarily B. recently

18.A. height B. ability C. wisdom

C. seriously D. secretly

20.A. ideal B. extra C. normal D. low

21. A. attended B. organized

C. recommended D. mentioned

22.A. folk B. success

C. adventure D. science

23. A. Surprised B. Amused

C. Influenced D. Disturbed

24.A. project B. business

B. in need of

C. system D. custom

25.A. in search of

26. A. scared

C. confused

C. in place of D. in support of

B. considered

D. struck

27. A. As B. Until C. If D. Unless

28. A. get over B. run into C. look for D. put aside

29. A. excitement B. joy

C. anger D. fear

30. A. row B. hall C. path D. street

- 27 -

31. A. breaking B. flooding

C. jumping D. stepping

C. suddenly D. randomly

D. dropped

D. peaceful

32. A. heavy B. full C. expensive D. healthy

33. A. regularly B. limitlessly

34. A. set B. reached

Cloze 14[2016丙卷(全国Ⅲ)]





C. missed

35. A. stressful B. painful C. meaningful











When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant 41

Miller King, who was the best 42 at our school.

Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football

everywhere for 43 .

Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after

he came back from 44 . He looked very 45 , but he didn’t cry.

That season, I 46 all of Miller’s records while he 47 the home games from the bench.

We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, 48 I often had crazy dreams in which I was

to blame for Miller’s 49 .

One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 50 going over a fence —

which wasn’t 51 to climb if you had both arms. I’m sure I was the last person in the world

he wanted to accept 52 from. But even that challenge he accepted. I 53 him move slowly over

the fence. When we were finally 54 on the other side, he said to me, "You know, I didn’t tell

you this during the season, but you did 55 . Thank you for filling in for 56 ."

His words freed me from my bad 57 . I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more

of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was 58 ahead of me. I was right to have 59 him.

From that day on, I grew 60 and a little more real.

41.A. cheering for B. beating out

C. relying on D. staying with

42.A. coach B. student

43.A. practice

45.A. pale

46.A. held

C. teacher D. player

D. pleasure

D. ashamed

B. show C. comfort

44.A. school B. vacation C. hospital D. training

B. calm C. relaxed

B. broke C. set D. tried

B. judged C. organized D. watched

B. mistake C. accident D. sacrifice

47.A. reported

49.A. decision

48.A. and B. then C. but D. thus

50.A. stuck B. hurt C. tired D. lost

51.A. steady B. hard C. fun D. fit

52.A. praise B. advice C. assistance D. apology

53.A. let B. helped

C. had D. noticed

54.A. dropped B. ready

C. trapped D. safe

55.A. fine B. wrong

C. quickly D. normally

56.A. us B. yourself

C. me D. them

- 28 -

57.A. memories

C. attitudes

B. ideas

D. dreams

58.A. still B. also

C. yet D. just

59.A. challenged B. cured

C. invited D. admired

60.A. healthier

B. bigger

C. cleverer D. cooler































题组1 记叙文

Cloze 1

- 29 -


【词语积累】 broaden


run into偶然遇见,碰到 lend a hand帮助,援助


v.强调 privileged


1.D 根据空后的"because experiencing it helped improve my leadership…support my community"可知,在特奥会游泳比赛项目中做志愿者的经历对作者来说有特殊的意义。

2.C 根据上文中的"because experiencing it helped improve my leadership skills,develop my

character,and support my community"、该空前面的"Firstly"和本段表述的作者独立帮忙做一些事可知,此处表示作者的领导能力得到发展。故选C。

3.A 根据语境可知,在参赛者开始比赛之前,作者需要指导每一位选手先排好队。line up意为"排队",故选A。B项意为"堆积,积压";C项意为


4.A 根据语境可知,作者作为志愿者要通知每一个选手什么时候游泳。A项意为"通知",故选A。

5.B 根据空后的"ready to compete"可知,作者必须确保选手就位并准备好比赛。故选B。

6.D 根据语境可知,引导运动员参加比赛这件事使作者一直站着,而且作者要知道每场赛事的时间和地点。故选D。

7.B 根据空后的"many of them swam in more than one event"可知,因为许多运动员参加了不止一项比赛,所以作者熟悉了每个人的名字。故选B。

8.C 根据第一段尾句和下文的内容可知,此处表示作者的品格受到了很大的影响。故选C。

9.A 大多数运动员让作者印象深刻,他们游得比作者好。故选A。

10.D 根据该空后的"whether they won or lost"并结合选项可知,他们积极的态度让作者非常惊讶。故选D。controversial"有争议的"。

11.C 根据空后的"I would normally not run into"可知,这次志愿者服务让作者有机会遇到了在通常情况下见不到的人。故选C。

12.A 根据该句中的"did whatever was needed to be done,even if it was sometimes difficult for me"可知,作者走出了自己的舒适区,做任何需要做的事情,即使有时对于作者来说很困难。故选A。

13.B 根据空后的"when I saw the smiling faces of the competitors"可知,当看到参赛者的笑脸,作者觉得自己的付出是特别值得的。故选B。A项意为"杰出的";C项意为"有趣的";D项意为"要求高的"。

14.D 根据上文中的"support my community"以及下文中的"To be a part of it"可知,作者通过帮助这个志愿者机构来帮助自己的社区。故选D。be of service意为"有用,有帮助"。

15.C 根据上文中的"offering me the opportunity to 11 people I would normally not run into"可知,做志愿者让作者能够熟悉社区里的人。故选C。be acquainted with sb.意为"与某人相识,熟悉"。

16.D 根据语境并结合该句中的"living"可知,这里表示的是"我们通过我们所得到的东西谋生,但我们通过我们所给予的东西创造生活"。故选D。

17.A 根据第一段第一句中的"volunteering"并结合上文讲述的内容可知,此处表示志愿者工作的重要性。故选A。

18.C 根据下文中的"I was privileged to be…in these competitors’ lives"可知,幸运的是,通过社区提供的机会,作者很荣幸能够参与这些参赛者生活中的这个激动人心的、重要的比赛。故选C。

19.B 参见上题解析。be 意为"参与……",故选B。

20.B 根据第一段第一句中的"volunteering at the swimming competition"和上文讲述的内容可知,作者当时的志愿者服务工作是协助运动员参加比赛。由此可知,这里表示作者希望几年后能够再次在这个比赛项目中成为助手。故选B。

Cloze 2


1.B 根据该句中的"weight training"可知,为了准备这次旅行,"我"开始进行举重训练。B项意为"开始从事",符合语境,故B项正确。A项意为"继续做";C项意为"抛弃,放弃";D项意为"延迟"。

2.A 根据该句中的"the elephants for tourism were the ones to",并结合破折号后的内容可知,此处表示要小心旅游区的大象,因为它们遭受了多年虐待,变得性情无常,有时很危险。A项意为"小心,当心",故A项正确。

3.D 参见上题解析。D项意为"虐待",故D项正确。

4.C 根据第一段第一句中的"volunteering at a Thai elephant sanctuary(禁猎区)"可知,"我"飞往曼谷之后,便前往大象保护区;故C项正确。

5.B 根据该句中的"to my designated elephant"可知,"我"由驯象人引见给指定的大象。B项意为"介绍,引见",故B项正确。

6.C 到达保护区的第一天,驯象人把"我"引见给指定的大象,接下来应该向"我"说明"我"的任务。该处使用了被动语态,C项意为"解释,说明",故C项正确。

- 30 -

7.D 根据该句中的"feeding her bananas"可知,"我"给大象喂食香蕉;据此可推知,"我"试图赢得大象的信任;D项意为"信任",故D项正确。

8.A 根据下文中的"showing me how to use my feet… to make her stop"可知,此处表示驯象人陪伴着"我";A项意为"陪伴",故A项正确。

9.B 根据该句中的"showing me how to use my feet"可知,驯象人教"我"如何用脚控制大象;B项意为"控制",故B项正确。

10.A 根据该句中的"to make her stop or"可知,空处与stop相对应,表示驯象人教"我"使大象停止或者前进的指令。

11.C 根据该句中的"the sharp bullhooks were still used",并结合下文可知,不幸的是,"我"发现驯象人仍然在使用bullhook。C项意为"不幸地",符合语境,故C项正确。

12.B 根据该句中的"followed the same"可知,第二天也是相同的模式。B项意为"模式",故B项正确。

13.D 根据上文可知,驯象人用bullhook击打大象;结合该句中的"shake her head"和常识可知,大象开始猛烈地摇头;D项意为"猛烈地",故D项正确。

14.C 根据该句中的"the danger"以及下文中的"I couldn’t breathe at all"可知,"我"还没有意识到危险,她的巨大的脚便向"我"的胸部碾压过来;C项意为"意识到",故C项正确。

15.A 参见上题解析。

16.D 结合该句语境可知,此时"我"处在危险中,只能听到驯象人的叫喊声;D项意为"叫喊",故D项正确。

17.C 根据该句语境可知,他帮忙把大象的脚拉开来挽救"我"的生命;C项意为"挽救",故C项正确。

18.A 根据该句中的"was dragged to safety"可知,当大象抬起腿时,"我"得以逃脱,被拉到了安全的地方。slip


19.A "我"脱离了危险后,如释重负,大哭起来。relief意为"(不快过后的)宽慰,轻松",符合语境,故A项正确。

20.D 接下来的几天,"我"待在医院里,思考一个问题:为什么这些温顺的动物可以如此有攻击性?D项意为"富于攻击性的,好斗的",故D项正确。

Cloze 3


1.C 根据空后的"I carefully practiced what I wanted to tell my doctor"可推知,作者在面对医生之前很紧张。

2.C 根据上文中的"Heartbreak, sorrow and the loss of a complete family left me not coping well"可知,作者在这种情况下应是很沮丧,与下文中的"my depression hadn’t gone away"呼应。ashamed"羞愧的";astonished"吃惊的";depressed"抑郁的,沮丧的";confused"迷惑的"。

3.B 根据空后的"my depression hadn’t gone away"可知,尽管作出了这些努力,但作者的抑郁并没有消失。despite"尽管"。

4.A 根据本句中的"like a cancer",并结合下文作者失控大哭可知,此处表示抑郁像癌症一样在作者内心继续生长。

5.B 根据空后的"I wanted to be as healthy as my son"和语境可知,作者想要一种正常的生活。

6.D 根据上文中的"the loss of a complete family"及常识可推知,作者的儿子是依靠作者生活的。

7.D 根据上文中的"I remembered parking my car outside my doctor’s clinic"和语境可知,作者上文是在交代自己去看医生之前的心理状态和故事背景,此处表示作者深呼吸,然后进入诊所赴约。appointment"约定,预约"。

8.B 根据下文中的"Still sobbing"及"a weeping mess"可知,作者看完医生后回到车里开始失控哭泣。

9.C 根据本句中的"to get better"和语境可知,作者必须作出一些大的改变才能够好转。

10.A 根据语境可知,一位陌生的女士来敲作者的车门,这让作者感到很意外。

11.C 结合本句中的"speak calmly and kindly to me"可知,那位女士应是轻轻地打开作者的车门。

12.D 作为陌生人,那位女士并不了解作者正在经历的事情,与下文中的"what you are going through"呼应。

13.B 根据上文中的"I wish you well"可知,那位女士告诉作者,"我相信你将得到照顾,你正在经历的终将会过去"。leave behind"把……抛在后面";look after"照顾,照料";call on"要求";turn off"关掉"。

14.D 根据下文中的"Thank you"可推知,作者心怀感激地接受了这个善良的陌生人给予的令人安慰的拥抱。calmly"冷静地";eagerly"热切地";unwillingly"不情愿地";gratefully"感激地"。

15.A 根据语境可知,作者以哽咽的声音勉强回答了一句"谢谢你"。

16.B 根据上文一位陌生的女士安慰作者并给了作者一个拥抱可知,此处表示这是作者经历的来自一个陌生人的最重要的善举。

17.C 根据上文的"It gave me hope"和下文中的"She said she could tell I was doing well"可知,此处表示作者正是从那时开始恢复的。recovery


18.A 根据上文中的"A slim lady"和本句中的"the same"可推知,大约一年后作者又偶遇了那位女士。

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19.A 根据本句中的"and smiled"和"She said she could tell I was doing well"可推知,那位女士也认出了作者。recognize"认出"。

20.D 根据本句中的"again"及上文中的"accepting this kind stranger’s comforting hug"可推知,作者和那位女士再次拥抱。

Cloze 4


1.D 根据下文中的"receiving presents"可推知,朋友的生日临近。故选D。

2.B 根据语境可知,因为朋友的生日快要到了,他向我提出了一个不同寻常的请求。故选B。

3.A 因为朋友过生日不想收礼物而想去做善事,所以我被他的想法打动了。be struck with sb./sth.意为"被某人/某物打动",为固定用法,故选A。

4.C 根据空后的"instead of taking"并结合上文提到的朋友想在生日当天做善事可知,此处表示在生日时不获取而要给予。故选C。

5.B 根据语境可知,我问他是怎样想到一个这么新奇的(novel)点子的。

6.C 根据该句中的"a TED talk he had watched on generosity"并结合上文我问他是怎样想到这个点子的可知,此处表示这个有关慷慨的TED演讲启发了(inspired)他。D项意为"酬谢,报答,奖赏"。

7.A 根据下文的叙述可知,这里表示我们开始筹划可以做的有创造性的事情。A项意为"筹划";B项意为"接管";C项意为"观察等待";D项意为"阻挡,抑制"。

8.D 根据空前的"security guards"并结合常识可知,学校雇保安人员是为了保护学生。

9.B 根据空后的"keeping watch on every corner throughout the university"并结合常识可知,校园的保安人员得夜以继日地工作,维护学校的安全。B项意为"夜以继日",故选B。A项意为"一步一步地";C项意为"几乎,差不多";D项意为"有时"。

10.D 根据语境可知,通常这是一份受累不讨好的工作,因为保安人员在校园到处可以见到,大多数人对他们的存在变得习以为常,最终几乎注意不到他们的存在,更不用说去感谢他们的努力。grow accustomed to意为"习惯于……",故选D。addicted"沉迷的";devoted"全心全意的";attached


11.A 参见上题解析。barely意为"几乎不"。

12.D 根据下文中的"we poured them each a cup of hot chocolate"可知,这里表示我们决定做一大壶热巧克力。故选D。

13.C 根据第15空后的"the guards"可知,我们租了一辆车,让司机带我们到校园里保安人员会在的地方。故选C。

14.B 根据该句中的"but after a while he was helping us"可知,刚开始的时候,司机对我们的整个计划有些怀疑。B项意为"最初",故选B。

15.C 根据上文我们寻保安人员可知,司机后来也帮助我们留意保安人员。spot意为"发现,注意到",故选C。

16.A 根据上文司机也开始帮助我们留意保安人员可知,我们的精神传递到了司机那里。故选A。

17.D 根据空后的"appreciative words"可推知,很多人朝我们微笑,并赞赏我们。故选D。

18.B 根据该句中的"amazing""even an intention of generosity"可推知,给保安人员送热巧克力这一小小的行为,或者即使是一种慷慨的意图,就可以让人精神振奋,这让我们惊讶不已。故选B。

19.A 根据文章所描述的我们为保安人员送热巧克力的经过可知,我现在意识到,当你思考的范围不只局限于自身,并且选择为他人服务的时候,一种特殊的能量产生了。故选A。

20.C 根据该句中的"when it’s your birthday"并结合第一段叙述的朋友过生日不要生日礼物而想做善事可知,为他人服务所产生的能量实际上是你所得到过的最好的礼物。故选C。

Cloze 5


【词语积累】 inform

v.通知,知会 press



v.具有……等级 break off 断开,折断

1.B 根据语境并结合选项可推知,Leon每天放学后都会去挑战他的同伴;B项意为"同伴",故B项正确。

2.A 根据空后的"by his board"以及下文中的"He received 26 stitches(缝线)"可知,Leon的眼睛被冲浪板严重撞伤;A项意为"弄伤",故A项正确。B项意为"传染,使感染";C项意为"影响";D项意为"变得更糟"。

3.D 根据上文可知,Leon的眼睛被冲浪板撞伤;此处应是Wilson迅速将Leon送往急救室,故D项正确。A项意为"会议";B项意为"等候";C项意为"观察"。

4.C 根据下文提到的Wilson去机场门口接作者而Leon在车里等着可知,他们离开诊室后,Wilson径直开车去机场。C项意为"径直地",故C项正确。

5.A 根据下文中的"to the car"可知,Leon在车子里等待,故A项正确。

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6.B 根据上文表述的Leon热爱冲浪且每天放学都去可知,作者认为当时的海浪一定很大,Leon才会不去冲浪而来接她,故B项正确。

7.C 根据该句中的but可知,虽然Leon发生了事故,但是他会好起来的,故C项正确。competent"足以胜任的,有能力的"。

8.B 根据该句中的"the heel of my shoe broke off",并结合语境可知,作者快速跑向汽车,以至于鞋跟都断了,故B项正确。

9.A 根据上文表述的Leon从眼角到鼻梁被缝了26针可知,Leon的一只眼戴着眼罩,故A项正确。

10.C 根据下文中的"I also cried in his arms",并结合语境可知,Leon哭着说"噢,妈妈,我很高兴你回家了",故C项正确。

11.D 根据该句中的"I also cried in his arms"并结合上文叙述的作者儿子的眼睛被冲浪板撞伤可知,此处应是作者哭着说当时不在场自己感觉有多糟糕,D项意为"糟糕的",故D项正确。C项意为"有特权的"。

12.D 根据语境可知,Leon对作者说,"反正你不知道如何冲浪"。D项意为"反正",符合语境,故D项正确。A项意为"在任何地方";B项意为"稍微,有点";C项意为"不知怎么地"。

13.C 上文表述作者对儿子冲浪时出事而自己不在场表示难受而作者的儿子却说没关系,反正作者不知道如何冲浪;再结合空前的"What?"可知,作者被他的逻辑搞糊涂了;C项意为"糊涂的",故C项正确。A项意为"尴尬的";B项意为"沮丧";D项意为"抑郁的"。

14.C 根据下文中的"to go near water again"可知,此处表示"医生说我八天后可以回到水中",故C项正确。

15.A 根据空前的"I wanted to tell him he wasn’t allowed to go near water again, but instead"可知,作者想告诉Leon不许他再靠近水,但作者忍着没有说出来。bite one’s tongue为固定搭配,意为"强忍住不说",故A项正确。click sb.’s tongue"用舌头发出啧啧声";find sb.’s tongue"能表达自己的意见";loosen

sb.’s tongue"使无拘无束地说话"。

16.D 结合语境可知,作者希望儿子忘掉冲浪的事,故D项正确。

17.B 根据语境以及下文中的"give up"可知,此处表示"你教育我们对自己喜欢做的事情决不放弃"。B项意为"放弃",故B项正确。A项意为"分发,散发";C项意为"放出,发出";D项意为"分发,泄露"。

18.B 根据该句中的"for the 100th time"可知,在重复了100遍"不行"之后,作者选择了让步。

19.A 根据文章首句中的"My son Leon’s passion for surfing",并结合语境可知,以前那个时候Leon只是一个酷爱冲浪的男孩,故A项正确。

20.D 根据上文表述的作者的儿子酷爱冲浪,受伤后也不放弃可知,此处总结全文,表示充满激情的人会拥抱他们所热爱的事物,决不放弃。

Cloze 6


1.B 根据语境可知,空前的"someone"指代上文中的"little kids"中的一个,空处所填词应与"a place so big"形成对比,故填small,下文的"This 5-year-old boy"也可印证此答案。

2.A 根据上文中的"so big"可知,问句提问的是方式,此处表示这个来自英国的五岁小男孩可能到了一个"方法"。

3.D 根据下文中的"but 239 letters later, Toby is still going strong"以及"he’s written to 187


4.D 根据下文中的"he’s written to 187 countries and received many replies"可知,Toby写信并收到了"回应"(response),而不是permit"许可证", story"故事",result"结果"。

5.A 根据下文中的"He was asked to read a book called






6.C 空前的which指代book,结合常识可知,此处是说书中的内容的,应该是该书"讲述,描述"了一封信的旅程。

7.B 根据上下文并结合常识可知,Toby是读了那本书"之后"向妈妈提出了问题。

8.C 由下文中的"how to answer"可知,Toby提出问题后,妈妈应该是在努力弄清楚如何回答。 figure out"弄清楚,弄明白"符合语境。

9.D 根据上文中的"Toby is reaching out to every country through letters"可知,Toby想给"全"世界写信。

10.C 根据下文中的"but 239 letters later, Toby is still going strong"可知,妈妈认为Toby的"热情"会"逐渐消失"。故选C。support支持;concern担心;enthusiasm热情;sympathy同情。

11.A 参见上题解析。fade逐渐消失;spread传播;return返回,退还;develop发展,研制。

12.B 根据上下文语境可推知,"到目前为止", Toby已经给187个国家写了信并收到很多回信。after all意为"毕竟",考生易误选。

13.A 根据下文中的"The 5-year-old also wants to find a way to help the people"可知,Toby的计划不会"终止"。end终止;pass通过;apply应用,申请;expand膨胀,扩张。

14.C 根据上文中出现的"write a letter"和"replies"可知,Toby想到方法帮助那些和他有"联系"(connected)的人。

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15.C 根据上文中的"When we started writing letters"可知,他们从那些容易接触到的第一世界国家"开始"。kick off有"开始"之意,符合语境。work产生……作用;negotiate谈判,协商;catch up追上,赶上。

16.D 写信需要有地址,此处表示他们得到了Somalia的一个"地址"。

17.A 根据下文中的"asked what he could do to help"和"Toby chose the ShelterBox,a charity"可知,Toby希望帮忙是因为Toby了解到Somalia的情况后感到很"难过"(sad),而不是excited"兴奋的",happy"快乐的",scared"害怕的"。

18.B 根据下文中的"Toby chose the ShelterBox, a charity"可知,Toby和妈妈应该是在"寻"(looked for)可以提供帮助的慈善机构。set up创建,设置;head for前往;drop into掉入,掉进。

19.D 根据下文中的"due to disasters"可知,这些家庭和孩子因为灾难"失去了"(lost)一切。

20.B 根据下文中的"raising $950"可知,就在今天,Toby达到了他筹集950美元的"目标"(goal)。

Cloze 7


1.C 根据上文中的"A few years ago my wife and I took a trip to Costa Rica"以及下文中的"drive"可知,作者和妻子去Costa Rica旅行,到达的时候应该是"租"了一辆汽车。produce生产,制造;repair修理;purchase购买,采购。

2.D 根据下文中的"so I figured I could manage"可知,因为作者有"地图",才会认为自己旅行时能应付得来。此题考生易误选phone,结合下文中的"I turned to the navigation app on my phone"可排除phone。car汽车,compass指南针,均不符合语境。

3.B 根据下文中的"Upset, I turned to the navigation app on my phone for help"可知,开了约20分钟的车后,作者"迷路了"。

4.A 根据下文中的"of our destination on my phone and instantly it 5 the best route(路线) to get


5.B 根据上文中的"I typed the 4(address) of our destination on my phone"和下文中的"we were on

our way"可知,作者把地址输入到手机上后,导航立刻 "到了"最佳路线。

6.D 根据下文中的"things didn’t always go the way I had thought they would"可知,这是唯一的"问题"。

7.A 根据上文中的"I in the unmarked streets and dirty roads"及下文中的"I would

sometimes miss direction"可知,这些街道没有被好好地"标示"。mark标示;pave铺,铺砌;arrange安排;expand扩大,扩展。

8.C 根据上文中的"I would sometimes miss a turn"可推知,作者有时会错过转弯处并往"错误的"方向行驶。illegal违法的;new新的;potential潜在的。

9.B 根据语境可知,虽然作者有时候错过转弯处和走错方向,但是幸运的是导航从不会生作者的气;mad"生气的"符合语境。generous慷慨的, concerned感兴趣的,cautious谨慎的,均不符合语境。

10.B 根据下文中的"and say"及导航软件的特点可知,此处指软件在作者错过转弯处的时候"插话",告诉作者正确的方向。break down坏掉,垮掉;cut in插话,插嘴;get up起身;go away离开。

11.D 根据上文中的"Recalculating the route"可知,导航软件会"改变"路线。abandon抛弃;reach抵达;cancel取消。

12.D 根据"it would have a to our destination"可知,导航软件"规划了"新的路线。本题易错选B项和C项,认为此处是指更新或调整了路线,但是注意此处是"have a new route",需要更新和调整的应该是原先的路线。

13.C 根据空后的"to the right turn"可知,由于作者错过了转弯处,所以不得不"返回"到正确的转弯处。

14.C 根据"sometimes it found a different route that took my new location into 14 "可知,导航有时会到一条把作者的新位置考虑在内的不同的路线,into account意为"把……考虑在内"。order命令;direction方向,指示;place地方。

15.A 根据"Eventually we made it to our hotel 15 and enjoyed some beautiful scenery along the


16.A 根据下文中的"thinking that success and then 17 straight towards it"以及"there is no straight path to success"可知,作者认为这个想法是"错误"的,并不是设定了目标后朝着目标径直"前进"就能获得成功和幸福。

17.C 参见上题解析。accumulate积累,积聚;withdraw撤退,撤回;march行进,前进;flee逃离,逃走。

18.B 根据前面提到的错误想法及下文中的"there is no straight path to success"可知,"事实"(truth)是通往成功的路没有笔直的。

19.D 根据下文中的"There are many paths that can get you to your goals"可知,通往成功的路不是"唯一的"。first首要的;suitable合适的;accurate精确的。

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20.A 根据前文作者的经历及下文中的"recalculate your route when you miss in your way"可知,错过了转弯处或者路遇阻碍的时候,你就是得"愿意"重新规划路线;willing"愿意,乐意",符合语境。proud骄傲的;anxious焦急的;ambitious有志向的,有抱负的。

Cloze 8


1.C 根据上文中的"he asked about my medical history"以及"But"可知,作者"没有预料到"医生会问自己高中之后的打算。consistently始终如一地,持续地;cautiously慎重地,谨慎地;unexpectedly出乎意料地;habitually惯常地。

2.A 根据上文中的"‘Uh... I don’t know,’ I said"可知,作者还没"决定"自己高中毕业后要做什么。decide

on 决定,选定;depend on取决于,依赖; focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于;take on 承担,呈现。

3.B 根据语境可知,作者向指导顾问咨询过这个"话题",即自己高中毕业后应该做什么。subject意为"主题,话题",符合语境。

4.D 根据下文中的"I’m not smart enough"可知作者学习成绩不好,由此可推断此处表示指导顾问告诉作者他不是"上大学的料"。material在此意为"(适合某个职业或职位的)人才",如officer/executive material 当军官/管理人员的材料。graduate意为"毕业生",因为作者此时正在读高中,所以不是大学毕业生的情况是事实,不需要指导顾问来告诉作者,更谈不上作者相信这种话,故A项错误。participant参与者,参加者;recipe食谱。

5.B 根据上文中的"I believed her"可知,作者相信指导顾问的话,这是因为自己的成绩几乎无法令自己满意。disappoint使失望;satisfy使满意; shock使震惊;confuse使困惑。

6.B 根据上文中的"Well, why don’t you go to college to become a doctor like me?"可知,此处是医生的建议(而不是疑问),由此可推断,医生应该


7.C 根据上文提到的"作者成绩不好"以及下文中的"I was the youngest of five children in my family and

no one had graduated from college"可推断,作者认为医生的建议是"疯狂的"。embarrassed尴尬的;generous慷慨的;crazy疯狂的;considerate考虑周到的。

8.C 根据下文中的"He remained silent, waiting for my 9 "可推断,然而那并不"重要",医生还在等着作者的"回复"。

9.D 参见上题解析。

10.A 根据下文中的"he capped his pen"可知,医生立刻停止"写"东西。

11.D 根据下文中的"very seriously saying"及"You don’t have to be smart to be a doctor. You just

have to be 12 "可知,此处是医生给作者的建议,并且语气非常严肃,故医生应"凝视着"作者。glare怒目而视;strike击,打;laugh笑;stare凝视。

12.A 根据下文中的"There I never gave up"可推断,医生认为成为一名医生需要的是"意志坚定"。determined坚决的,坚定的;inspired能力卓越的;confident自信的;enthusiastic热情的。

13.B 医生给作者做完检查后接着给下一个人做检查,即匆匆赶往下一个"预约"(的病人)。invitation邀请;appointment预约,约定;movement运动,活动;position位置,职位。

14.A 根据下文中的"walking on campus as a new student"可推知,作者"申请"了大学,之后以新生身份进入了大学。apply申请;reach作"到达"讲时为及物动词,其后不加介词;adjust适应;correspond相当于。

15.C 根据下文可知,作者上了大学,故此处是说申请大学后不久,作者"发现"自己作为一名新生走在大学的校园里。

16.D 根据下文中的"I tried my best to pass the first task and when I was done, I put all my 17

into passing the next one"可知,作者将看起来困难的事情"拆分"成(若干)步骤,然后逐个完成。overlook忽略,俯瞰;mix up弄错;overcome克服;break down把……分成若干部分,拆分。

17.C 根据语境可知,作者先完成第一个任务,然后把全部"精力"投入到下一个任务中。behavior行为;affection喜爱;energy精力;defence防御。

18.B 根据下文中的"graduate with a Bachelor’s degree"可知,作者"最终"通过了所有课程的考试。by

chance偶然地;at last 最终;on purpose 故意,有意地;in vain白费力气。

19.A 根据上文中的"I was the youngest of five children in my family and no one had graduated from


20.D 根据语境可知,作者在与医生"谈话"的五年后从大学毕业。discussion讨论;arrangement安排;conference会议;conversation谈话。

题组2 夹叙夹议文

Cloze 9



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1.B 根据语境和第8空后的"I caught up with him"可知,"我"看到前面有一个骑自行车的人比"我"骑得慢,"我"决定追上他。

2.A 根据下文"我"错过转弯处要原路返回可知,此处表示在转弯之前,"我"还有大约一千米的路程。

3.C 根据上文可知,"我"想赶上前面骑自行车的人,所以"我"开始越骑越快。

4.B 根据第四段尾句中的"six blocks"并结合常识可知,每经过一个街区,"我"都接近他一点。

5.D 根据上文"我"渐渐接近他可知,几分钟后,"我"只落后他大约100码。

6.C 根据语境可知,几分钟后,"我"只落后他100码左右,所以"我"加快了速度,给自己加压。push oneself意为"给某人加压"。

7.A 根据上文"我"追赶前面骑自行车的人可知,此处表示你会以为"我"是在伦敦奥运会铁人三项赛的最后一段比赛中骑自行车。

8.D 根据上文"我"努力加快骑车速度要赶上前面的人可知,此处表示"我"终于赶上并超过了他。

9.D 根据上文可知,"我"终于赶上了他,据此可推知,"我"感觉很好。

10.A 根据语境可知,"我"是暗中加快速度超过一个偶然遇到的人,所以此处表示他不知道我们在比赛。A项意为"比赛",故A项正确。

11.C 根据语境和下文作者要原路返回可知,超过他后,"我"才意识到"我"太关注和他之间的竞赛,错过了拐弯的地方。

12.B 参见上题解析。

13.D 根据第四段第一句中的"focused on"并结合语境可知,此处表示在生活中我们专注于与同事、邻居和朋友竞争,试图证明我们更成功或更重要。

14.A 参见上题解析。

15.C 根据该句中的"our time and"并结合常识可知,此处表示我们花费时间和精力追赶他人,而错过了自己通往未来的路。

16.A 参见上题解析。

17.C 根据该句中的"unhealthy competition"和空后一句可推知,不良竞争的问题在于它是个无穷尽的循环。

18.B 参见上题解析。

19.D 根据该句中的"more money and a better education"可知,空处应为形容词比较级。此处表示总会有人在你的前面,他们有更好的工作、更多的钱、更好的教育等。

20.B 根据空后一句可知,参加你自己的赛跑,同时祝福别人;又结合本文的主题"竞争"可知,此处表示生活中没有竞争。

Cloze 10


1.D 根据常识可知,母亲应该"教会"作者很多东西,而且最后一段中的"We should teach our young kids"亦是提示。

2.C 根据后文可知,作者要分享的是他小时候干扰并且伤害蚂蚁这件"事"。accident事故;information消息;incident事件;conflict冲突。

3.B 根据后文中的"Everybody is equal and we shouldn’t treat them 11 "可知,这件事决定了作者"对待"每个人的方式。

4.A 根据后文中的"she reading and I watching"可知,作者和母亲没有聊天、闲逛或玩耍,只是"待在"外面。

5.C 根据后文中的"I disrupted(使中断) the line of ants"可知,作者在观察蚂蚁。

6.B 根据后文中的"I was known for keeping quiet even when things were not going my way"可知,这是对作者不调皮进一步地解释说明。in fact"事实上"符合语境。

7.A 根据前文中作者"disrupted(使中断) the line of ants"这一行为可以推知,蚂蚁很"不安"。troubled意为"不安的",符合语境。本题易错选D项,scary意为"可怕的",不是"感到害怕的",蚂蚁并不"可怕"。

8.C 根据后文中的"but she said something I still 9 today"可以推知,母亲没有"生气",但是说了一些作者今天仍然"按照其生活"的话。

9.A 参见上题解析。live by按照(某信念或原则)生活;get across被理解。

10.B 根据前文可知,作者母亲不赞成作者的行为,故推知母亲的意思是无论多么渺小的人,也不能对他们"残忍",每个人都是平等的,我们不应该


11.D 参见上题解析。seriously认真地,严肃地;hopelessly绝望地;directly直接地,立即;unfairly意为"不公平地"。

12.A 根据上文语境特别是前文中的"I got upset when I heard this because"可知,此处表示作者听完母亲的话心情不好,因为作者觉得让母亲


13.D 根据语境可知,作者做了错事,在母亲说完话以后,作者开始"思考"对那些蚂蚁做的事情。believe in信任,信赖;seek for寻,寻求;laugh at嘲笑;think about思考。

14.C 根据前文中的"It has been more than 25 years"以及后文中的"I still do my best to be kind to


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15.B 参见上题解析。

16.B 根据后文中的"when people praise other people for a positive 19 goes on"可推知,这种行为会"产生影响",make a difference为固定搭配,意为"有作用,有影响"。

17.A 根据前文中的"praise other people"和后文中的"being envious"可知,此处为转折关系,人们表扬他人"而不是"嫉妒。

18.C 根据语境可知,此处表示无论他们多么"微不足道",我们都为实现目标的人们感到骄傲。rare罕见的;ambitious有野心的,有抱负的; insignificant微不足道的;significant有重大意义的。

19.D 根据语境可知,当你对他人友好时,良性"循环"开始了。debate辩论;process进程;match比赛,火柴;circle循环。

20.C 善待他人会引起"连锁"反应,chain reaction意为"(事情的)连锁反应",符合语境。

Cloze 11


1.B 根据下文中的"tag, hide-and-seek, or jump rope"可推知,作者在公园里看其他小孩儿玩各种游戏,与下文中的"and ask the other kids if I could play too"呼应,故选B。

2.D 根据下文中的"tag, hide-and-seek, or jump rope"可知,这是小孩儿们所玩的游戏,故选D。

3.A 根据下文中的"some residual(残留的) childhood fear of rejection"可知,此处表示作者太害怕(scared)而不敢靠近他们。thrilled"非常激动的,兴奋的",ashamed"羞耻的,惭愧的",shocked"震惊的",均不符合语境。

4.C 根据语境可推知,作者不敢参与小伙伴们的游戏,最终(Eventually)母亲会过来解救作者,故选C。temporarily意为"暂时地"。

5.A 根据语境可推知,母亲站起来,拉起作者的手,征求其他小孩儿的意见,故选A。

6.C 根据上文的内容可知,作者的母亲会来解救自己,询问其他小孩儿的意见。由下文的"I’m sure the other

their own moms"可知,此处表示得到的答案总是(always)肯定的。

7.D 根据上文中的"my mother would come to the rescue"及下文中的"the next day"可推知,此处是作者在陈述过去经常发生的事情,即第二天模式依旧,作者依然要依赖母亲才能参与小伙伴们的游戏。

8.B and连接两个并列成分,由下文中的"more outgoing"可推知,此处表示作者不再那么尴尬了。

9.A 虽然作者已经不再那么尴尬,但是也没有变成(turned into)社交能手。

10.D 根据该句中的"but"可知,此处表示尽管现在作者在大厅中做演讲感觉很自在,但仍然会避免一些场合,故选D。

11.B 空处与下文中的"conversations are a great 17 of happiness in our lives"呼应,由此可知,作者在进行小组谈话时感到自在。

12.C 空处与下文中的"the awe-inspiring room of strangers at your next cocktail party"呼应,由此可知,此处表示一屋子的陌生人。

13.B 根据语境可推知,作者分析原因,认为可能是自己带有一些童年残留的恐惧(害怕被拒绝)。carry"携带"符合语境。

14.A 根据上文中的"beyond that possibility"可推知,此处作者分析了另外一种可能性,故选A。

15.D 由上文中的 "but I still tend to avoid situations"可推知,此处表示作者往往低估别人对自己的喜欢程度,故选D。

16.C 此处表示正如一些作家陈述(state)的那样。

17.D 根据下文中的"but they could bring us even greater joy"可推知,谈话是人们生活中快乐的来源。source"来源"符合语境。

18.B 根据上文提到的作者往往低估别人对自己的喜欢程度可推知,如果我们意识到(realize)别人比我们所知道的更喜欢我们,我们就会更快乐,故选B。

19.C 根据语境可知,此处表示审视(survey)一屋子的陌生人,故选C。

20.A 根据上文中的"cocktail party"可推知,此处表示公司的快乐时光,故选A。

题组3 说明文

Cloze 12


【词语积累】 advanced

adj.先进的 intelligent



n.合作 available




1.B 根据第2空后的"thousands of years of history"并结合选项可知,树木是地球上最古老的生命形式。故选B。

2.A 根据第3空前的"trees appear in many books"并结合语境可推知,树木作为一个直接的纽带出现在许多书里,故选A。

3.C 根据语境可知,树木赋予艺术家们灵感。C项意为"赋予灵感",故选C。A项意为"统治";B项意为"赞助";D项意为"欺骗"。

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4.B 根据空后的"a science fiction story"可知,"我"小时候偶然读到一篇科幻故事。B项意为"偶然发现",故选B。A项意为"吸入,理解";C项意为


5.C 根据下文中的"an advanced civilization""their spaceship"以及"The aliens(外星人)"可知,这里表示的是来自先进文明的访客(visitors)。invader "侵略者"。

6.A 根据上题的解析以及空后的"in the middle of a forest"可知,外来的宇宙飞船降落(lands)在森林中间。

7.D 根据第8空后的"think that the inhabitants(居民)...peaceful"并结合语境可推知,外星人之所以有这样的认识,是因为他们与森林里的树木进行了一次长谈。故选D。

8.B 根据下文中的"noble,intelligent and peaceful"并结合选项可以推测出那些外星人在离开时,应该是开心的。故选B。C项意为"绝望的"。

9.B 根据第11空后的"trees growing together share all of the available resources"可知,树木在成长的过程中,会分享所有可以得到的资源。由此可以推测出,树木知道(know)自己是整个体的一部分,并知道合作比竞争(competition)对一个体更好。

10.C 参见上题解析。

11.D 根据语境可知,这里表示科学家才刚刚开始去了解树木之间的合作是怎样运作的。

12.A 根据第13空后的"that receive less sunlight"可知,强壮的树木所处的位置应该是好的。故选A。C项意为"等级,排"。

13.C 根据第12空前的"strong trees"和语境可知,这里指的是那些较弱小的树木。故选C。

14.D 根据上文中的"being part of a community""cooperation"以及"share"可推知,此处表示通过合作,整个树木体就会使自己变得更加强大。team up意为"合作",故选D。pull back"撤退";bring up"提出,养育";fight back"还击,抑制住"。

15.D 根据该句中的"grow together under the ground"可知,这里表示的是树根。故选D。

16.A 根据上文中的"grow together"可知,树根在地下相互缠绕生长,它们好像手拉着手。故选A。B项意为"拍"。

17.B 根据第14、16小题的解析可知,因为树木互相协作、分享资源,并且树根也相互缠绕生长,这样就使得整个体面对强风或洪水时的确更加强大了。故选B。

18.C 根据语境并结合常识可知,此处表示我们都承认树木对环境和地球的生存都至关重要(vital)。

19.D 参见上题解析。

20.A 根据语境可知,树木已经为人类做出了巨大的贡献,也许未来它们会给予我们更多。故选A。

Cloze 13


1.B 上文说卢浮宫又一次被宣布成为世界上最受欢迎的博物馆。根据该句中的"may not be"及下文游客量上升给卢浮宫工作人员带来的重压可知,此处表示"然而(However),对于巴黎卢浮宫来说,这可能不是一件很好的(splendid)事情"。故选B。

2.A 参见上题解析。splendid意为"极佳的, 非常好的"; skeptical意为"怀疑的"; tough意为"难办的";sad意为"悲伤的"。

3.C 根据该句中的"the top spot"并结合语境可知,这家博物馆接待了1 020万游客,打破了它的纪录。故选C。

4.C 参见上题解析。

5.D 根据下文中的"The Louvre is suffocating(使人窒息的)"可知,卢浮宫的游客量的这个小幅增加最后证明是卢浮宫的工作人员所不能承受的。

6.A 根据下文工作人员在一份声明中所说的话可知,接待处和安保处的工作人员实行罢工是因为涌入博物馆大门的游客太多,故选A。

7.A 参见上题解析。flood意为"大量涌入";crawl意为"爬行"。

8.B 根据上文内容可知,工作人员在一份声明中表态,此处应是其补充说。

9.D 根据下文中的"opened"并结合语境可知,该博物馆在星期一的时候闭馆,又于周三开放。故选D。

10.B 结合选项和常识可知,推迟开放是因为一次和(对现状)不满意的卢浮宫工作人员的会议,故选B。

11.A 根据该句中的"outside the building"并结合选项可知,此处表示游客在卢浮宫外面排队等候,故选A。

12.C 根据上文提到的游客量太大,需排队等候可知,那些没有订票的游客被拒之门外。turn sb. away意为"把某人拒之门外,不准某人进入",故选C。turn up"到达,偶然出现";turn over"使翻转";turn on"打开"。

13.D 尽管博物馆和工作人员的这种紧张关系在继续,但是博物馆的最终盈利还是很可观的。

14.A 参见上题解析。healthy"可观的";funny"好笑的";tinny"(声音)尖细的";cozy"温暖舒适的"。

15.B 卢浮宫2018年打破了它在2012年创下的游客到访(attendance)纪录,故选B。

16.C 由前半句可知,此处表示"一次巨大的回升",故选C。

17.D 这次下降是因为巴黎旅游业(tourism)的突然下滑,故选D。

18.C 此处表示对在卢浮宫进行拍摄的Beyoncé 和 JayZ音乐录影(video)特别痴迷的社交媒体可能在此次游客量的增加上也起了作用。be crazy about sb./sth."对某人/某物着迷"为固定搭配。

19.B 参见上题解析。

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20.D 根据该句中的"But while"和下一句可知,虽然卢浮宫的游客量是上升的,但是去年在世界前20大博物馆中它的整体的到访人数相对而言不高,也就是说不景气。flat"不景气的,萧条的"。

题组4 议论文

Cloze 14


1.B on one’s mind意为"挂在某人心上的,某人惦念的;某人心里所想的",根据语境可知,此处表示你睁眼后心里所想的第一件事是什么。

2.C 根据空后的"checking your phone"及常识可知,早上起来意识不清醒,人们往往"盲目地"查看手机。mindlessly盲目地。

3.C 根据下文中的"60 percent of people check their phones immediately"可知,空处所在句表示如果其中任何一个或者所有的这些晨间习惯你听起来很熟悉的话,那么你肯定不是"一个人"。

4.A 根据语境可知,此处表示"事实上",60%的人在"醒来"时会立刻查看手机。in fact 事实上;in brief 简言之;in particular 尤其;in addition 此外,另外。

5.D 参见上题解析。stay up熬夜;make up组成,化妆;pull up停下;wake up醒,醒来。

6.C 结合语境和常识可知,人们应该停止在床上使用手机,因为这种习惯会成为人生中最令人"后悔"的事情之一。

7.A 由上文的"mind-numbing routines"以及空前的So可知,此处作者希望读者做出改变,采取"不同的"方式。similar相似的;specific特定的,明确的,具体的;familiar熟悉的。

8.B 根据上文中的"Steve Jobs made a speech"可知,乔布斯做了演讲,演讲的对象应是"听众"。consumer顾客;friend朋友;staff职员,全体员工。

9.B 此处是说这样做就会"改变"我们日常生活的方式。develop开发,发展;promote促进,提升;choose选择。

10.D 根据下文中的"If today were the last day"可知,乔布斯是在阅读了关于"死亡"的引文后萌生了这个想法。

11.A 根据语境和常识可知,此处是说乔布斯每天早上都要看着"镜子"问自己。其余几个选项不合文意。

12.D 根据语境可知,此处表示"如果今天是我生命的最后一天,我会想做今天即将要做的事情吗?"。

13.D 根据语境可知,作者以乔布斯的做法为例,希望读者自己"尝试"。

14.B 根据上文中的"Asking yourself this powerful question"可知,问自己这个有力的问题需要深入"考虑"自己每天都做了什么。expect期待,认为;consider细想,考虑;doubt怀疑;ignore忽视。

15.A 根据语境可知,通过反问自己每天都做了什么还可以帮助自己把每天的任务缩小至最基本的范围,narrow down意为"缩小范围",符合语境。put aside忽视,保留;clear away清理;take on承担,呈现。

16.A 根据作者的观点和态度可知,作者不希望人们浪费时间,故应用"Instead of",意为"而不是"。regardless

of 不管,不顾;in spite of 尽管;in case of 如果,假使。

17.C 根据上文中的"you’ll start filling your days with more satisfying things"以及下文中的"you’ll stop worrying about what other people think of you"可知,空处应表示补充说明,故用Besides。

18.B 根据上文中的"you’ll stop worrying about what other people think of you"以及下文的"like

improving yourself"可推知,此处表示你的精力和注意力应放在"别处"。

19.D 根据语境可知,形成习惯与祝贺之间构成因果关系,而选项中表因果关系的只有"Now that",意为"既然,由于"。

20.C 根据语境可知,每天问自己上文提到的问题会带来好处,你可能很快就到过上有意义的生活的秘诀。be

open to对……开放;be devoted to致力于;be close to 接近,可能(快要做某事);be accustomed to 习惯于。

题组1 人与自然·生态环保

Cloze 1

本文是一篇记叙文。在现代,野生动物受到了极大的威胁,每天都有物种在消失。Chris和Tim努力拯救白枕鹤(white-naped crane)这一物种,使其免于灭绝。

36.D 根据该段的第一句"Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age"可知,每天都有物种在消失。disappear意为"消失"。

37.B 因此科学家们正在尽最大努力拯救白枕鹤这一物种,使其免于灭绝。save意为"拯救"。

38.C 下文讲述了Chris和Tim帮助Emma繁殖,由此可知,Chris和Tim在一家动物园工作,帮助濒临灭绝的鹤繁殖。reproduction意为"繁殖"。

39.A Emma是一只雌鹤,自2004年到这个动物园以来,就一直由他们照顾。in sb.’s care意为"由某人照顾"。

40.C 根据后文可知,Emma由人类饲养员饲养。raise意为"饲养"。

41.B 根据下文中的"become deeply attached killing some of them"可知,这导致了一个意想不到的后果。consequence意为"后果"。

42.A Emma从来没有把自己当成一只鹤。根据语境可知,此处用否定副词never。

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43.B 根据上文可知,Emma非常喜欢人类;再根据下文中的"killing some become a mother"可推知,它拒绝和雄鹤生活在一起,甚至有杀害雄鹤的名声,这使它无法成为一名母亲。refuse to do sth.意为"拒绝做某事"。

44.D 参见上题解析。have a reputation for意为"有……的名声"。 reputation意为"名声"。

45.D 参见第43题解析。 根据语境可知,此处用否定意义的形容词impossible。

46.C 然而,Chris和Tim并不想看到这一珍贵物种灭绝。此处表示转折,故用However"然而"。

47.A 在Chris和Tim的耐心和努力下,他们成功地将人工繁殖和自然繁殖结合起来。combination意为"结合,联合"。

48.D 这使得Emma生下了五只鹤宝宝。 do sth.意为"使……有能力做某事",如:The loan enabled

Jane to buy the house. 贷款使简有能力买下这座房子。

49.C Chris和Tim为他们富有成效的工作感到自豪,但在他们对此有把握之前,他们必须付出更多努力。assured意为"有把握的"。

50.D 因为野生鹤的数量正在下降,许多其他物种似乎正走向灭绝。on the decline意为"在下降"。

51.B 毕竟,并不是每个人都能意识到野生动物有思想、感情,最重要的是,它们有平等的生存权利。after all"毕竟"符合语境。in contrast"相比之下";by the way"顺便说";on the contrary"与此相反"。

52.B 我们怎样才能弥合我们与其他动物之间不断扩大的差距呢? bridge意为"弥合(差距),消除(分歧)"。

53.C Chris和Tim给了我们答案,下文中的"human beings took it for 55 "就是他们的答案。answer意为"答案"。

54.A 人类想当然地认为他们的大脑(brains)掌握了所有的解决方案,但也许他们的心可以成为更好的向导(guide)。

55.A 参见上题解析。

Cloze 2

本文讲述了法国人Baptiste Dubanchet一路从法国骑自行车到波兰,途中以丢弃的食物为生,试图通过他的行动,来提高人们对食物浪费现象的认识。

36.C 根据下文中的"the more it gets noticed"可知,此处是"越……,越……"结构,此处表示"想法越不寻常,就越能引起人们的注意"。

37.A 根据下文中的"on discarded(丢弃) food"和全文可知,Baptiste Dubanchet一路靠丢弃的食物为生,由此可知他是个"吃垃圾的人"。

38.C 由后文可知,此处表示Baptiste Dubanchet完全依赖丢弃的食物维持生活。

39.B 这趟旅行是Baptiste Dubanchet提高人们对食物浪费现象的认识的方式。

40.B 你可以想象,这趟旅行并不容易。

41.D 虽然餐馆每年要倒掉数吨食物,但其中有许多是看不到的。

42.A 根据上文可知,这些被丢弃的食物被锁在了垃圾箱里。

43.B 根据下文可知,只有大约1/10的地方给他提供了食物。

44.A 出于法律上的原因,大部分餐馆都有制度,不允许把食物残渣送掉。

45.B 参考第44题解析。 give away表示"分送,送掉",故选B。

46.D 此处表示"有些人冒着丢掉工作的风险给我食物"。risk意为"冒……的风险"。根据语境可知选D。

47.C 特别有意思的是,不同城市对他这种行为的态度各不相同。particularly表示"特别,尤其"。根据语境可知选C。

48.A 根据下文提到的"the most difficult"可知,柏林是他最容易得到食物的城市,而捷克的皮尔森是最难的。故选A。

49.C 在那里,他不得不询问约50家不同的商店或餐馆,才到食物。故选C。

50.D 此处的challenge表示"挑战,艰巨任务",根据语境可知选D。

51.C 这是项费力的活动,需要一路从法国骑自行车到波兰。故选C。

52.D 此处表示"我必须立即获得食物,因为一路骑自行车后我很累,需要能量"。由语境可知选fast。

53.B 参考第52题解析。

54.A 根据语境可知,此处表示"肚子饿不饿",所以填stomach"胃,肚子",由此选A。

55.D 他决心在7月中旬结束他的旅行,故选D。

题组2 人与社会·人际关系和谐

Cloze 3


41.C Ehlers想起(thought)了他在路边看到的那只颤抖的小狗。

42.B 参见上题解析。

43.A 他尽力(tried)把小狗哄到他身边,但它感到害怕,跑开(run off)了。

44.D 参见上题解析。

45.C 根据第三段第一句中的"as lost in the local paper"可知,Ehlers很担心那只丢失的(lost)狗。

46.C 根据空处所在句可知,四天后,他叫上朋友Greg,两人一起开车回去(back)。

47.D 此处指经过长时间且仔细的寻(search)。

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根据下文中的"Nervousness and fear were replaced with"可知,那只狗正谨慎地(cautiously)移动。






由下文中的"the gun shots"可知,Jeff当时带着他的狗在艾奥瓦州打猎(hunted)。

Jeff寻他的狗Rosie无果。in vain是固定短语,意为"徒劳无益,白费力气"。






Cloze 4


11.C 文章开头说,威尔逊会努力确保街上那些低收入家庭的学生能按时赶到自己的课堂,因此这里用offering表示"主动提供,愿意给"。offer a free ride to sb.表示"让某人免费乘车"。

12.D 结合全文可知,威尔逊让街上的学生免费乘车去上学。volunteer 表示"自愿提供",符合语境。

13.B 语境表示自他第一次自愿提供汽车给年轻人以来,威尔逊已经行驶了64 000英里的路程。cover表示"行走(一段路程)"。

14.D 语境说的是威尔逊与他接送的学生进行了愉快、幽默的交谈(conversations),因此选D。

15.B 这里说的是威尔逊开车接送的那些学生后来的情况。drive表示"开车送"。

16.A 从语境的连贯看,此处表示这些大学生视威尔逊为楷模和朋友,甚至(even)叫他"爷爷"。

17.B 这里讲述其中一名免费乘车的学生,因此用received表示"得到"。

18.A 这里用free transportation指威尔逊免费接送贫困学生上学的行为,因此A项"交通"符合语境。

19.B 这里说的是你不仅仅是坐在那里陷入尴尬的沉默或者戴上耳机,用awkward来形容"沉默",表示"令人尴尬的"。forced"被迫的",ridiculous


20.D 下文说"下次你跟他一起坐车的时候,他会……那些事情",由此可知,这里说的是威尔逊在询问这些大学生问题的时候,还记得他们的回答,故选D。

21.C 前文提到学生坐他的车时他问学生问题且记得他们的回答,这里说下次乘车的时候,威尔逊会核实那些事情,用check on表示"核实,检查"。act on"按照……行事",settle on"选定",agree on"就……达成一致意见",都不符合语境。

22.D 最初威尔逊参与一个支援学生的活动,因此这里用programme表示"活动"。

23.C 这里说威尔逊经常做得更多,因此用go beyond表示他不仅仅做分内之事。

24.A assist表示"帮助",与前面的"有困难"呼应:当学生在注册方面遇到困难的时候,他就会去帮助他们。

25.D 从语境的连贯看,这里用hesitates表示"犹豫":乘车的学生坐车时间太长,饿了,他就会毫不犹豫地给学生买饭菜。

26.C 语境表示有了威尔逊的这些帮助,这些学生才能读完大学,因此用necessary表示"必要的,必不可少的"。

27.A 这里说这些大学生乘客的情况:有些学生没车,有的学生不得不和父母共用(share)一辆车,因此选A。

28.B 这里表示威尔逊开车接送这些学生,学生才得以完成自己的大学教育,用allowed表示"允许"。

29.A 这里讲的是威尔逊自己也从开车接送这些学生的经历中获益。

30.C 威尔逊在这里说,能够成为这些孩子生活中的一部分,了解他们,这是一种荣幸,因此用privilege表示"荣幸,幸运"。

Cloze 5


16.C 根据下文可知,"我"把钱包丢在了公共汽车上,"我"不知道那辆车驶向哪个车站。A项意为"可进入的";B项意为"隐藏的";C项意为"未知的";D项意为"方便的"。结合语境可知选C。

17.D 根据语境可知,此处表示令人担忧的时刻之后就是心算——得花多少时间和金钱才能代替钱包里的东西。A项意为"保全面子的";C项意为"引人注目的";D项意为"令人十分担忧的"。故选D。

18.B 根据后面的"The credit cards, the driver’s license, the cash"可知,本处谈的是"钱包里的东西(内容)"。B项意为"内容";D项意为"原料,成分"。结合语境可知选B。

19.B 根据语境,有人敲门,丈夫应(answered)门声开门。

20.A 根据语境,钱包完好无损地回来了,故本处意为"1便士也没丢"。A项意为"丢失的";C项意为"剩余的";D项意为"被遗弃的"。结合语境可知选A。

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21.D 根据语境,"我"甚至还没来得及走到门那儿感谢她,她就走了。A项意为"仍然";B项意为"曾经";C项意为"还";D项意为"甚至"。本句的关键词是"before"。结合语境可知选D。

22.C 根据语境,在网上分享了这个故事后,有人发邮件说认出了那位女士,她是Erin Smith。A项意为"选择";B项意为"任命";C项意为"认出";D项意为"给……下定义"。结合语境可知选C。

23.A 根据语境,"我"急于表达对那位女士的感激之情,因此本处意为"毫不拖延地,我打电话感谢她"。A项意为"耽搁";B项意为"警报"。结合语境可知选A。

24.D 根据语境,她说她在公共汽车座位上发现了我的钱包。B项意为"放置";D项意为"发现"。结合语境可知选D。

25.C 她认为去陌生人家里是冒险的行动,但她决定冒险。calculate除了"计算"外,还可意为"推测,认为",故选C。

26.B 参考第25题解析。risky意为"冒险的",故选B。

27.C 她说:"如果我处在那样的情形中,我希望有人能尽力到我。"A项意为"地点";C项意为"情况"。结合语境可知选C。

28.A 根据语境,丢失钱包对我来说是个小"危机"(crisis),此处表示这个陌生人对我的小危机作出了漂亮的回应(还回钱包)。

29.D 根据语境,Erin Smith在拥有"我"的钱包之后把"我"的驾照照片发到了论坛上,想看看是否有人认识"我"。A项意为"摆脱";B项意为"使用,利用";C项意为"控制";D项意为"拥有"。结合语境可知选D。

30.A 参见上题解析。

31.B 根据语境,"我"从来没有跟那些妈妈进行过深入交谈。A项意为"回忆起";B项意为"交流";C项意为"重说";D项意为"低语"。结合语境可知选B。

32.A 根据语境,"我"看到说人们比以往任何时候都更加分裂,但是"我"意外遇到的人们却不是那样行动的。A项意为"意外地遇见";D项意为"陪伴"。结合语境可知选A。

33.C 回忆过去,有人想要帮助陌生人,我感到很幸福。A项意为"离开";B项意为"转身";C项意为"回忆";D项意为"出现"。结合语境可知选C。

34.D 根据语境,Erin在寒冷的夜晚去"我"家还钱包,她的行为超越了很多人。结合语境可知选beyond"超出"。

35.D 此处表达了"我"对那位女士的感激。A项意为"渴望的";B项意为"热情的";C项意为"担心的";D项意为"感激的"。结合语境可知选D。

Cloze 6


41.D 自从作者"上次"(last)见到他的儿子已经过去13年了。

42.A 父子多年没联系,也没见面。得知儿子要来看望他,作者"高兴"(delight)极了。

43.C 根据语境可知,马上就要见到多年没有见面的儿子了,作者自然是"激动的"(thrilled)。

44.C 作者很激动,所以他早早地到达与儿子"会面"(meet)的地方。

45.A 海湾"沐浴"(bathed)在阳光下。

46.B 根据常识,"更靠近点"(closer)才能发现皮划艇出了问题。

47.A 从下文对作者救人的描述可知,走近一点,作者发现一只皮划艇遇到了"麻烦"(trouble)。

48.B 根据下文的描述可知选B。本句和前一句说的是一回事。something’s not right意为"某事不对劲"。

49.C 从下文内容可知,作者要去水中救人,自然要"跳入"(dived)水中。

50.D 此处表示他在水中猛烈地摇摆(shaking)。

51.C 这时,作者帮忙把那个年轻人从水里"抬"(carry)了出来。

52.B 他昏迷了,当作者看着他的脸时,突然想到了一些事情。"something occurs to sb."是固定搭配,意为"某人突然想起某事"。

53.D 从下文可知,作者救出来的是自己的儿子,父亲对自己儿子的眼睛应该是"熟悉的"(familiar)。

54.D 当教练说出这个年轻人的名字时,作者马上就"知道"(knew)了那个被救的年轻人就是他的儿子。

55.A 康复得很快是一件幸运的事,故此处表示"幸运地"(Fortunately)。

56.D 经过短暂的住院,Ben的身体足够好了,已经可以"离开"(leave)医院了。

57.B Ben转过(turned)头来对作者说感谢的话。

58.C 从上文的描述可知,作者"救"(saved)了Ben的命。

59.A 作者下水救人,救出来的竟然是自己的儿子,真是"巧合"(coincidence)。

60.B 作者很高兴能在那儿"及时"(in time)帮助自己的儿子。

Cloze 7


【词语积累】 upset

adj.难过的,不高兴的 determined


contribute to 为……作出贡献 shelter



n.运动,活动 make a difference有作用,有影响

36.B 根据下文中的"her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry"可知,她们看见一个男子在垃圾箱外吃东西。

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37.D 根据上文Hannah看到的情形并结合下文她的反应可知,她很难过,故选D。

38.C 根据后半句中的"there is not a lot one five-year-old can do to solve (解决) the problem of


39.A 根据语境可知,此处表示一个女人推着一个旧的购物车。push意为"推动"。

40.D 一个女人推着一个旧的购物车,购物车中堆满了袋子,似乎这个女人拥有的一切都在这些袋子里。根据语境可知此处用bags。

41.B Hannah要做点什么的意志更坚定了。determined意为"意志坚定的,有决心的"。

42.A 自她们第一次看到无家可归的人以来,她一直与母亲谈论无家可归的人的生活。根据语境可知,空处用since引导时间状语从句。

43.C Hannah的母亲告诉她,如果她做一些事来改变这个让她难过的问题,那她就不会感觉这么难过了。根据语境可知,空处用动词feel。

44.D 根据上文的"Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other

provinces"可知,Hannah想传播希望,提高人们关注无家可归的人的意识。spread 意为"传播"。

45.C Hannah开始做东办"大老板"午餐,她努力说服当地商界领袖为帮助无家可归的人作贡献。host意为"主持,作为主人组织(聚会),做东"。

46.A 参见上题解析。contribute to意为"捐献,为……作出贡献"。

47.A 根据文中的"people donate $20 and wear red scarves" 可知,此处表示一种活动。campaign 意为"(为取得某种结果而进行的政治、商业或社会性的)运动,活动"。

48.B 根据第一段中的"She asked her mother why he did that, and her mother said that the man was

homeless and hungry"可知,此处应用形容词hungry。

49.C 根据下文可知,Hannah’s Place给人们提供躲避严寒的地方,这使她感到骄傲(proud)。

50.B 在严寒时睡(sleeping)在户外可能意味着死亡。

51.A 由下文的"For example, she received the 2007 BRICK Award"可知,Hannah受到了很多表扬。praise意为"赞扬,称赞"。

52.D "2007 BRICK Award"这个奖项认可年轻人为改变世界而作出的努力。effort意为"努力"。

53.B 此处指"但在她做所有这些事的过程中",故用through。

54.C Hannah仍然过着校园女生的正常生活,除了常常去探望无家可归的人。normal 意为"正常的"。

55.D Hannah是一个通过努力影响世界的年轻人。make a difference意为"有作用,有影响"。

Cloze 8


41.C 由文章的标题A Heroic Driver及文章内容可知,Larry正沿着I65公路往北行驶(traveling)着。

42.D 根据前面的"Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc."可知,此处表示他将货物运送给一个顾客后。

43.C 根据语境可知,此处表示"当他靠得更近一些的时候",故选As。

44.B 根据下文"The man who had his bright "可知,翻倒的车与前一句提到的灯亮着的车并不是同一辆,故此处指另一辆车,选another。

45.A 由后面的"the fire extinguisher(灭火器)"和"the fire was put out"可以判断,此处选flames"火焰"。

46.B 根据第二段中的"the wrecked(毁坏的) vehicle"可知,此处选disabled。disable可表示"使无效,使不能运转",此处为过去分词作定语,表示


47.A Larry把车停在路边,刹车,到灭火器。get hold of意为"到所需要的东西",与语境吻合;take charge


48.D 车灯一直亮着的车的车主走了过来(came over)。come down"下降,降低,崩塌";come through"康复,安然度过";come in"进入,参与"。

49.C make a call是固定搭配,意为"打电话"。此处表示那个男子告诉Larry他已经拨打了急救电话。

50.A 就在那时(then),他们听到从被毁坏的车里传来一个女人的声音。

51.D 走近(Approaching)车,他们看到一个女人正试图从碎了的车窗里爬出来。

52.B 根据下文的"she should not move"可知,此处表示他们告诉她要保持不动(still)的状态,直到救护人员到达。quiet"安静的";away"不在,离开"; calm"镇静的"。

53.D 根据语境可知,此处表示转折。故选but。

54.A 根据后面的"Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and that she should not move"以及常识可知,此处表示"但是她认为车子要爆炸(explode)了"。

55.C 此处表示Larry叫她不要动,以免(in case)伤到脖子。

56.B 由后面的"let them go to work"可知,当消防人员和救护人员到达后,Larry和另一个男子便往后退(backed off),方便他们施救。

57.B 根据常识,发生了交通事故,警察应该到场,且下文"They let him and the other man go"中的"They"指代本空,故选B。

58.D Larry问警察他需要留下来还是可以自由(free)离开。

59.A 有一件事情是可以肯定的(for certain)。

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60.C 他的努力(efforts)很可能挽救了那个女人的生命。

题组3 人与自我·个人经历及感悟

Cloze 9

本文是一篇记叙文。 "我"在大学时所选的课程对自己以后的职业和生活起到了很重要的作用。

41.B "我"迫不及待地接受(jumped at)了上这个课的想法。put forward "提出";try out"试验";turn down"关小,拒绝"。

42.C 毕竟,谁不想节省(save)几美元呢?waste"浪费";earn "挣,赚得";pay "付款"。

43.A 即使"我"对免费学分不太激动(excited)。worried "担心的";tired"劳累的"。

44.D 关于"我们"的讲师(instructor)的消息足够吸引"我"。title "标题,题目";competitor "竞争者";textbook "课本"。

45.D 他是一位国际象棋大师,这意味(meant)着"我"将向象棋界最优秀的人之一学习。urge "敦促";demand "要求";hold "举行"。

46.C 参见上题解析。fastest "最快的";easiest "最容易的";best"最佳的";rarest "最稀有的"。结合语境可知选C。

47.B 根据上文对这位国际象棋大师的描述可知,"我"迫不及待地想认识(meet)他。interview "采访";challenge "挑战";beat "打败"。

48.D Maurice Ashley善良又聪明,这份工作(job)对他来说不是游戏。chance "机会";qualification "资格";honor "荣誉"。

49.C 在他的介绍里,他清楚地(clear)说明了"我们"的学分是来之不易的。real "真的";perfect "完美的";possible "可能的"。

50.B 为了通过(pass)这门课程,"我们"必须写一篇关于"我们"打算如何把将在课堂所学的内容运用到未来职业中的论文。attend "参加";skip "跳过";observe "观察"。

51.C 参见上题解析。add "添加";expose "使暴露,揭露";apply"应用,运用"; compare "比较"。

52.A 并且最终(eventually)(运用)到"我们"的生活中。naturally "自然地";directly "直接地";normally"正常地"。

53.C "我"的那门课程(course)得了A。game "游戏";presentation"授予,表现";experiment"实验"。

54.B 并且学到一些课堂(classroom)之外对"我"很有用的生活经验。criterion"标准";department "部门";situation "形势"。

55.A "我"仍然用到他教(taught)"我"的东西。write "写";question "提问";promise"承诺"。

56.D 当你下象棋时, 你学到的最重要的技能(skill)无疑就是如何作出恰当的决定。fact "事实";step "步骤";manner "方式"。

57.B 参见上题解析。grade"分数";decision"决定"; impression "印象";comment "评论"。

58.A 每一步你不得不分析(analyze)形势。describe "描述";rebuild "重建";control "控制"。

59.D 在你所有选择中评估(evaluate)出最好的举措。announce "宣布";signal "发信号";block "阻止"。

60.A 在记者这一角(role)里,这些话今天听起来仍然是真实的。desire"欲望";concern "关心";behavior "行为 "。

Cloze 10


16.C 上文说没有人天生就是赢家,此处表示人们通过自己的努力成为胜利者,故选C。

17.B 本空是对下文内容的总结。下文讲述了作者多年前当足球教练的经历,因此选B。

18.D 从下文的"Being the coach of the new team"可知,作者在这支足球队当主教练,因此选D。

19.D 由上文的"the school’s old team"和下文的"the coach of the new team"可知,此处表示每年春季训练结束的时候,学校的老足球队都要与新足球队进行比赛,这是传统,因此选D。

20.B 老足球队没有教练,甚至没有为了准备比赛而进行训练。由此可判断,这里用prepare for表示"为……做准备"。

21.A 此处表示作者难以相信自己陷入了这样的局面。故选A。

22.A 语境表示的是作者经过思考之后的认识,因此选A表示"认识到"。

23.C 上文提到作者是这支新足球队的教练,因此选C,表示这支球队依靠(depending on)的是作者。

24.B 根据语境可知,这里表示作者要改变自己对队员能力和潜力的态度(attitude)。

25.A 根据语境可知,此处表示作者帮助队员建立自尊心(pride)。

26.C 从上文可知,作者执教的足球队在比赛中输了,作者要帮助队员建立自尊心,因此这里表示作者将队员当成胜利者(winners)来对待,因此选C。leader"领导者",partner"合伙人",learner"学习者",均不符合语境。

27.B 前面提到春季训练结束时的比赛,这里说的是夏季,因此选B表示当其他队享受他们的假期(vacations)时。

28.D 作者执教的足球队每天都要集合,然后练习(practiced)传球和踢球,因此选D。

29.A 这里说的是春季训练结束时输掉比赛这件事,因此选A表示"失败"。

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30.B 此处是说作者执教的这支足球队赢得一场接一场的比赛,并且表现得越来越好,因此选B表示"提高,变得更好"。relax"放松,松懈",expand


31.C 此处表示即使他们输掉了这场比赛,这对他们来说也是一种胜利(victory)。

32.B 作者执教的这支足球队打败了佐治亚州最好的足球队,作者很激动(thrills)。

33.D 语境表示领导者的态度能够影响(affect)团队的成员。

34.A 这里说的是作者执教的足球队在春季训练结束时的比赛中输了之后,作者没有把自己的队员看作失败者,而是鼓励(encouraged)他们。

35.D 从上文可知,作者执教的足球队在春季训练比赛中输了,但作者帮助队员建立自尊心,鼓励他们,并把他们当成胜利者来对待,即帮助他们从不同的角度来看待自己,因此选D。

Cloze 11


36.D 根据上下文可知,"我们"都知道时间比金钱更有价值,但"我们"可能拥有过多的时间吗?

37.A 通读全文可知,此处是"我"的回忆,故remember"回想起,记得"符合语境。

38.D play (a) sport是固定搭配,表示"从事(一项)体育运动"。

39.B 由于还在学校从事体育运动,回家后,"我"不得不马上做作业。right away是固定词组,表示"立刻,马上"。

40.C 根据上下文可知,当我上大学后,事情发生了变化,所以选changed。

41.A 根据上下文可知,我突然发现自己上午就上完课了,所以有了很多额外的时间,故选extra。

42.C 根据语境可知,由于有了很多额外的时间,我就没有了要马上做作业的紧迫感。urgency表示"紧急,紧迫"。

43.D 根据下文可知,等待(拖延)后来成为一种习惯,所以选habit。

44.A 根据下文可知,我一再往后推迟学习的时间,故选pushing。push back表示"推迟"。

45.B 根据语境可知,后来我要熬夜到很晚才能把作业做完。stay up表示"熬夜",符合语境。

46.A 根据语境可知,有一天,我碰到了一个我以前的同学,met表示"遇见"。

47.D 我的这位同学通过经营副业,赚了很多钱。make a lot of money是常用表达,表示"赚很多钱"。

48.C 根据上下文可推知,我同学的固定工作是很枯燥乏味的,所以选 boring。

49.D 根据句意可知,如果没有固定工作,我同学就会有很多时间。

50.B 根据第三段内容,尤其是"When I got time"可知,他就会像我在大学(college)期间那样(感觉时间多,从而经常拖延)。

51.A 根据语境可知,他说要是他辞去(quit)这份工作(而一门心思去从事副业的话),他就会失去工作和获取成功的干劲。

52.C 参见上题解析。drive表示"干劲,魄力"。

53.B 此处作者感慨要多用自己的时间做别的事情。fill up sth. with sth.是固定词组,表示"用某物装满/填满某物"。

54.C 根据语境可知,此处应用saying表示"谚语"。

55.B 结合上文可知,busy"忙的"符合语境。

Cloze 12


36.D 根据句中的"heavy instrument cases"可知选择struggling, 表示"艰难地行进"。

37.D 由语境可知,此处表示他们到校练习音乐,选择turn up"出现,到达"。

38.A 根据本段最后一句中的"extra early"可知,他们到校比其他任何人都早,因此选择before。

39.C 他发誓要避开音乐,因为他不喜欢很早到校,因此选择avoid。

40.B 联系上下文可知,此处表示转折,因此选择However。

41.A 音乐课是学校标准课程的一部分,因此选择part。

42.D 由下文可知,他有音乐天赋,因此在随意地弹着钢琴时,他发现(慢慢)弹奏出乐曲很容易。故答案为D。

43.C 根据下一句中的"pleasure"可知,他意识到事实上他喜欢弹钢琴。因此选择enjoyed。

44.B 他试图隐藏他那种显而易见的快乐。obvious"明显的,显而易见的"符合语境。

45.D 音乐老师已经踱步(到了他的面前)来听他弹奏。wander"徘徊,闲逛,漫步",符合语境。

46.A 他可能并没有隐藏得很好,因为老师告诉他他的(音乐)能力很强。故选because。

47.A 参见上题解析。ear在此表示"(学习音乐,模仿声音等的)能力"。

48.C 老师建议他去音乐储藏室看看是否有吸引他的乐器。appeal to 意为"吸引",符合语境。

49.B 上文提及他弹钢琴,而这里指他决定给大提琴一个机会,即试一试大提琴,因此选择chance。

50.C 由下文的But可知,此处表示"他开始练习(拉大提琴)时很随意",因此选择casually"随意地"。

51.A be committed to doing sth.表示"尽心尽力做某事",符合语境。

52.D 根据文章第一段可知,此处表示学习音乐当然就意味着他每天早上很早到校。mean"意味着"符合语境。

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53.B 根据句中的"heavy"可知选择dragging, 表示"拖"。

54.B 根据文章第一段中的"pityingly"可知选择pitying, pitying表示"同情的,怜悯的"。

55.C 由文章第一段可知他也曾经有过这样的表情,而现在他不再有这样的表情了。behind表示"把……抛在后面",符合语境,因此选择behind。

Cloze 13


16.C 根据下文中的"to make myself feel better"可知,作者用食物扼杀(kill)自己的坏心情。add"增加",mix"混合",share"分享",都与语境不符。

17.A 作者担心自己的健康,试过许多种节食(diets)的办法。drink"饮料",fruit"水果",dish"菜肴",都不符合语境。

18.D 作者担心自己的健康问题,但许多节食办法都没用,于是觉得对自己的体重(weight)无能为力了。由上下文可知,此处讨论的是体重问题,其他选项均不符合语境。

19.C 作者50岁的时候,体重问题开始严重地(seriously)影响作者的健康。temporarily"暂时地",recently"最近",secretly"秘密地",都与语境不符。

20.B 上文说到作者饱受自己体重问题的困扰,因此这里用形容词extra表示"额外的",表示作者不想余生再带着"多余的"体重生活。

21.A 由语境可知,这里应该用动词attended与seminar(研讨会)搭配,表示作者参加了一个研讨会。

22.B 研讨会的一个领导者讲述自己不仅减重125磅,还为流浪儿童募集了两万五千美元,这是她的成功(success)故事。folk"民间音乐", adventure"历险",science"科学",都不符合语境。

23.C 作者受到这个领导者的经历的影响(Influenced),创立了一个项目。surprise"使惊奇",amuse"逗笑",disturb"打扰",都不符合语境。

24.A 这是作者创立的一个项目,因此用名词project表示"项目,方案",由后文的"telling them about my


25.D 作者的目标是一年内减重150磅并募集五万美元来支持一项开创于30年前的旨在结束饥饿的运动,因此用in support of表示"支持"。in search of"寻";in need of "需要";in place of "代替"。

26.D 把治愈自己与治愈世界结合起来,这是作者觉得完美的解决办法,动词strike可以表示"给(某人以……)印象,让(某人)觉得",符合语境,因此选D。

27.A As在这里引导时间状语从句,表示"当……的时候",这里说的是作者开始自己的减肥计划时,担心这次会遇到(run into)同样的困难。

28.B run into表示"遇到",与后面的difficulties呼应,表示"遇到困难"。

29.D 上文提到作者的担心,害怕会遇到先前的那些困难,这个担忧盘旋在作者脑海里,因此选fear"害怕,担忧"。

30.C While在这里引导让步状语从句,表示"尽管",这里表示作者觉得自己这次走在正确的道路(path)上,path在此意为"(有助于实现某事的)道路,途径",因此选C。

31.B 这里表示捐款大量涌来,flood在此用作动词,表示"大量涌入",符合语境。

32.D 这里说的是作者饮食的变化,吃得少,而且吃得很健康(healthy)。heavy"很多的",full"吃饱了的",expensive"昂贵的",都不符合语境。

33.A 联系上文可知,这里是说作者定期锻炼,regularly表示"有规律地,定期地"。

34.B 这里说的是作者一年之后实现(reached)了自己先前设定的目标,因此选B。

35.C 作者在这里发出感慨,自己得到了第二次生命,可以致力于做一件有意义的(meaningful)事,因此选C。

Cloze 14


41.B 由文章首句可知,"我"13岁时唯一的目标就是成为学校足球队的明星。结合下文的"Miller King, who

was the best"可推断出Miller King是"我们"学校最出的足球运动员(player),而实现"我"的目标就意味着打败(beating out)他。

42.D 参见上题解析。

43.A 根据上文的"all summer long I worked out"可知,此处表示"我"到哪里都带着足球练习。

44.C 根据上文的"Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm"可以推断出,Miller出车祸失去了右臂,肯定要住院,故此处应表示"我"在Miller出院后去看了他。C项符合语境。

45.A 根据语境及常识可知,这里指Miller出院后脸苍白(pale),却没有哭。

46.B 根据下文的"I was named most valuable player"可知,"我"被提名为最有价值球员,故可推断出"我"打破(broke)了Miller的所有纪录。

47.D Miller出车祸后不能再像往常一样踢球,因此只能坐在替补席看(watched)主场比赛。

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48.C 空前的"I was named most valuable player"与空后的"I often had crazy dreams in which I was to

blame "存在转折关系,故用but。

49.C 此处指"我"经常做一些疯狂的梦。在梦中,"我"要为Miller出车祸一事负责。根据上文可知Miller出了车祸,故这里选accident。

50.A Miller由于失去了右臂,因此独自一人很难翻越围栏。 stuck在此作形容词,表状态,指Miller无法翻越围栏, 被卡住了动不了。

51.B 此处表示"要是双臂健全,翻越这个围栏并不困难(hard)"。

52.C 就在九月前Miller出了车祸,只能看比赛无法上场,而"我"却在场上破了他所有纪录,还被提名most

valuable player,所以"我"肯定他最不想接受"我"的帮助。assistance"帮助"符合语境。

53.B 根据上文可知Miller接受了"我"的帮助,故这里指"我"帮助(helped)他慢慢翻越围栏。

54.D 在"我"的帮助下,"我们"最终安全地翻越到了另一边。

55.A Miller说"我"本赛季踢得不错,故选择fine。

56.C 这里指Miller感谢"我"临时代替他参加比赛,故C项符合语境。

57.D 这里指Miller感谢"我"的话让"我"从先前的噩梦中解脱出来。

58.A Miller身残志坚,他仍然(still)领先于"我"。

59.D 与文章首段呼应,表示"我"对Miller的钦佩和仰慕是正确的。

60.B 从那天起,"我"不断地成长,越加真实。

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本文发布于:2024-09-22 01:50:28,感谢您对本站的认可!



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