


322BAKERPACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. Oil & Gas Well Completion Packers is widely-knownas an industry leader that fo-cuses its resources on thecompletions phase for oil andgas Packers offers completionsystems and services as wellas a comprehensive line ofdownhole production controlequipment- products whichinclude packers, flowcontrol, primary cementing,subsurface safety systems andenhanced recovery Product Guide containsa sampling of these complete details on the fullline of Baker Packers equip-ment, call your local BakerPackers Packers also providesengineering consulting servicesfor oil and gas well -of-the-art engineering and testing bringhigh performance to hostile pioneered the idea of comprehensivetesting. Today our test laboratory can simu-late any downhole environment, includingpressures to 30,000 psi, temperatures to600°F, and H2S/CO2 's philosophy of thorough product test-ing carries over into material testing andselection. All elastomers and metals used inour packers must pass rigorous inspectionsusing advanced spectrometers and tensiltesting -of-the-art computer techniques alsohelp bring space-age precision and refine-ment to our designs. Always at the cuttingedge of packer design, Baker engineers usecomplex computer modeling techniques suchas Finite Element Analysis to ensure optimumperformance for each packer design. Andsophisticated CAD/CAM systems give thelatest in engineering and together, our 70-year-plus experienceand quickness to adopt new technologyhelp make Baker Packers the sure solutionto todays ever more challenging ed SpectrometersProvide chemical analysis of cturing LocationsCAD/CAM TechniquesAre used to optimize product design andmanufacturingWorld Headquarters, Manufacturing Plant &Engineering Test Laboratory, Houston, ore Manufacturing l Emissions SpectrometerEnsures metal alloys are of the en, Scotland Manufacturing n, Texas Training Arrow, Oklahoma Manufacturing e TestIs computerized and has 120,n Test LabCreates hostile environments for testingBaker packers.

PACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OH TOOLS. INCBAKER323Permanent Packer SystemsBaker offers a full line of permanent andretrievable production packers. From me-chanical set to wireline set, from compact toproduction stimulation packers to dual borepackers, all the tools to handle your oil andgas well production needs with simplicityMODEL "DA"(415-14)Variation of "D" withlarger ID upperseal "F-1"(413-01)Variation of "D" withlarger continuoussealing bore. Usedwherever extra-and "D"(415-13)The most widelyused permanentpacker in theworld. Has con-tinuous diametersealing bore toaccept -bore "FA-1"(413-02)This model has thelargest ID sealingbore of any perma-nent "SB-3"(409-06)Hydraulically set,one-trip comple-tion packer; idealanywhere; un-beatable in high-angle, deviatedwells. Setting as-sembly acts asseal nipple orMODEL "N"packer accepts "D"(416-07)seal set andready for produc-tion in one bore as "D"and uses "SAB-3"AND "SABL-3"(409-07) (409-08)Variation of "SB-3"with larger ID up-per sealing boreand threaded lowerguide for exten-sions below "DE-1"(415-15)A double bore per-manent packerhaving the reliableperformance of the"D" design. Set onelectric line, tubingor drill pipe. Theparallel boresprovide a hook-upwhereby the sec-ond string can beused to injectchemicals, ventgas, or kill the s "D"

324BAKERPACKERSPermanent Packer SystemsTubing Seal SystemsBaker provides an array of tubing seal assem-blies desioned tO ^cwtrnmnrlatfa thfaenvironmental requirements of present andfuture well products address the problems associ-1|l






MODEL "K"LOCATORTUBING SEALNIPPLE(442-51)Used for landingand sealing in theSEAL BORE

EXTENSION, ^ >(449-40) QAKEJ*B^M.£ld^H-M^r^^lI^^HHprovide additional

sealing bore when

long seal assem-

ated with pressure, temperature, well fluidsand seal movement. These environmentalconsiderations will determine the best com-bination of seal (elastomer), accessorymaterial (steel) and accessory type (locator,anchor or other) for use in each case.>l=gjiErFf%"

/}ii y11L j IEHmmm*-m-EH^31»=•HR•• 1IFI,^HmMJfcfl•i^H•aElm f11 ilIIIiL*tEK^41cHlMODEL "G"LOCATORTUBING SEALASSEMBLY(442-34)Designed for usein Models "D','"F-1;11Retrieva-D" SealM',' "SB-3',' andBore Packers.•


upper bore Models-DA; -FA;accommodate tub-and "Retrieva-DA" -SAB;ing movement. FORMULA "B"Standard length is TUBING SEAL•f-• Seal Bore Packers.10-ft, but additional

•L1extensions may be

GREASE(499-26)Prmljoined using con- Snou|d be app|jedIcentric couplings to the seal areasILLto achieve anyof packer acces-~mlength required.

sories to fill theMODEL "E" — —~ ~ "- -—-*spaces betweenANCHOR

the accessory andTUBING SEAL •Bi 1B 'packer bore toASSEMBLY

keep out particles(443-44) •Bthat might interfereIntended for use BfHwith the seal orwith removal of thewith Models "D'"F-i;'"N','"SB-3;and


^HJSfJ§accessory."Retrieva-D" Seal 4fcBore Packers. f S? s1*||1








.1(499-41)Used to facilitateRETRIEVING


firecovery of packerwith the Model(683-96)

I•|"CS" Milling Toolwhen tailpipe is runThp PRR ic ched to thesigned to bebottom of of a retainer§or liner hanger. ThePBR and the stan-irdard anchor sealSEAL SELECTION:assembly ontoiiwhich it is threadedSTANDARD SEAL STACK - Made up

chevron seals and steel spacer rings. Used for non-of Nitrilecan be landed andlatched into aIH2S environments not exceeding 325°F (163°C).nyaraunc pacKerNot recommended for low temperature (less thanfor a one trip for120°F (49°C) gas applications. Should not be al-Ia tianged-uplowed to leave seal bore in service.1completion. TheBONDED SEAL STACK - Two Nitrile or Vitonretrieving tool isseals are bonded to each metal insert which are1used to removeseparated by spacers. Used where seal movementthe PRRout of the seal bore cannot be prevented. Nitrileunits are serviceable in non-Hless than 350°F (1 76°C). Viton is used for H2S environments ofservice and in all well fluids except amine based2Sinhibitors up to 250°F(121°C).ElfIs H H 'A-RYTE™ SEAL STACK - Made of Aflas* chevronmmseals with Teflon1 and Ryton back-up rings, andIwRyton front-up rings. It is preferable to use A-RYTE1"1 B

HM m 'when inhibited water-based completion/annular flu-iM Iids are utilized, up to 400°F (204°C). A-RYTE™ is notrecommended for use with oil-based completion, .

• t i:fluids (inhibited and non-inhibited) and the seal stack3J il




fiBHIBJshould not be allowed to leave the seal bore in««»•» TUBING SEAL

m[ IB-Ill -V-RYTE" SEAL STACK - Made up of Viton(443-38) 931 :chevron seals of Teflon* and Ryton back-up rings,and Ryton front-up rings. For any well fluids exceptAnchors tubing |» f 1 *amine based inhibitors. These seals have beenstring to Models

•DA; -FA; -SAB; K^yj

ftt-K 5tested at 400°F (204°C) with 1 0,

and "Retrieva-DA" IB Bl!"differential under dynamic conditions and000 psi (703 kg/cm2)Seal Bore Packers. UBJFI15,000 psi (1054 kg/cm2Should not allowed to leave seal bore in service.) under static conditions.

325BAKERPACKERSPermanent Packer SystemsMODEL "HE"(421-01)This hostile en-vironment packerhas been provenunder pressuredifferentials of15,000-psi-plusand temperaturesto 550T and with-stands corrosiveenvironments likeH2S, CO2, andamine used withthe Model "L" Lo-cator Tubing SealAssembly, the "HE"provides a dynamicseal bore whichextends below thepacker in anylength required,for dynamic move-ment of sealsduring injection,fracturing or reser-voir treatment.A DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS INCi!MODEL "HEA"(421-03)Designed for thesame hostile en-vironments as the"HE" but has an up-per sealing boreincorporated intothe top. The "NM"Anchor TubingSeal Assemblydesigned for the"HEA" providesmaximum attaina-ble bore throughthe "HEA"HYDRAULICSINGLE TRIPPACKER(422-01)fSame as "HEA"but designed toprovide one-trippacker "L-22"LOCATORTUBING SEALASSEMBLY(446-01)Designed specifi-cally for use withour K-Ryte™ SealSystem. Uses set-down weight toprevent seal move-ment but canprovide long ser-vice even if tubingmovement ly used withModels "DB" and"FB-1"and"HE"Retainer Produc-tion Packersand seal EENVIRONMENTSEAL STACKSK-HEAT™SEAL STACKwith Kalrez™• 15,000-psi-plusdifferential.• 550°L "M-22"K-RYTE™ANCHOR SEALASSEMBLY(447-01)Used where wellconditions requiretubing to be landedin tension or wherethere is insufficienttubing weight avail-able to keep theseal assembly inthe packer be used withModels "D" and"F-1" Retainer Pro-duction R!iMODEL "N-22"K-RYTE1"ANCHOR SEALASSEMBLY(447-51)Used where wellconditions requiretubing to be landedin tension or wherethere is insufficienttubing weight avail-able to keep theseal assembly inthe packer be used toseal the upper boreof Models "DA','"FA','and "SAB" SealBore PackersA-HEAT™SEAL STACKwith Atlas'" ___?

II~ SPACER^PEEKBACK-UPRING"•AFLAS™CHEVRONSEAL• 15,000-psi-plus §3|differential. ^^• 450°ONT-UPRINGAtlas™ is a trademark of Asahi Glass ™ is a trademark of ™ and Teflon™ are trademarks of Dupont.A-HEET, K-HEET, K-Ryte and R-Ryte are trademarks ofBaker Packers.

326PACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. INCBAKERPermanent Packer SystemsMODEL "DW-1"WHIPSTOCKPACKER(415-21)ANDMODEL "W-2"ANCHORASSEMBLY(499-34)This combinationis used to perma-nently and reliablyplace a whipstockin the desired loca-tion in a cased holeto allow a side-track "W-2" anchoris the first systemdesigned to allowwhipstock orienta-tion on the rig floorafter the packerhas been set inthe "DR"LOCATOR-TYPEPACKER PLUG(665-01)Used to converta Model "D" "DA;Hydraulic Setting ToolsMODEL "B-2"HYDRAULICSETTING TOOL(415-74)"F-i;"FA-i;'"N;"SB-3','or"SAB"Retainer Produc-tion Packer into atemporary bridgeplug after havingbeen previously "DR"LATCHING-TYPEPACKER PLUG(665-03)Used for the samepurpose and inthe same way asthe "DR" locatortype but will holdpressure in "HE" packersin sizes 23 andlarger, in conjunc-tion with Model"B-2" Hydraulic SetAdapter Kit, Prod-uct No. 415-75."D;"DA;"F-i;'"FA-i;For use with ModelMODEL "B"SETTING TOOL(415-70)For use with Model"D;"DA;"F-1','and"FA-1" packers insizes 80 and "B-1"SETTING TOOL(415-72)For use with Model"D','"DA;"F-i;'and"FA-1 "packers insizes 20 through "J"HYDRAULICSETTINGASSEMBLY(413-71)Used for settingpackers on tubing.A two- or three-cylinder assemblyis "E-4"WIRELINEPRESSURESETTINGASSEMBLY(437-02)Used for settingModels "D; "DA; "R"F-i;"FA','and"FA-1"Retainer Produc-tion Packers and"Retrieva-D" and"Retrieva-DA"Lok-Set RetrievableCasing Packers onelectric "L"HI TEMPWIRELINEPRESSURESETTINGASSEMBLY(437-12)Designed to per-form the samefunction as theModel "E-4',' butwhere the wellsare too hot for the"E-4" (above 400°F,204°C).MODEL "CK"PACKERMILLING TOOL(747-08)Uses a spear tolatch into andretrieve the bodyof a packer insteadof the long innermandrel and catchsleeve of theModer'CXThisfeature eliminatesneed for running amill-out extensionbelow the g shoes areidentical to thoseused with Models"CC" and "(XT Thespear is a standardfishing tool, fieldproven over "B"EXPENDABLEPLUG(665-40)Used to converta Model "D',' "DA','"F-1','or"FA-1"Retainer Produc-tion Packer into atemporary bridgeplug. It is run inplace with thepacker. Removedby applying "CJ"AND "CC"PACKERMILLING TOOLS(746-06) and(747-03)The "CJ" is de-signed to mill overand retrieve aRetainer Produc-tion Packer fromthe well bore. The"CC" is essentiallythe same as the"CJ" but with themandrel milling overa packer it pushesthe remains to thebottom of the ION JOINTSUsed to minimize tubing stress andpacker-tubing force due to tubinglength change. Run as a part oftubing string. Available in variousmodels for specific applications.

PACKERSBAKER327Packer Systems"Retrieva-D" SeriesHere is the strength and performance of apermanent packer with the economics ofretrievability. Set on electric line, tubing or drillpipe; and retrieved with straight pull. AcceptsModel "D" "R-3"DOUBLE-GRIP(642-01)For single or dual-zone completionsor in combinationproduction, wellLOK-SET(646-30)Holds pressurefrom above andbelow withoutset-down weight,tension or hold-stimulation opera-downs. Acts astions. A long-tubing anchor instroke packer withtension. In water-simple one-turn-floods it permitsright jay-pin settingtubing to be inand straight pick-neutral, eliminat-up contractionand -OffSealingConnectorsMODEL "FR"C683-14)MODEL "FL"(683-15)Permit recoveryand reconnectingof tubing stringwithout unseatingpacker. Seatingnipple profileaccepts plug toshut-in well. Com-monly run above aDown-Hole Shut-Off INGSUB(671-11)Used to equalizepressure acrosspackers notequipped withequalizing ble in tensionequalizing for usewith weight-setpackers or com-pression equalizingwith tension-setpackers.

328BAKERPACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. vable Packer SystemsMODEL "G"COMPRESSION-SET PACKER(420-03)One of the short-est, most compactSNAP-SETSINGLE STRING PACKERSFor use above permanent or retrievablepackers in single string, two-packerhook-ups for zone isolation, injectionor -down retrieva-ble packers. Idealfor light or mediumduty "AD-1"TENSIONPACKER(739-08)Short, high-per-formance tensionpacker that is idealfor economicalwaterflooding, yetrugged enough forhigh-pressurefracturing or acid-izing "FH""HYDRAPAK"(781-08)(784-01)Hydrostatically-Hydraulically-setset single stringsingle stringpackerpackerFor use in flanged-For use as a singleup completionspacker, as a lowerand deviated orpacker in multiplecrooked holespacker hook-upswhere other typesusing dual or tripleof setting are notstring packers, an upper packerin selective singlestring completions.

PACKERSBAKER329Retrievable Packer SystemsMODEL "A-5"(783-16)Hydrostatically-set dual packerFor safety andconvenience ofbuttoned-up wellcontrol duringcompletion. Elimi-nates need for highpressure pumpingequipment. Pack-off maintainedregardless of "DSR"MODEL "K"DUAL STRING(755-01)RETRIEVABLEHYDRAULIC-Mechanically-setSET PACKERdual packer.(785-05)Weight of shortHolds differentialstring used to setpressure frompacker. Model "J"above or belowset by weight ofwithout hold-downlong string. Avail-pistons. Especiallyable in double-gripsuitable for mul-or single-griptiple packer(without hold-downselective dual com-pistons) ns. Releasedby straight "MPL"MULTI-PORTEDLIFT !§RETRIEVABLECASING , jPACKER S(781-58) f|Second passage ^through packer de-signed for electriccable be providedwith additional pas-sages for gas ;'venting, chemical -f*injection, l-wire,etc. Easily releasedby straight pull ~~"without damageto cable or otherattachments.

330:KRp BAHDual Packer•* PACKKRSA DIVISION Oh" BAKER OILTOOLS INCRetrievable Packer SystemsHydraulic SettingAdjustableAccessoriesip0idULJl1HU^i1 ^JUaI]1Jk- -j't






, $!,Si!11V11&MHYDRO-TRIP°P^ ™DPRESSURE SUB(799-28)Accessories|1f11jfit!<*9'SiV'« 1!MODEL "S"PARALLELSNAP-LATCHSEAL NIPPLE(707-03)fK1fe!tit*-r^—ffc-z *LEFT-HAND




•iIBfXi ii!-;aA




•tiMODEL "C"Shear-Out




(441-30)f|I Ei1 i1 :5 :|KADJUSTABLESPACER SUEWITHROTATIONALLOCK(441-25)JointsBlastji,BLAST JOIN!(457-50)

PACKERSBAKER331Thermal SystemsExperience in HighTemperature Thermal Systems can offer a totalcompletion system for your steam injectionwell, including high temperature permanentand retrievable packers, expansion joints,blanking plugs, anchor and locator sealassemblies, and insulated engineers have developed a uniquepacking element system for Therma-Perm™and Thermoseal™ Packers, featuring full-circle, metal back-up rings which totally en-case the energized packing element andprevent high-temperature extrusion-an engi-neering advantage available only from details on an intergrated thermal com-pletion system using the latest in hightemperature technology, contact your nearestBaker Packers representative, or telephoneThermal Systems Marketing (213) 949-9598in Los Angeles, "FWPT,""RZPT"THERMOSEAL1"BLANKINGPLUGS(821-01/02)MODEL "D"THERMOSEAL™EXPANSIONJOINTC441-44)l MODEL "HB-1"I SINGLE-GRIP1 THERMOSEAL™|—f PACKER(417-37)MODEL "HBD-1"SINGLE-GRIPTHERMOSEAL'"PACKER(417-45)MODEL "TC"THERMOSEAL'"EXPANSIONJOINT(441-50)MODEL "G-T"COMPRESSION-SETTHERMOSEAL1"PACKER(417-46)MODEL "AL"THERMOSEAL"ANCHOR LATCH/EXPANSIONJOINT(441-55)MODEL "S"THERMOSEAL™EXPANSIONJOINT(441-56)"HEATSAVER"™INSULATEDTUBING(830-01/02/03)MODEL "C-2"LOK-SETTHERMOSEAL1"PACKERwithPACKER BORERECEPTACLEandFLAPPER VALVE(417-35)MODEL "NT-22" .,THERMOSEAL" IfLOCATOR |lSEAL ASSEMBLY "(442-59)MODELS'"FA-T,""DA-T"THERMA-PERM1"PACKERS(417-07/08)MODEL "B"SHOOT-OFFSUB forInsulatingTubing(830-61)nMODEL "DGT"DOUBLE-GRIPTHERMOSEAL™PACKER(417-40)MODEL "T"THERMOSEAL™PORTEDBY-PASSSEATINGNIPPLE withMODEL "TZE"THERMOSEAL™SEPARATIONSLEEVE(800-40/805-61)MODEL "PT-22"THERMOSEAL"ANCHORSEAL ASSEMBLY(443-80)H

332PACKERSBAKERFlow Control Systemsof high-pressure/high-temperature slidingmost severe conditions known - from theequipment to control flowBaker also suppliessleeves and a new design of locks, nipples,most corrosive well fluids to ultra-high pres-blanking plugs and check valves to bettersures. This locking system is designed sothe tubing and the tubing, and betweenhandle the harsh conditions of today's com-that it may only be located and set in a properpletions. At the heart of this new flow controlnipple profile or the lock will be brought to theequipment is a unique locking system calledsurface with the wireline tool addition to Baker's established line of flow"Sur-Set" which was developed to meet thecontrol products, we have added a new lineSur-Set™ Locking SystemSelectiveTop No-GoBottom No-GoTYPESTYPESTYPES"A," "H," "V""AF," "HF," "VF""AR," "HR," "VR"SELECTIVETOP NO-GOBOTTOM NO-GOSEATINGSEATINGSEATINGNIPPLESNIPPLESNIPPLESMODELS' ff"A," "H," "V"NO-GOTOPSELECTIVEBASENO-GOMODELSLOCKS"AR," "HR," "VR"BOTTOM NO-GOLOCKSLOCATOR SELECTIVEBASE NO-GOMODELS"AF," "HF," "VF"TOP NO-GONO-GOBOTTOMLOCKSBASENO-GOCompatibility ChartCompatibility ChartCompatibility ChartLOCKS NIPPLES WORKING PRESSURELOCKS NIPPLES WORKING PRESSURELOCKS NIPPLES WORKING PRESSURE"A" "A" 10,000 psi"AF "AP 10,000 psi"AR""AR"10,000 psi"H" "H" 15,000 psi"HP "HP 15,000 psi"HR""HR"15,000 psi"V" "V"

Over15,000 psi"VF "VF

Over15,000 psiOver"VR""VR"15,000 psiNOTE: All SUR-SET™ locks have been designed to help reduce your inventory requirements. To changefrom a Top No-Go to a Bottom No-Go Lock, you need change only one part. All other components areinterchangeable for a given size and pressure rating. To make a selective lock, all you have to do is removethe no-go section and replace it with a selective SUR-SET™ Selective Nipples are also compatible with similar-sized Top No-Go Locks.

PACKERSBAKER333Flow Control SystemsSliding SleevesThese are downhole flow control devices that are mounted in the productiontubing and used to establish tubing to annulus communication for such opera-tions as:• Displacing the tubing or annulus fluid after the X-mas tree is installed.• Selective testing, treating and production of individual zones in a multiple-zoneselective well.• Using the tubing to "kick-off" the annulus in a tubing annulus dual completion.• Producing more than one zone through a single tubing string.• Killing a well by circulation.• Gas lifting.• Landing a blanking plug in nipple profile to shut-in well or when testing tubing.• Landing commingling chokes in nipple profile.• Circulating inhibitors for corrosion control..LOCKRECESS- NO-GOBASEUPPERSUB-SEALBORELOCKRECESS-SEALBORE-LOCKRECESSSEALBORE-1- VITONORKALREZ'SEALS-CLOSINGSLEEVEBONDEDSEALSPORTCLOSINGSLEEVE-PORT-CLOSINGSLEEVE'PORT- BONDEDSEALSMODEL "L" SLIDING SLEEVE(810-04) (Standard service, 275°F)(810-12) (H2S Service, 275°F)(810-14) (H2S, CO2 Service, 275°F)Effectively controls flow between tubing and casingby means of an internal sleeve that is open andclosed by standard wireline methods. Product Nos.810-12 and 14 are manufactured per NACEMR-01-75 (1980 Revision)i-SEALBORE-LOWERSUB-SEALBORE-SEALBOREIICLOSED POSITIONMODEL "T" EQUALIZING SLIDING SLEEVE(810-16) (Standard service, 275 F)Similar to Model "L" but with three differences:• Closing sleeve shifts down to open and up to close.• Closing sleeve must be shifted with Type "B"Positioning Tool.• Has small equalizing port to lessen the pressuresurge.'Registered trademark ofthe DuPont POSITIONHOSTILE ENVIRONMENT SLIDING SLEEVESThe Model "V" and "U" Sliding Sleeves are similarto the Model "L" but are designed for "V" SLIDING SLEEVE (810-41)• 5,000,10,000 or 15,000 psi working pressure.• H2S/CO2 service.• Viton seals.• 375°F "U" SLIDING SLEEVE (810-43)• 5,000,10,000 or 15,000 psi working pressure.• H2S/CO2 service.• Kalrez* seals.• 450°F recommended.

334PACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. INCBAKERSafety SystemsTubing MountedFlapper ValvesTubing Mounted Safety Valve AccessoriesTEMPORARYLOCKOPEN TOOLUsed with tubingmounted flapper tohold the valve openwithout control ENTLOCKOPEN TOOLUsed with the tub-ing mountedflapper valve toprovide communi-cation for controlfluid and to perma-nently lock openthe R LOCKOPEN TOOLUsed with tubingmounted flappervalves that do nothave a built in per-manent lock LPRESSURECOMMUNICATIONTOOLUsed with tubingmounted flappervalves that do nothave a built in per-manent lock openmechanism."FVL" & "FVH"FLAPPERSAFETY VALVES"FVLD"FLAPPERSAFETY VALVEFor setting depthsof 2,000 ft. andgreater."FVLS"FLAPPERSAFETY VALVEDesigned forreduced dual stringapplicationsWIRELINEFLAPPERINSERT VALVEUsed to providewell control utiliz-ing a tubingretrievable valvethat has been per-manently TION! SLEEVE1000ft. nominalsetting, slamtested at 200 ft./s available:Thru-flapper equal-izing, temporarylock open, perma-nent lock open,6,000&10,000psiworking to hydrau-. _ . lically isolate atubing retrievablesafety RETRIEVABLEBALL TYPESAFETY VALVE1,000ft. nominalsetting depth,5,000 psi workingpressure, equal-izing feature,optional perma-nent lock ne Retrievable Safety ValvesWIRELINERETRIEVABLEBALL VALVEAvailable withBaker locks, equal-izing feature, 1,000ft. nominal settingdepth, 6,000 &10,000 psi NERETRIEVABLEFLAPPERSAFETY VALVESAvailable withBaker "F,""F-1;"B';"AF" and "SA"Locks - or can beadapted to otherlocks. Equalizingfeature option, gasslam tested to 200ft/sec., 1,l settingdepth, 6,000 &10,000 psi VALVENIPPLESUsed as landingnipples for wirelineretrievable safetyvalves, full tubingstrength or better,Baker "Jam-Nut"type fittings, ec-centric designwhich eliminateswelding."FV6" FLAPPERSAFETY VALVE1,000ft. settingdepth, 6,000 psiworking pressure."FVQD"FLAPPERSAFETY VALVE15,000 psi workingpressure, all metal-lic design - Class32, estimated 20year "SA"SAFETY VALVELOCKMODEL "G"SAFETY VALVELOCKMODEL "F"SAFETY VALVELOCKMODEL "F-1"SAFETY VALVELOCKMODEL "B"SAFETY VALVELOCK

BAKER335PACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. INCSafety SystemsSubsurface Controlled ValvesMODEL "D-3"AMBIENTPRESSURECONTROLLEDVALVEValve automaticallycloses when thedownhole pressuredrops below a pre-determined ically de-signed for gas stor-age NERETRIEVABLEVELOCITYSAFETY VALVEValve is designedto close when thewell flow reachesa face Hanger SystemsANCHORSEALASSEMBLYSHEAR-OUTSAFETY JOINTWIRELINERETRIEVABLEINJECTIONVALVEValve is designedto remain openduring injectionand to close wheninjection ceases.I MODEL "C"i WELL CONTROLI VALVEInstalls in a side-I pocket mandreland is used toI provide communi-cation betweenannulus to tubingfor killing the -LOCEXPANSIONJOINTSINGLE STRINGTUBINGHANGERSDUAL STRINGHANGERADJUSTABLESPACER JOINTWITHROTATIONALLOCKAnnulus Control Safety ValvesMODEL "VR"VALVEUsed in conjunc-tion with the Model"MPL" Multi-PortedLift RetrievableCasing Packer,allows both recir-culation and "AGV"VALVEUsed with theModel "D" Flex-liftto control vent -off Tubing HangersMODEL "NAV"TUBINGRETRIEVABLEANNULUSSAFETY VALVEMODEL "RC"PACK-OFFTUBING HANGERWITH INTEGRALANNULUSSAFETY VALVESet and controlledby the control line,offers large flowarea for gas stor-age, gas lift or "DGH"PACK-OFFTUBINGHANGERThese two components provide annulus con-trol, offering large flow area and retrievabilityof upper tubing string. Annulus control can bewith dedicated string as shown, or directthrough ports.

336PACKERSBAKERPrimary Cementing EquipmentBaker's primary cementing equipment is theproduct line on which the company was origi-nally founded. We offer a full line of floatshoes, collars, scratchers, liner hangers andcentralizers, including the new Super RFORMANCELINERPACK-OFF(281-01)This is a hydrau-lically actuatedliner top pack-offtool designed towithstand 7,500psi differentialpressure. Thesetting force ismechanicallylocked in by abody lock ring. Nohydraulic pressureis trapped in thetool after can be used for:• Liner pack-off• Liner top isolationpack-off• Positive upper orlower seal for ce-mented and non-cemented "J"STAGECEMENTINGCOLLAR(With TripPlug,Shut-OffPlug,FlexibleCementingPlug, andRubberSeal-OffPlate)(200-03)The application forthis collar is for ce-menting casing intwo separatestages. This isdone tod) reducethe possibility ofbreaking down aweak formationwith the high pres-sure required to lifta long column ofcement, (2) mini-mize cementcontamination dur-ing long-columncementing, and (3)reduce the quantityof cement requiredto cement widelyseparated intervals.A DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. INCSIMPLEX1" LINER HANGERMODEL "G"STAGECEMENTINGCOLLAR(200-02)Available in sizesnot covered by theModel "J:Simplex™

with Tie-back

Seal MandrelSimplex"Liner HangerSimplex" is the only liner hanger which can be seteither mechanically or hydraulically with no modi-fication. It can be set on bottom or while the liner istotally Simplex can be set before cement is placed orthe liner can be reciprocated or rotated duringcementing and the hanger set after -OFFSTAGECEMENTINGCOLLAR(200-50)Has same featuresas Models "J" and"G" plus the addi-tion of a built-inpacking elementbelow the cement-ing ports to shut offthe annulus belowthe collar.

PACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS, INCBAKER337Primary Cementing EquipmentCEMENT FLOATSHOE(100-01)Provides a bal-anced combinationof strength, valveefficiency and dril-lability for floating,landing and ce-menting ball checkvalve has beenproven to be ahighly effectivemethod of prevent-ing cement GUIDESHOE(102-01)Effectively guidesthe casing past anysidewall irreg-ularities, and canbe used in com-bination with anytype of "G"CIRCULATINGDIFFERENTIALFILL-UPSHOE(108-05)MODEL "G"CIRCULATINGDIFFERENTIALFILL-UPCOLLAR(109-11)These shoes and collars perform the followingfunctions:• Automatically fill the casing as string is run, towithin 90% of the fluid level in the annulus usingone shoe or collar, or within 81 % using two collarsor a shoe and collar.• Protect formations from destructive high-pressuresurges as the casing is being run.• Permit the action of a flapper-type, back-pressurevalve for floating and cementing. The flapper isactuated at any time by dropping a trip ball.• Permit the operator to circulate at any time duringand after the running operation without loss of thefill-up FLOATCOLLAR(101-01)Serves as a floatvalve when runningcasing; acts as astop for the ce-menting plug,thereby retainingtailings inside thecasing and reduc-ing contaminationaround the shoe;and is a checkvalve so there is noflowback after theplug seats. Avail-able also with boxup, box -HINGE'"CENTRALIZER(244-81)This new central-izer meets orexceeds APISpec I-D yetstores flat to saveyou shipping costsand warehousespace. No assem-bly, no specialtools, and no timeor labor K™TURBOBONDER"(240-33)This is a hinged,reciprocating-typeturbulence prod-ucting wall cleanerfor normal "C"




(240-01)Provides efficientremoval of mudcake in cementarea after run-in.

338BAKERPACKERSWaterf lood SystemsMODEL "TSN"TENSION-SET-NEUTRALRETRIEVABLECASING PACKERMODEL "C-1"TANDEMTENSIONPACKERA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. INC(646-53)(602-26)MODEL "AD-1"RETRIEVABLETENSIONPACKER(739-08)Ideal for econom-ical full-passageID, rugged and de-I pendable, rocker-type slips, and sim-i pie J-slot ically de-signed for injectionservice. Holdspressures fromabove or be landed withtubing in tension,neutral or com-pression. Releasedby right-hand rota-tion or straight-pullshear ble with spe-cial trim for CO2injection es eco-nomical meansof isolating zonesin multiple-zoneinjection n set, itserves as the up-per packer(s) inthe "B"SNAP-SETDUAL TENSIONPACKER(753-03)An economicaldouble bore re-trievable packerwhich is tensionset. Ideal for sim-ple multi-zonewater-flood sys-tems capable ofhandling largequantities of -TYPEPACKER(602-30)with"W-1"UPSTRAINUNLOADINGSUB(675-07)Designed forsingle-string, multi- •,!pie-zone injection i ***"" »wells with moder-ate R'SDOWNHOLEFLOWREGULATORRegulates flow intoeach interval inmultiple-zone sin-gle string injectionwells. Usually runin side pocketmandrel on specialseating available forinstallation in sur-face lines."J-J" LOKTENSIONPACKER(739-40)This stainless steelpacker is designedto set in the J-J ofFiberglass ically devel-oped for injectionof corrosive "B"TWO-WAYDOWNHOLESHUT-OFFVALVE(684-10)Opened andclosed by tubingrotation. Whenused with On-OffConnector, tubingcan be removedwith well "shut-in"at packer for CO2Service.

BAKER339PACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. ational Sales & Service LocationsEastern Hemisphere Sales & ServiceLocations and RepresentativesEASTERN HEMISPHERE OPERATIONSHEADQUARTERSBAKER OIL TOOLS (U.K.)140 Park Lane, Suite 5London, W1Y 4LU, EnglandPhone: (44-1) 4930513Telex: 27949 BACASO GCable: BACASO LONDON SW1Facsimile: (44-1) 6295413USA - Houston Sales Office6023 Navigation n, Texas 77011Mailing address:P.O. Box 3048Houston, Texas 77253Phone: (713) 923-9351Telex: 794235 BAKER MKT HOU4620438 BAKER MKT HOUAUSTRALIABAKER OIL TOOLS (AUST) PTY LTD.23 Pambula StreetRegency ParkAdelaide. S.A. 5010AustraliaPhone: (61) (8) 2432966/2432743Telex: AA 87340 BAUSTAUSTRIA% Fagro GMBH Fur Erhol Und BergbauP.O. Box17A-1020Vienna. AustriaPhone:(4311222)247133Telex: STEKAW A 75575CHINABAKER OIL TOOLS (HONG KONG) LTD.% Beijing HotelRoom 4011Beijing, Peoples Republic of ChinaPhone: 507766Telex: 22426 BHCTL CN22427 BHCTL CN22428 BHCTL CNCable: BOTCO BEIJING ROOM 4011BANGLADESHGREENLAND ENGINEERS RS CO. LTD.26 Shymoli Mirpur RoadDhaka-7PQBox541,Dhaka-2BangladeshPhone: (880) (2) 315134/313442/315135Telex: 65773 GETC BJDENMARKBAKER OIL TOOLS DENMARKHaandvaerkervij 2DK-6710 ESBJERG V, DENMARKPhone: (45X5)153866/153584Telex: 54330 BAKER DKEGYPTBAKER EASTERN, S.A.P.O. Box 416No. 4A, Misr Helwan RoadMaadi. Cairo, EgyptPhone: (20) (2)502442/503955Telex: 93553 BAKER UNFRANCERegional officeBAKER INTERNATIONAL, S.A.201 Bureaux de la Collins92213 SI. Cloud. FrancePhone: (33) (1)6024455Telex: 270546 F SEP BAKCable: BACASO ST. CLOUDBAKER INTERNATIONAL. des Forges,6500 Tartes, FrancePhone: (33) (62) 371876Telex: 520767 BACASO TARBESCable: BACASOGABONBAKER INTERNATIONAL. . Box 803Port Gentil, GabonPhone: (241) 753519Telex: 8238 BACASO GOGERMANYBAKER OIL TOOLS GMBHMaschweg 9Postfach 3750-3100 Celle, West GermanyPhone: (49) (5141) 83081Telex: 925120 BAKER DCable: BACASO D-3100 CELLESCOTLANDRegion OfficeBAKER OIL TOOLS (U.K.)Regent House36 Regent QuayAberdeen. AB1 2BE, ScotlandPhone: (441 (2241 594477Telex: 739765 BUKARO GManufacturingBAKER OILTOOLS (U.K.)Woodside of Don Industrial EstateAberdeen AB2 8BW, ScotlandPhone: (44-224) 702681Telex: 73481 BACASO GFacsimile: (44) (224) 824015Sales & ServiceBAKER OIL TOOLS (U.K.)Wellheads RoadFarburn Industrial EstateDyce, Aberdeen AB2 OHG. ScotlandPhone: (44) (224) 724681After hours: 871518Telex: 739296 BUKASS GENGLANDBAKER OIL TOOLS (U.K.)Admiralty RoadGreat YarmouthNorfolk NR303NR. EnglandPhone: (44) (493) 851216Telex: 975437 BACPAKGCable: BACASO GTYARMBAKER OIL TOOLS (U.K.)Unit 20, Stalls m Industrial EstateHeysham, MorecambeLancaster LA3 3NR EnglandPhone: (44) (524) 53701Telex: 65296 BUKBAY GGREECEBAKER EASTERN S.A.38. Kifissias AvenueParadissos-AmaroussiouAthens, GreecePhone: (301(1) 6840812/6840834/6840856Telex: 216854 BESA GRINDIABAKER EASTERN% Miraksha Associates15-B Atma Ram House1 Tolstoy MargNew Delhi, India 110001Phone: 3314390/3317328Telex: 314411VICS ININDONESIA - EASTERN TERRITORYBAKER EASTERN! ea CompoundJin. K.S. Tubun 51PO. Box 16BalikpapanEast KalimantanIndonesiaPhone: 21775/21754Telex: 37297IMECO BPPINDONESIA - WESTERN TERRITORY% RT. Artho-DrillJalan Kerinci 1/4Kebayoran BaruJakarta 12120IndonesiaPhone: 710058/773083Telex: 47419 ARDRILIAITALYBAKER OIL TOOLS (ITALIA) Statale 602Km. 5 + 170Santa Teresa65010 SPOLTORE(Pescara), ItalyPhone: (39) (85) 209290.209297, 209262Telex: 600838 BACASO IJAPAN% Kyokuto Boeki Kaisha. Ltd.7th Floor New Otemachi Bldg..C.P.O. Box330Tokyo 10091, JapanPhone: (811(3) 2243511Telex: J22440Cable: MERCANTILE TOKYOKUWAIT •% Rezayat Trading Co.P.O. Box106Safat, KuwaitPhone: (965) 439596/433775Telex: 22070 REZAYAT KT,22062 NALCOMALAYSIATRANS-TOOL SON. 507, 5th FloorWisma SPKJalan Sultan IsmailKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaPhone: (601(3)431133/431145/431354Telex: 31317 BACASO MANETHERLANDSBAKER OIL TOOLS% Damco Van SwietenWesterduinweg 71970 Am limuidenHolland, The NetherlandsPhone: (311(2550) 23550Telex: 71274 BACPKNLNIGERIABAKER NIGERIA 1435. Sanusi Fafunwa StreetP.O. Box4011Victoria IslandLagos. NigeriaPhone: (234) (1)610473Telex: 961-22325 BANG NIGERNORWAYBAKER OIL TOOLS. NORWAY A/SN-4056 Tananger, NorwayPhone: (47) (4) 696520Telex: 33272 BAKER NFacsimile: (47) (4) 696272PAKISTAN% Nuricon Union Ltd.4th FloorMubarak Manzil39 Garden RoadKarachi 3. PakistanPhone: 77725/73334Telex: 25363 NURCN PKCable: NURUNION PKSAUDI ARABIA% BAKER MIRA SAUDI ARABIA . Box 176Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia 31952Phone: (966) (3) 8945656/8942580Telex: 671051 A/B BMSA SJSINGAPORECHILERegional OfficeBAKER TRANSWORLD, OIL TOOLS FAR EAST (PTY.) Lautaro Navarro No. 1066#23-05 Orchard TowersOficina 410400 Orchard RoadSingapore 0923P.O. Box76-DPunta Arenas, ChilePhone: (65) 7379577/7379131Phone: 22004Telex: RS 35415 BAFETelex: 280026 BAKER CLManufacturingCOLOMBIABAKER FAR EAST LIMITEDBAKER TRANSWORLD, INC.273 Jalan Ahmad IbrahimCalle 18 No. 44A-40Jurong, Singapore 2262Phone: (65) 8613455ApartadoAereo35815Bogota, ColombiaTelex: RS 21973 BAKERSPhone: 268-69-25/268-69-78District WarehouseTelex: 45201 BAKER COBAKER OIL TOOLS FAR EAST PTE. R% 273 Jalan Ahmad IbrahimBAKER TRANSWORLD. , Singapore 2262Ave. Amazonas No. 477Phone: (65) 8610266Oficina 815Telex: RS 37457 BOTFELEdificio Banco de los AndesSPAINQuito, EcuadorBAKER OILTOOLS (ESPANA) : 547-B97/554-266/P.O. Box216552-594Rubi, Barcelona. SpainTelex: 2349 BAKER EDPhone: (34) (3) 6997161MEXICOTelex: 54813 BOOM ERegion OfficeFacsimile: (34-3)6997161BAKER MEXICOSYRIAHERRAMIENTASINTERAMERICANAS S.A. DE C A TRADING de Monteio 74% Moukhtar Kilarji11300 Mexico . Q Box 2537Phone: 545-0474/250-0170Damascus, Syrian Arab RepublicTelex: 1773795 BAKRMETelex: 11076 MOUKILSYManufacturing PlantTAIWANBAKER MEXICO% Lee Tai EnterpriseHERRAMIENTAS INTERAMERICANAS. S.A. DE C.V. (HISA)P.O. Box3335Carretera TlanepantlaTaipei, TaiwanTenayuca No. 23Republic of China54150 Tlanepantla, Estado de MexicoPhone: (02) 7710225Phone: 392-2222Telex: 21306 CoastalTelex: BAKRME 1773795THAILAND (Agent)Sales & Service% Oil Tex (Thailand) MEXICO4th Floor. COT IENTAS INTERAMERICANAS S.A. DE C.V.109 Surawongse . 27deFebrero1737Bangkok 10500, ThailandCo. AtastaPhone: 2332809/2354700//234638586100 Villahermosa. Tabasco, MexicoTelex: 20228 OILTEXTHMailing Address:TURKEYApartado Postal 301% Opait Ticaret ve Sanayi Ltd. Sirketi86000 Villahermosa. MexicoCommercial and Industrial Company : 3-0687/3-1903/Inkilap Sokak3-431024.8-Ankara TurkeyBAKER MEXICOPhone: 251084/255731HERRAMIENTAS INTERAMERICANAS S A DECVCable: OPALITANAKAROccidental 1919Telex: 46050 OPKY-TR-for OpalitCol. Ampliacion RodriguezU.A.E.88630 Reynosa, Tamps.. MexicoBAKER EASTERN, g Address:BAKER PACKERS DIVISIONApartado Postal 1040P. O. Box 762188500 Reynosa, Tamps.. MexicoAbu Dhabi. : 3-8050Phone: (971) (2) 823200Telex:23129BACASEMPERUBAKER TRANSWORLD, MansooriR. Rivera Navarrete No. 451R O. Box 287Oficina 2-B, San IsidroAbu Dhabi, , PeruPhone: 26335Telex: 22237 MOT MECEPMailing Address:P.O. Box3067BAKER EASTERN, 100, PeruBAKER PACKERS DIVISIONPhone: 42-0850/42-4342RO. Box 1673Telex: 21179 PEBKRTWDDubai. : (9711(4) 283351TRINIDADTelex: 45582 BACASDBBAKER TRANSWORLD, Charles StreetCross CrossingSan Fernando, TrinidadLATIN AMERICAN OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERSPhone: 78746BAKER PACKERSTelex: 32332 BTITDAD6023 Navigation : BATRINC, SAN FERNANDOHouston, Texas 77011Representative (Wireline Only)P.O. Box3048TRINIDAD OILWELL SERVICES n, Texas 772531 -5 Princess Margaret StreetPhone: (713) 923-9351P.O. Box 109Telex: 4620079 BAKR UlSan Fernando, Trinidad, INAPhone: 65-78736/65-78572Region Office:Telex: 347INDIALWGBAKER TRANSWORLD. ELACerrilo1136-Pisos12y13Region Office:1010 Buenos Aires. ArgentinaBAKER TRANSWORLD. : 44-3486/44-3225Avenida 66 No. 146-17844-3373/44-3366Zona Industrial - Primera EtapaTelex: 17726 BAKR ARApartado 1078Representatives (Manufacturing Licensee)Maracaibo. VenezuelaHUGHES TOOL COMPANY DE ARGENTINA, : 340-575/340-986/Esmeralda130, PisolO345-556/345-5571035 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaTelex: 64199 BAKER VCPhone: 394-3548/394-3468/394-3499Manufacturing PlantTelex:9147HTCOAARBAKER TRANSWORLD, : HUGHSTOOLAvenida 66 No. 146-178BRAZILZona Industrial - Primera EtapaRegion OfficeApartado1076BAKER DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS. ibo, VenezuelaAlcindo Guanabara, 24 - Sala 1704Phone: 61-345556/61-34555720038 Rio de Janeiro, RJ BrasilTelex: 64199 BAKER VCPhone: 240-4737/240-4286/240-4039Telex: (21) 30771 BAKR BRBAKER TRANSWORLD, INCAvenida IntercomunalManufacturing PlantCampo BakerBAKER DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS. , Estado ZuliaINDUSTRIA MECANICA NEBEL elaEstrada Vigario Geral 37121241 Rio de JaneiroMailing Address:RJ BrasilApartado 1078Phone: 372-0890/372-0655Maracaibo, VenezuelaTelex: (21) 30559 NEBE BRPhone: 61-911228/61-91142065-25261 (CiudadOieda)Sales & ServiceTelex: 75182 BAKER VEBAKER DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS. LTDACable: BACASO VENEZUELATie. Rui Lopes Ribeiro. 36 - CentraCaixa Postal 04BAKER TRANSWORLD, INC.28700 Macae, BrazilCarretera NegraPhone: 62-2828/62-0189Kilometre 98Anaco, Estado AnzoateguiBAKER DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS. LTDAVenezuelaPadre Joao Damascene 1492 - Lagoa Nova59000 Natal, RN BrasilMailing Address:Phone: 231-3958Apartado 35Anaco. VenezuelaBAKER DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS, LTDAPhone: 22299 (24 hours)Av. Manoel Dias de Silva, 1061/20322959 (24 hours)40000 Salvador - BrasilTelex: 82172 BAVENVCPhone: 240-4732Cable: BACASO ANACO

340PACKERSA DIVISION OF BAKER OIL TOOLS. INC.U.S. & Canadian Sales & ServiceNorth American Operations HeadquartersP. O. Box 3048 77253-3048Houston, TX 77011Phone: (713) 923-9351Telex: 762833ALASKAAlaska Region Headquarters/District/North Slope Wireline4497 Business Park Blvd., Bldg. "N"Anchorage 99503Phone:(907)561-1939P.O. Box 1270Kenai 99611-1270Phone: (907) 776-8131(907) 776-8197Prudhoe Bay (Warehouse)Phone: (907) 659-2564LOUISIANARO. Box 130Belle Chasse 70037-0130Phone: (504) 393-0260(504) 393-0261Southeastern Region HeadquartersSales Office& Safety Systems Sales1799 Stumpf Blvd., Bldg. 2, Suite 6Gretna 70053Phone: (504) 368-6868Houma DistrictP.O. Box 1570Houma 70361-1570Phone:(504)868-6110(504) 868-6111Houma Packer Sales & Safety SystemsOHIOBakerllne DistrictP.O. Box396Wooster 44691-0396Phone: (216) 264-8808OKLAHOMASafety Systems Headquarters3000 N. Hemlock CircleBroken Arrow 74012Phone:(918)455-3000P.O. Box 1327Clinton 73601-1327Phone: (405) 323-3362P.O. Box159Duncan 73534-0159Phone: (405) 255-6950P.O. BOX2247Houston Sales & SafetySystems SalesMilchem Place3900 Essex LaneSuite 650Houston 77027Phone:(713)439-8988Houston District & SafetySystems Center14713 Jersey Shore DriveHouston 77047Phone:(713)433-8280P.O. Box673Kilgore 75662-0673Phone:(214)984-3588R O. Drawer ZLevelland 79336ARKANSASP.O. Box1505Ft. Smith 72902-1505Phone: (501) 783-2051P.O. Box486Magnolia 71753-0486Phone: (501) 234-1810(501) 234-1811CALIFORNIAP.O. Box298Bakerstield 93302-0298Phone: (805) 324-9488Bakersfleld Sales Office5100 California Ave., Suite 106Bakersfield 93309Phone: (805) 323-1302Wireline District3130 Standard field 93308Phone:(805)322-1691West Coast Region Headquarters& Sales Office285 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite 202Fullerton 92635Phone: (714) 992-1221Los Angeles DistrictP.O. Box2274Terminal AnnexLos Angeles 90051-2274Phone: (213) 725-0091Thermal Systems Headquarters7777 Industry AvenuePico Rivera 90660Phone:(213)949-9598P.O. Box395Rio Vista 94571-0395Phone: (707) 374-2244Ventura Packer Dlst. &Safety Systems & SalesService Center1404 Fleet a 93003-5101Phone:(805)658-2128(805) 644-5541Wireline DistrictP.O. Box5069Ventura 93003-5069Phone:(805)642-2175(805)642-2176COLORADORocky Mountain Region Headquarters& Sales OfficeLincoln Tower Bldg., Suite 10401860 Lincoln 80295Phone:(303)831-4813R 1500Sterling 80751-1500Phone:(303)522-3010P.O. Box1526Cortez 81321-1526Phone: (303) 882-7694660 "0-StreetGreeley 80631Phone: (303) 356-9054ILLINOISR 62821-0096 Box 96Phone:(618)382-7026(618) 382-7551Olney District & Bakerllne SalesP.O. Box40Olney 62450-0040Phone: (618) 392-2331(618) 395-7280KANSASP.O. Box958El Dorado 67042-0958Phone:(316) Bend 67530-1075 Box 1075Phone: (316) 792-5911P. QHill City 67642-0363 Box 363Phone:(913)674-2747P.O. Box697Liberal 67901-0697Phone: (316) 624-8425Service CenterP. O. Box 758, Station 2Houma 70361-0758Phone: (504) 868-4982(504) 851-1406Baker Packers Machine Shop107 N. Lacarpe CourtHouma 70360Phone:(504)851-5112Wireline DistrictP.O. Box389Houma 70361-0389Phone:(504)868-1830Lafayette Sales & Safety SystemsService CenterR 52193DCS 70505-2193Phone:(318)837-4189(318)837-4193P. O. Drawer 637Broussard 70518-0637Phone:(318)837-4183RO. Box16924Lake Charles 70616-6924Phone:(318)433-4109Patterson, P. O. Drawer 72Morgan City 70381-0072Phone: (504) 395-6774P. 0. Box 7236Shreveport 71137-7236Phone:(318)227-1747(318)227-1748P.O. Box208Sulphur 70663Phone:(318)625-7201Shreveport Sales OfficeSlattery Bldg., Suite 214509 M»rshaTl port 71101Phone:(318)222-8216MICHIGANEastern Region HeadquartersP.O. Box343Mt. Pleasant 48858-0343Phone:(517)773-2375(517)773-2667R O.6ox394Mt. Pleasant 48858-0394Phone:(517)772-0200(517) 773-2572Bakerline DistrictP.O. Box212Mt. Pleasant 48858-0212Phone:(517)773-7453(517)772-1955MISSISSIPPIDistrict & WirelineP.O. 60X2056Choctaw StationLaurel 39440-2056Phone:(601)428-4386P. z 39120-0508 8ox 508Phone:(601)442-1647(601)442-1648MONTANAP.O. Box302Glendive 59330-0302Phone:(406)365-3316R Bank 59427-0266 Box 226Phone:(406)873-4211NEW MEXICOR 0. Drawer CFarmington 87499-0019Phone:(505)327-6214P.O. 60X1828Hobbs 88240-1828Phone:(505)393-4147NORTH DAKOTAP.O. 6ox244Dickinson 58601-0244Phone:(701)225-1380(701) 225-1381P.O. Box633Williston 58801-0633Phone:(701)774-8301Enid 73702-2247Phone: (405) 234-5540Hominy 74035-0339P.O. Box339Phone: (918) 885-4974Mid-Continent Region Headquarters& Sales OfficeOklahoma Mortgage Tower 780, 5100 No. Brookline ma City 73112Phone: (405) 946-3387P.O. 80X19188Oklahoma City

Phone:(405)681-045173144-9188R le 74868-0231 Box 231Phone: (405) 382-3584Tulsa Sales OfficeMayo Bldg.420 So. Main 407Tulsa 74103Phone:(918)599-0204(918) 599-7588P.O. Box905Woodward 73802-0905Phone: (405) 256-7471TEXASRO. Box2158Abilene 79604-2158Phone:(915) 78332-1587 Box 1587Phone:(512)664-0173P.O. Box407Andrews 79714-0407Phone: (915) 523-2253Wireline DistrictP.O. 8ox483Arcola 77545-0483Phone:(713)431-2514P.O. Box7366Beaumont 77706-1366Phone: (409) 842-2567Wireline District5130 ConcordBeaumont 77708Phone: (409) 892-0033P.O. Box1769Brenham 77833-1769Phone: (409) 836-6768P.O. Box372Bridgeport 76026-0372Phone:(817)683-5196Corpus Christ! Area & Sales OfficeFirst City Bank Tower615 Upper Broadway, Suite 603FCB 88 Corpus Christ! 78477Phone:(512)884-9162Wireline DistrictP.O. Box4917Corpus Christ! 78469-4917Phone:(512)884-0436(512)884-0437Bakerllne DistrictP.O. 60X4917Corpus Christi 78469-4917Phone:(512)884-0436(512) 884-0437Dallas Sales OfficeFirst City Center1700 Pacific Ave., Suite 1700Dallas 75201Phone:(214)969-5464R 0.60x1479Denver City 79323-1479Phone: (806) 592-35521104 E. Jackson Campo 77437Phone: (409) 543-6808(409) 543-6807P.O. 60X278Gainesville 76240-0278Phone:(817)665-3449Southern Region Headquarters& Sales Office15311 Vantage Parkway WestSuite 140Houston 77032Phone:(713)442-5616Phone: (806) 894-7391District & WirelineP.O. Box1778McAllen 78501-1778Phone:(512)686-8562P.O. Box817McCamey 79752-0817Phone:(915)652-3267West Texas Region Headquarters& Sales OfficeP.O. 60X2920Midland 79702-2920Phone:(915)682-2512(915) 682-2513P.O. 60X1507Odessa 79760-1507Phone:(915)337-2383P.O. Box528Palestine 75801-0528Phone:(214)538-2011(214)538-2012(214) 538-2013P.O. Box221Pampa 79066-0221Phone:(806)665-1856(806) 665-.1857P. 79549-1089 Box 1089Phone:(915)573-9357(915) 573-9358Tyler Sales OfficeFair Foundation 556121 South BroadwayTyler 75702Phone: (214) 597-5277(214) 597-52871806 DelmarVictoria 77901Phone:(512)573-6334R 0.60x629Wichita Falls 76307-0629Phone:(817)767-4776UTAHP.O. Box843Vernal 84078-0843Phone: (801) 789-5918WEST VIRGINIAP.O. 60X7520Cross Lanes 25313Phone: (304) 776-6316WYOMINGCasper, P.O. Box 1540Mills 82644-1540Phone: (307) 266-3827P.O. Box802Evanston 82930-0802Phone: (307) 789-4065P.O. Box 2409Gillette 82716-2409Phone:(307)687-0121P.O. 6ox1240Powell 82435-1240Phone: (307) 754-5777P. Springs 82901-0546 6ox 546Phone: (307) 362-6233P.O. Box320Worland 82401-0320Phone: (307) 347-3342CANADABaker Packers of Canada, Inc.300 5th Avenue S.W., Suite 2050Calgary, Alberta Canada T2P3C4Phone: (403) 233-7250Baker Packers of Canada, lne Sales600-6 Avenue 402Calgary, Alberta Canada T2P 035Phone: (403) 262-5536Baker Packers of Canada lne & Special Products DivisionFactory & Sales8545 Coronet RoadEdmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 4N7Phone:(403)466-3158

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