

1. 填空:修辞方法

明喻 simile、 暗喻 metaphor、

拟人personification、 反复 repetition、

排比 parallelism、 头韵 alliteration、

矛盾修饰法 paradox、 夸张 hyperbole,


Joseph Rudyard

Kipling the first winner of Nobel Prize for literature in English literary

history.英国作家吉卜林约瑟 在英国文学历史上第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖

Seamus Heaney, the Irish poet that won the 1995 Nobel Prize for literature?

谢默斯希尼 爱尔兰诗人1995年获得诺贝尔文学奖

Poets' Corner is the name traditionally given to a section of the South Transept of Westminster

Abbey, London, England, because of the number of poets, playwrights, and writers buried

and commemorated there.

Ralph Waldo’s Speech ―The American Scholar‖ is also known as the ―Intellectual Declaration of

Independence‖. 拉尔夫瓦尔多的讲话“美国学者”也作为“知识分子独立宣言”的美誉。

The term "Lost Generation", popularized by Ernest Hemingway, is used to refer to the generation,

actually an age cohort, that came of age during World War I — those who were members

of the age classes which were called to duty in the "Great War."


The Beat Generation is a term used to describe a group of American post-WWII writers who came

to prominence in the 1950s, as well as the cultural phenomena that they both documented

and inspired. Allen Ginsberg's Howl is among the best known examples of Beat literature.


2. 连线:作家作品

英William Shakespeare:

莎士比亚―My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun‖,

我的爱人没有阳光一般明亮的眼睛―Shall I Compare Thee

to a Summer’s Day‖,

我怎能将你与夏日相比? ―When, in

Disgrace with Fortune and Men’s Eyes‖

当我时运乖蹇jian,遭人白眼, ―Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds‖,我不相信两颗真心的姻缘―Not Marble, Nor the Gilded



英Edmund Spencer: 斯宾塞 ―One Day I Wrote Her Name on the Strand‖ 一天我将她的名字写在沙滩上, ―The Faerie Queene仙后‖, ―Amoretti and

Epithalamion‖ 小爱神和喜颂, ―An Hymne In Honour of Beautie‖

一个Hymne Beautie的荣耀, ―Ice and Fire‖


英Christopher Marlowe马洛: ―The Passionate Shepherd to His Love‖


―The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus‖


―Who Ever Loved That Loved Not at First Sight?‖

曾经爱过的人,哪个不是一见钟情?, ―Hero and Leander‖


―Lament for Zenocrate‖


英John Donne约翰·多恩

: ―A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning‖



―Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God‖ 让我看,亲爱的基督, ―Song‖


―Death, Be Not Proud‖ 死亡,不要骄傲 ―The Flea‖


英William Wordsworth华兹华斯: ―I Wandered Lonely as a cloud‖ 我孤独地漫游,像一朵云, ―She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways‖她住在人迹罕至的地方, ―The Solitary Reaper‖ 孤寂的割麦女, ―My heart

leaps upon When I Behold‖ 我心雀跃, ―The World Is Too

Much with Us‖ 世事纷繁没些停

英William Blake:

威廉·布莱克―London”伦敦, ―The Lamb‖羔羊, ―The Tyger‖老虎,

―The Chimney Sweeper‖

扫烟囱孩子, ―The Sick Rose‖ 干萎的玫瑰

英Robert Burns:

彭斯―John Anderson My Jo‖ 约翰·安特生,我的爱人, ―Auld Lang

Syne‖ 友谊地久天长, ―Oh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose‖


英Robert Browning罗伯特·勃朗宁: ―My Last Duchess‖我已故的伯爵夫人, ―Meeting at

Night深夜幽会‖, ―Parting at Morning‖晨别, ―Porphyria’s Lover‖

波菲利雅的情人, ―Love Among the Ruins‖ 爱在废墟中

英Alfred, Lord Tennyson:丁尼生 ―The Eagle鹰‖, ―Ulysses‖

尤利西斯, ―Locksley

Hall‖, ―Break, Break, Break‖, ―Mariana‖ 桂冠诗人

美Walt Whitman惠特曼: ―O’! Captain! My Captain!‖, ―When I Heard the Learned

Astronomer‖ 当我听到这个博学的天文学家, ―Song of Myself‖ 我自己的歌, ―Oh Me! Oh Life‖

啊,自我!啊,生命!, ―Poems of Joy‖ 欢乐的诗

美Emily Dickinson艾米莉·狄金森女诗人: ―Because I Could Not Stop For Death‖因为我不能停止死亡, ―Wild Nights — Wild Nights!‖,

暴风雨夜-暴风雨夜 ―I Heard a Fly Buzz — When I Died‖

我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声——当我死时, ―My Life Had Stood — a Loaded Gun —‖我的生命挺立——一杆上膛的——, ―I’m Nobody! Who Are You? ‖


美Ralph Waldo Emerson爱默生美国: ―The Rhodora‖杜鹃, ―The Chartists’

Complaint‖ 宪章运动, ―Nature‖论自然, ―Each and All‖, ―The

American Scholar‖ 论美国学者

美T. S. Eliot艾略特: ―Journey of the Magi‖

麦琪之旅, ―The Love Song of J. Alfred

Prufrock‖J.阿尔弗雷德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌, ―The Waste Land‖ 荒原,

―Four Quartets‖ 四个四重奏, ―The Hollow Men‖


美Ezra Pound: ―In a Station of the Metro‖,在一个地铁车站 ―The

River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter‖,



诗章―Liu Ch’e‖,

刘彻―After Ch’u Yuan‖


美Langston Hughes兰斯顿·休斯美国文坛黑人: ―Negro‖黑人, ―Harlem‖


―Island‖, ―The Negro Speaks of River‖黑人谈河流, ―I, Too‖

3. 排序:两首诗歌(课堂讲过的) 各抽出5个句子 根据对格律韵脚的了解进行还原

4. 名词解释:

Beowulf: an Old English heroic epic poem

3182 alliterative long lines


one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon

dated between the 8th and the early 11th century.

Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, battles

three antagonists: Grendel

Grendel's mother, and

an unnamed dragon.

After the first two victories, Beowulf becomes king of the Geats.

In the last fight, Beowulf is fatally wounded.

Geoffrey Chaucer: (c. 1343 – October 25, 1400) English author, poet, philosopher,

bureaucrat (courtier), and diplomat

best remembered for his unfinished frame narrative The

Canterbury Tales. often referred to as the Father of English


continental accentual-syllabic metre

inventing the rhyme royal

one of the first English poets to use the five-stress line, the iambic

pentameter, in his work

Sonnet: A lyric poem

a single stanza of fourteen iambic pentameter lines

intricate rhyme scheme

Shakespearean sonnet: three quatrains and a concluding couplet: abab cdcd

efef gg.

Spenserian sonnet: Spenser linked each quatrain to the next by a continuing

rhyme: abab bebe cdcd ee.

Metaphysical Poets: a group of seventeenth-century poets

employ similar poetic procedures and imagery, both in secular

poetry and in religious poetry.

The term "metaphysical" is used to indicate a common poetic

style, use of figurative language, and way of organizing the

meditative process or the poetic argument.

writing poems which are sharply opposed to the rich

mellifluousness and the idealized view of human nature and of

sexual love which had constituted a central tradition in

Elizabethan poetry

in a diction and meter modeled on the rough give-and-take of

actual speech,

poems organized in the form of an urgent or heated

argument—with a reluctant

a subtle and often deliberately outrageous logic;

realistic, ironic, and sometimes cynical in his treatment of the

complexity of human motives, especially in the sexual relation

making ingenious use of paradox, pun, and startling parallels in


simile and metaphor.

Major poet: John Donne

Romantic Period in America: The span 1828-1865 from the Jacksonian era to the

Civil War

the full coming of age of a distinctively American


the American Renaissance

the Age of Transcendentalism,

works of an originality and excellence not exceeded in

later American history in all the major literary genres

except drama.

Major poets: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David

Thoreau, and Walt Whitman;

free verse: "open form" verse, French term vers libre.

rhythmic pattern not organized into a regular metrical form

irregular line lengths

lacks rhyme

Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass verse lines of varying length

rhythmic effects not on recurrent metric feet, but on cadenced units and on

the repetition, balance, and variation of words, phrases, clauses, and lines.

English poets especially after World War I: intensive use of free verse T. S.

Eliot, Ezra Pound

Imagism: The Imagists were a group of poets who were influenced by Ezra Pound,

influenced by the French Symbolist poets, Japanese haiku, and the writings

of the poet and critic T. E. Hulme (1883-1917).

The Imagist movement, prominent in England and America

around 1912 to 1917

crucial to the development of Modernist poetry.

Aim: free poetry from the conventions of the time

a free choice of rhythm and subject matter, the diction of speech, and the

presentation of meaning through the evocation of clear, precise, visual


Poets: Hilda Doolittle, Amy Lowell, and William Carlos Williams.


Harlem Renaissance: A flourishing of African-American literature

in the 1920s and was

centred around the Harlem district of New York City.

African-American life and culture as its subject matter

major writers: James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938), Zora Neale

Hurston (1903-1960), Langston Hughes (1902-1967), and

Countee Cullen (1903-1946).


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