


1. I had eggs and toast for breakfast this morning.(我今天早上吃了鸡蛋和吐司。)

2. My favorite breakfast is pancakes with maple syrup.(我最喜欢的早餐是加枫糖浆的煎饼。)

3. She always drinks coffee with her breakfast.(她总是在早餐时喝咖啡。)

4. I'm not very hungry, so I'll just have a small breakfast today.(我不是很饿,所以今天早上只吃点小东西。)

5. What do you usually eat for breakfast?(你通常早餐吃什么?)

6. He likes to make smoothies for breakfast because they're

healthy and delicious.(他喜欢做果汁冰沙当早餐,因为又健康又好吃。)

7. The hotel offers a continental breakfast every morning for its


8. I can't function without my morning cup of tea at breakfast


9. They had a big family breakfast on Sunday with pancakes,

bacon, and eggs.(他们周日一家人吃了一顿大早餐,有煎饼、培根和鸡蛋。)

10. She made oatmeal with fruit and honey for a healthy


11. I love having a leisurely breakfast on the weekends with the

newspaper and a cup of coffee.(我喜欢在周末慢慢享受早餐,边看报纸边喝咖啡。)

12. They stopped at a diner for breakfast on their road trip.(他们在公路旅行中到一家小餐馆吃了早餐。)

13. He always puts hot sauce on his eggs at breakfast.(他总是在早上的鸡蛋上放热辣酱。)

14. She doesn't have time for a sit-down breakfast, so she

grabs a protein bar on her way out the door.(她没时间坐下来吃早餐,所以她出门时拿一根蛋白棒当代替品。)

15. We had a full English breakfast with sausages, bacon, beans,

and toast when we visited London.(我们去伦敦时吃了一顿完整的英式早餐,有香肠、培根、豆子和吐司。)

16. They serve waffles with whipped cream and strawberries

for breakfast at that restaurant.(那家餐厅早餐会提供加打发奶油和草莓的华夫饼。)

17. I'm trying to eat healthier, so I've been having yogurt and

granola for breakfast.(我正在尝试吃更健康的食物,所以早餐一直在吃酸奶和谷物。)

18. He always takes his time and savors his breakfast, no

matter how busy he is.(无论多忙,他总是花时间慢慢享受早餐。)

19. They went out for breakfast at a cute little cafe in the


20. She made a smoothie bowl with fruit and granola for a

colorful and healthy breakfast option.(她做了加水果和谷物的冰沙碗当健康且彩缤纷的早餐选择。)

21. He likes to have a big breakfast before a long hike to fuel up

his energy levels.(他喜欢在长途徒步前吃一顿大早餐来补充能量。)

22. They ordered bagels with cream cheese and lox for

breakfast at the deli.(他们在熟食店点了带奶油芝士和烟熏三文鱼的百吉饼当早餐。)

23. She's allergic to eggs, so she has to find creative

alternatives for her breakfast meals.(她对蛋过敏,所以她必须寻创意性的早餐替代品。)

24. They had a continental breakfast buffet at the hotel with

pastries, fruit, and cereal.(他们在酒店吃了欧陆式早餐自助餐,有糕点、水果和谷物。)

25. He likes to have a protein-packed breakfast with eggs and

bacon to start his day off strong.(他喜欢在早上吃蛋和培根这样高蛋白的早餐来开始一天的工作。)

26. She's a vegetarian, so she usually has tofu scramble for

breakfast instead of eggs.(她是素食主义者,所以通常用豆腐炒菜代替鸡蛋做早餐。)

27. They had a hearty breakfast of biscuits and gravy before

going out to work on the farm all day.(他们在整天农场工作之前吃了一顿有力量的糕点和肉汁当早餐。)

28. She likes to have a green smoothie with spinach and kale

for breakfast to get in some extra greens for the day.(她喜欢在早上喝加菠菜和羽衣甘蓝的绿冰沙来补充一天需要的额外叶绿素。)

29. They made French toast with cinnamon and syrup for a

sweet and indulgent breakfast treat.(他们做了加肉桂和糖浆的法式吐司当甜点般的早餐享受。)

30. He's on a low-carb diet, so he has bacon and avocado for

breakfast instead of toast.(他正在低碳水化合物饮食,所以用培根和牛油果代替吐司做早餐。)

31. She likes to have a fruit smoothie with protein powder for

breakfast to give her energy for her morning workout.(她喜欢在早上喝加蛋白粉的水果冰沙来为她的晨间锻炼提供能量。)

32. They had a traditional Japanese breakfast with rice, fish,

and miso soup at the ryokan.(他们在旅馆吃了传统日本早餐,有米饭、鱼和味噌汤。)

33. He's trying to cut down on sugar, so he has plain oatmeal

with nuts and berries for breakfast now.(他正在尝试减少糖分,所以现在早餐只吃加坚果和浆果的普通燕麦粥了。)

34. She had a quick breakfast of yogurt and granola before

heading out to catch her flight.(她出门赶飞机前快速吃了一顿酸奶和谷物当早餐。)

35. They made huevos rancheros with salsa and tortillas for a

spicy breakfast option one weekend morning.(他们一个周末早上做了加番茄酱和玉米饼的墨西哥煎蛋当辣味早餐选择。)

36. He likes to have a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut

butter and banana for breakfast to start his day off right.(他喜欢在早上吃一片全麦面包涂花生酱和香蕉来开始一天的工作。)

37. She's trying out intermittent fasting, so she skips breakfast

and has her first meal at lunchtime.(她正在尝试间歇性禁食,所以跳过早餐,中午才吃第一顿饭。)

38. They had a fancy brunch instead of breakfast on Mother's

Day with mimosas and quiche.(他们在母亲节时用香槟和乳蛋饼代替早餐举行了一个豪华的早午餐。)

39. He likes to have a protein shake made with almond milk for

breakfast after his morning workout.(他喜欢在晨间锻炼后喝杏仁奶做的蛋白质奶昔当早餐。)

40. She made overnight oats with chia seeds and berries for an

easy and healthy breakfast option she can grab on the go.(她做了


41. They had a traditional English breakfast with black pudding

and grilled tomatoes at the bed and breakfast.(他们在民宿吃了传统英式早餐,有黑布丁和烤番茄。)

42. He's in a rush, so he just has a protein bar for breakfast on

his way to work.(他很忙,所以在上班途中只吃了一根蛋白棒当早餐。)

43. She made avocado toast with poached eggs for a trendy

breakfast option one day.(她做了加水煮蛋的牛油果土司当时尚的早餐选择。)

44. They went out for dim sum for breakfast on Sunday

morning with dumplings and tea.(他们周日早上去吃点心当早餐,有饺子和茶。)

45. He likes to have a bowl of warm oatmeal with cinnamon

and raisins for breakfast on cold winter mornings.(他喜欢在寒冷的冬天早上吃一碗加肉桂和葡萄干的温暖燕麦粥当早餐。)

46. She's following a gluten-free diet, so she has scrambled

eggs with spinach and mushrooms instead of toast for breakfast


47. They had a big family breakfast with biscuits and gravy,

sausage links, and scrambled eggs on Christmas morning.(他们在


48. He's trying out the keto diet, so he has an omelette with

cheese and avocado for breakfast instead of toast.(他正在尝试减少碳水化合物的饮食,所以现在用奶酪和牛油果做煎蛋代替吐司做早餐。)

49. She made a veggie-packed frittata for a healthy and

satisfying breakfast option one weekend morning.(她一个周末早上做了加蔬菜的意式煎蛋当健康且满足感的早餐选择。)

50. They stopped at a roadside diner for greasy but delicious

breakfast sandwiches with bacon and eggs on their road trip.(他们在公路旅行中到一家路边小店吃了有培根和鸡蛋的油腻但美味的三明治当早餐。)

51. He likes to have a bowl of Greek yogurt with honey and

nuts for breakfast to start his day off with some protein and healthy


本文发布于:2024-09-22 18:16:33,感谢您对本站的认可!



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