EN PPE 2016 425 中英文对照翻译版


REGULATION (EU) 2016/425 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2016 on personal protective equipment and repealing Council

Directive 89/686/EEC

(Text with EEA relevance)

欧洲议会和理事会条例(欧盟)2016/425 2016年3月9日关于个人防护装备和废除理事会第89/686/EEC号指令 (与EEA相关的文本)


Having regard to the

Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article

114 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, After

transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments, Having


regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1


in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure (2





 Council Directive 89/686/EEC (3

) was adopted in the context of establishing

the internal market, in order to harmonise health and safety requirements

for personal protective equipment (PPE) in all Member States and to remove

obstacles to trade in PPE between Member States.



 Directive 89/686/EEC is based on the ‘new approach’ principles, as set out

in the Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 on a new approach to technical

harmonisation and standards (4

). Thus, it sets only the essential

 requirements applying to PPE, whereas technical details are adopted by the

European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the European Committee for

Electrotechnical Standardisation (Cenelec) in accordance with Regulation (EU)

No 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5

). Conformity

with the harmonised standards so set, the reference numbers of which are

published in the Official Journal of the European Union, provides a

presumption of conformity with the requirements of Directive 89/686/EEC.

Experience has shown that those basic principles have worked well in that

sector and should be maintained and even further promoted.



 Experience with the application of Directive 89/686/EEC has shown inadequacies

and inconsistencies in the product coverage and conformity assessment

procedures. In order to take account of that experience and to provide

clarification in relation to the framework within which products covered by

this Regulation may be made available on the market, certain aspects of

Directive 89/686/EEC should be revised and enhanced.



 Since the scope, the essential health and safety requirements and conformity

assessment procedures have to be identical in all the Member States there

is almost no flexibility in transposing a directive based on the new approach

principles into national law. Directive 89/686/EEC should therefore be

replaced by a regulation, which is the appropriate legal instrument for

imposing clear and detailed rules which do not give room for divergent

 transposition by Member States.



 Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council


) lays down rules on the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies,

provides a framework for the market surveillance of products and for controls

on products from third countries, and lays down the general principles of

the CE marking.

监管(EC) 765/2008号的欧洲议会和理事会(6)制定了规则合格评估机构的认证,


(6) Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council


) lays down common principles and reference provisions intended to apply

across sectoral legislation. In order to ensure consistency with other

 sectoral product legislation, it is appropriate to align certain provisions

of this Regulation to that Decision, in so far as sectoral specificities do

not require a different solution. Therefore, certain definitions, the general

 obligations of economic operators, the presumption of conformity, EU

declaration of conformity, rules on CE marking, requirements for conformity

assessment bodies and notification procedures, the conformity assessment


procedures and the provisions concerning procedures to deal with PPE

presenting a risk should be adapted to that Decision.



 Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 provides for a procedure for objections to

harmonised standards where those standards do not entirely satisfy the

requirements of this Regulation.



 This Regulation covers PPE which is new to the Union market when it is placed

on the market; that is to say it is either new PPE made by a manufacturer

established in the Union or PPE, whether new or second-hand, imported from

a third country.



 This Regulation should apply to all forms of supply, including distance



(10) Some products on the market that provide a protective function to the

user are excluded from the scope of Directive 89/686/EEC. In order to ensure

as high a level of protection for the user of those products as for the

 user of PPE covered by Directive 89/686/EEC, the scope of this Regulation

should include PPE for private use against heat, in line with similar PPE

for professional use which is already covered by Directive 89/686/EEC.

 Artisanal decorative products do not claim to fulfil a protective function,

are by definition not personal protective equipment and are therefore not

concerned by that inclusion. Clothing intended for private use with

 reflective or fluorescent elements included for reasons of design or

decoration is not personal protective equipment and is therefore not covered

by this Regulation. As for products intended for private use to protect

 against atmospheric conditions that are not of an extreme nature or to protect

against damp and water, including but not limited to seasonal clothing,

umbrellas and dishwashing gloves, those should also fall outside of the


scope of this Regulation. It is also appropriate to clarify the list of excluded

PPE set out in Annex I to Directive 89/686/EEC by adding a reference to products

covered by other legislation and therefore excluded from the scope of this



(11) Economic operators should be responsible for the compliance of PPE with

the requirements of this Regulation, in relation to their respective roles

in the supply chain, so as to ensure a high level of protection of public

interests, such as health and safety, and the protection of users, and to

guarantee fair competition on the Union market.


(12) All economic operators intervening in the supply and distribution chain

should take appropriate measures to ensure that they make available on the

market only PPE which is in conformity with this Regulation. This Regulation

should provide a clear and proportionate distribution of obligations which

correspond to the role of each economic operator in the supply and distribution



(13) In order to facilitate communication between economic operators, national

market surveillance authorities and consumers, Member States should encourage

economic operators to include a website address in addition to the postal



(14) The manufacturer, having detailed knowledge of the design and production

process, is best placed to carry out the conformity assessment procedure.

Conformity assessment should therefore remain solely the obligation of the




(15) It is necessary to ensure that PPE from third countries entering the

Union market complies with the requirements of this Regulation and, in

particular, that appropriate conformity assessment procedures have been

carried out by manufacturers. Provision should therefore be made for importers

to make sure that PPE they place on the market complies with the requirements

of this Regulation and that they do not place on the market PPE which does

not comply with such requirements or which present a risk. Provision should

also be made for importers to make sure that the conformity assessment

procedures have been carried out and that the CE marking and technical

 documentation drawn up by manufacturers are available for inspection by the

competent national authorities.


(16) The distributor makes PPE available on the market after it has been placed

on the market by the manufacturer or the importer and should act with due

care to ensure that its handling of PPE does not adversely affect the

 compliance of the PPE.


(17) When placing PPE on the market, every importer should indicate on the

PPE his name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and the postal

address at which he can be contacted. Exceptions should be provided for in

 cases where the size or nature of the PPE does not allow it. This includes

cases where the importer would have to open the packaging to put his name

and address on the PPE.


(18) Efforts should be made by economic operators to ensure that all relevant

documentation, such as the user's instructions, whilst ensuring precise and

comprehensible information, are easily understandable, take into account

technological developments and changes to end-user behaviour, and are as up

to date as possible. When PPE is made available on the market in packages

containing multiple units, the instructions and information should accompany

each smallest commercially available unit.


(19) Any economic operator who either places PPE on the market under his own

name or trademark or modifies a product in such a way that compliance with

the requirements of this Regulation may be affected should be

 considered to be the manufacturer and should assume the obligations of the



(20) Distributors and importers, being close to the market place, should be

involved in market surveillance tasks carried out by the competent national

authorities, and should be prepared to participate actively, providing those

 authorities with all necessary information relating to the PPE concerned.


(21) Ensuring traceability of PPE throughout the whole supply chain helps

to make market surveillance simpler and more efficient. An efficient

traceability system facilitates the market surveillance authorities' task

of tracing economic operators who made non-compliant PPE available on the

market. When keeping the information required under this Regulation for the

identification of other economic operators, economic operators should not

 be required to update such information in respect of other economic operators

who have either supplied them with PPE or to whom they have supplied PPE.


(22) In order to simplify and adapt certain essential safety requirements

of Directive 89/686/EEC to the current practice, the requirement to label

PPE protecting against harmful noise with a comfort index should be removed

 as experience has shown that it is not possible to measure and establish such

an index. As regards mechanical vibrations, it is appropriate to remove the

requirement not to exceed the limit values set by Union legislation on

 the exposure of workers to vibrations since the use of PPE alone is not able

to achieve this objective. As regards PPE protecting against radiation, it

is no longer necessary to require that the instructions for use supplied by

the manufacturer indicate transmission curves, since the indication of the

protection factor is more useful and is sufficient for the user.


(23) It is necessary to clearly specify the relationship with, and the scope

of this Regulation as regards, the entitlement of Member States to lay down

requirements for the use of PPE at the workplace, in particular pursuant to

in order to avoid any confusion and ambiguity

Council Directive 89/656/EEC (1


and hence ensure the free movement of compliant PPE. Article 4 of that Directive

obliges employers to provide PPE which complies with the relevant Union

provisions on design and manufacture with respect to safety and health.

Pursuant to that Article, manufacturers of PPE who provide that PPE to their

employees must ensure that such PPE fulfils the requirements laid down in

this Regulation.

有必要明确指定的关系,和本条例的范围方面,成员国的权利时规定个人防护用品的使用要求在工作场所,特别是根据理事会指令89/656 / EEC(1),为了避免任何混乱和歧义,从而确保兼容PPE的自由流动。该指示第4条规定雇主必须提供符合有关工会关于安全与健康的设计和制造规定的个人防护用品。依据该规定, 向其雇员提供个人防护用品的个人防护用品制造商必须确保此种个人防护用品符合本条例规定的要求。

(24) Market surveillance authorities should have easy access to the EU

declaration of conformity. In order to fulfil that requirement, manufacturers

should ensure that PPE is accompanied either by a copy of the EU declaration

of conformity or by the internet address at which the EU declaration of

conformity can be accessed.


(25) To ensure effective access to information for market surveillance

purposes, the information required to identify all applicable Union acts for

PPE should be available in a single EU declaration of conformity. In order

to reduce the administrative burden on economic operators, it should be

possible for that single EU declaration of conformity to be a dossier made

up of relevant individual declarations of conformity.


(26) In order to increase the efficiency of market surveillance, it is

necessary to extend the obligation to draw up complete technical documentation

to all PPE.


(27) In order to ensure that PPE is examined on the basis of the state of the

art, the limit of validity of the EU typeexamination certificate should be

set at a maximum of five years. A process for reviewing the certificate should

be provided for. A minimum content of the certificate should be required in

order to facilitate the work of the market surveillance authorities.


(28) A simplified procedure should be applied in the case of renewal of the

EU type- examination certificate where the manufacturer has not modified the

approved type and the harmonised standards or other technical specifications

 applied by the manufacturer have not been changed and continue to meet the

essential health and safety requirements in the light of the state of the

art. In such cases, additional tests or examinations should not be

 necessary and the administrative burden and related costs should be kept to

a minimum.


(29)The CE marking, indicating the conformity of a product, is the visible

consequence of a whole process comprising conformity assessment in a broad

sense. The general principles governing the CE marking are set out in

Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. Rules governing the affixing of the CE marking

on PPE should be laid down in his Regulation.


(30) In order to ensure compliance with the essential health and safety

requirements laid down in this Regulation, it is necessary to lay down

appropriate conformity assessment procedures to be followed by the

manufacturer. Directive 89/686/EEC classifies PPE into three categories that

are subject to different conformity assessment procedures. In order to ensure

a consistently high level of safety of all PPE, the range of products subject

to one of the conformity assessment procedures relating to the production

phase should be enlarged. The conformity assessment procedures for each

category of PPE should be set, as far as possible, on the basis of the conformity

 assessment modules laid down in Decision No 768/2008/EC.


(31) The conformity assessment procedures should be adapted to the specific

conditions of the manufacture of PPE produced in series where each item is

adapted to fit an individual user, and of PPE produced as a single unit to

fit an individual user.


(32) It is necessary to ensure a uniformly high level of performance of bodies

performing conformity assessment of PPE throughout the Union, and all such

bodies should perform their functions at the same level and under

 conditions of fair competition. Therefore obligatory requirements should be

set for conformity assessment bodies wishing to be notified in order to provide

conformity assessment services.


(33)If a conformity assessment body demonstrates conformity with the

criteria laid down in harmonised standards, it should be presumed to comply

with the corresponding requirements set out in this Regulation.


(34) In order to ensure a consistent level of quality in the performance of

conformity assessment of PPE, it is also necessary to set requirements for

notifying authorities and other bodies involved in the assessment,

notification and monitoring of notified bodies.


(35) The system set out in this Regulation should be complemented by the

accreditation system provided for in Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. Since

accreditation is an essential means of verifying the competence of

 conformity assessment bodies, it should also be used for the purposes of



(36) Transparent accreditation as provided for in Regulation (EC) No 765/2008,

ensuring the necessary level of confidence in certificates of conformity,

should be considered by the national public authorities throughout the

 Union as the preferred means of demonstrating the technical competence of

conformity assessment bodies. However, national authorities may consider that

they possess the appropriate means of carrying out that evaluation themselves.

In such cases, in order to ensure the appropriate level of credibility of

evaluations carried out by other national authorities, they should provide

the Commission and the other Member States with the necessary documentary

evidence demonstrating the compliance of the conformity assessment bodies

evaluated with the relevant regulatory requirements.


(38) Since notified bodies may offer their services throughout the Union,

it is appropriate to give the other Member States and the Commission the

opportunity to raise objections concerning a notified body. It is therefore

 important to provide for a period during which any doubts or concerns as to

the competence of conformity assessment bodies can be clarified before they

start operating as notified bodies.


(39) In the interests of competitiveness, it is crucial that notified bodies

apply the conformity assessment procedures without creating unnecessary

burdens for economic operators. For the same reason, and to ensure equal

 treatment of economic operators, consistency in the technical application

of the conformity assessment procedures needs to be ensured. That can best

be achieved through appropriate coordination and cooperation between notified



(40) Interested parties should have the right to appeal against the result

of a conformity assessment carried out by a notified body. For that reason,

it is important to ensure that an appeal procedure against decisions taken

by notified bodies is available.


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