名校版高考高中英语语法详解 Neither的用法及考点


名校版高考高中英语语法详解 Neither的用法及考点



He didn't remember and neither did I.他没记住,我也忘了。I can't ever recall Dad hugging me.

Neither did I sit on his knee. 我记不得爸爸拥抱过我,也不曾在他膝上坐过。He neither drinks, smokes, nor eats meat.他不喝酒,不抽烟,也不吃肉。

2. neither用作代词,指“两者都不,两者中无一”。比如:Neither of the two brothers likes music.这弟兄两人无一个喜欢音乐。Neither of us felt like going out at night. 我们两个都不愿意晚上出去。

They both smiled; neither seemed likely to be aware of my

absence for long. 他们两个人都笑了,看来都没意识到我离开了很长时间。

Neither of the roads is very good.这两条公路都不好。

Neither is satisfactory. 两个都不令人满意。“Will you have

tea or coffee?” “Neither, thanks.”“你喝茶还是咖啡?”“都不喝,谢谢。”

3. neither用作副词,指“也不”,常和no、not、never等连用。比如:I was not there, and neither was Tom.我不在那,汤姆也不在。

r用作形容词,指“都不”。比如:He took neither side

in the dispute.争论中他不参加任何一方。Neither statement

is true.两种说法都不对。

5. 难点、重点及考点

1)难点:neither用在没有冠词、没有物主代词或指示代词的单数名词前,不带of,动词要用单数。比如:Neither car

is exactly what I want.这两辆车,哪一辆都不是我想要的。

2)重点:neither用在句子或者简略回答的开头时,后面语序要倒装。neither…nor(既)不……也不,(既)非……也非。比如:I hadn't been to New York before and

neither had Jane.我以前没有去过纽约,简也没去过。“I can't

understand a word of it. ” “Neither can I .”“我一个字都弄不懂。”“我也是。”

3)考点:各种考试中常考neither…nor的用法。需要注意的是,在使用neither…nor时,句子的谓语跟邻近的主语在数上要一致。比如:当表示“既不该怪你,也不该怪他”时,可以写成Neither you nor he is to blame.或者Neither he

nor you are to blame。




Dutch或者 Dutch treat(各自付帐,AA制)。注意Dutch首字母要大写。比如:

We went Dutch on a meal in the new restaurant down the

block. 我们各自付账在这个街区尽头的一家新餐厅吃了顿

饭。I thought he was treating, but it turned out to be a

Dutch treat.我以为他要请客, 但结果是各付各的。

courage的意思是“荷兰的勇气,酒后之勇”。比如:The poor man beat his boss by means of Dutch courage.


3.如果要表达“得罪某人”就可以用get in Dutch with

someone。比如:She can't get in Dutch with him. He's her

boss, you know? 她不会得罪她老板的,毕竟他是老板,你知道吗?

Dutch指“无法理解的语言;莫名其妙的话”。比如:His pronunciation was so bad and his voice was so low

that his speech was double Dutch to me.他的发音太差,声音又小,因此他的演说我根本听不懂。

5.我们经常说“我要是……就不是人”,不用I am not a man来表示,而是可以用I'm a Dutchman if…表示。比如:That's not

a diamond! If that's a diamond, I'm a Dutchman. 那不是钻石!如果那是钻石我就不是人。

act不是“荷兰行为”,而是指“自杀”。比如:She had

tried the Dutch act many times in the past.她过去曾多次企图自杀。Jim did a Dutch act last night.吉姆昨晚自杀了。

荷兰人过去因严于教子而出名,而当叔叔的又以说话不留情面著称。因此,如果有人to talk to someone like a Dutch


Dutch feast主人先醉的酒宴会。Dutch cheer饮酒之乐。in

Dutch失欢;处境困难。to get one's Dutch up发火。

to talk Dutch讲令人听不懂的话。Dutch bargain酒席上作成的交易,不公平交易。



Anger does no good.愤怒无济于事。He never speaks in

anger.他从不气冲冲地说话。介词短语in anger意思是“生气地,愤怒地”。Her eyes flashed with anger.她眼中闪出怒火。


He was boiling with rage.他怒不可遏。I used to be all

sweetness and light on the outside, but inside I would be

boiling with rage.我过去虽然表面上笑呵呵的,可是心里却怒火中烧。

A tide of rage surged through her.一股怒火燃遍她的全身。He exploded in a paroxysm of rage.他突然勃然大怒。Blind

with rage,she missed the opportunity again.因盛怒而完全丧失理智,他再一次错过了机会。


Her eyes were blazing with fury.她的双眼燃烧着怒火。She

screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.她尖叫着,她的脸因愤怒和痛苦而扭曲了。

He flew into a fury when I refused.我拒绝,他就勃然大怒。He was working himself up to a fury, his face reddening.他怒发冲冠,脸通红。

His fury was so great he could hardly speak. He growled

some unintelligible words at Peter.他的怒气大到让他几乎说不出话来。他向彼得低吼了一些莫名其妙的话。

Mad with fury, he pounded his fist on the wall and beat his

beast breathed in.暴怒而疯狂,他用拳头重重地锤击着墙壁,又敲打着自己的胸膛。


The novel The Grapes of Wrath was written by American

writer John Steinbeck。小说《愤怒的葡萄》是美国小说家约翰·斯坦贝克的作品。

We understand wrath, but not malice.我们能理解人的愤怒,而不能理解恶意的中伤。Just don't ignite his wrath or he

could turn against you.只是不要激起他的愤怒,否则他会与你为敌。



is coffee or tea, you can have either. 咖啡和茶都有,你随便喝哪一种都行。Take either of the books.随便拿哪本都行。

用作形容词。表示“(两者之中)任一地”。比如:You can get there by plane or by boat, but either way it

is very expensive.你可以坐飞机或者坐船去那里,但两个办法都很贵。

either 可以表示“(两者中的)每一的,各一的”。比如:He sat in the car with a policeman on either side of him.他坐在汽车里,两旁各坐着一名警察。

作连词,意思是“或者……或者, 不是……就是”,经常与or连用,目的是引出两个或者多个可能的事物。比如:

It is either a boy or a girl.不是男孩就是女孩。It is either

blue, red, or green. I can’t remember.不是蓝的,就是红的,要不就是绿的,我记不清楚了。


I have not read this book, and my younger brother has

not either.我没读过这本书,我弟弟也没读过。A:I can’t

swim. B: I can’t either. A:我不会游泳 B:我也不会。Skipping breakfast won't do us any good, but it won’t do us any harm either.不吃早餐对我们没任何好处,但也没有任何坏处。


1)either作主语时,即使后面跟的名词是复数的,动词一般跟单数动词。比如:Is either of the factories

is operation yet?两个工厂有哪一个开工了吗?

2)either表示“两者都不”时,它只能用在否定句中,和not连用。比如:Which one do you like、? I don't like


3)当使用either……or这个结构时,句子中的动词的人称和数通常应与离得最近的主语保持一致。比如:Either my

father or I am in the wrong.

本文发布于:2024-09-21 04:34:29,感谢您对本站的认可!



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