



英 语











1. My mother is a teacher. _______ works very hard.

A. She C. It

D. on

D. They

2. Usually I visit my grandfather was my parents _____ Sundays.

A. at B. in C. to

3. Get up early, Tom ,_____ you will be late for school.

A. and

4. -

B. but C. or D. so

you play the piano Lily?

-Yes, I can.

A. Can B. Should C. Need D. Must

5. -__________ does it take you to get to the library, Peter?

-For about 2 hours.

A. How much B. How often C. how long D. how soon

6. With the teacher's help, Jack's English is _______ than before.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

7. If it's sunny, we _______ a picnic this weekend.

A. have B. will have C. had D. were having

8. -What were you doing at this time yesterday?

-I _________ a movie named Hi Mum directed by Jia Ling。

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A. see B. am seeing C. saw D. was seeing

9. I _________ lots of my new friends since I came to my class.

A. make B. have made C. made D. will make

10. Sam likes sports. he _____ basketball with his friends every weekend.

A. plays B. will play C. played D. is playing

11. -The air here is much fresher.

-Exactly! Because many trees _________ three years ago.

A. Plant B. are planted C. planted D. were planted

12. -Your bicycle is so cool. Could you tell me ___________?

-I bought it at the shop near my home.

A. where did you buy it

C. where you bought it.

B. where do you buy it

D. Where you buy it



Your name in gold

Anne sat at the breakfast table, eating her cornflakes and reading the print on the cereal(谷物) box in front of her.

“Great new offer!”, the box read, “see back of box for___13____.”

Anne’s older sister Mary sat across from her, reading the other side of the cereal box. “Hey,Anne ,”she said , “ look at

this amazing prize ----- ‘your name in gold’”

As Mary read on Anne’s___14____ in the prize grew “we will send you a special pin with your name spelled in gold.

Only one per family, please.”

“That's a neat idea,” she said “A pin with my very own name spelled out in gold, i'm going to ___15_____ in for it.”

“Sorry ,Anne, I saw it first,” said Mary, “so I get first dibs(权利) on it.”

“But I want a pin like that, so ___16____” said Anne, “please let me have it!”

“Nope.”Said her sister.

“You always get your way ----- just because you're older than me,” said lower lip trembling as her eyes filled

with tears, “Just go ahead and send in for it. See if I ___17____.” she threw down her spoon and ran from the kitchen.

Several weeks passed .One day the mailmen brought a small package___18___ to Mary, Mary took the package to her

room. Anne casually followed her in and sat on the bed.

Mary slowly took the paper off the package. She opened a little white box and carefully ___19____off the top layer of

white cotton.

“Oh It's beautiful!” Mary said. “just like the cereal box said ‘your name in gold’ four beautiful letters. Would you like

to see it Anne?”

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“No, I don't care about your dumb old pin.”

Mary put the white box on the dresser(梳妆台) and went downstairs.

Anne was ___20____in the bedroom. Soon she couldn't wait any longer .As she looked in the small white box .she


There on the pin were four beautiful letters---- her name in gold: A-n-n-e..

13. A. details

14. A. spirit

15. A. forget

B. advice

B. courage

B. enjoy

B. badly

B. miss

B. written

B. lifted

B. safe

C. presents

C. chance

C. regret

C. sadly

C. need

C. addressed

C. blew

C. shame

D. offer

D. interest

D. send

D. quickly

D. love

D. given

D. moved

D. upset

16. A. carefully

17. A. care

18. A. introduced

19. A. threw

20. A. alone




Experience Friendship.

Linda :posted 4/15/21 4:53PM

I had a friend named Jenny. One day we had a really difficult math exam. All of us felt like we had not passed. When

the exam results came out, I was surprised to find that I got an A, but she got a D. She accused(指责) me of copying

someone else’s paper. I was really angry at that time, but we're still friends now.

I was really angry at that time, but we're still friends now.

Kathy : posted 4/15/21 6:25PM

My best friend was the president of the reading club at our school. I was a member. Our teacher was not satisfied with

her job, so she left the club. Then I was chosen to be the president. She felt she was betrayed(背叛). I didn't understand

why she felt like that and then our friendship ended.

Jordan: posted 4/16/21 5:20PM

I had a good friend. We always played happily together. But one day I was walking upstairs in front of her. I wanted to

play a joke on her. I leaned(倚靠) on her gently, But to my surprise she didn't help me stay standing. I was disappointed

with her, and our friendship came to an end.

Matt :posted 4/16/21 7:46PM

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Last summer vacation, my friend and I traveled together. Sometimes he acted a bit selfishly. Later ,we talked with each

other about this problem. I realized that everyone has his or her own merits(优点) and defects(缺点), We must treat

them properly So we are still friends today.

21. Who is Jenny’s friend?

A. Kathy

22. Why was Jordan disappointed?

A. Because his friend didn't help him.

B. Because his friend left the reading club.

C. Because his friend got a D in the math exam.

D. Because his friend didn't talk about her problem with him.

23. Matt thought his friend ___________sometimes.

A. played a joke on him.

ed him.

B. acted a bit selfishly

D. accused him of copying.


Passing happiness on

I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her it was her turn to pay, the

cashier(收银员) greeted her by name and asked her how was she doing?

The woman looked down, shook her head and said “Not so good. My husband just lost his job and my son is up to his

old tricks again. The truth is, I don't know how I am going to get through the holidays.”

Then she gave the cashier food stamps.

My heart ached. I wanted to help but didn't know how .Should I offer to pay for her groceries. ask for her husband's


As I walked into the parking lot, I spotted the woman returning her shopping cart. I remembered something in my

purse that I thought could help her. maybe it would make her life better.

My heart pounded as I approached(逐渐靠近) the woman.

“Excuse me,” I said ,my voice trembling a bit. “I couldn't help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like

you're going through a really hard time right now. I'm so sorry .I'd like to give you something.”

I handed her the small card from my purse.

When the woman read the cards only two words, she began to cry .And through her tears, she said, “you have no idea

how much this means to me.”

I was a little startled(吓一跳) by her reply. Having never done anything like this before, I didn't know what kind of

reaction I might receive. All I could think to say was: “Would it be okay to give you a hug?”

After we embraced, I walked back to my car and began to cry, too.

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The words on the card?

“You Matter.”

A few weeks earlier, a colleague gave me a similar card as encouragement for a project I was working on. When I read

the card. I felt a warm glow spread inside of me .Deeply touched. I ordered my own box of You Matter cards and started

sharing them.

24. Where did the story probably happen?

A. In a working place.

B. At a restaurant.

C. In a post office.

D. At a grocery store.

25. What did the writer give to the old woman?

A. Food stamps.

B. Some money.

C. A small card.

D. A job offer.

26. The old woman cried, probably because_____________.

A. She could make her son better.

B. She could use the card to pay the bill.

C. The writer could help her husband get a job.

D. The words on the card greatly encouraged her.


It happens every spring. Flowers suddenly burst out everywhere on the same day as if they were in tune with one

another. But how exactly do plants “know” when to flower?

It is a question that has puzzled biologists for years. But according to Science Daily, a US research group may have

finally answered it---the secret lies in the protein called allows plants to sense the differences in day lengths so

that they can tell the seasons are changing.

Researchers spotted the FKF1 protein when they were studying a plant called Arabidopsis . We found that the FKF1

protein is a photoreceptor(感光器). This means it is sensitive to ,and can be activated by sunlight.

Plants produce the protein every day in the late afternoon throughout the year. If there is no light at this time. for

example, in winter, when the sun goes down early, the protein won't be activated. But when spring comes and the days get

longer, the FKF1 protein can be activated by daylight as the plants “know” it is time to flower. “The presence of light in the

late afternoon is the signal for plants that the days are getting longer and that it is the best time for flowering.” explained

Pakato Imaizumi assistant professor at the University of Washington and leader of the study.

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The daylight-sensing system also keeps plants from flowering when conditions are poor for growing, such as during

autumn or winter. When the weather is cold and days are short.

Although researchers have only studied how the FKF1 protein works in the Arabidopsis. they believe that the process

is similar in many other more complex(复杂的) plants. including crops like rice and wheat. This could be useful to the

agricultural industry.

“If we can control the timing of flowering, we might be able to increase crop yield by quickening or delaying

this.”Imaizumi said “Also, if we could control the timing of flowering in horticultural plants. they may be worth more


New technology based on this research might also lead to higher use of biofuel(生物燃料) plants. This would be

helpful for providing energy.

27. How do plants know when to flower?

A. They are naturally timed to flower.

B. They receive messages from other plants.

C. A certain protein tells them the time to flower.

D. Sunlight produces a certain protein to help them flower.

28. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the article?

A. Flowers cannot tell the seasons are changing.

B. Plants are sensitive to cold weather and shorter days.

C. We are getting closer to controlling plant flowering times.

D. Researchers have studied how the FKF1 protein works in rice and wheat.

29. The passage is mainly about ___________

A. How seasons are changing

B. How plants know when to flower

C. What people can do with plants

D. What kind of plant Arabidopsis is


Food for thought

It's hard to turn down hamburgers, French fries , potato chips. And all of the other junk food that seemed to call out to

us. However, eating too much junk food can harm your body, particularly if you are between the ages of 10 and 19.

“Junk food shapes adolescent(青春期的) brains in ways that impair their ability to think,learn and remember。It

can also make it harder to control impulsive (冲动的)behaviors.” Said Amy Reichelt .a brain and nutrition specialist at

Western University, Canada. “It may even up a teen’s risk of depression(抑郁) and anxiety.”

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Reichelt and two other researchers reviewed more than 100 studies. including their own ,about how poor food choices

can impact adolescent brains. They found adolescents are more sensitive than any other age group to processed(经过加工的) foods with a lot of fat and sugar and their brains are not yet fully formed.

Adolescent brains are still developing the ability to assess risks and control actions。The prefrontal cortex(前额皮质) is a part of brain that tells us we should not eat chips all the time and helps us resist the urge. However, this region is

the last to mature-- it doesn't fully develop until we are in our early 20s.

Meanwhile, teen brains get more buzz(兴奋) from rewards. The parts of the brain that makes us feel good when we

do something pleasurable--.like eating tasty foods ---are fully developed by the teens year.

In fact, these regions are even more sensitive when we are young. That is because dopamine(多巴胺),a natural

chemical that lifts our mood when we experience something good ,is especially active in adolescent brains.

Therefore, the teen brain has two strikes against it when it comes to resisting junk food. “It has a heightened(增强的) drive for rewards and reduced self-regulation(自我调节).” Said Reichelt.

So what's the best way to say no to junk foods? Researchers propose to exercise。When we exercise, the brain's

reward system becomes less sensitive to food cues(线索). Exercise also triggers(触发) the body to make a protein

that helps brain cells grow and boosts connections between the prefrontal cortex and other brain regions. The prefrontal

cortex thus can work better to help us make wise decisions and control our impulses.

30. The word “impair” in paragraph 2 probably means___________

A. Improve B. weaken nce

31. According to the passage, Amy Reichelt probably agrees that________.

A. We can't resist junk food because of our eating habits.

B. Junk food can make us harder to control ourselves to eat less.

C. Eating too much junk food can cause more diseases.

D. It's harder to resist junk food as teens’ brains are still developing.

32. What is the writer's main purpose in writing the last paragraph?

A. To discuss why teams prefer the junk food.

B. To stress how difficultly teens resist the junk food?

C. To suggest that teens do more exercise to resist the junk food.

D. To question whether our mood could suffer from eating junk food.

33. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Dopamine can lift our mood when we exercise.

B. Fat and sugar in the junk food is bad for our health.

C. The prefrontal cortex is fully developed by the teen years.

D. Having more junk food may cause depression in adolescence.

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Restorers piece together Terracotta Warriors

Lan Desheng, The 52-year-old conservator-restorer(修复者) is part of specialist team pieces together and repairing

the Terracotta Army.

Pointing to life-size, Terracotta Warriors, Lan said “These are pieces of history that have been vividly preserved(保存). More than 2000 years have slipped by, and you can still sense the huge amount of talent that went into making these


Lan said the team aims to restore the relics’(遗物) original appearance by applying the principle of minimum

intervention(最小干预).On-site, “first aid” is a key element of the his experience,Lan can tell precisely

whether the Terracotta Warriors were made by craftsmen from the Qin Court or by local artisans,as their work is quite


During the past 25 years, as a researcher with the Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum. Lan has restored

more than 150 of the figures. He said he was anxious when his first started work in this field. Even though it was his ideal

job In 1993 Lan graduate from Northwest University in Xi’an with a major in cultural heritage(文化遗产) and three

years later he started work on restoring Terracotta. Warriors.

The conservator-restorers face a strict training program .In the first two years. Lan was not allowed to touch the relics.

And was told to “observe ,remember and read” His first task after his training ended was a locate fragments(碎片) and

search for missing parts of the figures among the piled remains. Sometimes he was unable to find a single missing piece and

often asked his teacher when he could start to repair a complete Terracotta Warrior.

The technology used to restore the figures has changed over the years. But the basic methods remain the

fragments of the warriors and horses are collected. The restorers attempt(尝试) to piece them together before using glue

to bind the years ,the restorers have become used to delays and the fact that hardly anything can be done

ce is necessary.

34. What is Lan Desheng’s job?

35. What is the aim of the specialist team?

36. How many figures has Lan restored during the past 25 years?

37. Did the restorers need a strict training?

38. For restorers, what do you think is important?





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提示词语: book fair(书市),encourage ,second-hand ,exchange,meaningful

提示问题: What did you do in the book fair?

What have you learned from doing so?

Dear Peter ,

I'm glad to receive your email.


Li Hua



某英文网站正在开展以“Going Green”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈日常生活中你的具体做法,感受及建议。

提示词语: ride a bike, reuse ,environment , think ,make a difference

提示问题:What do you usually do in your daily life?

How do you feel about it?

What's your suggestion?

Low-carbon life is good for everyone.

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34. He is a conservator- restorer.

35. The team aims to restore the relics’ original appearance by applying the principle of minimum intervention.

36. More than 150 of the figures.

37. Yes.

38. I think the most important is patience.





Dear Peter,

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I’m glad to receive your email. World Reading Day is on April 23th every year. We held the book fair on that day this

year. We shared books and exchanged books. I got a book from a boy and we became friends.

I not only got my favorite book, but also made friends with a boy on that day. Join us next year, you will love reading

like me.

If there is anything more you want to know, please tell me.


Li Hua


Low-carbon life is very good for everyone. It can make our environment better. I usually ride a bike or walk to school.

Besides, I often reuse the books as long as possible. And I turn off the lights when I leave the classroom at school.

I think it’s our responsibility to live in a low-carbon life. What I do makes a big difference. So I suggest that everyone

should put effort in it so that we can live in a better life.

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