2023年人教版高考英语总复习第二部分 考点三十五选择性必修 第四册Unit


三十五 选择性必修 第四册 Unit 4 Sharing


Ⅰ. 阅读理解



September is an exciting month in every college freshman’s life. For many, it’s the first time

that they’ve left home to live in a new environment. But after the hustle and bustle of a few weeks,

excitement gives way to a less enjoyable emotion—homesickness.

Homesickness manifests itself in many ways. You may miss mum’s cooking, your pets, or

even your old bed. All this becomes a fond memory of the past. Homesickness can be a bitter

feeling for many students, especially when faced with the challenges of settling into an unfamiliar


But remember, you’re not alone. According to a recent BBC article, 70 percent of British

college students experience homesickness. In this increasingly globalized world in which people

migrate to faraway places for a relationship, education or work, homesickness is a feeling

shared by many adults.

Homesickness can have similar symptoms to depression and in extreme cases it can develop

into a panic attack. As for the term, homesickness or nostalgia wasn’t invented until the 17th

century. It was considered a disorder by a Swiss physician, who attributed soldiers’ mental and

physical discomfort to their longing to return home, “nostos” from Greek, and the

accompanying pain, “algos”.

Studies in recent years, however, have shown that nostalgia may have some benefits to our

mental health. After a decade of surveys and researches, Constantine Sedikides, a US social

psychologist, found that nostalgia is what makes us human. He explains that nostalgia can resist

loneliness, boredom and anxiety. Therefore, it’s necessary for college students to learn some

ways to overcome the uncomfortable feeling.

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【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了大学新生常有的思乡情绪, 虽然这种情绪在极端情况下可能会导致精神上的疾病, 但同时作者也指出思乡是很正常的, 它也可以带来一些好处。

1. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?

A. Homesickness means a fond memory of the past.

B. Only a few students will experience homesickness.

C. Homesickness is an enjoyable emotion among freshmen.

D. College freshmen usually suffer from homesickness after weeks.

【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段第三句“但在几个星期的喧嚣之后, 兴奋让位于一种不那么愉快的情绪——思乡”, 由此可推知, 大学新生经常在几个星期后开始想家, 故选D项。

2. According to the passage, we can know that ______.

A. homesickness may cause mental diseases

B. homesickness is a feeling only shared by adults

C. homesickness won’t do any good to our health

D. homesickness is also called nostalgia in Switzerland

【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第四段可知思乡病的症状与抑郁相似, 在极端情况下, 它可以发展成恐慌发作。由此可知, 思乡病可能会导致精神疾病, 故选A项。

3. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. Some benefits about homesickness.

B. Other problems in college freshmen’s life.

C. How to make campus life more meaningful.

D. Some tips on how to cope with homesickness.

【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一句“因此, 大学生有必要学习一些方法来克服这种不舒服的感觉”, 由此可推知, 接下来最有可能讨论的是关于如何处理想家问题的建议, 故选D项。

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4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Let’s embrace homesickness

B. How to fit into the college life

C. A harmful emotion—homesickness

D. The disadvantages of homesickness

【解析】选A。标题归纳题。通读全文可知, 大学新生常有的思乡情绪, 虽然有弊, 但也有利,



enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的; 有乐趣的

increasingly adv. 越来越多地; 不断增加地

discomfort n. 不适; 不安

nostalgia n. 怀旧之情; 念旧


Studies in recent years, however, have shown that nostalgia may have some benefits to our

mental health.

分析: 本句是由that 引导的宾语从句, 从句的谓语是may have。 且从句中have some benefits

to 意为“对……有好处”。

翻译: 然而, 近年来的研究表明, 怀旧可能对我们的心理健康有一些好处。



While poetry matters a lot in our house, I know that not everybody is as readily moved by

words as I am. That said, I think kids benefit when parents and caregivers help them experience

the world through poetry.

Poetry is important for a child’s development, according to psychologist Dianne Jandrasits.

Adults can create a secure attachment with kids by actively reading with them, especially between

the ages of 0 and 5, and the sound of poetry can make the process fun. Poetry, Jandrasits says,

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can help a child learn to understand someone else ‘s feelings. “For a young child, ” she says. “it

all starts with someone understanding your feelings. And that’s where parents and caregivers

come in. ”

Dave Lucas, a lecturer at Case Western Reserve University, says, “Poetry is that place

where language is pleasure and not just communication. ” It’s pretty simple. Poetry is music.

It’s about playing with language and sound. And kids love to play. Lucas talked about sharing

poems with kindergartners, and how much kids love it when you tell them to just make some

rhymes and be silly. “The problem, though, is that as kids get older, they lose that interest in

playing with words. Kids get to school and have some negative experience with poetry. Either

because it’s inaccessible or boring, or it’s too artsy (装艺术的). ” Lucas says.

Gray-Kontar, like all the poets I spoke to, mentioned how important it is for caregivers to

pay attention to what it is that their young person seems to like, whether it’s a sport or some

experience they’re a part of, and then to select poems for them based on those interests. He

suggests reaching out to a local librarian or looking up poetry readings online. The pandemic(大流行病) has been isolating for a lot of us, he says, but through poetry, we can connect with

people we wouldn’t necessarily meet.

【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。作者通过引用几位名人的话告诉家长, 和孩子一起读诗是很美妙的, 对孩子成长, 亲子关系都很有益。

5. In what way can poetry help kids according to Jandrasits?

A. It can help them become more active.

B. It can help them hold their feelings back.

C. It can help them be independent of others.

D. It can help them become more understanding.

【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知, 诗歌可以帮助孩子学会理解别人的感受, 会更懂别人, 更善解人意, 和D项内容意思一致, understanding意为“善解人意的”。故选D项。

6. What does Lucas insist on when it comes to teaching kids poetry?

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A. Making it fun.

B. Reading it to music.

C. Explaining its rules.

D. Writing about silly things.

【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段可知, Lucas坚持主张让孩子学诗的过程快乐有趣。故选A项。

7. What’s Lucas’s attitude towards schools’ way of teaching poetry?

A. Uncertain. B. Supportive.

C. Indifferent. D. Dissatisfied.

【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第三段最后Lucas说的话可知, Lucas认为孩子上学后不喜欢诗歌了, 其中negative一词表明他对学校教育诗歌的方式是不满意的。故选D项。

8. What does Gray-Kontar advise caregivers to do?

A. Read kids poetry that’s available online.

B. Develop kids’ interest in different things.

C. Choose poetry that’s in agreement with kids’ hobbies.

D. Keep themselves informed of new poetry books.

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段可知, Gray-Kontar建议家长选择符合孩子兴趣的诗歌。故选C项。

Ⅱ. 阅读填句


Panic attacks are sudden, intense surges of fear, panic, or anxiety. 1 Panic attacks

are generally brief, lasting less than 10 minutes, although some of the symptoms may persist for

a longer time. Here are a few tips for you to cope with panic attacks.

Deep breathing

If you’re able to control your breathing, you’re less likely to experience the

hyperventilating(呼吸急促) that can make other symptoms—and the panic attack itself—worse.

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Focus on taking deep breaths in and out through your mouth, feeling the air slowly fill your chest

and belly and then slowly leave them again. 2

Close your eyes

Some panic attacks come from triggers(触发物) that overwhelm you. If you are in a

fast-paced environment with a lot of stimuli(刺激), this can feed your panic attack. 3 This

can block out any extra stimuli and make it easier to focus on your breathing.


Mindfulness can help ground you in the reality of what is around you. Since panic attacks

can cause a feeling of separation from reality, this can combat your panic attack as it is

approaching or actually happening.

Use muscle relaxation techniques

Much like deep breathing, muscle relaxation techniques can help stop your panic attack in its

tracks by controlling your body’s response as much as possible. Consciously relax one muscle at a

time. 5 Techniques of this kind will be most effective when you have practised them


A. Practice mindfulness.

B. Get away from reality.

C. They have physical as well as emotional symptoms.

D. To reduce the stimuli, close your eyes during your panic attack.

E. You can start with the fingers, and then move your way up through your body.

F. These cannot only help you fall asleep, but they may also promote muscle relaxation.

G. Breathe in for a count of four, hold for a second, and then breathe out for a count of four.


1. 【解析】选C。根据前面一句可知, 本段介绍恐慌症及其特点, 空处应该在解释说明上文, 进一步对恐慌症进行说明。C项中的“they”指代上文中的“panic attacks”。C项符合语境。

2. 【解析】选G。根据本段标题“Deep breathing(深呼吸)”可知, 本段讲述的方法与呼吸有关。G项中的“Breathe in”和“breathe out”与标题呼应。G项符合语境。

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3. 【解析】选D。根据本段标题“Close your eyes(闭上你的眼睛)”可知, 本段讲述的方法是闭上双眼。D项符合语境。

4. 【解析】选A。设空处为段落小标题。根据后面两句可知, 本段主要说的是正念的作用及练习正念的原因。A项: Practice mindfulness(练习正念)符合语境。

5. 【解析】选E。根据段落小标题“Use muscle relaxation techniques”和前面一句可知, 本段中心是使用肌肉放松技巧, 上句提到有意识地一次放松一块肌肉, E项符合语境。

Ⅲ. 语法填空

After four years of living here, I have a better 1. __________ (understand) of northern

China’s food.

Northern China’s hearty food is 2. __________ (general) more acceptable to Westerners.

They can enjoy Beijing roast duck, beef and dairy from Inner Mongolia, and Korean dishes in

the northeast. Northern China experiences cold and dry winters, and hot summers, 3.

__________ (make) calories and salt replacement more important. As a result, northern dishes

have strong flavors, compared with the south 4. __________ dishes are lighter in flavor.

Wheat is the main crop of northern China, and you will find a variety of wheat-flour 5.

__________ (product). Rice is also eaten in the north, but it is certainly secondary to wheat.

Dumplings are very popular in the north, 6. __________ (serve) with vinegar for dipping.

Northerners tend to eat more meat and dairy for the purpose 7. __________ fighting against

the cold weather. Most meat dishes 8. __________ (base) on mutton, pork, beef, chicken

and fish.

9. __________ are less fresh vegetables available because of the cold weather. Fruit is

traditionally limited to a few hard seasonal varieties like apples, so it doesn’t feature much in the

cuisine, although the northwest is famous for 10. __________ (it) dried fruit and wine.

【文章大意】这是一篇说明文, 主要介绍了中国北方的食物和饮食习惯。

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1. 【解析】understanding。考查名词。此处的结构为“冠词+形容词+所填词”, 故所填词为名词, 应将动词原形understand加上-ing变为动名词, 结构“have a better understanding of”意为“对……有更好的理解”, 故填understanding。

2. 【解析】generally。考查副词。该句中已有形容词(的比较级)more acceptable, 前面应该用副词来修饰, generally意为“一般地, 通常情况地, 一般来说”, 故填generally。

3. 【解析】making。考查现在分词作状语。该句前半部分为事实的陈述, 谓语动词为experiences,

后半部分为结果状语, 不独立成句, make不能作谓语。此处应使用现在分词作结果状语, 表示由前半部分的事实推导出后半部分的结果, 故填making。

4. 【解析】where。考查定语从句关系副词。分析句子结构, “dishes are lighter in flavor”为定语从句, 且句子成分已经完整, 故对于前面的先行词the south(表示地点), 应使用关系副词where进行连接, 在这里where等于in which, 故填where。

5. 【解析】products。考查名词。本句中“a variety of”意为“多种多样的, 各种各样的”, 而其所修饰的名词product为可数名词, 应使用复数形式, 故填products。

6. 【解析】served。考查非谓语动词。该句中谓语为are, 后半部分为状语, serve不作谓语, 其与主语dumplings构成被动关系(被提供), 故应使用过去分词作状语, 常用搭配be served with意为“和……一起提供, 端上”, 在这里表示饺子和醋会一起被提供, 饺子要蘸着醋吃, 故填served。

7. 【解析】of。考查固定搭配。此处为固定短语“for the purpose of”, 表示“为了……, 目的是……”, of为介词, 其后接名词或动名词, 故填of。

8. 【解析】are based。考查谓语及被动语态。主语most meat dishes与base构成被动关系, be based

on意为“基于……, 在……的基础上”, 在这里表示这些佳肴是基于后面所列举的食材制作而成的, 且主语为复数, 故填are based。

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9. 【解析】There。考查there be句型。运用there be句型表达客观世界中事物的存在与否, 此处there are less. . . 表示由于天冷, 蔬菜少了, 又因该空在句首, 故填There。

10. 【解析】its。考查所有格。该空之后为名词短语dried fruit and wine, 这些东西是西北的(它的), 故代词it应使用其所有格形式, 填its。

Ⅳ. 应用文写作

假定你是李华, 你们社团将举办英文读诗会, 请你写一封邮件邀请外教Elvira参加, 内容包括:

1. 活动时间和地点;

2. 活动安排;

3. 欢迎她分享自己喜欢的诗歌。

注意: 写作词数应为80左右。

Dear Elvira,


Li Hua


Dear Elvira,

I’m Li Hua. Our club is going to hold an English poetry party. Knowing you’re interested

in poetry, I’m writing to invite you to join in this activity.

It will be held in our school hall at 9: 00 next Friday. After our teacher delivers a speech on

English poems, all members of the club will share their favourite English poems. Afterwards, we

will pick out popular poems, which will be posted on the school’s information board. What’s

more, we would appreciate it if you could share your favourite poem.

You’re definitely welcome to join us. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

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