




Development history

Versace brand logo from the ancient Greek mythology snake

demon Medusa (Medusa), a symbol of a fatal attraction,

emphasizing the joy and sexy, neckline is often open to the waist

below, the designer took the classical aristocratic style luxury,

luxury Li, but also Fully consider wearing comfortable and

appropriate display size. Versace Baby Blue Jeans. Versace

cowboy series of Baby Blue in 1995 after the launch of perfume

fans by the favor, this is suitable for girls and babies to use the

elegant perfume to the elegant and elegant style, , Warm as the

characteristics, both in the deployment of fragrance and perfume

bottles are unique in the design of a flavor. Cowboy is a child and

young people obsessed with clothing, denim perfume to express

a simple and fresh, natural.

Baby Rose Jeans This fragrance is Gianni Versace 1995's work,

with a fresh floral fragrance mixed with citrus, violet, sandalwood

and vanilla, with a sweet scent. The most suitable for young girls

to use less Ai.

Versace Blue Jeans / Red Jeans 1994 launch of the female red

cowboy, blue denim blue denim men's jeans Versace blue,

Versace denim red perfume produced in the fall of 1994, this

section of women's fragrance for the Eau De Toilette to elegant ,

Warm for the characteristics of the former flavor to the main

flowers, after the taste is mixed with the woody and

bottle design unique. Unique Coke bottle shape is not put it

down, with a circular-shaped box with exotic packaging, more

collectible e denim blue perfume produced in the fall

of 1994, this fragrance for men and women for the Eau De

Toilette, to elegant, warm features, both for men to use, but also

for concise and concise ladies use fragrance Coke

bottle shape is not put it down, with a circular-shaped box with

exotic packaging, more collectible value.

Versace Bright Crystal.


Fresh and unique sexy fragrance highlights the new

definition of women VERSACE: independence, strong,

independent, faint and charming with sexy, make men willing to

surrender. Exquisite bottle like a delicate carved transparent

crystal-like, with a pure and delicate texture, a symbol of this

fragrance fragrance can bring pure, fresh taste and visual double

enjoyment; bottle body bright and brilliant luster, highlighting

the VERSACEBright Crystal "fragrant crystal" noble, elegant, sexy

woman boutique fashion style. Versace Crystal Noir women

wearing VERSACE dress is sexy, women use VERSACE perfume it?

The same is sexy! Versace launched a new female perfume

Crystal Noir black crystal perfume on the interpretation of

this. VERSAC Crystal Noir perfume perfume by Donatella Versace

idea, she said perfume is her personal style important props, they

like with the mood, the weather, the different occasions to

choose with perfume, for their own, the morning choose a

suitable perfume With the dress is an important part, if you do

not use perfume to go out, as if his body what is missing,

Donatella believe that most women and their own can not do

without perfume

Versace Jeans Couture Glam / Versace Jeans Couture Woman:

Versace in the autumn and winter of 20xx launched the

VersaceJeansCouture men and women perfume, this autumn and

winter clothing line design inspiration for the perfect

performance of sensory enjoyment and modern Chinese style,

showing the charm of e Jeans Couture bottle

inspired by the fine glass, gold and precious metal rings, bright

bottle combines the visual impact and impeccable modern.

Female fragrance of the bottle inlaid with the elegance of the

peerless golden yellow diamond, male incense is embedded in

the distinguished atmosphere of the sapphire.

Versace Metal Jeans Ladies VERSACE in 20xx launched the

Metal Jeans perfume to heavy metal as the concept of purple-gray packaging, there is a woman deep and introverted, soft,

unified, harmonious, charming, mature, attractive, perfect and

Without losing e, nutmeg, rose soft, fresh

breath and heavy metal rock personality has become a strong

contrast, even if the outside world is so the case, even if the

outside world is so strong, Of the chaos, the corner of the heart

is still quiet! In contradiction and calm, to find the end of the

heart! .

Skillful use of models is Versace fashion art as a creative

e to the world's tallest, the most beautiful female

models are collected in his account, through appropriate training,

so that these models play an infinite potential. Models in

Versace's fashion to the world has played an extremely important

role, while they also with Versace's fashion to the world.

Versace that can best embody the hearts of women with the

temptation of the beauty of the model is Kate Moss. He believes

she is truly "eternal woman". Kate Moss thin, thin, on the rooftop

of the fragile, a sense of sympathy and affection. Her skin color

is always pale, eyes always have people can not capture the

blurred. Her beauty, embodied in every nerve is full of desire. She

wore clothes not to hide anything, but to g a dark

green, green fruit, green grass, light green line, covered with

silver ornaments sleeveless tight body robe Kate Moss, Versace

design style is the most accurate interpretation.


Designer: Gianni Versace Gianni Versace design style:

Founded in 1978, the brand is the myth of the brand is a snake

demon Ma Disha (Mdeusa), the brand name is the myth of the

snake demon Madsa (Mdeusa) , Representing a fatal attraction.

Versace's design style is very distinctive, is a unique aesthetic

strong artistic pioneer, emphasizing the joy and sexy, the neckline

is often open to the waist below, the designer took the classic

aristocratic style of luxury, luxury Korea, but also give full

consideration to wear comfort and The appropriate display size.

Versace good use of noble luxurious fabrics, with the bias cut way,

Versace Chinese name: Versace. Versace is Italian, many

Versace fans are often mistaken their pronunciation, the correct

pronunciation: VA-SA-QI

Gianni Versace

Versace created by Gianni Versace Gianni Versace December

2, 1946 was born in Italy Reggio Calabria. Mother is a "soil" tailor,

had opened a "Paris boutique" shop. She is a smart woman, you

can not use any pattern, only a few marks in the cloth can be

tailored clothing. Versace's home and mother's workshop is only

separated by a wall, they are three brothers and sisters in such a

work atmosphere filled with the environment grew ood

Versace like to learn to do dress to es

of the past, the master once said: "I was under the influence of

my mother, from an early age to cultivate interest in sewing


Backcountry of the town of growing Versace, the stage is too

small. In 1972, the 25-year-old Versace came to Milan to study

architectural , by chance, he was a fashion

manufacturer in Florence designed knitted clothing line selling,

so that their business volume soared fourfold, as a reward, he

received a car. This unprecedented success made him abandon

the construction industry, as he was the first opportunity in the

history of entrepreneurship.

As a result, the first taste of the victory of the fruit Ganjia

Niujin sky, out of control to threw himself into the fashion career.

In 1978, Versace launched his first women's clothing line,

shortly after his first boutiques will be ready, and invited to study

the business management of the Brothers Hill map to help

manage. In 1981, Versace's first bottle of perfume during his

invitation to the University of Florence's sister Donatella to do

helper. At this point, Versace's fashion kingdom began to shape.

In 1989 the opening of the "Atelier Versace" Czech high fashion

boutiques and into Paris, France fashion industry, in 1997 in the

United States was shot dead. Source: Sunshine does not

embroider wedding dress

Versace in addition to fashion also operates perfume, glasses,

scarves, neckties, underwear, bags, leather goods, bed sheets,

tablecloths, porcelain, glassware, down products, furniture

products, his fashion products have penetrated into each of life


Versace in 1983 by the Curtischak Award in 1986, the Italian

president awarded the Italian Republic "Commandatore" award

in 1988, "Cutty Sark" Award for the most creative designer award,

in 1993 by the United States International Fashion Designers

Association Award .

Small tailor origin design master - Versace

Versace December 2, 1946 was born in southern Italy Reggio

Calabria, he is a tailor grew up from the world of fashion designer.

Versace childhood work in the mother's sewing shop. At the age

of nine, with the help of his mother designed his first set of dress,

a velvet shoulder dress. After high school, Versace school

curriculum is not interested in, half-way drop out to continue to

help his mother to engage in clothing. Versace childhood hobby

is another music, he likes the southern Italian folk songs, modern

pop music and classical opera. In 1972, Milan, a clothing

manufacturer fancy Versace's works, and call his mother, asked

Versace to go north to e excitement, immediately

boarded the train to Milan to create his clothing business, when

only 23 years old.

Soon, a clothing merchant door to ask him to cooperate

several sets of clothing, Versace try their hand, will be successful

in one fell swoop, he designed the clothing is extremely popular.

Cooperator happy to award him a Volkswagen Beetle sedan. Until

the conditions are ripe, Versace took the whole family received

Milan, the traditional way of family union founded family

business. Not willing to reside under the Versace founded in 1978,

the first to his name named after the series of clothing.

In the 1980s, the love of music Versace to see the impact of

rock music in the youth is expanding, they seize this opportunity

to engage in joint with the rock star, launched a rock clothing,

this is a major turning point in his career. Hometown mountains

and rivers and cultural traditions for Versace grow into a fashion

designer to provide a solid foundation. Hometown of Rome, the

ancient Greek cultural sites, social atmosphere in the classical

culture of deep influence, from Versace's works can be seen in his

adolescence by the art of nurturing. After twenty years of effort,

Versace has become with the other three Italian fashion guru

George Armani, Gucci and Valentino par the Wizards.

Versace empire is a symbol of the Greek mythology, the

snake hair demon Medusa, beautiful hair composed of a snake,

hair is the head of the represents a fatal attraction, she

attractive to beauty, to see her people instantly into stone, this

deterrent is Versace pursuit.

With a surprising, step by step ahead

In the fierce market, the role of advertising must not be

e in the advertising business spent the

mind. The first is to make friends with the advertising industry,

especially those photographers, who are often guests of Versace.

Through these people he understands the dynamics and trends

of the garment industry. The second is to carry out promotional

activities, mobilize all means to promote their own company's

products. The exquisite brochure is a powerful tool for Versace to

engage in public events, beautifully crafted to combine modern

cartoons, fine art, classical culture and beautiful models to create

the prince and countless Snow White princesses , Won the


Responding to harsh competition, Versace has his secret

weapon, in the shortest possible time to form the fastest

judgment, organizational design and production and sales. Most

companies in the fashion industry spend at least six months from

design, pre-sales to mass production, while Versace often uses

lightning to adapt to changes in market demand. For example,

there is a high-tech PVC fabric made of 200 yuan price of jeans,

Versace in person under the supervision of the time in five weeks

to complete the design, manufacture and transportation of the

whole process of listing, setting a new clothing history Record.

Versace design peak is the 1989 Paris launch of the "Afelier"

series. This is Versace is not satisfied with the dominance of Italy

and decided to break into the French high-end fashion industry's

first step. This suddenly led to the influx of Italian fashion into


Brand is also the most concerned about the issue of Versace.

Versace has long been found, the brand has an unusual power of

goods. Versace in the women's success made him more and more

aware of, to find ways to ensure that their brand, relying on brand

to profit, but also for young consumers shopping psychology, to

produce texture and less stress, the cost is not too Large, but

there are obvious brand decoration and turnover of the product

quickly. In 1994, Versace has launched a Versace label bedding

and household utensils. Versace in the fall of 1997 is also

preparing to open up a cosmetics production line, specializing in

the production and Versace dress matching products.

In the Italian clothing empire, in logistics management,

Versace company occupies a leading position. Versace has long

established companies and retail stores in major cities such as

New York, London and Paris, bringing the company's products

directly to customers rather than through intermediaries,

bringing together design, manufacturing and retail."Business

Week," the article that "Versace in the fierce competition in the

fashion market, almost every step has an advantage in the retail

side of a stronger advantage.

Good to play the master of celebrity card

Versace is the favored Diana many fashion designers can be

called a friend of people. British-style design is too conservative

and rigorous, although it can well bring out the demeanor of

Diana, but also inevitably weakened Diana's personality. Versace

Diana designed for the evening is different, Diana's vitality and

enthusiasm ready to come out. Versace to Diana designed a set

of blue shoulder gown, the selection is very delicate and beautiful

blue satin, dressed in this dress like the sun under the summer

sun flowing water. Bare shoulder design, there is a deep taste of

the decorative beauty of the building.

In Western countries, celebrities in the entertainment

industry is the subject of Versace attention, once these celebrities

wear Versace clothing to participate in the Oscar award ceremony,

the television station to the big star image to the world a

broadcast, Versace's work naturally spread to the whole world.

In 1998, Zeta-Jones wearing a tight body wrapped in red

Versace dress appeared in the Academy Awards, the immediate

murder of journalists in the hands of countless film, became the

best dress that night.

Another world-famous movie star is Stallone. Stallone looks

solid, shoulders wide and strong, but according to the Americans

to measure the standard body shape, Stallone is a bit size is not

enough, shoulders width is too large. Versace in February 1991

and October has been designed for the Stallone two sets of

clothing, a dark blue suit with white shirt, the shoulders too big

defects to cover up, so that Stallone's body suddenly

straightforward A lot, so far Versace designed for Stallone suit is

still the United States for the entertainment industry and the

fashion industry respected.

The early 90s, Madonna for Versace shot a series of publicity

photos is one of the classic. Madonna's Wild and Versace's

Mingyan is known as a seamless combination.

Versace in communication with the celebrities did not forget

to keep the old and do not mind the style of a momentary

frustration. Tyson has long been respected on the clothing

master Versace, Tyson has been off into the classroom after the

offense, Tyson very much miss Versace designed shorts, Versace

heard of After the news specially sent him some clothes, which

makes Tyson feel grateful. Tyson was released from prison after

re-boarding boxing, when he was winning streak, Tyson's shorts

have become the love of American teenagers. Which makes

Versace's shorts sales rose significantly. Supermodel is priceless

Before Versace developed, the world fashion industry only

by fashion companies to hire some models to participate in the

performance of temporary, and not by the fashion industry itself

created supermodel.

Skillful use of models is Versace fashion art as a creative

e to the world's tallest, the most beautiful female

models are collected in his account, through appropriate training,

so that these models play an infinite potential. Models in

Versace's fashion to the world has played an extremely important

role, while they also with Versace's fashion to the world.

Versace that can best embody the hearts of women with the

temptation of the beauty of the model is Kate Moss. He believes

she is truly "eternal woman". Kate Moss thin, thin, on the rooftop

of the fragile, a sense of sympathy and affection. Her skin color

is always pale, eyes always have people can not capture the

blurred. Her beauty, embodied in every nerve is full of desire. She

wore clothes not to hide anything, but to g a dark

green, green fruit, green grass, light green line, covered with

silver ornaments sleeveless tight body robe Kate Moss, Versace

design style is the most accurate interpretation.

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