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naturally. Curriculum text and a user’s guide

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Writing: Practice writing the placing an order.

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with the program to guide

you. The dictation program

evaluates your spelling,

syntax and punctuation.

【小题1】Which of the following is the main advantage of the Dynamic

Immersion method?

A.It encourages the active memorization of words.

B.It provides the user with extensive exercises in grammar.

C.It allows the user to acquire a language in a shorter time than

the average.

D.It teaches by translating the foreign into the user’s native


【小题2】In order to know his or her progress, a user of this

software has to __________.

A.turn to the automated B.complete all the 20 activities

tutorials in each lesson

C.call 1800-6310-1389 to D.compare his or her voice with

consult with a teacher the native language

【小题3】Which of the following skills in the program has more to do

with the learner’s life experiences?

A.Listening B.Reading C.Speaking D.Writing

2. Not setting homework can be impossible in certain situations.

There are many arguments in favor of homework, and most teachers

would agree with many, if not all, of the following: homework is a

perfect opportunity to go over calmly what was done with the teacher,

and rethink and develop that initial input; homework offers a moment

for students to work as individuals and develop learner self-governance outside the classroom; students and parents expect

homework to be set and to be corrected. Nevertheless, the drawbacks

that homework may have are often overlooked.

There are two key issues which need to be raised when dealing

with the concept of homework. Firstly, there is the question of home.

Often homework is not done at home at all, but at a friend’s house,

on the street, on the bus on the way to class or sitting on the step

outside school before it opens. What’s more, all too often, for it

to be done effectively at home, homework requires the participation

and involvement of other adults. Parents play a crucial role in a

child’s education, but they can t always be available, for a number

of very valid reasons, and a tutor’s ability to aid, guide,

encourage and simply organize a son or daughter s study may be

limited in many ways. The implication are unsetting: if homework is

crucial to success in class, some children have an automatic


Considering the second part of the compound noun opens up further

questions. If the idea of home can be problematic, so too can the

concept of work. Again, this will depend enormously on the context

but, very often there is a lot of work put in. Demands on their time

and attention span(持续时间)and all sorts of other impositions mean

homework is usually something to get out of the way, to be ticked off

as done, with the exercises completed as fast as possible. It is not

always seen as useful times spent developing and strengthening what

is done in class but, rather, as something quickly finished to keep

the teacher at bay. It might be correct or not, copied from a friend

or cut and pasted from the internet, but the important thing is that

a teacher sees the exercise completed and, as a result, the task

achieved: how much effort went into that result is not always

appreciated or easy to evaluate and, even when work clearly falls

below standard, and the mere fact of its having been done is often

good enough. Teacher and students are happy because everyone has

officially fulfilled their commitment.

The ideal that students go home, think back to what they did with

their teacher, use the great resources their books and the internet

provide to revise, reflect and put everything they have seen in class

in place, into action, into practice, does not often happen with some


【小题1】Which of the following is not among the advantages of

homework according to paragraph 1?

A.Solidifying the knowledge and skills learnt in class.

B.Developing the ability of the independent learning.

C.Building a closer teacher-student relationship.

D.Meeting the requirements of students and parents.

【小题2】Speaking of the significant impact of homework upon

children’s success in class, some are just not good as others


A.their tutors are not always available to support them

B.they are born without the ability to deal with concepts

C.their family circumstances limit their learning ability

D.some unknown reasons greatly hold up their progress

【小题3】“keep the teacher at bay” (paragragh3) means the way

homework is done________.

A.blocks teachers from knowing more about their students

B.imposes enormous meaningless evaluating work on teachers

C.displays the great efforts students make to satisfy their teachers

D.shows achievements teachers expect to accomplish in their work

【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title of the


A.Are you ready for homework yet?

B.Is there a way out for homework?

C.Home and Work: both are hard to ignore.

D.Homework or No homework: it is your choice.

3. Doctors sometimes prescribe light therapy to treat a form of

depression in people who get too little morning sun. But too much

light at other times may actually cause such mood disorders. Long-lasting exposure to light at night brings depression, a new study

finds, at least in animals. The new data confirm observations from

studies of people who work night shifts, says Richard Stevens of the

University of Connecticut Health Center. Mood disorders join a

growing list of problems, including cancer, obesity and diabetes -

that can occur when light throws life out of balance by disturbing

the biological clock and its timing of daily rhythms.

In the new study, Tracy Bedrosian and Randy Nelson of Ohio State

University exposed mice to normal light and dark cycles for four

weeks. For the next four weeks, half of the mice remained on this

schedule, and the rest received continuous dim light throughout their

night. Compared with mice exposed to normal nighttime darkness, those

getting dim light at night lost their strong preference for sweet

drinks, “A sign they no longer get pleasure out of activities they

once enjoyed.” Bedrosian says.

In a second test, mice were clocked on how long they actively

tried to escape a pool of water. Those exposed to night lights

stopped struggling and just floated in the water, a sign of

"behavioral despair”, 10 times as long as the mice that had

experienced normal nighttime darkness. All symptoms of depression

disappeared within two weeks of the mice returning to a normal light-

dark cycle, the researchers report. The scientists also could quash

the behavioral symptoms by injecting the brains of animals with a

drug that prohibits the activity of certain molecules linked with

human depression. This finding further suggests that light at night

may cause something related to depression.

Human studies linking nighttime light and mood disorders are

important but can't easily detect molecular underpinings (分子基础)as

animal studies can,says George Brainard of Thomas Jefferson

University. The new work, he says, suggests that the change of the

biological clock by light at night can be “an extremely powerful

force in regulating biology and behavior."

【小题1】After being exposed to continuous nighttime light, the


A.changed their

B.escaped from the water more eagerly


C.remained active as D.showed less interest in their

before favorites

【小题2】What does the underlined word “quash" in Para. 4 probably


A.study B.predict C.ease D.cause

【小题3】We can learn from the last paragraph that________

A.light at night may have practical effects on people

B.the biological clock is beneficial to humans

C.human mood disorders cannot be healed easily

D.human studies are more important than animal studies

【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Nighttime light may foster depression.

B.A drug has been found to cure mood disorders.

C.The study on animals can be applied to humans.

D.Human biological clock can be controlled by light.

4. There was something in the elderly woman's behavior that

caught my eye. Although slow and unsure of step, the woman moved with

deliberation, and there was no hesitation in her gestures. She was as

good as anyone else, her movements suggested. And she had a job to do.

The elderly woman had walked into the store along with a younger

woman who I guessed was her daughter. The daughter was displaying a

serious case of impatience, rolling her eyes, huffing and sighing,

checking her watch every few seconds. If she had possessed a belt,

her mother would have been fastened to it as a means of dragging her

along to keep step with the rush of other shoppers.

The older woman detached from the younger one and began to glance

over the DVDs on the nearest shelf. After the slightest hesitation, I

walked over and asked if I could help her find something. The woman

smiled up at me and showed me a title scrawled(潦草地写) on a

crumpled piece of paper. The title was unusual and a bit unfamiliar.

Clearly a person looking for it knew a little about movies, about


Rather than rushing off to locate the DVD for the woman, I asked

her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it.

Looking back, I think I wanted to enjoy her company for a moment.

Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother,

who'd passed away the previous Christmas.

As we walked along the back of the store, I narrated its floor

plan: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fiction.

The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and casual conversation.

We found the movie, and I complimented her on her choice. She

smiled and told me it was one she'd enjoyed when she was her son's

age and that she hoped he would enjoy it as much as she had. Maybe,

she said with a hint of eagerness, he could enjoy it with his own

young children. Then, reluctantly, I had to return the elderly woman

to her keeper, who was still tapping her foot at the front of the


I accompanied the older woman to the queue at the cash register

and then stepped back and lingered near the younger woman. When the

older woman's turn in line came, she paid in cash, counting out the

dollars and coins with the same sureness she'd displayed earlier ...

【小题1】What does "she had a job to do" (Para. 1) mean according to

the context?

A.She had a regular job in the

B.She wanted to ask for help.


D.She was thinking of what to


【小题2】What does the title of the DVD reveal according to the shop


A.The elderly woman had some knowledge about movies.

C.She wanted to buy a DVD.

B.The elderly woman liked movies for young children.

C.The elderly woman preferred movies her son liked.

D.The elderly woman liked both old and new movies.

【小题3】While looking for the DVD with the old woman, the shop

assistant was ______.

A.hesitant B.casual

C.cautious D.considerate

【小题4】What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To describe what a movie nut is like

B.To remind readers to spending more time accompanying family

C.To stress the importance of company and understanding.

D.To explore the key aspects of current parental-child relationship


5. Building a lasting social relationship

We all know that friends are special people who we share our

lives with, and who share their lives with us in return. But seeking

friends and keeping the friendship going are never easy.

According to research recently published in the Journal of Social

and Personal Relationships, the key is to use "we--talk". Led by

University of California psychologist Megan Robins and her colleagues,

the researchers reviewed and analyzed 30 different studies involving

over 5, 000 participants.【小题1】

The word "we" moves people from an individual position into a

partnership, which makes us more interdependent. “【小题2】 Word

use is a window into what people are thinking and feeling without

asking them. " Robbins told Science Daily.

【小题3】 The primary point is that interdependence may bring

about supportive and relationship-centered behaviors and positive

perceptions of the partner-especially important in times of stress

and disagreement.

Contrary to "we-talk", there is "I-talk", which refers to the

frequent use of the first-person singular pronouns, such as "I", "me"

and "mine", when writing or speaking. Earlier this year, researchers

analyzed a set of data that came from 47, 000 people in Germany and

the US.【小题4】 As you can see from the two studies, too much "I-talk" can make you feel depressed. But "we-talk" can encourage you to

become more positive and create a chain effect of healthy

interdependence with others.

So next time you are talking to a friend, try using more "we-talk". 【小题5】

A.Their research also found that "we talk" is helpful for resolving


B.Self-centered people are found to be indifferent to many things in

society and other people.

C.Pronouns offer an insight into whether people see themselves as

individuals or as part of a whole.

D.If you are speaking in a person context, you're speaking about

something that's of relevance to you.

E.You may find yourself feeling more positive - and the effect it

will have on your friend will be positive as well.

F.This analysis of "we-talk" suggested that the frequent use of "we"

and "us" is linked to happier and healthier relationships.

G.They found that too much "I-talk" was an accurate linguistic

marker for the likelihood that someone is feeling stressed or

experiencing negative emotions.



Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my

ancestors. When I was three, my parents flashed cards with

Chinese_________at my face, but I pushed them aside. My mom believed

I would learn _________ I was ready. But the time never came.

On a Chinese New Year's Eve, my uncle spoke to me in Chinese, but

all I could do was _________ at him, confused, scratching my head.

"Still can't speak Chinese?" He _________ me," You can't even buy a

fish in Chinatown."

"Hey, this is America, not China. I'll get some _________ with or

without Chinese." I replied and turned to my mom for _________ .

"Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu," she said, handing

over a $ 20 bill. I _________ the words, running downstairs into the

streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish stand surrounded in a sea of customers. "I'd

like to buy some fresh fish," I shouted to the fisherman. But he

_________ my English words and turned to serve the next customer. The

laugh of the people behind increased _________ their impatience. With

every __________ the breath of the dragons on my back grew stronger,

my blood boiling— __________ me to cry out, "Xian Sheng Yu, please."

"Very Xian Sheng," I repeated. The crowd erupted into laughter. My

face turned red and I ran back home __________ except for the $ 20

bill I held tightly in my pocket.

Should I laugh or cry? They're Chinese. I'm Chinese. I should

feel right at __________. Instead, I was the joke, a disgrace (丢脸)

to the language.

Sometimes, I laugh at my fish __________, but, in the end, the

joke is on me. Every laugh is a culture __________ ; every laugh is

my heritage fading away.


A.custom B.games C.characters D.language


A.when B.before C.unless D.until


A.aim B.joke C.nod D.stare


A.cared about B.laughed at C.argued with D.asked after


A.right now B.from now C.at times D.in time


A.decision B.permission C.information D.preparation


A.repeated B.reviewed C.spelled D.kept


A.guessed B.forgot C.doubted D.ignored


A.by B.as C.with D.from


A.second B.effort C.desire D.movement


A.forcing B.allowing C.persuading D.leading


A.open-mouthed B.tongue –tied C.empty-handed D.broken-hearted


A.service B.home C.risk D.root


A.trade B.deed C.challenge D.incident


A.thrown B.lost C.divided D.reflected


7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A ban on distracted walking

You can‘t walk down the street without passing so-called

“smart-phone zombies (僵尸)”.

They are too absorbed in their screen【小题1】(watch) where they

are going. Almost four in ten people admit having suffered a

technology-related small accident 【小题2】 they pay more attention

to their electronic device than to the pavement.

Now the city of Honolulu, Hawaii, has decided it’s time to take

immediate action and make it illegal to cross the road while using a

mobile phone. Those 【小题3】 (catch) using phones, tablets or other

electronic devices at crossing points could face a fine of up to$ 100.

Honolulu is the first major U. S. city to ban 【小题4】 is called

“distracted walking”. It comes after a study found there 【小题5】

(be) more than 11,000 injuries in the United States resulting from

phone-related distraction while walking in the past few years.

To explain the decision, mayor Kirk Caldwell said, “We hold the

unfortunate honor of being a major city 【小题6】 more pedestrians

are hit in crosswalks than almost any other city in the country.”

Under the fine systems 【小题7】 breaks this law for the first

time will get a fine of $15 to $35. People breaking the law for a

second or third time will get a $99 fine.

The law, which is called the Distracted Walking Law, does permit

an exception. Pedestrians 【小题8】 use such devices in the street

to call emergency services and rescue workers, such as firefighters

and police officers.

If you still want to text while walking, you could avoid 【小题9】 (fine) in Honolulu by using a voice-controlled digital assistant

such as Siri or Google Assistant. Or you could just wait 【小题10】

you are again, safely, off the street.


8. 假定你是李华,请写封邮件邀请你朋友王东于2022年元旦一起参观新近开放的位于苏州城西狮子山下的苏州博物馆西馆(Suzhou Museum West)。邮件内容包括:







Dear Wang Dong.



Li Hua


9. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整故事。

My mother was a supporter of physical punishment, but for all her

talking she has never spanked (打屁股) my siblings(兄弟妹) and me

only once. Instead she found ways of punishment that left a more

lasting memory than giving us a spanking. One of the most memorable

of these occasions occurred when I was four.

In the early 70’s my mother attended college during the day and

I was in daycare. One day at daycare I watched an extremely tired

mother attempt to pick up her daughter. The little girl asked,

“Momma, are we going to McDonald’s for dinner?” The mother replied,

“Honey, not tonight. Momma has to run a few errands (差事) and then

we have to go home and cook dinner for Daddy.” “But I wanna go.”

“Susie, I said not tonight. Maybe, if you are a good girl, we can go

tomorrow.” Susie immediately dropped to the floor, kicking and

screaming, “I want to go to McDonald’s.”

No amount of pleading (恳求)or scolding her mother tried stopped

Susie’s tantrum (发脾气). Finally, her mother gave in, “Okay, Susie,

let’s go to McDonald’s.” Susie stopped yelling and smiling she

grabbed her mother’s hand and they left. To say I was amazed would

be inaccurate; I was delighted that anything I wanted could be had by

throwing a tantrum.

That day my mother picked me up early from daycare because we

were going to a store to purchase some Christmas items. I was excited

by the lights and decorations, and as we walked through the toy

section on the way to the counter, I saw a toy I had to have. It was

a white and red telephone whose bells rang as it was pulled along on

a string. Looking lovingly up at my mother I asked, “Mama, can I

have that telephone?”

She replied, “Baby, not now, but if you are a good girl, maybe

Santa will bring it to you.” “But Mama, I want that telephone right

now.” Her eyes narrowed and her hand tightened on mine. “Becky, you

can’t have that telephone today, but if you misbehave, you can have

a spanking.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

Paragraph 1:

By now we were standing in the long Holiday line to pay the bill,

and I figured it was a good chance.

Paragraph 2:

“Mama, stop. Mama, get up,” I tearfully pleaded.

本文发布于:2024-09-22 12:41:17,感谢您对本站的认可!



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