


01. The Snowman

It's winter now. It's very cold in the morning. It's all white

outside because it snowed yesterday. Mr. Dog and Miss Cat get

up very early. After breakfast, Mr. Dog wants to watch TV. But

Miss Cat says,"Oh dear! It very nice outside. Let's make a



Making a snowman isn't very easy, so they work hard. Oh,

how nice the snowman is! Mr. Dog puts his hat on the snowman's



After that, they are very hungry. Their lunch is some fish,

some bones and a big cake. Mr. Dog says, "It's the middle of the

day. The snowman must be hungry. Let's give the cake to him."

"All right ! "says Miss Cat. But the snowman isn't there. They can

only see the hat. Where is he?

在那之后,他们非常饿。他们的午餐是鱼, 一些骨头和一个大蛋糕。狗先生说,“现在到中午了。雪人一定饿了。让我们把蛋糕给他吧。”,“好吧!”猫小说。但雪人不在哪里了。他们只能看到那顶帽子。他在哪里?

02. What are stars like?

Have you ever wondered about the stars?


In some ways, stars are like people.


They are born. They grow old. And they die.


A star is born from dust and gas.


Slowly the dust and gas make a ball.


The ball gets very hot.


Then it starts to give off Iight.


The young star grows into a giant.


Many years go by.


The older star begins to get small again.


At last its light goes out.


The star s life is over.


03. Father's hobby

My dad works from Monday to Friday in a bank.


He uses the computer to count money. His job is very


So he is an important man in the bank.


Dad is also busy at home. At weekends he cooks dinner.


Usually he cooks Italian food. On Saturdays he makes



On Sundays he fixes pizza. Sometimes he cooks chicken and

makes Chinese food. My mum watches and helps.


I help my dad, too. I wash the dishes.


Many people think it is strange for a man to cook.


My dad enjoys his hobby. Cooking relaxes him.


He is a weekend cook.


04. What do you know about the sea?

Some people have seen it but others haven t.


The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very

rough when there is a strong wind.


What other things do you know about it?


Of course, the sea is very large.


In the world there is more sea than land.


If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty.


Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea.


Some places of the sea are saltier than the other places.


Do you know the Dead Sea?


It is so salty that you can t sink when you are in the water !


And fish cannot live in it !


05. Sea horses

There are all kinds of horses in the world.


But one of them you can't ride.


It doesn't live on land, but in the sea.


Its head looks like the head of a horse.


So people call it a "sea horse. "


In fact , the sea horse is a small fish.


It likes to live in warm water.


A sea horse always stands up in the water when it swims.


Father sea horse carries the eggs to keep them safe in its

pouch until they hatch.


When the eggs are hatched, the baby sea horses swim away.


06. A flying fox

A flying fox is not a fox at all.


It is a bat. But this bat looks like a fox.


A flying fox is very big. It likes to eat fruit.


Sometimes the flying fox is called the "fruit bat. "


The flying fox flies into fruit trees.


Then the bat eats all the fruit.


So fruit farmers do not like the flying fox.


07. Where are the girl s ducks?

Once there was a little girl.


She spent the summer on her grandparents farm.


That year she was three. She knew some yellow ducks with

orange feet.


They lived in a little wooden house near the road.


The little girl liked these ducks very much.


Every day the ducks walked down the road to the pool.


They went into the water.


The little girl sat on the bank and watched them swimming

in the pool.


The Iittle girl talked to the ducks. They quacked back.


Then one day the ducks were gone.


No one would say anything about them.


The IittIe girl was afraid to ask where they had gone.


One night everyone sat down for dinner.


The food looked like a little duck.


The girl didn't want to eat. Can you guess why?


08. Flying birds

Birds don t fly high up in the sky.


The air is too thin. It is hard for birds to breathe in thin air.


Thin air doesn't hold them up.


Birds fly near the ground so that they can see where they are.


The birds look for places they know. Then they do not get



Some birds fly so low over the ocean that the waves often

hide them.


Many birds fly long distances in the spring and autumn.


09. A nice farm

There is a beautiful farm near my home.


The farmers there grow rice and wheat.


They have many farm animals there.


But they don't use them to do farm work.


They use a tractor.


We often go to the farm after school.


We can play with the animals, walk,read books or help the

farmers pick corn there.


I like walking or doing some reading on the farm because the

air there is nice and clean.


You can see a lake on the farm.


There are many fish in the Lake.


We often go fishing on Saturdays and Sundays.


We often swim in the lake in summer and skate on it in



10. The pizza machine

In Spain there's a new way to get your fast food.


A new machine, called "pizza magic", talks to

customers, saying "Would you like a pizza?" If you say "yes" , the

pizza machine will cook your pizza in two minutes.


The cost is $1. 80 per pizza, and the company hopes to sell

97 million pizzas in three years.


The machine can speak ten languages.


Don't be surprised someday when machines start trying to

sell us noodles and stir-fried rice with eggs.


11. Funny presents

It is fun to give friends something on their birthdays.


Luis and Bob like to give each other funny things.


On Bob's birthday, Luis gave him shoes with peanuts in



Bob said. "I want to give Luis something funny too.


When Luis birthday came, Bob gave him a big box.


Luis opened it. In the box there was a bank that looked like a



The duck had a hat on its head. Luis and Bob both laughed.


12. A bridge

Bridges are built for many reasons. 桥梁建造有许多原因。

Some bridges are built so that cars can cross over rivers. 一些桥梁被建起来是为了汽车可以跨越河流。

Others are made for trains to use. 另一些则是为列车使用。

In the state of Washington, 在华盛顿州,

there is a very unusual bridge - 有一个非常不寻常的桥

it was built for squirrels.它是为了松鼠而建的。

The town of Longview has a very busy street.镇朗维尤有一个非常繁忙的街道。

Many cars use it every day. 每天都有许多汽车。

Squirrels were being killed as they tried to cross the street.


Mr. Peters built a bridge for the squirrels -彼得斯先生为松鼠建立了一个桥-

one that would pass above the traffic. 一个能从车流上上方通


For years now, the squirrels have been able to cross safely

from one side of the street to the other.多年来,松鼠已经能够从街道这一侧到另一侧安全地过马路了。

13. A broken mirror and bad luck

Will you have bad luck if you break a mirror? 如果你打破镜子你会有坏运气吗?

Many people believe this.许多人相信这一点。

There is an old story about breaking mirrors .关于打破镜子有一个古老的传说。

Long ago, people happened to see their faces in ponds and

lakes. 很久以前,人们碰巧在池塘和湖泊里看到他们的脸。

Some people were frightened. "That must be my soul, " 一些人很害怕。“这一定是我的灵魂。”

a person would say.一个人会说。

The first mirrors were made of shiny metal. 第一个镜子是用闪亮的金属做成的。

Later, people used glass mirrors. 后来,人们用玻璃镜子。

They were careful not to break them. 他们很小心不打碎他们。

Breaking a mirror could harm the soul.打碎镜子会伤害灵魂。

That is how a broken mirror came to mean bad luck. 这就是破碎的镜子意味着坏运气的由来。

The bad luck is supposed to last for seven years.坏运气据说,会持续七年。

You may not believe this story. 你可能不相信这个故事。

You may have no bad luck with mirrors.你可能不会因为镜子而走霉运。

But you should handle mirrors carefully. 但你应该小心使用镜子。

A broken mirror could cut you.一个破碎的镜子可以伤到你。

14. A holiday from school

Tommy hates school and is always looking for excuses not to

go to school. 汤米讨厌上学,总是借口不去上学。

He spends more time at home than at school. 他呆在家里的时间比在学校要多。

On the days he has to go to school, 他不得不去上学的日子,

he looks for excuses to come home early.他总是借口早点回家。

One day he comes home from school in the middle of the


His father is surprised. "You re home early, is the school

closed today?"他的父亲很惊讶。“你今天回家早,今天学校放学了吗?”

"No. Dad," Tommy says. "It s open. I came home early. "“没有。爸爸,”汤米说。“学校还上学。我提前回来了。“

"How can you do that? What did you say to the teacher?"“你怎么能这样做?你怎么对老师说的?”

"I told her that I had a new baby brother “我告诉她,我有了个小弟弟

and that I had to come home and help you. "我回家帮你。“

"But your mother has had twins, " his father says,“但是你妈妈生了一对双胞胎,”他的父亲说,

"you've got a baby brother and a baby sister. "“你有一个小弟弟和小妹妹。“

"Yes, I know, Dad," Tommy says. “是的,我知道,爸爸,”汤姆说。

"I'm saving up my baby sister for the next week. "“我留下我妹妹下周再用。“

15. The candy kings

Once candy was not made for children. 从前糖果不是为儿童而制作的。

In one country, almost 5,000 years ago, 在大约5000年前的一个国家,

candy was made only for kings. 糖果是只为国王制作的。

Today, children are the candy kings.今天,孩子们就是糖果国王。

Have you ever eaten licorice?你吃过甘草吗?

People in ancient times ate licorice, too. 人们在古代也吃甘草。

They did think of licorice as candy at first.他们一开始确实认为甘草是糖果。

They ate licorice to keep them strong and well. 他们吃甘草来保持强壮和健康。

In some countries, people ate licorice to make them beautiful!


Later, people ate it just because it tasted good !后来,人们吃它只是因为它味道好!

All candy was made by hand until 1845.直到1845年,所有的糖果都是手工做的。

In that year, a man made a candy machine. 那一年,一个人做了一个糖果机。

By the 1900s, candy was sold all over the world. 到20世纪,糖果被销往世界各地。

Today, candy companies say a person eats from 15 to 30

pounds of candy a year. 今天,糖果公司说一个人一年吃15到30磅的糖果。

More than 2, 000 different kinds of candy are made ! 超过2000个不同种类的糖果被制作出来!

How many kinds do you eat, candy king?你吃多少种,“糖果国王”?

16. Two thieves

Mike was taken to the police station 迈克被带到了警察局

and put in a room with another thief, an older man.并被放在有另一个小偷(一个年长的男人)的房间里。

This man looked at Mike 这个人看着迈克

and said, " Why have they brought you here?" 说,“他们为什么带你到这里来?”

"I stole a small radio one day after my lessons," said Mike.


The man laughed rudely at Mike. 那个人粗鲁地嘲笑迈克。

"You should steal something which is worth a lot if you want

to be a thief.

“如果你想成为一个小偷,你应该偷值很多钱的东西 。

You ought to steal something really valuable, which you can

be proud of 你应该偷一些很有价值让你值得骄傲的东西,

so that your name is put in the newspaper. 这样你的名字能出现在报纸上

Go and steal a lot of money from a bank next time!" 下次去银行偷很多钱吧!”

Mike thought for a few seconds and then said. 迈克想了几秒钟,然后说。

"I can't do that. " "Why can't you?"“我不能那样做。”“你为什么不能呢?”

said the old thief. 年老的贼说道。

"Are you afraid?" "No." said Mike.“你害怕吗?”“不。”麦克说。

"I am not afraid, but the banks all close at three o clock,“我不害怕,但是所有银行3点钟关门,

and my lessons don't finish till four. "而我的课直到四点才结束。“

17. A lovely weekend

It is a fine Saturday morning. 这是一个美好的周六上午。

Bob and his family get up later than usual, 鲍勃和他的家人起得比平时晚,

because he isn't going to school 因为他不去学校

and his father and mother aren t going to work.他的父亲和母亲不去工作。

They are all staying at home, 他们都呆在家里,

but they are not idle.但他们没有闲着。

Each of them is doing a different thing.每个人都在做不同的事。

Bob's father is in the garage. 鲍勃的父亲在车库里。

He is washing his car. 他正在洗他的车。

His mother is in the kitchen.他的母亲在厨房里。

She is busy preparing a good meal for the family. 她正在忙着为家庭准备一顿美餐。

Sometimes, Bob helps his mum with the cooking,有时,鲍勃帮助他妈妈做饭,

and sometimes he goes to the garage 有时他去车库

and watches his father wash his car . 看他父亲洗他的车。

His elder brother, Jack, usually stays in his study till lunchtime.


His two sisters are listening to some beautiful music 他的两个正在听一些优美的音乐

while they re cleaning the house. His younger brother,当他们打扫房子时。他的弟弟

Tom, is training his puppy.汤姆,在训练他的小狗。

He is having a lot of fun. Around 12 : 30 , 他正玩得开心。大约12:30,

the whole family is seated around the table enjoying a

wonderful meal.整个家庭都围坐在桌边享用一顿美餐。

18. Fire fighters

There are about 5, 000 fire fighters in Chicago.在芝加哥大约有5000名消防战士。

Tim is one of them. He is on duty eight hours every day. 蒂姆就是其中之一。他每天上班八小时。

During his shift, he eats and sleeps at the firehouse.在他上班时他吃和睡都在消防站。

The fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any

hour of the day or night. 消防员在一天中的任何时间,不管白天还是晚上,必须随时应对火警

Most of the alarms are for small fires. 大多数的警报是为小火灾。

They can be put out in a few minutes.他们几分钟之内能够熄灭。

Big fires are very dangerous. Most of the time, 大火灾是非常危险的。大多数时候,

the greatest danger comes from smoke. 最大的危险来自烟。

Sometimes, fire fighters have to enter burning buildings in

order to rescue the people inside.有时,为了营救里面的人消防战士必须进入正在燃烧的建筑物

Tim has been a fire fighter for five years.蒂姆成为消防员已经五年了。

He's proud of himself and of his service.他为自己和自己的服务感到骄傲。

He does exercise every day to stay strong.他为了保持强壮每天都做运动。

19. hair and beard

Lucy always wanted to become a teacher, 露西一直想成为一名教师,

because she liked children. 因为她喜欢孩子。

When she was twenty-one years old,当她21岁时,

she began teaching in a small school. 她开始在一个很小的学校教学。

She was a good teacher, 她是一个好老师,

and she laughed a lot with the children in her class.她班上的孩子在一起时会经常笑。

They enjoyed her teaching.他们喜欢她的教学。

One day, one of the girls in her class asked her, 一天,班里的一个女孩问她,

"Why does a man s hair become grey before his beard does?"


Mary laughed and answered. "玛丽笑着回答。“

I don't know, Helen. 我不知道,海伦。

Then one of the boys said, "I know ! “之后一个男孩说,“我知道!

Men s hair becomes grey first because男人的头发先变成灰因为

it s sixteen years older than their beard. "他们比胡子大了16年。“

20. The city of San Francisco

San Francisco is a beautiful American city. 旧金山是一个美丽的美国城市。

It lies on the western coastline of the United States. 它位于美国的西部海岸线。

It has lovely views and beautiful scenery. 它有可爱美丽的风景。

The Golden Gate Bridge, for instance, is a beautiful place to

visit. 举个例子,金门大桥,就是一个美丽的值得参观的地方。

Every day, thousands of people come to visit and enjoy its

views. 每一天,成千上万的人来参观和欣赏风景。

San Francisco is a hilly city. 旧金山是一个多山的城市。

The lovely hills in the middle of the city 在城市的中心可爱的山

make it the most attractive place. 使得它成为一个最迷人的地方。

Many people walk up and down the hills, 很多人走到山上去再走下来,

and some of the visitors also like to drive on the paths. 一些游客也喜欢驾车行驶在小路上。

They can see more places then. 那样他们可以看更多的地方。

There are also visitors who like to take cable cars. 也有游客喜欢乘坐缆车。

They can get a better view of the city while the cars are

moving along the tracks.随着缆车沿着轨道移动时他们可以更好的看到城市的风景

Besides the Golden Gate Bridge and the hills , 除了金门大桥和丘陵,

Chinatown is also a place worth seeing. 唐人街也是一个值得一看的地方。

Every day, many people come to visit Chinatown. 每天都有许多人来参观唐人街。

Some of them are coming to taste Chinese food, 他们中的一些人来品尝中国菜,

others are coming for Chinese objects. 其他人则为了中国物品而来。

You can buy wonderful Chinese objects in Chinatown. 在唐人街你可以购买到非常精彩的中国物品。

21. A second language

One day, the mother rat and her babies were having a good

time in the open air when a cat came to catch them for her dinner.



The mother rat noticed the cat coming near. 老鼠妈妈注意到猫离得越来越近。

The mother rat and her babies all tried to run away at once.


They hurried to their home. It was under the tree. 它们匆忙的回到家。它们的家就在树下。

But the baby rat were afraid of the cat. 但老鼠宝宝害怕猫。

They couldn't run very fast. The cat came closer and closer.


She would come at them. "What shall I do? " thought the

mother rat. 她会马上就会看到它们了。“我该怎么办?“老鼠妈妈想。

Just at that moment the mother rat stopped running, turned

around and shouted at the cat, "Bowwow. Bowwow!" just like an

angry dog.就在那一刻,老鼠妈妈停了下来, 转过身,冲着猫,”汪汪地叫(狗吠的声音)!”就像一个愤怒的狗。

The cat was so surprised and afraid that she ran away. 这只猫很惊讶而且害怕,她跑走了。

The mother rat turned to her babies, 老鼠妈妈转向她的孩子们,

"Now you see how important it is to learn a second language !

" “现在你们知道了学习第二种语言是多么的重要了吧!“

22. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin liked to study and learn about new things.


One day he heard a friend say that something black in color

absorbs the heat better than something white in color. 有一天,他听到一个朋友说,黑的东西比白的东西吸热好。

Franklin wanted to see if this was true. 富兰克林想看看这是否是真的。

There was snow on the ground at that time. 那时候地上有雪。

So he put two large pieces of cloth on the snow. 所以他把两大块布铺在雪地上。

One piece of cloth was black in color, 一块布是黑的,

while the other was white. Then he waited. 而另一块是白的。他便站在一边等候着。

The sun began to shine. After several hours, 太阳开始照耀。几个小时后,

he looked under the pieces of cloth. 他向布片下面看去。

He saw that the snow under the black cloth melted much

faster than the snow under the white cloth .他看见雪在黑布下比在白的布下融化的快得多。

Franklin made many other experiments and made some

discoveries. 富兰克林做了许多其他实验,有了一些发明。

He also took an active part in politics, 他还积极参加政治活动,

and he was a very famous American statesman. 他是一个非常著名的美国政治家。

He was one of the earliest important writers in America. 他是美国最早的重要作家之一。

His autobiography was successfully and interestingly written.


23. Helen's glasses

Helen's eyesight was not very good, 海伦的视力不是很好,

so she usually wore glasses. 所以她总是戴着眼镜。

But when she was seventeen years old 但当她十七岁

and began to go out with a young man, 并开始与一位年轻人约会时,

she never wore her glasses when she was with him. 当她与他在一起时她从不戴眼镜。

When he came to the door to take her out, 当他来到门口带她


she took her glasses off, and when she came home and he

left, 她就摘掉眼镜,当她回到回家他离开后,

she put them on again. 她又戴上。

One day her mother said to her, "But Helen, 有一天,妈妈对她说,“海伦,

why do you never wear your glasses when you are with Jim?


He takes you to beautiful places in his car, 他开车带你去美丽的地方,

but you don't see anything. " 但是你什么也没看见。“

"Well, Mother, " said Helen, "I look prettier to Jim “哦,妈妈,”海伦说,“当我不戴眼镜时,吉姆看着我更漂亮些

when I am not wearing my glasses and he looks better to me,

too. " ,对我来说他也看起来更好看。“

24. A Frenchman in New York

One day a Frenchman went to New York. 一天,一个法国人去了纽约。

He didn't know a word of English. 他连一个英语单词都不会。

When he arrived in New York, he took a bus to a hotel. 当他到达纽约时,他乘坐公共汽车了宾馆。

It was Sunday, and the Frenchman decided to go out for a

walk. 那天是星期天,这个法国人决定出去散步。

As he walked along the street, he suddenly remembered 当他沿着街道走,他突然想起

that he didn't know the name of the street. 他不知道街道的名字。

So he decided to write it down. 所以他决定把它写下来。

He looked at the wall near the corner of the street. 他看着靠近街道的拐角处的墙上。

Then he saw some English words and copied them down in

his notebook. 然后他看到了一些英语单词和把它们抄在了笔记本上。

"Now I know the name of the street, " he said to himself. “现在我知道街道的名字了,”他自言自语道。

"lt will be easy for me to get back to the hotel. " “我要回到酒店将会很容易。“

He walked for a long time in the city. 他在这个城市走了很长时间。

Then he felt tired and wanted to go back to his hotel. 然后他觉得累了,想回到他的酒店。

He took the notebook out of his pocket 他把笔记本从他的口袋里掏出来

and showed the words in his notebook to a young woman.


The young woman read the words and looked at the

Frenchman. 这个年轻的女人看了看单词又看了看法国人。

She did not know what he wanted. 她不知道他想要干什么。

Then the Frenchman stopped an old man and showed him

the words. 那么法国人叫住了一个老人并把单词给他看。

The old man did not know what the Frenchman wanted

neither. 老人也不知道法国人想要干什么。

At last the Frenchman saw a young man. 最后,法国人看见一个年轻男子。

He knew some French. When the Frenchman showed him the

words in the notebook and asked where the street was, 他知道一些法语。当法国人给他看笔记本上的单词问他是什么街道时

the young man laughed and laughed, 年轻人笑了又笑,



there were the words in the Frenchman's

notebook : ONE-WAY STREET.因为法国人的笔记本上的单词是:单行

25. Air Jordan

Michael Jordan is one of the most famous basketball players

in the world.迈克尔·乔丹是世界上最著名的篮球运动员之一。

He was born in Brooklyn, New York.他出生在纽约的布鲁克林。

He didn't like to talk about himself.他不喜欢谈论自己。

He was also very short. 他也非常矮。

He didn't play very well when he joined the basketball team

in his high school at first.当他最初在高中加入篮球队时,他篮球打得也不好。

But the next year things changed greatly for him as he grew

much taller.但随着他变得高多了以后第二年情况对他来说变化很大。

Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the

university basketball team in North Carolina.当他在北卡罗莱纳大学加入了篮球队时,迈克尔·乔丹开始变得很有名。

Michael used his quickness and strength to reach the basket

again and again .迈克尔用他的速度和力量一次又一次投篮。

He played so well that people called him "Air Jordan. "他打得如此的好,人们叫他“飞人乔丹。“

After college, Michael became a member of the Chicago

Bulls basketball team.大学毕业后,迈克尔成为一个成员的芝加哥公牛队。

The NBA was very surprised at this high-flying 非常惊讶于这个雄心勃勃的球员。

He was named "Rookie" of the year in 1985 and "Most

Valuable5 Player" in 1987.他在1985年被称为“菜鸟”,而在1987年被成为“最有价值球员”。

He once set a record by getting 63 points in one game.他曾创下纪录,在一场比赛中得到63分。

26. My dog

I have a big police dog who is named Jack.我有一只大的警犬名叫杰克。

Police dogs are very clever.警犬很聪明。

Every Sunday afternoon I take Jack for a long walk in the park.每个星期天下午我带杰克在公园走很长一段时间。

Jack likes these long walks very much.杰克非常喜欢这种长距离的散步。

One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit me.一个星期天的下午,一个年轻人来拜访我。

He stayed for a long time.他呆了很长时间。

He talked and talked.他说了又说。

Soon it was time for me to take Jack for a walk.很快到了我带杰克去散步的时间。

But the visitor still stayed.但客人还没走。

Jack became very worried. 杰克很担心。

He walked around the room several times他好几次在房间里走来走去,

and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him.然后坐在客人的面前看着他。

But the visitor paid no attention to Jack,但是客人没有注意到杰克,

and he went on talking.他继续说下去。

At last Jack got angry.最后杰克生气了。

He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later.他跑出房间,几分钟后又跑了回来。

He sat down again in front of the visitor,他再次在客人的面前坐下来,

but this time he had the visitor's cap in his mouth.但这一次他的嘴巴里叼着客人的帽子。

27. Quick thinking

One day, Tony met his friend Alan.有一天,托尼遇到了他的朋友艾伦。

Tony is very rich, but Alan is very poor.托尼很富有,但艾伦很穷。

The two boys walked along the street together.这两个男孩沿着街道一起走。

Then Tony remembered something.然后托尼想起了某个事情。

"I lent you ten dollars last week, " he said.“我上周借给你10美元,”他说。

"Can you give it back to me?"“你能还给我吗?”

"I'm very sorry, Tony," Alan said,“我很抱歉,托尼,”艾伦说,

"I forgot about it. I haven't got any money with me today.“我忘记了。我今天一点钱没带。

I'll pay you back tomorrow. "我明天就还你。“

"All right, " Tony said, "I can wait another day. "“好吧,”托尼说,“我可以等一天。“

At that moment a man ran up. He was a dangerous man,在那一刻一个男人跑了出来。他是一个危险的男人,

he had a knife in his hand. Alan and Tony were afraid.他手里拿着一把刀。艾伦和托尼都害怕。

"Give me your money. " he said to Tony.“给我你的钱。”他对托尼说。

Tony took out his wallet and gave it to the robber.托尼拿出他的钱包给了抢劫者。

"Give me your money," he said to Alan.“给我你的钱,”他对艾伦说。

Alan thought quickly. He took out his wallet.艾伦快速地思考着。他拿出他的钱包。

but he didn't give it to the robber.但是他没有把它给强盗。

He gave it to Tony and said,他把它给了托尼,说,

"I owe you some money, Tony. Here it is. "“我欠你一些钱,托尼。给你。”

28. The fishmonger

One afternoon last summer,去年夏天的一个下午,

Mr. Black went to a fishmonger to buy some fish for supper.布莱克先生去了一个鱼贩那里买一些鱼做晚饭。

A friend of his was coming to have supper with him that


It was hot and most of the fish were not very fresh.天气很热,大部分的鱼都不是很新鲜。

The fishmonger said, "Sir, come and see, all the fish are fresh.这个鱼贩说,“先生,过来看看,所有的鱼是新鲜的。

Won't you buy one?"你不买一条?”

Mr. Black held one fish up to his nose and smelt it.布莱克先生拿了一条鱼举到他的鼻子附近闻了闻。

"Why are you smelling that fish? Do you think it has gone


shouted the fishmonger.鱼贩喊道。

"No, I didn't smell it, " answered .“不,我没有闻到它,”布莱克先生回答。

"Then what were you doing with your face so close to the


asked the fishmonger.鱼贩问到。

"l was only talking to it, " answered .“我只是和它说话,”布莱克先生回答说。

"Talking to it? " said the fishmonger. "Why? What did you


"I asked if there was any news from the river. "”我问有没有河里的什么新闻。“

"Well, what did the fish say?"“嗯,那鱼怎么说?”

"It said it didn't know the latest news.“它说它不知道最新的新闻。

because it hadn t been in the river for a week. "因为它不在河里已经一个星期了。“

29. A drunken man

Mr. Smith worked in an office.史密斯先生在办公室工作。

He had neither a wife nor children.他既没有妻子也没有孩子。

He lived alone in an old house.他独自住在一所旧房子。

He liked to do nothing but drink.他没有什么爱好但喝酒除外。

He spent most of his money on drinking.他大部分的钱都花在喝酒上。

Sometimes he was hungry because he had no money to buy


He had to borrow some money from his colleagues.他不得不从他的同事那里借一些钱。

One evening, he met a friend of his in the street.一天晚上,他在街上遇到了他的一个朋友。

The man asked Mr. Smith to have dinner with him.这个人让史密斯先生和他一起吃晚饭。

He was very happy and drank a lot in the restaurant.他非常高兴,在餐厅喝了很多。

When they left at midnight,当他们在午夜离开时

he could hardly stand .他几乎无法站立。

The friend had to stop a taxi朋友不得不叫了一辆出租车

and ask the driver to take Mr. Smith home.让司机开车送Smith先生回家。

Soon they arrived at the door of his house.不久他们来到了他家门前。

With the help of the driver he got out of the taxi.在司机的帮


"Thank you, sir," said Mr. Smith,“谢谢你,先生,”史密斯先生说,

"Now I can open the door myself. "“现在我可以自己开门。“

The taxi driver left,出租车司机离开了,

but Mr. Smith couldn t put his key into the keyhole.但史密斯先生没办法把钥匙插进锁眼。

He was trying to do it when a policeman came.他试图开锁时,一个警察走过来。

"Can l help you? " asked the policeman.“我能帮助你吗?”警察问道。

"Thank you, sir, " said Mr. Smith.“谢谢你,先生,”史密斯先生说。

"The house is circling.“这房子正在转圈。

If you can stop it moving,如果你能不让它移动,

I can open the door myself . "我可以自己把门打开。“

30. Pandas

Pandas are lovely animals.熊猫是可爱的动物。

Most of them live in the deep forests of Sichuan Province in


They have white fur,though their shoulders, legs, ears and

eyes are black.他们有白的皮毛,尽管他们的肩膀,腿,耳朵和眼睛是黑的。

Pandas are usually very heavy,熊猫通常很重,

some of them can be about l. 5 metres tall他们中的一些可以高达1.5米左右

and weigh about 100 kilograms.重约100公斤。

However. pandas are very agile,然而。熊猫非常灵活,

they can climb trees as easily as some other creatures do.他们能够像其他一些动物一样很容易地爬树。

Pandas have big, sharp teeth and live mainly on bamboo


Every day each grown-up panda eats about 15-30 kilograms

of bamboo leaves一个成年熊猫每天要吃大约15 - 30公斤的竹叶

and they usually spend 10-12 hours eating.他们通常有10 -


Pandas also have spare-time hobbies.熊猫也有业余爱好。

Two of their hobbies are climbing trees and sleeping.其中两个爱好是爬树和睡觉。

Sadly, there are not many pandas left in the world遗憾的是,世界上没有太多的熊猫了。

because some people keep cutting down trees ,因为有些人不断砍伐树木,

and bad hunters are trying to kill them for money.坏心肠的猎人为了钱试图杀死它们。

The Chinese government is doing its best to protect pandas

from being harmed or killed.中国政府正在尽自己的努力保护大熊猫不被伤害或猎杀。




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