


Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

1.Why don't dogs go to school,Eddie?埃迪,为什么狗不上学?

探究点:“Why not dogs go to school?”这样表述对吗?

E指煮谜律]why don't后接主语,主语后再接动词原形,意思是“……为什么不做某事呢?”,可以用来提出疑问或向对方提出建议。

Why don't you come to school by bike today?


If you have nothing to do, why don't you go shopping with me?


[知识拓展] why not主要用于口语中,后跟动词原形,也可单独使用。常用于下列场合:

(1)向对方提出建议,相当于why don't you+动词原形。

It's hot today. Why not go swimming? =It's hot today. Why don't you go swimming?



- It's hot today. What about going swimming together? 今天真热,一起去游泳怎么样?

- Good idea. Why not? 好主意。为什么不呢?


- You can't bring your dog here.你不能把你的狗带到这儿来。

- Why not? 为什么不能?

( )①- It's cold outside. -_______stay at home?

A. Why don't B. Why not to C. Why not D. What about

( )②_______you wait for me here?

A. Why don't B. Why not to C. Why not D. What about

2,What's school like?学校是什么样的?

探究点:可以说成“What does school like?”吗?

[指点迷津]原句中like是介词,意思是“像”,不可以和行为动词的助动词一起使用,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。常用短语有:be like…像……,look like…看起来像……,sound like…听起来像……。

That girl is like her mother.那个女孩像她的母亲。

He looks like a teacher.他看上去像一位老师。

[知识拓展] like动词,意思是“喜欢”,like to do sth. /doing sth.喜欢做某事。


你的卧室是什么样子的?_______your bedroom_______?

3. It's like watching TV,but there are fewer advertisements.那就像看电视,但是广告少些。

探究点:可以说成less advertisements吗?


I have few friends because I am new here.在这儿我几乎没有朋友,因为我是新来的。

[知识拓展](1)a few的意思是“少数的;几个;一些”,表示肯定含义,修饰可数名词复数。

There are a few boys in the classroom.教室里有几名男生。

(2)a little的意思是“一点儿;少量的;少许的”,表示肯定含义,修饰不可数名词。

There is a little orange juice in the bottle.瓶子里有一点儿橙汁。

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There is less air pollution in the country than that in the city.农村的空气污染比城市里的少。

[提醒] a little还可以修饰形容词或副词的原级和比较级。

Are you a little tired? 你有点儿累吗?(修饰形容词原级)

Jim walks a little faster than me.吉姆走路比我快一点儿。(修饰副词比较级)

There are a few apples in the basket. 改为否定句

There_______ _______apples in the basket.


( )1.I have_______ money than he has.

A. less B. fewer C. most D. many

( )2. Christmas is coming. Why not_______ some presents for your good friends?

A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. buy

( )3. - Why don't we go for a walk? -_______.

A. That's a good idea B. It's very nice of you

C. Thank you D. You are clever

( )4. Each of us has_______ life goals. They will guide us to a bright future.

A. a little B. few C. a few D. little


1.Life in a British school在一所英国学校的生活

探究点:in a British school在短语中的作用是什么?

[指点迷津] in a British school作后置定语修饰life。介词短语作后置定语在英语中比较常见。

a girl in red 一个穿红衣服的女孩

a man with glasses 一个戴着眼镜的男子

( )People_______ China_______ hard-working.

A. with; are B.in; is

C.with; is D. in;are

2. It is a mixed school.它是一所男女混合的学校。


[指点迷津] mixed adj.男女混合的;混合的。mixed可用作定语或表语。

It's a mixed alcoholic drink.


Her feelings about her son's arrival are mixed.


( ) He had_______ feelings of surprise and happiness when he saw his old friends.

A. mix B. mixing C. mixed D. mixes

3. Among all my subjects, I like French best.



[指点迷津](1) among一般用于三者或三者以上的“在……中间”,其宾语通常是一个表示笼统数量或具有复数意义的名词或代词。

She sat among the children.


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(2) between 一般指两者之间,其宾语往往是一个具体数目的人或物,或者是由and连接的两个具体的人或物。

I am sitting between my parents.



Switzerland lies between France9 Italy, Austria and Germany.


The old man's house lies among the trees.


( ) His grade in the exam put him _______the top students in his class.

A. between B. over C. among D. above


[指点迷津] 同义句:My favourite subject is French.

sb. likes sth. best=one's favourite sth .is…。

My favourite sport is basketball. = I like basketball best.


[知识拓展] like…least 最不喜爱……

1 like who looks down on me least.


②I like our English teacher best in our school. 同义句转换

In our school, my_______ teacher_______ our English teacher.

4. Learning foreign languages is fun.


探究点:learning foreign languages在句中的成分是_______。

[指点迷津] learning foreign languages为动名词短语,在句中作主语,也可用to learn foreign languages作主语。该句也可用形式主语it来表示,即:

It is fun to learn foreign languages.学习外语很有趣。

_______ (read) English every morning is a good habit. 用所给动词的适当形式填空

5. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.



[指点迷津] seem可用作连系动词或不及物动词,意为“似乎;好像”,常见用法如下:

(1)“主语+seem+(to be)+表语”,表语多为名词或形容词,有时是短语,以说明主语的特征或状态。

He seems (to be)a very hard-working boy.



Mrs Green doesn't seem/seems not to like the idea.


(3)“It seems+that从句”,其中it是形式主语,that引导真正的主语。

It seems that no one knows what happened in the park.


It seems to me that Mr Brown will not come again.


(4)“There+seem to be+名词”,其中to be可省略。seem的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定。

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There seems to be a bird in the tree.


There seem to be many people talking about it.






You don't _____________________eating fish.


It_______ to me ______________win the game.


There _____________________ an English film this evening.

6. He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help.


探究点:offer sb.sth.还可怎样表示?

[指点迷津] l offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.给某人提供某物。

They offered us lots of food.

= They offered lots of food to us.


He often offers me some useful books. 同义句转换

He often_______ some useful books_______ me.

7. Twice a week, I play baseball after school.


探究点:twice a week用什么疑问词提问?

[指点迷津] twice a week为频度状语,对频度状语提问用how often。

- How often do you go shopping? 你多长时间购物一次?

- Once a week.一周一次。

I brush my teeth three times a day. 对画线部分提问

_______ _______do you brush your teeth?

8. Our team won two games last month.



[指点迷津] win的意思是“赢得;赢,获胜”,在作为及物动词时,它的宾语往往是奖品、奖学金、名誉、财产、战争或运动等等。

She had a nature. That quickly made her won the friendship of her classmates.


Mary won the first place in the competition.


[知识拓展] beat也有“赢,取胜,战胜”之意。但和win的用法不同,beat后面跟的是比赛、竞争中的对手或战争中的敌人等。

I beat John at chess yesterday.昨天我和约翰下棋并赢了他。

We beat their team by 5:4.我们以五比四战胜了他们队。



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I don't think it is ______________the game.

9. words used in speaking and writing


探究点:used in speaking and writing在此作什么成分?

[指点迷津] used in speaking and writing在此作words的后置定语。

1 like the books written by Lu Xun.我喜欢鲁迅写的书。


The money_______ (spend) on his clothes is enough.

10. What else do you know about John?



[指点迷津] else修饰不定代词、疑问代词及疑问副词,放在被修饰词的后面。如:

something else。what else也相当于what other things。

I have something else to tell you.


What else did you buy just now?


Where else did you go?


What other things do you want to see? 同义句转换

_______ _______do you want to see?


( )1. The plane arrived in Hong Kong Saturday morning.

A. at B. in C.on

( )2,_______ the three students9 the girl is the tallest.

A. Between B. Among C. Through

( )3. Who the writing competition?

A. win B. won C. beat

( )4._______up the mountain_______ very tiring.

A. Climb; is B. Climbing9is C. Climb; are

( )5. -_______ do you watch TV?

- Three times a week.

A. How often B. How far C. How long

D. Across

D. beats

D. Climbing; are

D. How soon


1. Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel. 米莉的西红柿比丹尼尔的多。


[指点迷津] 以o结尾的名词加-es变复数的名词有:

potato→potatoes hero→heroes tomato→tomatoes



①zoo_______ radio_______ tomato_______ hero_______ piano_______


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[指点迷津] more adj.更多的,是many和much的比较级,后面可以跟可数名词复数形式,也可以跟不可数名词;和than连用时,表示“比……更多”,用来比较数量。它的反义短语是fewer…than或less…than。

I have more friends than you.我的朋友比你的多。

There is more juice in this glass than in that one.这个杯子里的果汁比那个杯子里的多。

[知识拓展] more than后面可以跟数词,表示“超过;多于”,反义短语是less than。

It took me more than two hours to finish my homework last night.



②We need_______ (many) computers in our office than before.

2.Millie has less rice than Daniel.米莉的米饭比丹尼尔的少。


[指点迷津] less…than比……少,less后面可以跟不可数名词或形容词、副词的原级。

There is less milk in this glass than in that one.这个杯子里的牛奶比那个杯子里的少。

This film is less interesting than that one.这部电影没有那部(电影)有趣。

[知识拓展] less than…有“不到……;少于……”的意思。

It took me less than two hours to finish my homework yesterday.




There is______________ this year than last year.


Can you finish the work___________________________________?

3.Millie has fewer bananas than Kitty.米莉的香蕉比基蒂的少。


[指点迷津] fewer adj.更少的,是few的比较级,后面接可数名词复数形式;和than连用时,表示“比……更少”,用来比较可数名词的数量。它的反义短语是more…than。

People will work fewer hours in the future.在未来,人们工作的时间将更少。



There are______________ in this box than in that one.

4.Kitty has the most eggs.基蒂的鸡蛋最多。

探究点:the most是什么意思?修饰可数名词还是不可数名词?什么情况下使用the most?

[指点迷津] most最多的,是many和much的最高级,后面可以跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。当三个或三个以上的人或事物相比较时,我们要用(the) most来表示“最多的”。

I have the most CDs in my class.在我班上我的光盘最多。

[小试身手] 用所给单词的适当形式填空

Jim has_______ (many) toys of the three boys.

5.Daniel has the fewest tomatoes.丹尼尔的西红柿最少。


E指。最迷津] fewest adj.最少的,是few的最高级,后面接可数名词复数形式。the fewest的反义短语是the most。

We have the fewest students in our class.我们班学生最少。


这个箱子里的苹果是所有箱子中最少的。 This box has______________ apples of all.

6. Millie has the least juice.米莉的果汁最少。

探究点:the least的意思是 ,后接 。

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[指点迷津] least最少的,是little的最高级,后接不可数名词。其反义短语是the most。

There is the least juice in this glass of the three.三个杯子中这个杯子里的果汁最少。


今年这儿的雨水最少。 There is_____________________ here this year.

7. Sandy came second in the race.桑迪在赛跑中获得第二名。

探究点:come second中second的前面需要加the吗?

[指点迷津] come second中second的前面不需要加the。


李英在这次英语考试中获第三名。 Li Ying______________ in the English test.

8.Comparative and superlative adverbs副词的比较级和最高级


[指点迷津] (1)和形容词一样,大多数副词也有三个等级:①原级,即原形;②比较级,表示“较……”或“更……一些”的意思;③最高级,表示“最……”的意思。



①badly _______ _______ ②slowly_______ _______

③heavily_______ _______ ④far_______ _______

9. She draws better than any other student in my class.她画得比我们班任何其他的学生都好。

探究点:此句中的“any other student”也可以用______________表达。

[指点迷津] She draws better than any other student in my class.=She draws better than the other students in my

class. =She draws (the) best in my class.

Tom walks fastest in our class. 同义句转换

Tom walks_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ in our class.

Tom walks_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ in our class.


( ) eat_______ meat than they did before. So they get fatter.

A. more B. 1ess C. fewer D. much

( ) friend came_______ in the race.

A. three B. third C. the three D. the thirds

( ) his family, his sister eats_______ meat, but_______ Vegetables.

A. the most; the most B. the most; the least

C. the least; the fewest D. the least; the most

( )4. Huanghai Park is one of the parks in our city.

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A. big B. bigest C. bigger D. biggest

( )5.I like English_______ of all the subjects.

A. better B. best C. the better D. well

Integrated skills&Study skills

1.number of students学生的数量

探究点:the number of…和a number of…意思相同吗?

[指点迷津] the number of…的意思是“……的数目”,后接可数名词复数,作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式;a number of…的意思是“许多……”,相当于many,后接可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数形式,number前可用large,small等修饰,表示程度。

The number of the students in our class is fifty.我们班有50名学生。

There are a number of ants on the ground.地上有很多蚂蚁。

[知识拓展] the number of…还可以表示“……的号码”。

Do you know the number of my telephone? 你知道我的电话号码吗?


①这个班的学生人数超过50。_______the students in the class_______ fifty.

②许多羊在山上吃草。_______ sheep are eating grass on the hill.

2. Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students.



[指点迷津] have…off的意思是“休息;放假”,其中的have可以用take替换,通常把“一段时间”放在have和off之间。have…off也可以说成have a…holiday/vacation。

I had two days off last week.=I had a two-day holiday last week.上周我放了两天假。

( ) We have about twenty days_______ for Spring Festival every winter.

A. on B.off C. out D.In

3. How much time do you spend on your hobbies every day…你每天花多少时间从事爱好……

探究点:spend…on/doing sth.可以用于花费金钱吗?

[指点迷津] spend有如下用法:


spend time/money on /doing sth.做某事花费时间或金钱。

I spent$100 on the bike.我花了一百美元买下那辆自行车。

They spent three months travelling around Europe.他们花了三个月时间周游欧洲。


My cousin will spend the weekend with us.我表哥将和我们一起过周末。

[辨析] spend,cost,take与pay的区别:

(1) cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值……”,常见用法如下:

①sth. costs (sb.)+金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。

A new computer costs a lot of money. 一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。

②(doing) sth. costs (sb.)+时间,(做某事)某物花了(某人)多少时间。

Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.


[提醒] cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动语态。

(2) take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有以下几种:

①It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间。 ,

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It took them three years to build this road.他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。

②doing sth. takes sb.+时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。

Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon.他花了一整个下午修车。

(3) pay的基本用法是:

①pay (sb.)money for sth.付钱(给某人)买某物。

I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月都得付他们20英镑的房租。

②pay for sth.付某物的钱。

I have to pay for the lost book.我不得不赔丢失的书。

③pay for sb.替某人付钱。

Don't worry! I'll pay for you.别担心!我会替你付钱的。

④pay sb.付钱给某人。

They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。

⑤pay money back还钱。

May I borrow 12 yuan, from you? I'll pay it back next week


⑥pay off one's money还清钱。

He paid off all the money yesterday.昨天他还清了所有的债务。

( )I_______ the weekend doing some cleaning at home.

A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost

4.I also keep writing in English about my daily life.我也一直在用英语记录我的日常生活。

探究点:keep (on) doing sth.的意思是______________.

[指点迷津] keep (on) doing sth.的意思是“继续、重复做某事”。

I kept (on) watching the football game this morning.今天早上我一直在看足球比赛。


They kept on_______ (play) basketball for an hour.


( )1. The number of people invited to the party_______ fifty, but a number of them_______ absent for different


A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were

( )2. After practising for several months, I can swim much_______ now.

A. slower B. slowest C. faster D. fastest

( )3. I'm very proud that Beijing is one of_______ cities in the world.

A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest

( )4. They_______ five days finishing the work.

A. paid B.took C.spent

( )5. It took us two hours_______ basketball yesterday,

A. play B. to play C. playing D. played


1. How long is lunchtime at your school?


探究点:how long用来对什么提问?

[指点迷津习how long作“多久;多长时间”讲时,主要用来对一段时间进行提问,通常用“for+一段时间”

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- How long did you stay in the park yesterday?


- For about two hours。 大约两小时。

[知识拓展] how long还可作“多长”讲,用来询问长度。

How long is this river?


( ) -_______did the meeting last?

- About an hour.

A. How long B. How old

C. How much D. How many

2. How often do you go on school trips?


探究点一:how often用来对什么提问?

[指点迷津] how often的意思是“多久一次;多长时间一次”,用来询问动作发生的频率,答语通常含有always,usually9 0ften,sometimes,never等频度副词或once a week,twice a month等表示频度的短语。

- How often do you play badminton?


- Twice a week。 一周两次。

( )①- _______do you drink milk?

- Every morning.

A. How long B.How much

C. How often D. How soon

探究点二:go on school trips是什么意思?其同义短语是什么?“去……旅行”怎么表示?

[指点迷津] go on a school trip/go on school trips的意思是“参加学校组织的旅行”;其中的go on可用have/take替换,即have/take a school trip或have/take school trips。go on a trip /go on trips的意思是“进行旅行;参加旅行”;如果要表示“去……旅行”,可以在后面加 “to+地点名词”或直接跟地点副词。

I go on school trips every year.


Can we go on a trip to the Great Wall next month?


( )②My father will_______ a trip to Nanjing,

A. have B. take C. go on D. A, B and C

3. We do not need to get up early…



[指点迷津] need在此用作行为动词。need的用法如下:



You needn't worry. 你不必担心。

②由need引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定回答常用needn't或 don't have to。

- Need I answer the question?


- Yes, you must./Yes, you have to.


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- No, you needn't./No, you don't have to.


(2) need作为行为动词有人称和数的变化,后面可接名词、代词、动名词及带to的动词不定式,可用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句中。

She needs help.她需要帮助。

I don't need to see a doctor.我不需要看医生。

My chair needs repairing.我的椅子需要修理。


①He needs_______ (have)a good rest.

②You needn't_______(say) it in English.

4. We can choose subjects to study.


探究点:to study在句中作什么成分?

[指点迷津] choose…to do sth.选择……做某事,其中to study在句中作目的状语。

I choose an English book to read.




We will_______ a new school______________.

5.We always have fun.


探究点:have fun是什么意思?

[指点迷津] have fun的意思为“玩得开心,过得愉快”,相当于have a good time或play

happily。have fun接动词时用其-ing形式。

They had fun in the park.

=They had a good time in the park.

=They played happily in the park.


I have fun playing this game.



They had fun_______ (play) football with you.


( )1. - How often do you go_______ school trips?

- Once a year.

A. on B. to C. round D. into

( )2. They have fun_______ about the films.

A. talk B.to talk

C.talking D. talked

( )3. -_______ did you watch TV last night?

- Three hours.

A. How often B.How many

C. How far D.How long

( )4. The man_______ the room at once.

A. needs not leave B. doesn't need to leave

第 11 页 共 12 页

C. doesn't need leave D. needn't to leave



1.①C ②A 2. What's; like few

1~4.A D A C


1.D 2.C 3.①C ②favourite; is g 5.①seems to be very tired ②seem to like ③seems; that you can't

④seems to be ; to often 8. easy to win 9. spent 10. What else

1~5.C B B B A


1. ① zoos; radios; tomatoes; heroes; pianos ②more 2.①less rain ②in less than 10 minutes 3. fewer apples

most fewest least rain third 8.①worse; worst ②more slowly; most slowly ③more

heavily; most heavily ④farther/further; farthest/furthest 9. faster than any other student; faster than the other students



1.①The number of; is more than ②A number of 2.B 3.C 4.playing

1~5.C C D C B


1.A 2.①C ②D 3.①to have ②say 4. choose; to visit g

C.1~4.A C D B

第 12 页 共 12 页

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