

以前的功课也许有一大部分是为了这张毕业文凭,不得已而做的。You have perhaps finished your

college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma,that is,out of sheer necessity.

对于大自然的爱好,我是多方面的,我爱山,但更爱海。I love diverse aspects of mother nature,but

I love the sea more than mountain.

读书的问题嘛,我愿说几句。I would like to say a few words about reading.

这几天心理颇不宁静。I have felt quite upset recently.

至于实在的情形,我心里自然记得的。As for the true facts,of course,I can remember them.

我们的城市在过去的十年里经历了翻天覆地的变化。The past decade saw great changes of out city.

希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。It is hoped that shanghai will establish

friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future.

她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man.

我突然想到一个主意。An idea suddenly struck me.

我给你打国际长途就跟给楼下的李打电话差不多,一拨就通。An international phone call to you

is as easy as a call to sister li downstairs.

宗教不得干预政治。It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.

汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable role

in our history.

我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:因为我们出口商品就是为了我们国外客户消费方面的需求。The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very export

commodities are for the use and consumption of our foreign customers.

笆,用竹子、柳条等变成的一种东西。Ba is something made of bamboo or willow branches.

我没注意到这个错误。The mistake escaped me.

我一时记不起他的名字。His name escapes me for a moment.

五月一日会议开幕了。May Day saw the opening of the meeting.

这场运动首先在天津开始。Tianjin first saw the rise of the movement.

蹲在池塘边苇丛中的青蛙叫得更起劲了。The fogs that crouched among the reeds by the pond were

croaking more vigorously than before.

上海港不断更新设备,这个港口的生产已经面目一新。Now work at this port has taken on a new look,as

the workers of Shanghai port has constantly replaced old equipment with new.

她喜形于。She beamed with joy.

任何新生事物的成长都是要经过艰难曲折的。New things always have to experience difficulties and

setbacks as they grow.

他眼明手快。He is quick of eyes and deft of hand.

这篇文章浅显易懂。This article is easy to read and understand.

我对他敬而远之。I stand aloof from him.

插上一条斜线便可以纠正此错误。Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge.

进口用于信息网络传播的音像制品,参照本版法第十四条规定办理。The import of the audio and video

products used for information network dissemination shall be handled in reference to the

provisions of Article 14 of these measures.

由于集装箱公司的平均处理费及处理量均有增长,集装箱公司在此期间的业绩令人鼓舞。As a result of

both increases in average handling fee and handling capacity,the Container Company has achieved

an encouraging result in the period.

电视通过无线电波发射和接收活动物体的图像。Television is the transmission and reception of

moving objects image by radio waves.

他们片面地注重重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上的货物不够,货币不稳定。Their lop_sided

stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage

of goods on the market and a non_stable currency.

希望你表现更多一点幽默。You are expected to show a little more good humour.

许多老房子拆了,新房子就在原地盖起来了。Many old house were pulled down,and many new ones were

built in their place.

那年偏又多雨,淅淅沥沥,打窗飘瓦,常常扰乱我看书的情绪。As it happened to be a rainy year,I

was often disturbed by the pitter_patter of rain beating down against the window and roof.

为了能进行核物理方面的研究,要求这些青年教师读完两年研究生课程。In order to do research in

nuclear physics,the young teachers are required to complete a two_year graduate course.

自从第一颗试验以来,全世界都已知道,原子可分裂,原子能可利用。Since the first test of

the atomic bomb,the world has learnt the atom can be split and its power can be used.

有关原子能电站反应堆的复杂性已经谈得很多了。Much has been said about the complication of the

nuclear power station reactor.

船舶的外壳通常涂一层特殊的漆以抗腐蚀。The hull of a ship is often protected against corrosion

with a coat of special paint.

这里有一个科学和技术革命影响人类历史进程的明显例子。Here is a clear case of human history

being affected by the scientific and technological revolution.

他们到达了旅行的目的地。They reached the goal of their journey.

这些数据易于得到。These data are readily available.

你可以给我粗略地估计一下费用吗?can you give me a rough estimate of the cost?

我们将会非常想念她。We shall miss her sorely.

这咖啡太浓。The coffee is too strong.

早饭吃饱,中午吃饭,晚饭吃少。At breakfast,eat like a lunch,eat like a

supper,eat like a pauper.

1. 他打开抽屉拿出词典来。He opened the drawer and took out a dictionary.

2. 他到车站发现火车已经开走了。Arriving at the station,he found that the train had left.

3. 去年他去北京看朋友。Last year he went to Beijing to visit his friends.

4. 他们跑过去欢迎众代表。They ran over to welcome the delegates.

5. 他回家去取钥匙。He went home for the key.

6. 她哼着曲子走进卧室去。Humming a tune she went into the bedroom.

7. 游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行进。The paraders marched in the street,carrying flowers and banners

in their hands.

8. 我们应当起来捍卫和平。We should come forward in defence of peace.

9. 医生劝他好好休息。The doctor advised him to take a good rest.

10. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。Modesty helps one to go forward,whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

11. 这会使孩子们高兴的。That will please the children.

12. 她责备孩子迟迟不回家。She reproached her child for staying out late.

13. 黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。Pitch dark,I don’t know whether it is day or night.

14. 裘人道:“一百年还记着呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”“I’ll remember

if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma, “I’m not like you , letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the

other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.”

15. 生于忧患,死于安乐。One prospers in worries and hardships and perishes in ease and comfort

16. 你最好在月底之前把这台机器修好。You had better have this machine repaired by the end of this month.

17. 那一趟可把我累坏了。That trip tired me out.

18. 那年轻人把腰板一挺,不服输。The young man straightened himself up and refused to admit defeat.

19. 他们把我们当做贵宾来款待。They treated us as distinguished guest.

20. 真把他没办法。 He’s really a tough person to cope with.

21. 把电源插头插入220V交流电源插座,将电源开关按下。Connect the main plug to AC 220V source

socket and push power switch to turn on the receiver.

22. 她把她的自行车借给我了我。She lent me her bike .

23. 一本书就像一个大家庭,思想内容汇聚一堂。A book is like a big family—a family of ideas

24. 看书就像走亲访友,认识圈子不断增强。Reading books,like visiting relatives and friends,can enlarge our

ideological circle.

25. 每本书都是物与我的交融,每本书都是过去和未来的纽带。Generally,a book embodies a perfect blend

of the objective and subjective also forges a strong link between the past and the future.

26. 随着节目越来越娱乐化,电视屏蔽了严肃的思考。 With more picture than point ,TV diverts to

diverts ,screening out any real thinking.

27. 过去的人即便看书不多,也会修饰的不乏品味。People used to dress themselves in aesthetic costumes of

a good reader.

28. 现在的人却常常对书籍不屑一顾。But now,many would easily turn up their noses at books.

29. 他抢了我的饭碗。He’s taken the bread out of my mouth.

30. 龙生龙,凤生凤。Like father ,like son.

31. 说曹操,曹操到。Talk of the devil, and he’s sure to appear

32. 血浓于水,台湾同胞是我们的手足兄弟。Blood is thicker than water .People in Taiwan are our brothers

and sisters sharing the same blood.

33. 原乡人的血,必须流返原乡,才会停止沸腾。Only when the blood of the native son flows back to his

native place ,will it stop boiling.

34. 大陆和台湾同胞血脉相连,一条海峡不能把我们的骨肉隔断。The Chinese people ,no matter living on

the mainland or living on Taiwan ,are linked together by flesh and strait that separates us can

never cut off such bonds of flesh and blood.

35. 燕子去了,有再来的时候,杨柳枯了,有在青的时候,桃花谢了,有再开的时候。Swallows may have

gone ,but there is a time of return,willow trees may have died back,but there is a time of regreening,peach

blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again.

36. 然而朋友们把我救了。他们给了我家庭所不能给的东西。他们的友爱,他们的帮助,他们的鼓励,几次把我从深渊的边沿救回来。Friends are my saviours .They give me things which it is beyond my

family to give to their fraternal love ,assistance and encouragement,I have time and again been

saved from falling into an abyss while on its verge.

37. 于是——洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去,吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去,默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。Thus the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands,vanishes in the rice bowl

when I have my meal ;passes away quietly before the fixed gaze of my eyes when I am lost in reverie.

38. 学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短。Art is long ,but life is short .

39. 小火车在欢腾地疾驰。人们的心和火车一样,向家乡急奔。The little train and the hearts of all its

passengers ,together ,sped merrily homeward..

40. 那日,正是黄梅时候,天气烦躁。王冕放牛倦了,在草地上坐着。One sultry day in early summer ,tired

after leading the buffalo to graze ,Wang Mian sat down on the grassl

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