


1. 我不怕冷。

误译:I’m not afraid of coldness.

正译:I don’t mind the cold weather.

Cf. 他不怕吃苦。

误译:He doesn’t fear hardships.

正译:He can bear hardships.


误译:He can eat and he can sleep.

正译:He is a big eater and a sound sleeper.

2. 我知道那座小镇,但从未去过那里。

误译:I know the small town but I’ve never been there.

正译:I know of the small town but I’ve never been there.

3. 过度饮酒会损害你的身体。

误译:Over-drinking may injure your body.

正译:Over-drinking may injure your health.

4. 杰克,我用车子送你回家。

误译:Jack, I’ll send you home in my car.

正译:Jack, I’ll take / run you home in my car.

5. 我们希望你马上戒烟。

误译:We hope you to stop smoking right now.

正译:We hope that you stop smoking right now.

6. 经济形式将会变好。

误译:The economic situation will change better.

正译:The economic situation will change for the better.

7. 箱子里面是空的。

误译:The inside of the box is empty.

正译:The box is empty.

8. 请把窗帘打开。

误译:Please open the curtains.

正译:Please draw back the curtains.

9. 你参加了那场考试了吗?

误译:Did you attend the examination?

正译:Did you take the examination?

10. 你应该忠实地为公司服务。

误译:You should serve for the company faithfully.

正译:You should serve the company faithfully.

11. 总裁在协定上签了字。

误译:The President signed on the contract.

正译:The President signed the contract.

12. 我的腿被你的狗咬了。

误译:My leg was bitten by your dog.

正译:I was bitten on the leg by your dog.

13. 父亲突然去世使他无法出国深造。

误译:His father’s sudden death has made him impossible to go abroad for further studies.

正译:His father’s sudden death has made it impossible for him to go abroad for further studies.

14. 情况有变我就报告你。

误译:I’ll report you as soon as there is change about the matter.

正译:I’ll inform you as soon as there is change about the matter. Or: I’ll report it to you as soon as

there is change about the matter.

15. 这位歌手全中国都知道。

误译:That singer is known throughout whole China.

正译:That singer is known throughout China.

16. 我不同意所有的这些建议。

误译:I do not agree to all these suggestions.

正译:I do not agree to any of these suggestions.

17. 这座桥的质量不好。

误译:The quality of this bridge is poor.

正译:This bridge was not well built / was of poor quality.

18. 我们需要的是最新消息。

误译:What we need is the newest information.

正译:What we need is the latest information.

19. 昨晚生日晚会上你穿生日礼服了吗?

误译:Were you in your birthday suit at the birthday party last night?

正译:Were you in your evening suit at the birthday party last night?

20. 这是外国的先进经验。

误译:This is foreign advanced experience.

正译:This is the advanced foreign experience.

21. 你希望什么时候成家?

误译:When do you hope to start a family?

正译:When do you hope to get married?

22. 我觉得背部很痛。

误译:I feel very painful in my back.

正译:I feel great pain in my back.

23. 注意安全!

误译:Pay attention to your safety.

正译:Be cautious! / Watch out!

24. 布什先生为那些椰子产品做广告。

误译:Mr. Bush advertised for the coconut products.

正译:Mr. Bush advertised the coconut products.

25. 山区农民希望学习文化。

误译:Mountain villagers hope to learn culture.

正译:Mountain villagers hope to learn to read and write.

26. 我建议你今天穿夹克衫。

误译:I suggest you to wear a jacket today.

正译:I suggest that you wear a jacket today.

27. 他自杀过两次,但还活着。

误译:He committed suicide twice but is still alive.

正译:He attempted to commit suicide twice but is still alive.

28. 他在会上只讲了几句话。

误译:He spoke only a few sentences at the meeting.

正译:He spoke only a few words at the meeting.

29. 南海有丰富的石油。

误译:The South China Sea has rich oil.

正译:The South China Sea is rich in oil.

30. 迈克,有件事情请你帮个忙。

误译:Michael, I’ve something to ask you for help.

正译:Michael, could you do me a favor?

31. 他没有人帮忙。

误译:He has no one to help.

正译:He has no one to help him.

32. 让我考考你的判断力。

误译:Let me examine your judgment ability.

正译:Let me test your judgment.

33. 他接受我的忠告,让我开车送他回家。

误译:He accepted my advice and let me drive him home.

正译:He took my advice and let me run him home.

34. 他为自己对我的无礼感到羞愧。

误译:He is ashamed of being rude to me.

正译:He is ashamed of having been rude to me.

35. 如果你方便的话,我下星期一去你那儿。

误译:If you are convenient, I’ll come Monday next.

正译:If it is convenient to you, I’ll come next Monday.

36. 要喝杯酒吗,先生?

误译:Do you like a drink, Sir?

正译:Would you like a drink, Sir?

37. 我奶奶很容易得感冒。

误译:My grandma is easy to catch cold.

正译:My grandma is subject to catch cold. Or: My grandma catches cold easily.

38. 这棵树不长果实。

误译:This tree doesn’t grow fruit.

正译:This tree doesn’t bear fruit.

39. 有困难当地政府。

误译:Look for the local government I you have difficulties.

正译:Please contact the local government I you have difficulties.

40. 重庆以大雾出名。

误译:Chongqing is famous for big fog.

正译:Chongqing is famous for thick fog.

41. 陈先生从房间里走出来。

误译:Mr. Chen came out from the room.

正译:Mr. Chen came out of the room.

42. 让我们为伊凡的健康干杯。

误译:Let’s drink for Evan’s health.

正译:Let’s drink to Evan’s health. Or: Let’s drink Evan’s health.

43. 你能替我把这消息告诉他吗?

误译:Could you tell him the message for me?

正译:Could you take the message to him for me?

44. 你的英语水平比我高。

误译:Your English level is higher than mine.

正译:You know more English than I do.

45. 在大学期间我学到了很多知识。

误译:I learned a lot of knowledge when I was in the university.

正译:I gained/ acquired a lot of knowledge when I was in the university.

46. 我们学校昨晚发生了不寻常的事。

误译:Our school happened something unusual last night.

正译:Something unusual happened in our school last night.

47. 他们离婚已经三年了。

误译:They have divorced for three years.

正译:It’s three years since they got divorced.

48. 我不喝酒。

误译:I don’t drink wine / liquor.

正译:I don’t drink.

49. 我们肯定能完成任务。

误译:We shall certainly be able to complete the task.

正译:We shall be able to complete the task.

50. 他迟到的原因是因为他的车子在路上抛锚了。

误译:The reason why he was late is because his car broke down on the way.

正译:The reason why he was late is that his car broke down on the way.

From: 张传彪.诗笔 译笔 钝笔:英汉语翻译与比较纵谈.北京:国防工业出版社.2005:249-270

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