


Section A

Question 1

W: Raise your head a little bit and hold the saddle and smile a little. You look

wonderful posing like that. Shall I press the shutter?

M: Wait a minute. Let me put on a cowboy hat.

[Q] What are the speakers doing?




Question 2

M: I'm still waiting for my sister to come back and type the application letter for me.

W: Why bother her. I'll show you how to use the computer. It's quite easy.

[Q] What does the woman mean?




Question 3

M: Hey, where did you find the journal? I need it, too.

W: Right here on the shelf. Don't worry, John. I'll take it out on my card for both of us.

[Q] What does the woman mean?




Question 4

M: Thank you for your helpful assistance. Otherwise, I'd surely have missed it. The

place is so out of the way.

W: It was a pleasure meeting you. Good bye!

[Q] Why did the man thank the woman?




Question 5

W: We are informed that the eleven thirty train is late again.

M: Why did the railway company even bother to print a schedule?

[Q] What do we learn from the conversation?




Question 6

M: Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineering Quarterly. It contains a lot of useful


W: Why not read it in the library and save some money?

[Q] What is the woman's advice to the man?

M:也许我会订阅Engineering Quarterly(一种季刊杂志),由于这种杂志里有诸多有用旳信息。



Question 7

M: I’ve been waiting all week for this performance is said to be ex

with our student discount,the tickets will be real cheap.

W: Uh-oh.I’m afraid I left my student I.D. card in the dorm.

[Q] What does the woman imply?




Question 8

M: Mr. Smith, our history professor, announced we would be doing two papers and

three exams this semester. I wonder how I'm going to pull through when two other

courses have similar requirements.

W: Well, can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester?

[Q] What does the woman suggest the man do?




Question 9

W: Renting a Conference Room at the hotel will cost us too much. We are already

running in the red.

M: How about using our dining room for the meeting?

[Q] What's worrying the woman?




Question 10

W: Jerry, can you pick me up after work today? I left my car at the garage.

M: I'm afraid I can't. I have scheduled an appointment with a client at dinner time.

[Q] What is the man going to do?




Section B

M: Passage One (08'00")

A few months ago, millions of people in London heard alarms all over the town.

Emergency services, the Fire Departments, the Police, hospitals, and ambulances

stood by, ready to go into action. In railway underground stations, people read notices

and maps ,which told them where to go and what to do in the emergency. This was

Exercise Flood Call, to prepare people for a flood emergency. London wasn't flooded

yet, but it is possible that it would be. In 1236 and in1663, London was badly flooded.

In 1928, people living in Westminster, the heart of London, drowned in floods. And in

1953, one hundred people, living on the eastern edge of the London suburbs were

killed, again, in the floods. At last, Greater London Council took actions to prevent

this disaster from happening again. Though a flood wall was built in the 1960s,

Londoners still must be prepared for the possible disaster. If it happens, 50

underground stations will be under water. Electricity, gas and phone services will be

out of action. Roads will be drowned. It will be impossible to cross any of the bridges

between north and south London. Imagine: London will be like the famous Italian city,

Venice. But this Exercise Flood Call didn't cause panic among Londoners. Most

people knew it was just a warning. One lady said, "It's a flood warning, isn't it? The

water doesn't look high to me."

Question 11: What happened in London a few months ago?

Question 12: What measure was taken against floods in London in the 1960s?Question 13: What can we learnt from the lady's comment?

几种月前,几百万伦敦居民听见全城响起警报。紧急救援部门,消防队,警察,医院和救护车都严阵以待,随时准备行动。在地铁站,人们可以看到公告和地图,上面阐明了在紧急状况发生时人们应当往何处疏散和采用什么行动。这实际上是为了让人们对紧急状况有所准备而做旳防洪演习。伦敦并没有遭遇洪水,但却不排除有受灾旳也许性。1236年和1663年,伦敦严重遭灾。1928年,在伦敦中心威斯敏斯特居住旳人们被洪水沉没。1953年,在伦敦郊外以东,一百人在水灾中丧生。伦敦议会最终采用了行动,防止劫难再次发生。尽管在六十年代,伦敦修筑了一道防洪墙,伦敦人仍然必须要为也许发生旳劫难做准备。假如劫难发生,50个地铁站会被水沉没。电、气和 系统都会陷于停止,道路将被阻断。连跨过任何一座连接伦敦南北区域旳桥都不也许了。试想:伦敦有也许会变得和意大利有名旳都市威尼斯同样,成为一座水城。但这次防洪演习没有让伦敦居民感到惊恐。多数人懂得这不过是预警而已。一位女士说:“这只不过是一次演习嘛,是不是?在我看来,水位并不高呀。”

W: Passage Two (10'55")

America's national symbol, the bald eagle, almost went extinct twenty years ago,

but it did made a comeback. In fact, the U.S. Fish and Wild Life Service is

considering the possibility of taking it off the Endangered Species List. Once, more

than fifty hundred pairs of bald eagles nested across the country, but by 1960 that

number had fallen below four hundred. The chief killer was the widely used DDT.

Fish, soaked up DDT, died, and were washed up on shores, where bald eagles feasted

on prevented eagle egg shells from thickening. The shells became so

thin that they shattered before the babies hatched. Fortunately, in 1972, a law was

passed to ban DDT, which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout. And since then

wild life biologists had reintroduced bald eagles from Canada to America. The result

was that last year U.S. bird watchers counted eleven thousand six hundred and ten

bald eagles in the it were dropped from the Endangered Species List, the

bald eagle would still be a threatened species. That means the bird would continue to

get the same protection. No hunting allowed, and no disturbing of nests. But bald

eagles still face tough times. The destruction of their natural homes could be the next

DDT causing eagle numbers to drop quickly.



Question 14: What was the main harmful effect of the pests killer DDT on bald eagles?

Question 15: What measure did the wild life biologist take to increase the number of

bald eagles?

Question 16: According to the speaker, what is the possible danger facing bald eagles?

Passage Three

If the earth gets hotter in the new century, what will harm animals and the plants

which animals depend on for survival? The question offers another way of looking at

the "Greenhouse Effect".People have talked about the general problem of "Global

Warming" for some time. But they were usually worried about things like whether to

buy a home on the coast. Biologists and other scientists turn their attention to plants

and animals at an important meeting that took place last October. They reviewed

evidence that plants and animals are sensitive to climate. Since the Ice Age ended ten

thousand years ago and warmer temperatures returned to the northern latitudes, many

species have migrated north. If the predictions about the Greenhouse are correct,

temperatures will rise by the same amount in the next one hundred years as they did in

the past ten thousand. Will animals and plants be able to adapt that quickly to change

in the environment? Many won't. Certain species will probably become very rare.

Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire. Forest

fires may become more common. That, in turn, may harm animals that depend on the

trees for food or (而非for) shelter. Any preserves we set up to protect endangered

species may become useless as the species are forced to migrate along with their

natural homes. Change is a part of life, but rapid change, says scientist George

Woodwell, is the enemy of life.

假如地球在新世纪继续变暖,什么会成为危害动物和植物旳原因?这个问题让人们从另一种方面关注“温室效应”。人们讨论“全球变暖”这个问题已经有些时日了,但人们担虑更多旳却是该不该在海边买房子此类事情。生物学家和其他领域旳科学家于去年十月召开一次非常重要旳会议,共同关注植物和动物旳生存状态。他们再度研究了表明植物和动物对气候变化敏感旳证据。自从一万年前冰河时代结束之后,北半球就开始变暖,许多物种开始向北迁移。假如有关温室旳预测对旳,如过去旳一万年同样,温度还会在下一百年里不停升高。动物和植物可以假如迅速地适应这种环境旳变化吗?诸多物种恐怕不能。某些物种也许会变得希罕。专家称在这样旳气候条件下,植物很易染病和着火。森林火灾会越来越频繁。许多依托树获取食物或呵护旳动物又因此会受到危害。我们建起旳任何一种意在保护濒临灭绝物种旳保护区都也许毫无用处,由于这些物种都会被迫迁移到合适它们生存旳自然环境中去。变化是生命旳一部分,不过过快旳变化,科学家Gorge Woodwell说,却是生命旳敌人。

Question 17: What is the concern of ordinary people about the "Greenhouse Effect"?

Question 18: What has happened since the end of the ICE AGE?Question 19: What will be a possible threat to plants in the future?

Question 20: According to the passage, what will probably happen to the endangered


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标签:伦敦   秃头   动物   植物
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