


第一篇:美国概况 要点名词解释

Boston Massacre:The Boston Massacre took place

before the American War of

1768 some English troops under General

Gage were sent to the colonies to help people

of the colonies hated these the spring of 1770 in

Boston, some of the English troops fired at the the

event, a big meeting was called,demanding that the English

troops should be showed that the people in the

colonies began their struggle against the British rule.2.“Winner-take-all” principle: This is a kind of principle in American

Presidential voters of a state have to choose

between a Democratic list and a Republican the candidates

of a party for “eletors” in a given state receive a majority of the

total vote, then the party is entitled to have all the electoral votes

for that state, even though a presidential receives only slightly

more than electoral votes of that American Civil Rights

Movement: It mainly refers to the American black People's

struggle against the racial discrimination in 1960' early as in

1950's,the black people once struggled against segregation in

1960, the blacks in 20 states held a large-scale sit-in

demonstration protesting against racial 1961

the blacks held a freedom-rides

against segregation on the out-standing leader

Martin Luther King, the Civil Rights Movement went still further

in was a march on Washington for ”Jobs and

Freedom”.So in 1964 the Civil Rights Act was

movement shows the American black people's bravery and

confidence in their struggles for equal rights and

Doctrine:Monroe Doctrine was a kind of

American foreign policy when some European countries formed

the Holy Alliance which seemed ready to put down the South

America 1823 President James Monroe sent a

massage to is known as “Monroe Doctrice”.One

of the main points says “The European Countries ought not star

any new colonies in North or South American.” As a result, it

stopped the Holy Alliance’s program and also revealed the

United States’ desire of overseas New Deal: to

deal with the Great in elt made a

program known as the ”New Deal”.Roosevelt took efforts to

cosolidate the old marker at abroad and also to conquer new

home, many public project, were launched to create

employment big industries made elt also took

some measures of “social security”.The “New Deal” relaxed

the economic crisis, made some concessions to the working

Muckraker: a group of reform-minded journalists,

made investigations and exposed various dark sides of the

seemingly prosperous publications helped stir

American conscience and make the progressive movement a

national st Destiny: it meant that the outward was

inevitable, that the United States was driven on by a divine force

that should not be reflected the view that the Lord had

intended the United States to control the entire North American

important measures did Abraham Lincoln take

during the Civil War? How do you evaluate them?---During

American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln took two important

measures, one is the “Homestead Bill”, the other is the

“Emancipation Proclamation”.During the first stage of the war

from 1861 to 1862, the North was in an unfavorable

North army could not get much support from

farmers and Negroes, because many farmers had not got enough

land and Negroes had been still they had no interest

in the order to get support from the broad masses, Lincoln

took these two May1862 Lincoln issued the

Homestead Bill, and this stimulated the development of capitalist

agriculture in the South, greatly

encouraged September 1962, Lincoln issued the

famous “Emancipation Proclamation” , freeing a great number

of the slaves in the South and permitting them to join the armed

forces of the issuing the two measures, Lincoln”s

army became much stonger and got more support from the

broad y Lincoln won the are the three

branches of the ment? What are the main functions of

the three branches?---In the ment three branches: the

executive, the legislative and the judicial executive

branch is headed by the President, consists of eleven

departments and many independent President

performs many is the head of the government and

chief of President can negotiate foreign treaties,

appoint government officials, command the armed

makes foreign may introduce legislative bill to

legislative branch refers to

Congress has the right to make is the supreme legislative

body of the is made of two houses—the senate and the

House of the judicial branch refers to the

Supreme Court and some inferior Supreme Court is

the highest court of the whole land and has the sole right to

interpret the Constitution and review laws to see whether they

are in agreement with the Supreme Court is

headed by a Chief Justice and eight other a brief

account of the as invasion and expansion in the 20th

century.---By the end of the 19th century the United States had

grown into a highly developed industrial country and reached

the stage of it began its overseas

early as 1899 ,the United States ,took East Samoa as her

Hawaii fell into her control in 1898

ss declared war on 1903 the d a

big slice of the Panama territory in the lled canal

invaded China by means of both force and 1906

it put down the Cuban the two world wars, the

extented its economic and military influences over Far

East, Europe and the Pacific the war, the d

its “Cold War”, and established NATO against the Soviet

1950 it invaded 1964 the d long

year’s Vietnam 1970 it cast its troops to

1990s the ed Iraq and a word, the United

States never stops its aggression and

progressive movement 进步运动A movement demanding

government regulation of the economy and social conditions,

spread quickly with the support of large numbers of people

across the country./The Progressive Movement was not an

organized campaign with clearly defined , it was a

number of diverse efforts at political, social, and economic

reforms./In spite of limitations of the movement, it brought

about changes and improvement in many fields.



1the first settlement in North America

The first English permanent settlement was organized in

1607 by the London Company with a charter from the English

colonists settled in Virginia and survived by imposing

strict discipline on them and by transplanting tobacco in the

colony of 1619, the settlers elected their delegates and

set up the House of Burgesses, and the same time they bought

and enslaved black two greatly influenced the

political and social development of the United States later.2the

religion reform and leaders

In the Religious Reformation, Martin Luther, a German

professor of theology, believed that sinful men could win

salvation neither by good works nor through the church or the

the only true guide to the will of god was the

Calvin, a Frenchman, who had fled to Switzerland,

started his reform England, King Henry

VIII,(8th)because of the political disputes with the Roman

Catholic Church and his marital problems broke away from the

Roman Catholic Church and set up the Church of England, and

he became the head of the Church.3the founding father of Unite

State Benjamin Franklindrafted Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington the commander of Continental Army

and Navy

4the cause of American Revolution

By the early 1760s, the 13 colonies in North America had

developed a similar American pattern in politics, economy and

cultural life and enjoyed the same frontier a

result, they were ready to separate themselves from the old

American Revolution officially proclaimed the birth of

a new nation of Americans.3 civilizations

Aztecs, 阿兹台克Incas, Mayas

6Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which

were added to the Constitution Bill of Rights was

passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as

freedom of speech, the right to assemble public places, the right

to own weapons and so on.7check and balance p58

Three-part national government, they often refer to what

they call its system of “check and balances”.The system works

in many ways to keep serious mistakes from being made by one

branch or ation of independence

The declaration of independence proclaimed that 13 united

colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent

they were not clear about the future political system of

the United States and the relationship between the states and the

government of the new states constitution

The plan for the government was written in very simple

language in a document called the constitution of the United

States.1The constitution set up a federal 联邦的system with a

strong central government.A federal system is one in which

power is shared between a central authority and its constituent

parts, with some rights reserved to each.2The constitution also

called for the election of national leader.3It provided that federal

laws would be made only by a congress made up of

representatives elected by the also provided for a

national court system headed by a supreme court.10wasp =a

white Anglo-Saxon Protestant

American mainstream culture was developed from what is

known as “WASP” culture and that people who settled

in the 13 North American colonies that would become the

United States were mostly Protestant believers.11relationship

between government and religion

The United States would have no state-supported

this way, those men who formulated the principle tenets of the

newly established political system hoped to insure that the

diversity of religious belief would never become the source of

social or political injustice or ons between USA

and European

First of all, American with different religions lives together

under the same bill of rights in the US constitution insists

that there should be no state ly, the religious

beliefs of American continue to be strong with social

y, in the United States every church is completely

independent organization, and concerned with its own finance

and its own faiths

By the 1095s, the 3 faiths model of American religion had

an was considered to come in 3 basic varieties:

Protestant, Catholic and term of numbers, the

Protestant are the strongest, the Catholic is next to the Protestant

and Jewish are the smallest among the Twain

Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel was one

of the greatest American captured a peculiarly

American sense of represented a new American

major work was The Adventures of Huckberry Finn

which has been called the great novel in American

literature.15The lost generation

In the aftermath of World War I, many novelists produced a

literature of lived in were

known as the lost generation, two of the most representative of

it were Hemingway and Fitzgerald.16Hemingway

His main characters were usually tough, silent men, good at

sports or war but awkward in their dealing with

his best books were The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, and

for whom the Bell Tolls.17nobel prize

Sinclair Lewis first one in USA /O’Neil /Saul Bellow/Isaac

Bashevis Singer/

Hemingway /William Faulkner

18famous universities

California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院 Harvard

University(MA)哈佛大学Massachusetts Technology 麻省理工学院 Princeton University(NJ)普林斯顿大学Yale University(CT)耶鲁大学 Stanford University(CA)斯坦福大学 19Social separation

White and black couldn’t be together in a public place to

enjoy the same right


It was a secret organization which set up after the 1865 civil

war of United States in the objected the liberation of

black slavers in years later, they came to alive to

flight against the Jewish and Catholic people to keep the highest

station of white.21luther King

P155 A civil right leader during the movement in 1960s gave

a lot of speech, like “I have a dream”.He won the Nobel peace

prize in 1964s for his achievement of raising the image of


It rejected capitalism and other American had

morals different from those taught by their groups

of youth tried to construct different ways of life.23hippies

They sought experience through dropping out and drug

it was music, rock music in had a great

impact on social moral.24imagery of crime

Male, young, a member of a racial minority, and a city


25Cold war

By the end of WWII, the United States became the strongest

country in the the possessor of atomic bombs and much

of the world’s gold reserve, the policy-maker of the US wanted

world order, and the US encountered determined resistance from

the Soviet y the two wartime allies fell apart.26NATO北大西洋公约组织

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization members are United

States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and

zation constitutes a system of collective defence

whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response

to an attack by any external party

27Warsaw The Warsaw Treaty was the Soviet Bloc’s military

response to NATO Pact.28先发制人 Preemption

Preemption is formalized in the National Security Strategy

issued in September it determines that a country

which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or

produced weapons of mass destruction or has the potential to

possess such weapons.29杜鲁门主义Truman Doctrine

The Truman Doctrine was a policy set forth by ent

Harry on March 12, 1947 stating that the

support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to

prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.30古巴导弹危机Cuban

Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the

Soviet Union, Cuba and the United States in October 1962, during

the Cold September 1962, the Cuban and Soviet

governments began to surreptitiously build bases in Cuba for a

number of medium-and intermediate-range ballistic nuclear

missiles with the ability to strike most of the continental United

issue was the turning point of the cold basic

info(from sea to sea)

1the biggest city and the capital TorontoOttawa

210provinces and 3 territories

Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three

turn, these may be grouped into regions: Western

Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Northern

Canada(the latter made up of the three territories: Yukon,

Northwest Territories, and Nunavut).3economy

Canadian economy is influenced by Canada’s physical

geography: huge size and small population has made extracting

and transporting goods to markets second is United

States, which shares the long and open border with third is

the government’s intervention介入in the economy, rather than

the market plays a full role.4central Canada

Central Canada, consisting of Ontario安大略and Quebec, are

the parts of the country that were first are the

industrial heartland of the country and are also the most densely

populated have the largest cities like Toronto and


Quebec is a mainly French-speaking province in

French speakers comprise 83% of the feel that

their linguistic and cultural heritage is threatened by the mainly

English-speaking environment and that they are economically

dominated by English are keen to preserve the

historic language and French-speaking -US


They are the 2 of the most open and interconnected societies

in the share a long and undefended border and they

are in many military also share long term interests

in their sometime s there is the point where

differences of opinion relations often have been

is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a

constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of

state.7political system

1Canada’s system of government is based on the British

system of parliamentary is monarchy and its

official head of state is the Queen, who is represented by an

official called a Governor General.2The federal government

distinguishes from the lower level government.3The parliament

is divided into the house of common and the house of

MP is head of the party which wins the most seats

becomes the Prime cabinet is chosen by Prime

Minister, is made up of senior Mps from the governing


加拿大自由党Liberal Party of Canada

加拿大保守党Conservative Party of Canada

加拿大新民主党New Democratic Party


In the 2010 general election held on 6 May, the

Conservatives gained a plurality多数 of seats in a hung

parliament and Cameron was appointed Prime Minister on 11

May 2010, at the head of a coalition联合 between the

Conservatives and the Liberal the age of 43,

Cameron became the youngest British Prime Minister since the

Earl of Liverpool 198 years Cameron Ministry is the

first coalition government in the United Kingdom since the

Second World War.



Unit One Geography


Star-spangled Banner(the flag)

Yellowstone National Park

Rushmore National Memorial Great Lakes

Grand Canyon 删除

sippi River删除


list five famous buildings or things in New York

Two History


Declaration of Independence

Bill of Rights

Boston Tea Party




Tom’s Cabin删除

American Civil War

m Lincoln

rd Movement

ssive Movement

lost generation

Monkey Trial删除

Great Depression in Roosevelt

-lease Bill删除

Beat Generation删除

Civil Rights Movement

Luther King, ons:

were the reasons for people to found colonies in

North America?

do you know about the War of

Independence(reasons, process, and significance)?

was American Constitution established and what do

you know about it?

do you know about Monroe Doctrine? What

do you know about the U.S.-Mexican War and its result? What do

you know about the Civil War(reasons, process, and significance)?

What do you know about the Progressive Movement? What kind

of changes did modern America experienced at the beginning of

the 20th century?

do you know about World War One and America’s

policy during the war?

target of the Progressive Movement was trust and

were the negative effects brought by monopoly?

were the nature and effects of WW I?

do you know about Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal?

13.“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with

certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and

the pursuit of to secure these rights,

governments are instituted among men, deriving their just

powers from the consent of the whenever any

form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the

right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new


Who is the writer and what is the name of the document?

What is the historical background of the document and how

did it come into being?

Unit Three American Identity




g pot


America is called “a nation of immigrants”?

contributions did immigrants make to America?

(Please list at least three points of views)

Unit Four Political Institution


checks and balances


Questions: are the US government principles?

do you know about the Presidential election in


Unit 5 Economy


is the most striking characteristic of the American

economy in terms of its diversity?

did service industries in the ence rapid

growth? How significant is the service industry in the American


Unit 8 Education


d College

League Questions

have the goals and purposes of education in the

d over time? Trance them 9 Religion


your opinion, why do so many Americans want to keep

“In God We Trust” on their currency?

did American religion become pluralistic and




Political institution(政治制度)

1.The American Constitution is the oldest written

constitution in the was draw up in 1787 and went into

effect in 1789.美国宪法是世界上最早的成文宪法,它起草于1787年,生效于1789年。

2.In 1787,Congress called for a meeting of delegate from

all the states to revise the Articles of Confederation.1787年,国会召开各州代表参加的大会,主要目的是修


3.The government is divided into three branched: the

legislative ,the executive ,and the branch has part of

the powers but not all the power.美国政府


4.In either case, amendments must have the approval of

three-fourths of the states before they enter into force.有两种情可以提出条款,但不管是哪种,修正案


5.The President of the U.S is the head of the executive

branch and the head of the state elected by the whole

Constitution requires the President to be a natural-born

American citizen at least 35 years of president election

was held every 4 years.宪法规定总统必须是美国本土出生的美国公


6. In American ,the “winner-take-all” system applies in all

states expect Maine.在美国,嬴者全赢的制度适用于除缅因州外的各州。

7.The electors of all fifty states and the District of Columbia-a total of 538 persons-comprise what is known as the Electoral

be successful, a candidate for the Presidency must

receive 270 votes.50个州加上哥伦比亚特区共有


8.The presidential term of 4 years begin on Jan 20 following

the November election, The president publicly takes an oath of

office, whichis administered by the Chief Justice of the U.S.A

president can be elected to office only twice.美国总统任期为4年,每位总统任期最多只能两届,总统宣誓就职仪式是由美国首席大法官主持的。

9. Article I of the Constitution grants all legislative power of

the federal government to a Congress composed of two

chambers, a Senate and a House of

Senate is composed of 2 members from

each state, Membership in the House is based on population and

its size is therefore not specified in the Constitution.国会由参议院和众议院组成,参议院由各州派出两名议员共同组成,众议院


10. The Constitution requires that rs must be at

least 30 years of age, citizens of the U.S for at least 9 years, and

residents of the states from which they are senatorial

term is 6 years, and every 2 years one-third of the Senate stands

for re-election.宪法规定美国参议员必须是年满30岁有美国公民资格


11. Menber of the House of Representative must be at least

25, citizens for 7 years, and residents of the states which send

them to , the House is composed of 435

members of the House serve two-year terms, the

life of a Congress is considered to be 2 years.宪法规定美国众议员必须是年满25岁有美国公民资格7年以上的公民,并且是选其为议员的州的居民,现在,众议院由来35名议员组成,由于众议员任期为2年,所以国会任期往往被认为是2年。

12. Each hours of the Congress has the power to introduce

legislation on any subject, except revenue bills which must first

come from the House of Representatives.除


13. The Constitution provides that the Vice president shall

be president of the has no vote, except in a case of a

House of Representatives choose its own presiding

officer-the Speaker of the House.宪法规定由美国副总统担任参议院议长,议长不参加投票,除非出现两派票数相等的情况,众议院则选出他自己的主持官员,-众议院议长。

14. According to the Constitution, the judicial power of the

U.S shall be vested in one Supreme judicial system has

evolved into the present structure: the Supreme Court, 11 court

of appeals, 91 district courts, and 3 courts of special

are appointed by the President and

confirmed by the Senate.根据宪法规定,美国的司法权属于最高法院,司法体系结构为:最高法院,11个上诉法院,91个地方法院,3个有特殊司法权的法院,美国的法官是由总统任命并由参议院批准的。

15. The Supreme Court is the highest court of the U.S and

is the only organ which has the power to interpret the

Constitution The Supreme Court at present consists

of a Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices.最高法院是美国最高等的法院,也是惟


16. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in only two

kinds of cases: thoseinvolvingforeign dignitaries, and those to

which a state in a party.高


17. In general, American has a two-party are

two major political parties in America: the Democrats and the

have been four periods in the history of

political parties in American.一般说来,美国实行的是两党制,两大主要政党为:民主党和共和党,美国政党的历史可分为四个时期。

18. The first period of the party system in American refer to

the appearance of the Federalists and the

third phase of the two-party system ran from the 1860s to the

1920s with the Republican Party dominating the political scene

for most of the time.美国政党制的第一阶段出现了两个主要党派,联邦派各反联邦派,第三阶段从容不迫9世纪60年代到达9世纪20年代,绝大部分时间是共和党执政。


19.In the 28 terms of the House of Representativesfrom

1933 to 1989,the Democrats enjoyed a majority of 26 terms, in

the Senate, the Democrats had a majority for 23 terms.从1933年到1989年的确届众议院中,民主党在于6届中拥有多数席位,在参议院中民主党在于23届中拥有多数席位。

20. After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson, the

Democratic-Republican party main faction, led by

Andrew Jackson, called themselves the Democratic Party, while

the faction opposed to Jackson formed the Whig party in


主党,反对杰克逊的一派于1834年另立辉格党 待续。。。



①国家元首 虚伪元首 仅扮演仪式性角

②立法机构 议会

③行政机构 内阁

④司法机构 法院




①主要党派:主要党派有自由党, 工党, 国家党, 民主党等.其中自由党和工党为朝野的两大党派。












首相 —领导— 内阁 —领导— 政府







Part One Geography

Chapter IIPopulation


 New York is the largest state in the US.(T/F)

 Why is the “Melting Pot”?


 F(Alaska)

 Because the country where there are many

different races, and these races mixed and assimilated after they

immigrated into this country “Melting Pot” just signifies

this mixture and r VReligion in the


 The popular American belief is___

-time working

-made man



 The largest religious group in America is___



the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:


 BB

the American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:

People are proud of doing everything by of

the American families seldom hire people to do housework

though they are try to do what they can do, such as

housework, gardening and they enjoy doing


Chapter IColonization of North America


 The history of the generally agreed to have begun in

the year of ____


 The turning point of the War of Independence was the

Battle of ___in ga


 Lexington Fire was the ___of American War of


g e



Chapter IVThe American Civil War(1861-1865)


 Abraham Lincoln

 In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery played a very important

was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation

Proclamation in every 1864, he was reelected

was assassinated in April 13, saved the

Union and most Americans considered him a great national


 Why was there the New Deal program? What was it? And

how did it aid the recovery of the American economy?  What

important measures did Abraham Lincoln take during the Civil

War? How do you evaluate them?

Chapter VThe alism and the First World War


 The first imperialist war took place between


 The “Big Stick” Policy was advanced by

President___.re in Roosevelt

m Woodrow Wilson

 President Franklin elt proposed a well-knownpolicy called___ to save the economic Open

Door New Deal

Neighbor “Big Stick”



Chapter IIICustoms and Traditions


 Easter:

Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon, in March

or in commemorates the Resurrection of

custom of dying eggs is very popular among main

meat on Easter Sunday are lamb and ham. Thanksgiving Day:

It falls on the fourth Thursday of is a holiday on

which God is thanked for the crops which have been safely

gathered. Abraham Lincoln

 In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery played a very important

was the Homestead Bill, the other was

Emancipation Proclamation in every 1864, he was

reelected was assassinated in April 13,

saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great

national hero.

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标签:英国   美国   议会   宪法   政治
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