


Jiaxing—The birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party


Jiaxing is a city located in Zhejiang province, in the Northeast of China, and also in

the center of Yangtze Delta area. It’s a beautiful and prosperous place full of vigor and



The Chinese Communist Party was born in Jiaxing eighty-three years ago, which

started a brand new epoch of the revolutionary in China. The First National Congress

of the Communist Party was hold in Shanghai in July 1921. Harassed by police, the

meeting place was moved to a boat on South Lake in Jiaxing. The first party program

and the first resolution were made in the meeting, the leading organization was

erected by vote, delegates solemnly declared the establishment of the Chinese

Communist Party. The present Red Boat berthed on South Lake, in front of the Mist

and Rain Tower, is a reproduction built in 1959. The boat, symbolized the beginning

of the history in China, is dubbed ―No.1 boat in China‖.


Inner view of the Red Boat on South Lake


In 1957, Chairman Mao visited Jiaxing again, he also viewed the Haining bore at the

Seven Mile Temple.


Lion Gathering Ferry at Jiaxing, where the delegates set off to South Lake in 1921.


In 1991, the Jiaxing people raised funds and built the South Lake Revolution

Memorial Hall to celebrate the 70th anniversaries of the founding of the Chinese

Communist Party. The memorial hall, inscribed by Deng xiaoping, took an area of

1980 m2, was built in the shape of the party emblem.


The former president Jian Zeming visited Jiaxing twice in 1991 and 1998, where he

called on the developed coastal regions to take the lead in modernizing the agriculture.


In May 3rd, 2001, President Hu Jingtao visited Jiaxing. On the same day, the activity

of ―the Party is in my hear—Tour of Red Boat, South Lake‖ was launched at the

square of South Lake Revolution Memorial Hall.


Former president Jian Zeming was visiting the South Lake Revolution Memorial Hall .


The South Lake Revolution Memorial Hall inscribed by Deng Xiaoping


President Hu Jingtao was visiting the Mid-lake island of South Lake.


The location of Jiaxing

上有天堂,下有苏杭,嘉兴在中央。以上海为龙头的长江三角洲是当今中国经济最富活力、最具潜质的地区之一。15座城市呈“之”字型错落有致地分布东南沿海的长江下游。嘉兴位于这“之”字一折的中间位置,距上海、杭州、苏州都只有一个小时左右的车程。在离嘉兴100公里左右的范围内,有上海浦东、虹桥和杭州萧山三大机场。沪杭铁路、沪杭 、乍嘉苏两条高速公路贯穿境内,申嘉湖、沪杭第二通道等高速公路即将动工。宁波至嘉兴、绍兴至嘉兴正在或即将兴


Above is paradise, below is Suzhou and Hangzhou, Jiaxing is in the middle. The

Yangtze delta area, headed by Shanghai, is one of the most prosperous, and most

promising regions in China. Fifteen zigzag cities site at the lower reaches of the

Yangtze rive in the Southeast of China, close to East Sea. Jiaxing is located in the

middle of this area, just one hour’s journey to Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Suzhou, and

100 kilometers to Shanghai Pudong, Hongqiao and Hangzhou Xiaoshan airport. Hu

Hang railway, Hu Hang highway, and Za Jia Su highway pass by the city. Shen Jia

Rive highway and Hu Hang No. 2 highway will be on construction very soon. The

under-construction Hangzhou Bay Bridge will create a high-speed transportation hub

for Jiaxing. Jiaxing is also building light rails between Shanghai, Hangzhou, and

Suzhou, by which Jiaxing grows to become the center of the Yangtze delta region



Jiaxing—The center of Yangtze Delta area


The Effect Picture of Hangzhou Bay Bridge


Notes from Mother Earth


Administratively, Jiaxing comprises Xiucheng and Xiuzhou regions, Pinghu, Haining

and Tongxiang cities, Jiashan and Haihan counties. It covers an area of 3915 square

kilometers, with a population of 4 million. In 2003, its GDP came to 85.563 billion

RMB, increased by 16.9% than that of 2002, the per capita GDP was 3107 USD. By

the end of June 2004, its GDP arrived 45.285 billion RMB, increased by 17.6%. In

2003, Jianxing ranked thirty-seventh among 200 county-level cities by comprehensive

competitiveness. Five counties of Jiaxing were listed in the national 100 counties

(cities) strongest in integral strength four times, and were ranked top 50 twice

successively. All of its administrated counties, cities and regions have become the

well-off county in Zhejiang province.


Congress Scenery Park of South Lake


The North coastline of Hangzhou Bay in Jiaxing reaches 121 kilometers, 41

kilometers of those are suitable for harbor construction. The deep water here and wide

inner land is super to build deep harbors. Jiaxing harbor is the first-class state open

harbor, it combines river and sea navigations with its unique features. Jiaxing is

blessed with a favorable climate, fertile land and rich water resource. Jiaxing enjoys a

subtropical , monsoon climate and four distinct seasons. In Jiaxing, the average

temperature is 15.70C, the frost-free period is 240 days a year, accumulated

temperature above 100C surpasses 50000C, the annual sunlight time is about 2100

hours. The flat and fertilize soil in Jiaxing derived from Late Quaternary Sediments.

The annual precipitation is between 1100 and 1200mm. Its surface water is around 1.6

billion cubic meters annually; shallow ground water is about 350 million cubic meters

annually. Jiaxing is interlaced with rives, which occupies 8.05% of land, its

watercourse reaches 13,000 kilometers.


South Lake shore


Jiaxing Harbor


Jiaxing is an important energy base in the East of China. The first-phase construction

of Qingshan Nuclear Power Station Jiaxing Power Plant are both completed and put

into production. Part of the third-phase of Qingshan Nuclear Power Station is under

running, the second-phase of Jiaxing Power Plant is under busy construction. After the

construction, its supply capacity will surpass 6 million kilovolt. The main electricity

net is in 220 and 110 kilovolt; the supply net is in 35 and 10 kilovolt. The abundant

water source can meet the demand of living and production, with the daily water

supply of 1,600,000 tons. The gas is supply with liquefied natural gas in pipelines.

The sewage treatment project was put into use, the designed daily treatment capacity

is 300,000 tons. Including the unused pipelines, the daily treatment capacity in the

future may come to 550,000 tons. The telecommunication in Jiaxing is advanced

compared as its counterparts in China. The long distance phone reaches 180 countries

and regions directly, 10M broad band to houses covers the city. The postal services

include ISD and IDD phone, fax, mobile phones, telex, leased lines, Internet, and

e-business and so on.


Qinshan Nuclear Power Station




Storage Station of liquefied gas


Mobile Communication Business Hall


Water Conservancy Investment Co., Ltd.


Chemical fiber enterprises


Chemical Storehouse


Jiaxing Mobile Trade City


The open economy is the main solution to develop Jiaxing’s economic. In 2003,

according to the contracts, Jiaxing utilized 2.096 billion USD foreign capital, and its

actual invested foreign capital came to 798 million USD, increased by 80% and

79.5% respectively year on year.



Jiaxing is presently implementing the program of urban-rural integration development

layout, deepening the urban-rural integration reform, eliminating the urban-rural dual

structure and improving the urban-rural mixture on economic, society, culture and

ecology. Lead by urbanization, supported by industries, Jiaxing will become the

strategic economic town in Yangtze Delta area, a new harbor city in the south of

Shanghai, and a prominent culture city in the south of Yangtze. The GDP of the city

will surpass 400 billion RMB, the per capita GDP will come to 10,000USD, and

basically achieve modernization in 2020.


Blessed by the development of Pudong, Shanghai, affected by the open economic in

the south of Jiansu province and the private economic in Zhejiang province, Jiaxing

has formed its own economic type with region feature. Presently, the annually

production of leathers, garments, and chemical fibers has surpassed 10billion RMB.

The hi-tech industry of electronics, mechanical and electronic integration, mobile

fittings, compound materials, and the heavy industry of petroleum, chemical and

energy is developing very fast. With the support form Shanghai, Jiaxing will

emphasize on the development of mobile fittings and electronics. Meanwhile, Jiaxing

is going to integrate and upgrade various industrial zones, and create the light

industries and hi-tech industries belt along the 320 national high, Hu Hang highway

and railways, built the heavy and transportation industries in the north of Hangzhou

Bay, along the coastline. Then ten industries of leather, textile, garments, wood, paper,

chemical, mechanical and electronic integration, mobile fittings, electronic stuff, and

standard articles will come into being. Rely on the hi-teches, supported by convenient

inner river and harbor transportation, the costal heavy chemical industry will also be

developed gradually.


Jiaxing—The culture source of the Southern Yangtze


Jiaxing is a city with long history and splendid culture. As early as 7000 thousand

years, our ancestors labored, lived and multiplied on this land. The Majiabang culture,

representative of the Neolithic Age at lower reaches of Yangtze and Taihu Lake, is one

of the sources of the ancient Chinese culture. During Spring and Autumn Period, this

place, also called Zhui Li, was a crucial battlefield of Wu and Yue states. In 221 B.C,

when Qing Shi Huang, the first emperor united China, this place was designated as

You Quan county. During Three Kingdom peorid, it was renamed as Jaxing. So this

place got the name of Jiaxing for more than 1750 years, and the city with cities are

still well preserved nowadays. For more than one thousand years, the Grand Canal

constructed at Sui Dynasty passes by Jiaxing city peacefully. During Tang Dynasty,

there went a saying—if Jiaxing got rich, the Yangtze delta region and the lower

reaches of Huaihe River would be rich, if Jiaxing was in poor harvest, those area

would be suffering. At Southern Song Dynasty, Jiaxing became a military town

protecting the capital—Ling’an (Hangzhou namely), when Jiaxing reached its heyday.

At Ming and Qing dynasty, Jiaxing was titled as the― metropolis of Southern Yangtze

River‖ and the ―land of honey and milk‖.


The culture source of the Southern Yangtze


The City within cities


Boundary Bridges of Wu and Yue State


Ancient Grand Canal


Modern Canvas—Zhui Li War


Jixing is an outstanding tourist city in China, endowed with abundant human sights

and tourist sources. As early as Five Dynasties, South Lake and the Mist and Rain

Tower had became the resort in the South of Yangtze River. Other beauty spots dotted

in Jiaxing are: ancient town—Xitang at Jiashan, the ―Hawaii‖ on Northeast

coastline—Nine Dragon Hill at Pinghu, the natural scenery with love—North and

South Lake at Haiyan, the wonder of Qiang Jiang Tidal Bore at Haining, the

birthplace of the great litterateur —Mao Dun at Tongxiang. There are more than 130

antique protection units above county level.


The tourist industry develops rapidly in recently years, its annual tourist treatment

outnumbers 10 million. Its domestic and international tourist came to 5,516,300 by

the end of June 2004, increased by 110%.


Fan Li Lake


Explore Book Pavilion


Mist and Rain Tower


Xiu Zhou Park


Trinal Pagodas


Ancient Town—Xitang


Verandas at Xitang


The Memorial Hall of Wu Zhen—The famous artist in Yuan Dynasty


Burning incense alley


Waterborne household


Bathing Beaches of Nine Dragons Hill at Pinghu


Taiwan Folk-Custom Center at Pinghu


Mo’s villa


Li Shutong Memorial Hall


No. 1 Bridge at Danghu


The East Lake Scenic Area


Southern riverhead—the ancient street with folks-customs.


Natural scenery with love—South and North Lake


Colorful Lanterns


Stone dykes


Parks at Haining to enjoy bores


The former Residence of Xu Zhimo


Stone Sutra Pillars of Tang Dynasty


The wonder of Haining Bore


Turn Boat Bay at Tongxiang


Folks and customs of waterborne town


First Snow falls on waterborne town


The performance on water


The Chrysanthemum Sea at Tongxiang



Jiaxing is also a place full of historic figures. There are famous poets -- Yan Zhen and

Yan Zhu at Eastern Han Dynasty; top writers with flowery language —Lu Ji and Lu

Yun at Jin Dynasty; the founder of novel—Gan Bao at Southern Jin Dynasty; one of

the ten ministers – Lu Zhi at Tang Dynasty; the famous painter—Wu Zhen at Yuan

Dynasty, the prominent thinker Lu Liuliang during Ming and Qing Dynasty; the

well-known scholars Zhu Yizun and Shen Zengzhi at Qing Dynasty; in modern times,

there are the great mater of Chinese culture –Wang Guowei, publishing giant—Zhang

Jiyuan, democratic patriot—Sheng Junru, famous litterateur—Mao Dun, poet — Xu

Zhimo, cartoonist— Zhang Leping and Feng Zikai, famous translator—Zhu Shenghao,

and military novelist—Jing Yong, and so on.


The old residence of Mao Dun


The old residence of Sheng Cengzhi


Zhu Shenghao


Xu Zhimo


Zhang Yuanji


Shen Junru


The old residence of Shen Junru


Wang Guowei


Zhang Leping


The old residence of Feng Zikai


Lotus Flower Lantern Festival


Waterborne Wedding Ceremony


Dragon Boat Race


Show of Heart Links To Heart of CCTV


White Boat Race


Jiaxing—The paradise for living


Jiaxing is a place with rich cultural heritage, advanced technologies, and a large

number of talents. In recent years, the city has made much progress in science,

education, culture and other social welfares. All of its cities and counties were ranked

highly with advanced technologies in China. With the universal of nine-year

compulsory education, and the improvement of education level, quite a few colleges

such as Jiaxing College, Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College were founded

successively. In 2003, the city recruited 6611 high school students, and 1750

graduated students. After Broadcast and TV Center, and Newspaper Center were put

into use, the construction of Jiaxing Grand Theatre, Library and Museum were also

finished and put into usage, which flourish the local culture. The city has created 16

community health service centers and 96 community health service stations, all of

those carry out the healthcare service to each community. The rural healthcare is also

consolidated well, the rural primary healthcare percentage is 100%, per thousand

resident have 1.64 doctors, and 2.95 sickbeds in hospital.


Urban and rural residents’ income is increasing continuously, their living quality is

improving, they are having a well-off live generally. In 2003, the urban per capita

disposable income was 12954RMB, the rural per capita net income was 6127RMB.

By the end of June 2004, the urban per capita disposable income has come to 7692,

increased by 12.6%, the rural per capita net income has reached 3601RMB, increased

by 14.7%. In 2003, the total balance of the finance organizations in Jiaxing reached

102.795 billion RMB.


Physical exercises become common practice among the local people


The city of Jiaxing is full of beautiful scenery and overflowing with vigor


Jiaxing Grand Theatre


Jiaxing Museum


Jiaxing Library


Information Office of the People’s Government of Jiaxing City


Wuzhen Town


South Lake


Congress Scenery Park of South Lake


Folk customs of the Southern Yangtze River


Jiaxing Scenery


Nine Dragon Hill


Haining Bore


Xitang Town


North and South Lake


Mist and Rain Tower


Location of Jiaxing city


Jiaxing is a city located in Zhejiang province, in the Northeast of China, and also the

center of Yangtze Delta area, neighboring with Shanghai-- the biggest City in China.

The flat city is interlaced with rivers; it’s the representative waterborne plain in the

South of Yangtze River. The city has the population of 4 million, covers the land

surface of 3915 square kilometers, and administrates Xiucheng, Xiuzhou regions,

Pinghu, Haining and Tongxiang cities, and Jiashan, Haiyan counties.


Jiaxing sites in the most prosperous, and most promising Yangtze delta regions in

China. Blessed from the development of Pudong, Shanghai, affected by the open

economic in the south of Jiansu province and the private economic in Zhejiang

province, Jiaxing forms its own economic type with region feature. In 2003, its GDP

came to 85.563 billion RMB, increased by 16.9% than that of pervious year, its per

capita GDP was 3107 USD. Jianxing ranks thirty-seventh among 200 county-level

cities in China by comprehensive competitiveness. Five counties of Jiaxing were

listed in the national 100 counties (cities) strongest in integral strength four times, and

were ranked top 50 twice successively. All of its administrated counties, cities and

regions have become the well-off county in Zhejiang province.


Jiaxing is a place with long history and splendid culture. As early as 7000 thousand

years, this place had cultivated the Majiabang culture, the representative of the

Neolithic Age at lower reaches of Yangtze and Taihu Lake. Since it was name as

Jiaxing by Wu State during the Three Kingdom, Jiaxing has existed as a city for more

than 1750 years. It was known as the ―land of milk and honey‖, the ―home of silk‖. In

July 1921, the First National Congress of the Communist Party was hold on a boat at

South Lake in Jiaxing, which solemnly declared the establishment of the Chinese

Communist Party。


Jiaxing is presently implementing the program of urban-rural integration, carrying out

the novel industrialization policy, and constructing a well-off society entirely. Jiaxing

will become the strategic economic town in Yangtze Delta area, a new harbor city in

the south of Shanghai, and a prominent culture city in the south of Yangtze. In 2020,

its GDP of the city will surpass 400 billion RMB, per capita GDP will come to

10,000USD, and basically achieve modernization.


Some many culture relics and traditional customs were bequeathed here.


Wen Bi Zhuan Pagoda, Temple of Confucius, Da Cheng Hall, Jinggang Hall of Cong

Fu Temple


Fu Yan Monastery Temple, three kilometers from the northern town


Well preserved ancient street relics of Ming and Qing Dynasty


The site of Gui Wang Temple during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdon on the ancient

Street of Si Ma Gao bridge.


The relics of Liangzhu Culture excavated at Xing Di Li, Tongxiang City, in 2001


The biggest tribe tomb group of Liangzhu Culture in China


Brief introduction of Congfu Town


Edited by the Committee of Congfu Town, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province


The People’s Government of Congfu Town, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province


City construction


Construction of special markets


Modern industrial economic


Development of Industrial Zone


Some enterprises


Sound equipment and facilities


Agricultural economic


The connotation of culture


Cong fu is a province-class central town with a history over 6000 years. The place

was built as a town for more than 1100 years, it’s also a modern town with vigor and

vitality. It’s located at the Hang Jia Hu Plain, in the Southeast of Tongxiang city. The

Hu Hang highway and the 320 national highway pass by the city, the Grand Canal

crosses the city from East to West. It is only 159 kilometers from Shanghai, and 55

kilometer from the capital Hangzhou. Its administrative area is 100.14 square

kilometers, includes 26 villages and 6 community committees, with the population of



Since the reform and opening to the outside world, the diligent Congfu people, after

inheriting the traditional advantages, and taking opportunities to develop their

economic and social welfares, have improved their comprehensive strength greatly.

The city has got the honors of ―the national demonstrated towns‖,“Central Town of

Zhejiang Province” ―Central Sanitation Town of Zhejiang province,‖“Strong

Education Town of Zhejiang Province”,“Demonstrated Youth Cultural Town of

Zhejiang province”. Congfu is taking its advantage of the central town, and

composing a magnificent blueprint for the new century. In 2003, its GDP came to

1.965 billion RMB, the gross industrial output was 7.663 billion RMB, the export

delivery reached 852million RMB, the gross agricultural output arrived 245 million

RMB, the rural per capita net income was 5754 RMB.


The development of urbanization was accelerated by the construction of infrastructure

and transportation facilities. The telecommunication building, coach passenger

transport center, the Gym of No.2 middle school were put into use successively. A

large number of public facilities, such as Broadcast and TV Center, Administration

Center, Public Square, Impatient building of No.2 hospital, Heat Power plant, Sewage

Treatment Plant are under construction. The urban and rural transportation was started

in Congfu district; it’s the first central town in Zhejiang province uses buses for urban

and rural transportation.


Construct various special markets continuously. The Construction Material Market

and the Leather Market were opened, and the Sheep Market, the Vegetable and Fruit

Market, and Wood Market were moved to new sites recently. The Leather World,

which was invested around 100 million RMB from other cities, is under construction.

The two-star Leather Market is transforming from raw material market to the final

production market. In 2003, the transaction value from the Leather Market,

Construction Material Market and Wood Market were increased by 30%. The

agricultural product market and industrial product market, goods distribution

companies, which are going to help with the development of regional economic, will

be built in the future.



The Congfu Leather World is neighboring with the leather processing industrial zone,

covers an area of 20 hectares, has more than 400 stores. The construction was started

in October 2003, will be finished by the end of 2004, when it will become the largest

comprehensive market in China for the retail and wholesale of garments and leather

products, and for product exhibit, design, trade and other activities as well. The

market, invested by 80 million RMB, introduces concrete and frame structure,

consists North and South buildings. Each section coordinates with others functionally,

and shares facilities with others.


In 2003, its gross industrial output value came to 7.663 billion RMB, increased by

26.3% than that of the previous year. The industrial added value was 1.494 billion

RMB, increased by 22.8% than that of last year, large-scale enterprises produced 180

million RMB, increased by 34.% than that of last year. There are 67 large-scales

enterprises in the town, 13 of them were elected into the 320 Project, 10 of them have

the asset over 100million RMB. With the continuously expanding, the enterprises

occupy a larger quota of the market increasingly. Three main industries of light textile,

construction material and leather were formed basically, and quite a few enterprises

appear with their own characters, such as Xin Au, Zhong Hui and Xin Du. Meanwhile,

the town shapes its region-featured economic. The government insists combining the

introduction with debouchment, and attracts foreign investment entirely. With the

expanding of economical and technological cooperation, there are 44 enterprises have

got the import and export right. The export delivery comes to 852 million RMB,

which ranks first among the city.


The Congfu Industrial Zone, with high quality and high standard, covers an area of

27.35 square kilometers. There are sound infrastructure and complete equipment in

the zone. The in-using 5 kilometer is supplied with electricity, water, heat and sewage

pipelines, cables, wide roads and even ground. Sixteen enterprises have settled down

here during the first and second investment phase. The government has taken over

180 hectares land and invested 40million RMB for the third-phase construction of the

industrial zone. The industrial zone has become a place for production, trading and

living, which supports the urban development. Now, it is hot spot for domestic and

foreign investment.


In Congfu Tow, there are sound public services, such as schools, hospitals, power

supply, post offices, telecommunications, hotels, and government organizations such

as Industrial Commercial Bureau, Taxation Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Court,

Finance office and Insurance companies.


The town has issued a local magazine—Congde Literary World, which has become

the ―cultural name card‖ of Congde, and enhanced its status as a prominent cultural

town. In 2003, Congfu town was honored as Outstanding Town with Rural Herbalist

Doctors. 82.8% of the rural households have been installed with tap water, 82.8% of

the rural households have been installed with cables, and 81.68% individuals have

rural healthcare services. The public facilities are well developed. All of the villages

in Congfu are blacktopped and their power nets have been reconstructed.


To increase farmers’ income, optimize the traditional agricultural structure, the local

government has put much effort on the development of rising agriculture and ecologal

agriculture, such as the plant of flowers and trees, vegetable and fruit, the raise of

aquatic lives and livestock. The government has built and expanded five agricultural

product bases, three agricultural model bases, accelerated the development of three

specialized project villages. The farmers have built no public-polluted mustard tuber

base, and founded the enterprises for the process and small-quantity packing of

mustard tubers. The government cares about the development of leading agricultural

enterprises and their sales. With the government’s help, associations of plants, pigs,

rabbits and sheep were founded. The local government uses the land legally, built

irrigation project, and reconstructed of three old projects, brought river under control,

planted trees to protect canals. All of those have improved the agricultural production

conditions and environments greatly.



The civilization of Congfu dates back to the Neolithic Age 6000 thousand years ago.

Archeological finds indicate that our ancestors had prospered in this fertile plain.

Congfu was the territory of Yue sate since Western Zhou Dynasty and Warring States,

named as Yu’er. In Qin Dynasty, it belonged to Kuaiji county. By the end of Ming

Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, this place became the academic center of

the Southern Yangtze River, and then a historic cultural town. A large number of

scholars gathered here, the articles and poems composed by Lu Mengliang, and Wu

Mengju and other scholars got their reputation in the country. Congfu also fills with

relics, some of them are Jingang Hall, Da Cheng Hall at the Temple of Confucius,

Lu’s Garden, Wen Bi Zhuan Pagoda, and the former residence of Wu Tao. The Jingan

Hall is the well-known ancient architecture in the town. It was built at 503 A.D., was

the famous monastery in the north of Zhejiang province. The hexagonal 7-storied Wen

Bi Zhuan Pagoda was built at Ming Dynasty; it is the only ancient pagoda in the city.


The ancient has witnessed great changes of the world for thousand years, especially in

the recently five decades. On the march in the new century, we Congfu government

will utilize the favorable natural environment, geographical conditions, and good

industrial structures, take the goal of constructing a well developed province-class

central town, introduce talent, capital, and advanced technologies, lead the Congfu

people to construct a modern new town, and work for this ancient, vital and fertile


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