


1、The purpose of your resume is to _____ enough interest in you to have an employer contact

you for an interview.

A. assemble

B. generate

C. yield

D. gather

B)。考查动词的语义辨析。各选项的意思分别是:选项A)assemble意为“集合,聚集,召集;装配”,如:The whole school assembled in the main hall.全校学生在大礼堂集合。Before you

assemble the model plane, read the instructions.在你组装模型飞机前,先读说明书。选项B)generate意为“生成,产生(光、热、电等);引起(兴趣等)”,如:News of the Queen's visit is

generating a lot of excitement.女皇来访的消息使大家感到非常兴奋。选项C)yield意为“生产,产生(利润、回报等);投降,屈服”,如:His business yields big profits.他的生意利润丰厚。选项D)gather意为“聚集,集合;收集,采集”,如:Many people gathered in the town square.很多人聚集在市政广场。该题需注意选项B)和选项C)在搭配上的区别。根据题意,选项B)应为正确答案。全句意思为是“简历就是要充分引起雇主对你的兴趣,并达到进一步联系面试的目的”。

2、We'd better eliminate junk foods from our kitchen and keep a variety of high-quality foods

_____ at all times.

A. available

B. desirable

C. enormous

D. numerous

A)。考查形容词语义环境。四个选项的意思分别是:选项A)available现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的;选项B)desirable称心如意的,值得有的,如I envy Jane because her job is so

desirable.我很羡慕简,因为她有一份很称心的工作。选项C)enormous巨大的,极大的,庞大的;选项D)numerous许多的,很多的,如:This is a conclusion he has drawn from numerous


3、Faced with rapid inflation and _____ international and home markets, many firms have

declared bankrupt.

A. lessening

B. shortening

C. shrinking

D. withdrawing

C)。考查近义动词的语义辨析。各选项的意思及用法分别是:选项A)lessening减少,减轻,侧重指程度、重要性等的减轻。如:The defeat lessened our chances of winning the

championship.此次失败使我们夺冠的希望变得更加渺茫。lessen the burden of减轻负担;选项B)shortening缩短,变短,如The days are beginning to shorten.天开始变短了。shorten the gap

between缩小……之间的差距;选项C)shrinking使收缩,缩小,减少,侧重指尺寸、大小等的变小。如:The number of students attending the lecture has shrunk.听讲座的学生人数减少了。Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?这种肥皂会使羊毛衣服缩水吗?选项D) withdrawing收回,撤退,撤销,如:After awhile, he withdrew his proposal.过了一会儿,他撤回了他的提议。根据题意可判断出选项C)应为正确答案。全句意思是“面对通货膨胀和日益缩小的国际国内市场,许多公司都已宜布破产”。

4、Last night he saw two dark _____ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.

A) features

B) figures

C) sketches

D) images

[答案] B

[译文] 昨天晚上他看见两个黑影进了大楼,然后就发生了爆炸。

[解析] Feature 表示“特征,特点”;sketch的意思是“素描,梗概,草图”;image表示“形象”;而figure表示“外形,轮廓,体型”,符合上下文。

5、It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without _____.

A) exception

B) exclusion

C) modification

D) substitution

[答案] A

[译文] 很明显,这条规定适用于任何人,没有例外。

[解析] Without exception为固定搭配,表示“毫无例外,无一例外”。Exclusion表示“排除,排外”;modification的意思是“更改,修正”;substitution表示“替代”。

6、Last night he saw two dark _____ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.

A. features

B. figures

C. sketches

D. images

[答案] B

[译文] 昨天晚上他看见两个黑影进了大楼,然后就发生了爆炸。

[解析] Feature表示“特征,特点”;sketch的意思是“素描,梗概,草图”;image表示“形象”;而figure表示“外形,轮廓,体型”,符合上下文。

7、Faced with rapid inflation and _____ international and home markets, many firms have

declared bankrupt.

A. lessening

B. shortening

C. shrinking

D. withdrawing

[答案] C。

考查近义动词的语义辨析。各选项的意思及用法分别是:选项Alessening减少,减轻,侧重指程度、重要性等的减轻。如:The defeat lessened our chances of winning the championship. 此次失败使我们夺冠的希望变得更加渺茫。lessen the burden of减轻负担;选项Bshortening缩短,变短,如The days are beginning to shorten.天开始变短了。shorten the gap between缩小……之间的差距;选项Cshrinking使收缩,缩小,减少,侧重指尺寸、大小等的变小。如:

The number of students attending the lecture has shrunk.听讲座的学生人数减少了。Will this

soap shrink woolen clothes?这种肥皂会使羊毛衣服缩水吗?选项D withdrawing收回,撤退,撤销,如:After awhile, he withdrew his proposal.过了一会儿,他撤回了他的提议。根据题意可判断出选项C应为正确答案。全句意思是“面对通货膨胀和日益缩小的国际国内市场,许多公司都已宜布破产”。

8、We'd better eliminate junk foods from our kitchen and keep a variety of high-quality foods

_____ at all times.

A. available

B. desirable

C. enormous

D. numerous

[答案] A。

考查形容词语义环境。四个选项的意思分别是:选项Aavailable现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的;选项Bdesirable称心如意的,值得有的,如I envy Jane because her job is so desirable.我很羡慕简,因为她有一份很称心的工作。选项Cenormous巨大的,极大的,庞大的;选项Dnumerous许多的,很多的,如:This is a conclusion he has drawn from numerous facts.这是他从很多事实当中得出的结论。根据题干可判断出选项A应为正确答案。全句的意思为“我们应清除厨房里的垃圾食品,而使各种高质量的食物随手可及”。

9、The purpose of your resume is to _____ enough interest in you to have an employer contact

you for an interview.

A. assemble

B. generate

C. yield

D. gather

[答案] B。

考查动词的语义辨析。各选项的意思分别是:选项Aassemble意为“集合,聚集,召集;装配”,如:The whole school assembled in the main hall.全校学生在大礼堂集合。Before you

assemble the model plane, read the instructions.在你组装模型飞机前,先读说明书。选项Bgenerate意为“生成,产生光、热、电等;引起兴趣等”,如:News of the Queen's visit is

generating a lot of excitement.女皇来访的消息使大家感到非常兴奋。选项Cyield意为“生产,

产生利润、回报等;投降,屈服”,如:His business yields big profits.他的生意利润丰厚。选项Dgather意为“聚集,集合;收集,采集”,如:Many people gathered in the town square.很多人聚集在市政广场。该题需注意选项B和选项C在搭配上的区别。根据题意,选项B应为正确答案。全句意思为是“简历就是要充分引起雇主对你的兴趣,并达到进一步联系面试的目的”。

10、They are going to have the serviceman _____ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.

A. install

B. to install

C. to be installed

D. installed

[译文] 他们准备让勤杂工明天在办公室安装一台电扇。

答案为A. 本题是一道语法测试题。我们知道使役动词,have、let、make后面的动词不定式作宾语时,应省略to,本句由应有have sb. do sth. 故我们选A)项。

1. The bank charges 6 per cent __ on all money borrowed from it.

A. Salary

B. Pay

C. Income

D. interest

2. The doctor kept him __ on a life-support machine.

A. Tidy

B. Alive

C. Gentle

D. proud

3. Katy can think clearly when she is not under __.

A. Straw

B. Space

C. Stress

D. surface

4. Last week lots of T-shirts were __ here and the cheapest cost only one dollar.

A. At work

B. On sale

C. In practice

D. Out of sight

5. He decided to devote all his time and effort __ scientific investigation.

A. In

B. On

C. From

D. to

6. He fell in love with her at first __.

A. Scene

B. Sight

C. View

D. look

7. I have promised to help you and I’ll __ my word.

A. Hold

B. Follow

C. Stick

D. keep

8. If you have high blood pressure, you should __ eating too much salty food.

A. Escape

B. Suggest

C. Avoid

D. relax

9. During the past ten years, there have been __ changes in the country.

A. Lasting

B. Dramatic

C. Powerful

D. imaginary

10. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and __ , in a quiet place.

A. After all

B. All over

C. Above all

D. First of all

11. We have always thought very __ of him.

A. Highly

B. Well

C. Greatly

D. enough

12. He told his friends that he was going to Japan __.

A. On duty

B. On business

C. On board

D. On the spot

13. It’s no use __ for a doctor. It’s too late already.

A. To send

B. Sending

C. By sending

D. Having sent

14. I know you’re planning to travel this summer, but do you know __?

A. How much cost it will be

B. How much has it cost

C. How much it will cost

D. How much will it cost

15. Childish __ she may be, she is kind and friendly.

A. If

B. Although

C. As

D. however

16. ---Tom, is there __ wrong with the car?

---Yeah, the engine refuses to start.

A. Anything

B. One thing

C. Nothing

D. none

17. __succeed in doing anything.

A. Only by working hard we can

B. By only working hard we can

C. Only by working hard can we

D. Only we can by working hard

18. By the end of next month, you __ here for three years.

A. Will have studied

B. Study

C. Will study

D. Have studied

19. Your temperature has dropped, so you __ take that medicine.

A. Don’t

B. Mustn’t

C. Needn’t

D. Can’t

20. ___

21. __ Hong Kong is one of __ busiest seaports in the word.

A. The; the

B. /; /

C. The; /

D. /; the

22. The old man __ dead in the snow the next morning.

A. Found

B. Was found

C. Was found

D. Had found

23. It’s time that we __ to take care of our own house.

A. Begin

B. Will begin

C. Have begin

D. begin

24. __ city to you prefer, Shanghai or London?

A. What

B. Which

C. Who’s

D. whose

25. Mr. Jones enjoys __ his children out for long walks.

A. Take

B. Takes

C. To take

D. taking

26. He __ from collage three years ago, but now he is the boss of a large business.

A. Graduate

B. Graduates

C. Graduated

D. Has graduated

27. Herry waved to his sister, __ was just getting off a bus.

A. Who

B. That

C. Which

D. Whose

28. Mark’s coming to the meeting this afternoon, __?

A. Doesn’t he

B. Won’t he

C. Isn’t he

D. Shan’t he

29. It was __ dark that we could hardly see the faces of each other.

A. Very

B. Quite

C. So

D. too

30. The car __ halfway on the road, so we had to walk home.

A. Broke up

B. Broke off

C. Broke out

D. Broke down

16-20 DBCBD

21-25 BDCBC

26-30 ABBCC

31-35 ACAC_

36-40 DBDBD

41-45 CACCD

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