
2024年1月1日发(作者:lone ranger)


Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert

in the sun: in the sunlight, as opposed to in the shade under

the sun在天底下, 在地上; 在这个世上everything under the sun is

everything that exists or is possible

We talked about everything under the sun.

She seems to have an opinion on every subject under the


under the midnight sun 在阳光的直射下at the other end of

our planet

capable of processing a fifty-ton catch on a good day: having

the ability of cleaning and preparing for marketing or canning

fifty-tons of fish on a productive day. catch: the amount of

something caught; in the sentence it refers to the amount of fish


e.g. The boat brought back a big catch of fish. capable of:

having the ability of

to process: to prepare by a special method---

to convert a commodity into a marketable form through a

specific method

on a good day: good here means suitable, proper

E.g. It’s a good day for a trip to the mountains. 今天的天气很适合去山里玩。Those cards would be good for the invitations.


Anchor: stop sailing and lower the anchor抛锚

Stern The rear part of a ship or boat. 船尾(轮船或小船的后部)

Bow The front section of a ship or boat船头(船或小艇的前面部分)

Larboard n(船的)左舷,【航海】左舷(为避免与右舷

starboard 混淆, 现一般用port 一词代替) Prospect: possibility,likelihood

Good:considerable or large in size, amount or range (数量、面积和范围)相当大的

E.g. We have been waiting for you for a good have

traveled a good distance.

They stock a good range of furniture.

Bleak: not promising or hopeful

a) If a situation is bleak, it is bad, and seems unlikely to


e.g. His future looked bleak.

bleak prospect前途暗淡;

the bleakness of the post war years

b) If a place is bleak, it looks cold, bare, and

the bleak coastline

c) When the weather is bleak, it is cold, dull, and unpleasant

e.g. the bleak winters d) If someone looks or sounds bleak,

they seem depressed, hopeless, or unfriendly

e.g. his bleak features

bleakly adv.

e.g. He stared bleakly ahead.

“What,” he asked bleakly, “are these?”

Lap: strike gently (with a light, splashing sound)

The sea lapped against the rocks.海水拍打着礁石。

The sea laps the shore.波浪拍打海岸。

in all directions: everywhere, all around极目四望Extend/stretch all the way as far as the eye could see

that stretched all the way to the horizon: that extended to

the far off place where the sky meet the earth

At rest: anchored, not moving

The machine is at rest.//The sails (风车的翼板) of the windmill

are not at rest.

Scatter: spread

Dune: a rounded hill or ridge of sand heaped up by the

action of the wind 沙丘Sand mound

The Aral : 或Aral Sea 咸海[苏联中亚细亚地区](旧译阿拉海,是一个大咸水湖)

Comparable: that can be compared with

Be Comparable to: be equal to, parallel, match comparable:

something that is comparable to something else is a) as good as/

as big as/ as important as the other thing; b) similar to the other


e.g. This dinner is comparable to the best French cooking.

Our house is not comparable with yours. Ours is just a small hut

while yours is a palace.

Feed: flow into

Divert: turn sth. aside from a course or direction使转向,改变用途

e.g. They diverted the Yingna River to supply water to Dalian


Ill-considered: Ill-conceived or plannedCan: put fish into cans or bottles

Canned food/Canned fish//Canned water, bottled water Ship:

transported, carried

Personification: my search led me to

Underlying: primary, basic

Images: typical examples, signs, scenes

The bottom of the earth:The most southern end orThe

farthest end of the earth’s axis

考虑不周的Scheme:plan, project Shoreline:coastline Dock:v. anchor, moor

high in the Trans-Antarctic Mountains横贯南极的山脉:

standing at a high place in the mountain chain

the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in the sky:

the sun shining at midnight through the ozone depletion

midnight su n: phenomenon occurring only in the polar regions

glaring: shining brightly

a hole in the sky:It refers to ozone depletion(n.损耗). 臭氧层空洞冰川融化,臭氧减少

unbelievable coldness: so cold that you cannot

imagineunbelievable:incredible, unimaginable parka: n.

waterproof jacket with a hood attached (as worn for skiing,

mountain climbing, etc.)

a badly burned face:caused by overexposure to direct


cracked and peeling皲裂、脱皮: note the use of past

participle and present participle; on the face there were lines that

were split open and pieces of skin were coming down.

annual layer:年层,年轮(树)Core sample:核心标本He

moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago:

Following the layers of ice in the core sample, his finger came to

the place where the layer of ice was formed 20 years ago.

Clean Air Act:《净化空气法案》passed by U.S. Congress in


Two continents: South America and Antarctica

Emit=send out, discharge

Emissions: sth. emitted, pollutants discharged emission: the

amount of pollutants discharged Publication: sth. Published

Translations: something translated

revelations: s th. revealed

(Access)The least accessible: the place which is most

difficult to get to in the world

Industry meant coal: the development of industry meant the

use of large amount of coal as fuel to generate power. thus far:

up to this time pick up speed: accelerate, increase speed, develop

at an accelerated speed; become faster

ever since: from then until now

it: standing for coal and later oil

bringing rising levels of carbon dioxide:making the amount

of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere grow bringing: causing,

leading to

rising level: the increasing/growing amount of carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere

. trap: keep, hold, absorb

upwind: in the direction from which the wind is blowing or

usually blows 顶风,逆风

ice runway : runway is a strip of paved ground for use by

airplanes in taking off and landing, and here in the South Pole

the runway is a strip of ice ground冰雪跑道

ski plane: an airplane with skis instead of wheels for landing

and taking off in the snow雪上飞机

to prevent the metal parts from freeze-locking together: to

stop the metal parts from being frozen solid freeze-locking:(防止金属部件)冻锁在一起monitor the air: watch or check on the air

to chart the course: t o show the onward movement on an

outline map草图,略图or chart

to mark sth. on a chart or a graph曲线图

inexorable: that cannot be changed; Unavoidable,


e.g. the inexorable rise in the cost of living

Steep : sharp or sudden

Sharp or sudden increase//growth or fall//decline graph:

usually a mathematical diagram

at the other end of our planet: the North Pole or the Arctic

pitch: set up; erect, put up

pitch: pitch a tent =put up a tent

e.g. They pitched their tent near the stream./They pitched

their tent at the edge of the field.

slab: a piece that is flat, broad and fairly thick

e.g. a slab of rock; a concrete slab; a slab of cheese frigid:

extremely cold, freezing, icy

e.g. frigid weather

Hearty: satisfying and rich 丰盛的

snowmobile:a kind of motor vehicle for traveling over snow,

usually with steerable runners at the front and trac-tor treads at

the rear雪上汽车

rendezvous point: a place designated for meeting or

assembling (here: the place where a submarine was to pick them

up);Meeting place, assembling site rendezvous:约会,会合

a) A rendezvous is a meeting often a secret one, that you

have arranged with someone for a particular time and place.

e.g. We make a dawn rendezvous.

b) A rendezvous is a place where you have arranged to meet

somebody often secretly.

e.g. I met him at a secret rendezvous outside the city.

rendezvous :noun [C] plural rendezvous约会,幽会

1. an arrangement to meet someone, especially secretly, at

a particular place and time, or the place itself约会,幽会--We

have a rendezvous for next week, don't we?

--The lovers met at a secret rendezvous in the park.

2. a place where a particular group of people often go or

meet, by arrangement or habit约会地点

This restaurant is a popular rendezvous for local artists.

rendezvous :(verb)to meet at a designated place

--The police arranged to rendezvous with their informant at

a disused warehouse.

hover: Wait or stay nearby

hover :verb

1. [ usually + adverb or preposition] to stay in one place in

the air, usually by moving the wings quickly: (指鸟、昆虫、飞机)

--A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its


--I heard the noise of a helicopter hovering overhead.

2. [usually + adverb or preposition] to stand somewhere,

especially near another person, eagerly or nervously waiting for

their attention: (指人因等待或彷徨而)徘徊;走来走去)

--A waiter hovered at the table, ready to take our order.

--I could sense him behind me, hovering and building up the

courage to ask me a question.

--I noticed several reporters hovering around outside the


3. [ + adverb or preposition] to stay at or near a particular

level; to be in a uncertain state: 不确定,摇摆不定

--Inflation is hovering at 3%.

--The dollar has been hovering around 98 yen level. 美元一直围绕98日元的水平上下浮动。

Crash through: Break with force and surface

after it crashed through the ice:after the submarine broke

through the ice with force and smashing noise and surfaced

took on its new passengers: picked up the author and his


Dalian has taken on a festive look/appearance/air during the

Fashion Festival.

Take on: pick up, let on

Take on: 呈现,接受,从事(某工作), 雇佣,上(客),让(某人)上车,接受乘客

The bus stopped at the curb (路边的镶边石,路边) to take the

woman on.

The pilot refused to take any more passengers on; he is

overweight for take-off as it is.

The fuel oil we took on at Freetown will be enough to get us

to Tilbury.

Resubmerge: Go down under the water again

The polar ice cap:地极冰盖/帽/冠(指作为地球帽子的南北极的冰雪地区)

Negotiate: Produce an agreement through negotiation议定,谈妥

Ensure: guarantee

Ensure the release of:使…得以公布

to ensure the making public of data which were previously

classified as top secret

Release: make public

Top data from submarine sonar tracks: 从潜艇声纳音轨所获得的绝密数据

Met: 从上下文可以为“进入”

Eerily: Mysteriously and frighteningly

In an eerily beautiful snowscape:站在神秘可怕的美丽的雪景中

Eerily beautiful: 矛盾修饰法oxymoron

E.g. cruel kindness

Windswept: a. 被风扫的白茫茫的,闪着白光Define: to make

clear the outline or form of sth.指(轮廓、形状等),使明确,使清


The mountain was clearly defined against the light of the

eastern sky.

东方天空的光芒使那座山清晰地显露出来。Pressure ridge(山脊,屋脊):冰的压力脊

Push up: Raise, collect, build up聚起,隆起

Collide: Crash violently, hit or strike each other violently


Push up: increase

Polar regions: 极区

Disastrous: dangerous, disaster-causing

Scenario: Possible course or direction of an event(设想的)未来的事态

Speculate, speculation

Speculative: guessing

Exercise: Practice, task, thing

Pattern: the regular way ice is distributed

Claim: statement

A still controversial claim: a statement which some scientists

still don’t completely agree or accept Suggest: show, indicate

Establish: prove

Snowmelt: n. 雪融化成冰,冰融时期

As it happens: As if by chance说来也巧Disturbing:

unpleasant, irritating, distressing, Billowing clouds of smoke:

large swelling mass of smoke 滚滚的烟云

1) billowing n.巨浪, 波浪般滚滚向前的东西v. 翻腾

a. 奔腾的,汹涌澎湃的

(The billowing clouds of smoke come from the burning of the

rain forest.)

(The existence of the rain forest is now in danger as a

result of large-scale destruction.)

Immense:enormous, tremendous, boundless, immeasurable

Acre by acre: bit by bit

Pasture: ground suitable for grazing

Worth: equal in area or size

(The area of rain forest burned in one year is bigger than the

state of Tennessee.)

Worth:价值, 价值……钱的(东西),相当于……大小,值……的量

An hour’s worth of work 一小时的工作

A week’s worth of food 可以吃一周的食品

Several years’ worth of magazines 好几年积下来的杂志I

have bought a shilling’s worth of sweets.

He bought ten dollars’ worth of postage stamps.

Thus, in 1949, Canada imported about two million dollars’

worth of goods from the United States.

I went and bought about six dollars’worth of potato chips.

Large numbers of deer are now roaming the forests and

causing thousands of millions of rubles’ worth of damage.

You’ve got three years’worth of research money to do what

you want.

Slash: cut with a sweeping stroke

(Since miles of forest are being destroyed and the habitat for

these rare birds no longer exists, thousands of birds which we

have not even had a chance to see will become extinct.)

in high northern latitudes 在北纬高纬度地区Assault: a sudden

violent attack

Sexual assault.性骚扰;sexual harassment 性骚扰,;ssault carrier航空母舰;an assault force突击队;an assault river crossing强渡;air


Signal: show, indicate

Distress: risk, damage, a state of danger

Ghostly: Terrifying, terrible

In process: continuing, on-going

Continuing/on-going loss of ecological balance

In progress在进行中,在举行

A great reception is in progress.

No one will be seated while the play is in progress.

No unauthorized person is allowed in the room while the

examination is in progress.

Blot out: To cover or hide sth.覆盖; 遮住

The hill was blotted out by mist.小山丘被薄雾遮住了。One

acts like this cannot blot out his former transgressions. 这样表现并不能抹去他的前科。Thick, white smoke completely blotted out

the sun.

She had blotted out all her memories of the accident.

毁灭The city was blotted out by bombs.这座城市被炸平了。

Nocti-: prefix means night “夜“;Noc’ti-vagant夜游;Nocti-luca 夜光虫;Nocti-florous 夜间开花的Lucent: s hining,

glowing Nocti-lucent cloud 夜光云

Cloak: clothe, cover, hide,conceal

Shimmer: Glimmer, shine with unsteady light

Trans: half, partially

Partially transparent

Unnatural: Abnormal or strange

And they should=and they should be unnatural because “:”

the colon means because

Buildup: gradual gathering or increase in amount逐渐增加/扩大/集结

Methane甲烷;Landfills: 埋入地下的垃圾

Rice paddies: Paddy(稻,谷)fields, rice field Termite: 白蚁;Swarm: move in large number Biomass (一个地区的)生物量

Condense: become solid or liquid by coldness

Strike: fall upon, shot on

Ghost: terrible signs, terrifying images

Awe: A feeling of respect mixed with fear and wonder Tear:

remove by force

Extinct, extinction

Rip :to pull apart; to tear or be torn violently and quickly:

His new trousers ripped when he bent down.

I ripped my shirt on a nail.

[+ object + adjective] She excitedly ripped the parcel open.

Tear or cut apart roughly

Matter: resources, substance

Its place: Where the matter should be or belong to Volume:

quantity; Upset: disturb, interrupt; Add to: increase

Chemistry: The chemical composition

Startle: a larm, shock, frighten, disturb by a surprise , an alarm

Glisten: shine, shimmer, sparkle

Spectral: ghostly, terrifying

Adjusted: Got used to, Adapted to

For what they are: their real nature

e.g Corporate events need to be seen for what they are---business meetings in a social setting. 人们需要认清公司活动的实质/真正含义---社交场合下的业务聚会

A physical manifestation: a real sign or indication/reflection

of the sharp conflict between human civilization and the earth

Their meanings: their real nature

Experiences: Cases, examples, images

Signal: Show, indicate

Exceed: Be over, be more than, outpace, surpass Mountains:

great amount of

Puzzling: baffling, difficult to understand

Launch: make, start

Massive: big, large-scale

Come at:(informal) consider, approach, deal with a problem

We need to come at the problem from a different angle.

Startle us into: alarm us in such a way that we immediately take

actions and concentrate on ways of dealing with them effectively.

Dramatic: serious, striking

Paralysis: 瘫痪,麻痹

Paralyze :vt.使瘫痪,使麻痹

1.Loss or impairment of the ability to move a body part,

usually as a result of damage to its nerve supply.瘫痪,麻痹:通常由于移动身体某一部位的神经供给受破坏而使其能力丧失或受阻

2.Loss of sensation over a region of the body.麻痹:身体某一部位丧失感觉

3.(figuratively) Inability to move or function; total stoppage

or severe impairment of activity:瘫痪,停滞:不能移动或运行;完全停止或是活动的严重受阻

e.g. fear that led to international paralysis.恐惧导致国际大瘫痪


Convenient: simple, easy

Distraction 分心的事情

Distracting things, matters or actions

Still: Nevertheless

Distress: disturbing, pain-causing

Absorb: accept or understand

to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them:

It's hard to absorb so much information.

to absorb the full meaning of a remark 理解一句话的全部意义

Organize thoughts and feelings: ;理一理思绪和感觉Organize:

sort out

System: method, approach

Theater: Scene of operation 1.场所, 战区

The South Pacific was the theatre for much of the action in

the Second World War.南太平洋是第二次世界大战中许多战斗的战场。

2.手术室:The patient was sent to the theatre.病人被送到了手术室。

1) theater: scene of operation

theatre (MILITARY) UK, theater of operation 战区;战场

US theater an area or place in which important military

events happen

a theatre of war

2) place of significant events: the place or realm where

significant actions or events take place(发生重大事件的)场所

a theater of terrible violence 发生可怖暴行的场所Skirmish n.小冲突noun [C]

a fight between a small number of soldiers which is usually

short and not planned, and which happens away from the main

area of fighting in a war


Strategic: global 战略性的,对全局有重要意义的Reserved for:

especially used to describe

Parking space reserved for sb. 某人专用车位

In a global context: From a global point of view, from a global


In nature在性质上

Contaminate: make sth. impure or bad Contamination:



Spills: The amount of spilt oil

Instances: cases

the working of world environment 全球环境的运转情况

at stake: at risk, in danger, be endangered, under threat,be


At stake关系到,……有危险

1.If we lose the contract, hundreds of jobs are at stake. The

peace of the country is at stake.

The team played hard because the championship of the state

was at stake.

The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake. The

farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city

because they had more at stake.

A new class: a new category

Ch’lorine: ;Chlorofluorocarbon氟利昂CFC Those

countries producing CFC (that are ) responsible: 对产生氟利昂有责任的那些国家

Breadth, width,Height

Disrupt: disturb, interrupt, upset

Regulate: handle and control;;Allow: release, let

To the point: to the degree or extent

Concentration: amount or levels浓度

Heat-absorbing: Heat-trapping, heat-holding

‘M olecule:分子;Atom:原子

Pose: form, constitute, making, causing

Retain: maintain, kept

Equi’librium: balance

Determine: Affect, decide

Pattern of wind:风的类型Ocean currents:大洋的水流Sea level


In turn: in proper sequence or succession依次Vegetative life:

vegetables, plants

Location and pattern: where and how

Transform: Completely change

Particular area: specific, given

In prehistoric times: In periods before recorded history

Intentionally: on purpose, deliberately, purposely Reshape: give

new form or shape to sth., transform Tend: t ake care of, care, look



While: although

Pervasive: prevalent, common, taking place everywhere

Trivial: U nimportant, insignificant (in their influence on the

ecological system of the world

Assume: think, suppose

Lasting effect: e ternal or permanent effect

Until our lifetime: By the end of our life

Precisely: E xactly

Disregard: Get rid of

Dominant: primary, main, decisive Dominate; Domination

resist: refuse to accept;;Measure: calculate

By the same yardstick用同一个尺度(采取同样的科学态度)

Strength: force

The moon’s pull on the oceans (月亮对海洋的引力)(tide/the

morning and evening tides潮汐,ground sea or tsunami 海啸)

The force of the sea against the mountains: 风对山脉的吹力(weathering风化

(We must measure or treat our effect on the earth in the

same way as we measure the effect of natural forces on the earth.

Both are very powerful or forceful and destructive.) 我们不可轻视人类对地球的影响和破坏,其影响之大可与自然力相比。

Acknowledge: recognize (Surely…restrain: Of course, we

must recognize that we have the new obligation/need to use the

newly acquired capability in a prudent or careful way and with

proper restraint. We shouldn’t use this right or capability in an

unlimited style. We shouldn’t abuse this power.) Fragility: w


Fragile: vulnerable, easily broken or damaged Restraint:

restriction, limitation

Oblivious: unaware

Witness: v. experience, undergo

Witness:经历了,(指)发生某种情况(主语是:a place, a

period of time)

If you say that a place or a period of time witnessed a

particular event or change, you mean that it happened in that

place or during that period of time.

This country has witnessed the steady growth of urban

centers. rural

India has witnessed many political changes in recent years.

The year 1886 witnessed the first extended translation into

English of the writings of Eliphas Levi.

At present, we are witnessing another building boom.

Dramatic: great, significant


Startling: surprising, shocking

Surg e: boom, great increase, explosion Acceleration: Rapid

development or growth Magnification: great increase

Unimaginable: unbelievable,incredible

Physical matter: the material/natural substance自然物质

Make up: form, constitute构成

Illustrations: e xample, indication

Viewed in a historical context: looked at/considered from a

historical point of view/angle

Emergence: Appearing, appearance

Columbus Day (=Discovery Day)[美]哥伦布发现美洲纪念日(10月12日)

Set sail for some place: travel by boat to some place Set sail


Set sail for起航去///The ship set sail for Europe.//We set sail

from Dover for Ostend.

Thomas Jefferson: 托马斯·杰斐逊1743-1826, 美国政治家, 第三任总统, 独立宣言的起草人)

By midway through this century: by the middle of this

century—the 20th century

In the course of one human lifetime: During the life span of

one individual

Baby boom//Baby boomer

it is already more than half way there: the world population

is already more than half of that figure/more than half of 9 billion

Pick up speed: accelerate, increase or gain speed Ongoing: c

ontinuous, that is in progress

This ongoing revolution: this revolution in grogress Exponent


Suddenly Accelerate exponentially: suddenly developed at a

speed that doubled and tripled the original speed.按指数的比例加速

Axiom: maxim, a generally accepted statement, or a

commonly accepted fact公理

While: although

Single: individual

When taken(理解,认为)together: if all the discoveries are

taken into consideration

Cumulative: Increasing

Exploit: develop and Use, tap, utilize开发利用Sustenance:

Means of making a living, existence生计Unrestrained

exploitation: unlimited use对地球无限制地利用

Every bit: Just as, quite as,exactly as, just the same as

Unthinkable: Unimaginable, terrible

Unrestrained nuclear war: large-scale war

1) while no single. .. to warfare: although no individual

discovery has changed human relationship to the earth so much

that it is comparable to the nuclear weapons which have brought

tremendous change to the relationship between man and


虽然没有哪个单项发明能对我们与地球的关系产生像核武器对人类与核战争的关系所产生的那么大的影响2) they

for sustenance: Originally, our ability to utilize the earth

productively for survival grew by gradual addition but now these

discoveries have changed the ability fundamentally. 但是,如果放在一起看,科学发明彻底地改变了人类为了生存开发地球的越来越强的能力

3) making. .. war: this increased ability has made the results

of unlimited use of global resources altogether as terrible as the

results of full-scale nuclear wars

Now that既然

Utterly: completely, thoroughly

Implications: real meaning or nature

Our challenge. .. awaken us: Our task/the challenge we are

facing now is to see and to understand that those frightening

examples of environmental destruction that are happening all

over the world not only can shock and arouse us but are very

much the same in nature. 他们的共性远不止是能够震动和唤醒我们/他们不仅有能力令我们震惊和觉醒,还有很多共性。

They are symptoms. .. faced: They are signs and indications

showing that there exists a much greater and more serious

problem which we have never encountered./They all indicate a

basic problem which is more widespread and more serious than

any problem we have ever met with before.他们都表现出一个根本性的问题,这个问题比以往我们所面临的任何问题的范围更广,影响更严重。

Symptoms: indications, signs

Underlying: basic

Deforestation: Th e act of clearing land滥伐森林,毁林There

are actually two aspects to this challenge: We need to do two

things to meet the challenge.

Co-architect: co-existence, co-author

the simple rules of cause-effect简单的因果规律

The problem is . .. the environment: What is involved is a

matter of human relations with nature, rather than how mankind

will affect nature.现在的问题与其说是我们对环境的影响,还不如说是我们与环境的关系。

Not so much…as 不如……那么多,与其说是……不如说是

I haven’t seen so much of the world as he.我见过的世面没有他那么多。

They weren’t so much islands as sandbars.与其说那些是岛屿,还不如说都是些沙洲。

It was n’t so much the clothes as the man himself who

impressed immediately.立即给人以深刻印象的与其说是衣服,还不


I don’t really think of her as a daughter so much as a very

good friend.

She told me she was not so much leaving her job as it was

leaving her.

As a result. .. ecological system: As a result, if we want to solve

the problem, we will have to carefully weigh and determine how

important that relationship(our relationship to the environment

or nature) is, and how important is the complicated

interconnection/relation among factors inside human society 人类文明/人类社会内部各因素之间的复杂关系and (the relationship)

between these factors and the main natural parts of global

ecological system

Assess: e valuate ;;Assessment: evaluation Precedent:

preceding/previous example

Precede: go before

Challenge to our thinking:对我们的思想提出挑战

There is . .. to our thinking: There is only one example in the

past which posed similar demand on us for a change in our way

of looking at things.

The invention. .. for warfare itself

1) subsequent: following in time or order

2) forced a slow and painful recognition: (the situation)

compelled/forced us to accept as a fact gradually and with

difficulty that…

3) the new power thus acquired:the new ability possessed in

this way, gained as a result of the invention … and development研制/研发of …

4) institution of warfare: practice of armed conflict Institution:

Practice, conducting/how to conduct the war All-ou t: Full-scale

Simultaneously: At the same time

That sobering. . . such a war

1) that sobering realization清醒的认识: once you know how

serious and terrible a nuclear war will be, you become more clear

headed, more balanced in your reasoning and judgment

2) the prospect of such a war:the expected outcome of such

a war

Sobering: calm and clear

Led to: Lead/cause us to carefully assess every aspect of…

Conclude that : come to a conclusion that…

…may well tear away. .. in warfare: can suitably dispose of the

wrong thinking people have which have made them fail to see

the change in the nature of armed conflict 撕掉长期蒙蔽事实的幻想的面纱,

Tear away: Remove with force

Veil=mask;;; Obscure: Make sth. unclear, cover, hide Reality:

The fact or the real nature of warfare Advance: progress,


Weaponry: the design and production of weapons

For decades, ... of its own: For decades, the two super powers

had been competing in the research, production and deployment

of more sophisticated, more advanced weapons, hoping that in

this way the other side would be deterred/delayed not to launch

a first strike in nuclear weapons. But the result was just the

opposite. Each advance in weaponry led to a new round of arms

race, a race of a much more destructive level.

Weaponry: the design and production of weapons Deploy:

spread out or arrange 部署

inspire: to cause or arouse or produce

leapfrog: to jump or skip over (Leapfrog is a game in which

one person bends down and another jumps over him from

behind.) skip over, surpass,exceed Apparent: obvious

It is true that the problem is made complicated by


It is complicated. .. what war is all about: No doubt that the

advance in technology has made the problem more difficult to

solve but technology is not the real cause. The real cause lies in

the kind of relationship between the Soviet Union and the United

States and the theoretical basis for this kind of relationship is

their outdated concept of war. In other words, they fail to

understand that in the nuclear age, war is no longer a means of

settling disputes but a step towards mutual destruction.

1) obsolete: no longer in use or in practice; out-of-date,


2) what war is all about: what war means; what is the

implication of war

Arise out of: Come from, result from

Obsolete: o ld-fashioned, out of date

The failed to understand that in nuclear age, war is no longer

a means of settling disputes, but a step toward mutual


The final solution, according to the author, should be a

mutual transformation of relationship based on a new

understanding of war and of relationship between states.

1) ultimate weapon: a weapon beyond which it is impossible

to develop

2) rogue states: states which do not observe or follow the

established international norms and practices, which can be

considered as rascals among states

Ultimate weapon终极武器: weapons that are impossible to

exceed or override

Disarm: r educe the size and strength of armed forces

Multilateral treaty


refusal to provide or introduce

Rouge骗子,无赖states恶棍国家: states that don’t follow

international norms, rules or practices

Present us with: Provide us with, offer us

A similar set of challenges and false hopes 类似的挑战和虚假的希望

Argue:believe, hold

Drastic: dramatic, great, considerable

Reliance: dependence

A simplistic notion at best: 这种看法充其量是一种简单化了的看法

At best: at most

Notion: View

a simplistic notion at best: an oversimplified view even under

the most favourable interpretation; at most a view which makes

complex problems unrealistically simple Reinvent: recreate, re-devise

Heal: amend, improve

Accomplish: achieve

Undertake: c onduct, make

The transformation of the way we relate to the earth: change

how we get along with the earth/our relationship with/to the

earth or nature

What, according to the author, should be the real solution?

The real solution lies in a careful reconsideration of all the

factors leading to the dramatic change which now poses a threat

and the adoption of a new approach towards man's relationship

with nature. In other words, a change in man's thinking, in man's

concept on the relationship, is the most important thing.

Useful Words and Expressions

At rest: anchored, not moving

The machine is at rest.

The sails (风车的翼板) of the windmill are not at rest. Pick up

speed: increase speed 加速

I shall dispatch (send) him with all possible speed.

It moved with great speed(快速地).

The train was travelling at (an) ordinary speed.

The car picked up speed on the downgrade (下坡).

He finished the job with amazing speed.

The motorcar turned the corner at full (top) speed.

Take on: 接受,从事(某工作),雇佣,上(客),让(某人)上车,接受乘客

The bus stopped at the curb (路边的镶边石,路边) to take the

woman on.

The pilot refuses to take any more passengers on; he is

overweight for take-off as it is.

The fuel oil we took on at Freetown will be enough to get us

to Tilbury.

Not so much…as 不如……那么多,与其说是……不如说是

I haven’t seen so much of the world as he.我见过的世面没有他那么多。

They weren’t so much islands as sandbars.与其说那些是岛屿,还不如说都是些沙洲。

It was n’t so much the clothes as the man himself who

impressed immediately.立即给人以深刻印象的与其说是衣服,还不如说是他这个人本身。

I don’t really think of her as a daughter so much as a very

good friend.

She told me she was not so much leaving her job as it was

leaving her.































































到了解决空气被(全部) 污染的办法。







这个逍遥法外的罪犯对公众的安全构成威胁。The criminal at

large has posed a threat to the security/satety of the public.












应该用同样的尺度来衡量他们的品行。Moral conduct/behavior

我们必须承认我们负有制止使用这种致命武器的新责任。Death-causing, deadly, lethal, fatal


人口的猛增是贫穷的原因之一。The explosive increase in

















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标签:地球   环境   问题   发生   人类   改变   影响
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