综合教程第三册课件 Unit7

2024年1月1日发(作者:standard deviation)

Unit Seven

1、Background Introduction








2、Analyzation Of The Text

Paragraph 1 第一段主要介绍了故事的主人公——艾伦·奥斯汀。

Paragraphs 2-12 老人在尽力向奥斯汀兜售他的东西。

Paragraphs 13-45 故事的情节在老人与奥斯汀的对话之间继续展开,奥斯汀了解了爱情药水最后决定买下它。

3、Words Study

文中出现的重难点单词及短语:oblige, confidential,

substitute, overwhelm, bettor off

1.Oblige/v. to do a favor or service for(使)感激,施恩于 [释例] We are much obliged to you for your

help. 非常感激你给我们的帮助. Please do your best

and oblige. 希望尽力而为,则不胜感激之至。

<点拨>oblige 用于被动态,意为“强制,要求”时,后接不定式,不接动名词或名词从句,例如:I’m

obliged to leave early to catch my train。 为了赶火车,我不得不很早动身。be obliged 意为“感激”时,后接介词to,例如:He felt obliged to them for their

kindness towards him. 他非常感激他们对他的好意.

Oblige 在意为“非常感激”时,可以说I’m much

obliged./ I’m very much obliged. 但不可能说I’m

very obliged。 Oblige主动结构通常意为“迫使某人做某事”,宾语后接不定式,例如:In certain countries

the law obliges parents to send their children to

school. 在某些国家里,法律强制父母送孩子上学。还意为“施恩为某人”,常转义为“请”,与by或with连用,例如:Could you oblige me by opening the

window? 劳驾请替我开一下窗户好吗? Could you

oblige me with a match? 请给我一根火柴好吗?

2.Confidential adj. trusted with private matters;

showing full trust 极受信任的,心腹的;参与机密的

<释例>Don’t become too confidential with

strangers. 不要太信任陌生人。Our budget is

confidential. 我的方的预算是保密的。

<点拨>familiar, intimate, confidential 都含“亲密

的”,“亲近的”意思。Familiar指“通过经营接触了解而不拘礼节的”,例如:I’m not familiar with her.我同她不太熟悉。Intimate指“关系密切的”,例如:He is my intimate friend. 他是我的密友。Confidential

指“亲信的,心腹的”,例如:She became my

confidential secretary. 她当了我的机要秘书。

3.Substitute/v. to put something or somebody in

place of another代替,替换

<释例>He substituted as the typist in the office. 他代替做这个办公室的打字员。The manager was

unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute.


<点拨>substitute作名词,后接for, 意为“代替„的人或物”,例如:Is there a substitute for the injured

payer? 有没有替补受伤球员的人? Substitute作及物动词,宾语后接for, 意为“用„代替„”,例如:We

substituted red balls for blue, to see if the baby would

notice。 我们用红球代替了蓝球,想了解婴儿是否能注意到。Substitute作不及物动词,后接for,意为“充当„代替者”,常用于美语中,例如:He substituted for

the worker who was ill. 他顶替了生病的工人。

4.overwhelm/v. to cause to feel sudden strong


<释例>The boat was overwhelmed by the waves.

船被浪打翻了。Your kindness quite overwhelms me.


<点拨>overcome, overpower, overwhelm,

surmount都含有压倒,折服的含义。Overcome虽然可以指以有力的力量压倒敌手,但主要表示抽象意义上的占上风。Overpower指以力量制服,压倒敌手;也表示在情感上使人折服。Overwhelm与overpower的含义最接近,但强调具有完全支配的力量,也表示受某种感情的支配。Surmount的字面含义是爬过或越过某高地或高山,这里指克服困难,障碍或类似的东西,例如:Someday we shall overcome racial

intolerance. 将来有一天我们会制止住种族偏执。He

overpowered his assailant and called for the

policeman. 他把向他进攻的对手制服之后便叫了警察。Invading armies overwhelmed the town. 入侵的军队拥有完全支配这座城的力量。He surmounted his

handicap and achieved great success. 他克服了残疾的障碍,取得巨大的成功。

5.Better off having money than one used to have

or more money than most other people状况好的,经


<释例>Alec thinks he would be better off if he

moved to another company. But the grass always

looks greener on the other side to of the fence:I don’t

think he would really be better off. 亚历克以为要是他转到另一家公司的话,他会更富裕。然而,这山望着那山高:我认为他不会真的会富裕些的。

<点拨>better off是well off(富裕)的比较级形式,表示“更富裕,境况更好”的意思,可以用作表语或前置定语,例如:His business is doing well. In fact, he

is better off now than he ever was. 他的生意做得不错,事实上,他比以往任何时候更富裕了。He is better

off peasant.他是个比较富裕的农民。

4、Explanation Of The Text

1.On one of the dirty buff-coloured walls were a

couple of shelves, containing in all perhaps a dozen

bottle and jars:containing为现在分词作定语,现在分词作定语表示正在进行的或主动的动作也可以说明被修饰词的性质和特征,此时可换成相应的定语从句。

2.It would be no good charging that sort of price

for a love potion:be no good doing sth. 意为“没有„,

没什么„好处”,类似的词组还有it is no use(no point,

no sense, a waste of time等名词)+doing sth. 例如It’s

no good my talking to him. 我同他谈也没有用。It’s

no good eating too much fat. 吃太多的肥肉没什么好处。It’s no use your pretending that you didn’t know

the rules. 你假装不知道那条规则是没有用的。


1)直接位于句首做主语,例如:Swimming is a good

sport in summer. 游泳在夏季是一种好的运动方式。

2)用it作形式主语,把动名词(真实主语)置于句尾作后置主语。动名词作主语时,不太常用it作先行主语,多见于某些形容词及名记号之后,例如:It is

no use telling him not to worry. 告诉他不要担心是没有用的。


wonderful, enjoyable, interesting, foolish, difficult,

useless, senseless, worthwhile等。注意:important,

essential, necessary等形容词不能用于上述结构。

3)用于“there be”结构中,例如:There is no saying

when he’ll come. 很难说他何时回来。

4)用于布告形式的省略结构中,例如:No smoking(=No smoking is allowed(here)).禁止吸烟。No

parking. 禁止停车。

3.Young people who need a love potion very

seldom hive thou-sand dollars. Otherwise they would

not need a love potion:副词otherwise为非条件状语从句的虚拟条件的一种表达方式,本句可改写为:Young people who need a love potion very seldom

have five thousand dollars. If they have five thousand

dollars they would not need a love potion. 一提起虚拟条件,人们首先就会想到虚拟条件状语从句。其实,虚拟条件的表达方式是多种多样的,它还可以用某些其它的词、短语或通过上下文等来表示。

1)用介词或介词短语表示,例如:With better

equipment(=If we had better equipment),we could

have finished the job even sooner. 要是设备好些,我们是可更早地完成这项任务的。I had my hair cut off

and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through

Christmas without giving you a present(=if I hadn’t

given you a present). 我把头发剪掉卖了。因为不送你一件礼物,我简直过不了圣诞节。

2)用形容词表示,例如:A judicious man(=If a man

had been judicious, he)would not have committed

suicide. 一个明智的人是不会自杀的。They would

have paid attention to a nice little boy(=if a little boy

had been nice). 如果是个令人喜爱的孩子,他们就会注意到了。

3)用副词otherwise, but;连词or, or else等表示,例如:I was ill that day. Otherwise(=If I had not been

ill that day)I would have come to see you. 我那天病了,要不然我就会去看你的。Doctor Wang said that he

would have taken part in the labor, only he went to

Beijing(=if he had not gone to Beijing). 王医生说他要不是去北京,就参加了那次劳动。

4)用不定式短语表示,例如:It would be only partly

right to answer in this way(=if we answered in this

way). 这样回答只是一部分正确。To talk with her(=If you should talk with her), you would know she

could not hear very well. 如果你同她交谈,你就会知道她的听力不好。


same thing, happening(=if it should happen)in

war-time, would amount to disaster. 同样的事情如果发生在战争时期,就等于一场灾难。Seen from a high

mountain(=If it were seen from a high mountain), the

field in which wheat is growing would look like a

great green sea. 从高山上看去,麦田就像一片碧绿的大海。

6)用“介词+动名词”表示,例如:On being shown

this novel(=If this novel were to be shown), few of

people would be able to consider that it had been

written by a child. 如果将这本小说让人们读一读,不会有几个人相信这是一个小孩子写的。In doing so(=If he did so), the head might forgive him. 要是这样做的话,首长会宽恕他的。

7)用定语从句表示,例如:A nation which stopped

working(=If a notion stopped working, it)would be

dead in a fortnight. 如果一个国家停止了生产,不出半个月它就会消亡。He would be a rash man who

should venture to forecast the remotest results. 要是有人敢预测最遥远的后果,他就是一个轻率的人。

4.It is only when one is in a position to oblige that

one can afford to be so confidential本句是强调句,你

可以还原成肯定句:One can afford to be so

confidential only when one is in a position to oblige.

英语中为了突出句子中的某一成分,达到强调或使人特别注意该成分的目的,常用“It is (was )…at



简单句中可被修饰的句子成分有主语、谓语、宾语、状语、宾语补足语和由名词充当的非“be”系动词的表语以及一些非谓语等,例如:It was John who wore

his best suit to the dance last night.(强调主语)It was

his best suit that John wore to the dance last night.(强调宾语)It was last night that John wore his best

suit to the dance.(强调状语)


It后be的形式通常是一般现在时或一般过去时,有时以情态动词的形式出现,例如:It was novels that

Miss Williams enjoys reading. /It was at the railway

station that I met Li Ming yesterday.


当被强调的主语是人称代词时,正式文体中用主格,非正式文体中用宾格。后面分词既可以用that也可以用who; 当强调的宾语是人称代词时,既可以用主格,也可用宾格——用主格时,其后用whom或省略;用宾格时其后用that或省略,但不能用whom,例如:It was I who /that told the police.(主语)/It was

he(whom)I was talking about.(宾语)


强调句型可用于一般疑问句、选择疑问句、附加疑问句、特殊疑问句(问句中常省略that)、选择疑问句、感叹句和否定疑问句,例如:Was it during the Second

World War that his father died?(一般疑问句)It was

her that you wanted, wasn’t it?(附加疑问句)When

was it that you saw him?(特殊疑问句)What a good

job it was(that)you did!(感叹句)

5.She will want nothing but solitude and you:nothing but亦可以解作nothing else but或nothing

else than, 它表示“除了„以外什么也没有,只不过”的意思,起形容词的作用,其后通常接名词,一起作表语、宾语或主语,例如:Don’t have him for a friend;

he’s nothing but a criminal. 不要和他交朋友,他是个罪犯。We could see nothing but fog. 除了雾之外,我


6.She will think you are killed, or that some siren

has caught you:在希腊神话中,Siren是一女海妖之一,他们住在一个小岛上,岛上没有任何的生物和植物,只有沙砾和岩石。女妖们用她们美妙的歌声诱惑船只上的海员,让他们在萎靡之中进入梦乡或产生幻觉,从而使船只在岛屿周围触礁沉没,当船只沉没后,女妖们就将水手全部杀死。


Ⅰ.Translate the following sentences into

English,using the words or phrases given in the


me ,you are definitely more than an


artisans deal in a variety of handicrafts in

the region.

went into raptures over the unexpected


to my surprise, he analyzed with

detachment the dangerous situation that threatened

all of them.

peered at the stranger from behind the


the holidays, he indulged in the luxury of

a bath of sunshine on the beach.

she learnt the news of his death, the was

overwhelmed with grief.

8.I’m not in favor of buying a house on the

installment plan; instead ,I maintain that everyone of

us should save up for a rainy day.

Ⅱ.Translate the following passage into Chinese.






6、Practice retelling the story

What is the most important condition of marriage?

In old society our marriages were arranged by our

parents, but we now take initiative to arrange our

the old days stress was put on equal

social and economic status of the two families, which

was considered a condition of a good match.

Now love marriages boil down to more or less the

same thing, except that stress is no longer completely

placed on the condition of the two families, but

mainly on the two individuals themselves. And

conditions vary with the trend of the time. Someone

says that lacking of money in a new marriage might

bring trouble and chronic quarrelling. Someone says

that education is the most important condition for a

good marriage, because a couple whose educational

level do not match are not likely to have much in

common. Someone says that age is very important

condition for a happy marriage because if the couple

belong to different age groups, they tend to have

different interests and find it hard to understand each


In my opinion, love should be the most important

condition for marriage because a marriage without

love is like hell in which the couple suffer for the rest

of their lives. Romantic love will enable the couple to

conquer many difficulties in their life and romantic

love can lead to the healthy psychological

development of the couple. Marriage based on

romantic love will bring forth healthy and intelligent

children. Happy and harmonious atmosphere is good

for the development of children. A happy marriage

helps one to achieve more in one’s career, marriage

without love are most likely to hend in divorce which

creates many social problems.

To sum up, a marriage hased on mantic love alone

will not last long, we also have the sense of

responsibility. We should understand each other,

support each other, and take care of each other. All

those are the most important conditions for marriage.

Unit Seven

1. The native Canadians lived in _________ with

nature, for they respected nature as a provider

of life.(CET-4,2005年6月)

A)outlook B)vision C)horizon


2. Cancellation of the flight ________ many

passengers to spend the night at the airport.(CET-4,2001年12月)

A)resulted B)obliged C)demanded


3. We’ll be very careful and keep what you’ve

told us _______ strictly.(CET-6,2002年12月)

A)rigorous B)confiential C)private D)mysterious

4. Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a

________ for smoking.(CET-4,2004年6月)

A)succession B)substitute C)revival D)relief

5. Nowadys many rural people flock to the city

to look for jobs on the assumption that the

streets there are _______ with gold.(CET-6,2005年6月)

A)overwhelmed B)stocked C)paved



1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C

6. According to the American federal government,

residents of Hawii have the longest life

_______ :77.2years.(CET-4,2001年6月)

A)succession B)substitute C)revival D)relief

7. Ever since the rise of industrialism,

education has been _______ towards producing

workers. (CET-6,2000年6月)

A)motivated B)geared C)hatched


8. To survive in the intense trade competition

between countries, we must _______ the qualities

and varieties of products we make to the

world-market demand.(研究生入学考试,1996年)

A)improve B)enhanced C)guarantee


9. I arrives at the airport so late that I _______

missed the plane.(TEM-4,2002年)

A)only B)quite C)exotic D)eccentric

10. Executives of the company enjoyed an _______

lifestyle of free gifts, fine wines and high


A)exquiste B)extravagant C)exotic



6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B

11. If you work under a car when repairing it,

you often get very ________.(CET-6,2000年1月)

A)waxy B)slipery C)sticky D)greasy

12. In mountainous regions, much of the snow that

falls is _______ into ice.(CET-6,2004年6月)

A)compiled B)dispersed C)embodied D)compacted

13. He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head

forward and _______ it in a singlenod, a gesture

boys used then for they were pleased.(CET-6,2002年12月)

A)shrugged B)tugged C)jerked



11.D 12.D 13.C

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