

2015年11月CATTI二级笔译综合能力真题 (完整版)

Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar (60 points)

This section consists of 3 parts. Read the direction for each part before answering the questions.

Part 1 Vocabulary Selection

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked

by letters A, B, C, and D respectively. Choose the word which best completes each sentence.

There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your

machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

1. Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician and philosopher, laid _____ the principle more

than 200 years ago.

a. out b. down c. into d. off

2. Sandra is so keen on sarcasm that she often chooses to introduce herself to people with a biting

remark instead of a _______ greeting.

a. conservative b. reserved c. straightforward d. humble

3. Residents of a secluded island fear that ____ commercial development will disturb their quiet

way of life.

a. waning b. diminishing c. encroaching d. immersing

4. This organization is completely _____ of any political association, and it can conduct its own

business with foreign counterparts.

a. inclusive b. irrespective c. irrelevant d. independent

5. A campaign was launched in the UK to encourage children to _____ 30 minutes of screen time

a day to head for the great outdoors.


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a. surrender b. subject c. sublet d. subscribe

6. For decades, as ______ to the throne, the Prince of Wales has founded charities and spoken out

on many issues.

a. honor b. heir c. host d. homage

7. People come to the Apple Store for the experience – and they’re willing to pay a/an ____ for


a. allowance b. premium c. cash d. bonus

8. There’s an Internet phenomenon called the Streisand Effect, which happens when a person tries

to _____ a piece of information and, in so doing, unintentionally popularizes it.

a. extinguish b. suppress c. dispose d. cease

9. In ancient times it was difficult to ____ of speaking to each other when we were miles away.

a. convict b. convince c. confer d. conceive

10. A woodsman was felling a tree on the bank of a river, when his axe, ______ off the trunk, flew

out of his hands and fell into the water.

a. glancing b. flying c. throwing d. sneaking

11. While he initially thought that his garden floundered due to a ____ of water, he later found that

it struggled because of lack of water.

a. slip b. surfeit c. sign d. stripe

12. With an 80-hour week and little change or enjoyment, life must have been very _____ for the

19th-century worker.

a. weary b. reckless c. abnormal d. dramatic

13. The business is like a leaf of boat in a rough sea; it may be swallowed by the ______ anytime


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when you are unprepared at all.

a. billows b. harrows c. pillows d. marrows

14. The cat jumped ____ up a tree, and sat down at its top, where the branches and foliage

completely hid her.

a. numbly b. nimbly c. nobly d. negligibly

15. To burp ______ at a formal dinner is not a breach of ethics – it is not a sin or an immoral act –

but it will make one abashed.

a. soundly b. utterly c. audibly d. highly

16. The management’s intransigent position made negotiations with the labor union ____ difficult.

a. suspiciously b. delicately c. incredibly d. plausibly

17. In accordance with the terms of payment in the contract, please open an _____ L/C in our


a. irregular b. irrelevant c. irrespective d. irrevocable

18. The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed ____ to him, but one day he discovered

their difference.

a. identical b. special c. preferential d. respectable

19. In most of these projects we may bring the private ___ into areas where the government was

previously there.

a. sector b. section c. segment d. side

20. Asia has always had extremes of both rich and poor. Only in the last two decades has it grown

a comfortable ____ across the middle.

a. span b. spread c. stretch d. spectrum


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Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement

This part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them one word or phrase is underlined, and below

each, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the word or phrase

that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic

meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as

required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

21. Looking for a job haphazardly because you majored in something, you’ll risk getting started in

a career that holds no real appeal for you.

a. formally b. casually c. liberally d. tacitly

22. Tourists from China not only often trust cash over cards but also are among the biggest

spenders in Paris – and they often spend indiscreetly.

a. exclusively b. rashly c. cautiously d. practically

23. It’s every kid’s fantasy to sleep in a tree, and at this quirky hotel on New Zealand’s South

Island it is reality.

a. odd b. dreamy c. soothing d. convenient

24. He was a philosopher who wrote plays, poems and essays expounding his doctrine.

a. elucidating b. exaggerating c. exposing d. extolling

25. Scientists monitor the air several times every day to chart the course of that inexorable change.

a. colossal b. inexplicable c. relentless d. slack

26. There was silence, not the ominous silence preceding a burst of fury, but a hush of amazement.

a. sinister b. toxic c. thorough d. wary

27. Lampreys and hagfish have slimy, scaleless bodies shaped somewhat like the bodies of eels.


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a. to some degree b. by such degree

c. in some degree d. for any degree

28. The genetic engineering industry says its products receive far more scrutiny than most of the

food people put in their mouths.

a. anticipation b. examination c. commiseration d. precaution

29. The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion.

a. adoption b. accreditation c. acclamation d. accumulation

30. In the absence of a breadwinner, girls are the most likely to be denied entrance to school to

head a household.

a. admission b. access c. admittance d. accession

31. The theory of plate tectonics provided scientists with a framework for understanding how and

why the various features of the earth constantly change.

a. stem b. stand c. stamp d. structure

32. As soon as the details of the election were released to the media, the newspaper was inundated

with calls – far too many to be handled effectively.

a. rewarded b. bothered c. flooded d. provided

33. Energy companies believe that standardized designs will help them expedite licensing and

lower the cost of procuring components.

a. accelerate b. evaluate c. reverse d. justify

34. He based his conclusion on what he inferred from the evidence, not on what he actually


a. imagined b. predicted c. recalled d. surmised


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35. The captain often delegated responsibility to his subordinates, so as to have time to do the

important tasks himself.

a. endowed b. defied c. provoked d. assigned

36. Martin asked his professor for some comments on his report, but he was turned down.

a. neglected b. postponed c. rejected d. accepted

37. The actor’s malice toward his co-star was revealed in his vindictive remarks, which almost

ruined her career.

a. insulting b. courageous c. spiteful d. offensive

38. “Bulter cafes” in Japan allow women to be waited on flesh and fell by their very own prince

charming in a castle – themed restaurant.

a. occasionally b. absolutely c. intermittently d. periodically

39. Many people in this region have no fixed residence, and much of its population is nomadic.

a. inert b. flexible c. homeless d. mobile

40. The emotional fallout from a natural disaster can adversely affect the residents in a community

for years.

a. cognition b. collapse c. consequence d. complication

Part 3 Error Correction

This part consists of 20 sentences. In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates a

grammatical error, and below each, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D

respectively. Choose the word and phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is

corrected. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your

machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.


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41. “Gender-neutral” parenting, that involves bringing your child up without revealing or

referencing their sex, is a hot topic right now.

a. which involves to bring b. that involves to bring

c. which involves bringing d. that involves to bringing

42. The light remitted by high-intensity-discharge car headlights is very effective in activating the

reflective paints of road markers, thus to make the driving at night safer.

a. therein making driving b. thereafter making driving

c. therewith making driving d. thereby making driving

43. The bus will not have to take the long detour if the bridge had not become treacherous in the

aftermath of an ice storm.

a. wouldn’t have had to take b. mustn’t have had to take

c. didn’t have to take d. wouldn’t have to take

44. The cost of safely disposing of the toxic chemicals is approximately five times that the

company paid to purchase it.

a. five times more than the company paid to purchase it

b. five times what the company paid to purchase them

c. as five times more as the company paid to purchase them

d. five times more that the company paid to purchase it

45. Because the garden was untended, the windows had no shutters, and the lawn overrun by

weeds, people by the old house assumed that it was unoccupied.

a. the lawn overran with weeds b. the lawn was overrun by weeds

c. the weeds overrun the lawn d. the weeds overrunning the lawn


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46. The night before the playoffs began, the coach advised her players to eat a balanced dinner, to

relax and enjoy themselves, and they should get plenty of rest.

a. and should get plenty of rest b. and they get plenty of rest

c. and getting plenty of rest d. and to get plenty of rest

47. In winter, when the ponds froze over, the villagers went skating, and the most venturesome of

whom played chase and executed complicated turns on the ice.

a. the most venturesome played chase and executed

b. that the most venturesome played chase and executed

c. with the most venturesome playing chase and executing

d. accordingly the most venturesome played chase and executed

48. It was no accident that 17th-century naturalist Charles Darwin strove to connect the mentality

and emotionality of people with dogs, rather than, say, doves or horses.

a. with few of dogs b. with some of dogs

c. with those of dogs d. with many of dogs

49. That book holds part of the answer to why our family rituals didn’t fit the norm neither of our

relatives nor of the larger community in which we grew up.

a. either of our relatives or the larger community

b. either of our relatives or of the larger community

c. either our relatives or the larger community

d. neither our relatives nor the larger community

50. Heather Hurst’s paintings and architectural renderings of the pre-Columbian Americas not

only recover records that were previously lost, but these are works of art in their own right.


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a. not only recover records that had been previously lost, but these are works of art.

b. do not recover only records that were previously lost, but there are works of art

c. not only recover records that were previously lost, but they are works of art

d. not only recover previously lost records but are also works of art

51. Opinion polls show the public has about as dim as view of pharmaceutical companies as

tobacco companies.

a. has about such a view of pharmaceutical companies as tobacco companies

b. had about as dim a view of pharmaceutical companies as it does of tobacco companies

c. has almost so dim a view of pharmaceutical companies as of tobacco companies

d. had approximately as dim a view of pharmaceutical companies as tobacco companies

52. After removing their skins, the children sliced the carrots into sticks for dipping.

a. After they removed their skins

b. After they had removed their skins

c. After removing the carrots’ skins

d. After they had removed their skins from the carrots

53. The father angrily told his daughter that smoking had not and never will be permitted in their


a. smoking, not have been permitted, never will be permitted in their home

b. smoking had not and never be permitted in their home

c. smoking had not been and never would be permitted in their home

d. smoking, not having been permitted, never would be permitted in their home

54. the Middle Ages, when astronomical phenomena were poorly understood, the comets that


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seemed to portend military conflicts or other social cries.

a. the comets seeming to portend

b. the comets seemed to portend

c. the comets seeming to portending

d. and when the comets seemed to portend

55. Familiar with the route from her driving lessons, the student driver’s road test was simplicity


a. the student driver’s road test was simple itself

b. the student driver was simple to test the road

c. the student driver found the simple road test herself

d. the student driver found the road test simple itself

56. The variety of Scandinavian health care services offered to residents at reduced cost far

exceeds low-cost health programs available in the United States.

a. far exceeds the number of low-cost health programs

b. tends to be far greater than low-cost programs

c. far exceed low-cost health programs

d. are far greater than low-cost health programs

57. The smog was thick, all the cars and trucks were ordered to stop where they were.

a. is b. being c. has been d. had been

58. I was asked to give explanation of the social customs of this region in English, I would

definitely find it difficult.

a. Asked for an b. If asked for an


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c. Asking for an d. If asking for an

59. If the government had built more home for poor people early in the previous decade, the

housing problem in some areas will not be so serious.

a. wouldn’t be b. will not have been

c. wouldn’t have been d. would have not been

60. In his speech at the conference, the Chairman solemnly stated that the responsibility for our

lives and the kind of world that we live is ours and ours only.

a. in which b. for which c. of which d. on which


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