高考英语 常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列(九)








benefit from / by 从……之中受益;得益于

to one's benefit = to one's advantage 对某人有利

for the benefit of sb = for sb's benefit 为了某人的利益

beneficial adj.有益的;受益的

be beneficial to sb / sth 对某人/某事有益

be of (great) benefit to sb / sth 对某人/某事(大)有益处

1)The plants ________ ________ the rain. 这植物得益于这场雨。

2)She took exercise every morning ________ ________ ________ of her health.她为了健康每天参加锻炼。

3)The book is ________ ________ ________ to me so I have decided to buy one. 这本书对我有很大益处,所以我已决定买一本。

4)New regulations will greatly ________ the poor in this area. 新规定将使本地区穷人受益颇多。

【答案】 1)benefited from / by 2)for the benefit 3)of great benefit 4)benefit


1)The invention of the telephone brought many ________ to man.

2)She drinks a lot lesson, to the ________ of her health as a whole.

3)________ from the new law, the public can enjoy safer goods.

【答案】 1)benefits 2)benefit 3)Benefiting


It is said that bad habits as well as dirty surroundings, stuffy rooms and some other

factors ________the wide spread of HIN1.

A.result from B.benefit from C.devote to D.contribute to

【答案与解析】 D 题意:不良的生活习惯,不卫生的环境,以及其他的因素助推了HIN1的广泛传播。result from “由……造成”; benefit from“从……之中受益”;

“奉献于”; contribute to“促进;有助于”。


adj. 有可能


It is 很可能……

think / feel / find / consider it 认为……有可能

be likely to do sth 可能会做某事

注:It is likely for sb to do sth和think it likely for sb to do sth均是错误搭配。

(2)possible, probable, likely, capable和able的区别

able“有能力做”; capable“能胜任的;有才能的”(有褒贬两种含义); possible强调客观可能性。

possible, likely, probable三个词“可能性”程度逐渐提高。


be able to do sth

be capable of +

it is possible / probable (for sb) to do sth

think it possible / probable (for sb) to do sth

it is possible / probable that从句

(3)possibility / probability / chance 的区别


There is much chance / a (good) chance that从句

There is (a) possibility / (a) probability that从句

(4)possibly / probably / likely/perhaps / maybe的异同


perhaps / maybe可能性大致一半;possible“也许”,可能性低于一半。


1)Rain is ________ but not ________ before evening. 傍晚前细雨是有可能的,但不一定会下。

2)The boy is ________ ________ drop out of school. 这男孩可能辍学。

3)I was positive that I had seen her before, I couldn't ________ make a mistake on

that point. 我确信之前见过她,这个我不会弄错。

4)________ you could move the chair. 也许你可能挪动那把椅子。

5)Could you ________ lend me some money? 你能借我点钱吗?

【答案】 1)possible; probable 2)likely to 3)possibly 4)Maybe 5)possibly


1)There is a ________that one smoker in four will die from smoking.

2)Rain is ________.

3)It is ________that he'll succeed.

4)You should use your brain, and shouldn't regard what is ________ as ________.

【答案】 1)chance / possibility / probability 2)likely / possible / probable

3)likely / possible / probable 4)possible; impossible


The microphone enabled them to keep in touch; in other words, it made it ________

for them to contact each other.

A.likely B.capable C.possible D.probable

【答案与解析】 C be capable一般接of + n. / doing; likely习惯上不这样搭配;possible 强调客观可能性;probable 强调很可能要发生某事。


n. 后果;结果 [U] 重要

as a consequence /in consequence /as a result 因此;结果

as a consequence of / in consequence of / as a result of由于……;因为……的缘故

be of (no) consequence (不)重要的

take / accept / bear / suffer the consequence of an action 承担某一行为的后果

consequently; as a result; therefore 所以;因此

1)He broke the law and he has to take the ________ of his action. 他过去违反了法律所以必须承担后果。

2)The news is of no ________to me. 这消息对我来说无关紧要。

3)________ ________ ________ of you bad work, you'll have to be fired. 由于你工作不好,人家要解雇你。

【答案】 1)consequence 2)consequence 3)As a consequence


1)No one can tell what the ________________ may be.

2)She was absent from the meeting ________________ illness.

3)He was always making mistakes and ________________ lost his place.

4)His success was ________on his hard work.

【答案】 1)consequences 2)in consequence of / as a consequence of 3)in consequence

/ as a consequence / consequently 4)consequent


The rain was heavy and ________the land was flooded.

A.consequently B.constantly C.continuously D.consistently

【答案与解析】 A 题意:这场雨很大,结果地被淹了。constantly “不断地”;continuously “持续地”;consistently“连贯地;始终如一”。


vt. 占领;占据(时间、空间等)

occupation n. 职业;占领

occupy oneself with sth / in doing sth从事于/忙于/专心于某事/做某事

be occupied with sth / in doing sth 忙于做某事

be busy with sth / be busy (in) doing sth 忙于某事/做某事

be engaged in doing sth 忙于做某事

1)The park ________ ________ ________ a third of the city. 这公园占这座城市三分之一。

2)The boy ________ ________ himself in solving the problem recently. 这男孩最近一直在忙于解决这个问题。

3)Writing ________ ________ ________most of my free time. 写作占去了我大部分的闲暇时光。

【答案】 1)occupies / takes up 2)is occupying 3)occupies / takes up


1)Mr John ________ an important position in the company.

2)Enemy troops ________ the country in three days.

3)Don't keep the boy ________ in doing homework all day.

【答案】 1)occupies 2)occupied 3)occupied


When I visited her yesterday, she was ________ writing a lecture speech on H1N1 flu


A.occupied in B.occupying with C.taken up in D.absorbing in

【答案与解析】 A 题意:昨天她在忙于写一篇关于甲流的演讲词。be occupied in / with是习惯搭配。be absorbed in“聚精会神做……”;be taken “忙于做某事”。



appreciate one's doing sth 感谢某人做某事

appreciate sb 赏识某人;评价某人

appreciate sth 欣赏某物;感激某事

I would appreciate 如果……我将不胜感激

appreciation n. 评价;鉴赏力

appreciative adj. 表示感谢的;有鉴赏能力的

express / show one's appreciation for sth 为某事表示感谢

1)I greatly appreciate ________ from you again. 再次受到你的来信,我非常感激。

2)He________ me for the present. 他感谢我送了他礼物。

3)I really appreciate ________ when you offered to help. 你主动来帮忙真的非常感谢你。

4)His talents are not fully ________ in that company.他的才干在那家公司未得到充分赏识。

5)The foreigner ________ Beijing opera very much,although he does not ________ it.这个老外很爱听京剧,虽然他听不出个子丑寅卯来。

【答案】 1)hearing 2)thanked 3)it 4)appreciated 5)enjoys; appreciate


1)I ________(感谢) that you have come so early.

2)This discovery is highly________ (评价) in the country.

3)I would________ (不胜感激) it if you could pay in cash.

【答案】 1)appreciate 2)appreciated 3)appreciate


I would appreciate ________ if you would take care of my pet dog while I am on vacation

in San Ya, Hainan.

A.you B.this C.it D.that

【答案与解析】 C 考查appreciate 的用法。这里it充当形式宾语,if引导的从句充当真正的宾语。

6.figure n. 外形;图形;人物;数字;肖像 vt.认为;判断

in round figures 以整数计算

a woman with a fine figure 身材好的女人

geometrical figures 几何图形

a well-known figure in politics 政坛名人

figure out = work out 弄明白;计算出

1)These ________ are not consistent with the results obtained in previous experiment.


2)His income is in five ________. 他的收入是五位数。

3)We bought the house at a high ________. 我们以很高的价格买下这房子。

4)I saw a ________ approaching in the dark. 在黑暗中我看见了一个人影正走过来。

5)That's a hard problem, I can't ________ it ________. 那是一道难题,我计算不出来。

【答案】 1)figures 2)figures 3)figure 4)figure 5)figure; out


1)The old lady was puzzled when she saw so many ________ (人影) appearing in front


2)Let's go and ________ ________ (计算出) how much we have to pay for the project.

3)Have you ________ ________ (弄清楚) what's the matter with your car?

4)It is difficult to ________ ________ (理解) why he did it.

5)That is how I ________ (认为) it.

【答案】 1)figures 2)figure out 3)figured out 4)figure out 5)figured


Without my glasses, I couldn't _____whether that figure on the blackboard was a three

or an eight.

A.make out B.make up C.make for D.make off

【答案与解析】 A 题意:没戴眼镜,我分不清楚黑板上数字是“3”还是“8”。make out“弄明白;搞清楚”;make up“编造”;make for“前往;有利于”;make off“逃走;花掉”。



admission n. 进入许可;入场券;承认

admit sth 承认某事

admit sb / sth 承认某人/某物是……

be admitted as 作为……被接受

be admitted to / 获准做某事;获准进入

admit doing sth 承认做了某事

1)This ticket ________ two persons. 这些票可以让两个人进场。

2)The new hall can ________ 10,000 people. 新大厅可容纳一万人。

3)I ________my mistake. 我承认我的错误。

4)Many universities will ________ only those who do well in the college entrance

examination. 许多大学只招收那些入学考试分数高的学生。

5)The boy ________to me that he had broken the glass. 这男孩向我承认他打破了杯子。

【答案】 1)admits 2)admit 3)admit 4)admit 5)admitted



admit 由于外界压力,有不情愿的意味。


1)They have ________ me into their club.

2)She made an ________ that she was a thief.

3)On / By her own ________, she was responsible for the accident.

4)She got an ________to the lectures.

【答案】 1)admitted 2)admission 3)admission 4)admission


Her parents put a lot of effort into getting her ________ to a key school.

A.accepted B.received C.admitted D.Announced

【答案与解析】 C 题意:她父母亲费了不少劲让她上了一所重点中学。be admitted



n. 内容

adj. 满足的

vt. 使……满足

content v.→

be 对……满足

be content to do sth 满足于做某事;甘心做某事

content 以……使某人自己满足

1)I shall ________ myself with mentioning two points only. 我们只提两点。

2)I'm perfectly ________ with my present salary. 我对目前的工资十分满意。

3)She has a ________ look. 她脸上有一种感到满足的表情。

4)Sing to your hearts ________! 你尽情地唱吧!

5)A bag with its precious ________ was missing. 一个装存有贵重物品的包不见了。

6)The ________of the tank of the car in 20 gallons. 这辆车油箱容量为20加仑。

【答案】 1)content 2)content 3)contented / satisfied 4)contently 5)contents



1)She hadn't read the letter and was unknown of its ________.

2)Nothing will ever ________ the boy.

3)John ________ himself with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more.

4)She is quite ________ to live at home with her parents.

【答案】 1)contents 2)content 3)contented 4)content


The survey shows that if people can't afford ________ house, they will feel less

content about ________ life.

A.the; the B.a; 不填 C.a; the D.不填; the

【答案与解析】 B 题意:调查显示,如果人们买不起房子,他们对生活就不那么满意。house是可数名词,而a house表示类别;life是不可数名词,不加冠词。


vt. 积累;积聚vi. (数量)逐渐增加;(质量)逐渐提高


n. 积累

1)I ________ ________ a lot of books. 我已经收集了很多书。

2)By investing wisely she ________ a fortune. 她由于投资有方而积蓄了一笔财产。

3)Debts began to ________. 债务开始增加。

4)However, as the evidence began to ________, experts from the zoo felt obliged to

investigate. 然而,当证据日趋增多时,该动物园的专家们感到有必要进行调查。

【答案】 1)have accumulated 2)accumulated 3)accumulate 4)accumulate


A thick layer of dust _______ ________in that room. 那个房间里已经堆积了一层厚厚的灰尘。

【答案】 has accumulated


As people ________ more wealth, they tend to spend a greater part of their incomes.

A.abandon B.accumulate bute D.concentrate

【答案与解析】 B 考查动词辨析。abandon “放弃”; accumulate “积累”; contribute

“贡献”; concentrate “集中”。



a life sentence 终身监禁

the death sentence 死刑

1)The ________was 10 years in prison and a fine of $10,000.判决结果是监禁十年并一万美元。

2)What's the meaning of the following ________?下面这句话的意思是什么?

3)He ________ ________ to death.他被判处死刑。

【答案】 1)sentence 2)sentence 3)was sentenced


The judge________ ________ ________ three years in prison. 法官判她三年有期徒刑。

【答案】 sentenced her to


The murderer was finally caught and received the punishment of _______to life


A.sentencing B.sentenced

C.having been sentenced D.being sentenced

【答案与解析】 D 考查介词。介词后常带名词、动名词或代词作宾语。题意:杀人犯最终被抓获并被判处终身监禁。



governor n.主管人员;理事;董事;总督;调节器

government n.统治;管辖;政府;内阁

1)The rise and fall of the sea is ________ by the movements of the moon.海水的潮涨潮落是受月球的运动支配的。

2)We elected him _______ of our state for his wisdom.我们选他当我们的州长是因为他的智慧。

3)The young prince was not suited to ________ and became a bad king.年轻的王子不善于治理国家,最后成了一名昏君。

【答案】 1)governed 2)governor 3)government


It is the prime minister but not the queen who ________ our country.管理我们国家的是总理而不是女王。

【答案】 governs


The day when Iraqis ________themselves must come quickly.

A.control B.operate C.govern D.run

【答案与解析】 C govern “统治;控制;决定;支配”。题意:伊拉克人民自己管理自己的那一天必须尽快到来。control “控制”; operate “操作;做手术”; run “运营;经营(企业等)”。


1.so far 到现在为止;迄今为止

so far = up to now; up to the present (注:经常和现在完成时连用)

so / as is concerned 就……而言

so / as far as I know 就我所知

so / as far as the quality goes 就质量而言

so far, so good 到目前为止;一切还算顺利

as 远到……地方

as far as possible 只要有可能

as far as I can 只要有可能

be 远离某地;远不是;远非

1)________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________, that is highly unlikely.


2)Fields of rice reach ________ ________ ________ the eye could see. 稻田延伸到看不到边的地方。

3)________ ________ ________ possible, I'll help you. 只要有可能,我会帮助你。

4)He walked ________ ________ ________the post office. 他一直走到邮局。

5)I‘ve been trying to open the case without result ________ ________. 我一直想打开箱子,但目前为止不行。

【答案】 1)As / So far as I can see 2)as far as 3)As / So far as 4)as far as

5) so far


1)Progress has been ________ ________ very good and we're sure that the task will

be finished on time.

2)It is ________ hot today for a class.

3)This is better ________ ________.

4)She is ________ ________ the tallest among the girls in the class.

5)The boy is not a fool, ________ ________ it.

【答案】 1)so far 2)far 3)by far 4)by far 5)far from


_______ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of

food, clothing, fuel and almost everything.

A.As well as B.As long as C.As soon as D.As far as

【答案与解析】 A as well as “除……之外还有”。题意:除了来自敌人的危险之外,人们还必须克服食品、衣物、燃料等几乎所有物资的严重缺乏。as long as “只要……就”;as soon as“一……就”;as far as“就……而言”;“远到……地方”,均不合题意。

2.rely on / upon 依靠;依赖;信赖;指望

rely on / upon sb / sth 依靠某人/某事

rely on / upon sb to do sth = rely on / upon sb doing sth 依靠某人做某事

rely on / upon sb for sth 指望某人某事

rely on / upon it that 相信……;指望……那要看情况而定!

depend on it 请放心;没问题

1)You can't always ________ ________ others' help. 你不能老是依赖别人的帮助。

2)You may _______ _______ _______ that he'll come to your help. 你可以相信他会来帮助你。

3)We can't ________ ________ the little boy to finish the job. 我们不能指望让这个小男孩完成这项工作。

4)You can't ________ ________ your parents lending you money. 你不能指望父母借钱给你。

5)You can always _______ _______ Jim, he won't fail you. 你可以相信吉姆,他不会让你失望。

6)This ________ ________ how you'll finish it. 这取决于你如何完成它。

【答案】 1)depend on 2)rely on it 3)rely on / depend on 4)depend on 5)rely on

6)depends on

rely on 和 depend on用法辨析

rely on根据过去经验判断是否可以相信依赖,侧重于感情和人品;depend on强调这个人或事可能得到支持。depend on可接疑问副词引导的从句,作“取决于……”解释;但rely on不可。


1)________ ________ ________ ________, our team will surely win.

2)The party ________ ________ whether we can collect enough money.

3)Children shouldn't be encouraged to ________ ________ electronic dictionaries too

much as it will make them lazier.

【答案】 1)Just depend on it 2)depends on 3)rely on / depend on


1) Whether an operation should be performed in this case ________ very much on the

patient's general conditions.

A.relies B.counts C.concentrates D.depends

【答案与解析】 D rely on / count on / depend on均有“依赖;依靠;信赖”之意,但depend on还有“取决于”的意思。

2) You can depend on it that she'll come to the wedding._____, she has accepted

your invitation.

A.Above all B.After all C.What's more D.That's to say

【答案与解析】 B 题意:她会来参加婚礼这一点是可以肯定的,毕竟她已经接受了邀请。

3.pull up (使)停下;责备(某人);(使)名次提前;从土里拔出来

pull out (of the station) 车辆驶出;出站

pull on (coat, hat, gloves) 穿上/戴上(外套、帽子、手套)

pull through 恢复健康;情绪好转;渡过困难/危机

pull in (火车)进站;(船)靠岸

pull down 拆毁(建筑物);拖垮




1)The driver pulled ________ at the gate of our school. 司机把车停在校门口。

2)He said the support of his fans pulled him ________. 他说崇拜者的支持让他渡过了难关。

3)The old houses are being pulled ________. 这些旧房子正在拆除中。

4)When all passengers were on board, the train pulled ________ of the station. 当所有乘客上车以后,火车驶出了车站。

【答案】 1)up 2)through 3)down 4)out


1)Xiao Ming ________ (拉) the piano to the corner.

2)The boy ________ (拉) the door open and rushed out.

3)Her shouts ________ (引起) the attention of the police.

4)________(拉) the curtain aside, she looked down into the street.

【答案】 1)dragged 2)pulled 3)drew 4)Drawing


I was lucky enough to get on the train before it ________.

A.pulled on B.pulled down C.pulled in D.pulled out

【答案与解析】 D 题意:在火车开出前,我幸运地上了车。pull on“穿上”;pull down

“拆毁”;pull in“进站”;pull out“出站”。

4.get ahead (使)走在前面;取得进步;获得成功

get about / around / round (消息、谣言等)传播;流传

get (sth) across (to sb)(使某事)传播或为人理解

get along with sb 与某人合得来;与某人和睦相处

get sth back 失而复得;重新得到

get over sth 克服;战胜;掌握

get through 用完;消耗掉(一定量的某物);(设法)做或完成某事;接通电话

get (sb) through (sth)(帮助某人)(考试、测验等)及格

1)The car behind wants to ________ ________ ________ us. 后面那辆车想超过我们。

2)By doing extra homework, he soon ________ ________ ________ his classmates. 他靠多做家庭作业,很快在班上名列前茅。

3)I've ________ ________ ________ my work. 我的工作已经有进展了。

【答案】 1)get ahead of 2)got ahead of 3)got ahead with


He always tries to _______ _______ _______ others in everything.他总是试图处处领先他人。

【答案】 get ahead of


I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't ________.

A.get along B.get on C.get to D.get through

【答案与解析】 D 考查动词短语。get along和get on都意为“相处;进展”; get to“到达”; get through“打通电话”。

5.on purpose 有意地;故意地

同义短语:by design

反义短语:by accident / chance

on purpose有意地;故意地

to the purpose 中肯

to no purpose 无效;没有作用

for the purpose of 为了……

1)What is the ________ of the meeting? 会议的目的是什么?

2)If you joke with him he'll think you are insulting him ________ ________. 如果你和他开玩笑,他会认为你在有意羞辱他。

【答案】 1)purpose 2)on purpose


1)He has left his book here________ ________, so that you can read it. 他故意把书留在这里以便你能读一读。

2)He spoke nothing ________ ________ ________. 他说的一点都不得要领。

3)All my effort were ________ ________ ________ . 我所有的努力都付之东流了。

4)I came to Brighton ________ ________ ________ ________ seeing you. 我到布赖顿是特地来看你的。

【答案】 1)on purpose 2)to the purpose 3)to no purpose 4)for the purpose of


Forgive him, please. I don't think he broke your mirror________.

A.with care B.on purpose C.for fun D.with aim

【答案与解析】 B 题意:请原谅他吧,我认为他不是故意把你的镜子打碎的。

本文发布于:2024-09-22 22:38:04,感谢您对本站的认可!



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