


1. 与烟草栽培技术有关的专业英语词汇

发芽期 buding stage

十字期 period of cross shaped

苗床期 period of plant bed

成苗期 time of seedling for transplant

移栽期 transplanting period

生根期 rooting stage

伸根期 root stretching stage

团颗期 rosette stage

旺长期 prosperously growing stage

现蕾期 flower budding stage,budding period stage

开花期 flower stage

打顶期 topping stage

成熟期 maturing stage

品种 species, variety

栽培种 cultivar

育种breeding of seed

假植 presetting

漂浮育苗floating seedling

移栽 transplant

密植 close grown

施肥 spread manure


培土 earth up

表层土 topsoil

底层土 subsoil


除草剂herbicide,weedicide 灌溉 irrigate

打顶 topping

现蕾打顶 topping at button stage

初花打顶(见花打顶) topping at initial-flower stage

盛花打顶(抽苔打顶)topping at fully-flower stage

烟杈 sucker


抹杈 smearing sucker from stalk

留杈 keep suckers on stalk

抑芽剂 suckercide

成熟度 maturity

未熟 immature

假熟 premature


田间成熟 ripe

生理成熟,欠熟 mature

工艺成熟 fully mature

完熟、适熟 mellow

过熟 over mature

采收 harvesting, prime

采摘 pluck

产量 yield

产值 output value

鲜烟叶fresh tobacco leaves

干重 dried weight

干烟叶dried tobacco leaves

茎围 stem girth

断茬 stubble

打包 bale

木质化 woody

2. 与烟草根,茎,叶有关的英语专业词汇

根 root

根毛 root hair

根系 root system

须根 haring root,fibrous roots

气生根 parasitic root

根基部 lower portion

烟茎 stalk

主茎 main stem

茎叶角度 leaf angle to stem

顶芽 terminal bud

侧芽 axillary bud

烤烟叶 the flue-cured tobacco leaves

叶尖 leaf tip

叶基 leaf base

叶位 stalk position

脚叶 sand leaf,sand lugs,priming leaf

下二棚 lugs leaves

上二棚 leaf leaves

顶叶 tips leaves

上部叶 upper leaves

中部叶 middle leaves

下部烟叶 down-stalk tobacco

腰叶 cutters

叶形form leaf shape

叶宽 leaf width, width of leaf


叶长 leaf length, length of leaf

叶片密度density of leaf

叶 leaf color

叶肉 leaf body

叶表面 leaf surface

叶腋 leaf arils

叶脉 leaf vein

主脉,烟筋 midrib

枯叶 dead tobacco

熏叶 smoked

青叶,鲜叶 green leaf

废叶 trash

花 flower

开花 blossom

花瓣 petal

花药 anther

花粉 pollen

花丝 filament

花序 inflorescence

花冠 corolla

花萼 calyx

雄蕊 stamens

雌蕊 pistil

胚珠 ovules

子房 ovary

柱头 stigma

胎座 placenta

同株异花 allogamy

异株异花 xemogamy

异化授粉 cross-pollinate

自花授粉 self-fertilization

种子 seed

卵圆形种子 ovate seed

心形种子 cordate shape seed

椭圆形种子 oblong seed

果皮 pericarp

维管组织 vascular tissues


复烤 redrying

打叶 stemming

展叶 fanned leaf

打叶复烤 green leaf threshing and redrying


打叶去梗 stemming threshing

去茎 stripping

烤房 curing burn

调制 curing

晾制 air curing

晒制 sun curing

密集烘烤 compact curing

火管烘烤 flue curing

焙烘 toasting

堆积烘烤 bulk curing

堆积变黄 bulk yellowing

挂灰 scalding

灰烟 heavy scalded leaf

烤红 variegated red,variegated scorch

烤焦 scorching

通风 ventilation

温度 temperature

湿度 humidity

含梗率 midrib proportion

发酵 fermentation,

醇化 aging,mellowing

醇化过程 mellowing process

回潮 conditioning,reordering

润叶 reconditioning

干筋 stem drying

干筋期 killing out

分级 grading

加湿回潮 ordering

卷包 making

加香 flavoring

吡啶 pyridine

衍生物 derivatives

降烟碱 nornicotine

烟酸 nicotinic acid

氧化烟碱 oxynicotine

生物碱 alkaloids

烟碱 nicotine


感官评吸 panel test

外观质量鉴评, 感官检验 sensory inspection

辛辣 pungent

刺激性 irritating


涩味 astringent

粗糙 harsh

杂气 offensive taste

香气 aromatic smoke

芳香,香气 aroma

香气质 quality of aroma

香型 flavor type

香气量 volume of aroma

浓郁 full flavored

香气浓郁 heavy fragrant aroma

香味清雅舒适 clearly comfortable flavor

香气清雅 fresh and graceful

柔和 mild

醇和 mellowing

香气饱满 aroma-fullness

香气浓郁 aroma full flavored

香气醇厚 aroma full mild taste

香味 flavor

醇厚 full-mild taste,mellowy

余味 after-taste

吃味 taste

纯净 clear

清新 freshly

充实 fullness

浑厚 fullness and thickness

香味浓郁 wealthy flavor,aroma full flavored

释放 delivers

发霉 molding

持火率 fire-holding or apacity

酸性 acidity

碱性 alkali

浓度 concentration

劲头 physiological strength

燃烧性 combustibility

灰 ash color

颜均匀 uniform color

颜加深 darker color



气候 climate

天气 weather

光照 light


水分 moisture

上壤 soil

细纱土壤 fine sandy loam

黏土 heavy clays

沙性壤土 sandy loam

粘性壤土 clay loam

粉沙土壤 silt loam养分 nutrition

环境 environmental

霜 frost

无霜期 frost-free period

冰雹 hail

雨水 rainfall

干旱 drought

风 wind

淹水 drowned

热带 tropical

损伤 damage

潮湿 wet

温暖 warm

适宜 suitable

季节 season

纬度 latitude

海拔高度 altitude,height above sea level

逆境 adversity

胁迫 stress


烟草野火病 bacterial leaf spot of tobacco 烟草瘿蛾 tobacco stem borer

马铃薯麦蛾 tobacco split worm 烟草环斑病 tobacco ring spot virus

烟草皱屈病 tobacco rattle virus 烟草花叶病毒 tobacco mosaic virus

烟草花叶病 tobacco mosaic disease 烟草花叶病蛋白质 tobacco mosaic protein

烟潜叶蛾 tobacco leaf miner 烟草霜霉病 tobacco downy mildew

白斑病 tobacco cercospora leaf spot 烟草黑胫病 tobacco black shank

烟草枯萎病 tobacco wilt 烟草角斑病 tobacco angular spot

野火病 tobacco wild fire 烟草空胫病 tobacco hollow stalk

烟草畦烟病 tobacco frogeye spot 小地老虎 black cutworm

烟蓟马 tobacco thrips 斜纹夜蛾 tobacco caterpillar

赤星病 brown spot 根黑腐病 black root rot

青枯病 Granuville wilt 烟草黄瓜花叶病 cucumber mosaic

烟草根结线虫病 Root-knot nematode 病 Anthracnose

白粉病 powdery mildew 烟蚜 Green peach aphid

烟粉虱 tobacco whitefly 异瓢虫 Leis axyridis


防治 prevention and cure 病虫害 plunt diseases and insect pests

病菌 germs 病因 cause of disease

烟草蛙眼病 frogeve leaf spot of tobacco 猝倒病 damping off

烟蚜 Green peach aphid 烟蚜茧蜂 Aphidius gifuensis

烟实夜蛾 tobacco budworm 烟草甲 tobacco beetle

病原 causal 侵袭 subject

病原微生物 causal organisms 感染,传染 infection

烟青虫 budworms 天蛾幼虫 norn worms

跳甲 flea beetles 蚜虫aphids

金针虫 wireworms

农药 chemicals

旱斑病 drought spot

根肿病 club root

预防 protect

从顶病 bushy top

昆虫 insects

引起 induce

危害 damage

土壤杀菌 soil sterilization

病害发生 diseases occur

农药残留 pesticide residues

涝害 drowing

黑火病 black fire

烟草锈病 ruct

根瘤 crown gall

气候斑 weather fleck

土壤害虫 soil pests

烟草抗虫植物 tobacco plants resistant toinsects

细菌 bacteria

蛙眼病 frog-eye

控制防治 control


本文发布于:2024-09-22 09:52:12,感谢您对本站的认可!



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