高考英语 精品资源 专题03 时文阅读理解-天气与气候




重点单词:took steps to采取措施做……;abundance大量,充足;

they may not know it, about half a billion people depend on the ecosystems created and sustained

by corals. And with climate change threatening coral’s survival, marine scientist Enric Sala had a goal that might

have seemed impossible.

“We wanted to get into a time machine, go back hundreds of years and actually see a coral reef like they used

to be everywhere, before we started exploiting, polluting and killing them,” Sala said.

The goal was made possible during an expedition Sala led in 2009. The team traveled to a corner of the South

Pacific Ocean, to see if the almost untouched reefs held any clues to bringing damaged reefs in other parts of the

ocean back to health.

“The bottom was covered by thriving coral. Vivid colors surrounded me-purples, reds, oranges, yellows and

greens. It was so beautiful,” Sala said.

His team presented their findings to officials in the island country of Kiribati. The government took steps to

protect the waters from fishing. But between 2015 and 2016, record levels of ocean warming damaged half the

coral reefs the team had been studying.

After hearing that news, they lost hope for the health of coral reefs. Last year, they went in for another dive.

Despite the reported conditions, the reef had somehow restored itself, filled with life and color once more. Sala

and his team were overjoyed. This is something that Sala says can be owed to two key factors.

The first is, thankfully, half of the corals had not died. Despite the rise in temperatures, there were enough

surviving corals left behind to help reproduce the reefs. The second was the Kiribati government’s decision to

fully protect those waters.

“It has an abundance of fish. So they were eating all the algae (藻类) that would cover the dead corals, and

make it impossible for the corals to come back, which is what happens in other places like the Caribbean,” Sala


1.What seemingly impossible goal does Sala have?

A.Educating the public to protect the ecosystems.

B.Calling on people to actively respond to climate change.

C.Going to old days when corals were in healthy condition.

D.Leading an expedition to the South Pacific Ocean.

2.What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 6 refer to?

A.The bad news. B.The second diving.

C.The reef’s restoration. D.The cheerful mood.

3.What can we infer about Caribbean from Sala’s words?

A.There is abundant fish in its ocean.

B.Algae lie thick over corals there.

C.Global warming does little harm to its marine life.

D.Corals come back to life thanks to government’s efforts.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Kiribati—A Country of Biodiversity

C.The Coral Reef Restored Itself

【答案】1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C


1.细节理解题。根据第二段““We wanted to get into a time machine, go back hundreds of years and actually see

a coral reef like they used to be everywhere, before we started exploiting, polluting and killing them,” Sala said.


2.词句猜测题。根据第六段“Despite the reported conditions, the reef had somehow restored itself, filled with life

and color once more. Sala and his team were overjoyed. (尽管有报道的情况,珊瑚礁不知怎么地自己恢复了,再次充满了生命和彩。Sala和他的团队欣喜若狂)”可知,代词This指代前文所描述的珊瑚礁恢复的好消息。故选C。

3.推理判断题。根据最后一段““It has an abundance of fish. So they were eating all the algae (藻类) that would

cover the dead corals, and make it impossible for the corals to come back, which is what happens in other places

like the Caribbean,” Sala explained. (Sala解释道:“那里有丰富的鱼。所以它们吃了所有的藻类,这些藻类会覆盖死珊瑚,使珊瑚不可能回来,这就是加勒比海等其他地方发生的事情。”)可推知,加勒比海域里也有丰富的鱼,它们吃掉了覆盖在珊瑚上的藻类,从而使得珊瑚恢复。故选A。

4.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了随着气候变化威胁到珊瑚的生存,海洋科学家Sala有了一个看似不可能的目标,他想和自己的团队回到过去看到原本的珊瑚礁的样子。去年潜水时,他们很开心地看到了珊瑚礁自己已恢复。所以C选项“The Coral Reef Restored Itself(珊瑚礁自己恢复)”符合本篇文章的标题。故答案为C。

B.A Scientist’s Love for Diving

D.Ocean Warming Bothered Government


重点单词:advance前进; intensive强化的,集中的;monitor监视;complain报怨; echo发出回响; security安全;

Agricultural pests that devour key food crops are advancing northwards in the US and becoming more

widespread as the climate hots up, new research reports. The corn ear-worm is considered to be among the most

common farm pests in the US, damaging crops such as maize, cotton, soya and other vegetables. It spends winter

underground and is not known to survive in states beyond a latitude of 40 degrees north, but that is changing as

soils warm and it spreads to new areas, according to research led by north Carolina State University.

Researchers created maps that showed three distinct geographical zones across the US — the “southern range”

where corn ear worms survive winter, a “transitional zone” where they may survive winter, and “northern limits”,

where they are generally unable to survive winter because soil temperatures drop below freezing.

Researchers already knew that warmer winter soils meant insects that live in the soil are more likely to

survive. “As the climate changes, the overwintering zones are likely to shift northward,” said the coauthor Anders

Huseth, an entomologist at North Carolina State University. The southern range has grown by 3% since 1981 and

is predicted to double in size by the end of the century,as the other zones get smaller, according to the report.

This could result in increased use of pesticides and lower yields. “If intensive maize production does not also

shift north with changing climate, we expect that corn ear worm will become a more frequent and important

problem in these states,” said Dr. Douglas Lawton, a co-author of the report.

“Organic growers have a major challenge controlling this pest and often accept significant crop losses when

infestations are high,” he said. Monitoring soil temperatures could help predict the spread of pests, helping

farmers control them more effectively, the report suggests.

Huseth said: “We’d like to come up with a letter forecasting tool for this pest, along with a risk-prediction

model, in order to better inform growers of pest spread. Success here could reduce both costs for farmers and

pesticide into the environment.”

5.Why does the author mention the corn ear worm in paragraph 1?

A.To show they are harmful.

C.To echo the findings of a new research.

6.What can we learn about southern range?

A.It will double in size in the future.

C.It is likely to advance southwards.

B.It has increased to 3% since 1981.

D.It is larger than other zones.

B.To explain why they are changing.

D.To complain the change of the climate.

7.What effect would “monitoring soil temperatures” have on growers?

A.Predictable. B.Beneficial. C.Risky. D.Challenging.

8.What is the text mainly about?

A.The effect of climate change on pest survival.

B.The effect of the prediction model on pest spread.

C.The effect of the use of pesticides on food security.

D.The effect of global heating on pest spread.

【答案】5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D


5.推理判断题。根据第一段的“Agricultural pests that devour key food crops are advancing northwards in the US

and becoming more widespread as the climate hots up, new research reports. (新的研究报告称,随着气候变暖,吞噬主要粮食作物的农业害虫正在美国北部蔓延,并变得更加广泛)”可知,一项研究发现随着气候变暖,农业害虫正在向北扩散;根据第二句和第三句“The corn earworm is considered to be among the most common

farm pests in the US, damaging crops such as maize, cotton, soya and other vegetables. It spends winter

underground and is not known to survive in states beyond a latitude of 40 degrees north, but that is changing as

soils warm and it spreads to new areas, according to research led by north Carolina State University.(螟蛉被认为是美国最常见的农场害虫之一,会破坏玉米、棉花、大豆和其他蔬菜等作物。根据北卡罗来纳州立大学领导的研究,它在地下过冬,不知道在北纬40度以上的州生存,但随着土壤变暖,它正在向新的地区扩散)”可知,螟蛉就是常见的害虫之一,随着土壤温度的升高,螟蛉不断向新的地区扩散。由此推知,作者在第一段讨论earworm是作为例子印证新研究的发现。故选C项。

6.细节理解题。根据第三段的内容,尤其是“The southern range has grown by 3% since 1981 and is predicted

to double in size by the end of the century, as the other zones get smaller, according to the report. (该报告称,自1981年以来,“southern range”面积增加了3%,预计到本世纪末,随着其他地区面积越来越小,其面积将翻一番)”可知,未来“southern range”的范围会变成现在的2倍。故选A项。

7.细节理解题。根据第五段的“Monitoring soil temperatures could help predict the spread of pests, helping

farmers control them more effectively, the report suggests.(报告指出,监测土壤温度有助于预测害虫的传播,帮助农民更有效地控制它们)”可知,监控土壤温度对种植着来说是有利的。故选B项。

8.主旨大意题。文章第一段“Agricultural pests that devour key food crops are advancing northwards in the US

and becoming more widespread as the climate hots up, new research reports. (新的研究报告称,随着气候变暖,吞噬主要粮食作物的农业害虫正在美国北部蔓延,并变得更加广泛)”提出话题——气候变暖使得农业害虫正在美国北部蔓延,并变得更加广泛;文章二、三段主要讲气候变暖使得农业害虫正在美国北部蔓延的趋势,第四段“This could result in increased use of pesticides and lower yields.(这可能导致农药使用量增加和产




A huge block of ice has collapsed from the Marmelada mountain in Daly, leaving at least 5 dead and 10

wounded. All the mountain rescue stations in the area have been activated and the injured have been hospitalized

in several hospitals, the national Rai TV reported, citing the Alpine Rescue.

“This summer risks being the perfect storm for glaciers(冰川),” said Ginvanni Baccolo. He is an

environmental scientist and glacier expert at Milan-Bicocca University. Baccolo noted a lack of winter snow and a

hot start to the summer affecting glaciers. “Nobody could have expected a glacier like the Marmolada to react like

this,” he told Reuters. Temperatures on the normally freezing Marmolada reached 10 degrees Celsius on Saturday,

Veneto area governor Luca Zaia said.

In fact, Italy has experienced early and severe summer heat. Glaciers in Europe’s Alpine Mountains,

including the Dolomite Mountains, are becoming more unstable and dangerous because of rising temperatures

linked to climate change.

“High altitude glaciers such as the Marmolada are often steep(陡峭的) and relying on cold temperatures

below zero degrees Celsius to keep them stable.”said Poul Christoffersen. He is a professor at the University of

Cambridge who studies glaciers. Christoffersen said that climate change melts more water, which releases heat

that warms up the ice if the water re -freezes. He added that a worse effect would be the lifting of the glacier forn

the rock below, causing a sudden unstable collapse.

Baccolo made suggestions to the climbers heading into the mountains to escape the summer heat. “The

invitation I want to make to those who go to the high mountains this summer is to use much more carefulness,” he

said. “The problem is that it may no longer be enough to read the signs from the glacier that have been read so far,”

he added.

9.What does the author want to show by mentioning the glacier accident?

A.Mountain glaciers melt easily.

C.High temperature affects glaciers.

B.Accidents can happen anywhere.

D.It is dangerous to hike near glaciers.

10.What is the direct cause of the accident according to Christofferse?

A.Ice becomes water.

C.Ice in high location shrinks.

B.Frozen ice gets highter.

D.Glaciers separate from rocks.

11.What does Baccolo imply in the last paragraph?

A.More signs should be put up. B.Climbers can never be too careful.

C.Summer is not suitable for climbing.

12.What is the suitable title of the text?

A.Italy Experiences Severe Summer

B.Global Warming Brings Threat to Tourism

D.Climbers shouldn’t try steep mountains.

C.Glacier Collapse Adds to Difficulty in Rescue

D.Rising Temperature Awakens Alpine Glaciers

【答案】9.C 10.D 11.B 12.D


9.推理判断题。第一段作者提到冰川事故,紧接着第二段中的“Baccolo noted a lack of winter snow and a hot

start to the summer Temperatures on the normally freezing Marmolada reached 10 degrees

Celsius on Saturday, Veneto area governor Luca Zaia said.(Baccolo指出,冬季缺少积雪,初夏的炎热,使得夏季冰川造成了不好的后果……威尼托地区的州长Luca Zaia说,周六,通常冰冻的Marmolada上的温度达到了10摄氏度。)”作者解释了冰川事故的原因,即高温影响了冰川。由此可推知,作者提到冰川事故是为了说明高温影响了冰川,故选C。

10.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“He added that a worse effect would be the lifting of the glacier forn the rock

below, causing a sudden unstable collapse.(他补充说,更糟糕的后果将是冰川从下面的岩石上升,导致突然不稳定的崩塌。)”可知,Christofferse认为,冰川从下面的岩石上升,即冰川与岩石分离,导致突然不稳定的崩塌,这是造成事故的直接原因,故选D。

11.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的““The invitation I want to make to those who go to the high mountains this

summer is to use much more carefulness,” he said.(他说:“我想邀请那些今年夏天去高山的人们更加小心。”)”可知,Baccolo在最后一段中暗示,攀登者应该尤为小心,B项“登山者再小心也不为过。”符合,故选B。

12.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中“A huge block of ice has collapsed from the Marmelada mountain

in Daly, leaving at least 5 dead and 10 wounded. ( 一块巨大的冰块从Daly的Marmelada山崩塌,造成至少5人死亡,10人受伤。)”和第三段“In fact, Italy has experienced early and severe summer heat. Glaciers in Europe’s

Alpine Mountains, including the Dolomite Mountains, are becoming more unstable and dangerous because of

rising temperatures linked to climate change.(事实上,意大利经历了初夏和酷暑。由于气候变化导致的气温上升,包括Dolomite山在内的欧洲阿尔卑斯山脉的冰川正变得越来越不稳定和危险。)”可知,文章主要报道了一块巨大的冰块从Marmelada山崩塌,这主要是由于气温不断上升造成的,因此D项“气温上升唤醒高山冰川”适合做文章标题,故选D。



Winemaker Justin Jarrett remembers when the grape harvest used to start. He and his wife Pip, used to take

their kids on an annual beach holiday in February. When they returned to their vineyards (葡萄园) in the regional

New South Wales city of Orange, Australia, in early autumn, they’d start the harvest. Today, harvest starts six

weeks earlier in January.

“What we did 20 years ago can’t work today, ”Jarrett says. “You have to adjust. ”

Scientists used to have big debates about how to talk to farmers about climate change, says Snow Barlow, a

professor specialising in viticulture at the University of Melboume. But recently there’s been a sea change.

“Farmers are now saying. This is serious and we want to get on with doing things, ” he says.

“Wine is a classical industry that has been very influenced by climate, ” Barlow says. “You grow grapes in

particular areas because you think it’s the ideal place to grow a particular grape to create the perfect wine. ”

Rising temperatures are not just affecting harvest times, but also the types of grapes that grow well in

particular areas. Major labels, such as Brown Brothers, have moved some of their operations to the southern state

of Tasmania where there are cooler sites for varieties such as chardonnay and pinot noir. Others are changing their

varietal mix, introducing grapes from southern Italy, Sicily and Greece that are more heat- tolerant.

The Jarretts have spent years adapting their winemaking business for a warmer world. They’ve invested in

infrastructure, help them manage the compressed (缩短的) harvest time, and introduced more sustainable soil and

pest (害虫) management practices.

Jarrett is growing their grape varieties at higher elevations (海拔高度) than he used to. Sauvignon blanc, for

instance, which he used to grow at 700m, has been moved up to 900m. He thinks he can keep moving his

operations up to about 1100m before he has to buy more land.

“We have to have a 20-year plan. If we’re going to move a variety or change something, we have to have at

least 20 years of success to make it worthwhile,” Jarrett says. “We are really looking at varieties that are now

considered hot climate. ”

13.What do the Jarretts have to adjust to?

A.Their holiday plan.

C.The identity as winemakers.

B.Their neighborhood.

D.The earlier grape harvest.

14.What can we learn from Snow Barlow’s words?

A.Scientists were divided over climate change. B.Warm climate has caused a change in the sea.

C.Wine industry is particular about grape suppliers. D.Farmers are aware of the gravity of climate change.

15.How are the Jaretts coping with the impact on their winemaking?

A.By putting off the harvest time. B.By introducing heat- tolerant grapes.

C.By planting grapes at higher elevations. D.By moving their operations to a new land.

16.What is Jarett’s opinion of the alternative approaches to the challenge?

A.Great minds think alike.

C.It is better to play safe than take risks.

【答案】13.D 14.D 15.C 16.C


13.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“When they returned to their vineyards (葡萄园) in the regional New South

Wales city of Orange, Australia, in early autumn, they’d start the harvest. Today, harvest starts six weeks earlier in

January. (当他们在初秋回到位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州奥兰治市的葡萄园时,就开始收获了。今天,收获在1月份提前了6周。)”可知,因为气候变化,葡萄园收成时间提前了。所以贾勒特一家需要适应葡萄收获较早。故选D。

14.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Scientists used to have big debates about how to talk to farmers about climate

change, says Snow Barlow, a professor specialising in viticulture at the University of Melboume. But recently

there’s been a sea change. Farmers are now saying. This is serious and we want to get on with doing things, ” he

says. (墨尔本大学专门研究葡萄栽培的教授斯诺·巴洛说,科学家们曾经就如何与农民讨论气候变化问题展开过激烈的辩论。但最近发生了翻天覆地的变化。农民们现在都说。这是严重的,我们希望继续采取行动,”他表示。)”可知,曾经农民与科学家在气候变化对于葡萄种植的影响方面有着巨大的分歧,但现在农民们意识到了气候变化的严重性,并且想要采取一定的措施来适应和改变现状。故选D。

15.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“Jarrett is growing their grape varieties at higher elevations (海拔高度)

than he used to. Sauvignon blanc, for instance, which he used to grow at 700m, has been moved up to 900m. He

thinks he can keep moving his operations up to about 1100m before he has to buy more land. (贾勒特现在在比以前海拔更高的地方种植葡萄品种。例如,他以前种的长在700米的白苏维翁现在已经长到了900米。他认为,在购买更多土地之前,他可以继续将业务转移到大约1100米的地方。)”可知,贾勒特将葡萄种植的品种移栽到了海拔更高的地方,以此来适应气候的变化。故选C。

16.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““We have to have a 20-year plan. If we’re going to move a variety or

change something, we have to have at least 20 years of success to make it worthwhile,” Jarrett says. “We are

really looking at varieties that are now considered hot climate. ” (“我们必须有一个20年的计划。如果我们要改变一些东西,我们必须至少有20年的成功才能让它变得值得,” 贾勒特说。“我们真的在寻现在被认为是炎热气候的品种。”)”可知,贾勒特认为,制定一个长远的计划是非常有必要的,且在对一些事物进行改变之后获得成功,是很有价值的事情,可推断贾勒特认为为了安全起见,作出必要的实验尝试来避免未来的风险是必要的,故选C。

B.It is rewarding to try new things.

D.One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

5.主题语境:人与自然—Ramanathan 团队—热量,湿度—对全球变暖的温度测量很重要。

重点单词:estimate评估;in terms of就…而言;

A new study has found that water in the air, not just heat, is important in measuring global warming. The

researchers say, when considering humidity and heat, the temperature increase is two times greater than earlier


The researchers also note, temperature by itself is not the best way to measure the effects of climate change

and using temperature underestimates conditions in the tropical areas of the world.

The study was published on January 31 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers

team show that the energy created in extreme weather, such as storms, is related to the amount of water in the air.

For this reason, they decided to use a special atmospheric measurement to show the amount of heat in an area of

air. It is expressed in a scientific measurement for temperature known as degrees Kelvin.

Ramanathan is one of the writers of the study. He is a climate scientist at the University of California San

Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “There are two factors of climate change: temperature and humidity.

And so far, we have measured global warming just in terms of temperature,” he says. “Warm air can hold more

water than cold air. For every degree Celsius that air temperature increases, it can hold seven percent more water.

When the water vapor in the air becomes liquid, it releases heat or energy. That’s why when it rains, now it


Ramanathan added that water vapor is a powerful heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere that increases climate

change. From 1980 to 2019, the average world surface air temperature increased by 0.79 degrees Celsius. But

when they considered energy from humidity, their temperature measurement had increased by 1.48 degrees

Celsius. In the tropics, the warming was as much as 4 degrees Celsius.

Wuebbles is a climate scientist at the University of Illinois. He was not part of the study. But Wuebbles said

the idea makes sense because water vapor is important in extreme rainfall. He said, “Both heat and humidity are


17.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The combination of water and heat decreases average surface temperature.

B.The reason why it pours is that cold air can hold more water than warm air.

C.Scientists adopt temperature degrees Kelvin as a special atmospheric measurement.

D.Scientists used both temperature and humidity to measure global warming in the past.

18.How does Ramanathan illustrate his findings in the fifth paragraph?

A.By making comparisons.

C.By analyzing reasons.

B.By taking examples.

D.By giving definitions.

19.What is Wuebbles’ attitude to this new study?

A.Critical. B.Objective. C.Skeptical. D.Appreciative.

20.Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

A.Extreme Weathers Are Closely Related to Air Heat Amount

B.A New Study Focuses on Global Warming Solutions

C.Humidity Is Also Important in Measuring Climate Changes

D.Two Climate Scientists Develop a Scientific Method

【答案】17.C 18.A 19.D 20.C

【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍 Ramanathan 团队研究发现:不仅是热量,湿度也对全球变暖的温度测量很重要。

17.细节理解题。根据第三段“For this reason, they decided to use a special atmospheric measurement to show the

amount of heat in an area of air. It is expressed in a scientific measurement for temperature known as degrees

Kelvin. (出于这个原因,他们决定使用特殊的大气测量方法来显示一个地区空气中的热量。它用一种叫作degrees Kelvin的科学温度测量方法表示。)”可知,科学家采用degrees Kelvin作为特殊的大气测量方法,故选C。

18.推理判断题。根据第五段“Ramanathan added that water vapor is a powerful heat-trapping gas in the

atmosphere that increases climate change. From 1980 to 2019, the average world surface air temperature increased

by 0.79 degrees Celsius. But when they considered energy from humidity, their temperature measurement had

increased by 1.48 degrees Celsius. In the tropics, the warming was as much as 4 degrees Celsius. (Ramanathan补充说,水蒸气是大气中一种强大的吸热气体,会增加气候变化。从1980年到2019年,世界平均地表气温上升了0.79摄氏度。但是当他们考虑来自湿度的能量时,他们的温度测量增加了1.48摄氏度。在热带地区,升温高达4摄氏度。)”可知,不考虑湿度对气候变化的影响时,世界平均地表气温上升了0.79摄氏度;考虑湿度对气候变化的影响时,温度测量增加了1.48摄氏度。故推知Ramanathan采用对比的方法,分析他的研究结果,故选A。

19.推理判断题。根据最后一段“But Wuebbles said the idea makes sense because water vapor is important in

extreme rainfall. He said, 'Both heat and humidity are important.'(但Wuebbles说:“这个想法是有道理的,因为水蒸气在极端降雨中很重要”。他说:“热量和湿度都很重要。)”可知,Wuebbles认为热量和湿度都很重要,所以Wuebbles对支持这项研究,对这项研究持欣赏的态度,故选D。

20.主旨大意题。根据第一段“A new study has found that water in the air, not just heat, is important in measuring

global warming. The researchers say, when considering humidity and heat, the temperature increase is two times

greater than earlier estimates. (一项新的研究发现,空气中的水,而不仅仅是热量,在测量全球变暖方面很重

要。研究人员说,在考虑湿度和热量时,温度升高是早期估计的两倍。)”可知,文章主要介绍一项新研究:空气中的水,而不仅仅是热量,在测量全球变暖方面很重要。故推知湿度对研究气候变化很重要。故文章的标题应是Humidity Is Also Important in Measuring Climate Changes(湿度在测量气候变化方面也很重要),故选C。



Plenty of studies have investigated how climate change could be harmful to the production of coffee bean

crops, with research released in 2019 suggesting that 60 percent of known coffee species could be in danger of

going extinct. But a new scientific review has attempted to focus specifically on how global warming might affect

the taste and smell of coffee. Bad news is that not only could the coffee of the future be harder to come by, it could

taste bad, too.

“A low-quality cup of coffee has economic influences as well as sensory(感官的)ones,” Sean Cash, professor

at Tults’ Friedman Nutrition Science explained. “If we can understand the science of these changes, we might help

farmers better manage coffee production in the face of this and future challenges.”

Specifically, researchers identified two factors that had the most consistent association with quality: higher

altitude produced coffee with better taste and smell; and too much sunlight led to decreased quality.

That first factor could be significantly affected by global warming. “Higher altitudes are connected with

cooler temperatures. It results in slower ripening(成熟), long-time fruit-fill, and higher accumulation(积累)of

taste and smell,” the paper states. “What may happen to coffee quality at higher altitudes with increased

temperature linked to climate change? And we need to know climate adaptation is needed for coffee agricultural

systems at all altitudes.

On the other hand, reducing sunlight exposure(暴露)is easier to deal with. “While light exposure is shifting

with climate change, this can be controlled in coffee agricultural systems. Through shade management including

developing shade-grown coffee systems with best levels of coverage, the paper continued. Shade management is a

relatively easily reached climate adaptation strategy compared to relocating farms.”

Still, the study's biggest takeaway was the more work needs to be done to ensure our coffee tastes. “This

systematic review highlights that coffee quality is sensitive to climate change and climate adaptation,” the

conclusion stated. “Given the sensitivity of coffee quality to environmental change, evidence-based innovations

are called for to enhance the sustainable development of the coffee industry in the context of global change.”

21.What is the purpose of the new study?

A.To find ways to stop the global warming. B.To prevent the coffee from going extinct.

D.To help farmers improve the quality of coffee crop. C.To help farmers increase the products of coffee.

22.Why is higher altitude important to coffee?

A.It helps the coffee grow fast.

C.It offers coffee enough time to ripe.

B.It offers coffee enough sunlight.

D.It is easier for farmers to take care of coffee crop.

23.What is suggested to solve the problem of sunlight exposure?

A.To relocate coffee farms. B.To develop effective shade systems.

D.To make the coffee adapt to the climate change. C.To grow coffee crops in higher altitude farms.

24.What is the best title of the text?

A.The future of coffee crops.

C.Climate change affects coffee quality

【答案】21.D 22.C 23.B 24.C

B.What affects coffee production

D.The challenges coffee crops are facing


21.推理判断题。根据第二段“If we can understand the science of these changes, we might help farmers better

manage coffee production in the face of this and future challenges.(如果我们能理解这些变化的科学原理,我们可能会帮助农民在面对当前和未来的挑战时更好地管理咖啡生产。)”可推断,这项新研究的目的是帮助农民提高咖啡作物的质量。故选D。

22.细节理解题。根据第四段“Higher altitudes are connected with cooler temperatures. It results in slower

ripening(成熟), long-time fruit-fill, and higher accumulation(积累)of taste and smell(海拔越高,温度越低。它会导致成熟较慢,果实的充实感较长,味道和气味的积累也会更高。)”可知,高海拔对咖啡很重要是因为它给咖啡足够的时间成熟。故选C。

23.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Through shade management including developing shade-grown coffee

systems with best levels of coverage, the paper continued.(论文接着说,通过荫蔽管理,包括开发荫蔽种植的咖啡系统,达到最佳的覆盖水平。)”可知,开发有效的遮阳系统可以解决日照问题。故选B。

24.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Plenty of studies have investigated how climate change could be harmful to the

production of coffee bean a new scientific review has attempted to focus specifically on how global

warming might affect the taste and smell of coffee. Bad news is that not only could the coffee of the future be

harder to come by, it could taste bad, too.(许多研究已经调查了气候变化如何可能对咖啡豆作物的生产有害。但是,一项新的科学综述试图特别关注全球变暖可能如何影响咖啡的味道和气味。坏消息是,未来的咖啡不仅更难获得,而且味道也不好。)”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了科学家通过研究气候对咖啡质量的影响和解决措施。所以“Climate change affects coffee quality(气候变化影响咖啡质量)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选C。


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