



题型有:1. Listening Comperhension 2. Vocabulary and Structure 3. Cloze 4.

Reading Comperhension 5. Error Correction 6. Translation 7. IQ Test 8. Writing

Part I Listening Comperhension

Section A

听力原文:W: How do you feel about oil crisis?M: It’s frightening. Maybe there

will be wars about oil. We need to find alternative energy sources very soon. Any

alternatives do you know? W: I think wind energy and wave energy would play

important parts in our lives in the future.

1. What does the man say we can do to deal with oil crisis?

A.To make full use of oil.

B.To use as little oil as possible.

C.To find alternative energy.


解析:男士在对话中说We need to find alternative energy sources…可知他认为解决石油危机的方法是寻替代能源。故选C。

听力原文:W: Excuse me, I want to buy a new car and I’d like some information

about the loans. What are the current interest rates on short-term loans? M: Well, that

depends on the amount you’re thinking of borrowing and over how long a period you

want to pay it back. W: If I have a loan for £ 5 ,000 payable over three years, what

will the rate be and how much will the monthly repayments be? M: OK, I’ll figure it


2. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In an insurance company.

B.In a bank.

C.In a supermarket.


解析:根据对话可知,女士为了买新车正在询问the current interest rates on

short-term loans,男士的回答都是与贷款有关,所以最有可能的场所是银行。

听力原文:M: Janice won’t be coming back after she’s had her baby, so do we

keep Meryl, or do we need to find someone else?W: As far as I’m concerned, Meryl

can stay. I think she’s done a great job over the last month.M: I’m sorry, but I really

can’t agree with you. She hasn’t got the right manner. Take for example that incident

with the customer a couple of days ago. The customer wasn’t very friendly, but that’s

no excuse for being rude.

3. According to the man, who is going to take over the position they are talking



B.Someone else.



解析:虽然女士同意Meryl做这份工作,但男士认为she hasn’t got the right


听力原文:W: Hi, come in. So, do you think you’ll have that report ready in time

for the meeting?M: Well, the meeting’s on Thursday, so that gives me two days. I’m

pretty sure it’ll be ready in time. W: Pretty sure isn’t good enough. The regional

director is going to be here tomorrow afternoon, and we’re meeting the big boss for

dinner afterwards, so it needs to be ready earlier. M: OK, I’ll get it finished by

tomorrow noon.

4. What does the woman say about the man’s report for the meeting?

A.He has to get it ready before tomorrow noon.

B.He has done well enough.

C.He has enough time to prepare it.


解析:对话中显示regional director将于明日下午到达,且女士要求在这之前男士应完成报告然后meet the big boss。所以她的意思是明日中午前完成,故选A。

听力原文:W: So, Professor Taylor, I’d like you to tell us what is likely to be the

biggest problem we’ll have to face in the future?M: Well, the most alarming problem

is still world population. In 1948, there were 2 billion inhabitants on the earth and in

1992 that figure had more than doubled to over 5 billion and by the year 2020, it’s

estimated that it will increase to over 8. 5 billion.W: There’ll be more famines and

more wars.

5. How many people will be on the earth by the year 2020 according to the


A.Some 5. 8 billion.

B.Nearly 7 billion.

C.Over 8. 5 billion.


解析:教授最后说到…by the year 2020,it’s estimated that it will increase to

over 8.5 billion,可知到2020年人口总数将超过85亿,故选C。

Section B

听力原文:W: We have with us in the studio today, Simon, an astronomer with

an organization searching for intelligence and life in space. Simon, could you tell us

something about it?M: Yes, of course. We’re a scientific organization that started in

1959 to search for radio signals from intelligent life in space.W: So presumably you

believe that there is intelligent life in space.M: No, I wouldn’t say I believe that. But

there may be intelligent life out there. It’s certainly possible. The universe is so vast.

Our sun is just one star among billions and it s a fact that many stars have their own

planets orbiting around them.W: Really, I didn’t know that.M: No, we’ve only

recently discovered that.W: So why are you searching for radio signals?M: Because

the distances in space are so great. It’s unlikely that other life forms will ever visit us.

If they exist, we’re more likely to know from their radio signals.W: So, you don’t

believe all those stories about aliens visiting our planet?M: I’m afraid I don’t. There’s

just no real evidence. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t other life in the universe.W: If

there is life, what might it be like?M: Oh, it’s hard to say. It might not have a form

that we recognize. For example, on a planet where gravity is very strong, all life forms

could be the size of microbes.W: Oh, really, fascinating.M: Even if we can’t find life

on distant stars, we might find simple forms of life in our own solar system. For

example, we think there’s ice on Mars. And where there’s water, there’s a possibility

of life.W: That would be exciting. But what about these radio signals? Have you

found anything interesting?M: I can’t say we have. But we’re going to keep

looking.W: One final question that I’ve always wanted to ask an astronomer.

Scientists now believe that the universe must have started with what’s called “the big

bang”.M: Well, we’re not 100% certain. But yes, we think that the universe could

have begun with a huge explosion about 12 billon years ago.W: What I’ve always

wanted to know is this: what began”the big bang”? How did it start?M: Are you

asking me if I believe in God? We don’t know how” the big bang” started. We just

don’t know.

6. What’s the main job?

A.They send out radio signals to communicate with other planets.

B.They look for life and intelligence on other planets.

C.They study stars that have planets orbiting around them.


解析:由女士在对话开始的介绍“Simon,an astronomer…searching for

intelligence and life inspace”可知,Simon的工作是寻太空智能和生命。故选B。

7. Why does the organization search for radio signals from space?

A.Their presence may prove the existence of aliens.

B.They may help scientists find out how the universe started.

C.They convey messages about life on the earth.


解析:在对话中,女士问道为何探索radio signals,男士表示如果其他生命造访地球we’remore likely to know from their radio signals。即可证实外星人的存在。

8. Does Simon believe those stories about aliens visiting our planet?

A.No, he doesn’t believe them at all.

B.Yes, he does believe those stories because of his study.

C.Yes, he believes them although he has no evidence.


解析:根据男士的回答I’m afraid I don’t可知,他并不相信故事书中描述的外星人的故事。

9. Which of the following factor is considered to be important in forming life

according to the passage?





解析:在生命形成的过程中,水的存在是不可或缺的,这也可从男士的话where there’s wa—ter,there’s a possibility of life中得知。故选C。

10. When did the “big bang” occur?

A.No one knows.

B.12 billion years ago.

C.20 billion years ago.


解析:有关大爆炸的解释中,男士说道the universe could have begun with a

huge explosion a—bout 12 billon years ago,所以它发生在大约120亿年前。故选B。

听力原文:W: Please meet Bob who made the news in the business world last

month. It was Bob who decided to give traditional job-seeking strategies a miss, and

instead, spend $ 20, 000 on a website and an eye-catching film, broadcasting his

desire for an interesting job. He also confesses to offering $ 1 , 000 to anyone who

can get him his dream job. Personal branding is all the rage in the United States,

where bestsellers like “The Brand Called You” and “The Personal Branding

Phenomenon” encourage people to promote themselves as brands to attract the perfect

partner. So, Bob, tell us more!M: Well, to tell you the truth, I wish I had thought of the

idea ten years ago. If I had had the ide-a, I am confident I would be a

multi-millionaire by now! I decided that I wasn’t going to work for peanuts, so I took

a few months off to think between jobs. Only when 1 had begun to do research , did I

realize the power of the internet. No sooner had I devised my campaign, “ Give Bob a

Job” , and had the film made, than the Bob-branded merchandising fell into place! We

have teddy bears, T-shirts, clocks and cups! The video was made to advertise my

skills and talents , and is in the format of an easy-to-download attachment! As long as

I make use of the power of the internet, my influence will W: I’d be

surprised if our listeners understand exactly what you mean, Bob. How can the

internet help you in your job search exactly?M: It’s what we call viral marketing.

Everyone must have seen an e-mail that has come from a friend, saying “Have a look

at this little video”. If you like it, you will send it to three others, and if they like it,

they will send it to three others each, and so on and so forth. To be honest, after a

week, the numbers are frightening! If, for example, a hundred people had each sent an

e-mail to two people, the result would have been 1 million people. And in case only,

say, 100, 000 people look at my video, there might be only two or three who think

“Wow! What we want is an employee like this!” Come to think of it, not only are

these the two or three people most likely to give me my dream job, they are the only

ones 1 would want actually to work for!W: That’s amazing, Bob! I have to admit to

thinking it would be a great way to find a husband or wife as well!

11. Why did Bob make the news last month?

A.Because he criticized traditional jobs.

B.Because he earned a lot of money.

C.Because he tried new strategies in finding a job.


解析:由give traditional job-seeking strategies a miss和后文中他的具体做法可知,本段介绍的是Bob为工作采取的与众不同的措施。故选C。

12. In which way do the bestsellers like “The Brand Called You” and “The

Personal Branding Phenomenon” help people?

A.They advise people to promote themselves as brands.

B.They teach people how to be a perfect partner.

C.They give people tips for job interview.


解析:女士提及“The Brand Called You”and“The Personal Branding

Phenomenon”encouragepeople to promote themselves as brands表示这些畅销书鼓励人们自我推销,A项符合。

13. When did Bob come up with the idea of using the internet to find a job?

A.Ten years ago when he was a college student.

B.When he began to do research between jobs.

C.After he launched the campaign “Give Bob a Job”.



作think betweenjobs,那时才意识到the power of the internet。

14. What was the purpose of Bob’s making the video?

A.To fulfill his ambition as a director.

B.To sell his products like Teddy bears and T-shirts.

C.To advertise his skills and talents.


解析:Bob说道The video was made to advertise my skills and talents…所以他做视频的目的是为了宣传自己的方法和才能。

15. How can the internet help Bob in his job search exactly?

A.By helping him make friends.

B.By passing on the video he made.

C.By providing job information for him.



Section C

听力原文:Wednesday night at the White House, President Barrack Obama

announced the phased withdrawal of 10, 000 U. S. troops from Afghanistan by the

end of this year, with a target of removing the rest of a 33,000 surge force by the end

of next year.

16. How many troops are going to withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of

next year?





解析:奥巴马总统宣布今年withdrawal of 10,000 U.S.troops from

Afghanistan,明年removingthe rest of a 33,000 surge force,所以到明年年底从阿富汗共撤军43,000人。

听力原文:But the study findings also run counter to conventional wisdom.

According to this study, several high calorie foods were found to lead to less weight

gain when their consumption was increased. In particular nuts, whole grains, yogurt,

fruits, and vegetables, were all associated with less weight gain over time.

17. What is the finding of the study?

A.Low-calorie foods may lead to more weight.

B.High-calorie foods may lead to more weight.

C.High-calorie foods may lead to less weight.


解析:这项研究显示several high calorie foods were found to lead to less weight


听力原文:Over in Japan, we’re getting some conflicting reports about the

radiation coming out of a damaged nuclear power plant. Early Sunday, tests showed

that one building at the plant was giving off radiation levels 10 million times higher

than normal. Tokyo Electric, which owns the plant, later said the number was close to

100, 000 times the normal level.

18. What do the conflicting reports show about radiation?

A.The radiation level given by Tokyo Electric is much smaller than that given

by other tests.

B.The radiation level given by other tests is smaller than that given by Tokyo


C.The radiation level is close to 10,000 times the normal level.


解析:报道的最后,东京电力公司说the number wag close to 100,000 times

the normal level,可知这次辐射是正常水平的10万倍。

听力原文:A number of BBC radio services are coming to an end. They include

the BBC Caribbean Service, which began in 1939, one of the oldest services the BBC

has provided in English. It’s the last of five language services being shut down by the

BBC because of cuts in government funding. Mandarin Chinese and Azeri language

broadcasts on radio also stopped today. A number of World Service programmes in

English are ending, including Europe Today, which has made its final broadcast.

19. Why are Caribbean Service and Europe Today shut down by BBC?

A.Because of their outdated services.

B.Because of cuts in government funding.

C.Because of lack of target audience.


解析:文章在提及BBC Caribbean Service被停用的原因时,说道because of

cuts in government funding,即由于政府停止提供资金造成的。

听力原文:Thousands of people have demonstrated in cities and towns across

Syria, calling for more freedom. In the southern city of Deraa, protesters said at least

20 people were reported to have been killed when shots rang out after a statue of the

former President Hafez al-Assad was set alight. The Syrian authorities prevented

journalists from entering Deraa. Lina Sinjab sent this report from Damascus.

20. What’s the cause of demonstrations in cities and towns across Syria?

A.They are calling for more freedom.

B.Workers demand higher pay.

C.Some thirty people were killed by the police.


解析:本段开头便点明游行的原因Thousands of people have demonstrated…calling for morefreedom。所以选A,民众为了争取更多的自由。

Section D

听力原文: Recovery from jetlag can take as long as a day for every time

zone crossed. So if you’re flying east-west for your holiday or on business, it is likely

to mean a few days of feeling tired or even unwell. Jetlag is the disruption of the

body’s natural cycle and some factors make it worse. The artificial atmosphere inside

a plane can affect the body in a number of ways and add to the effects of jetlag.

Exercising before flights helps to offset the effects on the body of reduced air pressure

and aerobic exercise afterwards helps to re-oxygenate it. Drink plenty of water.

Children may need more. Drinking carrot juice before flying overcomes oxygen

deficiency. Eat light, frequent meals. Heavy meals slow down the blood

circulation, which can lead to dizziness and fainting. For two weeks before you fly,

eat plenty of food containing vitamins A and E: they will build up your immune

system and help to keep you fit. Sleep as much as you can before the flight and on it.

On board, wear earplugs and eye pads because darkness stimulates secretion of the

hormones that enhance sleep. Avoid alcohol, which restricts the brain’s oxygen

intake. Like tea and coffee, alcohol increases the dehydration effect of flying. If you

need to drink to relax, bear in mind that the cabin environment intensifies the effect of

alcohol. Wear loose, comfortable, warm clothes and limber up during flight.

Sitting down for several hours slows down the circulation, leading to local stiffness,

cramps and dizziness. Re-adjust to local time as soon as you can. Bright light helps

the body stay alert, so if you are going somewhere sunny, stay outside. Do not

smoke before or during the flight since smoking decreases the blood oxygen level. If

you need to calm your nerves, try aromatherapy oils which have a sedative effect.

Consult your doctor before flying if you are on medication. The effects of some drugs

are strengthened at high altitudes and some may produce side effects.

Recovery from jetlag can take as long as a day for every time zone crossed.

So if you’re flying east-west for your holiday or on business, it is likely to mean a few

days of feeling tired or even unwell. Jetlag is the【D1】______of the body’s

natural cycle and some factors make it worse. The artificial atmosphere inside a plane

can affect the body in a number of ways and add to the effects of jetlag.

Exercising before flights helps to offset the effects on the body of reduced【D2】______and aerobic exercise afterwards helps to re-oxygenate it. Drink plenty of water.

Children may need more. Drinking carrot juice before flying overcomes oxygen

deficiency. Eat light, frequent meals. Heavy meals【D3】______the blood

circulation, which can lead to dizziness and fainting. For two weeks before you fly,

eat plenty of food containing vitamins A and E: they will build up your【D4】

______and help to keep you fit. Sleep as much as you can before the flight and on it.

On board, wear earplugs and eye pads because darkness【D5】_____ secretion of the

hormones that enhance sleep. Avoid alcohol, which restricts the brain’s oxygen

intake. Like tea and coffee, alcohol increases the dehydration effect of flying. If you

need to drink to relax,【D6】______that the cabin environment intensifies the effect of

alcohol. Wear loose, comfortable, warm clothes and limber up during flight.

Sitting down for several hours slows down the【D7】______, leading to local stiffness,

cramps and dizziness. Re-adjust to local time as soon as you can. Bright light helps

the body stay alert, so if you are going somewhere sunny, stay outside. Do not

smoke before or during the flight since smoking【D8】______the blood oxygen level.

If you need to calm your nerves, try aromatherapy oils which have a sedative effect.【D9】______your doctor before flying if you are on medication. The effects of some

drugs are strengthened at high altitudes and some may produce【D10】______.

21. 【D1】


22. 【D2】

正确答案:air pressure

23. 【D3】

正确答案:slow down

24. 【D4】

正确答案:immune system

25. 【D5】


26. 【D6】

正确答案:bear in mind

27. 【D7】


28. 【D8】


29. 【D9】


30. 【D10】

正确答案:side effects

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure

31. What we all work for is to free______time for the things we really want to







解析:句意:我们这样做,为的是腾出时间去做我们真正想做的事情。free up释放,留出(时间、空间);解放;节省。free off摆脱。free aside词组不存在,但put aside可表示“留出;节省”之意。free in是国际贸易术语,表示“船方不负担装货费用;包括装船费在内的运费”。

32. You______his words seriously. He was talking nonsense.

A.won’t take

B.may not take

C.mustn’t have taken

D.needn’t have taken


解析:句意:你本不用在意他的话,他那是瞎说一气。needn’t have done sth.本不需要做某事却做了。won’t do sth.将来不会做某事。may not do sth.也许不会做某事,是对现在或将来的推测。must的否定形式表示“禁止”,但mustn’t have


33. Never hesitate to______the first opportunity that comes along.






解析:句意:不能犹豫不决,一有机会就要抓住。seize抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕。draw画;拉。arrest逮捕。obtain获得。seize the opportunity是固定搭配,表示“抓住机会,把握机遇”。

34. His mother______hated city life longed to return to the village in______she

grew up.

A.that: where

B.who: which

C.who: that

D.who: where


解析:句意:他的母亲不喜欢城市生活,渴望回到那个哺育她长大的乡村。本句含有两个定语从句,第一个先行词his mother是人,其引导词选who;第二个先行词the village是物,此处它的引导词是由介词加关系代词组成,因此只能是in which的形式。

35. All things______, I think I’d better take your advice.


B.to be considered


D.have been considered


解析:句意:将一切考虑周全后,我想我最好还是采取你的建议。根据句意,考虑事情显然发生在过去。本句以主谓短语做状语,all things与consider之间是被动的关系,排除considering,以被动结构considered做分词,而to be considered是将来被动式,时态不符,故答案选C。

36. Twelve European countries______over to the Euro on January 1st, 2002.






解析:句意:2002年1月1日,12个欧洲国家将货币转换成了欧元。此处谓语为不及物动词。switch to切换到;转变成。transform to改变;转化。reverse

to倒退成。alter to改变;求救于。

37. She isn’t anything______unpleasant as people say she is.

A.as like



D.like as


解析:句意:她也不像大家说的那样令人讨厌。anything like用于疑问句和否定陈述时表示“完全像”。as…as固定搭配,“像…一样”,在句中修饰anything。本句使用not any-thing like与as…as搭配,表示“不像…一样”。)

38. Stop complaining. You really______my nerves.

A.get down

B.get along

C.get off

D.get on


解析:句意:别再抱怨了,你这样让我很不安。get on one’s nerves让…不安,紧张,心烦意乱。

39. There wasn’t______truth in what he said.

A.a grain of

B.a ray of

C.a point of

D.a drop of


解析:句意:他的话没有一点真实的成分。a grain of本意是指“一粒(种子)”,与truth搭配表示“一丝真理的成分,一点儿可信的东西”。

40. 40.______for my savings, I wouldn’t be able to survive these miserable


A.Was it not

B.Were it not

C.Had it been not

D.Hadn’t it been


解析:句意:如果没有那些存款,我可能没办法度过这段悲惨的日子。本句是虚拟句,从句是对过去的虚拟,主句是对现在的虚拟,主句是wouldn’t+动词原形,故从句用过去式的否定。句首倒装表强调,需将动词提前,相当于If it were

not for my savings。故选B。

41. There was a power cut this morning. ______, I couldn’t do anything with

my computer.







42. Alarm clocks needlessly wake______households. I want to design

something targeted at the individual sleeper.







43. _____both parties agree on these issues will a contract be signed soon.

A.If only



D.Only if


解析:句意:只有双方在这些问题上达成一致,协议才会尽快签署。only if“只有…(才)…”。当only if放在句首时,应该用倒装句型,将句子中的助动词will提前。If only“要是…多好”,表示说话人的愿望,常跟虚拟语气结构。unless“除非”,做连词,后句中助动词不用倒装。should情态动词,可置于条件状语从句之首,表示“万一”。

44. — I’ve run out of cash. Could you lend me a few pounds this evening?—______I’ll just have to find time to get to the bank and make a withdrawal.

A.I can lend you some now.

B.I’m not sure I’ve got any either.

C.Sorry, I haven’t got a penny in my account.

D.My credit card must be left home.




45. — We’re all going to the New Skyline Restaurant for our end-of-year

get-together. Can we count you in? — Oh, thanks, Sara, but______.

A.I didn’t find you then.

B.I’ve been to the restaurant once.

C.I’ll pass this time.

D.I’ll meet you there at 5: 00.



Part Ⅲ Cloze

Did you know that for every 20,000 novels written, only one gets published?

So the【C1】_____(likely)that I’ll ever fulfill my ambition of becoming a professional

mystery writer doesn’t seem very high. But the prospect of turning my lifelong

passion into my livelihood and achieving fame and【C2】for______ at the same time is

just too exciting for me to be put off by dull statistics. So what does it【C3】t______to become a writer? Reading is important—all writers need to research their

genre thoroughly to familiarize themselves【C4】______its codes and conventions. My

bookshelves at home are stacked with the novels of all the great mystery writers,

which I’ve read and in many cases, re-read, despite【C5】______(know)all the time

“ who’d done it”. Of course, being a writer requires imagination. You have to

develop your own personal style rather than simply copy the work of “the greats”.

I’ve turned out【C6】d______of short crime stories for my university student magazine—some have been published, some not, but I’ve always aimed to produce original and

imaginative material. Last but not【C7】______, successful writers possess

enormous self-discipline. I’ve often sacrificed my social life in order to devote the

necessary time and effort to producing a good quality story. And more than once that

has meant【C8】______the midnight oil. We’ve got a novel inside us. Getting it

out in anywhere near publishable form is no【C9】______task, but with imagination

and determination, and the help of an expert on “ masterclass” , who could possibly

fail to【C10】re______their ambition?

46. 【C1】



47. 【C2】



48. 【C3】


解析:(句意:要想成为作家需要做什么?it takes to do…需要做…。)

49. 【C4】


解析:(familiarize oneself/sb.with sth.使熟悉,了解,通晓。前文research


50. 【C5】



51. 【C6】


解析:(dozens of,介词短语“几十;许多”。用在名词复数前可表示名词的数量。)

52. 【C7】


解析:(last but not least固定搭配,一般用在句首,表示“最后但并不是最不重要的”。)

53. 【C8】


解析:(burn the midnight oil“挑灯夜战,开夜车”,mean doing sth.“意味着做…”。)

54. 【C9】




55. 【C10】


解析:(realize one’s ambition实现某人的抱负。)

Part Ⅳ Reading Comperhension

Section A

The term culture shock was introduced for the first time in 1958 to describe

the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment. This

term expresses the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new

environment. We can describe culture shock as the physical and emotional discomfort

a person suffers when coming to live in a place different from the place of origin.

Often, the way that we lived before is not accepted or considered as normal in the new

place. Everything is different, for example, not speaking the language, not knowing

how to use banking machines, not knowing how to use telephones, and so forth.

The symptoms of culture shock can appear at different times. Although a person can

experience real pain from culture shock, it is also an opportunity for growing and

learning new perspectives. Culture shock can help people develop a better

understanding of themselves and stimulate personal creativity. Culture shock has

many stages. Each stage can be ongoing, or appear only at certain times. In the first

stage, the new” arrival may feel very happy about all of the new experience. This time

is called the honeymoon stage. Afterward, the second stage presents itself. A person

may encounter some difficulties in daily life. For example, communication difficulties

may occur, such as not being understood. In this stage, there may be feelings of

impatience, anger and sadness. Transition between the old methods and those of the

new country is a difficult process and takes time to complete. The third stage is

characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture. A new feeling of

pleasure and sense of humor may be experienced. A person may start to feel a

psychological balance. The individual is more familiar with the environment and

wants to belong. This starts an evaluation of the old ways versus those of the new. In

the fourth stage, the person realizes that the new culture has good and bad things to

offer. This stage can be one of double integration or triple integration, depending on

the number of cultures that the person has to process. This integration is characterized

by a more solid feeling of belonging. The person starts to define himself or herself

and establish goals for living. The fifth stage is the stage that is called the reentry

shock. This occurs when a person returns to the country of origin. One may find that

things are no longer the same. For example, some of the newly acquired customs are

considered improper in the old culture. Introduced in 1958, culture shock is a

term used to【A1】______physical and emotional discomfort people experience when

they come to or live in a new place. Although many people suffer a lot from culture

shock, it is an【A2】______for personal improvement. The five stages of culture shock

may last for a long time or show up once in a while. In the first stage, the【A3】______stage, the new arrival might be OK with everything. Afterward,【A4】______from old methods to the new one calls for time and energy. During the third

and fourth stage, people may gain more understanding of the new culture and possess

objective views. The double or triple integration is【A5】______by a feeling of

belonging. The last stage, called reentry shock, refers to the feeling people have when

returning to their home country.

56. 【A1】


解析:(由第一段第一句可知,culture shock是描述人身心上一种对新环境的不适应。)

57. 【A2】


解析:(由第三段第二句可知,culture shock有利有弊,是提高自身的一个好机会。)

58. 【A3】


解析:(参见第四段可知这一阶段是honeymoon stage。)

59. 【A4】


解析:(由第四段“The third stage is characterized by gaining some understanding

of the new culture”可知,新旧生活方式的过渡既费时又费力。)

60. 【A5】


解析:(文化融合的特征是产生归属感。由“This integration is characterized by

a more solid feeling of belonging.”可知be characterized by sth./doing sth.符合此空。)

Section B

For some people, it would be unthinkable. But Gabe Henderson is finding

freedom in a recent decision: he canceled his MySpace account. The 26 years old

graduate student stopped his account after realizing that a lot of his online friends

were really just acquaintances. “The superficial emptiness clouded the excitement I

had once felt,” Henderson wrote in an article, “ It seems we have lost, to some degree,

the special depth that true friendship is about. “ Journalism professor Michael

Bugeja, who is a strong supporter of face-to-face communication, read Henderson’s

column and saw it was a sign of hope. Though he’s not anti-technology, Bugeja often

lectures students about “ interpersonal intelligence” —knowing when, where, and for

what purpose technology is most appropriate. He points out the students he’s seen

walking across campus, holding hands with each other while talking on cell phones to

someone else. He’s also seen them in coffee shops, surrounded by people, but staring

instead at a computer screen. “True friends,” he says, “need to learn when to stop

blogging and go across campus to help a friend. “ These days, young people are

more wired than ever—but they’re also getting more worried. Increasingly , they’ve

had to deal with online bullies, who are posting anything from embarrassing photos to

online threats. And increasingly, young people also are realizing that things they post

on their profiles can come back to hurt them when applying for schools or jobs.

Social networking can be an “extremely effective” way to publicize events to large

groups. It can even help build a sense of community on campus. People joined

Facebook as a way to meet others. However, it has limitations. A good Internet profile

could make even the most boring person seem somewhat interesting. People are also

not always happy with text messages on the cell phones. Cell phones can be a quick

way to say “have a good day”. But friends can also cancel a night out with a text

message to avoid having to explain. “ Our generation needs to get over this fear of

confrontation and rejection. “ Henderson says. “The focus needs to be on quality

communication, in all ways. “ Back in his life, Henderson is enjoying spending more

face-to-face time with his friends and less with his computer. He says his decision to

quit his social-networking Internet accounts was a good one. “I’m not sacrificing

friends,” he says, “because if a picture, some basic information a-bout their life and a

Web page is all my friendship has become, then there was nothing to sacrifice to

begin with. “

61. Although Henderson quit My space, most of his online friends are actually

close friends.





62. According to Bugeja, young people should know when to use technology

and when to stop using it.





63. Social networking helps build a sense of community but has a negative

effect on young people’s life if it is used inappropriately.





64. What does Henderson lose by using social networking websites like


正确答案:The special depth that true friendship is about

解析:(参见第一段最后一句“It seems we have lost,to some degree,the special

depth that truefriendship is about.”可知他觉得失去的是友谊的深度。)

65. What do young people need to overcome in order to focus on quality


正确答案:They need to get over fear of confrontation and rejection

解析:(参见最后一段的“Our generation needs get over this fear of confrontation

and rejection.”可知需要克服的是抵抗和拒绝。)

Section C

“ Five ... Four ... Three ... Two ... One ... See ya!” and Chance McGuire,

twenty five, is airborne off a 600-foot concrete dam in Northern California. In one

second he falls 15 feet, in two seconds 60 feet, and after three seconds and 130 feet,

he is flying at 66 miles an hour. McGuire is a practitioner of what he calls the

king of all extreme sports. BASE—an acronym for building, antenna, span(bridge)and

earth(cliffs)—jumping has one of the sporting world’s highest fatality rates: in its

18-year history, forty-six participants have been killed. Yet the sport has never been

more popular, with more than a thousand jumpers in the United States, and more

seeking to get into it every day. It is an activity without margin for error. If your chute

malfunctions, don’t bother researching for a reserve—there isn’t time. There are no

second chances. Still, the sport may be a perfect fit with the times. Americans

may have more in common with McGuire than they know or care to admit. America

has embarked on a national orgy of thrill seeking and risk taking. The rise of

adventure and extreme sports such as BASE jumping, snowboarding, ice climbing,

skateboarding, and paragliding is merely the most vivid manifestation of this new

national behavior. The rising popularity of extreme sports speaks of an eagerness

on the part of millions of Americans to participate in activities closer to the edge,

where danger, skill, and fear combine to give weekend warriors and professional

athletes alike a sense of pushing out personal boundaries. According to American

Sports Data Inc. , a consulting firm, participation in so-called extreme sports is way

up. Snowboarding has grown 113 percent in five years and now boasts nearly 5. 5

million participants. Mountain hiking, skateboarding, scuba diving—their growth

curves reveal a nation that loves to play with danger. Contrast that with activities such

as baseball, touch football, and aerobics, all of which were in steady decline

throughout the 1990s. The pursuits that are becoming more popular have one

thing in common: the perception that they are somehow more challenging than a

game of touch football. “ Every human being with two legs and two arms is going to

wonder how fast, how strong, how enduring he or she is,” says Eric Perlman, a

mountaineer and film maker specializing in extreme sports. “ We are designed to

experience or die. “

66. ____ rate doesn’t stop people from getting into BASE jumping every day.

正确答案:High fatality


67. The rise of extreme sports manifests the national behavior


正确答案:thrill seeking;risk taking

解析:(参见第三段第三句“America has embarked on a national orgy of thrill

seeking and risk taking.”体现了美国人对刺激的寻求和冒险乐趣。)

68. The combination of fear, skill and danger gives both amateurs and

professionals a sense of______.

正确答案:pushing out personal boundaries


69. Which of the following activities reveals a nation that loves to play

activities closer to the edge?

A.Touch football.


C.Scuba diving.



解析:(scuba diving潜水。touch football触身式橄榄球。baseball棒球。aerobics有氧运动。由第四段第一句可知,极限运动参与率的提升显示出美国人对危险运动的追求日盛,除C外,其他运动都不是极限运动;另外本段倒数第二句“…scuba

diving—their growthcurves reveal a nation that loves to play with danger”也可提示出本题答案。)

70. What does Eric mean by saying “We are designed to experience or die”?

A.Life with great challenges is a meaningful one.

B.Life without great experiences is very common.

C.People may die while doing extreme sports.

D.Extreme sports are essential parts of human life.



Section D

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest thinkers the world has ever known.

He formulated theories of relativity, successfully described the nature of the universe

and came up with the most famous equation in the world. David Beckham is the

footballer whose skills and precision have made him one of the most gifted sportsmen

of his generation. Who is more intelligent? How Gardner’s theory of multiple

intelligences(MI)dares us to put these two men on neighboring pedestals. Instead of

regarding intelligence as a single quantity measurable by pen-and-paper tests, Gardner,

an education professor at Harvard University, divides human intelligence into no

fewer than eight separate categories ranging from mathematical to musical

competence.(74)His ideas have provoked vigorous debate about how one defines

intelligence. Gardner’s point is that quantity measures only one capacity, the sort of

mental agility that is valued in academic achievement, and that this single number

does not do justice to human potential. So he has created his own spheres of

achievement. Some categories are easily reconcilable with general perceptions about

IQ. For example, “ linguistic” intelligence confers a mastery of language, and is the

preserve of such people as poets, writers and linguists. “Logical mathematical”

intelligence marks out people who take a reasoning approach to physical things, and

seek underlying principles. Einstein is the standard-bearer of this group, which also

includes philosophers. These two categories are the main components of what we

generally think of as “intelligence”. “Musical” intelligence characterizes

musicians, composers and conductors. “Spatial” intelligence is about being able to

picture perspective, to visualize a world in one’s head with great accuracy. Chess

players, artists and architects would rate highly in this category. Dancers, athletes and

actors are lumped under the “bodily-kinesthetic” heading: these individuals, like

Beckham, are able to control their bodies and movements very carefully. Then

come two types of “ personal” intelligence—intrapersonal, the ability to gauge one’s

own mood, feelings and mental states, and interpersonal, being able to gauge it in

others and use the information. These two categories could be interpreted as

emotional intelligence. Psychiatrists are particularly adept at the former, while

religious leaders and politicians are seen as people who can exploit the latter.

Charles Darwin is perhaps the perfect embodiment of the eighth intelligence—”naturalist”. This label describes people with a deep understanding of the natural

world and its objects. Zoologists and botanists can count themselves among this group.

(75)These eight categories certainly reflect the fact that, in these areas, there is a

spectrum of human ability ranging from the hopeless to the brilliant. But are these

really intelligences, or could these competences be more accurately described as gifts

or talents?

71. What are the main components of “intelligence” we generally think of?

正确答案:“Linguistic”intelligence and“Logical mathematical”intelligence.


72. What kind of abilities does emotional intelligence involve?

正确答案:The ability to gauge one’s own mood,feelings and mental states,and the ability to gauge it inothers and use the information.


73. Which intelligences are represented by Einstein and Beckham respectively?

正确答案:“Logical mathematical”intelligence and the“bodily-kinesthetic”intelligence.



74. His ideas have provoked vigorous debate about how one defines




75. These eight categories certainly reflect the fact that, in these areas, there is a

spectrum of human ability ranging from the hopeless to the brilliant.


解析:(本句中由that引导同位语结构,可译为“即…”。a spectrum of一系列的,一个范围的。)

Error Correction

Cash reward is a common form of motivation used by parents with

highexpectation to encourage their children work hard at exam time. Some 【M1】______youngsters receive payments of as much as £ 100 for each A grade

theyobtain at GCSE. But would such “bribes” be based on exam performance or

【M2】______should they, as many parents and teachers feel, be offered in

recognition of a 【M3】______child’s effort, regardless of results? The later approach

would solve the 【M4】______problems of how parents reward children with different

levels of ability: 【M5】______imagine, for example, a family with one child who is

academically gift and 【M6】______another who has learning difficulties. The dangers

of result-relating incentives 【M7】______for the second child are clear: with little

hope of obtaining the higher grades,the withholding of promised financial rewards

would only compound of the 【M8】______child’s feeling of false. However, some

leading educational psychologists 【M9】______believe that parents should rely in

their own judgments in such matters. They 【M10】______maintain that if parents

know that money will motivate their child, then they should not be condemned for

operating a system of cash payouts.

76. 【M1】


解析:(encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。)

77. 【M2】



78. 【M3】


79. 【M4】




80. 【M5】



81. 【M6】



82. 【M7】



83. 【M8】



84. 【M9】


解析:(feeling of failure失败感。false是形容词,表示“错误的;虚伪的”。)

85. 【M10】


解析:(固定搭配的误用,rely on依靠,依赖。)

Part Ⅴ Translation

Section B

86. 既然没有退路了,我们不妨试试他的方法。(might as well)

正确答案:Since there is no turning back, we might as well try his method.

解析:(连词since由于;既然。might as well do…不妨做…。)

87. 公司的利润连续三个月下滑,你如何解释?(account for)

正确答案:How do you account for the decline in profits for three consecutive


解析:(account for对…做出解释;对…负有责任。consecutive连续的。)

88. 在谈到如何能取得成功时,Blair强调创造机遇比等待机遇更重要。(put

emphasis on)

正确答案:Talking about how to achieve success, Blair puts more emphasis on

creating rather than waiting for opportunities.

解析:(将前半句处理为时间状语结构,主句中使用了比较级。put emphasis on

doing强调。rather than不是…而是…。)

89. 我希望我年轻的时候也有你们这么好的机会。(虚拟语气)

正确答案:I wish I had had such good opportunities as yours when I was young.


90. 高昂的学费并不一定能够保证良好的教育。(guarantee)

正确答案:High tuition doesn’t necessarily guarantee better education.

解析:(better education突出与低学费教育的比较。guarantee保证,确保。)

Part Ⅵ IQ Test

91. Which two words starting with “P” and “0” contain the most letters?

正确答案:Post Office.


92. What is at: The beginning of eternityThe end of time and space The

beginning of every end And the end of every place?

正确答案:The letter“e”.


93. What’s the phrase that is represented by the picture?

正确答案:Falling in love.

解析:(字母向下排列组成love,而falling in love“坠入爱河”之意也由图片生动形象地表现出来。)

94. Which picture should replace the question mark?







95. Your sock drawer contains ten pairs of white socks and ten pairs of black

socks. If you’re only allowed to take one sock from the drawer at a time and you can’t

see the color of the sock you’re taking until you’ve taken it, how many socks do you

have to take before you’re guaranteed to have at least one matching pair?

正确答案:Three socks.


Part Ⅶ Writing

Task Ⅰ

96. WRITERS REQUIREDWe are looking for people to write for this

magazine about places of interest in their local area which would be of interest to an

international readership. We would like to hear from anyone who has:— an interest

in traveling to places of interest;— some personal experience of writing;Send us a

letter of application, explaining why you think you are should write no

fewer than 100 words on the answer sheet. Use “Frank” instead of your real name.

正确答案:Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that

your magazine is in need of a writer. I would like you to consider me for the position.

In my leisure time, I have been to many scenic sports to experience different cultures

and traditions. Therefore, I’m now equipped with abundant materials for travel notes.

Moreover, I used to be a campus reporter in my college and have had many articles

published on the school newspapers. So, I can write in an easy and fluent style to

describe the beauty of the hot spots especially my hometown Nanjing, one of the most

beautiful cities in China. Actually, I’m an English major. So, if your magazine is

foreigners-targeted, I can also satisfy them with my skillful English. Thank you

for your consideration. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours

faithfully, Frank

Task Ⅱ

97. China is now experiencing the largest mass migration of people, an

estimated 230 million(2010), from the countryside to cities in history. They’ve

brought economy boom to cities and life improvement to their own families. However,

this migration leaves land in the countryside uncultivated and children of migrant

workers poorly do you think can the migration in China have a

balanced development? Write your article in about 140 words in an appropriate style

on the answer sheet.

正确答案: How to Balance the Mass Migration in China Nowadays, a

new problem appears when the largest mass migration of people is ongoing in China.

Though both the cities and the migrant workers can benefit from this movement, it

still leaves some problems for the countryside. To solve these problems, measures

should be taken to seek for a balance. Firstly, the countryside needs to improve its

environment of employment. Government should create more job opportunities.

Better allowances and higher revenues for farmers will give them more hope in land

cultivation. Secondly, the cities can give aid to the countryside in technology and

investments to make countryside more attractive for people in the cities. Besides, it

will also improve the economy of the villages and be beneficial to the goal of

common prosperity. Lastly, education in the countryside needs to be improved.

On the one hand, government can provide more access to regular education for

children of migrant workers in the cities. On the other hand, schools in the

countryside should arrange more teachers and better facilities to ensure proper

education for village children. In a word, both the cities and the countryside

should make efforts to achieve the balance in the mass migration.

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