


1. Recruitment 招聘

(Job) vacancy 职位空缺

Post/Position 职位,岗位

Want ads/Job ads 招聘广告

Recruitment sources 招聘资源 Recruitment channel/ ditch 招聘渠道 Recruitment methods 招聘方式

Campus recruitment 校园招聘 Online recruitment 网络招聘

Internal referral 内部推荐

Trade paper 专业性报纸,业界报纸

Job fairs 招聘会

Labor market 劳动力市场

Resume inventory 简历数据库

Hire/Employ/Engage 雇佣

Solicit 招募(工人);招揽(生意)

Recruiter 招聘人员

Screening 筛选(简历/候选人)

Applicants 申请人;求职者 Candidate 应试者;候选人 Competitor 竞争者

Short-listing 使通过初审

Short list 初试通过人员名单

In between jobs 正在工作

Job-hop 跳槽频繁者

On-the-job 在职的 Incumbent 在职者;现任的

Field of work 职场

In the HR field 在人力资源领域

Interview/Interviewer/Interviewee 面试/面试官/被面试人

Arrange interviews 安排面试

Conduct the interviews 组织面试(相当于亲自执行并面试)

Telephone/Video interview 电话/视频面试

Job knowledge tests 业务知识测试

Vocational preference tests 职业性向测试

Psychological test 心理测验

Initial interview 初试 Second interview 复试

Coordinate 协调

Competency = Competence 能力/胜任特征/职业能力素质

Seniority 资历;前辈

Extrapolate 推断

Eliminate 淘汰

Eligible for/be qualified for 合格的

Fit for/Fit into/Match with (相) 适合/匹配

Expecting salary 期望薪资

Take on 担任(工作);承担(责任)

Probationary period 试用期

Hands-on 实习的,亲自现场参加的

Intern (+ship) 实习生;实习期

Job description 职位描述,岗位说明书

Person specification 个人规范,用人要求

Job offer 工作录用通知

Placement 人员配置,工作安排

Appoint/Assign分配;任命;指派的职务/位(当+ment 作名词时表指派的职务/位)

Reference check/Background investigation 背景调查


Flowchart 流程图

Nepotism 重用亲信

Veteran 退伍军人

2. Employee Relations 员工关系

Personal information record 人事档案

Employee handbook 员工手册

Keep it on file 存档,归档

Staff roster 花名册

HR database 人资信息库

Attendance management 考勤管理

Labor contracts 劳动合同

Labor contract renewal 劳动合同续签

Lifetime employment 终生雇佣制

Long-term/Short-term contracted employee 长/短期合同工

Fixed term stuff 固定期合同工

Independent contractor 合同工 Temporary worker 临时工

Testimony 声明

Labor law 劳动法

Term 条款

Revise 修订

Conform 遵照

Entitlement 应得的权利(可以搭配单词如假期或福利,形容在某方面应得的权利)

Priority 优先权;权利(用在工作中时往往形容负面的东西,但用在HR部门不是)

State-owned enterprise 国有企业

Multinational enterprise 跨国企业

Private enterprises 民营企业

Self-employed 自主个体经营的(形容人)

Superior 上级领导 Subordinate 下属,下级

Leader-member relation 上下级关系

Colleague 同事(不在同一家公司,是同一个行业便可)

Co-worker 同事(同一家公司)

Associate 合作人;同事(非同一家公司建立于合作关系之上的)

Arbitration 仲裁,公断(go to arbitration)

Labor dispute 劳动纠纷

Out-of-court settlement 庭外和解

Monitor /Supervise 监督;监控

Manage/Administer 管理;支配;处理

Implement / Carry out实施,执行

Deal with/Handle/ Cope with 处理,安排,应付

Be responsible for/In charge of/Take charge of/Undertake 负责,接管

Executive ability 执行力

Work-related misconduct 失职

Keep sb. posted (随时)把情况报告某人

Be entitled to do sth. 有权做某事,被授权做某事(比authorize程度轻)

Functional department 职能部门

Work age 工龄

Work demand 工作要求

Workload 工作量


Work efficiency 工作效率

Obligation /Duty义务,职责

Routine work 常规性工作

Clerical work 事务性 (文书类) 工作

Promotion from within 内部晋升

Transfer 调动

Absenteeism 旷工

Disciplinary action 处分

Penalize 处罚 Penalty 罚金;处罚

Dismiss/Lay off/ Expel 解雇,开除

Resign (from) /Quit 辞职(前者更正式且主观性强;后者更口语化且不强调主被动)

Resignation 辞呈,辞职书

Redundancy 裁员;解聘(该词无相应动词,可用其他解雇相关动词表示)

Employee turnover 员工流动率

Quit rate 离职率

Loyalty 忠诚;衷心

Employee engagement 员工敬业度

Grievance 牢骚,抱怨,投诉(员工对公司等的不满情绪,这里等于Complaint)

Open lines of communication 公开的沟通渠道

Job satisfaction 工作满意度

Employee satisfaction survey 员工满意度调查

Internal 内部的(可以加employment表示内部招聘)

External 外部的(可以加employment表示外部招聘)

3. Compensation & Benefit 薪酬与福利

Average pay 平均工资

Pay grade 工资等级

Salary scales 工资级别表

Wage structure 工资结构

Confidentiality 机密性(该词的形容词形式在工作中比较常用,形容保密、机密的)

Wage accounting 工资核算

Basic pay/Salary 底薪

Commission 佣金,回扣;手续费

Welfare 福利(用法比Benefits更具体)

Allowance 津贴

Meal allowance 伙食补贴(凡事补贴都可以+allowance)

Fringe benefits (工资外的)附加福利,如节假日津贴

Incentive compensation/Reward payment/Premium/ Bonus 奖金(每个词的用法根据形式或时段有略微不同,根据实际情况灵活运用)

Perfect attendance bonus 全勤奖

Year-end/Annual bonus 年终奖

Income-tax 个人所得税

Payroll tax 工资税

Deduct 扣除,减去

Payroll/ Pay slip工资单

Pay day 发薪日

In arrears 拖欠 (款项等) ,欠债;拖延 (工作等) ; (e.g. I have three Emails in arrears.)

Shift 轮班;转换

Shift allowance 轮、倒班津贴(可形容目前我司海外项目员工的现场补贴)


Time off in lieu 调休(这里强调把加班用放假的形式补休回来,而非加班费补偿)

In lieu 代替,作为…的替代(e.g. this is either paid or given as time in lieu )

Minimum 最低的,最小的 Maximum 最高的,最多的

Penalty (钱)

Over time pay 加班的工资

Back pay 欠发的工资

Salary survey 薪资调查

Pay raise 加薪 Pay cut 减薪

Earnings 薪水总和

Revenue 收入;税收(非形容个人)

Sick leave 病假 Personal leave 事假 Marriage leave 婚假

Maternity leave产假 Paternity leave 陪产假

Funeral Leave 丧假 Annual leave 年假

Statutory holiday法定假期

Resumption from Leave 销假

Compensatory time off 补假

Endowment insurance 养老保险 Pension 退休金;养老金

Unemployment insurance 失业保险

Unemployment compensation 失业补助

Work-related injury insurance 工商保险

Occupational injuries and disabilities 因工伤残

Childbirth insurance 生育保险

Medical insurance 医疗保险

Supplementary medical insurance 补充医疗保险

Medical reimbursement 医疗报销

Housing (accumulation) funds 住房公积金

Insurance benefit 保险福利总称

4. Training and Development培训与开发

Corporate culture 企业文化

Corporate image 公司形象

Orientation (任职或上学前的) 情况介绍;训练

Training manual 培训手册

TNA-Training needs analysis 培训需求分析

Training program/plan 培训计划 Training item 培训项目 Training outcome 培训结果

On boarding training 入职培训 Pre-job training 岗前培训 Technical training 技术培训

On-the-job training 在职培训

Personal development 个人发展

Self-actualization 自我实现

Questionnaire 调查表;问卷

Participant 参与者

Enhance 提高,增强

Self-rating 自我评估

5. Performance Appraisal 绩效考核

PAS-performance appraisal system 绩效评估体系

Performance appraisal/ evaluation 绩效评估


Performance appraisal period 考评期

Superordinate appraisal 上级考评

Performance appraisal principle 绩效评估原则

KPI- Key performance indicator 关键业绩指标

Performance management system 绩效管理制度

PA-Performance analysis 绩效分析

Performance appraisal 成绩评价

Performance feedback 绩效反馈

Pay Incentives/Performance bonus 绩效奖金

Merit pay 绩效工资

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