


第一天 名词

1. She thought theyoung man was a queue _______ (jump).

2. The three _______(visit) came to my house last Sunday.

3. My uncle is avery good _______ (surf).

4. Elaine went outside to _______ the playingfield. After his _______, he went home.(inspector)

5. Tea contains caffeine. It's bad for your _______.(unhealthy)


1. jumper。固定搭配jump a queue解释为插队。反过来,插队的人要在动词jump后加上er表示人。

2. visitors。Visit是动词,根据句意,填空处需要名词,表示人,所以加or。

3. surfer。道理同上,填空处需要表示人的名词,加er。

4. inspect,inspection。考法反过来,给的词是人。第一个空需要的是动词,第二个空需要的是名词,所以去掉or是动词,动词是t结尾,变成tion就是名词。虽然不是所有t结尾的动词都可以变成tion结尾的名词,但是这个概率很大,所以在不会做题时可以这么做。

5. health。给的是一个反义形容词,填空处需要名词,所以需要否定前缀以及形容词后缀。


第二天 名词

1. Thousands of _______were lost inthe earthquake happened in Japan.(life)

2. John told us that he had madefriends with a few ________ on the Facebook.(Germany)

3. March 8 is _________Day.(woman)

4. The room is so dirty that a lotof _______ can be seen running here and there. (mouse)

5. My mother bought some _______yesterday. (tomato)


1. lives。 Life解释为生命时是可数的,fe结尾的单词变复数要去fe变ves。直接加s的单词有roof,proof,cliff,chief等。

2. Germans。Germany是德国,German是德国人,德国人变复数直接加s。

3. Women’s.妇女节,因为是很多妇女的节日,所以变复数加所有格。

4. mice。Mouse老鼠的的变复数是特殊变法,变成mice。

5. tomatoes。以o结尾的单词有一些是加es的。如:hero,volcano,potato,tomato,Negro等。



1. Your smile is the best way toshow people your ________.(kind)

2. The headmaster asked to improveschool bus _______.(safe)

3. Though he is of average________, he plays much better than the others in the team.(high)

4. AlthoughMike is only six, he has already shown his ________ to draw pictures. (able)

5. Nobodycan really tell the _______ of the accident that happened a week ago.(true)


1. kindness.填空处填名词,kind的名词加ness。类似的词:illness,happiness,business,carelessness。

2. safety。需要名词,解释为安全,safe的名词加ty。稍微类似的词:honest-honesty,difficult-difficulty。

3. height。isof average height解释为中等身高。

4. ability。his后跟名词,able的名词ability解释为能力。

5. truth。True的名词是truth。



1. There area lot of patients in the _______room. (wait)

2. It is_______ for children to swim alone in the river. (danger)

3. The girlis the most ________member in the school singing group.(act)

4. When I looked out of the window, it was snowing ________.(heavy)

5. The man was ________ ill so we took him to hospital.(serious)


1. waiting。等候室,用动名词修饰room,动名词就是动词加ing,虽然waiting是动名词,不是形容词,但是考法类似,所以归在一起。类似的还有:swimming pool,readingroom。

2. dangerous。It is 形容词for sb. to do是个经典句型,所以这里填形容词,加后缀ous。类似的词还有mountain——mountainous;fame——famous。

3. active。这里是最高级,填的是形容词,act的形容词是加后缀ive。类似的有:talk——talkative;effect——effective;create——creative。

4. heavily。这里需要副词修饰snow这个动词,heavy的副词是变y为i加ly。类似的有:happy——happily;busy——busily。

5. seriously。这里需要副词修饰ill这个形容词。直接加ly。



1. You will be ________ to pass the exam if you don’t study hard. (ability)

2. There is a ________ rain in Sahara desert every year. People never know when it will


3. It is ________to get to the city by train now because it is too late.(possible)

4. He is so ________that he often makes many mistakes in exams. (careful)

5. Simon is such a ________ boy that no one believes him. (honesty)


1. unable。判断词性,是形容词,给的ability是名词,把它变成形容词是able,但是根据句意,需要否定含义的词,解释为不能做某事,加前缀un。类似的词:happy——unhappy;comfortable——uncomfortable;lucky——unlucky;fortunate——unfortunate;fair——unfair。

2. irregular。根据句意,是不规律的雨,所以加前缀ir。类似的词:resistable——irresistable。

3. impossible。根据句意指的是不可能,所以加否定前缀im。类似的词:polite——impolite;patient——impatient;balanced——imbalanced。

4. careless。根据句意是粗心,所以把careful变成名词care加否定后缀less。类似的词:end——endless;spot——spotless;hope——hopeless;use——useless。

5. dishonest。根据句意是不诚实的,所以先把honesty这个名词变成形容词在家否定前缀dis。类似的词:able——disabled(残疾的)。dis多做动词名词否定前缀,如disable,disagree,disappear。



1. Yingtian is not as_______ (taller) as Yongxian.

2. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese than Mike and he is the _________ (bad) at English.

3. Toronto is _____ ______ city in Canada. (large)

4. He runs _______ of all the students. (fast)

5. Mike gets to school _______ than any ofthe other students in his class.(early)


1. tall,as +形容词原级+as是固定搭配。

2. worse,worst。much后跟形容词或者副词比较级,bad的比较级是worse。后半句中有个the,所以是最高级,用worst。

3. the largest。In是最高级的标志词之一,表示范围。

4. fastest。同上,of也是最高级表示范围的标志词。副词的最高级可以不用the。

5. earlier。Than是比较级标志,Early的形容词和副词形式一样,比较级是去y变i加er。



1. I must go now because I have an importantmeeting to _________. (attentive)

2. When Tom was parking his car in the street, a policeman _________ in front of him.


3. At the end of his speech, Tim _________ a few points to show his agreement. ( addition )

4. After running 500 meters, I ________ to feel tired. (beginning)

5. It is difficult to _____ the office because it is too big. (heater)


1. attend。句中需要一个动词,to后面跟动词原形,Attentive的意思是专心的,动词是attend,意思是参加。

2. appeared。Disappear是消失的意思,句中的意思是出现,所以去掉否定前缀。

3. add。判断词性,句中需要动词,因为Tim加了几点内容,addition的动词是add。

4. began。判断词性,需要动词,beginning的动词是begin,这个句子需要过去式,所以是began。

5. heat。需要动词,heater是取暖器的意思,动词原形是heat,解释为加热。



1. We celebrated the _______ Teachers’ Day lastyear. ( twenty-five )

2. Our new flat is on the _______ floor. We go upand down by lift every day. (twelve)

3. I have been to the Great Wall __(two).

4. He had his first child in his ________(thirty)

5. Mike has bought _______ books.(eighth)


1. twenty-fifth。根据句意,这里需要的是序数词,因为是第25次教师节。只要把five改成fifth即可。

2. twelfth。同上,需要序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,类似five。

3. twice。根据句意,是去过两次。

4. thirties。In one’sthirties在某人三十几岁的时候。在某人几十岁的时候,词组是in one’s加基数词的复数。

5. eight。这里需要基数词,eight。



1. That is not ______ kite. That kiteis very small, but ______ is very big.(she)

2. Tom, Please pass ________ the glasses.(we)

3. You should improve________ this term, boys and girls.(you)

4. That man in black is a friend of ________.(he)

5. This is ______ classroom(us).Where is_______(you)?


1. her,hers。第一个空因为后面有名词,所以是形容词性物主代词,第二个空需要名词性物主代词。

2. us。Pass 是动词,动词后面的宾语用宾格。

3. yourselves。提升自己,所以用反身代词,而因为boys and girls,所以用复数。

4. his。双重所有格,of后跟名词性物主代词。

5. our,yours。第一个空需要形容词性,第二个空需要名词性。



1. My little brother’s ambition is to be an____________ like Jackie Chan. ( act )

2. Joan plays the guitar, and in ___________, she writes her own songs. ( add )

3. We didn’t know whether he was dead or_________. (live)

4. Disneyland is a famous ___________ park. (amuse)

5. The hotel staff are friendly and _________.(attend)


1. actor。Little brother是男生,所以想成为男演员,所以是actor。

2. addition。Add的名词是addition,in addition是固定搭配,解释为“除此之外”。

3. alive。活着的可以用alive也可以用living,但是alive更常用,且dead oralive可看做固定搭配。

4. amusement。Amusement park游乐园。

5. attentive。Attend是动词,解释为参加。Attentive是形容词,解释为专注的、专心的。此处需要形容词。


1. Excuseme, what is the ____________ of this word? (mean)

2. What a ______ day !we’re having these days! ( brightly )

3. Another bridge will be _____ in China soon. ( build )

4. You look _______ than before. (healthy)

5. Both of the trousers are well designed, I don’t know which pair to _____ . ( choice )


1. meaning。此处填名词,mean的名词是meaning。

2. bright。Brightly是ly结尾的副词,此处需要形容词,所以去掉ly。

3. built。这里的考点是被动,d变成t。

4. healthier。考形容词比较级,healthy的y变i加er。

5. choose。Choice是名词,需要变成动词,即choose。


1. An English-Chinese dictionary _____ us a lot.(helpful)

2. China is a great country and it has a long_______. (historical)

3. On his way _______ , he saw a robber running out of a bank. (homeless)

4. The children _______ themselves playing in the water yesterday afternoon. (joy)

5. Otis was the _______ of the first lift. (invent)


1. helps/helped。Helpful是形容词,此处需要动词,填动词需要注意时态。

2. history。historical是形容词,名词是history。

3. home。homeless是形容词,此处需要名词。

4. enjoyed。Joy是名词,此处需要动词,注意时态。

5. invention。Invent是动词,名词是tion结尾的。(我觉得应该是inventor)


1. You may still experience _______ at the ninety-ninth step, yet success may hide behind the

next turning on the road.(fail)

2. Caps in hand, they filed slowly pastthe grave of their _______ leader at the cemetery.


3. Since he always keeps silent no matter what Irecommend, I can only interpret it as a

_______. (refuse)

4. Their appreciation of _______ was expressed in high cheers. (perform)

5. He is _______ for the job. (qualify)


1. failure。判断词性,用名词。fail的名词是failure。

2. respectable。Respect是动词,句中leader是名词,所以前面需要形容词,respect有两个形容词,respectful是恭敬的,respectable是受人尊敬的,所以这里是后者。

3. refusal。Refuse是动词,a是冠词,后面跟名词,refuse的名词是refusal。类似的变法还有arrive——arrival,survive——survival。

4. performance。Of后面跟名词,perform变成名词加ance。

5. qualified。Qualify是动词,bequalified for是固定搭配,解释为称职。


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