


/ kəmˈpʌlʃn; kəmˋpʌlʃən/


~ (to do sth) 1 [U] compelling or being compelled 强迫; 强制;


I refuse to act under compulsion, ie because I am forced to. 我决不能让人逼着做事.


You need feel under no compulsion to accept, ie do not have to accept. 你不必勉强接受.

[C] urge (esp to behave in an irrational way) that one cannot resist (不能克制的)慾望, 冲动, 要求(尤指不合情理的行为):

a compulsion to destroy things 毁物慾.

should have done只用于谈论过去情况,主要有两个用法:


He should have arrived by now. 此时他本该到了。


You should have told me so before. 你早就应该告诉我。

would have done:本应该那样做却没有做

would not have done:本不应该做的事却做了


other than 不同于,除了,与„不同;与„不同方式

There’s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人.

You can’t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去.

rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分

eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.


set `off begin (a journey, race, etc) 开始(旅行﹑ 赛跑等):

What time are you planning

to set off tomorrow?

你打算明天几点钟启程? *

They've set off on a journey round the


他们已经开始环游世界. *

If you want to catch that train we'd better set off for the

station immediately.

你要是想赶上那班火车, 咱们就最好马上动身去火车站. set sth off

(a) cause (a bomb, mine, etc) to explode 使(﹑ 地雷等)爆炸:

Do be careful with

those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.

这些烟火要格外小心, 稍有火星就能引起爆炸. (b) cause or prompt sth 引起或激发某事物:

Panic on the stock market set off

a wave of selling.

股票市场上人心惶惶, 掀起抛售浪潮. (c) make sth appear more

attractive by contrast (通过对比)使某事物更有吸引力:

That jumper sets off the blue of

her eyes.

在这件毛衣衬托下, 她眼睛的蓝显得更漂亮了. set sb off (doing sth) cause

sb to start (doing sth) 使某人开始做(某事物):

Don't set him off talking politics or he'll go

on all evening.

可别让他谈起政治来, 要不然他一谈就得一个晚上. *

Her imitations always

set me off (laughing).

她模仿别人的动作, 每次都把我逗得哈哈大笑.



/ dʌk; dʌk/


[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, , Tn.p] move (esp one's head) down quickly, to avoid being seen or

hit 迅速低下(尤指头)(以免被看见或被打中):

I saw the gun and ducked under the window.

我见到就迅速俯在窗下. *

Duck your head down! 低下头!

[Tn, ] push (sb) under water for a short time 使(某人)浸入水中片刻:

Her sisters

ducked her in the river.


[Ipr, Tn] (infml

口) ~ (out of) sth avoid or dodge (a duty, responsibility etc) 躲避, 推脱, 推委(任务﹑ 责任等):

It's his turn to wash up but he'll try and duck out of it.

轮到他刷锅洗碗, 他却想法儿逃避.

Her love for him blinded her (to his faults).



/ ʃʌt; ʃʌt/

v (-tt-,

pt, pp


(a) [Tn] move (a door, lid, window, etc) into a position where it blocks an opening 关上(门﹑ 盖子﹑ 窗户等):

shut the doors and windows at night

夜晚把门窗都关上 *


the drawer

关上抽屉 *

I can't shut the suitcase lid when it's so full.

衣箱装得很满, 我盖不上盖子了. *

He shut the door on her/in her face, ie wouldn't let her in. 他把她关在门外了. (b) [I] (of a door, etc) move or be able to be moved into such a position (指门等)关上, 能关闭:

The window won't shut.

这窗户关不上. *

The supermarket doors shut




(also esp US

gray) / greɪ; ɡre/


(a) of the colour between black and white; coloured like ashes, slate, lead, etc 灰的;


grey eyes, hair, etc

灰的眼睛﹑ 头发等 *

a grey suit 灰西装. (b) [usu pred

通常作表语] having grey hair 有灰头发; 有花白头发:

She has turned quite grey


她近来头发多已斑白. *

I'm going grey.

我的头发开始白了. (c) dull; cloudy 灰暗的; 阴沉的:

a grey day 阴沉的一天.



/ iːz; iz/



freedom from work, discomfort, pain or anxiety 安逸; 舒适; 无痛苦; 无忧虑:

a life of


安逸舒适的生活 *

ease of mind

心情舒畅 *

The injection brought him immediate


他经注射後疼痛顿消. Cf 参看 easy1 2.

(idm 习语) (stand) at `ease (as a military command 用作军事口令) (stand) with feet

apart and hands behind the back 稍息. Cf 参看 attention 4. (be/feel) at (one's) `ease

(be/feel) comfortable and unworried; (be/feel) completely relaxed (感到)舒适而无忧虑;


I never feel at ease in his company.

我跟他在一起总是感到很不自在. *

Finish the work at your ease, ie in your own time. 你可以从容地把这项工作做完(在你方便时). ill at ease => ill1. put/set sb at (his, her, etc) `ease make sb feel comfortable,

free from embarrassment, etc 使某人感到舒适﹑ 不拘束等:

He had been dreading their

meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at his ease.

他对彼此相见一直忐忑不安, 可是她热情相迎使他很快就无拘无束了. put/set sb's mind at ease/rest => mind1. ,take

one's `ease stop working or worrying; relax 不再工作或忧虑; 休息; 轻松; 放心:

She sat


and took her ease by the fire.

她坐在火旁休息一下. with `ease without difficulty

容易地; 无困难地:

He passed the test with ease.





口) cowardly deceitful person (esp one who informs on others) 怯懦而惯於欺骗的人(尤指告密者).



[attrib 作定语] acting or done without warning; secret and unexpected 出其不意的; 秘密而突如其来的:

a sneak attack

偷袭 *

a sneak preview

不公开试映 *

a sneak

look at a letter 偷看信.



[pl] (US;

Brit infml

口) = plimsolls:

He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers.




[attrib 作定语] (esp of an unwanted feeling) secret and unexpressed (尤指不应有的情感)私下的, 暗地的:

have a sneaking respect, sympathy, etc for sb

暗地里敬佩﹑ 同情...某人 *

I have a sneaking

(ie unproved and vague but possibly right)

suspicion that he stole my wallet.



/ rʌg; rʌɡ/


thick floor-mat (usu smaller than a carpet) 厚地毯(通常比carpet小):

a `hearth-rug


(a) faint light after sunset or before sunrise 日落後或日出前的微光; 曙光; 暮:


couldn't see their faces clearly in the twilight.

我在曙朦胧中看不清他们的脸. (b)

period of this 黎明或薄暮时分:

farmers walking home at twilight



Twilight is a dangerous time for drivers.


the ~ (of sth) (rhet

修辞) period of decreasing importance or strength; decline 衰落时期; 没落:

the twilight of his career

他事业的衰退时期 * [attrib 作定语]

his twilight years




1 act of hauling 拖; 拉; 运送.

2 (usu


通常作单数) distance to be travelled 移动的距离:

short/medium/long haul


短程[中程/远程]运输飞机 *

Our camp is only a short haul from here.


3 (a) quantity of fish caught in a net at one time 一网的捕鱼量:

The fishermen had a good


渔民捕得满满一网鱼. (b) (fig

比喻) amount gained by effort 经努力获得的数量:

The thief got away with a huge haul.


4 (idm 习语) a long haul => long1.


/ dʒəult; dʒolt/


[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, , Tn.p] (cause sb/sth to) move with sudden jerky movements (使某人[某物])颠簸着移动:

The old bus jolted along (a rough track).


(phr v) jolt sb into/out of sth make sb act by giving him a sudden shock 使某人受到震惊而采取行动:

He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had

only a short time to finish the article.

他意识到须在很短时间就得把文章写完, 立即动手写起来.

> jolt

n (esp



1 sudden bump or shake; jerk 震动; 摇晃; 颠簸:

stop with a jolt 停止时震动了一下.

2 (fig

比喻) surprise; shock 惊奇; 震惊:

The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant

jolt/quite a jolt.




jolting 震动的; 摇晃的; 颠簸的.



full of things that happen, especially exciting, important or dangerous things: an

eventful day / life / journey

/ seɪl; sel/


(a) [Ipr, Ip] travel on water in a ship, yacht, etc using sails or engine power; move

forward on ice, a sandy beach, etc in a wheeled vehicle with sails (乘船或机帆船﹑ 游艇等)作水上旅行; (坐带帆的轮式运载工具)在冰上或沙滩上滑行:

sail up/along the coast

向[沿]海岸航行 *

sail into the harbour

驶入海港 *

an oil tanker sailing by 驶过的油轮. (b)

[I] (usu 通常作 go sailing) travel on water in a boat with sails, esp as a sport 乘帆船航行; (尤指)帆船运动. =>Usage at travel 用法见travel.

[I, Ipr] ~ () () (of a ship or the crew and passengers) begin a voyage


When does the ship sail?

这船何时起航? *

He has sailed (from

Southampton) for New York.


[Tn] travel by ship across or on (a sea, an ocean, etc) 乘船在(海洋等)上或越过(海洋等)旅行:

sail the Aegean in a cruiser 乘游艇在爱琴海上旅游.

[I, Tn, , Tn.p] (be able to) control (a ship or boat) (能)驾驶(船):

Do you sail?

你会驾驶船吗? *

She sails her own yacht.

她驾驶自己的游艇. *

He sailed the boat

between the islands.


/ fens; fɛns/


structure of rails, stakes, wire, etc, esp one put round a field or garden to mark a

boundary or keep animals from straying 栅栏; 篱笆; 围墙. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page vi.

(idm 习语) come down on one side of the fence or the other => side1. sit on

the fence => sit.

> fence


1 [Tn] surround, divide, etc (sth) with a fence 用栅栏﹑ 篱笆﹑ 围墙等将(某物)围着或隔开等:

Farmers fence their fields.

农人用篱笆把田地围起. *

His land was fenced with

barbed wire.





(AmE) a horse or person that takes part in a race illegally, for example by using a false







/ ˈlauzɪ; ˋlaʊzɪ/

adj (-ier, -iest)

infested with lice 多蝨的.


口) very bad or ill 极坏的; 极不适的:

a lousy holiday

极糟的假日 *

I feel lousy.


[pred 作表语] ~ with sth/sb (sl

俚) having more than enough of sth/sb 大量; 多:


August the place is lousy with tourists.



/ hek; hɛk/



(infml euph

口, 婉) (used to express mild annoyance or surprise or for

emphasis 用以表示轻度的懊恼或惊讶, 或用以加强语气) hell:

Oh heck, I'm going to be


糟糕, 我要迟到了. *

We had to wait a heck of a long time.



/ ˈelɪgənt; ˋɛləɡənt/


tasteful and stylish in appearance or manner (相貌或仪态)优雅的, 文雅的, 高雅的:

an elegant woman, coat, style of writing

文雅的女人﹑ 高雅的外衣﹑ 优美的写作风格 *

elegant manners 优雅的仪态. > elegance / ˈelɪgəns; ˋɛləɡəns/


[U]. elegantly


He always dresses elegantly.


have the grace to do sth be polite enough to do sth 出於礼貌而做某事:

He might have

had the grace to say he was sorry! 他本可以出於礼貌说声抱歉的嘛! in sb's good

`graces approved of and favoured by sb 为某人赞同和喜爱:

I'm not in her good graces at

the moment.

我此刻尚未讨得她的欢心. a saving grace => save1. with (a) bad/good

`grace reluctantly and rudely/willingly and cheerfully 勉强而粗鲁地[欣然而情愿地]:


apologized with (a) bad grace.

她很勉强地道了歉. *

They withdrew their objections with

as good a grace as they could manage.

他们极力装出情愿的样子撤回了反对意见. year of

grace => year.



/ bæk; bæk/


[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, , Tn.p] (cause sth to) move backwards (使某物)後退:

back (a car)

out of/into the garage, onto the road, into

(ie hitting) a tree 开倒车驶出[驶入]车房﹑ 驶上公路﹑ 撞着一棵树.

[Ipr, Tn] ~ (on/onto) sth face sth at the back 背对着某物:

Our house backs on(to)

the river.


[Tn] (a) give help or support to (sb/sth) 帮助, 支持?某人[某事]?:

She's the candidate

who is backed by the Labour Party.

她是工党支持的候选人. (b) give financial support to

(sb/sth) 给?某人[某事物]?以财务上的支持:

Who is backing the film? 谁是那影片的赞助人?

[Tn] bet money on (a horse, greyhound, etc) 下赌注於(赛马﹑ 赛狗等):

I backed four

horses but won nothing.

我在四匹马上下了注, 但全都输了. *

Did anyone back the winner?

有人下注下在最後胜出的这匹马上了吗? *

The favourite was heavily backed, ie Much

money was bet on its winning the race. 在那匹热门马上下了重注.

[Tn, esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth (with sth) cover the back of sth; be a

lining to sth 覆盖某物的背面; 作某物的衬里:

The photograph was backed with cardboard.


[Tn] sign (sth) on the back as a promise to pay if necessary; endorse 在背面签字作为

可根据需要随时付 款的担保; 背书:

back a bill, note, etc 在单据﹑ 票据等上背书.

[I] (of wind) change gradually in an anti-clockwise direction (eg from E to NE to N) (指风向)循反时针方向逐渐改变(如由东风转为东北风再转为北风). Cf 参看 veer 2.

(idm 习语) ,back the wrong `horse support the loser (in a contest) 下错了赌注; 支持(竞赛中的)输家.

(phr v) back away (from sb/sth) move backwards in fear or dislike 因害怕或厌恶而後退:

The child backed away from the big dog.

那个孩子看见大狗就向後退了. back



back `off give up a claim to sth; yield 放弃对某事物的要求; 屈服:

He proved

that he was right and his critics had to back down.

他证明了他是正确的, 而那些非难他的人不得不收起他们那一套. back out (of sth) withdraw from (an agreement, a promise,

etc) 不履行(协议﹑ 承诺等):

It's too late to back out (of the deal) now.

现在要(在这笔交易)打退堂鼓为时已晚. back up (US) = back4 1:

You can back up another two yards.

你可以再後退两码. back sb/sth up give support or encouragement to sb/sth 支持或鼓励某人[某事物]:

If I tell the police I was with you that day, will you back up my `story/back

me `up? 假若我对警方说那天我和你在一起, 你肯为我这个说法作证[为我作证]吗? back

sth up (computing

计) make a copy of (a file, program, etc) in case the original is lost or

damaged 制作(文件﹑ 程序等的)复制件(以防原件丢失或损坏).

> backer


1 person who gives (esp financial) support to another person, an undertaking, etc 赞助人;


2 person who bets money on a horse, etc (赛马等中的)下赌注者.



1 (a) [U] help; support 帮助; 支持. (b) [sing] group of supporters 一支持者:

The new leader has a large backing.

那位新领导人有大批的支持者. 2 [U] material

used to form the back of sth or to support sth 用作某物的背衬材料; 用作支撑某物的材料:

cloth, rubber, cardboard, etc backing 布﹑ 橡胶﹑ 纸板等做的背衬. 3 [U, C usu

sing 通常作单数] (esp in pop music) musical accompaniment to a singer (尤指流行音乐)为歌手的伴奏:

vocal/instrumental backing

和音[伴奏] * [attrib 作定语]

a backing group 和音小组.

# `back-up


1 [U] support; reserve 支持; 支援; 後备:

The police had military back-up.

警方有军队作後盾. * [attrib 作定语]

back-up services

善後服务 *

the back-up team of a racing driver


2 [U, C] (computing

计) (making a) copy of a file, program, etc for use in case the original

is lost or damaged (制作)(文件﹑ 程序等的)复制件(以备原件丢失或损坏时使用): [attrib


a back-up disc 复制件磁盘.


/ ˈdepəu; ˋdɛpo/



) (a) storehouse, esp for military supplies; warehouse 仓库; (尤指)军需库; 栈房. (b)

place where vehicles, eg buses, are kept 车库(如公共汽车的). (

) (US) railway or bus station 火车站; 公共汽车站.


(BrE also mouth organ)


a small musical instrument that you hold near your mouth and play by blowing or sucking

air through it


/ ˈkrʌmɪ; ˋkrʌmɪ/

adj (-ier, -iest) (infml

口) bad; worthless; unpleasant 糟糕的; 毫无价值的; 令人厌恶的:

a crummy little street in the worst part of town 城中最差之地段的一条邋遢的小街.


/ ˈæpɪtaɪt; ˋæpəˏtaɪt/


[U] physical desire, esp for food or pleasure 肉体的慾望(尤指对食物或享乐); 食慾; 胃口:

When I was ill I completely lost my appetite.

我生病时完全没有食慾. *

Don't spoil your

appetite by eating sweets before meals.

饭前不要吃糖以免影响食慾. * (fig


He had

no appetite for the fight.


[C] instance of a natural desire for sth (对某事物的)自然的慾望:

The long walk has

given me a good appetite.

走了长路使我食慾大振. *

He has an amazing appetite for hard


他出奇地喜爱艰巨的工作. *

a person of gross sexual appetites 性慾旺盛的人.



1 small sum of money given to a waiter, taxi-driver, etc as a personal reward for their

services (给服务员﹑ 计程车司机等的)小费, 小帐:

He left a tip under his plate.


2 (a) small but useful piece of practical advice 有用的小建议; 实用的小提示:

Here's a

handy tip for removing stains from clothing.

有个除掉衣服上污点的窍门儿. (b) private or

special piece of information, esp about horse-races, the stock-market, etc 私下的或特别的情报(尤指有关赛马﹑ 股市等的):

a hot

(ie very good) tip for the Derby

有关德比大赛马的极好的信息 *

Take my tip/Take a tip from me and buy these shares now.

听我的, 立即买下这些股份.

# `tip-off


hint or warning 暗示; 警告:

Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug



/ rəul; rol/


(a) cylinder made by turning flexible material over and over on itself without folding it


Wallpaper is bought in rolls.

壁纸是成卷买的. *

a roll of carpet, film, cloth 一卷地毯﹑ 胶 卷﹑ 布. (b) person or thing with this shape 带有卷状物的人或物:

a man with

rolls of fat around his stomach 腹部有层层肥肉的男子.

(a) small individual portion of bread baked in a rounded shape 小圆面包:

Six brown

rolls, please.

请给我来六个黑面包. =>illus at bread 见bread插图. Cf 参看 bun 1. (b)

(with a preceding



ns 用於名词之後) one of these containing the stated filling 有某种馅的小圆面包:

a ham roll

火腿面包 *

a bacon and tomato roll 腌猪肉加西红柿馅的面包.


/ ˈkrækə(r); ˋkrækɚ/


thin flaky dry biscuit, typically eaten with cheese 薄脆饼乾(多与乾酪一起食用).

(a) small firework that explodes with a sharp sound 爆竹; 鞭炮. (b) (also Christmas

cracker) party toy consisting of a cardboard tube wrapped in paper that makes a sharp

explosive sound as its ends are pulled apart, with a small gift, paper hat, etc inside 彩包爆竹(一种宴会时的娱乐用品, 为一硬的纸筒, 内装小件礼品﹑ 纸帽等, 用纸包裹好, 两端一拉即?啪作响):

a box of crackers 一盒彩包爆竹.

(Brit infml approv 口, 褒) attractive girl or woman 迷人的姑娘; 有魅力的女子:

What a

little cracker she is! 她真是小美人!



/ speə(r); spɛr/


[Tn, Dn.n] refrain from hurting, harming or destroying (sb/sth); show mercy to 不伤害(某人[某事物]); 饶恕; 宽容:

Please spare (ie don't kill) me! 请饶了我(一命)吧! * (fml


spare a person his life, ie not kill him 饶某人一命 *

if I am spared, ie if I live 假若我幸而不死 *

They killed the men but spared the children.

他们把男人都杀了, 但放过了孩子. *

The woodman spared (ie did not cut down)

a few trees. 伐木工人留下了几棵树没砍掉.

[Tn, Dn.n] refrain from using, giving, etc (sth); use as little as possible 节制使用或提供(某事物); 吝惜; 节约:

No trouble was spared to ensure our comfort.

为了我们舒适, 已竭尽全力. *

Try to spare her as much distress as possible when you tell her.

你告诉她的时候, 尽量不要让她伤心. *

He does not spare himself, ie works, etc very hard indeed. 他不偷懒. *

Please spare me

(ie don't tell me) the gruesome details.


[Tn, , Dn.n, ] ~ sth (for sb/sth) be able to afford to give (time, money, etc)

(to sb for a purpose) (为某人或某目的)提供(时间﹑ 钱等); 拨出; 匀出; 分出:

I can't

spare the time for a holiday at the moment.

目前我抽不出时间去度假. *

Can you spare me

a few minutes of your time?

我能耽搁你几分钟吗? *

Can you spare me a few litres of


你能匀给我几升汽油吗? *

Can you spare a cigarette for me? 给我根烟行吗?

[Tn, ] (infml

口) manage without (sb) 无(某人)也可以:

I can't spare him today

we need everybody here.

我今天需要他--我们需要人人都到齐. *

I can't spare you for that

job; you must finish this one first.

我不能放你去做那件事; 你必须先把这件做完.

(idm 习语) no expense spared => expense. spare sb's `blushes do not embarrass

sb by praisinghim 不夸奖某人以免使之难为情. spare sb's `feelingsavoid hurting sb's

feelings 避免伤害某人的感情; 不使某人难堪:

He spared her feelings by not criticizing her

husband in front of her.

他没当她的面说她丈夫的不是, 以免使她难堪. spare no pains

doing/to do sth (fml

文) take as much trouble as is necessary to achieve sth 不遗余力地做某事:

The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as enjoyable as


旅馆工作人员对我们照顾得无微不至, 尽量让我们住得舒适. ,spare the ,rod

and ,spoil the `child (saying

谚) if you do not punish a child when he does wrong you

will spoil his character 孩子不打不成器. (and) to `spare more than is needed; left over

过剩; 有余; 剩余:

We have enough fruit and to spare.

我们的水果充足有余. *

Do you

have any sugar to spare?

你的食糖有富余吗? *

There's no time to spare! ie You must act,

go, etc as quickly as possible. 没有多余的时间了!

> sparing / ˈspeərɪŋ; ˋspɛrɪŋ/

adj [pred 作表语] ~ with/of/in sth (fml

文) economical

or frugal with sth; not wasteful of sth 节约; 俭省; 不浪费:

be sparing with the sugar

节约用糖 *

sparing of one's energy

节省精力 *

not sparing in his advice to others 他向别人提供意见时知无不言. sparingly


Use the perfume sparingly!



/ dɪˈskreʃn; dɪˋskrɛʃən/



quality of being discreet; good judgement 谨慎; 慎重; 审慎; 明智:

to act with


谨慎行事 *

This is a secret, but I know I can count on your discretion, ie be

sure you won't tell anyone. 这可是个秘密, 不过我知道你嘴稳(肯定不会告诉别人).

freedom to decide for oneself what should be done 自行决断的自由:

Don't keep asking

me what to do; use your own discretion.

不要老是问我该做什麽事, 你自行决定吧.

(idm 习语) the age/years of di`scretion maturity; age when one is considered able

to judge and decide for oneself 成年; 解事年龄; 责任年龄. at sb's discretion on the

basis of sb's judgement 依据某人的见解:

A supplementary grant may be awarded at the

discretion of the committee.

委员会可能酌情追加一笔补助金. di,scretion is the ,better

part of `valour (saying usu joc

谚, 通常作戏谑语) there is no point in taking

unnecessary risks 不知进退非真勇(不必作无谓的冒险).

> discretionary / dɪˈskreʃənərɪ; US dɪˈskreʃənerɪ; dɪˋskrɛʃənˏɛrɪ/


[esp attrib 尤作定语]

used, adopted, etc when considered necessary 根据需要而使用的﹑ 采取的等; 便宜施行的:

discretionary powers, measures, etc

可便宜施行的权力﹑ 机动措施. *


payments to old people 酌情发放给老年人的补助金.

/ ˈtɜːtl; ˋtətl/


large reptile that lives in the sea and has flippers and a large horny shell 海龟.

(US) any of various types of reptile with a large shell, eg a tortoise, terrapin, etc (任何种类的)龟(如陆龟﹑ 水龟等). =>illus at tortoise 见tortoise插图.

(idm 习语) turn `turtle (infml

口) (of a boat) turn upside down; capsize (指船)倾覆, 翻.

# `turtle-dove


type of wild dove noted for its soft cooing and its affectionate behaviour

towards its mate and young 斑鸠.



(garment, esp a sweater, with a) close-fitting neckband that is higher than

a crew neck but does not turn over like a polo-neck 高而紧的(但不翻转的)领口; 有这种领口的衣服(尤指毛衣). `turtle-necked


a turtle-necked sweater


=>illus at neck 见neck插图.


/ ˈdʒɜːzɪ; ˋdʒəzɪ/

n (pl


(also jumper, pullover, sweater) [C] close-fitting knitted (esp woollen) garment

without fastenings, usu worn over a shirt or blouse 针织(尤指毛织)紧身套衫(通常穿在衬衣外面):

a thick green jersey 厚的绿套头毛衣.

(also jersey-wool) [U] soft fine knitted woollen fabric used for making clothes 优级细毛纱.

[Ipr, Tn, ] ~ (on) sth; ~ sb on sth (cause sb to) make a beginning on sth; (cause sb

to) begin doing (a job, an activity, a piece of work, etc) (使某人)开始进行某事; (使某人)着手做(某事):

start (on) one's journey home

起程回家 *

Have you started (on)


begun to read or write) your next book yet?

你开始看(或写)下一本书了吗? *

It's time to

get/time we got started on

(ie began) the washing up.


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