

Through appropriate deformation, strengthening features, natural and free and casual, unintentional and casual gs: true feelings, feelings of two poles, or Zhang or Chi, or virtual or real, not only to the mind, but alsoreasonable, "when the wind and wind quickly, the pen has not been able to swallow the image of the male" (DongpoWeng Zan Wu Daozi painting theory).Abstract: no concrete image, with a pen, ink, ink color, color very color, I two forget, ink and color blend, ingenuity,arbitrary, plausible, picture see, mysterious machine four out, natural, but see the great beauty, not see one thing, theother people beat the the painter can combine the five images, the work will be naturally and naturally moving. At the same time, it alsocontains vivid vivid difference between the meteorological spirit and the spirit is:Meteorology is true. It is a virtual reality. There is spirit in life, in spirit there is life, spirit is above life, born in spirit,biochemistry, spirit, essence, and then see the elephant, the square is the artist's ink and ink phenomena can be expressed in vivid and vivid style. But the theory of the hazy perceptualconsciousness of chaos has not yet risen to the clear, rational and spiritual insight of the weather, and "the spirit cannot be learned, this life is known, and his own nature is taught" (Dong Qichang's paintings of the meditation room,drawing a sentence). In addition, the "six laws are difficult, the spirit is the most, the meaning of the pen first, thewonderful in the painting, such as the sound of the chord, such as smoke, the wind cold, water ripples, body and bodyflow, no big and small, read ten thousand volumes of books, many heart meeting" (Qing Huang Yue "twenty-fourpaintings") and many other vivid views on the spirit, and many are left in feeling, and can not be formed It is a visuallyvisible ology and rhyme - form quality intersection and rhyme, is for the rhyme, Qi rhyme and then the appearance ofthe image as the weather, rhyme if moving, if, if change, if the change, if there is the meaning of speech, if the weather,if stationed, if the shape, if, if the name of the word, such as the western music, universal, unpredictable, unpredictable,unattainable and unpredictable. Everything is in imagination; the weather is like returning to innocence, with great skill,with elephants seeing shapes and loud sounds. Such as: rebirth, Lushan true face, the Bodhisattva as a youngwoman, the Buddha into a clear old man, the shape of the rhyme, rhyme of the image, the wind and natural andunrestrained things, peace and harmony, I two forget, can be a baby!The weather is vivid and vivid, vivid, vivid, vivid, and vivid. Vivid and vivid is the false form, the false and the false. Tosee the mountain is not the mountain, the water is not the muddle of the water, and the sight of the mountains or themountains, the water or the the widening of the clothes, I will never regret, and I will be haggard for crowd searched her for thousands of degrees, and suddenly looked back at the man who was in the dim lights."The ancient paintings of Sheikh in South Qi" divided the ancient painter into six products and twenty-seven people,which was the earliest painting evaluation for China. But at that time, few painter works were passed on, and thepresent man had no understanding. After Sheikh, more masters came out in large numbers. This meteorological spiritshould be the spirit of the wisdom of the Chinese eight thousand year civilization, which is conveyed by Chinese artistsand ink. It is the spirit of the excellent Chinese nation to gather the world's human art. Meteorology should be regardedas a standard for contemporary art criticism.

and the abstract art, which have broken the stack of the bone law. When artists use images and abstract paintings toexpress themselves naturally and happily, their bones and bones are useless and r it is brushwork or freehand painting, whether it is landscapes, flowers and birds, characters, bone law hasgradually returned to the second line, the real support of the art works of the pen method is a relatively independentform of the form of the beauty of the pen and ink structure; texture, image, image, emotion, abstract, are not the choiceof means of "discretionary use of the pen" result. The so-called "Wu Dai Feng, Cao Yi water; eighteen Chinesepainting." There are also a series of strokes, such as chapping, rubbing, pointing, pressing, pushing, rubbing, pressing,dragging, brushing and splashing. Shi Tao's "pen and ink"; Pan Tianshou's "ink and ink when the times"; Mr. LiKeran's "backlight landscape", all from different angles to prove the importance of "using the discretion of the pen"."There is no law for more beauty that can not be destroyed", which is a famous western writer Gerd. On the other hand,as long as it is more beautiful, any rules and programs can be broken and a more beautiful visual form is rebuilt. ZhaoWuji's abstract art, Wu Guanzhong's "0" concept of "pen and ink", Liu Guosong's brushless landscape painting, andthe painting of Huang Binhong, which is highly praised by contemporary painters, all give people the enjoyment ofbeauty, where there is no bone of bone porary artists have no doubt that in the process of artistic creation, in order to achieve the desired effect of thepicture, can be unscrupulous, can reverse black and white, can be unsuccessful, "You are young, there isnothing you can't do". No dispute, development is the absolute principle ", a living principle can not change, as long asyour work is more regard to the use of the pen, there are some famous words: "the closer and the more not, the more and more, themore and more of it." Forget the pen and ink, and reconcile the heart, do not know all things between me, and realizethe image created by nature. That is, love to cut, by chance to draw, so the rock of the majestic, paper, ink spread,longitudinal meaning of the spray, Bibi between the point row, one breath, has long been thrown out of bone r, it is necessary for the artist to break away from the low taste and get rid of the prejudices of the rigid dogma.

Chinese painters have made great efforts in how to "manage position", and have summed up a lot of valuableexperience, such as the perspective of scattered points in Chinese landscape painting, or the rational layout of thepicture according to the principle of Taoist Tai Chi map, the theory of yin and Yang and so on, and also record his ownsuccessful experience as a book. After learning. But the location of operation is still "Dao Dao Dao" and "very Dao".Generally speaking, it is very important to manage the position and position of business very well, and the finer point isthat "triangle", "diagonal", "s", or "white", "black", "black white", "black white", "small size", and so on. I do not knowwhy the sages do not speak the golden rate? Is it really afraid of heaven's revelation that the Jade Emperor's crime isdeliberately evading this aesthetic principle? Few people have emphasized the role of gold segmentation in themanagement position of Chinese painting, and the golden rate is widely used in practice as the core theory of beautyin modern design and modern composition. Our Chinese painters should have used her in the composition of ourChinese paintings long the composition of Chinese painting is also used for the location of the object image and the position of the pen andink, the main part of the picture is placed at the intersection point of the golden section, and the next part is arrangedaround the theme gradually, in order to achieve the artistic effect of the stars and the stars. There is no doubt that theaesthetic sense of the vision is take the abstract elements of the picture: black and white, virtual, thick, dry and wet, thick, dense, size, number,point and line, black and white, and so on. These contradictions are arranged on the picture with the ratio of goldensection, such as the proportion of black and white area according to the distribution of 1:1.618, all the antagonism onthe picture Location is located according to the ratio of gold division. (this is not to require artists to be flexible inplacement according to the golden rate, but only requires the artist to take into account the golden ratio in composition.)This will naturally get the harmonious unity of the picture. Mr. Li Keran once said, "it is a good picture that you can unifya lot of contradictions in your picture". This good painting is produced by the proportion of these contradictionsaccording to the ratio of gold. In addition, it will not be able to explain how the layout can produce beauty. For morethan one thousand years, a good business position has led the painters "ghosts and walls" style to go to hundreds ofgenerations. In addition to a few painters who have gone out of its magic circle as masters, most painters haveexhausted their life and can only stay on the level of craftsmen and artists, although the artists of the past dynasties areconstantly enriching their "position". He has accumulated some more mature and successful experience, but has neverbeen able to jump out of the palm of chaos, and there is no one who can see how to "manage position".With the development of science and technology today, our life has entered the era of digital information, and we canno longer be able to resist the ambiguity of how to "manage position". In order to make great progress in Chinesepainting, painters should dare to break through all the old and conventional customs, turn scientific minds, absorb thelength of all sister arts, pay attention to the study of the golden rule, and take the golden location method instead of theempty and nihilistic business position as a shortcut to the art palace. Otherwise, it is difficult to tell clearly thefundamental law of visual beauty, depending on how you interpret, composition and the golden location method, when we operate the position, we can not simply stay on the segment of the line,but we should pay more attention to the segmentation of the block of the area, such as the ratio of ink and ink, the ratioof cold and warm color, the ratio of the imaginary image, and all the opposites of the pen and ink, all in accordancewith the ratio of gold. Even if there is no image of the picture, the appearance of the pen and ink and the color of thecolor can also be enjoyed by the people, which is the root of the abstract beauty. East and West, ancient and modern,concrete and abstract, leaving the golden positioning law, deviating from the golden ratio, it is difficult to achieve realvisual beauty.

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