



g court 球场ball 篮球 bench areas 球队席区域 line 边线 line 中线 line 端线ry line 界线 place line 分位线 throw

line 罚球线 throw lane 罚球区 Point line 三分线 court 前场 court 中场 court 后场 circle 中圈cted area 限制区 篮圈 篮网 place 位置区-Point field goal areas 三分投篮区ard

篮板 球。uPPort 篮架 Post 篮架支柱 ball 用过的球 clock 开表 the clock 停表 foul marker 全队犯规标志 markers 犯规次数牌 bench 球队席tute bench 替补队员席e 哨cal equipment 技术设备ion of the court 球场面积ket 本方球篮nt’s basket 对方球篮


记录员 keeper 计时员-second operator 30秒钟计时员 sheet

记录表 clock 比赛计时表oard 记分牌tution 替换 table 记录台 -up 上场阵容(五人)ing of the foul 犯规的登记ation of playing time signal 比赛时间结束的信号 of game 比赛结束 规则 signal is sound 发出信号 of first half time 上半时比分 16.score of second half time下半时比分17.score of extras period 决胜期比分 of player 队员号码 of captain 队长号码 leader 领队 医生22.masseur 按摩员23.statistician 统计员24.interpreter 译员 25. procedure for substitution 替换程序 26.procedtire

to follow in case of protest 抗议程序27.game played 比赛场数28. wins 胜场数29.losses 负场数30.polllts 积分31.goal difference 得失分32.goal average 得失分率33. final

Place 最终名次34.team“A”bnch area “A”球队席区域35.team“B”bench area “B”球队席区域36.assistant scorer 助理记录员37.commissioner of chairman 技术代表38.final score

最后比分39.wining team 优胜队40.decision of a game 比赛胜负 41.recording of the

foul 犯规登记42.tie score 比分相等43.operate the game match 开动计时表44.stop the time 停止比赛时间45.charged time-out 请求暂停46.stop the clock 停表47.broad caster 广播员


1.tearm 球队2.home team 主队3.guest team 客队4.attacking team 进攻队5.defending team 防守队6.coach 教练员7.assistant coach 助理教练旦8.line-up 阵容9.member 成员10.list of players 队员名11.captain 队长12.player 队员13.basket baller 篮球运动员14.right forward 右前锋15.left guard

左后卫16.center;centrelplvot 中锋17.leading player 主力队员18.substitute

替补队员19.teammate 同队队员20.opponent 对方队员21.offensive player

进攻队员 22.defensi、play6r 防守队员23.the player with the ball 持球队员24.the player without the ball 不持球队员25.a player who controls the ball

控制球队员26.a player who does not control the ball 不控制球的队员27.shooter 投篮队员28.free-thrower 罚球队员29.jumper 跳球队员30.non-jumper

非跳球队员31.dribbler 运球队员32.the player taking the throw-in 掷界外球队员33.screener 掩护队员34.the pivot player 策应队员35.the player who is in the air 腾空的队员36.in juried player 受伤的队员37.off ending player 犯规队员38.team leader 领队39.team follower 随队人员40.spectator 观众


als 裁判人员2.referee.主裁判3.umpire 副裁判al's signals

裁判员手势5.two points 两分 6.one points 一分7.three point attempt 试报三分8.three point-succefull shot 三分9.cancel score 得分无效 10.time in

计时重新开始11.time out 比赛时间停止12.end of game 比赛结束 13.jump ball 跳球 14.signal 信号15.forfeit 弃权16.unsportsman like 不道德17.warning 警告18.no score 投中无效19.the leading official 前导裁判员20.the

trailing official 追踪裁判员21.the referee calling the decision 做出宣判的裁判员22.the Other referee 另一裁判员23.the active referee 执行裁判员 24.th

e free referee 配合裁判员 25.internationdl referee 国际裁判26.national referee 国家级裁判27.referee of first category 一级裁判员28.chief referee 裁判长29.officials and their assistants 裁判员及其助理人员30.duties and powers of

referee 主裁判的职责和权力31.dunes of officials 裁判员的职责32.black trousers 黑长裤

35.wait a minute 等一会36.donlt shout 不要呼喊37.no talking 不要说话39.time expired first 时间已到40.goal counts 投中有效41.time and place for decisions 宣判的时间、地点42.location of player and official 队员和裁判员的位置43.choice of the ball 选择比赛用球

44.officials disaGREe 裁判员意见不同45.carefull examine the score sheet 认真审查记录表46.approve the score 批准记录47.confirm the time that remain

to be player 确定比赛剩余时间48.beckoning substitute to come on the court


g the whistle 吹哨4 officials shall consulate the game in accordance w ith rules 裁判员应使比赛按照规则的规定进行比赛51.administering

penalties 执行罚则52.takes place 就位53.reprimand 劝告54.signature 签名55.raise hand.举手

56.bad toss 抛球不好57.choice of baskets球篮58.charge the baskets 互换球篮


1.violation 违例

2.travelling 带球跑

3.kicking the ball球

4.held ball 争球

5.double dribble 两次运球

ng ball with the fist 拳击球

rins with ball 干扰球

ence w1th the ball on offence 进攻队干扰球

neme with the ball on offence 防守队干扰球

ssing with the ball 持球移动

ball violations 跳球违例

一second rule 三秒钟规则

—secon4rde 五秒钟规则

y 罚则

returned to back court $回后场

—of—bounds 出界,界外

throw 罚球

throw violation 罚球违例

ons of the throw-in from out-of-bounds play 掷界外球时违例

who Is to attempt free throws 执行罚球的队员

ball accidentally enters the basket from below球意外的从球篮下面进入

free throw 三次罚球

free throw 一次罚球

free throw 一次罚球

ball lodges in the basket support 球停在篮国支颈上

ion of the three second rule 三秒违例

ion of the five second rule 五秒违例

ball in special situation 特殊情况的争球

33.illegal dribble 非法运球



al foul 侵人犯规

cal foul 技术犯规

g 推人

g 拉人

ng 阻挡

ns 撞人

l use of hands 非法用手

ional foul 故意犯规

foul 双方犯规

lifyins foul 取消比赛资格的犯规

by team m control of the ball 控制球队犯规


al contact 身体接触

fouls 五次犯规

g of the fouls 宣告犯规

al foul during intervals of play 比赛休息时间内的技 术犯规

in special situations #殊情况下的犯规

tsmanlke conduct 不道德的行为

e language 不尊敬的语言

the game一拖延比赛

foul was committed on a player 对投篮队员的犯规

in the act of shooting

ns from the real 从背后防守

d the ring抓篮圈

cted vision 妨碍视线

foul by the coach 教练员犯规

foul by the player 队员犯规

foul by the substitute 替补队员犯规

of violence 粗暴行为

able contact 合法的身体接触

ess of Personal contact 粗野的身体接触

g fouls Procedure 宣告犯规的程序

foul 掩护犯规


1.playing time 比赛时间

2.begining of the game 比赛开始

3.duties and power of the captain 队长职责和权力

4.inmng team 胜队

5.losing team 负队

6.pass 传球

7.dribble H球、

8.screen 掩护

9.plyot 旋转

10.centre forward,前锋

11.guard 后卫

12.balling play affer goal 中篮后继续比赛

13.decision of the game 比赛胜负

14.ball goes in to play 球进入比赛状态

15.time-out in case of injury 遇伤害事故中断比赛

16.control of the ball 控制球

17.ball racemes alive 球成活球

18.the act of shooting 投篮动作

19.the ball given to opponent 抢断球

20.control of the ball by the player 队员控制球

21.control of the ball by the team 队控制球

22.belnning of a game 开始比赛

23.opposing players 双方队员

24.players leave the court please 队员离场

25.the ball put in play at the mid—court 中场外掷界外球继续 比赛

26.the ball put in play at the side—line 边线外掷球比赛

27.the ball put in play at the end line 端线外掷球比赛

28.free throw Is successful 罚球中篮

29.a goal is made 中篮、投中

30.goaln't madle 投篮未中

31.cancel score 得分无效

32.refusal to play 拒绝比赛

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标签:比赛   队员   犯规   裁判员   时间   规则   人员   中场
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