Unit 6 Disaster and hope 知识点总结(二)外研版(2019)必修第三册


Unit6 Disaster and hope知识点总结(二)

1. complain about…抱怨

2. warn sb about the danger being flooded 该短语中的warn sb. of/about sth. 提醒,警醒某人某事,注意其固定的介词搭配;除此之外我们还有warn sb against sth. 以及warn

sb (not) to do something. 举几个栗子:

I tried to warn him, but he wouldn’t listen.

He warned us against online fraud (网上).

He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.

The farmer warned us off his land when we tried to camp there.

They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone.

3. express one’s worries about… 表达对…的担忧

4. (sb.) feel refreshed 感到精神恢复,神清气爽

5. prepare for the future 为将来做准备

6. hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 做着最好的憧憬,做最坏的打算

7. show concerns about something 对…表示关注,关心

8. adapt (sb/oneself) to…使自己适应…, to 是介词,后接名词或动词的现在分词形式


People in Ethiopian highlands have adapted to living at high altitudes.

It took him a while to adapt himself to his new environment.

The children are finding it hard to adapt themselves to the new school.

另外, adapt… for sb./sth. 表示“使……适应……”“使……适合(新用途,新情况)”


Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.

These teaching materials can be adapted for older children.

Three of his novels have been adapted for television.

Gone With the Wind is an American romance film adapted from the novel of the same name.


9. On hearing the news, China was quick to start organizing emergency aid. (P65)

On doing something, 表示“一……就……”, 常用的介词还有upon, 常用与此结构的动词有:On/Upon hearing/arriving/receiving/seeing…等。

10. The 8.1-magnitide earthquake that hit Nepal on 25 April 2015, was one of the worst

earthquakes in history. (P65)

句子中的hit表示“侵袭,袭击”。表示灾难的侵袭,袭击可以用的词汇有hit, strike。如:In 1881, a typhoon struck the small Vietnamese city of Haiphong, bringing terrible

strong winds. When it hit the coast, huge tidal waves caused severe flood, costing the lives

of up to 300, 000 citizens. (P66)

再如:The winter of 1950 to 1951 came to be known as the Winter of Terror when over

600 avalanches struck towns and villages in the mountains of the Swiss-Austrian Alps.


又如:A blizzard hit Iran in February 1972, causing a week of extremely low temperatures.


还有:In July 2011, a drought struck East Africa. (P66)

当然,hit和strike 还有其他的用法,你能通过查字典的方式进行总结归纳一下吗?第1页 第六模块知识点总结(二)


11. When it hit the coast, huge tidal waves caused severe flood, costing the lives of up to 300,

000 citizens. (P66)

severe 形容词,“十分严重的,极为恶劣的;(惩罚、批评)严厉的,重的;”如:

At least 18 more countries are expected to have severe water problems.

Anyone who breaks the law will get severe punishment.

He is severe with his children.

severe weather conditions 恶劣的天气情况

She was a severe woman who seldom smiled.

severe 的副词为severely , 如:

Anyone breaking the law will be severely punished.

cost当动词讲,此处表示“使丧失,使损失”,to cause the loss of…; 如:

That one mistake almost cost him his life.

In 2018 alone, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, mudslides, and other natural

disasters cost at least $49 billion in the United States.


12. In 1960, Chile suffered the strongest earthquake to be recorded in the 20th century. (P66)

to be recorded 是不定式短语做后置定语,当名词前由序数词或形容词的最高级修饰时,其后往往用不定式做后置定语。这一用法先前讲过,注意掌握。试填空:

Britain was the first country in the world _________ (have) the free medical care system.

Yang Liwei was the 431st astronaut _________ (fly) into space.

13. Caused by exceptionally heavy snowfall within a short period of time, the avalanches

destroyed buildings and forests, and claimed over 256 lives. (P66)

该句子中的caused by…为过去分词短语做状语,与句子主语the avalanches,构成被动关系。句子的谓语为destroyed 和claimed, 为并列谓语,由and连接。这种结构要掌握。试着练习:

1) ________ (face) with such a tough situation, the manager had no choice but to make

a wise decision.

2) ________ (establish) during the Qing dynasty, the university has enjoyed great

popularity in China.

3) _________ (attract) by the beauty of the flowers, visitors stopped and watched


再来看claim的用法,该句中的claim意为“导致死亡”,to cause sb’s death, 夺走,夺去(生命),如:

The car crash claimed three lives.

The impact of the crash claimed the lives of a few passengers immediately, leaving many

injured including my sister.


1) It was claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week.

2) If you are still not satisfied, you can claim compensation(赔偿金).

3) While some people claim they can predict the future, there is no scientific basis behind


4) If the owner doesn’t claim the dog in 48 hours, you can apply for adoption.

第2页 第六模块知识点总结(二)

5) They claim that insect-based food is not only tasty but also rich in protein.

6) It is one of the costliest natural disasters in US history, causing USD 108 billion in

damage. It claimed more than 1,800 lives. (P68)

14. food crisis 食物危机;

15. ……threaten the livelihoods of more than 9.5 million people威胁到950多万人的生计

16. Weather forecasting advanced over time, with more and more instruments to measure

temperature, humidity and air pressure. (P67)


do…; 一般该结构中用不定式to do,表示将来或目的,如:

With so much work ________ (complete), the manager is having a busy time.

17. 在此处总结一下课本66页关于灾难侵袭某地的英语表达种类,句式结构上可以这么组织:

1) a(n) + 灾难(earthquake, volcanic eruption, hurricane, blizzard, etc)+hit/ strike +地区 +时间状语,(然后接状语表结果)costing the lives of 多少人/claiming 多少生命/resulting in the deaths of +具体人数(三个表达随便挑)/ 不一定是人员伤亡,也可以是leading to /resulting in/ bringing …如a severe +(灾难);

2) 地区、国家 + faced a major (灾难)/suffered +(具体灾难)。


In October 2021, a heavy rain struck most of parts of Shanxi Province. It claimed the

lives of 15 people, and three are missing. Rains and rain-related disasters have affected

more than 1.75 million people in 76 counties and brought more than 5 billion yuan ($779

million) in economic losses. About 19,500 houses collapsed(坍塌) and around 120,100

people have been relocated to safer places. The rain damaged about 238,460 hectares(公顷) of grain crops.

18. Some 500 km2

of forested land was burnt and 82 people killed. Even today, it is considered

one of Europe’s most deadly forest fires. (P66)

注意该句子中的省略,82 people 后省略了were, 由于and前有be动词,所以在并列的后一句话中可以省略be动词,这样显得句子简练。

19. I was sitting in my room with my cat, Smartie, on my lap, when the roof just flew off. All

of a sudden, there was sky where the roof had been. I was so frightened that I just froze.


分析:was doing something when…did…是典型的一种句式结构,该句式中,主句中用过去进行时,从句中用一般过去时,when引导该从句,强调突然性,这是when的典型用法。类似的句式结构还有:was/were about to do something when…did… 和had just done something when…did…。

all of a sudden相当于suddenly, 注意该短语中用的是不定冠词a,不能误用定冠词。

where the roof had been 是地点状语从句,表示“屋顶先前在的地方”,整句话翻译为:突然,屋顶先前在的地方成了天空。

froze, 动词,原形为freeze, 此处表示“僵在那里不动”,freeze过去式为froze, 过去分词为frozen。

20. Our street turned into a river in seconds. (P68)

in seconds, 数秒内,顷刻间

21. At first, I was pleased we could stay at home, but soon it got really tough. (P68)

第3页 第六模块知识点总结(二)

(sb.) feel/be pleased 感到高兴; get tough变得棘手,艰难;tough的用法较多,除了表示“艰苦的,艰难的,棘手的”,还有“严厉的,强硬的”,“坚强的,健壮的,吃苦耐劳的,坚忍不拔的”“粗暴的,粗野的”“倒霉的”等,请在下面例句中体会:

He faces the toughest test of his leadership so far.

She is a tough customer (= She knows what she want and is not easily influenced by other


He plays the tough guy in the movie.

The school takes a tough line on cheating.

a tough pair of shoes

It was a tough decision to make.

Don’t be tough on him---he was only trying to help.

While everyone felt the task was tough, I never thought of giving up.

22. There was water everywhere, but we couldn’t drink any of it otherwise we’d get really

sick. (P68)

otherwise, 否则;不然;其后的句子是对前者情况的相反假设,故多用虚拟语气,此处we’d= we would, 是对现在的虚拟。

We’re committed to the project. We wouldn’t be here otherwise.

My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn’t have afforded the trip. (对过去的事实的相反的假设,故用虚拟语气。)


Shut the window, otherwise it’ll get too cold in here.


There was some music playing upstairs. Otherwise the house was silent.

I wanted to see him but he was otherwise busy/engaged. (=doing sth. else)

23. It was August, so it was really, really hot and it smelled so bad everywhere! (P68)


24. He had disappeared the moment the storm hit. (P68)

the moment此处为连词,表示“一……就……”,相当于as soon as, 也可以替换为immediately, 此时不是副词,而是做连词用。需要注意的是,the moment当连词用时,前切记不能加at。如:

I went to visit him the moment he arrived.


On hearing the news, China was quick to start organizing emergency aid. (P65)

On leaving school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France. (P20)

I will call you as soon as I get home.

I left immediately the clock struck 12.

The minute I saw her, I fell in love with her.


1) No sooner……than……

2) hardly……when……

3) scarcely……when……


第4页 第六模块知识点总结(二)

I had no sooner reached home than it began to rain. / No sooner had I reached home than

it began to rain.

The girl had hardly rung the bell before the door was opened suddenly.

Hardly had Mike picked up the ball when another player took it from him.

I had hardly got to the office when my wife phoned me to go back home at once. 【2012年全国卷】

He had scarcely put the phone down when the doorbell rang.

Scarcely had the game started when it began to rain.

25. mosquito 蚊子,其复数形式既可以是mosquitos, 也可以是mosquitoes。

26. It was difficult to stay positive, though. (P69)


I will try, but he will probably say no, though.

Our team lost the game. It was a good game, though.

It is a fine day today. It is a little cold, though.


27. Although it was only a few days before we were rescued, it felt like months. (P69)

该句话表露出作者度日如年的感觉。可以解释为,We were eventually saved from such

a tough situation only a few days later, but it felt as if several months had gone.

28. Some families have yet to return, but many others have come back. (P69)

have yet to do something 还未做某事。yet在句子中表示“还(不曾做某事)”如:

We have yet to decide what action to take (=We have not decided what action to take).

She has yet to spend a Spring festival with her husband since they got married.

29. Although we are surrounded by reminders of the disaster, we are working together to

rebuild our homes and our lives. (P69)

reminder 起提醒作用的东西。如:

The photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken conversation. 【2017天津卷】这张照片是一个提醒,是一个被捕捉的瞬间,是一段无言的对话。

The damaged building was preserved as a reminder of the earthquake, which claimed

almost 90,000 people in 2008.

The recent outbreaks of Covid-19 are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious

health hazard(危害) and that we still should take it seriously.

work together to do something 一起致力于做某事

30. Now we have another chance to look up at the stars of New Orleans, their beauty

inspiring us and giving us confidence to move on. (P69)

该句话中包含了一个独立主格结构---their beauty inspiring us and giving us confidence

to move on. 独立主格结构中的非谓语动词的发出者和句子的主语不是同一个人或物,所以这时往往在非谓语动词前加上一个其独立的逻辑主语,即:名词/代词+非谓语动词;它不是句子,往往放在句子前或后,起补充、伴随、交代原因等作用。如:

A book in his hand, the teacher came into the classroom.

The woman stood at the corner of the street, a baby in her arm.

Work completed, the manager decided to go out for a picnic.

第5页 第六模块知识点总结(二)

Time permitting, I’d like to visit the farm near my hometown to do some picking.

31. Protect your property: close your windows and tape them up, and bring indoors anything

that could blow away. (P71)

property财产,所有物;类似的表示财产的词还有:belongings, possessions。tape sth

up 用胶带缠住,绷起来。blow away 吹走

32. Make sure you have sufficient food, water. (P71)

sufficient, 形容词,足够的,充分的;如:

Despite the poor service of the hotel, the manager is reluctant to invest in sufficient training

for his staff. 酒店服务已经很差了,经理仍不愿意为员工提供足够的培训。

Allow sufficient time to get there. 留出足够的时间好赶过去。

Is $100 sufficient for your expenses? 100美元够你花销吗?

其副词形式为sufficiently, 反义词为insufficient。

The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work. 第二天,她感觉好转,完全可以去上班了。

33. Do not assume the storm has stopped even if the wind stops. Dangerous winds may return.



34. Read these tips on hurricane safety so that you and your family can survive this common

threat to coastal cities. (P71)

tip 名词,贴士,建议。survive 动词,此处表示“从…挺过来,活过来;幸免于”,如:survive the earthquake/the disaster第6页 第六模块知识点总结(二)

第7页 第六模块知识点总结(二)

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