GBT 3634.2-2011 氢气 第2部分:纯氢、高纯氢和超纯氢 中英 bilingual_百


氢气 Hydrogen


Part 2: Pure hydrogen, high pure hydrogen and ultrapure


1. 范围Scope


This section provides the technical requirements, test methods,

packing marks and store safety requirements of pure hydrogen,

high purity hydrogen and ultra-pure hydrogen.


This section applies to the bottled, container loaded and pipeline

transferred hydrogen making with adsorption and diffusion method.

It is mainly used in electronic industry, petrochemical industry,

metal smelting and scientific research, etc.

分子式:Molecular formula: H2.


Molecular weight: 2.01588 (as per 2007 international relative

atomic mass)

2. 规范性引用文件

The reference file


The following documents for this application is indispensable.

Every noted date reference documents, only version with noted

date is suitable for this article. Any reference documents without

noted date, the latest version (including all the modifications)

applies to this document.

GB/T 3634. 1-2006氢气第1部分:工业氢

GB/T 3634. 1-2006 Hydrogen- Part 1: Industrial Hydrogen

GB/T5832. 3 气体中微量水分的测定 第3部分:光腔衰荡光谱法

GB/T5832. 3 Determination of trace moisture in gas

Part 3: Optical cavity ring-down spectroscopy

GB/T 6285气体中微量氧的测定电化学法

GB/T 6285 Determination

electrochemical method of trace O2 in


3 要求 Requirement

3.1 纯氢、高纯氢和超纯氢的技术要求应符合表1的规定。

Technical requirement of pure hydrogen, high pure hydrogen and

ultrapure hydrogen shall meet requirement of Table 1.

表1 纯氢、高纯氢和超纯氢的技术要求

Table1 Technical requirement of pure hydrogen, high pure

hydrogen and ultrapure hydrogen

Name Specification

Pure H2

H2 purity(MVF) / 10-2

O2 concentration

(MVF) / 10-6



(MVF) /




Hi pure H2



Determine by








Ultrapure H2

99.999 9



Determine by


N2 concentration

(MVF) / 10-6


Co concentration

(MVF) / 10-6


CO2 concentration

(MVF) / 10-6


CH4 concentration

(MVF) / 10-6


H2O concentration

(MVF) / 10-6



Total Impurity (MVF) / 10-6







3.2 除超纯氢外,由供需双方商定氩含量是否列人纯度计算。

In addition to the ultrapure hydrogen, whether argon concentration

will be listed in purity calculation can be defined by both supplier

and buyer.

4 规则Rule

4.1 连续、稳定生产的瓶装(或集装格装)纯氢、瓶装高纯氢以生


Continuous and stable production of bottled (or container cased)

pure hydrogen, bottled high purity hydrogen will be a batch

produced by manufacturer’s one operation shift or once filling

products, users will set the batched product with the same truck or

same batch material. Every batch of bottles number should not

exceed 300.

4.2 瓶装或集装格装纯氢和瓶装高纯氢产品按表2规定的批量随机抽样检验,成批验收。当有任何一项指标的检验结果不符合本部分技术要求时,应重新加倍随机抽样检验,如果仍有任何一项指标不符


4.2 Bottled or container cased pure hydrogen and bottled high

purity hydrogen product will be random sampling inspection as

stipulated in the table 2, acceptance by batch. If any test result

does not conform to the technical specification, it should be double

random sampling inspection; any indication that it still has the

discrepancy with the technical requirements, this batch of product

is deemed as unqualified.

表2 瓶装或集装格装纯氢和瓶装高纯氢抽样表

Table 2 Bottled or container cased pure hydrogen and bottled high

purity hydrogen random check list

Bottle no. ( Each


Min. check bottle

(pure H2)

Min. check bottle(Hi

pure H2)

1 2 3-8 9-15 16-25 26-50 51-150 ≻150

1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13

4.3 集装格装高纯氢气产品应逐格检验验收。当检验结果有任何一项指标不符合本部分技术要求时,则判该产品不合格。

Container cased high purity hydrogen product should be inspected

for acceptance by each case. Any indication that the result has

discrepancy with the technical requirements, this batch of product

is deemed as unqualified.

4.4 超纯氢产品应逐一检查验收。当检验结果有任何一项指标不符合本标准技术要求时则判该产品不合格。

Ultrapure hydrogen product should be inspected for acceptance

one by one. Any indication that the result has discrepancy with the

technical requirements, this batch of product is deemed as


4.5 大容积无缝钢瓶装氢气产品应逐车检验并验收。当检验结果有任何一项指标不符合本标准技术要求时则判该车产品不合格。

Large volume of seamless steel bottled H2 product shall be

inspected for acceptance by each truck. Any indication that the

result has the discrepancy with the technical requirements, this

batch of product is deemed as unqualified.

4.6 稳定生产的管道输送的氢气每4h抽样检验一次。当检验结果有任何一项指标不符合本标准技术要求时则判该4h内产品不合格。

Pipelined H2 during stable operation shall be random inspected

every 4 hours. Any indication that the result has the discrepancy

with the technical requirements, this batch of product within this 4

hours is deemed as unqualified.

5 试验方法test method

5. 1 氢纯度 H2 purity


H2 purity calculation based on formula (1)

φ=100 -(φ1 +φ2 +φ3 +φ4 +φ5 +φ6 +φ7) X10-.4

( 1 )式中:in formula(1)


φ- H2 purity(MVF), 10-2

φI 氧含量(体积分数),10-6;


O2 concentration (MVF), 10-6;



AR concentration (MVF), 10-6



N2 concentration (MVF), 10-6;



– Co concentration (MVF), 10-6




– CO2 concentration (MVF), 106



– CH4 concentration (MVF), 10-6



– moisture concentration (MVF), 10-6

5.2 氢中氧+氩,氮、一氧化碳、二氧化碳和甲烷含量的测定

Determination of oxygen + argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide and methane concentration in hydrogen



Determination of oxygen + argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide and methane concentration in hydrogen by nitrogen

Ionization gas chromatography. See Appendix A.

5.2.2 允许采用热导气相谱法测定氢中氧+氩,氮烷含量;允许采用火焰离子化法测定氢中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和甲烷的含量。当仪器检测限无法满足分析要求时,可采用变温浓缩进样。参见附录B.

Determination of oxygen + argon, nitrogen and methane

concentration in oxygen by thermal conductivity gas

chromatography is allowed; Determination of carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide and methane concentration in hydrogen by flame

ionization method is allowed. When the instrument detection limit

cannot meet analysis requirement, variable temperature

condensation sampling can be used. See appendix B.

5.2.3 当以上方法的测定结果有异议时,以氮离子化气相谱法为仲裁法。

When any objection to the above methods of measured results,

the nitrogen ionization gas chromatography will be used as the

arbitration method.

5.2.4 按GB/T6285的规定测定氢中氧含量。允许采用其他等效方法测定氢中氧含量。当测定结果存在异议时,以GB/T6285规定的方法为仲裁法。

Determination of oxygen concentration in hydrogen by the

provisions of GB/T6285. The other equivalent method to measure

oxygen concentration in the hydrogen is allowed. When the results

of the determination with objections, GB/T6285 will be used as

arbitration method.

5. 3水分含量的测定 Moisture determination

按GB/T5832. 3的规定执行。允许采用其他等效的方法测定氢中水分含量,当测定结果有异议时,以GB/T5832.3规定的方法为仲裁方法。

As per GB/T5832. The other equivalent method to measure the

moisture concentration in the hydrogen is allowed. When the

results of the determination with objections, GB/T5832.2 will be

used as arbitration method.

包装、标志及贮运 Packing, marking and shipping

氢气的包装、标志及贮运的要求应符合GB/T3634. 1-2006第5章的规定。

Requirements of hydrogen packing, marking and shipping should

be in comply with the provisions of chapter 5. In GB/T3634. 1-2006.

安全要求 Safety requirement

氢气的安全要求应符合GB/T3634. 1-2006第6章的规定。

Hydrogen safety requirement shall be in comply with the provisions

of chapter 6 In GB/T3634. 1-2006.

附录A Appendix A

(规范性附录)(normative appendixes)


Determination of oxygen + argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide and methane in nitrogen by nitrogen Ionization gas


A. 1方法 method


Determination of oxygen + argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide and methane concentration in nitrogen by nitrogen

Ionization gas chromatography.

A. 2仪器 Instrument


It is required that detection limits for adopted instrument should be

respectively lower than 1/4 of technical indicators listed in table 1.

Nitrogen ionization gas chromatograph with pneumatic cutting

device and column switching device are recommended to be used.

When analyzing ultrapure hydrogen, de-oxidation device shall be



Fig. A 1 gives the flow diagram of nitrogen ionization gas

chromatograph referenced for the pneumatic cutting, deoxidization

column and column switching device.


1―高纯沉载气钢瓶; High purity heavy carrier gas cylinder;

2―钢瓶减压器; Cylinder pressure reducer

3载气稳压阀; Carrier gas regulator valve


Pressure gauge

5载气净化器; Carrier gas purifier

6―定体积进样管; Volume sampling pipe

7―样气流量计; Sampling gas flow meter

8―样气入口; Sampling gas inlet


Ten-way valve

10―气路平衡调节阀;Pneumatic balance regulator

n―预分离柱; Pre- separator column

12―切割路载气流量计;Cutting carrier flow meter

13―脱氧柱; De -oxygen column

14―六通切换阀; 6-way switch valve

15―谱分析柱1; GC column 1

16―谱分析柱2; GC column 2

17-氮离子化检测器;N2 ion monitor

18-检测器路载气流童计.Monitor carrier gas flow meter

图A. 1气路流程示意图 Fig. A 1 Pneumatic flow meter sketch

A. 3 气体标准样品 Gas standard sample


Gas standard samples will be balanced by hydrogen. The

component of standard sample gas should be close to measured

component; when the measured components (volume fraction) is

not greater than 1 x10-6, the corresponding components of 1x10-6-

5 x10-6 standard sample can be used.

A. 4 仪器条件 instrument

A. 4. 1 谱柱 GC

A.4.1.1 预分离柱:用于分离氢和其他组分。长0. 6m、内径2mm的不锈钢管,内装粒度为0. 25mm-0. 40mm的TDX-01。通载气在180℃活化3h后备用。允许采用其他等效预分离柱。

Pre separation column: used to separate hydrogen and other

components. With long 0. 6 m, inner diameter 2 mm stainless steel

pipe, built-in TDX – 01 with granularity of 0. 25 mm - 0. 40 mm.

Carrier gas will be used as backup after activation at 180 ℃ for 3

h. The other equivalent pre-separation column is allowed.

A.4.1.2 谱分析柱1:用于氧(氩)、氮、甲烷的分离。长2m、内径2mm的不锈钢管,内装粒度为0. 25mm-0. 40mm的5A分子筛。通载气在180℃活化3h后备用。谱柱使用温度:40C。允许采用其他等效谱柱。

GC analysis column 1: used to separate O2 (Ar), N2

and Ch4. With

long 2 m, inner diameter 2 mm stainless steel pipe, built-in 5A

molecular sieve with granularity of 0. 25 mm - 0. 40 mm. Carrier

gas will be used as backup after activation at 180 ℃ for 3 h.

Chromatographic column temperature: 40C. The other equivalent

chromatographic column is allowed.

A.4. 1.3 谱分析柱2:用于一氧化碳、二氧化碳、甲烷的分离。长2m、内径约2mm的不锈钢管,内装粒度为0.25mm-0. 40mm的活性炭。通载气在150℃活化2h后备用,谱柱使用温度:40C。允许采用其他等效谱柱。

GC analysis column 2:used to separate CO,CO2 and CH4。With long 2 m, inner diameter about 2 mm stainless steel pipe,

built-in active carbon with granularity of 0. 25 mm - 0. 40 mm.

Carrier gas will be used as backup after activation at 180 ℃ for 3

h. Chromatographic column temperature: 40C. The other

equivalent chromatographic column is allowed.

A.4.1.4 脱氧柱:当需要测定氩组分含量时,可采用脱氧柱脱除样品气中的氧组分。脱氧柱中的脱氧剂应确保能彻底脱除样品气中的氧组分。推荐采用长1m、内径约3mm的不锈钢管,内装粒度为

0. 25mm一0. 40mm的105钯催化剂。催化剂在使用前应按生产厂家提供的条件活化处理。

De-oxidation column: when argon composition need to be

measured, oxygen components in the sample gas can be

removed by de-oxidation column. Deoxidizer in deoxidization

column should ensure that oxygen components in the sample

gas can be completely removed. Long 1 m and inner diameter

about 3 mm stainless steel pipe are recommended, built-in 105

palladium catalyst with granularity of 25 mm-0. 40 mm. The

catalyst should be activated according to the vendor’s supply

conditions before usage.

A. 4.2操作参数 Operation parameters


Instrument operation parameters selected according to the

requirements of spec and instrument detection limit.

A. 5测定步骤 Determination procedure


Start instrument according to the instrument manual and adjust the

operating parameters to the instrument stability parameter.

A.5.2 根据分析任务,选定适当的谱条件。这些条件包括:载气流量,样气流量,控制1只十通阀、2只六通阀运转的时间程序的设置,仪器气路平衡条件的选择等。

According to the analysis assignment to select suitable

chromatographic conditions. These conditions include: carrier gas

flow rate, sample gas flow rate, control operating time setting of 1

ten-ways valve, 2 six –ways valve and the choice of instrument

pneumatic balance condition etc.

A.5.3 将标准样品接入仪器,在充分置换取得代表样后进样。平行测定至少两次,直至相邻两次测定的待测组分的谱响应值的相对偏差不大于5%,取其平均值。

Connect standard sample to the instrument and introduce sample

gas when representative sample in full replacement. Parallel

determination for at least two times until the adjacent two

chromatographic response values’ relative deviation is not more

than 5%, take the average value.

A.5.4 在与标准样品完全相同的条件下,将待测样品接入仪器,在充分置换取得代表样后进样。平行测定至少两次,直至相邻两次测定的待测组分的谱响应值的相对偏差不大于5%,取其平均值。

Under the condition of identical with standard sample, connect to

be determined sample to the instrument and introduce sample gas

when representative sample in full replacement. Parallel

determination for at least two times until the adjacent two

chromatographic response values’ relative deviation is not more

than 5%, take the average value.

A.5.5 在同样条件下,采用脱除样品气中氧和不脱除样品气中氧的两种测试状态进行测定。

Under the same conditions, it will be two ways of

removal oxygen in the sample gas and non- removal of oxygen in

the sample gas.

A.5.6 完成分析操作后,按说明书的相关要求停机。

Stop the instrument according to the specification requirements

after completion of analysis.

A. 6结果计算 Result calculation

氢中氧+氩、氩、氮、一氧化碳、二氧化碳和甲烷含量的计算见GB/T3634. 1-2006中A.1.6的规定。

Calculation of oxygen + argon, argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide and methane concentration in hydrogen see the

provisions of A.1.6 in GB/T3634. 1-2006.


The same samples without determination the concentration of

oxygen + argon by de-O2 column, but the argon concentration

determined by a de-O2 column. Sample’s oxygen concentration

can be got by oxygen + argon concentration minus the argon


附 录B(资料性附录)

Appendix B (Informative appendixes)


Variable temperature concentration sample injection device

B. 1方法 method


Using known volume sample with liquid nitrogen bath temperature

concentration, desorption samples at normal temperature, bring

the concentrated to be measured component into chromatograph

column of gas chromatography by carrier gas, determined by

detector after separation.

B. 2 仪器 Instrument

采用热导气相谱仪或氢火焰气相谱仪,配备液氮浴变温浓缩进样装置。实现成套仪器对氢中待测组分的检测限分别应低于本部分表1所列相应技术指标的1/4。图B. 1给出了变温浓缩进样装置的气路


Using thermal conductivity gas chromatograph or hydrogen flame gas

chromatograph, equipped with liquid nitrogen bath temperature concentrated

sampling device. Implementation of detection limit between packaged

instruments to the component to be tested in hydrogen should be lower

than1/4 respectively for technical specification listed in table 1. Figure B.1

shows the temperature condensed sample pneumatic flow diagram. aux


1―样气瓶;Sample gas cylinder

2--载气入口;Carrier gas inlet

3―气路平衡调节阀,Pneumatic balance regulator

4---/L通阀; 8-ways valve

5--载气出口,carrier gas outlet

6―流量计; Flow meter

7―三通阀;3-way valve

8―液氮容器或水容器;Liquid N2 vessel or water vessel

9―液氮或水;Liquid N2 or water

10―浓缩柱,condensed column

n ―鼓泡器;Bubbler

12―三通阀;3-way valve

13―针形取样阀。Needle sampling valve


Referenced temperature condensed pneumatic flow sketch

B. 3 气体标准样品 Standard sample gas


Gas balance with hydrogen is recommended for the standard

sample. Component content in standard samples should be close

to the corresponding components content in sample gas after



Standard sample gas goes directly into the analysis without


B. 4测定条件Determination condition

B. 4. 1载气、辅助气 Carrier gas, aux. gas


Take reference to instrument instruction for carrier and auxiliary

gas used in Instrument

B. 4.2 浓缩柱condensed column

浓缩柱1:用于浓缩样品中氧+氩、氮组分。长约30cm、内径4mm的不锈钢管,内装粒度为0. 25mm-0. 40mm的活性炭;或其他等效浓缩柱。浓缩柱通氢气在160℃活化4h后使用,浓缩温度为液氮温度(液氮浴),脱附温度为室温水浴。

Condensed column 1: used in O2+AR and N2



condensed sample. Stainless steel pipe with about 30cm long,

4mm inner diameter, built-in granulate 0. 25mm-0. 40mm active

carbon; or other equivalent condensed column. Through hydrogen

condensed column to be used after activate 4 h in 160 ℃,

condensed temperature is liquid nitrogen temperature (liquid

nitrogen bath), stripping temperature is room water bath


浓缩柱2:用于浓缩样品中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和甲烷组分。长约30cm、内径4mm的不锈钢管,内装粒度为。.25mm-0. 40mm的变硅胶;或其他等效浓缩柱。浓缩柱通氢气在160℃活化4h后


Condensed column 2: used in CO, CO2 and CH4 components in

condensed sample. Stainless steel pipe with 30 cm long, 4mm

inner diameter, built-in granulate 0. 25mm-0. 40mm allochroic

silicone; or other equivalent condensed column. Through hydrogen

condensed column to be used after activate 4 h in 160 ℃,

condensed temperature is liquid nitrogen temperature (liquid

nitrogen bath), stripping temperature is 80o

C water bath


B. 5浓缩进样步骤 Condensed sampling procedure

B. 5. 1 气路系统可靠性检查和空白值的测定

Pneumatic system reliability inspection and determination of blank value


Connect variable temperature concentration device to the

chromatograph pneumatic system, start instrument to stable as per

instrument manual. Put on liquid nitrogen bath condensed for

about 5 min after closing the condense column, remove the liquid

nitrogen bath, and quickly make condensed column in stripping

water bath, and then carrier gas goes through the condensed

column, recording the chromatographic signal, regards no

chromatographic signals as normal. Otherwise, shall check the

condensed sampling device until the system without

chromatographic signals. Then make the carrier through

condensed column, observe and beware of no air suction into

condensed sampling device, condensed the carrier gas for 5 min,

determination of blank value in chromatographic systems; blank

value should be lower than the corresponding values of high purity

hydrogen or ultra-pure hydrogen in the text.

B. 5. 2取样 Sampling


Select appropriate sampling needle valve, introduce the sample

gas into condensed sampling system, full replacement sampling

pipe, makes the sample more representative.

B. 5 . 3 浓缩concentration

调节样品气以1. 0L/min-1. 5L/min的流速通过浓缩柱,置换浓缩柱2min-3min后关闭浓缩柱出口,然后将浓缩柱缓慢套上液氮浴,待垫气结束后打开浓缩柱出口,使样品气流经流量计后放空。


Adjusting the sample gas makes it goes through the condensed

column by 1. 0 L/min - 1. 5 L/min flow rate, after replacement

condensed column for 2 min -3 min close the column outlet, then

slowly put on liquid nitrogen bath on condensed column, open

column outlet wait until the cushion gas over, empty sample gas

flow through the flow meter.

The sample gas condensed volume is determined by the

measured component content and instrument detection limit. The

volume of the sample gas is by flow meter measurement.

B. 5. 4进样 Introducing sampling


Close condensed column inlet after concentration completed;

remove the liquid nitrogen bath, drain the desorbed hydrogen at

room temperature water bath; the desorbed hydrogen will be

metering through the flow meter; close the column outlet; to be

measured component will be introduced into chromatographic

column through condensed column by carrier gas.


Parallel measuring the gas standard samples and sample gas at

least twice until the adjacent two chromatographic response values

of the relative deviation is not more than 10 x10-2, taked the

average value.

B. 6 结果计算 Result calculation


The peak area or peak height, quantitative calculation results by

external standard method. As per (B. 1) calculation to determine

oxygen + argon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and

methane content in the hydrogen with variable temperature

condensed sampling method.




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