考向47 短文填空之首字母填空(解析版)





I grew up in the countryside. At around 10 years old, I began to learn cooking. The first skill I

mastered was making dough(面团). Since my parents often came home l____1____, a prepared

dough would help my family have supper sooner. I thought it would be e____2____ because I

often saw my mum do it — just mix water and flour, right? Not quite! It turned out to be a

m____3____ for a while. First I made the dough too soft. Then I made it too hard. But as I kept

trying, I learned the trick.

Later, I cooked fried dishes and things like dumplings and I f____4____ in love with cooking.

It’s a good way to relax. More importantly, thanks to my cooking skill, I live better d____5____

the COVID-19 pandemic. Now working at home, I cook every meal instead of ordering takeout. It

s___6___ money and I don’t have to wait for delivery drivers to feed me.

Besides cooking, I did a lot of f____7____ work in my childhood. I got to know how to plant

vegetables. T___8___ it was hard work, the experience taught me things that many of my friends

still don’t know. For example, the part of a potato that has sprouts(芽)can be planted as a seed. I

once discussed this with my friends from the city. They thought it was a p____9____ that they

didn’t have the chance to learn these things in their lives.

Some might say we can learn these things from textbooks. But it can’t compare to the

j____10____ of learning firsthand, watching plants blossom and grow. It brings a new way to look

at the world.

【答案】1.(l)ate 2.(e)asy 3.(m)ess 4.(f)ell 5.(d)uring 6.(s)aves 7.(f)arm 8.(T)hough 9.(p)ity 10.(j)oy


1.句意:因为我的父母经常回家晚,一个准备好的面团可以帮助我的家人早点吃晚饭。根据“a prepared dough would help my family have supper sooner”可推测出,我的父母回家晚,“晚,迟”结合首字母可知,其英文表达为late,根据“Since my parents often came home”可知,空格处应用副词原级,即late。故填(l)ate。

2.句意:我以为这很容易,因为我经常看到我妈妈做——只是把水和面粉混合,对吗?根据“because I often saw my mum do it — just mix water and flour, right”可知,我认为很简单,根据“it would be”可知,空格处为形容词,故“简单的”easy。故填(e)asy。

3.句意:结果一会儿之后是一团糟。根据“First I made the dough too soft. Then I made it too


4.句意:后来,我做了炸菜和饺子之类的东西,我爱上了烹饪。根据“It’s a good way to relax”和“in love with”可知,我爱上了烹饪,“爱上”fall in love with,根据“cooked”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,故此处应用fall的过去式fell。故填(f)ell。


live better”和“the COVID-19 pandemic”可知,“在……是在新冠病毒疫情期间,我过的更好了,期间”结合所给首字母d可知,其英文表达为during。故填(d)uring。

6.句意:这样既省钱又不用等送货员来给我送食物。根据“I cook every meal instead of ordering


7.句意:除了做饭,我小时候还干过很多农活。结合后文和“I got to know how to plant

vegetables”可知,我还干过很多农活。“农活”的英文表达为farm work,故空格处应填farm。故填(f)arm。

8.句意:尽管工作很辛苦,但这段经历教会了我许多朋友至今仍不知道的东西。根据“it was

hard work”和“the experience taught me things that many of my friends still don’t know”可知,空格处为一个让步状语从句,此时常用although或though引导,结合所给首字母T,故此处应用Though。故填(T)hough。

9.句意:他们认为这是一个遗憾,他们没有机会在他们的生活中学习这些东西。根据“a”可知,空格处应用一个名词,由“they didn’t have the chance to learn these things in their lives”可推测出,他们为此而觉得遗憾,“遗憾”pity。故填(p)ity。

10.句意:但它无法与亲眼目睹植物开花生长的快乐相比。根据“the”和“of”可知,空格处应用一个名词,根据“Some might say we can learn these things from textbooks. But”可知,空格所在句子想表达“亲眼目睹植物开花生长的快乐”,“快乐”joy。故填(j)oy







在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现约 3%~5%




再次通读短文,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。这一遍阅读要求是精心阅读,要留心出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。例如:After a long hike, they went back to their

camp, built a fire and cooked d5. . Finally, it was time to go to sleep.第5小题,句意:经过长时间的徒步旅行之后,他们回到营地,生火做饭。由语境和首字母提示,可知填:dinner;根据Finally, it was time to go to sleep.







Smartphones have truly been a wonderful invention, getting us all closer to one another than

ever before. And yet, people seem to pay m____1____ attention to the phone in their hands than

the person sitting in front of them. As a result, some restaurants have taken s____2____ to restrict

the use of smartphones during a meal.

Tim Love, a cook who owns several restaurants in the US, believes it’s time for people to

enjoy a smartphone-free dinner. His Italian restaurant, Caterina’s, requires customers to pack their

phones away into small bags w____3____ they sit down to eat. “We give each guest a small bag to

put his/her phone in and the bag stays with the guest the whole dinner,” Tim says. “If some people

just have their phones in their pockets, we’re going to k____4____ ask them to put their phones in

the bag.”

If a customer is expecting a call or is nervous about m____5____ one, the restaurant offers an

old-school bright-red landline(固定电话). “If someone really needs to use his phone during

dinner, he is welcome to simply walk outside to use it,” Tim adds. “We also offer a service to

people w____6____ want to take photos of their unforgettable meal. We’re going to send a

follow-up email to all the customers the next day, i____7____ a photo of everything they ordered.

Then they can share it online.”

The idea is to c____8____ a place where people can pay full attention to their friends, dining

environment and good food without being distracted by technology.

Also, the restaurant wants to keep things classy(高级的), so men are r____9____ to wear

jackets. If one forgets, they’ll lend him one at the front door. And even the dinner’s pace is to help

people relax. “Caterina’s guests will be treated to a multi-course meal,” Tim says. “The whole

e_____10_____ encourages you to slow down. There will be lots of little surprises throughout the


【答案】1.(m)ore 2.(s)teps 3.(w)hen 4.(k)indly 5.(m)issing 6.(w)ho 7.(i)ncluding

8.(c)reate 9.(r)equired 10.(e)xperience

【导语】本文主要介绍了Tim Love的意大利餐厅要求顾客在吃饭时把手机放进袋子里。

1.句意:然而,人们似乎比坐在面前的人更关注手中的手机。根据“attention to the phone in

their hands than the person sitting in front of them”可知是更多的关注,用比较级more“更多”。故填(m)ore。

2.句意:因此,一些餐馆已经采取措施限制在用餐时使用智能手机。根据“ restrict

the use of smartphones during a meal”可知是采取措施限制使用手机,take steps“采取措施”。故填(s)teps。

3.句意:他的意大利餐厅Caterina’s要求顾客坐下来吃饭时把手机装进小袋里。根据“they sit

down to eat”可知是当他们吃饭时要把手机放袋子里,when“当”引导时间状语从句。故填(w)hen。

4.句意:我们会友好地请他们把手机放进袋子里。根据“ask them to put their phones in the bag”可知是友好地让他们把手机放进袋子里,修饰动词用副词kindly“友好地”。故填(k)indly。

5.句意:如果顾客正在等电话,或者对错过电话感到紧张,餐厅会提供一条老式的亮红固定电话。根据“is ”可知是错过电话,miss“错过”,介词后加动名词。故填(m)issing。


7.句意:我们将在第二天向所有客户发送一封后续,包括他们订购的所有商品的照片。根据“send a follow-up email to all the customers the ”可知邮件中包括他们订购的产品的照片,此处用介词including“包括”。故填(i)ncluding。

8.句意:这个想法是为了创造一个人们可以充分关注朋友、用餐环境和美食的地方,而不会被技术分散注意力。根据“a place where people can pay full attention to their friends”可知是为人们创造一个地方,create“创造”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填(c)reate。

9.be required

句意:所以男人被要求穿夹克。根据“ wear jackets”可知是被要求穿夹克,to do sth.“被要求做某事”。故填(r)equired。

10.句意:整个体验鼓励你放慢速度。根据“encourages you to slow down”可知是整个体验让人们放慢速度,experience“体验”。故填(e)xperience。


Mom often says, “Cooking is an important skill, and it can be fun!” But I had no interest in

cooking at all u___11___ I met with a cooking app(应用软件). There are different kinds of

recipes(菜谱)in the app. They offer detailed instructions so that users can f___12___ them step

by step. Most of them even include photos or videos, which are quite useful for beginners. Last

week, I picked up a popular recipe to cook fish. When I finished, it was exactly w___13___ I

wanted and tasted delicious. Then I tried m___14___ recipes. Now I can cook a couple of dishes. I

find cooking is great fun and it seems that I have a g___15___ for cooking. My plan is to invite

my friends over next weekend and show them my new skills. I hope they will like my cooking.

【答案】11.(u)ntil 12.(f)ollow 13.(w)hat 14.(m)ore 15.(g)ift


11.句意:但我没有兴趣做饭,直到我遇到了一个烹饪应用软件。根据“But I had no interest

in cooking at all…I met with a cooking app.”可知,直到遇到一个烹饪应用软件才对做饭产生了兴趣,根据首字母u可知此处应用“not…until”表示“直到……才……”,引导时间状语从句,故填(u)ntil。

12.句意:它们提供详细的说明,以便用户可以逐步遵循这些规则。根据“They offer detailed



13.句意:当我做完时,这正是我想要的,味道很好。根据“it was”和“I wanted and tasted



15.句意:我发现烹饪很好玩,而且似乎我对烹饪很有天赋。根据“have a…for cooking”及

首字母g可知此处应用动词短语have a gift for doing sth表示“对做某事有天赋”。故填(g)ift。(2023·上海长宁·统考一模)Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Objects are powerful storytellers. They are collected and shown in museums to help visitors

understand the p___16___, make sense of the present, or get to know people and places that may

be n___17___ to them.

At the British Museum in England, 100 objects were chosen to tell important stories about

history and culture. One of the objects is the Rosetta Stone with some a___18___ Egyptian written

words on it. Another is a very different kind of object: a modern credit card. The credit card helps

tell the story of how people think about m___19___ and shopping in today’s world.

An online project called “Moving People, Changing places,” uses objects owned by

individual families to tell stories about how they came and started to live in England. An old

suitcase covered with travel labels from around the world tells a story about how one member of a

family moved from place to place b___20___ finally settling in England.

Every person has objects that tell his or her own stories. A poster can tell a story about the

band or TV show you love. An old photo album can tell many stories about your family history. A

piece of jewelry or artwork which was p___21___ down through the generations can tell about

your family’s values, history, and relationships.

Next time you’re looking around your room or your house, take a moment to look c___22___

at the objects that surround you. How do your objects help tell your story?

【答案】16.(p)ast 17.(n)ext 18.(a)ncient 19.(m)oney 20.(b)efore 21.(p)assed 22.(c)arefully


16.句意:它们被收集和展示在博物馆里,以帮助游客了解过去,理解现在,或了解可能在他们旁边的人和地方。根据“understand the …, make sense of the present”可知,此空应填past与present构成对应关系,故填(p)ast。

17.句意:它们被收集和展示在博物馆里,以帮助游客了解过去,理解现在,或了解可能在他们旁边的人和地方。根据“to them”及首字母可知,此处指在他们旁边,next to“紧挨着”,


18.句意:其中一件物品是罗塞塔石碑,上面写着一些古埃及文字。根据“Egyptian written


19.句意:信用卡有助于讲述当今世界人们如何看待金钱和购物的故事。根据“The credit card

helps tell the story of how people think about…and shopping in today’s world”及首字母可知,信用卡与金钱有关,money“金钱”,故填(m)oney。

20.句意:一个挂满世界各地旅行标签的旧手提箱讲述了一个家庭成员如何从一个地方搬到另一个地方,最终定居在英国的故事。根据“moved from place to place … finally settling in


21.句意:一件代代相传的珠宝或艺术品可以反映出你家庭的价值观、历史和关系。根据“down through the generations”及首字母可知,此处指代代相传,pass down“传下去”,根据was可知,此空应填过去分词与其构成一般过去时被动语态,故填(p)assed。

22.句意:下次当你环顾你的房间或房子时,花点时间仔细看看你周围的物体。根据“take a

moment to look …at the objects that surround you”及首字母可知,仔细看看你周围的物体,carefully“仔细地”,副词修饰动词look,故填(c)arefully。



“Olivia, love is simple. You don’t have to do much to make someone happy.” That was what

my mother said to me when I was a child. Over a year ago, I had a chance. My good friend Kaylee

told me about her t____23____ to a small town called Gary, and how it was a life-changing

experience. I made up my m____24____ to go there myself.

When I told my parents about the decision, they didn’t a____25____ at first. They said I

didn’t know much about the place. They were worried that it was not s____26____ for me to go

there. Thankfully, after I explained my plan to them in detail, they said yes.

When our group arrived in Gary, I noticed how d____27____ the town was from where I

lived. There were few stores or restaurants in the town; most had closed. So you would be very

l____28____ if you could find a place to buy food or drinks. Houses were built on small hills.

Many of them had broken doors or windows. My job was to help the local people to r____29____

houses. The work days were long and hot, but it was really good to see the houses taking on a new

look day by day.

The children there were also different. They seemed to enjoy every moment in life though

they were poor. The smallest things would make these kids happy. I couldn’t find any

w____30____ to describe their joy when they received an ice-cream, a ball or even a kiss. The

community was like a big f____31____. Everyone knew each other and was there when someone

needed help.

I am so glad that I had this unforgettable experience. I truly learned the m_____32_____ of

what my mother said. You don’t need to do much to make a difference to others’ lives.


23.(t)rip 24.(m)ind 25.(a)gree 26.(s)afe 27.(d)ifferent 28.(l)ucky 29.(r)epair 30.(w)ords 31.(f)amily 32.(m)eaning


23.句意:我的好朋友凯莉告诉我她去一个叫加里的小镇的旅行,那是一次改变人生的经历。根据“to a small town”可知,此处指的是去一个小镇的旅行,结合首字母可知,应填trip“旅行”。故填(t)rip。

24.句意:我决定自己去那里。根据后文的“When I told my parents about the decision”当我告make

诉我父母我的决定时,故可知此处是决定自己去,结合首字母可知,应填mind“思维”,up one’s mind“决定”。故填(m)ind。

25.句意:当我告诉我的父母那个决定时,他们刚开始不同意。根据后文的“They said I didn't

know much about the place.”可知,他们认为我不了解那个地方,因此不同意我去那里。位于助动词didn’t后,用动词原形,agree“同意”。故填(a)gree。

26.句意:他们担心我去那里是不安全的。根据“They were worried that it was not…for me to

go there”以及“I made up my…to go there myself.”可知我自己一个人去,所以他们担心我的安全,根据it was+形容词+for sb to do sth“对某人来说,做某事是……”,此处用形容词,结合首字母,可知应填safe“安全的”,故填(s)afe。

27.句意:当我们小组到达加里时,我注意到这个城镇和我居住的地方有多么的不同。根据“I noticed how…the town was from where I lived”以及结合首字母,可知此处是be different



were few stores or restaurants in the town; most had closed.”可知,那里几乎没有商店和餐馆,因此能买到食物或饮料就是幸运的了,作为系动词be的表语,有副词very修饰,用形容词,故填(l)ucky。

29.句意:我的工作是帮助当地人修理房子。根据“Houses were built on small hills. Many of

them had broken doors or windows”房子建在小山上,许多房子的门或者窗户都坏了,可知我的工作是帮助修理房子。结合首字母,可知应填repair“修理”,此处是不定式to后,故要用原形。故填(r)epair。

30.句意:当他们收到冰淇淋、球甚至亲吻时,我不到任何语言来形容他们的喜悦。根据“I couldn’t find any…to describe their joy”可知空格处应填名词,到语言来描述他们的开心,


31.句意:这个社区就像一个大家庭。根据“Everyone knew each other and was there when

someone needed help.”每个人都认识彼此,当有人需要帮助时,他们都会在那里。可知这个社区应该是像一个大家庭。结合首字母可知应是family“家庭”,故填(f)amily。

32.句意:我真的体会到了我妈妈说的话的意义。根据“Olivia, love is simple. You don’t have

to do much to make someone happy.”以及“You don’t need to do much to make a difference to

others’ lives.”可知通过这次经历,理解了妈妈的话:你不需要做太多就能影响别人的生活。结合首字母,可知此处应用meaning,the meaning of“……的意义”。故填(m)eaning。

(2022·黑龙江大庆·大庆外国语学校校考模拟预测)There are four people in my family.

Every day my parents are very busy t___33___ to make money in order to pay the high tuition (学费) for my brother and me. They hardly say “I love you” or send flowers to each other. Besides,

my father has a bad temper (脾气). It is easy for him to lose his temper when he’s very tired from

the hard work. I didn’t know whether there was love between them until one spring. At that time,

my father suddenly got badly sick. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.

When they returned from the hospital, they both looked very w___34___ as if both of them had a

serious illness.

After they were back, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road every

day in the morning and dusk. However, after two months my father still couldn’t walk by himself.

All of us were worried about him.

“Dad, how are you f___35___ now?” I asked him one day.

“Susan, don’t worry about me.” he said i___36___ a low voice. “I just like walking with your

mom. I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother very much.

Once I thought love m___37___ flowers, presents and sweet kisses. But from this experience,

I understand that love is inside, making life strong and warm.

【答案】33.(t)rying 34.(w)eak 35.(f)eeling 36.(i)n 37.(m)eant


33.句意:我的父母每天都在忙着赚钱,为我和弟弟支付高昂的学费。根据“make money in

order to pay the high tuition (学费) for my brother and me.”及首字母提示可知,这里是父母每天try to do sth.意为“尽力做某事”;be busy doing sth.意为“忙于做某事。”都在忙着赚钱,这里是:因此用try的动名词trying。故填(t)rying。

34.句意:当他们从医院回来时,两人看起来都很虚弱,好像都得了重病。根据“both of them

had a serious illness.”及首字母提示可知,这里是两人看起来都很虚弱,weak意为“虚弱的”。故填(w)eak。


根据“However, after two months my father still couldn’t

walk by himself. All of us were worried about him.”及首字母提示可知,这里应该问爸爸感觉怎



根据“a low voice.”及首字母提示可知,这里是固定短语in a low voice意为“小声;低声地”。故填(i)n。

37.句意:曾经我以为爱意味着鲜花、礼物和甜蜜的吻。根据“flowers, presents and sweet

kisses.”及首字母提示可知,这里指爱意味着鲜花、礼物和甜蜜的吻,mean意为“意味着”;由Once I thought可知,这里需用过去式。故填(m)eant。


Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot(吉祥物)of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, has been sold

like hotcakes. Professor Cao Xue is the chief designer of it.

Cao Xue clearly remembers the exciting day of September 17th, 2019.

“That day our design was c____38____ as the mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

We were s____39____ excited that we jumped up with joy.” After discussion by scholars(学者),

the mascot got a new name— “Bing Dwen Dwen”.

Bing Dwen Dwen is a panda w____40____ an ice-shell(壳). Cao said the idea came from a

traditional Chinese snack—tanghulu.

In order to make the panda look more pleasant, Cao and his 14 team m____41____ flew to

Sichuan for field observation(观察). They found that the size of a baby panda’s head to body is

different from t____42____ of an adult panda’s, making them cuter and more playful. So they

improved the image based on the baby panda.

【答案】38.(c)hosen 39.(s)o 40.(w)ith 41.(m)embers 42.(t)hat


38.句意:那天我们的设计被选为北京冬奥会的吉祥物。根据首字母及“as the mascot of the

Beijing Winter Olympic Games”可知此处是be chosen as“被选为”。故填(c)hosen。

39.句意:我们是如此地激动以致于我们开心地跳起来。根据“excited that we jumped up with


40.句意:冰墩墩是一个穿着冰壳的熊猫。根据首字母及“...an ice-shell(壳)”可知空格前句子结构完整,故空格及后文应是作状语,此处用with后接宾语作状语。故填(w)ith。

41.句意:为了人熊猫看起来更加令人愉快,曹和他的14个团队成员飞到四川去实地观察。team member“团队成员”,此处用复数,故填(m)embers。

42.句意:他们发现熊猫幼崽的身体到头和成年熊猫的不同。根据“the size of a baby panda’s

head to body is different ”可知此处是熊猫幼崽的身体和成年熊猫的进行比较,比较对象同类不同物,且指成年熊猫的体型,是单数,故用代词“that”指代,故填(t)hat。




“Ugh, meat pie again? I h____43____ meat pie!” Matt shouted. “I won’t eat it!”

Matt’s mom and dad looked at each other. Matt’s angry outbursts (爆发) were always

happening this month.

“ Matt, we’re going to let you take over (接管) dinnertime from now on,” Mom said.

“Well, we’re going to eat

g___44___ food every night!” Matt answered happily.

The next day, Dad helped Matt

make the meal plan. “We’re going to have chicken tonight,

and spaghetti tomorrow, ” Matt started.

“Woah, wait a minute,” Dad said. “What else are we going to have with the chicken? We

need to have at least one v___45___ with each meal.”

“We can have cabbage,” Matt said.

“Sophia does not like cabbage,” said Dad.

“Well, it’s my

choice, s___46___ I’m going to cook it,” Matt replied.

“OK, but she might complain (抱怨) at dinner. Are you ready for that? ” Dad asked.

“Yeah, maybe,” Matt answered.

Almost every time Matt picked something out, his dad would tell him that someone wouldn’t

like it. It was very frustrating (令人懊恼的).

“This is impossible!” Matt said angrily.

“Yes, it is hard. Everyone has d___47___ tastes, and sometimes, we just can’t please (使满意)


“Fine, we’ll go with this plan this week. Next week I’ll try to make everyone happy,” replied


It was time for Matt to make his f___48___ meal, so his parents both came to help him. He

hadn’t cooked before. It took almost an hour to make dinner. He was tired and hungry, but he was

so proud of h___49___—he made dinner!

“Ew, this rice tastes strange,” Sophia said. Matt took a bite. It did taste a little strange. But

he’d worked so hard! He felt like he might c___50___.

“I don’t like cabbage,” shouted Sophia. Matt realized then how his parents must feel every

time he complained about dinner. It was impossible to make sure e___51___ liked every part of

every meal!

“I’m sorry, Sophia. I’m sorry, Mom and Dad. I shouldn’t have shouted at you about dinner all

the time. I don’t want to take over dinner anymore, I won’t complain,” Matt said.

“Thank you, Matt,” Mom and Dad said. Dad continued, “We’ll take back dinner

responsibilities. You can offer some help if you like!” Matt felt a lot better. He happily finished his

dinner and n____52____ complained about a meal again.


43.(h)ate 44.(g)ood 45.(v)egetable 46.(s)o 47.(d)ifferent 48.(f)irst 49.(h)i

mself 50.(c)ry 51.(e)verybody##(e)veryone 52.(n)ever


43.句意:我讨厌肉馅饼。根据“I won’t eat it!”可知,猜测指的是“讨厌肉饼”,陈述事实,用一般现在时,主语是I,动词用原形hate“讨厌”,故填(h)ate。

44.句意:我们每天晚上都要吃好东西!根据“we’re going to let you take over (接管) dinnertime

from now on”可知,自己要接管晚餐时间了,可以做自己喜欢的食物了,即“好吃的食物”,用形容词good作定语,故填(g)ood。

45.句意:每顿饭至少要吃一种蔬菜。根据“We can have cabbage”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“蔬菜”,空前有one修饰,名词应用单数形式,故填(v)egetable。


47.句意:每个人的口味都不一样。根据首字母提示及“and sometimes, we just can’t please (使满意) everyone.”可知,人人都有不同的口味,此处用形容词different修饰其后的名词,故填(d)ifferent。

48.句意:马特该做他的第一顿饭了,所以他的父母都来帮他。根据“He hadn’t cooked before.”及首字母提示可知,这是他第一次做饭,此处应用序数词first表示,故填(f)irst。

49.句意:他又累又饿,但他为自己感到骄傲——他做了晚餐!根据“he made dinner!”及首字母提示可知,他为自己感到自豪,此处用反身代词himself,作为介词of的宾语,故填(h)imself。

50.句意:他觉得自己快要哭出来了。根据“Ew, this rice tastes strange”以及“It did taste a little

strange. But he’d worked so hard!”以及“I don’t like cabbage”及首字母提示可知,自己辛苦做的

晚饭,家人都不满意,自己觉得很委屈要哭了,情态动词might后接动词原形,故填(c)ry。51.句意:要确保每个人都喜欢每顿饭的每一部分是不可能的!根据“Ew, this rice tastes

strange,” Sophia said. Matt took a bite. It did taste a little strange. But he’d worked so hard! He

felt like “I don’t like cabbage,” shouted Sophia.”以及“Matt realized then how his

parents must feel every time he complained about dinner.”及首字母提示可知,要保证人人都喜欢每顿饭的任何部分是不可能的,此处应用不定代词everyone/everybody“每个人,人人”作主语,(e)verybody/(e)veryone。

52.句意:他愉快地吃完晚饭,再也没有抱怨过任何一顿饭。根据“I shouldn’t have shouted at

you about dinner all the time. I don’t want to take over dinner anymore, I won’t complain”及首字母提示可知,从那之后,马特再也不对每顿饭抱怨了,此处用副词never表示否定,故填(n)ever。


It’s that time of year again, when red envelopes (信封) are given to and r___53___ from

friends and families. Here we explain two things.

The story behind giving red envelopes

As you probably know, the Chinese love the red color. It’s a color that represents luck,

happiness, and good e___54___. In China, a red envelope is t___55___ called “ya sui qian”.

According to the story, a monster named Sui came around to hurt children on New Year’s

Eve. To prevent Sui from c___56___ to harm children, parents would light candles and pray in the

night. And people started to join eight coins along red strings (线) and place them under

c___57___ pillows (枕头). Soon, it became a tradition. Sui was kept off by these protective

symbols and finally stopped scaring children.

So why are the envelopes called “ya sui qian”? The c___58___ “sui” actually has exactly the

same pronunciation as “祟” (Sui), the monster’s name. These coins were called “ya sui qian”,meaning “lucky money to keep off harmful spirits”. As generations passed, coins were replaced

with n___59___ and the strings were replaced with envelopes.

Who gives red envelopes and how much should they give?

If you have a job and can make money, it’s time for you to start giving out “ya suiqian”! A

general r___60___ is that the more money you earn, the more money should be a ___61___ to the


According to customs, your parents and grandparents will probably still k____62____ giving

you “ya sui qian” to show their love and wishes. For your own children, you should give from

RMB100 to whatever amount you prefer.


53.(r)eceived 54.(e)nergy 55.(t)raditionally 56.(c)oming 57.(c)hildren’s 58.(c)haracter 59.(n)otes 60.(r)ule 61.(a)dded 62.(k)eep


53.句意:又到了每年的这个时候,朋友和家人都会收到红包。根据“It’s that time of year again,

when red envelopes (信封) are given to and r…from friends and families.”可知,此处指收到红包,receive“收到”,使用动词过去式。故填(r)eceived。

54.句意:这是一种代表幸运、幸福和良好活力的颜。根据“It’s a color that represents luck,

happiness, and good e…”可知,此处指良好活力,energy“活力”,不可数名词。故填(e)nergy。

55.句意:在中国,红包传统上被称为“压岁钱”。根据“a red envelope is t…called”可知,红包传统上被称为“压岁钱”,traditionally“传统上”,副词修饰过去分词。故填(t)raditionally。

56.句意:为了防止祟来伤害孩子,父母会在晚上点蜡烛祈祷。根据“To prevent Sui from c…to

harm children, parents would light candles and pray in the night.”可知,防止祟来伤害孩子,



prevent Sui from c…to harm children”和“And people started to join eight coins along red strings

(线) and place them under c…pillows (枕头)”可知,children“孩此处指放在孩子们的枕头下面,子”,名词复数,此处使用所有格修饰名词,children后加’s。故填(c)hildren’s。


怪物的名字一样。根据“The c…‘sui’ actually has

exactly the same pronunciation as ‘祟’ (Sui), the monster’s name.”可知,此处指“sui”这个字,使用名词character“文字”,使用单数形式。故填(c)haracter。

59.句意:随着世代相传,硬币被纸币取代,绳子被信封取代。根据“As generations passed,

coins were replaced with n…and the strings were replaced with envelopes.”可知,此处指硬币被纸币取代,note“纸币”,使用复数形式表泛指。故填(n)otes。

60.句意:一般的规则是,你赚的钱越多,信封里的钱就越多。根据“A general r…is that the

more money you earn, the more money should be a…to the envelopes.”可知,此处强调一个一般的规则,rule“规则”,使用单数,故填(r)ule。

61.句意:一般的规则是,你赚的钱越多,信封里的钱就越多。根据“the more money you earn,

the more money should be a…to the envelopes.”可知,赚的钱越多,信封里的钱就越多,be

added to“被增加到”,使用动词过去分词构成被动语态。故填(a)dded。

62.句意:根据习俗,你的父母和祖父母可能还会继续给你“压岁钱”来表达他们的爱和愿望。根据“According to customs, your parents and grandparents will probably still k…giving you ‘ya

sui qian’ to show their love and wishes.”可知,此处指继续给你“压岁钱”来表达他们的爱和愿望,keep doing“继续做”,will后跟动词原形。故填(k)eep。


Which would you rather spend your money on, an outing with friends or a pair of expensive

shoes? It is my opinion that spending money on experiences brings greater happiness.

My first r___63___ is that experiences make us different as we grow. We are not the result of

the things we’ve bought. Instead, we are the result of everything we’ve seen and done. For

example, getting expensive clothes didn’t c___64___ me as a person, but the camping trip last

summer certainly did. It made me more independent.

In addition, I p___65___ experiences because they bring people together. Sharing a new

experience develops stronger relationships and creates long-lasting memories. Three years ago I

met some teenagers on a study trip and now I am s___66___ in touch with them, but I hardly

remember what I bought during the trip.

My final point is that, although some people say it is a great j___67___ to own things, I think

using the things you own is more pleasant. For example, I spend most of my spare money on new

parts for my old mountain bike, but I love the experience of c___68___, not owning bike parts!

To sum up, experiences make us who we are and develop stronger relationships. So next time

before you pay for something, give it some s___69___ thought. Ask yourself, “Which will I spend

my money on, an outing or a pair of shoes?”

【答案】63.(r)eason 64.(c)hange 65.(p)refer 66.(s)till 67.(j)oy 68.(c)ycling 69.(s)erious


63.句意:我的第一个原因是,随着我们的成长,经历使我们变得不同。根据下文“In addition,

I prefer experiences because … My final point is that …”可知,此处是在阐述作者的第一个理由,结合所给首字母“r”可拼写出名词reason,意为“理由”,符合句意,故填(r)eason。

64.句意:例如,买昂贵的衣服并没有改变我的个性,但去年夏天的露营旅行确实改变了我。根据下文“It made me more independent”提示,去年夏天的露营旅行改变了作者的个性,此处指的是“改变”,结合所给首字母“c”可拼写出动词change,空格前为助动词“didn’t”,故此处change应用动词原形。故填(c)hange。

65.句意:此外,我更喜欢经历,因为它们能把人们聚在一起。根据上文“Which would you

rather spend your money on, an outing with friends or a pair of expensive shoes?”可知,作者在文章一开头就拿拥有某个物品与拥有一段经历进行对比,故此处指的是“更喜欢”,结合所给首字母“p”可拼写出动词prefer,根据语境及主语“I”可知,此处prefer应用动词原形。故填(p)refer。

66.句意:三年前,我在一次学习旅行中遇到了一些青少年,现在我仍然与他们保持联系,但我几乎不记得我在旅行中买了什么。根据下文“but I hardly remember what I bought during

the trip”可知,此处存在转折关系,故上文指的是仍然与那些青少年保持着联系,结合所给首字母“s”可拼写出副词still,意为“仍然”,符合句意,故填(s)till。

67.句意:我的最后一点理由是,虽然有些人说拥有某些物品是一种极大的快乐,但我认为使用自己拥有的东西更令人愉快。根据下文“I think using the things you own is more pleasant”可知,此处指的是拥有某些物品是一种极大的快乐,结合所给首字母“j”可拼写出名词joy,空格前有“a”,故joy应用单数形式,故填(j)oy。

68.句意:例如,我把大部分余钱花在旧山地自行车的新零件上,但我喜欢的是骑车的体验,而不是拥有自行车零件!根据上文“although some people say it is a great joy to own things, I

think using the things you own is more pleasant”可知,此处指的是喜欢的是骑车的体验,结合所给首字母“c”可拼写出名词cycling,意为“骑行自行车”,符合句意,故填(c)ycling。

69.句意:所以,下次你付钱之前,请认真考虑一下。根据下文“Ask yourself, ‘Which will I spend

my money on, an outing or a pair of shoes?’”可知,下次你付钱之前,要认真考虑一下,结合所给首字母“s”可拼写出形容词serious,意为“认真的”,符合句意,故填(s)erious。

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