Unit 7 I27d Rather Be Black than Female 练习答案



Unit 7

I’d Rather Be Black than Female

Consolidation Activities

I. Text Comprehension

1. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose

A. To present a picture of American women who are prejudiced against in politics and


B. To reveal the difficulties she encountered when running for Congress as a black female.

C. To call for the removal of prejudice against women by relating her own experiences and some

common social phenomena.

Key: [ C ]

2. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.

1). The author implies that American people, both men and women, are not so readily aware of the

existence of prejudice against women as that against blacks. [ T ]

2). The long, tedious and faithful political work can guarantee a woman a dominant position in

politics. [ F ]

3). The author’s experiences of running for office indicate that her every attempt to go upward in

politics was met with men’s strong disapproval. [ T ]

4). Although women suffer prejudice in job recruitment, they still enjoy the same opportunities as

men in career development. [ F ]

5). According to the author, her major responsibility in politics is to affirm the role of women in the

country. [ T ]

II. Writing Strategies

The title of the passage seems to suggest that the article is mainly about the author’s personal

experiences in politics. But careful readers will find that the author integrates such experiences into

the general situation of women, which is more poignant than the racial problem, thus intensifying and

broadening the theme.精品


The author mainly employs three devices: comparison, rhetorical questions and parallelism.

Comparison is used between blacks and females, both of whom suffer prejudices, and between men

and women for their respective roles in politics and for their career opportunities; rhetorical questions

and parallelism are used to highlight the emotive force of the passage.

Now you are required:

1. to differentiate the author’s personal experiences from the general situation of women;

2. to identify and study the rhetorical questions and parallelisms used in the passage.


1. The author’s personal experiences: Paragraphs 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13.

The common situation of women: Paragraphs 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 15.

2. Rhetorical questions: Paragraphs 2, 4, 10, 12.

Parallelisms: Paragraph 15.

III. Language Work

1. Explain the underlined part(s) in each sentence in your own words.

1). Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon.

a successful person

2). If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probably no one would

question me.

express doubt about the truth of what I have said

3). That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men — and, I am afraid,

most women — as bizarre.

gives ... the impression of being

4). Prejudice against blacks was invisible to most white Americans for many years.


5). From the start of that campaign, I faced undisguised hostility because of my sex.



6). Among members of my own party, closed meetings were held to discuss ways of stopping me.

meetings kept secret from other people (such as the public)

7). My opponent, the famous civil-rights leader James Farmer, tried to project a black, masculine



8). Mr. Farmer still doesn’t quite know what hit him.


9). A few years ago, I was talking with a political leader about a promising young woman as a


talented/likely to succeed

10). I love teaching, and I am ready to go back to it as soon as I am convinced that this country no

longer needs a woman’s contribution.

am sure

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1). He felt a sense of incredulity (incredulous), anger and pain at the accusation made against him.

2). A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate (elimination) heart disease.

3). His feelings of resentment have been suppressed (suppression) for years.

4). By the time the pilot realized how close the plane was to the building, it was too late to take

evasive (evade) action.

5). There is a predominance (predominate) of people with an arts degree on the board of governors.

6). It’s very easy to empathize (empathy) with the characters in her books.

7). Late last night, the French ambassador (ambassadorial) was summoned to the Foreign Office to

discuss the crisis.

8). The truth is that they appoint no more than a token (tokenism) number of women to managerial


9). Customers are tired of the stereotypical (stereotype), fast-talking salesperson.

10). It is not his acting but his masculinity (masculine) that really appeals to the audience.

3. Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.精品


think of as | hold a rank | run for | drop out of

reap the rewards | be content with | sit on | build up

be rewarded with | make a difference | reap the rewards

1). She studied every evening and reap the rewards at exam time.

2). I think he is fairly contented with his life.

3). Exercise can make a big difference to your health.

4). He was rewarded for his years of service to the company with a grand farewell party and several


5). Because of poor health she had to stop running for the election.

6). I think him of someone who will always help me.

7). He sits on the Senate Finance Committee.

8). He said that there were few members of ethnic minorities holding senior military ranks.

9). They gave him chicken soup to build up his health.

10). Several students dropped out of the course after three weeks.

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.

1). He’s in a dead-end job.

with no hope of promotion

2). Six people have been put on trial for their role in the anti-government demonstrations.


3). She can’t tolerate noise of any sort when she’s trying to write.


4). Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its status as an international

development agency.


5). Rescue efforts have been handicapped by rough seas and hurricane-force winds.

made difficult

6). I’ll leave it to chance.

just wait and see what happens

7). No one is sure whether this plan will work, but it’s a step forward.

an improvement or development

8). It’s a children’s story but adults can appreciate it on another level.

in a different light

9). The White House said yesterday that the ship was laden with tank parts, explosives, and other

military hardware.



10). The new teacher totally failed to enforce any sort of discipline.

put into effect/put in force

5. Correct the errors in the following passage. The passage contains ten errors, one in each indicated

line. In each case, only one word is involved.

Corrections should be done as follows:

Wrong word: underline the wrong word and write the correct word in the blank.

Extra word: delete the extra word with an “×.”

Missing word: mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” and write the missing word

in the blank.

Glass Ceiling

I’ve received a lot of questions lately during seminars to ask if I

think there is a glass ceiling beyond the top of the corporate

(1) beneath

ladder that blocks successful women from achieving the highest


According to an article in the


Business Review by Alice

H. Eagly and Linda L. Carli, the answer is “No.” However, the

sum of many obstacles along the way often holding women back

from making it into the C-suite. Carol Hymowitz and Timothy D.

(2) holds

Schellhardt were the first to use the term “glass ceiling” on

their March 24, 1986 article in the Wall Street Journal, “The

(3) in

Glass Ceiling: Why Women Can’t Seem to Break the Invisible

Barrier That Blocks Them from the Top Job.” The term

resonated to women around the world because it captured our

(4) with

frustrations — and the term “glass ceiling” has now become

commonplace. However, Eagly and Carli believe a better

metaphor for what confronts women in their careers is the term

“labyrinth” because it “conveys the idea of a complex journey

toward a goal worth striving for. Passage through a labyrinth is

not simple or direct, but requires persistence, aware of one’s

progress, and a careful analysis of the the puzzles that lie ahead.”

How can you make your way to the career labyrinth? According

(5) awareness

to Eagly and Carli, women need to better understand the barriers

that make of the labyrinth, determine how successful women find

(6) through

ways around these barriers, and then attack all barriers to

advancement simultaneously.

(7) up



I like the idea of using the term “labyrinth” instead of “glass

ceiling” because it helps me think of my career as a path to be

traveled, rather than running up toward an invisible barrier.

My best advice to help females deal with a glass ceiling is to quit

thinking one even exists. I had a poster on my bedroom wall

(8) against

while I was going up and said, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.”

I truly believe in that saying and it’s been my mantra throughout

my life. That’s the approach women need to take with their

(9) that

careers. They need to create a career strategy plan and then

follow through with all the research, planning, and skills

development necessary to go after the jobs they really want. If

they do that and they believe in themselves then nothing, not even (10) strategic

a supposed “glass ceiling,” will hold them back from achieving

their career dreams.

6. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.

The Female’s Choice

Scientists (1) studying how females choose their mates have found many similarities between

species, (2) including humans. It seems that females in most species prefer to mate with flashy males

— the most brightly colored, or (3) those with the most lively courtship displays.

Females generally shop around for their mates, sometimes comparing them on the spot in

groups, or more commonly, one at a time. Scientists have shown that female fish are (4) able to

remember and compare the characteristics of males presented separately. The females showed more

interest if one male was more colorful than the one before him.

(5) Whether the females are fish or birds, they generally choose the most colorful male, or the

one who (6) stands out in some way. With tree frogs, it is the male that can call the loudest and most

often. With ducks, it is the males that court the females most often.

In some species, the female prefers males that can (7) provide some direct benefit, such as food

or protection. If males do not provide such obvious benefits, females may choose the males with the

best genes. They measure this by the males’ fitness. Female guppies, for example, seem to prefer

bold males — those that will swim closest to a predator fish. Because the more colorful males seem to

have more courage, females have developed a preference for (8)



colorful males.

Recent evidence indicates that social factors can also influence the female's choice. In many

species, females seem to be more interested in males that already have other (9) females. Scientists call

this “copying,” and (10) younger females are more likely to copy older females than the opposite.

Older females seem to know what they want. But younger females seem to be more willing to follow

the crowd.

Perhaps this accounts for the popular expression “Some guys get all the girls.”

IV. Translation

1. Translating Sentences

1). 也许有人会觉得我的报告过于悲观,但至少我在报告中实事求是地反映了我们面临的问题。(strike sb. as)

My report may strike some people as pessimistic, but at least it’s realistic about the problems we


2). 这本书很有意思,书中就人际关系所表达的许多观点很深刻。(insight into)

It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.

3). 我发现在这个国家没有车还真不行。(handicap)

I found it quite a handicap not to have a car in the country.

4). 警察已经排除了意外事件的可能性,因为时间上太巧合了。(eliminate)

The police have eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident because it was so well


5). 她看着他,一脸鄙视。(undisguised)

She looked at him with undisguised contempt.

6). 这本书中的人物都是模式化的。(stereotype)

The characters in the book are just stereotypes.

7). 只要你坚持锻炼下去,很快就会尝到健康带来的种种甜头。(reap)

You will soon reap the various benefits of being fit as long as you keep doing exercise.

8). 如果你企图逃税,你就有坐牢的危险。(evade)精品


If you try to evade paying your taxes you run the risk of going to prison.

9). 他一直试图按他的标准塑造我。(mold into)

He kept trying to mold me into what he wanted me to be.

10). 我们没有屏幕,但我们可以把幻灯放映在后墙上。(project onto)

We don’t have a screen but we can project the slides onto the back wall.

2. Translate the following passage into Chinese.

Whenever women’s liberation is mentioned, there are often two reactions. One is that this is

just a bunch of frustrated women. The other is that this is something that is a white thing, which

doesn’t concern black women.

The truth is that the exploitation of black women goes deeper than that of white women. Unity

of all black women is needed to push for such demands as self-determination, equal pay, free abortion

and child-care centers. We should realize the need for the women of the black nation to have a

liberation movement of women as part of our movement for total liberation of our people.

The black man has been led to believe that office and skilled jobs are given to the black woman

by the white capitalists to make the black man feel inferior. In reality, there aren’t enough jobs for

everyone, and the black woman suffers the most from low pay and unemployment.





V. Oral Activities

1. Giving A Talk

Males are by nature combative and belligerent. They worship physical force as a manifestation of

masculinity and power. They tend to resort to battle when disputes arise and regard victory as honor.

That’s probably one of the reasons why human history is one filled with war and anguish, as men

have been ruling the world. Females, by contrast, are more empathetic and diplomatic. A world

dominated by women may be a more peaceful and harmonious one. If you agree, explain in detail



how different the world would be if women ran the government. If you disagree, give examples to

back up your point.



(For reference)

I think the world would be a lot better if women ran the government. Women care more about

beauty and tidiness. They would like to see the street clean, the river limpid and the sky blue. So they

would probably invest more money into environmental protection to make the world a more

beautiful and lovely place to live. Women are by nature more loving and sympathetic. They can’t

bear the sight of sufferings — children in famine, people displaced from their homeland by war and

oppression, helpless old people left unattended to.

Pity would lead them to do whatever in their power to alleviate whatever people may suffer from

— loneliness, poverty and pain. War would be the last thing they wanted. Peace would reign

throughout the world.


For years, while women have had to constantly fight against gender bias, there have been voices

among men that women are being unreasonable and ungrateful. They argue that men shoulder a

larger share of the burden as the bread-winner. In your view, who lives a more tiring life in the

modern society, the female or the male?

Having A Discussion

(For reference)

I don’t know if it is the same case with men in other parts of the world, but in modern China,

I think men bear more stress and strain than women.

Nowadays, single men in China find it more difficult to find their other half. Women are inclined

to favour those who are able to afford an apartment or a car, or preferably both. If a man doesn’t

have a creditable job and owns neither an apartment nor a car, he has very little chance to get a wife.

Apart from the stress of winning the favour of women, men also suffer more stress from work.

Competition has got fiercer in the modern age, as women have assumed more roles and done equally

well in the job market. Men have to work harder to win appreciation from their bosses.

Men were and still are the bread-winner of the whole family. They need to not only provide a

shelter for their children and wife, but also support their parents. Thank God, women don’t have to

bear so many burdens as men. It’s so tiring.



VI. Research Paper Writing

Writing the First Draft

After you have prepared your ideas and written an outline, you are ready to start writing your

first draft. Note the word “first.” A mistake we often make is thinking that once we have written a

draft, the essay is done. No, the first draft is only one part of the whole writing process that leads to a

finished, presentable, and hopefully excellent essay.

The purpose of the first draft is to get the ideas out, to flesh out your answers to the topic

questions, and to give you some content to shape and change into a finished essay.

As you begin the first draft, do not worry about crafting a captivating introduction. Many find

writing the introduction the most challenging part of the whole process. It is better to plunge directly

into the body of your argument, with perhaps a two-sentence opening, simply summarizing your

thesis. Once you know what you have said in the essay, it becomes easier to find an effective way of

introducing it. You can go back later and write the introduction. Similarly, you can skip any paragraph

while writing the first draft.

The point is to write the essay as a flowing whole and to really let the ideas and words splash out

onto the paper. At this stage of writing, DO NOT spend time fixing anything. DO NOT change

anything. DO NOT even consider bothering about your spelling or grammar. You will fix and change

in the next stage.

When you are writing your first draft you will probably find that you don’t have all of the

materials you need for a finished essay. For example, you may need examples to illustrate several of

your points. If you have them, fine. If you’re stumped, just put a note in brackets: “[need an

example here].“ Then move on to the next point. Put a note in brackets to remind yourself of what

you need, but don’t stop to look for it as you write your draft. It is important that you make notes

for yourself as to what you need to find and develop before you have a finished essay. Doing so will

save you a great deal of time because you will have a “shopping list” to bring to the library that will

help define what you need to finish the essay. This will make your further research much easier.

But it is equally important that you try to get down on paper what you want the whole essay to

say. This is the only way to test and develop your trial thesis statement. The whole should determine

the parts, not the parts the whole. You may find that your thesis needs major revision and that you

really want to take a different approach than you originally planned. That will help to clarify what

details are important enough to pursue and what can be omitted.精品


Further Enchantment

Text II


Philip Goldberg

Text Comprehension

1. Answer the following multiple-choice questions:

1). According to the author’s study, many people consider women inferior to men _____.

A. intellectually

B. physically

C. emotionally

D. psychologically

Key: [ A ]

2). Which of the following is true about the study?

A. The study was to investigate whether women are really inferior to men.

B. Out of the 140 subjects, 100 girls were used to test the first hypothesis.

C. The girls did not know the real purpose of the study.

D. The study shows that women only hold a bias in traditionally masculine fields.

Key [ D ]

3). The articles used in the study __________.

A. were written by six different authors in six different professional fields

B. were each followed by nine questions for the girls to rate the authors

C. by male authors were more persuasive and profound

D. were exactly the same but bore different names of authors

Key [ B ]

4). In which of the following fields will women consider themselves most inferior to men?

A. Linguistics.

B. Law.

C. Dietetics.

D. City planning.精品


Key [ B ]

5). What does the author mean by “Their real coach in the battle of the sexes is not Simone de

Beauvoir or Betty Friedan. Their coach is Aristotle”(Paragraph 18)?

A. Aristotle taught them ideas of equality.

B. Simone de Beauvoir or Betty Friedan was not as influential as Aristotle in the battle of the sexes.

C. Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan failed as feminists.

D. Though the girls may show support to modern ideas of equality advocated by Simone de

Beauvoir or Betty Friedan, they still hold the same belief as Aristotle that women are inferior to


Key [ C ]

2. Questions for Discussion

1). It has been admitted that women are different from men. And the author says, “It is quite

possible to perceive a difference accurately but to value it inaccurately.” Then how should we

evaluate the perceived differences accurately?

Physically, women are different from men, and such differences surely have some effects on

women’s lives, study and choice of occupations. But what is important is that women should be

evaluated in accordance with these differences, instead of with the same criteria as we use to evaluate


2). The subjects chosen by the author for the experiment were all college girl students, and they

seemed prejudiced against their own sex. Do you think education can really help remove or reduce

the prejudice against women?

Education can help, in part, to reduce sexism. However, the solution to the problem depends on

the joint effort of the whole society, including educational institutions.

3). Compare the results of the experiment in this text with the view in Text I. What suggestions would

you make to affirm women’s contribution to society?

The experiment results indicate that women tend to believe that they are inferior in some

professions. In Text I, the author expresses her conviction that more involvement of women in

politics can help change the present situation. Similarly, to encourage more involvement of women in

these professions also can help change their perception about themselves.






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