

怎么做煎牛排(How do you make fried steak)

How to make fried - two people at the same time made

a mistake, stand up to bear the side called tolerance, the other

side owed the debt, sooner or later have to return. - do not

love is not love, don't fucking say we. Teach you how to make


Method one:

The first step is to spice up the steak and use whatever spices

you like


Which was second with a little baking oven a few minutes (in

fact you will get it not baked too);


In the third step to find a pan slightly DAB butter (do not wipe

too), the bovine emissions slightly boost to fry.


AP forgot one thing, do with butter sauces and spices with a

smaller pot in Khao steak or fried steak (use your imagination),

the sauces in the final pouring installed on the edge of the

plate of steak.

So get out of the steak which was not too health.


Which was at last, don't do the best after five o'clock ah, until

seven or eight, dark, a red wine, candles, had to sit

face-to-face, the way to get a small basket of flowers in them,

the rest of you love why why. That's what the book says.


Beef is not too thick, use the knife to shoot bad, a little red

wine onion salt and marinate for 20 minutes, with olive oil,

will not add a little butter with salad oil in low heat for,

there is no cheese broken? Finally, it should sprinkle a little,

with cumin. Yes, but also find some carrots, chop onions Ding

Weihuo butter saute, add some sauce, not even add some red wine

gravy, salt (salt to be just right, not too salty) slightly open

look, finally thicken, pour in the steak. Better add some sauce

and chili sauce.

Method two:

Material: (two copies)

1. steaks. 4. red wine.

2. sea salt. 5. dried spices (Italian, Season).

3. black pepper. 6. olive oil.


Prior salting:

1. in both sides of the steak and sprinkle with the right amount

of small particles of sea salt (no salt, kosher salt can also

be), black pepper.

2., with red wine (we are in the amount of hotel to buy the

cheapest), height of about 1/3 of the thickness of the steak.

(no red wine, no use does not matter, however, the taste is

slightly less rich).

3. sprinkle with a thin layer of dried spices. Fresh rosemary

also tastes good.

4., the whole pickled about ten minutes.

Pan fry:

1. heat pan, under the olive oil, sirloin steak.

2. fry the sides slightly with a fire to lock the gravy of the


3. once locked after the gravy, pour the remaining sauce, just

marinated with Guan small fire, cover and simmer for a few

minutes (depending on the thickness of the steak, and pot).

The cut of the 4. sliced meat is pinkish red. Finally, sprinkle

a little black pepper, that is delicious fried beef steak.

Method three:

It is the steak seasoning the meat with pear juice plus

seasoning, put in charcoal on the grill of Korean traditional

food. Peach juice can be served with peach juice. * soy sauce

plays the role of seasoning, increasing appetite, is the

indispensable seasoning of Korean diet. Sweet taste is due to

amino acids, unique aroma is due to aromatic ingredients, and

preservative effect. Also because of the smell of food aroma,

in addition to. Material: steak 1Kg, white onions 1, green

pepper 20 * sauce sauce: soy sauce 6 tablespoons, white sugar

3 tablespoon, chopped green onion 4 tablespoon, ramming garlic

2 tablespoon, sesame 4 tablespoon, sesame oil 2 tablespoon,

pepper 1/2 spoon. Practice (1) cut the steak into 5-6cm size,

remove the fat, and peel the meat on the spareribs. (2) each

pick up a pork marinated in seasoning sauce, seasoning and mix

thoroughly, put charcoal on the grill, hot grill, roast ribs

put out.

Method four:

Materials used:

2 - 3 cm thick beef tenderloin (one half of the book size,

available for two persons)

Olive oil

Salt. Black pepper

proper amount of sesame dishes (arugula), washed and dried

canned red peppers

Balsamic - 5-6 teaspoon vinegar

Proper amount of Parmesan cheese


1. The steak is seasoned with salt and pepper

2. Add 3 tsp olive oil to the wok. Add in the oil until it begins

to smoke

Steak, side fried for about 6 minutes, do not move it. Turn the

noodles and fry for 6 minutes. So big

As a result of moderate piansheng. If you prefer medium, fry

each side for 3-4 minutes.

3. Transfer the steak to the plate and wake up for 10 minutes.

1. The steak is seasoned with salt and pepper

2. Add 3 tsp olive oil to the wok. Add in the oil until it begins

to smoke

Steak, side fried for about 6 minutes, do not move it. Turn the

noodles and fry for 6 minutes. So big

As a result of moderate piansheng. If you prefer medium, fry

each side for 3-4 minutes.


Transfer the steak to the plate and wake up for 10 minutes.

4. Place the Sesame Salad on the salad plate of suitable size.

Will be red pepper (actually not spicy)

Tore up the pieces and dotted them with sesame seeds.

5. In a small bowl of 2 3 teaspoons of olive oil, vinegar and

5-6 teaspoon of balsamic.

Gravy collected on a wok. Add the right amount of salt and black

pepper and mix thoroughly.

6. The steak cut into thin slices, carry on the salad, poured

on a step well dressing.

7. Finally, make a few slices of Parmesan on top.

Method five:

fried steak

Raw material:

Steak, onion juice, Yellow Wine, egg, soy sauce, tomato,

cucumber slices potatoes, or lettuce and tomato slices.


The steak cut into small pieces 10 grams of weight by

circleslice block knife was made into 1 and a half inches

diameter, then with a knife cut several times, then put the meat

round, the steak with onion juice, piecewise into Yellow Wine

tune into marinade in tow, remove marinate for five minutes,

and then drag eggs confused; hot oil, two fried golden yellow,

cooked spicy sauce and tomato sauce, turn a few pan Zhuangpen,

with cucumber slices of potatoes, or lettuce and tomato slices

on the seats can be.

Method six:

Black pepper steak (simple recipe):


Seasoning: salt, chicken, sugar, soy sauce, black pepper, corn



1, the beef into thin slices, add salt, chicken, sugar, soy

sauce, black pepper powder, starch marinated for 15-20 minutes;

2, fried dish pour a little oil, put microwave oven preheated

2 minutes, 30 seconds, and then the steak spread on the plate,

put microwave oven for 4 minutes.

Method seven:

Fresh orange steak

Ingredients: steak 5 slices, orange 2

How to make it: 1., cut the steak into three equal portions,

and mix it with a little salt, sugar, wine and soy sauce.

2., after washing the orange, a juice stand-by, and the other

cut into four equal division, remove the flesh, cut into slices,

with 1/4 of the skin cut into strips, spare.

3. the wok into the right amount of oil, first fried steak 3

or 5 minutes, then add orange juice and orange, quick fry steak

well done and Orange Juice liquid dish after inhalation.

4., finally wash wok, a little oil, when the oil boiling,

immediately after the orange peel explosion, immediately

picked up, sprinkled on the steak can be.

fried steak

Raw material:

Steak, onion juice, Yellow Wine, egg, soy sauce, tomato,

cucumber slices potatoes, or lettuce and tomato slices.


The steak cut into small pieces 10 grams of weight by

circleslice block knife was made into 1 and a half inches

diameter, then with a knife cut several times, then put the meat

round, the steak with onion juice, piecewise into Yellow Wine

tune into marinade in tow, remove marinate for five minutes,

and then drag eggs confused; hot oil, two fried golden yellow,

cooked spicy sauce and tomato sauce, turn a few pan Zhuangpen,

with cucumber slices of potatoes, or lettuce and tomato slices

on the seats can be.

2. steak flavored with pear juice plus seasoning the meat, put

in charcoal on the grill of Korean traditional food. Peach juice

can be served with peach juice.

* soy sauce plays the role of seasoning, increasing appetite,

is the indispensable seasoning of Korean diet. Sweet taste is

due to amino acids, unique aroma is due to aromatic ingredients,

and preservative effect. Also because of the smell of food aroma,

in addition to.

Material: steak 1Kg, white onions 1, green pepper 20 * sauce

sauce: soy sauce 6 tablespoons, white sugar 3 tablespoon,

chopped green onion 4 tablespoon, ramming garlic 2 tablespoon,

sesame 4 tablespoon, sesame oil 2 tablespoon, pepper 1/2 spoon.


(1) cut the steak into 5-6cm size, remove the fat, peel and

strain the meat on the ribs.

(2) each pick up a pork marinated in seasoning sauce, seasoning

and mix thoroughly, put charcoal on the grill, hot grill, roast

ribs put out.

American black pepper beef steak + pasta (also not spaghetti)

A piece of material on the filet steak 1 tablespoon butter


The nine storey tower on the Sauteed Green Beans carrot amount

Seasoning water 1 bowl cornstarch and water amount

of 1 tablespoons of tomato sauce

The vegetarian oyster sauce 2~3 tablespoons frozen assorted

vegetables black pepper


1., hot water in the pot, add tomato sauce, boiled oyster sauce.

2. add frozen assorted vegetables and cook well.

3. season with black pepper.

At the end of 4. in order to cornstarch water thicken, dish and

set aside.

The 5. pan heat oil, add fried filet steak.

6., add another pot of water, boil, add a little salt, pasta

will be cooked, picked up, drained, while hot add cream and

Chop the nine layers of the tower. Mix well with a little salt

and pepper.

7. carrots and Sauteed Green Beans cut long strip, boiled.

8. in the tray into the plain steak, pasta, carrot and Sauteed

Green Beans.

9.. Finally, drizzle with black pepper sauce.

Delicious tips

The cooked pasta can mix some butter, olive oil can also be used

to mix, the other nine storey tower, with Brazil or some dried

spices such as: Italy spices or Oregon instead, will have a

different flavor.

Key factors in the pasta cooked steak, boiled or less, then

fried filet steak can be avoided when serving cold.


The 1. part of the season with a variety of dishes, vegetables

to mix and match, such as: broccoli, corn,....

Available in 2. different shapes of pasta or noodles to mix and

match, but the cooking time should be reference to packaging

of noodles.

3. when making sauce, plain oyster sauce can be replaced with

soy sauce and some sugar.

Beef is not only rich in nutrition, but also tender and juicy

after making steak. It is also a classic in Western food!

Online look at some steak practices, but not in detail, after

their own attempts to make success, the production experience

to share with you, I hope you can come in handy!

Black pepper steak practice

Material: beef, garlic, ginger, onion, egg, salt, MSG, black

pepper, cornstarch, cooking wine, soy sauce, tomato sauce!

Steak is roughly divided into two parts. First, make the steak

cake. Second, black

Making of pepper paste!

一,选牛里脊肉,或一般牛肉300克左右(多多少少看自己的食量)切成巴掌大的薄片!切完后用锤子锤松(没有专用的就用擀面杖的一头锤也可以!)然后装盘,把大蒜头,生姜,洋葱切丁!要多一点等下做黑椒酱时也需用!把这些东西和刚切好的牛肉拌在一起,再加少量盐,胡椒,味精,料酒,老抽,生粉和一个鸡蛋用手抓一下,调料抓匀后放在一边腌一下,需十分钟!十分钟后再加生粉抓一下放置5分钟!要那种比较干的效果!但生粉绝对不能太多,因为会影响牛肉的肉质!好了,牛排饼体处理好了可以下锅煎了!放适量油,最好是牛油,没有就用拉油吧!把腌好的牛肉片下锅煎,掌握生熟度几成熟就 In this step!

To a few mature is not good with words, you can rely on the

cooking experience, 5 seconds once not fried too old, a little

short time is rare, fried long old a little love! Westerners

eat 3 mature, can see the beef cut the blood that I, every time

the decocting effect of four or five mature, suggest that you

would eat six or seven mature! For Chinese taste! OK! Can dish

to prepare for the second step procedure!

Two, the first chopped garlic, ginger, onion and stir fry with

a little oil, note that the fire not too big, oil burning hot

after a small fire fried it! Then add tomato sauce (like a

special black pepper sauce, Western-style food but ordinary

people generally do not buy, so I with ketchup and a large black

pepper instead of ketchup! But can not gado, can't let it take

black pepper and meat) with ketchup to explain, now! Don't

forget the pan fried. Also, we don't get distracted! Then, put

a pot of something stirring open water, water a little more

because even with cornstarch thicken received!

Add some cooking wine, salt and monosodium glutamate on the side

of the soup, and then add black pepper and black pepper (then

you can taste the soup) until you feel strong black pepper!

Well, you can combine the results of the two steps, and pour

the broth on the cooked steak cake!

Try it. How about the steak house on the street? If you want

to perfect yourself, get some meals, macaroni, and red wine,

you can make a candlelight dinner and have a romantic

relationship with your girlfriend!

This is the microwave oven:

Material: steak (about 350 grams), red pepper 1 shred onion half

a shred, garlic 1 spoons, 1 green peppers shredded.

Marinade: 2 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoons oil, 2 tbsp oil,

pepper, chicken little.

Seasoning: 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 spoons of soy sauce, salt,

aquatic powder little tomato sauce a little chopped green onion,

a little water, a little black pepper.

Practice: 1, steak marinate with marinade for 15 minutes. 2,

disc under 2 tablespoons oil, microwave high fire 2 minutes,

add the marinated steak, microwave high fire for 1 minutes, turn

over, and then heated for 1 minutes (according to the personal

favorite degree of cooked and add time) 3, take a bowl of oil

2 spoon, microwave high fire 1 minutes, preheating input, onion,

garlic, pepper silk, red chili pepper and saute, add seasoning,

microwave high fire 2 minutes to boil, pour over the beef can


Raw material:

The brand of beef (thick meat is preferred) 1000 grams

Which was 100 grams of lard

Improving the amount of salt

Improving the practice:

AP 1, 6 pieces of beef cut into about 2 cm thick steak, with

a knife in the body slightly flatten, slightly knife (not cooked


AP 2, Pan home Wanghuo cooked, add a small amount of oil, beef

steak, both sides quickly burst, which changed the small fire,

plus the amount of the oil, then fry steak, sprinkle salt on

both sides,

Continue frying until cooked.

AP 3, steak (2 cm thick) time required depends on the maturity

of the steak:

The brand Red Bull (grilled steak fry for 1 minutes each side).

The brand red steak (medium)

The brand as the fry 2-3 minutes on each side.

The brand is cooked the fry 3-4 minutes on each side.

The brand through the surface of each steak fry for 5 minutes.

Some of the brand with steak food

AP 1, British food is steak with fried onions.

AP 2, French steak in the fried steak to put a piece of lemon

and mashed garlic butter. Served as boiled beans and baked


AP 3, pepper steak in the fry before the first crushed in the

steak with pepper. Pan fried and served with cream sauce.

AP 4, can be used with other food such as:

The brand of French fries - Vegetable Salad

Which was boiled peas, boiled asparagus, boiled potatoes

AP - fried mushroom sauteed string beans -- boiled potatoes

AP 5, also can pour different flavor sauce to taste different,

such as Holland to win the sauce, sauce etc..

Which was to eat:

Which was a piece of fried steak, into the plate, according to

the practice, choose the appropriate sauces and side dishes.

Sauce poured on the steak, placed next to the corresponding side

dishes. Can also be fried steak, sauce and garnish respectively

dish or plate, along with the table, pick up. Eat with knives

and forks.

The characteristics of the brand:

Which was the meat fresh mellow, delicious taste.


The brand of raw materials:

The brand of beef (thick meat is preferred) 1000 grams

Which was 100 grams of lard

Improving the amount of salt

Improving the practice:

AP 1, 6 pieces of beef cut into about 2 cm thick steak, with

a knife in the body slightly flatten, slightly knife (not cooked


AP 2, Pan home Wanghuo cooked, add a small amount of oil, beef

steak, both sides quickly burst, which changed the small fire,

plus the amount of the oil, then fry the steak on both sides,

sprinkle with salt, continue to cook until cooked pot.

AP 3, steak (2 cm thick) time required depends on the maturity

of the steak:

The brand Red Bull (grilled steak fry for 1 minutes each side).

The brand red steak (medium)

The brand as the fry 2-3 minutes on each side.

The brand is cooked the fry 3-4 minutes on each side.

The brand through the surface of each steak fry for 5 minutes.

Some of the brand with steak food

AP 1, British food is steak with fried onions.

AP 2, French steak in the fried steak to put a piece of lemon

and mashed garlic butter. Served as boiled beans and baked


AP 3, pepper steak in the fry before the first crushed in the

steak with pepper. Pan fried and served with cream sauce.

AP 4, can be used with other food such as:

The brand of French fries - Vegetable Salad

Which was boiled peas, boiled asparagus, boiled potatoes

AP - fried mushroom sauteed string beans -- boiled potatoes

AP 5, also can pour different flavor sauce to taste different,

such as Holland to win the sauce, sauce etc..

Which was to eat:

Which was a piece of fried steak, into the plate, according to

the practice, choose the appropriate sauces and side dishes.

Sauce poured on the steak, placed next to the corresponding side

dishes. Can also be fried steak, sauce and garnish respectively

dish or plate, along with the table, pick up. Eat with knives

and forks.

The characteristics of the brand:

Which was the meat fresh mellow, delicious taste.


fried steak

Raw material: beef steak

Ingredients: onion juice, Yellow Wine, egg, soy sauce, tomato,

cucumber slices potatoes, or lettuce and tomato slices.


(1) the steak cut into small pieces 10 grams of weight by

circleslice block knife was made into 1 and a half inches

diameter, then with a knife cut several times, then put the meat

round, the steak with onion juice, piecewise into Yellow Wine

tune into marinade in tow, remove and marinate for five minutes.

Drag eggs confused;

(2), hot oil, pan fried, cooked spicy sauce and tomato sauce,

turn a few pan Zhuangpen, with cucumber slices of potatoes, or

lettuce and tomato slices on the seats can be.


Grilled steak

Ingredients: Net steak 500 grams

Spices: salt, sugar, pepper, soy sauce, wine, monosodium

glutamate right amount

Method: steak with a knife, with salt, sugar, pepper and other

condiments marinate for half an hour;

Steak on the grill, into the oven, bake for 25 minutes, and then

turn bake for 10 minutes.


Traditional Korean barbecue Niu Xiaopai

The use of U.S. imports of 0.5cm wide beef steak, first remove

the layer of grease to oblique blade into 0.2cm thick, pat to

the ribs, with special seasoning (add apples, Wine and lemon)

marinate for half a day so that more Huanen tasty meat. Then

put Niu Xiaopai in a traditional Korean barbecue, keep the gravy

essence, food shed when picks up the gravy.

The entrance of fresh lettuce wrapped beef slices, according

to personal taste with miso sauce, garlic, pepper etc..


Swiss Cheese Steak set

The main course is a famous Swiss Cheese Steak, this steak with

U. S. weishikangxin imported in small calf muscle, calf is still

not lactating cattle grazing, this particular tender beef,

popular in Europe, but in small muscle is small in the top grade

of beef filet is the most superior the site. When cooked, first

go to the tendons flat, with Swiss cheese and ham, and then dip

batter first fried and grilled, one size fits all under the

cheese slowly out, it is also a continental steak. The package

also includes a comprehensive pre cold vegetable salad, bread,

lobster soup and dessert dishes, although the arrangement not

French cuisine but delicate, quality assurance.


Fry veal with black pepper

Stick the ground black pepper in the outer ring of the veal steak

Heat the pan with olive oil. Wait until the temperature is high,

and let the calf out.

Keep an eye on one side and don't touch it in a minute, or you'll

get stuck.

Fry for 5 to 8 minutes depending on the degree of ripeness


Fried steak

Fresh frozen steak, amount of pepper, pepper, cumin, little,

ginger powder, fresh or dried chili sauce.

Practice: above all materials into the pot, a little soy sauce.

20 minutes after the steak, brush clean other materials. Small

hot pot, the steak yards into the pot, small fire slow toast.

To the bloody steak out again when dry, to the fire, add pepper,

just remaining pepper, cumin, ginger powder, add a little soy

sauce. Stir fry for a while before loading.


Korean steak

It is the steak seasoning the meat with pear juice plus

seasoning, put in charcoal on the grill of Korean traditional

food. Peach juice can be served with peach juice. * soy sauce

plays the role of seasoning, increasing appetite, is the

indispensable seasoning of Korean diet. Sweet taste is due to

amino acids, unique aroma is due to aromatic ingredients, and

preservative effect. Also because of the smell of food aroma,

in addition to. Material: steak 1Kg, white onions 1, green

pepper 20 * sauce sauce: soy sauce 6 tablespoons, white sugar

3 tablespoon, chopped green onion 4 tablespoon, ramming garlic

2 tablespoon, sesame 4 tablespoon, sesame oil 2 tablespoon,

pepper 1/2 spoon. Practice (1) cut the steak into 5-6cm size,

remove the fat, and peel the meat on the spareribs. (2) each

pick up a pork marinated in seasoning sauce, seasoning and mix

thoroughly, put charcoal on the grill, hot grill, roast ribs

put out.

Answer: it is really fine - COO 11-29 20:08 thirteen

The questioner's assessment of the answer:

What a timely rain

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