


科目 英语

年级 高三

文件 high3

标题 The Trick (计谋)

章节 第十单元

关键词 高三英语第十单元




■ 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南

Prediction , Conjecture and Belief (预见、猜测和相信)

● Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语

1. I guess she's gone to visit some friends in another town .


2. That's possible , but we can't be sure . 那有可能,但我们不能确定。

3. Something may have happened to her . 很可能他发生了啥事。

4. She might have + done … 她有可能已经……

She might have left for holiday . 她有可能去度假了。

5. She must have + done …

She must have gone to the public library . 她一定是去公共图书馆了。

6. It seems that … 好象……

It seems that she has known the examination marks . 好象她已经知道了考试的结果。

7. It looks as if … 好象……

It looks as if the boy is anxious about his sick father . 那个男


8. Obviously she's gone somewhere to stay . 很显然她去别的某个地放了。

9. I 'm sure … 我可以肯定地是……

I 'm sure that you will be given a warm welcome . 你放心,你肯定能受到热烈的欢迎的。

10. In actual fact , I think you're right . 实际上, 我倒认为你是对的。

11. I can't guess how much it costs . 我猜不出要多少钱。

12. Can you guess his age ?

13. He must come from the northwest . 他一定是来自西北。

14. You must be joking ! 你一定是在开玩笑 !

15. They must have arrived by plane . 他们一定是乘飞机来的。

16. I seem to have caught a cold . 我似乎得了感冒。

17. It seems that he's not in at the moment . 他现在好象不在家里。

18. There seems no need to grow now . 现在似乎没有必要去了。

19. It appears to be endless . 似乎没有止境。

20. You appear to have travelled quite a lot . 你似乎去过了不少的地方。

21. It appeared that she had a taste for music . 她似乎很喜欢音乐。

22. I believe it to be true . 我相信这是真的。

23. I don't believe that it matters too much . 我认为这事关系不大。

24. There seems to be a good film tonight .

25. It seems that the petrol prices will increase this summer .

26. He can't have saved much money . 他不可能节约了很多的钱。

27. It's obvious that we are running out of our food . 很显然我们的食物快用完了。

● Model Dialogues 交际示范


A:Excuse me , Where are you from ?

B:Can you guess ?

A:You must come from Australia , don't you ?

B:Yes , I do . How did you guess ?

A:The way you speak ! Which part of Australia are you from ?

B:Plumtree . That's a small village near Sydney .


A:Hello . May I speak to Mr Wu ?

B:Sorry he has gone to Guangzhou .

A:I saw him this morning . When did he leave ?

B:Twelve o'clock . He must have arrived by now .

A:Oh , what a pity ! When will he be back ?

B:It seems that he won't be back until next Wednesday .

A:Ok , thanks . Bye !

B:Bye !

■ 单元核心句型剖析

1. ( Lesson 37 ) It's not like her to have missed two days of

classes .


〖剖析〗It's (just) like sb to do sth “某人(恰恰)就是这个样子”,表示表扬或者不满,其否定式则表示怀疑。如:

It's like him to leave the work to others . 他就是把工作推给别人的人。

It was like him to fail us at the last minute . 他就是这样,在关键时刻让我们失望。

It's just like her to think of others before thinking of herself .


It isn't like him to have said anything like that .他可不是说出那种话的人。

It isn't like her to have spent so much money . 花掉这么多钱,我看这不像她做得出来的事。

◆ 下面两句不一样:It's not like her to have missed two days

of classes .


It's not like her to miss two days of classes .


◆ to have missed 是非谓语动词的完成式,表示动作早已完成。是高考测试中的重要知识点。又如:

(1)It isn't like him to have told a lie to the manager . 他不是给经理撒谎的那种人吧。

(2)I'm glad to have seen your headmaster yesterday .

(3)He is said to have written a novel about the Long

March . 据说他写了一本关于长征的小说。

(4)They thought it a pity not to have invited them . 他们认为没有邀请他们是令人遗憾的。

(5)I regretted to have missed such good chances . 我遗憾的是错过了这些好机会。

2. (Lesson 39 )The moment he entered the room , Bill fixed

the chain across the door . 比尔一进入房间,就用链条把卧室的门扣上。

〖剖析〗这是复合句,其句型为:the + 时间名词 + 时间从句 +

主句。the moment … 表示“一……就”,相当于 as soon as 。注意从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。如:

We started the moment we got your telegram .

The moment I heard your voice I knew that you were very

angry with me .

The moment he comes , let me know .

The moment you set foot on Chinese soil you will see what

great changes have taken place in the past 5o years .

◆ 在中学英语中,一些名词词组具有连词的作用,现归纳如下,供同学们学习参考。

◇ the + 瞬间名词 (instant , moment , minute , etc . ) ,意为“一……就……”。例如:

The instant the result came out she told us about it . 结果一出来,她就告诉了我们。

The machine starts the moment the button is pressed . 一按电钮,机器就开动了。

◇ the + 季节名词 (spring , summer , autumn , winter)。例如:

He came back the autumn his sister got married . 他妹妹结婚的那年秋天他回来了。

Jack went to Beijing the winter his mother was ill . 他妈妈有病的那年冬天杰克去了北京。

◇ the + 序数词 + time。例如:

The second time we met , he replied to a lot of questions . 我们第二次见面时,他回答了不少问题。

He came to see my mother the first time he came to London .


◇ 不定代词 each , every , any + time。例如:

Each time he came to Paris he would visit the museum . 他每次到巴黎都要去参观那个博物馆。

You're welcome to come back any time you want to . 你什么时候回来,我们都欢迎你。

◇ the + day , week , year……。例如:

He called on me the day he arrived . 他到的那天来看我了。

Tom didn't go to school the week the teacher was ill . 老师生


◇ 其它词组。例如:

I didn't see how he could act the way he did . 我不懂他怎么能那样做。

He doesn't study hard the way his elder brother does . 他不像他哥哥那样努力地学习。

■ 单元语法难点排除

直接引语变间接引语的 10 个注意点

本单元的语法要求是复习间接引语(Indirect Speech)和直接引语( Direct Speech )。同学们要通过本单元系统掌握表示请求或者命令的直接引语(祈使句)变成间接引语的方法。掌握当直接引语是一个陈述句时,在变成间接引语时应把这个陈述句变成由连词 that 引导的宾语从句,并根据意思改变人称和时态以及时间或者地点状语。下面是必须灵活驾驭的知识要点:

〖注意点 1 〗直接引语到间接引语的时态有变化。如直接引语的现在完成时变成间接引语的过去完成时等。时态变化中应注意:


Our teacher said , “The earth moves around the sun . ” →

Our teacher said that the earth moves around the sun .


The boy said to his parents , “I had finished my homework

before supper .”→

The boy told his parents that he had finished his homework

before supper .


“We wish we didn't have to take exams . ”said the children .

The children said that they wished they didn't have to take

exams .

〖注意点 2 〗 指示代词、人称代词、时间状语、地点状语及方向

性动词也有变化。如直接引语中的 now变为 间接引语的 then 等。

注意如果转述发生在当地、当天的事,直接引语中的 come ,

here , today , this morning , yesterday , tomorrow 等不必改变。

He said , “I want this . ”→ He said that he wanted that .

He said , “I arrived yesterday morning .” → He said he had

arrived the morning before .

He said , “I'll come here this evening .”→ He said he would

come here this evening .

〖注意点 3 〗直接引语是陈述句,间接引语为 that 引导的宾语从句。

She said to me , “I'm studying Japanese these days .”→

She told me (that)she was studying Japanese those days .

〖注意点 4 〗 直接引语是一般疑问句时,间接引语为whether /

if 引导的宾语从句。

Mr Howe asked , “Are you preparing for it ?”→

Mr Howe asked whether we were preparing for it .

如果是表示建议时可用 suggest / advise 来完成。

“Shall we meet at the theatre ?”he said . → He suggested

that we should meet at the theatre . = He suggested meeting at

the theatre .

〖注意点 5 〗 直接引语是特殊疑问句时,间接引语为连接代词(副词)引导的宾语从句。

He asked , “Which one do you like best ?”→ He asked

which one you liked best .

〖注意点 6 〗 直接引语是反意疑问句时,间接引语为 whether /

if 引导的宾语从句。

He asked , “You have succeeded , haven't you ?”→ He

asked us if we had succeeded .


“Shut the door , will you ?”→ He told / asked me to shut

the door .

〖注意点 7 〗 直接引语是祈使句时应把间接引语的句式改为 ask ,

tell , order 等+ 宾语 + 不定式。间接引语有时可以用 that 引导的宾语从句。以 let 开头的祈使句变间接引语时要选用 suggest + ing ,

suggest + that 从句,ask sb to do , advise sb to 。

The Party secretary said , “Let's do our best to win still

greater victory .”→ The Party secretary advised that we should

do our best to win still greater victory .

〖注意点 8 〗直接引语是感叹句时可以用 what / how 引导。间接引语是祝愿时用 wish 。

“ How fast he runs ! ”he said . → He said how fast he ran .

= He said that he ran very fast .

He said ,“Happy new year ! ”→ He wished me a happy new

year .

〖注意点 9 〗 直接引语中有多种句式时,间接引语按照各自的句式转换。

“I can hardly hear the radio .”he said .“Could you turn it

up ?”→

He said he could hardly hear the radio and asked me to turn

it up .

〖注意点 10 〗如果直接引语中后一句说明前一句的原因时,可以用 as 来替代第二句的引导词。

“You'd better wear a coat . It's very cold outside .”he

said .→

He advised me to wear a coat as it was very cold outside .


■ 单元重点新词透视

1. pause 作名词或者动词是“ 中止,暂停”

He often paused in his speech . 他讲演时常常停下来。

He made a short pause and then went on reading . 他停顿了



(1) 辨析 pause 和 stop

pause 是短暂的中断或停止。stop 是突然、断然的终止。

He stopped talking with his friends . 他停止与朋友交谈。(stop + ing 停止干)

He stopped to talk with his friends . 他停下来与朋友交谈。(stop + to do 停下来干)

The foreign guests paused to look round the park . 那些外宾在公园里停下来看看四周。

He began to speak but suddenly stopped .

The speaker paused for breath .

Jane paused to look into a shoe window . 简停下脚步,看一看橱窗。

(2)词组:at pause 中止,停顿。make a pause 停顿一下。without a pause 没有休息。pause on / upon 在……停顿一下。

2. aloud 大声地;出声地

She cried aloud for help . 她大声呼救。

Read the text aloud please . 请朗读课文。

〖测试要点〗辨析 aloud , loud , loudly

aloud 强调发出的声音虽然不一定很大,但能听得见,不是窃窃私语。aloud 没有比较级。

He read the letter aloud .

He reads the story aloud to his young son . 他朗读那篇故事给他小儿子听。

He laughed loudly . 他大笑起来。

think (out) aloud 自言自语

She has a good pronunciation when she reads aloud .

loud 作副词 = loudly ,“响亮地,大声地,高声地” 但强调发出的音量大,传得远的声音,一般多用于动词 speak , talk , laugh , read

等的后面。loud 还作形容词,有比较级和最高及。

In order to be heard , the teacher speaks loud and clear .

We shouted as loud / loudly as we could . = We shouted at

the top of our voices / lungs .

Speak louder , please . I can't hear you .

You are talking too loud .

He told us that in a loud voice .

All of us dislike loud music .

Will you please speak a little louder ?

loudly 作副词是“响亮地”,强调“喧嚣”之意。

Suddenly , the bell on the wall rang loudly .

Someone knocked loudly at the door .

The bomb exploded loudly (= with a loud noise ) .

3. fear 作名词或者动词“害怕,恐惧,担忧”

She feared for the little boy's safety .

There is no fear of his losing his way . 他不会迷路的。

I fear that I am late . = I'm afraid that I am late .

I have a fear that we will be late . = I'm afraid we will be late .


(1) 用于简略回答中。

-Is she going to die ?

- I fear so . 恐怕如此。

A: Will he get well ?

B: I fear not . 恐怕不会好了。

(2) for fear (that) 由于害怕,生怕,以免。后跟的从句中用情态动词 might , would , should 。

I took an umbrella with me for fear (that) it should rain . 我因为怕下雨而带雨伞去。

4. aircraft 飞机;航空器(包括飞机、直升机、滑翔机、飞艇、热气球等);飞艇

The airline has ordered 25 new aircraft . 这家航空公司定购了

25 架飞机。


aircraft 是集合名词,单复数一样。在测试中必须注意不要在其后加 -s 。

by aircraft 用航空器(注意中间不要加 the ),相当于 by plane ,

by air , by airplane , by aeroplane 。

5. flight 楼梯的一段。

He lives two flights up . 他住的地方还要再上两段楼梯。

She fell down a flight of stairs . 她从一段楼梯上摔了下来。

〖测试要点〗辨析 flight 和 stair

flight 是“一段楼梯”。stair 是“一层后台阶”。可见 flight 范围大于 stair,也就是说,flight 是由一层一层的stair 组成。另外,flight 还作“飞行,飞翔,航班,射程”讲。

How long is the flight to New York ?

She took the two o'clock flight to Chicago . 她搭两点飞往芝加哥的航班。

Did you have a good flight ? 这躺飞机还好吧 ?

The flight of stairs wants repairing .

His room is three flights up . 他的房间在 3 段楼梯上面。

■ 单元重点词组扫瞄

Lesson 37

1. be worried about 为……发愁,焦急,担心

He was worried about / over her health .

2. turn up 出现;向上翻;扭亮灯,开大音量

He promised to come but hasn't turned up yet . 他答应来,但还没有露面。

She turned her nose up at the idea . 她对这个主意翘起了鼻子。(表示蔑视)

He turned up the ends of his trousers . 他卷起了裤腿。

Please turn up the radio a little . It's too low .

Something unexpected may have turned up .

〖测试要点〗会辨析使用由 turn 构成的词组:

turn against 背叛。turn away from 把脸从……转过来。turn

back 折回,把……逐回。turn down翻下衣领,调小,关小。turn in

归还,递交。turn off 关掉。turn on 打开。turn over 翻倒,仔细考虑。turn to 转向,求助于。by turns = in turn(s) 轮流,依次。take turns

at +doing 轮流干。

We take turns at cooking . = We cook by turns .

They sang on the stage in turn .

We drove the car by turns . = We took turns at driving the

car .

The key you lost has turned up . 你遗失的钥匙已经到。

I turned to him for advice .

A big wave turned over the fishing boat .

It turned out that two passengers had been killed .

Everything turned out well . 一切顺遂。

Don't turn on the TV now .

Turn off the lights before you go out .

Please turn down the television .

We had better turn back now , for it is getting dark .

She turned away and cried .

Nothing can make me turn against my company .

3. at least = at the least 至少

The food wasn't good but at least it was cheap .

注意区别:not in the least 一点也不,丝毫不。

He is not in the least angry .

4. What / How + about … 干……怎么样?……好吗 ?

How / What about a cup of coffee ?

〖测试要点〗What / How about 后可接名词 (或者动名词、代


How / What about taking a walk ?

How about going to Qingdao for our holidays ?

Some of them have gone . How about the others ?

What about us having a break under the tree ?

5. in actual fact = in fact = in reality = as a matter of fact =

actually 其实,事实上

I thought she was six , but in actual fact , she's only four .

Lesson 38

1. pick up 得到,获得,收听到,拾起,中途让某人上车

This kind of radio can pick up the programmes broadcasting

by BBC. 这种收音机接受 BBC电台的节目比较容易。

He had picked it up from a research station in the desert the

day before . 这是他前一天从沙漠地区的研究所取来的。

2. glance over = glance ( one's eyes ) over 随便看一看,浏览 。

Oh , he didn't study it . He only glanced over it . 噢,他没有研究过它,只粗略地看了一看。

glance over 有时相当于 look over , glance through。在课文中的 … then glanced over his shoulder before continuing down the

street . (然后他回头望了望,就又沿街走去。)

最好一段中的 glance at 为“对……瞥一眼”。He glanced at his

watch once again .

3. have a sudden thought 突然想出一个主意

I still remember he had a sudden thought in time of danger .


have … thought of / about 有……的办法,有……想法,有……打算

I had no thought of hurting his feeling . 我无意伤害他的感情。

I had some thoughts of going to the countryside . 我想到乡下去。

Have you got any thoughts about next weekend ? 你下周有啥打算 ?

4. in a flash 瞬息,刹那间

In a flash he remembered everything and a plan began to

form in his mind .

An idea formed in my mind in a flash . 我脑子里闪出一个想法。

5. hold out 伸出,拿出

He held out his hand and stopped a taxi . 他伸手拦了一辆出租车。

6. on one's arrival ……一到达

On his arrival he went straight to the counter . 他一到达就径直向服务台走去。

7. in uniform 身着制服

Do you know the man in uniform over there ? 你认识那边身着制服的人吗 ?

8. appear calm 外表显得很镇静(注意这里 appear 是系动词,故后接形容词 calm ,不要用 calmly )

9. with fear 害怕地

10. have a look around = look around = look about = look

round 环顾四周

11. follow sb upstairs 跟某人上楼 (注意upstairs 为副词,其前不要加 to )。又如:go upstairs / downstairs

12. break into 非法进入,破门而入;闯入

We had to break into the room as we had lost the key .

This box looks as if it's been broken into . 看来这箱子有人撬过。

13. walk over to 走到……处

14. by name 名叫;指名道性地

The assistant , Tom by name , is asking to see you . 一个名叫汤姆的售货员要求见你。

He call call all his students by name . 他能叫出所有学生的名字。

by the name of 名叫,以……身份

A friend of mine by the name of Mike will be your manager .


15. walk around 在……随便转转

16. with sunglasses = wear sunglasses 戴着墨镜

17. smile to oneself 暗自微笑

The man with the beard smiled to himself .

Bill smiled to himself and began to feel less anxious .

I saw Mary smile to herself as she read the funny article .

注意类似的表达还有: think to oneself 暗想,say to oneself 自言自语。

18. take the lift to the fourth floor 乘电梯到四楼

19. get in a taxi 上出租车。get out of a taxi 下出租车。

20. say one's name aloud 大声说出某人的名字

Lesson 39

1. make a lot of money 赚一大笔钱

2. for a moment 一下子,片刻,一会儿

注意:for the moment 目前,暂时

3. get on the aircraft to 乘飞机去……

4. It is perfect for 对……妙极了

5. force sth open 强行打开

注意:open 作宾补。如:The boxes of precious stones were

forced open . 一箱箱宝石被强行打开。

6. break off 打断,折断,突然停止,休息,绝交

He broke off a branch and gave it to me .

Tom broke off telling the story to answer the telephone . 汤姆讲故事时突然停下来,去接电话。

She broke off with her best friend . 她与自己最好的朋友断绝了往来。

Let's break off for ten minutes . = Let's have a rest for ten

minutes .

7. a flight of twelve stairs 一节 12 级台阶

8. turn round / about 转身,转向

They turned round and stood in the middle of the room ,

completely astonished .

9. lead up to 向上通到……

10. be curious about 对……好奇

11. escape from 从……逃离

12. make a telephone call to 给……打电话

13. play a trick on 给……开玩笑

14. be ashamed of 对……感到惭愧

15. as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌

16. a flash of lightning 一道闪电

17. be supposed to do 应该干 ……

Lesson 40

1. not do any shopping 不买任何东西

2. send a telegram to sb 给某人发电报

3. shake with fear 吓得直哆嗦




第 28 课中出现了 calm (镇静的,沉着的),除calm 表达汉语“静”外还有:quiet , silent , peaceful 和 still。现就其用法归纳如下:

1. 形容天气的“温和”、“平静”、“寂静”时,这四个词基本通用。如:

a calm day 平静的日子,a quiet night 寂静之夜,a silent ,

moonless night 一个寂静、没有月亮的夜晚

2. 形容湖、海、洋的“平静”用 calm , quiet 和 still。如:

The sea is very calm . 海面很平静。

The high wind passed and the sea was calm again . 大风过后,海又平静下来。

The waters of the lake were quiet yesterday . 昨天湖面平静。

Still waters run deep . 静水流深。

3. 形容人的“冷静”、“镇静”用calm。如:

Keep calm ! 冷静点!

He is always calm even in times of trouble .

He seemed to be calm , but that deceived nobody . 他看上去是一副镇静模样,但其实谁也骗不了。

4. 形容人的“静默”用 quiet , silent。如:

He remained quiet throughout the meeting . 整个会议期间他保持沉默。

5. 形容人的性情温和、文静用 quiet。含没有明显的运动和声音。如:

a quiet girl 文静的女孩

My parents are quiet people . They never go out in the

evening . 父母爱静,晚上从不外出。

This hospital lies in a quiet street .

6. 形容人“静止”用 still。still 含寂然不动,鸦雀无声。如:

Please stand still while I take your picture . 我为你拍照时,请站好别动。

Right now you need to stay still . 现在你需要静静地呆着。

The boy couldn't keep still in the doctor's chair . 孩子在医生的椅子上一刻也坐不住。

7. 表达“安静”,quiet , silent , still 都能用。如:

Be quiet / silent . 请安静。

a quiet room 安静的房间

The audience was quite still . 全场听众几乎鸦雀无声。

The town was still in the early hours of the morning . 清晨时刻整个城镇静静的。

The building was usually very quiet . 那楼通常很安静。


They stood calm ( quiet , silent , still ). 他们镇静地(安静地、默不作声地、一动不动地)站着。

● 当心试题中的“分离现象”


◇ 主谓被分隔造成谓语动词的误用。


All but one ____ here just now .

A . is B . was C . has been D . were

该题答案为D,但考生往往把 one 看作主语,误选B。

The day we looked forward to ____ at last .

A . come B . came C . coming D . comes

由于把人句中 looked forward to 看作谓语,故错选了C。实际上本句是缺少谓语,应选B。

◇ 从句被状语分隔,造成关系词与连词的误用,或由于行文需被分隔造成错误。


I met the teacher in the street yesterday ____ taught me

English three years ago .

A . which B . when C . where D . who

若把 yesterday 误当作先行词,会导致错选B,而其实 teacher


The news has come from Beijing , ____ an important meeting

is being held there .

A . where B . in that C . that D . which

若把 Beijing 看成先行词,则会导致其后面的从句误看作定语从句而错选A。实际上逗号后的句子是 news 的同位语从句,答案应为C。客中结构是为了保持句子的平衡。

◇ 习语中间插入其他词造成分隔,导致用词搭配错误如:

We waited ____ line for the bus .

A . for B . in C . on D . with

此句易受习语 wait for 的影响而误选A,其实句中 wait for 已被分隔,应选B。

◇ 因倒装而引起的分隔造成谓语动词的误用。


At that time on it ____ 2200 people .

A . was B . is C . are D . were

若把 it 看成主语,则会误选A。其实主语为 people , 应选D。

◇ 其他分隔引起的错误。如:

We'll do all we can ____ them .

A . help B . to help C . helped D . have helped

由于定语从句用了省略形式,往往把 can 当成从句谓语的一部分,导致误选A。其实这是不定式用作目的状语,应选B。

◇ 定语从句中的分离现象

There are 800 students in the playground of our school , 55%

____ are girls .

A . of them B . in them C . of which D . of whom


He is one of those students who , I am sure , always do ____

best .

A . his B . their C . my D . one's

从表面上看答案似乎是C,但如果注意到前面的 who , 答案就明确了。此题定语从句中的关系代词 who 和谓语动词 do 被 I am sure


◇ 连锁疑问句中的分离现象

____ would you say ____ be done ?

A . Why , it should B . Why , should it

C . What , should it D . How , that it should

此题不少学生错选D。原因是不了解此结构是连锁疑问句。其结构为“疑问词+一般问句+特殊问句的其余部分”,往往用来征询对某一疑问点的判断、认识、看法、猜度等。在这种问句中一般问句部分常见的动词有 think , guess , say , suppose , hope , imagine , believe等。此题中疑问词被移至句首,故选A。

- I haven't heard from him for a long time .

- What do you suppose ____ to him ?

A . was happening B . to happen C . has happened D . had


粗心者十有八九会选B。实质上此题也是一种连锁疑问句,特殊问句中的 what 移至句首。该句强调的是过的动作对现在造成的影响,因此用现在完成时,故选C。

◇ 动词短语中的分离现象

If better use is ____ your space time , you'll make greater

progress in that .

A . spent B . taken C . made of D . used for


made of”应是“由……制成”之意。实质上此题考查的是短语“make use of”的用法,use 从原结构中分离出来充当条件句中的主语,因此谓语动词用被动式。

What idea can a man who is blind from birth have ____ colour ?

A . of B . in C . for D . with

不少学生误选B,认为“在颜这方面”。其实此题考查的是“have (some , little , no…)idea of”结构。其中 who is blind from

birth 是修饰 a man 的定语从句。该句中的“what idea”是疑问词被移至句首,故选A。

◇ 不定式复合结构中的分离现象

Who did the teacher have ____ an article for the wall

newspaper just now ?

A . written B . writing C . write D . to writer

做此题时,首先要理清句子结构,理解 have 的确切含义, have

在此句中意为“请(让、叫)”。该句考查的是“have sb . do sth . ”结构,have 的受动宾语疑问词 who 被移至句首,故选C。

Whom had you better ____ it ?

A . to let do B . let to do C . to let to do D . let do

此题考查两种结构的用法:1 . had better do sth . ; 2 . let sb . do

sth . 。此题题意为“你最好让谁做这件事呢 ? ”let 的受动宾语 whom


◇ 主谓一致中的分离现象

Everybody in our country , men and women , old and young ,

____ sports and games .

A . enjoy B . were enjoying C . enjoys D . are enjoying

此题主语和谓语被同位语分隔了。同位语对主语只起修饰、解释、说明的作用,不影响 everybody 的单数性质,故此题选C。

Miss Green as well as Mr and Mrs Green ____ devoted ____

spare time to the research work .

A . has ; her B . have ; their C . have ; her D . has ; their

此题正确答案为A。当主语后面跟 as well as , with , together

with , but , including , besides 等连接的名词或代词时,谓语动词和其前面的名词或代词在人称和数方面保持一致。


科普系列阅读 (二)

◆ Rockets in the Sky

What is the sky ? Where is it ? How high is it ? What lies above

the sky ? I am sure that you have asked questions like these . They

are very difficult to answer , aren't they ?

Perhaps we can answer some of these questions now . What

is the sky ? It is vast space . Where is the sky ? It is all around the

world . In the sky there is the sun , the moon , and all the stars .

Scientists have always wanted to know more about space .

They use telescopes to obtain information . But this is not

enough . So they want to send men to some of the other worlds

in space .

The moon is the nearest heavenly body to the earth . An

airplane cannot fly to the moon , because the air only reaches a

height of 240 kilometres . Then there is no air . But a rocket can

fly even when there is on air .

A rocket is made of metal there is a hot gas inside it . When

it rushes out of the end of the rocket , the rocket is pushed up

into the air .

Rockets can fly far out into space . Rockets have already taken

men to the moon . One day they may be able to go anywhere in


NOTES : ⑴ vast adj . 广阔 ⑵ obtain v . 获得

EXERCISES: 请回答下列问题

⑴ What is the sky and where is it ?

⑵ In order to know more about space , what did scientists

do ?

⑶ Why can't we fly to the moon in an airplane ?

⑷ what pushes a rocket up into the air ?

⑸ Can we be sure men will be able to go anywhere in space

one day ?






月球是离地球最近的天体。飞机不能飞到月球上去,是因为飞机只能到达 24 万米的高度,再往上就没有空气了,但火箭即便在无空气时也能飞行。



答案:⑴ The sky is vast space and it is all around the world .

⑵ They used telephones to obtain information and they wanted

to send men to some of the other worlds in space . ⑶ Because

the air only reaches a height of 240 kilometres , then there's no

air . ⑷ A rocket is made of metal . There's a hot gas inside it .

When it rushes out of the end of the rocket , the rocket is pushed

up into the air .

◆ Flying

Men have always wanted to fly like birds . Birds can fly easily

because they are light , but men's bodies are heavier .

Men first went up into the air in balloons . These are big bags ,

and they are filled with gas . Hydrogen is a useful gas for

balloons . It is lighter than air . Helium is also lighter than air , but

it costs a lot of money . So balloons were (and are ) usually filled

with hydrogen .

Balloons have to fly with the wind as they have no engines

to drive them against it . Later , men made airships . These were

balloons with engines , but they were also filled with hydrogen

and some of them caught fire because the hydrogen escaped and

the engines heated it . Then the airship was completely burnt in

a few seconds .

Aircraft with wings now take people across the world .

Powerful engines drive these machines across the sky . Some of

the engines are like the engines of cars , but they are more

powerful .

There is another kind of engine which we call the jet engine .

An English engineer invented the jet engine . In May 1942 his

new engine was fixed in an aircraft , and the aircraft flew quite

well . At the same time he Germans were also building a jet

engine ; but neither country told the other , of course .

Jet engines are very powerful . Usually two , three or four are

enough for an aeroplane ; but some big aircraft have six . Anyone

in a moving jet plane can feel the power of the engines . Jet

planes can travel faster than sound (Sound travels at about 1100

feet a second . That is about 760 miles an hour .) As a flying jet

plane leaves its noise behind it , we do not hear it until it has

gone .

Notes : ⑴ hydrogen n .氢气 ⑵ helium n . 氦气 ⑶ be filled with


Exercises : 请回答下列问题

⑴ Which costs more money , balloons filled with hydrogen

or those filled with helium ?

⑵ What were airships ?

⑶ Why did some of the airships catch fire ?

⑷ When was the first jet engine fixed in an aircraft ?

⑸ How many jet engines are usually enough for an

aeroplane ?


飞 行





还有一种我们称之为喷气式装置的发动机。一位英国工程师发明了这种喷气式发动机。1941 年5月,他发明的新发动机安装在一个飞机里,这个飞机飞行得很好。与此同时,德国人也建造了一个喷气式飞机发动机,当然两个国家都没告诉对方。

喷气式发动机马力很大。通常在一个飞机里装有两个、三个或四个已经足够了,但一些大的飞机要装六个。在一个正在运动着的喷气式飞机里,任何一个人都可以感觉到这些发动机的力量。喷气式飞机的速度要比声音的传播速度快(声音一 秒钟传播约1100英尺,也就是1 小时传播760 英里)。一个飞行着的喷气式飞机只有它飞过后我们才可听到噪声。

答案:⑴ Balloon filled with helium . ⑵ Airships were balloons

with engines , but they were not round .They were long , and the

engines were at the back . ⑶ Because airships were also filled

with hydrogen and some of them caught fire because hydrogen

escaped and the engines heated it . Then the airship was

completely burnt . ⑷ In May , 1941 . ⑸ Usually two , three or four

are enough for an aeroplane , but some big aircraft have six .


A Riddle Story

It happened in a small village . The weather was bad and the

farmers couldn't get good harvests . Most people were poor and

few of them could send their children to school . Only Robert

whose uncle was a policeman and worked in a town was in school

for three years . So he thought himself the cleverest man in the

world and always looked down upon others . One evening the

young man went out for a walk and saw several farmers talking

under a big tree . He joined them and soon he thought they were

all foolish .

“Well , Mr Know-all , ”said an old farmer . “Are you good

at guessing any riddles ?”

“Yes , I can guess all kinds of riddles !”the young man said

without thinking .

“Please listen to me , then , ”said the old man . “Mr Smith

has seven children . Autumn came and the apples were ripe . So

he sent one to hold the ladder , two to pick apples and three to

take the fruit home . And how many stayed at home ? ”

Mr Know-all thought for a long time and answered , “One ! ”

“You are wrong , ”a little boy returned . “Two persons

stayed at home ! ”

All the farmers began to laugh at the young man . And do

you know why ?

〖释疑〗There were eight people in the house (Mr Smith and

his seven children ) . The farmer sent six to work in the garden .

So there were two people left at home .



■ 单元热点测试突破

易错常考的“情态动词+ have done”结构

在本单元出现了多处 “情态动词+ have done”表达推测。如:Something may have happened to her . 该结构经常用于 NMET 测试中,请同学们勿必引起高度的重视。下面是常见的形式:

◇ must + have done (have been doing) 表示对过去情况的推测,只用于肯定句,意思是“一定……”。对过去的否定推测用

couldn't have + done 。对现在的否定推测用 can't be 。

Her eyes were red , she must have been crying . 她两眼通红,一定一直在哭。

You must have left your handbag in the theatre last night , I

think . 我想你一定把手提包丢在剧场了。

He can't be Li Ming . Li Ming is taller than him by a head .

She couldn't have gone to the cinema yesterday afternoon ,

because he was staying with us all the day long .

◇ should (ought to) + have done 表示“本来应该做而实际上没做”,其否定式则表示“本来不该做而实际上做了”,常含有责备的语气。

You should have been here five minutes ago . 五分钟之前你就应该到这里了。

How I regretted the days when I had played and should have

studied . 我多么懊悔我本应该好好学习的日子都玩掉了!

◇ could + have done 表示“本来有能力做而实际上没有做”。

- We could have walked to the station , it was so near . 这么近,我们完全能走着来车站。

- Yes . A taxi was not at all necessary . 是呀,根本不必搭车的。

I could have won if I hadn't fallen over . 要不是摔倒,我准能赢。

◇ needn't + have done 表示“本来不必做的事,实际上做过了。”

I got up early , but needn't have done so , because I had

nothing to do that morning . 那天早上我起得很早,可我根本不必起这么早,因为我无事可做。

You needn't have written such a long article . The teacher

only asked for 300 words , and you have written 600 words . 你没有必要写这么长的文章,老师只要求写300字,你写了600字。

◇ would like to have done 表示“本来希望做而却未做的事”。

I'd like to have gone to college . 我要是上大学就好了。

I'd like to have seen his face when he opened the letter . 我真想看到他拆信时的脸。

◇ can (could) + have done (have been doing) 表示对过去情况的推测,只用于否定和疑问句中,意为“一定没有……,一定不会……”。用 could 比用 can 语气更加委婉些。

He couldn't have gone to bed , you see , the light in his room

is still on .


Where is Dick ? Where can he have gone ? Can he have been

working ? 狄克在哪儿呢 ? 他会去哪儿呢 ? 他能一直干活吗 ?

◇ may (might) + have done (have been doing) 表示对过去的推测,多用于陈述句,意思是“可能……”。用 might 比用 may 语气更加委婉。

I may have misunderstood him . 我可能误解他了。

She might have taken the book with her , I suppose . 我想她可能把书带走了。

They might have been quarrelling about the problem the

whole day . 对于那个问题他们可能一天都争论不休。

◇ would / should + have done 用于虚拟条件句中,表示与过去事实相反。should 只用于第一人称,would 用于各人称。

I should have called you if I had known your telephone

number . 如果知道你的电话号码,我就给你打电话了。

There be 推测句型。其结构形式为:There + can / could / may

/ might / must + sth ./ sb . 。


There must be many students in the classroom . 教室里一定有许多学生。


■ 中视图文好题快递

NMET 语境选择 100 题

1 . - What are you doing ?

- I'm looking ____ the children . They should be back for lunch

now .

A . after B . at C . for D . up

2 . The teacher told the class to ____ their books , for they

would have a test .

A . put away B . put by C . put on D . put up

3 . I wonder what has brought ____ this remarkable change in

their relationship ?

A . along B . away C . about D . around

4 . I can hardly hear th radio . Would you please ____ ?

A . turn it on B . turn it down C . turn it up D . turn it off

5 . He must ____ the south , for he likes to have rice for meal .

A . come along B . come over C . come from D . come to

6 . Still , he ____ his post , reporting the water level to the

headquarters every fifteen minutes .

A . came to B . stuck to C . devoted to D . got to

7 . By reading quickly , I ____ the book before the library

closed .

A . could be finishing B . could have finished

C . could finish D . can finish

8 . - Must I get through the business in one evening ?

- No , you ____ .

A . mustn't B . haven't C . needn't to D . don't have to

9 . - Where ____ my umbrella ?

- Somebody ____ it away by mistake .

A . is , must have taken B . is , must take

C . was , must take D . is , takes

10 . The teacher knows a lot about Shanghai . He ____ there

before .

A . must be B . must go C . must have been D . must have


11 . - Will your brother stay here tonight ?

- I'm not sure . He ____ shopping tonight .

A . must go B . can go C . may go D . will go

12 . - Did Jim come ?

- I don't know . He ____ while I was out .

A . might have come B . has come

C . must have come D . should have come

13 . Why didn't you make me a telephone call yesterday ? I

____ about it .

A . should be told B . ought to have been told

C . should have told D . ought to be told

14 . - Hurry , Mary ! You ____ on the phone .

- Oh , I'm coming . Thank you .

A . want B . are being wanted C . are wanted D . are wanting

15 . How long have you been in Beijing ? I ____ you ____ here .

A . didn't know were B . didn't know , had been

C . don't know , are D . haven't known , are

16 . -Hasn't Professor Zhou arrived yet ?

- No , but I ____ he ____ here by this time .

A . thought , would be B . think , is

C . thought , was D . think , will be

17 . -You've agreed to go , so why aren't you getting ready ?

- But I ____ that you ____ me to start at once .

A . don't realize , want B . don't realize , wanted

C . haven't realized , wanted D . didn't realize , wanted

18 . - Look at this! I ____ some old pictures and ____ this baby

picture .

- Is it a picture of you ? It's so lovely .

A . was going through , found B . am going through , find

C . went through , had found D . had gone through , find

19 . - Where have you been all the time ?

- I came back at noon and I ____ in this room since .

A . have been B . was C . had been D . have gone

20 . She ____ for ten hours at least . It was at nine that she fell

asleep last night .

A . slept B . had slept C . has slept D . was sleeping

21 . Don't get that ink on your shirt , for it ____ .

A . won't wash out B . won't be washing out

C . isn't washing out D . doesn't wash out

22 . - We spent all our money because we stayed at ____ most

expensive hotel in town .

- Why didn't you stay at ____ cheaper one ?

A . the , a B . a , a C . the , the D . a , the

23 . - What would you like to eat ?

- I don't mind . ____ -Whatever you've got .

A . Something B . Everything C . Anything D . Nothing

24 . My eyes are getting tired . I ____ for two hours . I think I'll

take a break .

A . have read B . read C . have been reading D . am reading

25 . It's foolish to have a taxi ____ you can easily walk to the

station .

A . if B . that C . where D . when

26 . Harvard , ____ in 1636 , is one of the most famous

universities in the United States .

A . set B . formed C . discovered D . founded

27 . ____ you like to see the movie tonight ? I ____ meet you

at the gate of the Student Center .

A . Would , will B . Would , can C . Do , must D . Will , could

28 . There was a ____ change in the weather , and the rain

came pouring down .

A . quick B . fast C . slow D . sudden

29 . - Excuse me , can I use your ruler ?

- ____ .

A . No , you can't B . I'm sorry , but I'm using it C . Yes , you

could D . I'm afraid you couldn't

30 . I ____ at the station half an hour ago , but the train ____

yet .

A . arrived , didn't come B . was arriving , hadn't come

C . arrived , hasn't come D . had arriving , didn't come

31 . - Did you visit many places while you were in the States ?

- Yes , ____ .

A . only a few B . only few C . quite a few D . quite few

32 . - The manager is away .

- Who is taking ______ of the company ?

A . charge B . place C . part D . position

33 . - Can he lend me some money ?

- I regret to tell you he is ____ you .

A . not rich as B . no more rich than

C . no richer than D. not richer as

34 . - My goodness! I just missed my flight .

- That's too bad , but I am sure you ____ it if you ____ .

A . had caught , had hurried B . could have caught , had


C . could catch , would hurry D . could have caught , hurried

35 . The small company I had worked for was closed a few

months ago , and I am now still ____ a job .

A . looking at B . looking for C . looking up D . looking after

36 . Tom came back with a message ____ there would be a

test soon .

A . when B . which C . as D . that

37 . Emily stopped her car ____ a black cat ____ across the

street .

A . to let , run B . letting , run C . to let , running D . letting ,


38 . They tested the new medicine ____ doing experiments

____ rabbits .

A . on , with B . by , for C . in , to D . by , on

39 . Sheila , ____ we had been waiting , finally arrived .

A . who B . whom C . for whom D . for which

40 . He is getting better . ____ is no need to send for a doctor .

A . came he B . he came C . did he come D . he did come

42 . ____ many times , but he still couldn't understand it .

A . Having told B . He had been told

C . Though he had been told D . Having been told

43 . If you drive from the airport , go on the motorway and

follow the ____ to the city .

A . points B . signs C . plans D . ways

44 . I don't have any ____ but to do as you tell me .

A . way B . choice C . chance D . means

45 . Did you see that ____ involving two cars and a bicycle ?

A . accident B . incident C . danger D . happening

46 . The writer was always looking for suitable ____ to use in

his next story .

A . contents B . articles C . ideas D . objects

47 . I'm sorry , David . It wasn't my ____ to cause a quarrel

between you and Joanna .

A . point B . meaning C . intention D . view

48 . His wide ____ of the newspaper world enabled him to

make a success of his job as an editor .

A . career B . experiment C . experience D . profession

49 . I am sorry you told him the secret . I wish you ____ him

the secret .

A . didn't tell B . wouldn't tell C . will not tell D . had not told

50 . Mary wishes that she ____ law instead of history when

she was in college .

A . has studied B . had studied C . studied D . would study

51 . - If he ____ , he ____ that food .

- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately .

A . was warned , would not take B . had been warned , would

not have taken

C . would be warned , had not taken D . would have been

warned , had not taken

52 . - Is Mr . Brown in , please ?

- ____

A . It's me . Who are you ? B . I'm , who's that ?

C . Who's calling ? This is Brown . D . Yes , speaking .

53 . - Would you have ____ more ____ ?

- No , thanks . I've had too much already .

A . a little , orange B . some , oranges

C . a few , orange D . some , bananas

54 . - How soon will Henry be back ?

- He said he would come home ____ four o'clock .

A . after B . in C . about D . for

55 . - Which one would you like ?

- I don't ____ . I would be pleased with either one .

A . dare B . mind C . tell D . choose

56 . I don't like ____ of the two pens . Please show me ____ .

A . both , one B . all , the other

] C . neither , the others D . either , another

57 . He was afraid ____ the yard because he was afraid ____ by

the big dog ____ at the gate .

A . to enter , to be bitten , lay B . of entering , of being bitten ,


C . of entering , to be bitten , laying D . to enter , of being

bitten , lying

58 . A list of the new League members was ____ and the pupils

looked at it and discussed .

A . put away B . put up C . turned up D . turned on

59 . Oh , glad to see you , John . What ____ you to this city ?

Be here long ?

A . carries B . brings C . takes D . makes

60 . Mary is ____ honest girl and will go to ____ college after

she finishes____ middle school .

A . a , a , the B . an , the , a C . a , the , 不填 D . an , 不填 , 不填

61 . - Thank you for helping me .

- ____ .

A . Thank you B . Never mind C . It's nothing D . It's a pleasure

62 . - Do you mind if I smoke here ?

- ____ .

A . Pardon , I do B . Yes , not at all

C . No , I do mind D . I'm sorry , but I do

63 . - May I speak to Mary ?

- ____ .

A . This is Mary speaking B . I am here

C . This is Mary to speak D . I am Mary speaking

64 . - May I use your dictionary ?

- Certainly , ____ .

A . give it to you B . it is here C . here you are D . there is

65 . - Would you like a cup of tea ?

- ____ . To tell you the truth , I'm rather thirsty .

A . No , thanks B . Yes , please

C . Yes , I do D . Yes , I like it very much

66 . -You cooked us a wonderful meal , Mrs . Jackson .

- ____ . I'm glad you enjoyed it .

A . No , just so-so B . Not at all

C . I don't think so myself D . Thank you

67 . - Why weren't you at school yesterday ?

- ____ .

A . No , I was , sir B . Yes , I was , sir C . But I was , sir D . I was ,


68 . - Do you think it will rain tomorrow ?

- ____ .

A . Yes , I think it B . I'm afraid so C . I'm afraid of it D . I think


69 . - I'm going to Beijing for a few days .

- ____ .

A . Goodbye B . I like it C . Have a good time D . So long

70 . - A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

- ____ .

A . You have some happy holidays , too , sir B . Thank you ,

sir . The same to you

C . Thanks , sir . The best of luck to you D . That's very kind

of you to say so

71 . - I'm awfully sorry to have kept you waiting so long ,

Tom .

-____ .

A . Not at all B . You are welcome

C . This doesn't matter D . Never mind

72 . - Do you think I could borrow your dictionary ?

- ____ .

A . Yes , you may borrow B . Yes , you could

C . Yes , help yourself D . Yes , go on

73 . - I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday , Mr . Smith .

- ____ .

A . Oh , no . Let's not

B . I'd rather stay at home

C . I'm very sorry , but I have other plans

D . Oh , no . That'll be too much trouble

74 . - Who is Jerry Cooper ?

-____ ? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting .

A . Don't you meet him yet B . Hadn't you met him yet

C . Didn't you meet yet D . Haven't you met him yet

75 . - Alice , why didn't you come yesterday ?

- I ____ , but I had an unexpected visitor .

A . had B . would C . was going to D . did

76 . - You haven't been to Beijing , have you ?

- ____ . How I wish to go there!

A . Yes , I have B . Yes , I haven't C . No , I have D . No , I haven't

77 . - Can I get you a cup of tea ?

- ____ .

A . That's very nice of you . B . With pleasure

C . You can , please D . Thank you for the tea

78 . - Shall I tell Ann how to improve her painting ?

- Yes , but ____ of suggestions may discourage her .

A . a too long list B . too long a list

C . list too long D . a list of too long

79 . - Is the paint on the door dry ?

- It ____ has to dry for another day or two .

A . still B . already C . yet D . even

80 . - I don't feel like staying here .

-____ you like to leave the party and come to mine ?

A . Won't B . Will C . Wouldn't D . Did

81 . - What did he say ?

- He said that he had better ____ for the States .

A . to leave B . left C . leaving D . be leaving

82 . - Did John and Tom understand her ?

- No . ____ of them is very bright .

A . No one B . None C . Not one D . Neither

83 . There are seven students from Japan , ____ are from Iran ,

and ____ are from ____ places .

A . other , the rest , others B . others , the rest , other

C . the others , rest , another D . another , the rest , the other

84 . But that he saw it , he ____ it .

A . could not have believed B . did not believe

C . could not believe D . can't believe

85 . The doctor's advice is that the patient ____ kept quiet .

A . should be B . will be C . is D . is going to be

86 . - Selma looks especially pretty tonight .

- Yes , she always looks her best in ____ of that colour .

A . the dress B . a dress C . dress D . that dress

87 . - I'm surprised to learn that you're going back to Chicago .

- Yes , I'd hoped that I ____ have to go back again , but I do .

A . don't B . won't C . hadn't D . wouldn't

88 . - Let's hurry . The president is coming .

- Oh , I was afraid that we ____ .

A . already miss him B . had already missed him

C . will miss him already D . have already missed him

89 . - I can't get my car ____ on cold mornings .

- Have you tried ____ the radiator with hot water ?

A . started , to fill B . starting , to fill

C . start filling D . to start , filling

90 . When he awoke , he found himself ____ by an old woman .

A . looked after B . be looked after

C . being looked after D . be looking after

91 . - I found it easier to learn Russian than to learn English .

- ____ .

A . I notice so B . So I notice C . So notice I D . Did I notice so

92 . It is because English is very useful ____ .

A . which we study hard B . that we study hard

C . by which we study hard D . in which we study hard

93 . ____ he realized it was too late to return home .

A . No sooner it grew dark when B . Hardly it grew dark than

C . Scarcely it grew dark than D . It was not until dark that

94 . The purpose of the research had a more important

meaning for them than ____ .

A . ours B . with us C . for ours it had D . it did for us

95 . It was two days ____ they boys began to have fever .

A . when B . that C . which D . later that

96 . It was twelve o'clock at midnight ____ they at rived at a

lonely village .

A . since B . before C . that D . when

97 . The question came up at the meeting ____ we had not

enough money to do the research .

A . whether B . that C . if D . what

98 . - Will you make me a better offer ?

- Yes , it will be ____ if you have a season ticket .

A . cheaply B . cheap C . cheaper D . cheapest

99 . Operator ! I've just been ____ while I was on the line to

London . Could you reconnect me , please ?

A . put away B . cut off C . turn down D . shut out

100 . - I'll come with you .

- No , no . Don't bother . I ____ .

A . would rather not B . would like not

C . wish not D . had better not

答案:1-5 CACCC 6-10 BBDAC 11-15 CABCA 16-20 ADAAC

21-25 AACCD 26-30 DADBC 31-35 CACBB 36-40 DADCA 41-45

CBBBA 46-50 CCCDB 51-55 BDAAB 56-60 DDBBD 61-65 DDACB

66-70 DBDCB 71-75 DCCDC 76-80 DABAC 81-85 DDBAA 86-90

BDBDC 91-95 BBDDD 96-100 DBCBA



Asking the Way

Jack worked in an office in a small town . One day his boss

said to her ,

“Jack , I want you to go to Manchester , to an office 1.

there . Here's the address . ”Jack went to Manchester by a

train . 2.

He left for the station and thought , “The office isn't far away


the station . I'll find it easily . ”But after an hour he was 4.

still looking for it . So he stopped and ask an old lady . She 5.

said , “Go straightly along this street , turn to the left at the


end , and its the second building on the right . ”Jack went

and 7.

found it .

A few days later he went to same city , but again he 8.

could not find the office . So he asked someone the way . It


was the same old lady . She was surprising and said , “Are


you still looking for that place ? ”


高中英语第 3 册 Unit 10

The Trick (计谋)


1 . her 改 him 2 . 删 a 3 . 删 for 4 . 在 the station 前加 from 5 .

ask 改为 asked 6 . straightly 改为 straight 7 . its 改为 it's 8 . same

前加 the 9 . √ 10 . surprising 改为 surprised

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