



1. Absolute Translation 绝对翻译


According to Gouadec, one of seven types of translation which can be used by professional

translators to respond to the various translation requirements which can arise during the course of

their work. In absolute translation, the whole of ST is transferred into TL, with no alteration to the

content or the form of the original document.

2. Abstract Translation 摘要翻译


According to Gouadec, one of seven strategies proposed by Gouadec to fulfill the various

translation needs which arise in a professional environment. In abstract translation, a condensed

translation of all the information in ST is made in order to give the client "rapid access to specific

types of information". This may be done in various ways. Firstly, the generic themes of the text

may be translated; secondly, a description may be given of the generic content and the objectives

of the text and its sub-units; thirdly, an abridged translation of all the useful content of the text

may be supplied.

3. Abusive Translation 滥译


A term used by Lewis to refer to a radical alternative approach to literary translation. He

defines abusive translation as "strong, forceful translation that values experimentation, tampers

with usage, seeks to match the polyvalencies or plurivocities or expressive stresses of the original

by producing its own".

4. Acceptivity 可接受[性]


A term used by Toury to denote one of two tendencies which can be observed in translated

texts. Translations which lean towards acceptability can be thought of as fulfilling the requirement

of "reading as an original" written in TL rather than that of "reading as the original" and

consequently generally have a more natural "feel".

5. Accuracy 准确


A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its

original. It usually refers to preservation of the information content of ST in TT. with an accurate

translation being generally LITERAL rather than FREE.

6. Action, Translatorial 译者行动

见Translation Action [翻译行动]。


7. Adaptation 改编


2 维纳与达尔贝勒纳用来表达七种翻译程序之一的术语。改编是一种曲径翻译,意指翻译时不依赖源语与目标语之间存在的结构与概念上对应的形式,是一种策略。

1 A term traditionally used to refer to any TT in which a particularly FREE translation

strategy has been adopted. The term usually implies that considerable changes have been made in

order to make the text more suitable for a specific audience or for the particular purpose behind

the translation.

2 A term used by Vinay & Darbelnet to refer to one of seven translation procedures.

Adaptation is described as a type of OBLIQUE translation, which means that it doesn't rely on the

existence of structural and conceptual parallels between SL and TL. It is a strategy.

8. Adequacy 充分[性]

1 某些译评者讨论源文本与目标文本关系属性时所用的术语。有时被用作相关术语对等的同义词,有时为对等的替代词,有时则表示与对等的意义不同。

2 按照图里(Toury)的解释,指翻译过程中与规范相关的连续体的两极之一。如果译者自始至终都遵循源语、而不是目标语的语言与文学规范来翻译,那么所作出的译文就是充分的译文。

1 A term used by some commentators on translation to discuss the nature of the relationship

between ST and TT. It is used sometimes synonymously with, sometimes instead of, and

sometimes in contrast with the related term EQUIVALENCE.

2 According to Toury, one of the two poles of the continuum which relates to the NORMS

used in the translation process. A translation is termed adequate if the translator seeks throughout

to follow source rather than target linguistic and literary norms.

9. Adjustment 调整


According to Nida, a set of techniques used in Bible translation which are designed to

"produce correct equivalents" in TL and thus help a translation achieve DYNAMIC

EQUIVALENCE. Techniques used in adjustment include addition or subtraction of material,

alteration, inclusion of footnotes and modification of the language to fit the experience of the

target audience.

10. Aesthetic-Poetic Translation 美学诗体翻译


According to Casagrande, one of four types of translation, which refers to the translation of

poetic texts, where it is necessary to retain the expressive and stylistic features of the author's

work to as large an extent as possible. This type of translation places heavy demands on the


11. Agent 经纪人




A term used by Sager to refer to the person who is "in an intermediary position between a

translator and an end user of a translation". The agent of a translation may be a publisher who

commissions a translation, or any other person who assigns a job to a translator. He or she is

independent of both writer and reader and decides whether or not a document is to be translated.

12. A.I.I.C 国际会议口译联合会


An organization founded in November 1953 to protect the interests of conference interpreters.

The A.I.I.C numbers among its aims the assessment and maintaining of levels of linguistic

competence among its members, the development of professional and ethical codes of practice,

the monitoring of working conditions and agreements with international organizations, and the

improvement of standards of training. Its two main organs are the Assembly and the Council. The

A.I.I.C. further furthermore conducts negotiations with various international bodies on matters

relating to working conditions, rates of pay, and suchlike.

13. Analogical Form 类同形式


According to Holmes, one of four approaches which a translator may use when translating

verse form. An analogical form is defined as a TL verse form which fulfills a similar function to

that of the SL form in the source culture.

14. Analysis 分析


A term used by Nida & Taber to describe the first of the three stages of the translation process.

It is defined as "the set of procedures, including back transformation and componential analysis,

which aim at discovering the kernels underlying the source text and the clearest understanding of

the meaning, in preparation for the transfer". The term kernel refers to the basic structural


15. Appeal-focused Texts 感染型文本

见Operative Texts [运作型文本]。

16. Applied Translation Studies 应用翻译研究;应用翻译学


The area of investigation within TRANSLATION STUDIES contrasted by Holmes with


subsections: translator training, the production of translation aids, the establishment of translation

policy, and the activity of translation criticism.

17. Archaism (又写为Archaicism)古词;废词




A term which refers to the use of obsolescent language in a translation (or alternatively, a

single instance of such usage). It tends to avoid modern idiom or archaize deliberately to translate

an ST which dates from an earlier historical period, in order to attempt to create the illusion that

the translation, like its original, is not a product of modern culture.

18. Architranseme (简称ATR)元译素


A term coined by van Leuven-Zwart to designate a theoretical concept used in the close

linguistic comparison of literary texts and their translations. It is a kind of theoretical common

denominator which is used as the basis for comparing ST and TT transemes. The common features

reflected in an architranseme are expressed in terms of the content words shared by the ST and TT

Transemes, or by pharaphrases.

19. Area-restricted Theories of Translation 关于范围的翻译理论


Defined by Holmes as PARTIAL THEORIES OF TRANSLATION which are restricted with

regard to the languages and/or cultures which are being considered. Such theories may be

pair-restricted or group-pair restricted. In fact, they are usually only relevant to certain (generally

Western) cultures.

20. ATR 元译素

见Architranseme [元译素]。

21. Audio-medial Texts 听觉媒介型文本

见Multi-medial Texts [多媒介型文本]

22. Auftrag

见commission [委托]

23. Automatic Translation 自动翻译

见Machine Translation [机器翻译]

24. Autonomy Spectrum 自立幅度


A concept introduced by Rose to provide a framework for categorizing translation, described

by Leighton as "one of the important breakthroughs" of modern translation study. It is a

continuum, the two poles of which are "source text autonomy" and "target audience needs". A

translation's position on the autonomy spectrum in this way reflects the translator's relation to the

source material and the translation's relation to its intended audience.

25. Autotranslation (又名Self Translation) 自译



Defined by Popovië as "the translation of an original work into another language by the

author himself". However, he argues that it "cannot be regarded as a variant of the original text but

as a true translation". Koller says that the issue of FAITHFULNESS is different in the case of

autotranslation as the author-translator will feel justified in introducing changes into the text.

Closer study could yield some interesting insights into the nature of bilingualism and the

relationship between language, thought and personality.

26. Babel, Towel of 巴别塔


A biblical narrative explaining why man is destined to speak a multiplicity of different

languages. It can be seen metaphysically not only as the event which gave rise to the need for

translators and interpreters, but also more specifically as "the spark which set off a discussion of

translation theory from a theological, philosophical, aesthetic, psychological, and

ethnographic point of view".

27. Back-transformation 逆转换

见Analysis [分析]

28. Back-translation 回译


A process in which a text which has been translated into a given language is retranslated into

SL. It has been used for various different purposes, and can be found in the literature on Bible

translation, contrastive linguistics and so on. Toury argues that the irreversible nature of

translation makes all such general conclusions invalid. Holmes uses the evidence of

back-translation to argue against the possibility of there being an "real" WQUIVALENCE between

a poem and its translation.

29. Back Interpreting 双边传译

见Liaison Interpreting [联络传译]。

30. Bilingual Corpora 双语语料库

1 见Parallel Corpora [平行语料库]

2 有时指Multilingual Corpora [多语语料库],又指Parallel Corpora [平行语料库]。

A term sometimes used to refer to both Multilingual Corpora and Parallel Corpora.

31. Bi-text 双文本


A term introduced by Harris to refer to a construct comprising both ST and TT, which exists

as a psychological reality for the translator (or the bilingual reader). Harris conceives ST and TT

as being "simultaneously present and intimately interconnected" in the translator's mind and

defines the resulting bi-text as "ST and TT as they co-exist in the translator's mind at the moment

of translating".

32. Blank Space 空位

见Voids [空缺]


33. Blank Verse Translation 无韵体翻译

勒弗维尔 所提译诗的其中策略之一。在无韵体翻译中,译者需要满足在一般韵体可预测性与必须提供某种偶然节律变异之间达到平衡的要求,可通过诗行扩张或压缩、跨行连续以及词序变更等手段来达到。其优点是,它的准确性和文学性都优于许多韵体翻译策略。缺点是只注重源文本的一个方面,会产生笨拙的、歪曲的、有时甚至是无意义的目标文本。

Presented by Lefevere as one of 7 strategies for translating poetry. In blank verse translation,

the translator needs to observe the requirement of balancing a general metrical predictability with

the necessity of providing some occasional rhythmic variation. Both these aims can be achieved

by devices such as expansion or compression of the line, use of enjambment, and alteration of the

word order. The advantages of it are a greater accuracy and higher degree of literariness. But it

only concentrates on only one aspect of TTs which are clumsy, distorted and at times even


34. Borrowing 借用


One of seven translation procedures described by Vinay & Darbelnet. Borrowing is defined

as a type of DIRECT TRANSLATION 4 in that elements of ST are replaced by "parallel" TL

elements. They describe the procedure as the simplest type of translation, since it merely involves

the transfer of an SL word into TT without it being modified in any way.

35. Calque 仿造(又名 Loan Translation [借译])


A term used to denote the process whereby the individual elements of an SL item (e.g.

morphemes in the case of a single word) are translated literally to produce a TL equivalent. Vinay

& Darbelnet classify calque as a type of DIRECT TRANSLATION 4 and list it as one of seven

translation procedures. Hervey & Higgins define calque as one of five types of CULTURAL

TRANSLATION. According to them, calque differs from the similar procedure of cultural

borrowing in that it appropriates only the model of SL grammatical structures, and does not

borrow expressions verbatim from ST.

36. CAT 机助翻译 (全名 Computer-aided Translation 或 Computer-assisted

Translation [计算机辅助翻译])

见 Machine-aided Translation [机器辅助翻译]。

37. Category Shift 范畴转换


A term used by Catfford to denote one of two major types of SHIFT, or departure "from

formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL". The term is generic, and

may refer to shifts involving any of the four "fundamental categories of lingoistic theory".


Category shifts will occur only in UNBOUNDED TRANSLATION, where it is possible to

translate an SL item of a certain rank by a TL item of a different rank.

38. Chuchotage

见Whispered Interpreting [耳语传译]。

39. Class Shift 词类转换


A type of CATEFORY SHIFT which involves translating an SL item by means of a TL item

belonging to a different grammatical class. The term class is understood along Hallidayan lines as

being "that grouping of members of a given unit which is defined by operation in the structure of

the unit next above". Instances of class shift are generally the result of differences between the

linguistic systems of SL and TL, rather than representing a deliberate choice by the translator.

40. Close Translation 贴近翻译


A general term used by some writers ( e.g. Newmark) to refer to translation strategies which

favour exact correspondence between SL and TL linguistic units over an emphasis on conveying

the overall meaning or spirit of ST.

41. Coherence 连贯


Defined in general terms as "the agreement of a text with its situation" after Vermeer. The

term was introduced by Reiss & Vermeer to the study of translation; according to these authors,

there are two types of coherence, intratextual and intertextual. The first of these concerns the way

in which TT per se is received in the target situation. The second type of coherence, the

intertextual is the coherence which exists between TT and ST.

42. Commission 委托


A term used by Vermeer within the framework of TRANSLATION ACTION to refer to the

specifications which the translator works with when producing a TT. A commission may come

from a client or other third party as a set of explicit instructions or requirements. On the other

hand, the commission is frequently simply a collection of implicit principles or preferences

internalized by the translator. However, Vermeer argues that one way or another every ttanslation

should be based on a commission starting firstly the goal (or SKOPOS) of TT. And secondly the

conditions under which this goal should be achieved.

43. Communication Load 传意负荷 (又名 Information Load [信息负荷])



A term used in Nida's model of the translation process, and defined by Nida & Taber as "the

degree of difficulty of a message". Nida bases his discussion of communication load on a model of

the communication process in which the source communicates the information contained by the

message via the decoder's (or receptor's) channel, which wil vary in capacity depending on such

factors as the receptor's personal qualities, education and cultural background. Communication

load consists of both formal and semantic elements and is measured by "the ratio between the

number of units of information and the number of formal units (i.e. words)".

44. Communicative Translation 1 传意翻译;交际翻译 (又名 Communicative

Approach [传意途径;交际途径])


2 纽马克将此界定为两种翻译模式之一,在此模式中“译者试图在目标语读者身上,产生相同于原文在源语读者身上所产生的那种效果”。

3 赫维与希金斯用来描述一种文化置换的术语。他们将传意翻译界定为一种自由翻译,其中涉及“在目标语中用符合语境/情景的文化对等语来替代源文本的表达形式”。

1 a term used to refer to any approach which views translation as a "communicative process

which takes place within a social context". A so-called communicative translation will typically be

generally oriented towards the needs of the TL reader or recipient. A communicative translation is

one which contrasts with, for example, INTERLINEAR TRANSLATION, LITERAL

TRANSLATION 1 or WORD-FOR-WORD TRANSLATION in that it treats the ST wording as

merely one of a number of factors which need to be borne in mind by the translator.

2 Defined by Newmark as one of two modes of translation, in which "the translator attempts

to produce the same effect on the SL readers".

3 A term used by Hervey & Higgins to describe a type of CULTURAL TRANSLATION.

They define communicative translation as a style of FREE TRANSLATION which involves "the

substitution for ST expressions of their contextually/situationally appropriate cultural equivalents

in the TL".

45. Community Interpreting 社传译(又名 Dialogue Interpreting [对话传译]、Public Service Interpreting [公共服务传译] )


A form of INTERPRETING which is distinguished by the contexts in which it is employed.

Its purpose is to provide access to a public service for a person who does not speak the majority

language of the community in which he or she lives. Community interpreting normally occurs in a

one-to-one setting, and tends to be bi-directional; it is generally performed consecutively, although


differs from CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING proper. Because of the contexts where it typically

occurs, most community interpreting involves a significant element of intercultural transcoding.

46. Commutation 对换

见Textual Equivalence 1 [文本对等]。

47. Comparable Corpora 可比语料库


A term used by Baker to refer to "two separate collections of texts in the language", of which

"one corpus consists of original texts in the language in question and the other consists of

translations in that language from a given source language or languages". Comparable corpora are

monolingual collections of texts. A significant contribution is in the "elucidation of the nature of

translated text as a mediated communicative event".

48. Compensation 补偿


A term defined by Hervey & Higgins as "the technique of making up for the translation loss

of important ST features by approximating their effects in the TT through means other than those

used in the ST". They list four different types of compensation: compensation in kind,

compensation in place, compensation by merging, compensation by splitting.

49. Competence 能力


A term used by Toury for investigating certain aspects of translation practice. Following

Chomsky's famous distinction, Toury defines translational competence (as opposed to

PERFORMANCE) as the total SYSTEM of ST-TT relationships which could theoretically be

manifested in a translation, but which will to a large extent remain unrealized.

50. Componential Analysis 成分分析

见 Analysis [分析]。

51. Computer-aided Translation 计算机辅助翻译 (又名 computer-assisted

Translation; 简称CAT)

见 Machine-aided Translation [机助辅助翻译]。

52. Concordance 一致性

见 Verbal Consistency [词语一致]。

53. Conference Interpreting 会议传译


A term used to refer to the type of INTERPRETING which occurs in international

conferences as well as other high-profile settings such as lectures, television broadcasts or summit

meetings; as such it is one of the forms of interpreting which is define according to the context in


which it is used. Conference interpreters need to be proficient in a variety of interpreting

techniques, as though SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING is the main mode used, there is also


54. Consecutive Interpreting 接续传译


A term used to refer to one of the two basic modes of INTERPRETING. Strictly speaking, tje

term should be reserved for the more rigorous set of procedures used when interpreting for large

audiences in formal settings such as conferences or courtrooms. Consecutive interpreting entails a

number of of different abilities and skills, including a high level of SL comprehension, advanced

notetaking skills, excellent general knowledge, an accurate memory and a confident manner of


55. Constitutive Translational Conventions 建构性翻译常规


According to Nord, one of two types of translational CONVENTION. Nord defines

constitutive translational conventions as those conventions which "determine what a particular

culture community accepts as a translation". Nord suggests analyzing the solutions to concrete

translation problems which are generally adopted by translators working within that context.

56. Content-derivative Form 派生内容的形式 (又名Organic Form [有机形式])


A term used by Holmes to denote one of four possible approaches open to a translator when

faced with the problem of tendering verse form in TL. A content-derivative form is one which is

created when a translator "starts from the semantic material, allowing it to take on its own unique

poetic shapes as the translation develops".

57. Content-focused Texts 重内容文本

见Informative Texts [信息型文本]。

58. Contextual Consistency 语境一致


A term used by Nida & Taber to describe "the quality which results from translating a source

language word by that expression in the receptor language which best fits each context rather than

by the same expression in all contexts". They consider that such a strategy has priority over verbal

consistency, and points out that contextual consistency is one aspect of DYNAMIC


59. Controlled language 受控语言



Defined by Arnold et al. as "a specially simplified version of a language". While originally

conceived as "partial solution[s] to...perceived communication problem[s]", such languages are

now commonly used as a means of improving the performance of MACHINE TRANSLATION

systems. Within this context, a controlled language is in essence a variant of SL.

60. Conventions 常规


A term used by Nord. He defines conventions as "specific realizations of norms"; they are

"not explicitly formulated, not are they binding", but are base simply on common knowledge and

shared expectations. Depending on their precise function, translational conventions will be either


61. Corpora 语料库 (单数为Corpus)


A term traditionally used in Translation Studies to refer to relatively small-scale collections

of texts, (parts of ) which are searched manually for examples of features which are of interest. In

MACHINE TRANSLATION a corpus is defined as "the finite collection of grammatical sentences

that is used as a basis for the descriptive analysis of a language". In DESCRIPTIVE

TRANSLATION STUDIES the term is now frequently understood to mean "a collection of texts

held in machine-readable form and capable of being analysed automatically or semi-automatically

in a variety of ways".

62. Correctability 可修正性


According to Reiss & Vermeer, one of two features which need to apply to a given act of

translation. The notion of correctability is dependent on the entire ST and TT being available to be

the translator during and after the actual process of translation as as to permit correction of TT by

the translator; it is considered to be present in those cases where the translator is able to correct his

or her work.

63. Correspondence 对应


A term used to refer to the relationship which exists between elements of SL and TL that are

in some way considered to be counterparts of each other. Correspondence is usually presented as a

somewhat weaker notion than the perhaps more frequently encountered concept of

EQUIVALENCE, although the relationship between the two terms varies from author to author.

64. Correspondences, Hierarchy of 对应层次

见Hierarchy of Correspondences [对应层级]。

65. Court Interpreting 法庭传译



A type of INTERPRETING which is defined by the context in which it occurs. The term

most typically designates interpreting which take place in a courtroom. The client is usually the

defendant or a witness, and generally belongs to an immigrant community. The basic purpose of

court interpreting is to enable the client to participate in proceedings; such interpreting therefore

needs to be bi-directional. Court interpreting is generally CONSECUTIVE or LIAISON, although

other modes--such as SIMUTANEOUS (e.g. for high-profile televised trials and

WHISPERED)--may also be employed.

66. Covert Translation 隐型翻译


A term introduced by House to refer to one of two contrasting modes of translation. The

purpose is to produce a TT which is "as immediately and 'originally' relevant as it is for the source

language addressees". The production of a covert translation can therefore be viewed as an attempt

to conceal the translated nature of a TT by producing a text which is FUNCTIONALLY

EQUIVALENT to ST. Such approach is appropriate for STs which have no independent status in

the source language.

67. Cross-temporal Theories of Translation 跨时翻译理论

见 Time-restricted Theories of Translation [关于时域的翻译理论]。

68. Cross-temporal Translation 跨时翻译

见 Intertemporal Translation [互时翻译]。

69. Cultural Approach 文化途径

见 Cultural Translation 1 [文化翻译]。

70. Cultural Borrowing 文化借用


A term used by Hervey & Higgins to describe the type of CULTURAL TRANSLATION in

which an SL expression is transferred verbatim into TL because it is not possible to translate it by

a suitable TL equivalent. The borrowed term may remain unaltered, or it may undergo minor

alteration; however, what is important is that the meaning of the borrowed expression should be

made clear by the TT context.

71. Cultural Substitution 文化替换


A term used by Beekman & Callow in the context of Bible translation to describe a possible

strategy for dealing with objects or events which are unknown in the target culture. They define

cultural substitution as "the use of a real-world referent from the receptor culture for an unknown

referent of the original, both of the referents having the same function".


72. Cultural Translation 文化翻译 (又名 Cultural Approach [文化途径])

1 非正式使用的术语,指作为跨文化或人类学研究工具的翻译类型,或指任何对文化以及语言因素反应敏感的翻译。采用文化途径的译者认为:一、每一语言都包含其所属文化的因素;二、每一文本都植根于特定文化之中;三、产生与接受文本的准则因文化不同而不同。

2 按照奈达与泰伯的解释,文化翻译在《圣经》翻译语境中是指“改变信息内容,以在某种程度上符合接受文化的解释,以及增进原文语言上并未包含的信息的翻译”。

1 A term used informally to refer to types of translation which function as a tool for

cross-cultural or anthropological research, or indeed to any translation which is sensitive to

cultural as well as linguistic factors. A translator who uses a cultural approach is simply

recognizing that each language contains elements which are derived from its culture, that every

text is anchored in a specific culture, and that conventions of text production and reception vary

from culture to culture.

2 Defined by Nida & Taber in the context of Bible translation as a "translation in which the

content of the message is changed to conform to the receptor culture in some way, and/or in which

information is introduced which is not linguistically implicit in the original".

73. Cultural Translation 文化移植


A term used by Hervey & Higgins to denote the highest degree of CULTURAL

TRANSLATION, in which details of the source culture contained in ST are replaced by target

culture elements with the result that the text is partially rewritten in a target culture setting.

74. Cultural Transposition 文化置换


A general term used by Hervey & Higgins to describe "the various degrees of departure from

literal translation that one may resort to in the process of transferring the contents of a ST into the

context of a target culture". The overall effect is a TT which contains a limited number of SL

features and thus appears less foreign, and closer to the TL culture.

75. Decision-making, Translation as 翻译即抉择


A term used to characterize part of the process which the translator goes through in the course

of formulating a TT. Levý describes the act of translation as one of decision-making. The term

decision Levý means a choice which needs to be taken between a number of possible solutions to

a given problem encountered while translating a text, and which will influence subsequent choices

by opening up or closing off other options dependent on the initial selection made. Wilss suggests

four main factors involved in the process of decision-making: the translator's cognitive system, his

or her knowledge bases, the task specification agreed with the client or SL author, and problems

specific to the particular text-type.


76. Definitions of Translation 翻译定义

见Translation [翻译;笔译]。

77. Degree of Differentiation 区分度 (又名Degree of Precision [精确度])


A term used by Hönig & Kussmaul to refer to a strategy for translating words denoting items

of the source culture. Such items represent particularly severe problems for the translator, since

their cultural significance in SL can never be fully reproduced in TT.

78. Descriptive Translation Studies 描写翻译研究;描写翻译学


Defined by Holmes as one of the two subdivisions of PURE TRANSLATION STUDIES.

According to Holmes, the aim of this area of the discipline of TRANSLATION STUDIES is "to

describe the phenomena of translating and translation(s) as they manifest themselves in the world

of our experience". For the purpose of Descriptive Translation Studies, a translation is taken to be

"any target-language utterance which is presented or regarded as such within the target culture, on

whatever grounds".

79. Diagrammatic Translation 图表翻译


According to Gouadec, one of seven types of translation (or translation-like processes) which

serve to meet the various translation needs which occur in a professional environment. In

diagrammatic translation the content of ST is transferred to TL by means of a diagram rather than

by text. Sager comments that this way of providing information "exceeds what is [by many]

considered translation".

80. Dialogue Interpreting 对话传译

见Community Interpreting [社传译]。

81. Didactic Fidelity 说教忠信


According to Beekman & Callow, one of two complementary principles of fidelity which are

used in the translation of Biblical texts. Didactic fidelity is defined as the strategy of adapting the

text where necessary to fit it with the different culture of the target audience; it is used to translate

instructive rather than narrative passages.

82. Differentiation, Degree of 区分度

见Degree of Differentiation。

83. Direct Translation 直接翻译

1 一些学者使用的术语(如图里),指目标文本直接产生于最初源文本而非转译自另一



2 被界定为译者译入而非译出其本族语的翻译类型;相反程序为逆向翻译或服务型翻译。

3 格特将它界定为两种可以采用的翻译类型之一。

4 维纳与达尔贝勒纳采用的术语,指以平行语法范畴或平行概念为基础的翻译程序。他们所提出的直接翻译类型是指借用、仿造、字面翻译等。

1 A term used by a number of writers (e.g. Toury) to refer to the type of translation procedure

in which a TT is produced directly from the original ST, rather than via another. Intermediate

translation in another language.

2 Defined as the type of translation in which the translator works into, rather than away from,

his or her native language (or language of habitual use); the opposite procedure is termed


3 Defined by Gutt as one of two possible types of translation.

4 A term used by Vinay & Darbelnet to refer to translation procedures which are based on the

use of parallel grammatical categories or parallel concepts.

84. Direction of Translation 翻译方向 (又名Directionality [方向性])


A term which refers to whether translation occurs into or out of the translator's native

language. While in past centuries the issue of direction of translation was not held to be of any

importance, most translation activity is today geared towards translating into the translator's native


85. Disambiguation 消解歧义

见 Semantic Disambiguation [语义消歧]。

86. Discourse Restricted Theories of Translation 关于话语类型的翻译理论

见Text-type Restricted Theories of Translation [关于文本类型的翻译理论]。

87. Documentary Translation 文献型翻译


According to Nord, one of two types of translation defined according to how TT is intended

to function in the target culture. A documentary translation is a translation which serves as "a

document of [a source culture] communication between the author and the ST recipient". What all

such types of translation have in common is that they focus on certain aspects or features of ST

(e.g. its wording or grammatical structures, or the local colour which it contains), while ignoring


88. Dolmetschen(德文)口译(Interpreting)

口译[Interpreting]的标准德文用词。Dolmetschen [口译]与Übersetzen [笔译]之间的区别在于,译者对前一过程的结果,既不能在随后某个场合进行修改,也不能对它进行检查。

The standard German word for INTERPRETING. Dolmetschen should be distinguished from

Übersetzen in that the output from the former process can be neither corrected nor checked by the

translator on a subsequent occasion.

89. Domesticating Translation 归化翻译 (又名Domestication [归化])



A term used by Venuti to describe the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style

is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers. Venuti argues

that domestication is the predominant translation strategy in Anglo-American culture, and that this

is consistent with the asymmetrical literary relations which generally exist between this and other


90. DTS 描写翻译研究;描写翻译学

见 Descriptive Translation Studies [描写翻译研究]。

91. Dubbing 配音


A term used to refer to one of the two main techniques used in the translation of audio-visual

material such as films and television programmes. The term dubbing is used in two ways. Firstly,

it can refer to any technique of "covering the original voice in an audio-visual production by

another voice". However, the term usually refers more narrowly to lip-sync dubbing, which is

defined as the process in which "the foreign dialogue is adjusted to the mouth movements of the

actor in the film".

92. Dubrovnik Charter 杜布罗夫尼克章程


A Translator's Charter adopted by the F.I.T. in 1963 at the Fourth International Translators;

Conference in Dubrovnik. The general purpose of the Dubrovnik was to delineate the

responsibilities and rights of translators, and it includes a number of important recommendations.

It stressed the moral involvement of the translator in the translation, and the need for

FAITHFULNESS in translation. Working conditions were also covered. On the other hand, it

affirmed that the translator should be the copyright holder of his or her work.

93. Dynamics 动态性

见dynamic Fidelity [动态忠信]。

94. Dynamic Equivalence 动态对等


A term introduced by Nida in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic

orientations found in the process of translation. Dynamic equivalence is the quality which

characterizes a translation in which "the message of the original text has been so transported into

the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original

receptors". In other words, a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in


accordance with the threefold process of ANALYSIS, TRANSFER 2 AND RESTRUCTURING.

95. Dynamic Fidelity 动态忠诚


A term used by Beekman & Callow to describe a Bible translation which is "both natural in

structure and meaningful in content". In other words, according to them, a dynamically faithful

translation must firstly be characterized by the NATURALNESS of the TL forms and strutures

which it uses, and secondly must be easily understood by those who receive it. If these two criteria

are met, then a translation is said to be preserving the dynamics of the original.

96. Effort Models 用功模式


A term coined by Gile to refer to a set of models of the INTERPRETING process, which he

developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The effort models represent an attempt to explain the

considerable difficulties inherent in interpreting in a way that "should facilitate the selection and

development of strategies and tactics toward better interpreting performance". Gile introduces the

term effort to refer to these individual components of the interpreting process, each of which

makes its demands on the available processing capacity and thus occupies a share of the

interpreter's attention.

97. Emprunt

见Borrowing [借用]。

98. Equivalence 对等 (又名translation Equivalence [翻译对等])

1 许多学者用来描述源语和目标语文本或更小语言单位之间关系性质和范围的术语。就这个意义而言,对等在某种程度上是指语内同义词在不同语言之间的对应形式。

2 维纳与达尔贝勒纳用来指七种翻译程序之一的术语。对等是一种曲径翻译,它不依赖于源语和目标语之间存在的平行范畴。按照他们的解释,对等是指“用完全不同的措词来复制和原文一样的情境”的一种程序。

1 A term used by many writers to describe the nature and the extent of the relationships

which exist between SL and TL texts or smaller linguistic units. As such, equivalence is in some

senses the interlingual counterpart of synonymy within s single language.

2 A term used by Vinay & Darbelnet to refer to one of seven translation procedures.

Equivalence is a kind of OBLIQUE translation, which means that it does not rely on the uses of

parallel categories existing in SL and TL. According to Vinay & Darbelnet, equivalence is a

procedure which "replicates the same situation as in the original, whilst using completely different


99. ESIT 巴黎高等翻译学校

见 Interpretive Theory of Translation [翻译释意理论]。

100. Ethnographic Translation 种族学翻译




One of four classifications of translation proposed by Casagrande. The aim of an

ethnographic translation is to explicate the cultural background and anthropological significance

of ST and the differences in meaning between "apparently equivalent elements of messages in the

two languages"; this may be achieved in the translation itself, or in explanatory annotations.

Explication would also be needed.

101. Ethnolinguistic Model of Translation 翻译的种族语言学模式


A term used by Nida to describe the situation, common in Bible translation, in which the

translator translates between two languages both of which he or she has acquired, namely the

Greek or Hebrew of the original, and a modern, often non-Indo-European language. According to

Nida, this situation usually requires the translator to work through his or her native language,

which is usually English or another Westerm European language. Such a situation is of course less

than ideal, although is frequently inevitable.

102. Excluded Receiver 非目标接受者


A term used by Pym to denote a reader (or listener) who is unable to participate in the

message of a text because it is explicitly not addressed to him or her.

103. Exegetic Translation 诠释性翻译


Defined by Hervey & Higgins as "a style of translation in which the TT expresses and

explains additional details that are not explicitly conveyed in the ST", or in other words one in

which "the TT is, at the same time, an expansion and explanation of the contents of the ST". As

such it contrasts sharply with the strategy og GIST TRANSLATION in terms of the amount of

information that is conveyed.

104. Exegetical Fidelity 诠释忠信


According to Beekman & Callow, a term used to describe the principle of basing a translation

strictly on a correct understanding of the original message. For them, the notion of correct

exegesis -- or determining the "meaning intended by the original author" by means of a careful

study of ST and of reference works such as lexicons, grammars and commentaries--is of central


105. Exoticism 异国情调




A term defined by Hervey & Higgins as the lowest degree of CULTURAL TRANSLATION.

Linguistic and cultural features of ST are taken over into TT with little or no adaptation, so that TT

has an obvious "foreign" appearance. This may be deliberate, in order to make TT more attractive

to the TL audience, but it affects the TL audience in a way that ST did not affect the SL audience,

for whom the text was in no way foreign.

106. Expectancy Norms 期望规范


A term used by Chesterman to refer to one of two types of translation NORMS. According to

Chesterman, expectancy norms are established by TT readers' expectations of what translations

should be like and how they should compare or contrast with native texts. He understands the

function of norms as being not only to reflect translational practice but also to regulate it.

107. Explicitation 明示


A term introduced by Vinay & Darbelnet. Explicitation can be characterized in general terms

as the phenomenon which frequently leads to TT stating ST information in a more explicit form

than the original. Such a process is brought about by the translator filling out ST.

108. Expressive Texts 表情型文本 (前称Form-focused Texts [重形式文本])


A term used by Reiss to refer to one of three main text-types. The major characteristic of

texts of the expressive type is that they include an aesthetic component, as the author "exploits the

expressive and associative possibilities of the language in order to communicate his thoughts in an

artistic, creative way". This means that when translation such texts the main concern of the

translator should be to try to produce an analogous aesthetic effect, as well as reproducing the

semantic content of the original.

109. External Transfer 外部转移

见Transfer 1 [转移]。

110. Extraneous Form 外来形式


A term suggested by Holmes to describe one of four strategies for rendering verse form in TL,

according to Holmes, the translator who opts for this approach "casts the metapoem [] into a

form that is in no way implicit in either the form or the content of the original". He describes this

strategy as "deviant" as it does not derive from the original poem in any way.

111. Faithfulness 忠实 (又名Fidelity [忠信])




General term used to describe the content to which a TT can be considered a fair

representation of ST according to some criterion. In traditional discussions of translation the

concept of fidelity has probably been the most basic and widely used yardstick for measuring

translation quality, however, it has more recently been replaced by notions such as


112. False Friends 假朋友


A standard term used to describe SL and TL items which have the same or very similar form

but different meanings, and which consequently give rise to difficulties in translation (and indeed

interlingual communication in general). The phenomenon of false friends is caused by historical

chance. In addition, sometimes false friends differ from each other only connotatively.

113. Faux Amis 假朋友

见False Friends [假朋友]。、

114. Fictitious Translation 假翻译

见Pseudotranslation 1 [伪翻译]。

115. Fidelität 忠信

见coherence [连贯]。

116. Fidelity 忠信

见Faithfulness [忠实]。

117. F.I.T. 国际译联 (英文全称:International Federation of Translators)


An association of translators' organizations founded in Paris in 1953. Translators had begun

to form their own associations after WWII, and the charter establishing F.I.T. was signed by

pioneer societies of translators from France, West Germany, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Turkey.

F.I.T. was authorized to operate as an international association by a ministerial order of 18 March


118. Foreignizing Translation 异化翻译 (又名Minoritizing Translation [小众化翻译];[少数化翻译])


A term used by Venuti to designate the type of translation in which a TT is produced which

deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.

Describing foreignizing translation as an "register the linguistic", Venuti thus sees its role as being

to "register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad".

119. Form-derivative Forms 派生形式的形式




A general term devised by Holmes to refer to the two strategies of verse form translation

which he terms ANALOGICAL FORM and MIMETIC FORM. When using a form-derivative

approach the translator selects a target verse form which in some way reflects that of ST; thus

these two strategies are distinguished from those denoted by the terms CONTENT-DERIVATIVE


120. Form-focused Texts 重形式文本

见Expressive Texts [表情型文本]。

121. Formal Correspondence 形式对应


According to Catford's model, a formal relationship which exists when a TL category can be

found which occupies "the 'same' place in the 'economy' of the TL as the given SL category

occupies in the SL". In contrast to TEXTUAL EQUIVALENCE 1, this is a theoretical, systemic

category which is established on the basis of a formal comparison on SL and TL.

122. Formal Equivalence 形式对等 (又名Formal Correspondence [形式对应])


Defined by Nida as one of "two different types of equivalence", which "focuses attention on

the message itself, in both form and content". Formal equivalence is thus the "quality of a

translation in which the features of the form of the source text have been mechanically reproduced

in the receptor language". Formal equivalence represents a general orientation rather than an

absolute technique.

123. Formal Equivalent 形式对等[语]


A term used by Nida to refer to a TL term which represents the closest decontextualized

counterpart to a word or phrase in SL. However, not all items in one language will have formal

equivalents in another. Nida argues that, in a translation which is aiming for a high degree of

FORMAL rather than DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE, there will be a tendency to use formal

equivalents wherever possible, even in contexts like those described above.

124. Forward-transformation 前向转换

见Restructuring [重组]。

125. Free Translation 自由译


A type of translation in which more attention is paid to producing a naturally reading TT than


to preserving the ST wording intact: also known as SENSE-FOR-SENSE TRANSLATION, it

contrasts with LITERAL and WORD-FOR-WORD TRANSLATION. Linguistically it can be

defined as a translation "made on a level higher than is necessary to convey the content unchanged

while observing TL norms".free translations are thus generally more "TL-oriented" than literal


126. Full Translation 全文翻译


According to Catford's model, a term used to refer to the kind of translation in which the

entire text is translated, or in other words, "every part of the SL text is replaced by TL text

material". Such a TT will consequently contain no SL elements at all, whether extended passages

or single lexical items.

127. Function-oriented Translation Studies 功能取向翻译研究;功能翻译学 (又名Function-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies [功能取向描写翻译研究;功能描写翻译学])


Defined by Holmes as one of three types of DESCRIPTIVE TRANSLATION STUDIES.

This approach is concerned with analyzing the function of translations in the context of the

recipient cultural and social setting, and typically addresses such questions as which texts were or

were not selected for translation by a particular culture, and what influences were exerted as a

result of such selection.

128. Functional Equivalence 功能对等


A term used to refer to the type of EQUIVALENCE reflected in a TT which seeks to adapt

the function of the original to suit the specific context in and for which it was produced. While the

term is used by a number of writers, it is perhaps defined most systematically by House. House's

aim is to develop a methodology for assessing translation quality, and so her concept of functional

equivalence is basically evaluative.

129. Functional Equivalent 功能对等[语]


According to Nida, a TL item chosen to translate an ST word or phrase not for its formal

similarity to this ST item but because it offers target readers a clearer understanding of the

contextual meaning of the original. Use of functional rather than formal equivalents tends to be a

feature of translations which aim for a high degree of DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE.

130. Games, Translation and Theory of 翻译与博弈论




A concept based on a parallel between the translation process and the activity of

game-playing originally suggested by Wittgenstein, who includes "translating from one language

into another" in a list of examples of language games. However, the idea was first exploited in a

discussions specifically devoted to translation by Levý. On the basis of the earlier work, Levý

argues that translation resembles chess. Each time a decision is made the translator creates the

context for a number of subsequent decisions. On further important parallel between the

translation process and this type of game (termed games with complete information) is that, while

the decisions are non-random, they may still be inspired by subjective preferences.

131. Gap 空隙

见Voids [空缺]。

132. Gemeinte, Das (Intended Meaning) 所用意义

见Tertium Comparationis [第三对比项]。

133. General Theories of Translation 普通翻译理论


A term used by Holmes to refer to one of two branches of THEORETICAL TRANSLATION

STUDIES. A general theory of translation is defined as "a full, inclusive theory accommodating so

many elements that it can serve to explain and predict all phenomena falling within the terrain of

translating and translation, to the exclusion of all phenomena falling outside it".

134. Generalization 1 宽泛化 (又名Modulation Generalization [调适/宽泛化])


2 见Generalizing Translation [宽泛化翻译]。

1 A term used in van Leuven-Zwart's model for comparing a literary text with its translation.

Generalization is defined as the type of MODULATION 2 in which the dissimilarity between ST

and TT TRANSEMES is characterized by a SHIFT towards greater generality in TT; as such it

contrasts with the opposite phenomenon of SPECIFICATION.

135. Generalizing Translation 宽泛化翻译 (又名Generalization [宽泛化])


A term used by Hervey & Higgins to describe a situation where TL uses an expression which

is wider and less specific than the SL expression it translate. According to them, generalizing

translation is acceptable if TL has no suitable alternative, or if the omitted detail may be gleaned

form the TT context or is just not important. However, they consider this strategy unacceptable in


circumstances contrary to the above, or if the omitted detail cannot be COMPENSATED for

elsewhere in TT.

136. Gist Translation 要旨翻译


A term common in discussions of translation, and used by Hervey & Higgins to refer to "a

style of translation in which the TT expresses a condensed version of the contents of the ST"; in

other words, a gist translation is one which provides "a synopsis of the ST". Within Hervey &

Higgins' framework gist translation contrasts with EXEGETIC TRANSLATION in terms of the

amount of detail which it provides.

137. Gloss Translation 释词翻译


According to Nida, the kind of translation in which the translator tries "to reproduce as

literally and meaningfully as possible the form and content of the original". As such, gloss

translation typifies the approach usually associated with FORMAL EQUIVALENCE. It might be

of use as a study aid, and has the advantage of giving the TL reader deeper insight into elements of

source language and culture.

138. Glücken

见Success [成功]。

139. Goal Language 目的语

见Target Language [目标语]。

140. Grammatical Analysis 语法分析

见Analysis [分析]。

141. Grammatical Translation 语法翻译


Defined by Catford as a type of RESTRICTED TRANSLATION in which "the SL grammar

of a text is replaced by equivalent TL grammar, but with no replacement of lexis". Grammatical

and LEXICAL translation are the converse of each other.

142. Grammatical Transposition 语法置换


A term used by Hervey & Higgins to refer to "the replacement or reinforcement of given

parts of speech in the ST by other parts of speech in the TT, whenever this is made necessary by

significant differences of syntactic configuration between the SL and the TL". Hervey & Higgins

point out that while they use the term in order to distinguish the phenomenon from CULTURAL

TRANSPOSITION, some other writers refer to it simply as TRANSPOSITION.

143. Graphological Translation 字形翻译




According to Catford, a type of RESTRICTED TRANSLATION. Catford argues that it is

possible to reduce letters (or other graphological units such as ideograms) to description in terms

of a number of distinctive features. An approximation to graphological translation is sometimes

practised by typographers in order to give a text an "exotic" flavor; instances of this are

particularly common in advertising.

144. Hermeneutic Motion 诠释步骤


A model introduced by Steiner to describe the process of literary translation. Steiner

subdivides the "hermeneutic motion" represented by the translation process into four stages (or

moves). They are: trust or faith; aggression, penetration or decipherment; incorporation,

embodiment or appropriative use; compensation, restitution or fidelity.

145. Hierarchy of Correspondences 对应层级


Defined by Holmes as the order of priorities set up by the translator. Holmes argues that what

is achieved in a translation--and particularly in the case of literary translation--is "not textual

equivalence in any strict sense of the term, but a network of correspondences, or matchings, with a

varying closeness of fit". The translator establishes a hierarchy of correspondences, by giving


146. Historical Fidelity 历史忠信


A term used by Beekman & Callow to refer to one of two complementary principles of

fidelity which should guide the translation of Biblical texts. Historical fidelity is defined as the

strategy of not transplanting historical narratives into a target setting, and is based on the

conviction that the Christian faith is rooted in history.

147. Homophonic Translation 同音翻译

见Phonemic Translation [音素翻译]。

148. Horizontal Translation 横向翻译


A term coined by Folena to refer to one of two types of translation used in the Middle Ages.

Folena defines horizontal translation as translation "between languages with a similar structure

and a strong cultural affinity". In other words, in horizontal translation both SL and TL have a

similar value as languages in that neither has any special prestige. Horizontal translation, however,

is also characterized by a blurring of the distinction between translation, IMITATION,

unacknowledged borrowing and original creation.


149. Hyperinformation 超额信息


Defined by Reiss & Vermeer as information which is interpolated by the interpreter in order

to compensate for the hearer's possible lack of any cultural background knowledge which is

necessary for a proper understanding of the message.

150. IA

见Information Offer [信息提供]。

151. Identity 同一[性]


One of a series of terms used to refer to the way ST and TT meaning (and other features)

relate to each other. However, identity contrasts with such notions as ADEQUACY,

CORRESPONDENCE, EQUIVALENCE and INVARIANCE in that it implies a much loser

relationship than these other terms. For this reason most writers have shied away from using the


152. Idiomatic Translation 地道翻译 (又名Idiomatic Approach [地道译法])


A term used by Beekman & Callow in the field of Bible translation, and by Larson more

generally, to refer to a translation strategy which aims for a TT which reads as naturally as

possible. The aim of such a meaning-based method is to reproduce the same message for a new

audience in the form of a translation which reads like a text originally composed in TL.

153. Idiomaticity 地道性

见Idiomatic Translation [地道翻译]。

154. Imitation 拟译

1 按照17世纪学者德莱顿解释,拟译是翻译的三种可能方法之一。德莱顿用拟译这一术语表示别处称之为自由译的概念。他将此译法的特征描述为译者“不仅认为自己有权变换字词和意义,还可在认为适当的适合将两者都摒弃”的过程。

2 按照勒弗维尔的界定,拟译是他称之为解释的翻译策略的两种从属类型之一。他将拟译界定为创造一首“新”诗。这样,源文本只不过是拟译作者的灵感源泉,由此生成的译本必须要看作是“另一个作品”。

1 According to the 17th century writer Dryden, one of three possible methods of translating.

Dryden uses the term imitation to refer to what is otherwise known as FREE TRANSLATION. He

characterizes the approach as a process in which the translator "assumes the liberty, not only to

vary from the words and sense, but to forsake them both as he sees occasion".

2 According to Lefevere, one of two sub-types of the translation strategy which he terms

INTERPRETATION. He defines imitation as the creation of a "new" poem. Thus ST will simply

serve as a source of inspiration for the imitation-writer, who produces a text which must be

considered a "different work".


155. Indeterminacy 不确定性


A concept used in philosophical discussions of meaning and translation. Broadly speaking,

the term indeterminacy refers to the unavoidable ambiguity which arises in both interlingual and

intralingual communication; however, it has been used by different writers in different ways.

156. Indirect Translation 间接翻译 (又名Intermediate Translation [中介翻译]、Mediated Translation [中继翻译]、Retranslation [转译]、Second-hand

Translation [二手翻译])

1 用来指目标文本不直接译自最初源文本,而转译自以另一语言为中介的翻译过程的术语。按照图里的解释,这样的翻译程序当然受规范约束,不同的文学系统对间接翻译容忍的程度不同。

2 按照格特的解释,指两种可能的翻译类型之一。间接翻译被界定为译者在面临两难境地,即“需要让接受语读者接触到原文的真正含义,而不受译者解释的影响”和“需要尽可能清晰地表达”时,偏重后者而采用的一种翻译策略。

1 A term used to denote the procedure whereby a text is not translated directly from an

original ST, but via an intermediate translation in another language. According to Toury, such a

procedure is of course NORM-GOVERNED, and different literary SYSTEMS will tolerate it to

varying extents.

2 according to Gutt, one of two possible types of translation. Indirect translation is defined as

the strategy used by the translator when the dilemma between "the need to give the receptor

language audience access to the authentic meaning of the original, unaffected by the translator's

own interpretation effort" and "the urge to communicate as clearly as possible" is resolved in

favour of the latter.

157. Industrial Process, Translation as 翻译即产业过程


A term used by Sager to refer to the use of automatic and semi-automatic routines to facilitate,

accelerate or lower the cost of the translation process. Sager argues that the design specifications

for machine translation systems need to be based on theoretical models specifically created to

account for this type of translation.

158. Information Load 信息负荷

见Communication Load [传意负荷]。

159. Information Offer 信息提供 (又名Offer of Information [信息提供])(德文Informationsangebot, 简称IA)


A term suggested by Vermeer as an alternative to Stein's description of a text as a collection

of instructions to the recipient. Each interpretation of a message may be seen as a new informatio

offer in its own right, or "information offer about an information offer",

160. Informationsangebot

见Information Offer [信息提供]。


161. Information Texts 信息型文本 (前称Content-focused Texts [重内容文本])


According to Reiss, one of three main text-types. In the case of informative texts the primary

aim is one of conveying information to the receiver. This means that a translator should

concentrate on establishing semantic EQUIVALENCE, and only then turn to other kinds, such as

connotative or aesthetic.

162. Initial Norms 初始规范


Defined by Toury as one of a number of basic types of NORM which guide the production of

a TT. The initial norm refers to "the translator's (conscious or unconscious) choice as to the main

objective of his translation, the objective which governs all decisions made during the translation


163. Instrumental Translation 工具型翻译


A term used by Nord to refer to one of two types of translation defined according to how TT

is intended to function in the target culture. According to Nord, an instrumental translation is

intended to fulfil a new communicative purpose in the target culture "without the recipient being

conscious of reading or hearing a text which, in a different form, was used before in a different

communicative action". Depending on the precise relationship between source and target functions,

it can be classified as belonging to one of three types: function-preserving, adapted, and

corresponding translation. Instrumental translation differs from House's comparable concept of

COVERT TRANSLATION in that in only requires the TT function to be compatible, rather than

identical or equivalent, with that of ST.

164. Integral Translation 整合翻译


A term used by Leuven-Zwart to refer to a translation which "contains no additions or

deletions transcending the sentence level". In view of its basic reliance on a close comparison of

the microstructural features of ST and TT, such a method is only applicable to integral translations

and their STs.

165. Intercultural Cooperation 跨文化合作

见Translatorial Action [译者行动]。

166. Interlanguage 中间语言

见Translationese [翻译体]。

167. Interlineal Translation 隔行翻译



A term coined by Hervey & Higgins to refer to the type of translation which is at the extreme

of SL bias. They suggest that an interlineal translation "does not necessarily respect TL grammar,

but has grammatical units corresponding to every grammatical unit of the ST".

168. Interlinear Translation 逐行翻译


A type of extremely LITERAL translation in which TL words are arranged line by line below

(or above) the ST items to which they correspond.

169. Interlingua 语际语言

见Tertium Comparationis [第三项对比]。

170. Interlingual Translation 语际翻译


According to Jakobson, one of three types of translation. He defines interlingual translation

as "an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language".

171. Intermediate Translation 中介翻译

见Indirect Translation 1 [间接翻译]。

172. Internal Transfer 内部转移

见Transfer 1 [转移]。

173. Interpretation 解释


According to Lefevere, one of seven possible strategies for translating poetry. He

distinguishes two types of interpretation, IMITATION 2 and VERSION 2.

174. Interpreting 口译;传译


A term used to refer to the oral translation of a spoken message or text. Various types of

interpreting can be distinguished, either by the content in which it occurs (e.g. COMMUNITY




175. Interpretive Theory of Translation 翻译释意理论 (又名Interpretative

Theory of Translation; 或Theory of Sense [意义理论])


A term used to designate a model originally designed to reflect the processes which are

involved in CONFERENCE INTERPRETING. One of the theory's principle tenets has been that

interpreting should be based on a deverbalized, intended meaning (the sense or sens) derived from

the overall context, rather on the words of ST as such. Thus according to the model interpreting

ignores the need to identify direct translation equivalents for ST items and instead "concentrates


on finding the appropriate wording to convey a given meaning at a given point in time and in a

given context, whatever the original wording may mean under different


176. Intersemiotic Translation 符际翻译 (又名Transmutation [符际转化])


A term coined by Jakobson to refer to one of three types of translation. Intersemiotic

translation is defined as "an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonvebal sign


177. Intertemporal Translation 互时翻译 (又名Cross-temporal Translation [跨时翻译])


A term used to refer to the translation of a text by an author writing in (or about) an earlier

time. Intertemporal translation is in fact a very widespread phenomenon.

178. Intralingual Translation 语内翻译 (又名Rewording [换词])


A term used by Jakobson to refer to one of three types of translation. He defines the process

of intralingual translation as "an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same


179. Intra-system Shift 系统内转换


According to Catford, a type of CATEGORY SHIFT which occurs when "SL and TL possess

systems which approximately correspond formally as to their constitution, but when translation

involves selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL system".intra-system shifts are generally

forced on the translator by the conflicting demands of SL and TL structure.

180. Invariance 不变性


A term used to denote the concept of the immutability of (elements of) ST in the translation


181. Invariant 不变量

见Invariance [不变性]。

182. Inverse Translation 逆向翻译


A term used to describe a translation, either written or spoken, which is done from the

translator's native language (or language of habitual use). An alternative term for inverse


183. Invisibility 隐形

见Domesticating Translation [归化翻译]。

184. Kernel 核心 (又名Kernel Sentence [核心句])

见Analysis [分析]。


185. Keyword Translation 关键词翻译


According to Gouadec, one of seven types of translation (or translation-like processes) which

serve to meet the various translation needs which arise in a professional environment. This

particular type involves keywords in ST being translated into TL to determine whether or not the

information contained in ST requires fuller translation and, if so, how it should be translated.

186. Kohäenz

见coherence [连贯]。

187. Kontrollierbarkeit

见Verifiability [可核实性]。

188. Korrigierbarkeit

见Correctability [可修正性]。

189. Lacunes 空白

见Voids [空缺]。

190. Leipzig School 莱比锡学派


An influential group of translation scholars based in the Department of Theoretical and

Applied Linguistics at the University of Leipzig. The Leipzig School is characterized by a

linguistic, scientific approach to the study of translation, and most of their work has centred

around the problems of scientific and technical translation.

191. Level Shift 层次转换


A term used by Catford to denote one of two major types of SHIFT, or departure from

FORMAL CORRESPONDENCE "in the process of going from the SL to the TL". The notion of

the level shift includes not only instances of incompatibility between the SL and TL linguistic

systems, but also occasions where the translator has simply decided to translate an SL item in a

certain way.

192. Lexical Translation 词汇翻译


A term used by Carford to refer to a type of RESTRICTED TRANSLATION in which "the

SL lexis of a text is replaced by equivalent TL lexis, but with no replacement of grammar".

193. Lialson Interpreting 联络传译 (又名Bilateral Translation [双边传译])


Defined by Keith as a type of INTERPRETING in which "an individual who speaks two

languages mediates in a conversation between two or more individuals who do not speak each

other's tongue".


194. Lingna Unlversalis 普遍语言

见Tertium Comparationis [第三对比项]。

195. Linguistic Approach 语言学途径

见Linguistic Translation 1 [语言翻译]。

196. Linguistic Equivalence 语言对等


According to Popovič, one of four types of EQUIVALENCE. Popovič defines linguistic

equivalence as "homogeneity of elements upon the linguistic (phonetic, morphological, and

syntactic) levels of the original and the translation".

197. Linguistic Translation 语言翻译 (又名Linguistic Approach [语言学途径])

1 本术语用来指把翻译简单地看作是用“对等”的目标语单位替代源文本语言单位,而不考虑诸如语境或内含意义等因素的任何一种翻译方法。

2 指卡塞格兰德提出的四种翻译类型之一。本术语用于描述词对词翻译,甚至语素对语素翻译,在这样的翻译中,源文本片段依次译为最接近的目标语对应单位。

3 奈达与泰伯用于《圣经》翻译语境的术语,指这样一种翻译:“在此种翻译中,只把原文中在语言上暗含的东西明白表达出来,并且所有形式变化都符合逆转换与转换规则,也符合成分分析的规则。

1 A term used to refer to any approach which views translation as simply a question of

replacing the linguistic units of ST with "equivalent" TL units without reference to factors such as

context or connotation.

2 One of four classifications of translation proposed by Casagrande. The term is used to

describe a WORD-FOR-WORD or even morpheme-for-morpheme translation in which ST

segments are translated sequentially into the most closely corresponding TL units.

3 A term used by Nida & Taber in the context of Bible translation to refer to a translation "in

which only information which is linguistically implicit in the original is made explicit and in

which all changes of form follow the rules of back translation and transformation and of

componential analysis".

198. Linguistically Creative Translation 语言创造性翻译


A term used by Reiss & Vermeer to denote the translation of an ST which contains cultural

terms, concepts or other items which are not native to TL and for which new TL labels

consequently need to be designed.

199. Literal Translation 字面翻译;直译

1 用语言学术语来界定,字面翻译是一种“不足以使内容不变而又遵循目标语规范”的翻译。奈达将字面翻译的肥年表述为形式对等。维纳和达尔贝勒纳将它列为七种翻译程序直译。认为它是一种直接翻译。

2 勒弗维尔把字面翻译界定为诗歌翻译的七种可能的策略之一。该方法有严重的局限性。

1 A literal translation can be defined in linguistic terms as a translation "made on a level

lower than is sufficient to convey the content unchanged while observing TL norms". The notion

of literal translation has been formalized by Nida as FORMAL EQUIVALENCE, while Vinay &

Darbelnet categorize it as a type of DIRECT TRANSLATION 4, listing it as one of seven


translation procedures.

2 Defined by Lefevere in the course of an analysis of English translations of a poem by

Catullus as one of seven possible strategies for translating poetry. The method has severe


200. Literalism 字面译法;直译法


A term used in the same way as LITERAL TRANSLATION 1 (or refer to a single occasion

in which this type of approach is applied). While literalism is appropriate to the translation of

certain types of text (such as legal documents), most modern commentators condemn the literal

translation of literature.

201. Loan Translation 借译

见Calque [仿造]。

202. Logeme 原素


A term used by Radó to refer to a unit which "corresponds to the character and tasks of

translation". A logeme is defined as the "element of the ST [the translator] has to distinguish and

then to reproduce while composing the TT".

203. Logos 逻各斯

见Pure Language [纯语言]。

204. Low Countries Group 低地国家学派

见Manipulation School [操纵学派]。

205. Loyalty 忠诚


A term introduced by Nord to describe the attitude which should ideally characterize the

translator's relationship to the ST author and sender, and the TT reader. Nord describes loyalty as

"a moral principle indispensable in the relationship between human beings, who are partners in a

communication process".

206. Machine-aided Translation (简称MAT [机助翻译])机器辅助翻译 (又名Computer-assisted Translation [计算机辅助翻译]、Machine Aided Human

Translation [机器辅助人工翻译]、Machine-assisted Human Translation [机器辅助人工翻译]、Machine-assisted Translation [机器辅助翻译])


Defined by Sager as "a translation strategy whereby translators use computer programs to

perform part of the process of translation". The main purpose of such systems is to accelerate the

process of human translation; they are thus highly interactive in nature and require a large amount

of human intervention.

207. Machine Translation 机器翻译 (又名Automatic Translation [自动翻译])


(简称MT [机译])


A term used to refer to translation which is performed wholly or partly by computer. Such

translation may be carried out with or without human intervention.

208. Manipulation 操纵

见Manipulational School [操纵学派]与Rewriting [重写]。

209. Manipulational School 操纵学派 (又名Low Countries Group [低地国家学派])


A term used by some to refer to the group of scholars associated with a particular approach to

the study of translated literature. The group's most important texts include Even-Zohar, Hermans,

van Leuven-Zwart & Toury. Their starting-point is "admitted manipulation". Their concern is on

literary rather than technical translation. Their most important contributions to the discipline are

probably the use of a TARGET TEXT0ORIENTED approach, and the notions of NORMS,

REWRITING and the literary POLYSYTEM.

210. Mapping 图谱


A concept used by Holmes for two separate purposes. He observes that "all translations are

maps, the territories are the originals".

211. MAT 机助翻译

见Machine-aided Translation [机助翻译]。

212. Matricial Norms 矩阵规范


Defined by Toury, as one of two kinds of OPERATIONAL NORM. Matricial norms regulate

the decisions which the translator will make during the actual process of translation regarding the

organization of the text on a level above that of the sentence.

213. Mediated Translation 中继翻译

见Indirect Translation 1 [间接翻译]。

214. Mediating Language 中介语言

见Tertium Comparationis [第三项对比]。

215. Medium-restricted Theories of Translation 关于媒介的翻译理论


According to Holmes, one of six varieties of PARTIAL THEORY OF TRANSLATION. A

medium-restricted theory of translation may for example be concerned with human, MACHINE or

MACHINE-AIDED TRANSLATION, or might more specifically encompass one particular

medium of human translation, such as SIMULANEOUS INTERPRETING or written


216. Metaphrase 词译 (又名Verbal Translation [词语翻译])



A term used by Dryden to refer to one of three process of "turning an author word by word,

and line by line, from one language into another". In other words, the process which this term

denotes is that of LITERAL TRANSLATION.

217. Metapoem 元诗


A term coined by Holmes on the basis of Barthes' meta-language. Holmes uses the term

metapoem to designate the fourth text-type, the verse translation. Aa metapoem is "a

fundamentally different kind of object from the poem from which it derives". A metapoet must

thus combine the perception of the critic, the sensibility of the poet and the special skill of

resolving the confrontation of source and target NORMS.

218. Metatext 元文本


A term used by Popovič to describe a text which has been produced using another text as its

starting-point or model.

219. Metrical Translation 韵律翻译


Described by Lefevere as one of seven strategies for translating verse. Lefevere uses the term

metrical translation to refer to the type of translation in which the metre of ST is preserved in TT.

He argues that metrical translation concentrates on one aspect of ST, while neglecting other more

important features; in doing so, it "fails completely to make the source text available as a literary

work of art in the target language".

220. Mimetic From 模仿形式


According to Holmes, one of four strategies for the translation of verse form, in which the

form of the original is retained in TT. Use of mimetic form has the effect of "re-emphasizing, by

its strangeness, the strangeness which for the target-language reader is inherent in the semantic

message of the original poem".

221. Minimax Principle 最小最大原则


A term used by Levý during a discussion of the "pragmatic dimension" of translation, which

means non-textual concerns that the translator is likely to face. According to the minimax

principle, during the DECISION-MAKING process which is involved in any translation, the

translator "resolves for that one of the possible solutions which promises a maximum of effect

with a minimum of effort".


222. Minoritizing Translation 小众化翻译

见Foreignizing Translation [异化翻译]。

223. Modification 调整


According to van Leuven-Zwart's model for comparing a literary work with its translation,

one of three types of SHIFT which may occur between ST and TT TRANSEMES during the

translation process. A shift is said to be an example of modification when each of the two

transemes is hyponymically related to its corresponding ARCHITRANSEME, so that the overall

relationship which obtains between them is one of contrast.

224. Modulation 调适

1 维纳和达尔贝勒纳用来指七种翻译方法之一的术语。调适是一种曲径翻译,意思是它不使用相似的源语和目标语范畴。维纳和达尔贝勒纳将调适通俗地界定为“因观念变化引起的信息形式的变化”。

2 按照范·路文兹瓦特的解释,指三种可能的微结构转换之一。如果一个译素与其元译素是同义关系,而另一个与其译素是上下位关系,或换言之,如果出现在源文本与目标文本译素之间的转换提高或降低了概括性程度,那么,这两个译素之间的关系就被看作是一种调适关系。

1 A term used by Vinay & Darbelnet to refer to one of seven translation methods. Modulation

is a kind of OBLIQUE translation, which means that it does not involve the use of parallel SL and

TL categories. Vinay & Darbelne define modulation in general terms as "a variation of the form of

the message, obtained by a change in the point of view".

2 According to van Leuven-Zwart, one of three possible microstructural SHIFTS. The

relationship between the transemes is considered to be one of modulation "if one has a synonymic

relationship with the [architranseme] and the other a hyponymic relationship", or in other words, if

a shift occurs between ST and TT transemes which either increases or decreases the degree of


225. Modulation/Generalization 调适/宽泛化

见Generalization [宽泛化]。

226. Modulation/Specification 调适/具体化

见Specification [具体化]。

227. Monosemierung

见Semantic Disanbiguation [语义消歧]。

228. MT 机译

见Machine Translation [机器翻译]。

229. Multilingual Corpora 多语语料[库]


Defined by Baker as "sets of two or more monolingual corpora in different languages, built

up...on the basis of similar design criteria"; the term is understood as referring to CORPORA of

native rather than translated texts in the language represented.

230. Muti-medial Texts 多媒介型文本 (前称Audio-medial Texts [听觉媒介型文




A term used by Reiss to refer to a subsidiary text-type which supplements Reiss' basic text

typology, the translator of such texts will need to ensure that the translation is equally suited as the

original for use in the relevant medium.

231. Multiple-stage Translation 多阶段翻译


Suggested by Voegelin "as a set of procedures for showing explicitly the stages of work

followed when an utterance in one language is re-uttered in another".

232. Mutation 变异


A term used by van Leuven-Zwart to denote the third category of SHIFT which may occur

between ST and TT TRANSEMES. Mutation is said to have occurred if no relationship can be

established between the two transemes. According to van Leuven-Zwart there are three types of

mutation: "addition of clauses or phrases, deletion of clauses or phrases, and radical change of


233. Nairobi Declaration 内罗毕宣言 (又名Nairobi Recommendation [内罗毕倡议])


A declaration adopted by UNESCO on 22 November 1976. The intention of the

recommendation is to ensure that translators--whether salaried or unsalaried, full or part time,

literary, scientific or technical--are accorded recognition commensurate with the skill required to

carry out their task, and to improve the often unfavourable conditions in which they are obliged to

work. One of the document's main concerns is that translators should receive rights similar to

those enjoyed by authors.

234. Naturalness 自然性


A term used to refer to the extent to which a translation is expressed in clear, unforced terms

in TL.

235. Necessary Degree of Differentiation 必要区分度 (又名Necessary Degree of

Precision [必要精确度])

见Degree of Differentiation [区分度]。

236. Negative Shift 负面转换


Defined by Popovič as an incorrect translational solution (or mistranslation) caused by a

misunderstanding on the part of the translator. Popovič states that this may be due to the fact that

the translator is unfamiliar with the language, or has interpreted an ST structure superficially.


237. Nitra School 尼特拉学派


A group of Slovak scholars originally based at the Nitra Pedagogical Faculty in former

Czechoslovakia. The group, which included Levý, Popovič among its members, took some of the

work of the Russian Formalists and the Prague linguistic circle as its starting-point in an

investigation of some aspects of literary translation.

238. "No Leftover" Principle “无遗留”原则


According to Toury, a technique used in DESCRIPTIVE translation analysis. The purpose of

the principle is to act as a guideline for establishing the precise relationship between individual ST

and TT segments. The "no leftover" principle guides the researcher to identify as a replacing

segment only a TT segment beyond the boundaries of which "there are no leftovers of the solution

to a translation problem which is represented by one of the source text's segments, whether similar

or different in rank and scope".

239. Norms 规范


A term frequently encountered in discussions of translational phenomena. It is possible to

state in general terms that: "perform a channelling, funnelling role in that they prefer

problem tokens, i.e. individual utterances and occurrences, to problem types, to which a given

norm can be applied ". In Toury's tripartite model, norms are defined as "strategies of translation

which are repeatedly opted for, in preference to other available strategies, in a given culture or

textural system".

240. Obligatory Equivalents 必要对等[语]


A term used by Nida to describe the features of TL which the translator must of necessity

employ when translating from another language. According to Nida, it is the first requirement of

any translation "that is conform to the obligatory formal features of the receptor language".

241. Oblique Translation 曲径


According to Vinay & Darbelnet, a term used to refer to various types of translation

procedure designed to cope with situations where, because of structural or conceptual differences


between ST and TT, some stylistic or lexical order of the text. The four types of oblique


242. Observational Receiver 观察型接受者


A term used by Pym to describe a reader (or listener) who is able to understand the message

of a text, even though he or she is not specifically addressed in it.

243. Offer of Information 信息提供

见Information Offer [信息提供]。

244. Operative Model 操作模式


A model of the translation process suggested by Bathgate. The operational model is designed

to describe "all phases of the work done by the translator to get from a source language text to the

corresponding target-language text". The operative model divides the process of translation into

seven phases: turning ("getting the feel of the text), ANALYSIS, understanding, terminology,

RESTRUCTURING, checking and discussion.

245. Operational Norms 操作规范


A term used by Toury to refer to those translational NORMS which "direct actual decisions

made during the translation process itself". There are two types of operating norms: those which

affect the matrix of the text, and those which involve the textual make-up and verbal formulation

of the text (TEXTUAL NORMS).

246. Operative Text 运作型文本 (前称Appeal-focused Texts [感染型文本])


A term used by Reiss to refer to one of three basic text-types intended both as a guide for

translator and to help in the process of translation criticism. In such text "both content and form

are subordinated to the extralinguistic effect which the text is designed to achieve". This means

that a translator's main aim should be to produce a TT which has an EQUIVALENT persuasive

force to that of the original.

247. Optional Equivalents 可换对等语


According to Nida, the features of a language which a translator may choose to use when

rendering an ST in TL.

248. Organic Form 有机形式

见Content-derivative Form [派生内容的形式]。

249. Overlapping Translation 重合翻译 (又名Partially-overlapping Translation





A term used by Hervey & Higgins to describe the type of semantic near-EQUIVALENCE


TRANSLATION in a single word or phrase by adding a detail not found in ST but at the same

time omitting another detail which is given there.

250. Overt Translation 显型翻译


A term introduced by House to refer to one of two contrasting modes of translation. An overt

translation "must overtly be a translation". Production of an overt translation is generally a matter

of relatively straightforward linguistic recoding, usually with no necessity to carry out any subtle

cultural realignment.

251. Overtranslation 超额翻译

1 (又写成Over-translation [超额翻译]) 维纳与达尔贝勒纳采用的术语,描述在实际上只有一个翻译单位的地方却返现用了两个翻译单位的情形。

2 纽马克采用的术语,指翻译文本中两种常见的现象之一。纽马克认为,每一个翻译行为都会有一些原文意义的走失,如果这种意义的走失导致细节的增加(而非概括性词语的增加),这就称为“超额翻译”。

1 (or Over-translation) A term used by Vinay & Darbelnet to describe what occurs when

two UNITS OF TRANSLATION are perceived where there is in fact only one.

2 A term used by Newmark to refer to one of two phenomena frequently found in translated

texts. As is argued by Newmark, every act of translation involves some loss of ST meaning. If this

loss of meaning entails an increase in detail (rather than an increase in generalization) it is termed


252. Paradigmatic Equivalence 范式对等


Defined by Popovič as "equivalence of the elements of a paradigmatic expression axis upon

the stylistic level as a system of expressive elements".

253. Parallel Corpora 平行语料[库] (又名Bilingual Corpora [双语语料(库)])


According to Baker, a type of corpus "consists of original, source language-texts in language

A and their translated versions in language B".

254. Parallel Translation 平行翻译


A procedure described by Casagrande. Parallel translation is in effect a type of

BACK0TRANSLATION in which an ST is translated simultaneously into several different TLs.

255. Paraphrase 释译


One of three methods of translating described in the 17th century by Dryden. Dryden defines


paraphrase as "translation with latitude, where the author is kept in view by the translator, so as

never to be lost, but his words are not so strictly followed as his sense".

256. Paris School 巴黎学派

见Interpretive Theory of Translation [翻译释意理论]。

257. Partial Theories of Translation 局部翻译理论


According to Holmes, one of the two branches of THEORETICAL TRANSLATION

STUDIES. Partial theories of translation are concerned with only a limited number of the

phenomena covered by the discipline of TRANSLATION STUDIES. The category of partial

theories of translation is further divided into six sub-types: AREA-RESTRICTED,



258. Partial Translation 部分翻译


A term used by Catford to refer to a kind of translation in which parts of the text (usually

lexical items) are left "untranslated".

259. Partially-overlapping Translation 部分重合翻译

见Overlapping Translation [重合翻译]。

260. Participative Receiver 参与型接受者


According to Pym, one of three types of text receiver. As such, a participative receiver is a

reader (or listener) to whom the text is explicitly addressed.

261. Particularizing Translation 具体化翻译 (又名Particularization [具体化])


Defined by Hervey & Higgins as a translation which renders an ST expression by a TL

hyponym (or word with a more exclusive meaning). Particularizing translation is acceptable on

two conditions: "first, that the TL offers no suitable alternative; second, that the added detail is

implicit in the ST and fits in with the overall context of the ST".

262. Patronage 赞助


A term used by Lefevere in the context of a discussion of the factors which can be brought to

bear on a literary SYSTEM and the individual texts of which it is composed. Patronage is defined

as "something like the powers (persons, institutions) that can further or hinder the reading, writing,

and rewriting of literature".

263. Performance 运用




A term used by Toury. Strictly speaking, the term applies to instances of interlingual

communication, and more specifically, the type of interlingual communication which is known as


264. Phonemic Translation 音素翻译 (又名Homophonic Translation [同音翻译])


One of seven strategies which Lefevere discusses with reference to English translations of

Catullus' poem sixty-four. In a phonemic translation the translator places fidelity to the sound of

ST above all other considerations, to produce a TT which attempts to mimic the "phonetic image"

of ST while being encoded in as close an approximation to TL as possible.

265. Phonological Translation 音位翻译


A term used by Catford to refer to a type of RESTRICTED TRANSALTION in which "the

SL phonology of a text is replaced by equivalent TL phonology", the grammar and lexis remaining


266. Pivot Language 中枢语言


A term used to refer to a language which serves as an intermediate stage between ST and TL

when it is for some reason not possible to transfer ST directly into TL.

267. Poetry into Prose 译诗为文


One of seven strategies of poetry translation catalogued by Lefevere. The translator attempts

to render in TT some of the poetic qualities of the original.

268. Polemical Translation 争辩式翻译


Defined by Popovič as a translation in which the translator's operations are intentionally

"directed against another translator's operations that are representative of a different or

antagonistic conception [of translation]". Alternatively, a polemical translation can also be aimed

at the ST author.

269. Polysystem Theory 多元系统理论


A theory proposed by Even-Zohar to account for the behaviour and evolution of literary

SYSTEMS. The term polysystem denotes a stratified conglomerate of interconnected elements,

which changes and mutates as these elements interact with each other.

270. Post-editing 译后编辑



A term used in the context of MACHINE TRANSLATION and defined by Sager as "the

adaptation and revision of output of a machine translation system either to eliminate errors which

impede comprehension or to make the output read like a natural language text".

271. Pragmatic Translation 语用翻译

1 (又名Pragmatic Approach [语用途径]) 此术语用来指不仅关注指称意义,还关注“话语在交际情境中的使用方式以及人们在语境中的解读方式”的翻译。

2 卡塞格兰德对翻译的四种分类之一。在这种翻译中,主要目的是“尽可能有效地、准确地翻译信息”,关注的重点是“信息的内容本身,而非信息的美学形式、语法形式或文化语境”。

1 (or Pragmatic Approach) A term used to refer to transaltion which pays attention not only to

denotative meaning but also to "the way utterances are used in communicative situations and the

way we interpret them in context".

2 One of Casagrande's four classifications of translation in which the chief purpose is to

"translate a message as efficiently and as accurately as possible", with the emphasis on "the

content of the message as such rather than on its aesthetic form, grammatical form or the cultural


272. Pre-editing 译前编辑


A term used to refer to the process of preparing an ST for translation by a MACHINE

TRANSALTION system. That is to simplify, clarify and disambiguate the grammar and

vocabulary of the text to be translated, in order to ensure that the output is of a reasonable quality.

273. Precision, Degree of 精确度

见Degree of Differentiation [区分度]。

274. Preliminary Norms 预先规范


According to Toury, one of a number of different types of NORM which influence the

translation process. Preliminary norms are defined as operating in two distinct clearly related


275. Prescriptive Translation Studies 规定翻译研究;规定翻译学


A term used by Toury to refer to approaches to translation which are normative in outlook, or

in other words which impose criteria stipulating the way translation should be performed in a

particular culture.

276. Primäre Üersetzung

见Primary Translation [首级翻译]。

277. Primary Translation 首级翻译


According to Diller & Kornelius, one of two ways of translating. A TT is considered to be a


primary translation if the aim is "to produce a communication between an SL sender and a TL


278. Problem-restricted Theories of Translation 关于问题的翻译理论


A term used by Holmes to refer to one of six PARTIAL THEORIES OF TRANSLATION.

Problem-restricted theories of translation deal with specific translation-related problems, such as

for example that concerning the nature of transaltion EQUIVALENCE, or the translation of

metaphors or proper names.

279. Process-oriented Translation Studies 过程取向翻译研究;过程取向翻译学

(又名Process-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies [过程取向描写翻译研究;过程取向描写翻译学])


According to Holmes, one of three varieties of DESCRIPTIVE TRANSALTION STUDIES.

Process-oriented Translation Studies is concerned with an examination of the mental processes

involved in the act of translation.

280. Product-oriented Translation Studies 成品取向翻译研究;成品取向翻译学

(又名Product-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies [成品取向描写翻译研究;成品取向描写翻译学])


One of three types of DESCRIPTIVE TRANSALTION STUDIES, according to Holmes.

This approach generally starts from the description of existing translations, and typically

progresses to a comparative analysis of various translations of the same text into one or more TLs.

281. Professional Norms 专业规范


Defined by Chesterman as one of two types of translational NORM. According to

Chesterman, professional norms govern "the accepted methods and strategies of the translation

process"; as such they are intended to reflect the way professional translators in a given culture

produce translations.

282. Prose Translation 散文翻译

见Inverse Translation [逆向翻译]。

283. Prospective Science of Translation 前瞻式翻译科学

见Prospective Translation [前瞻式翻译] 和Science of Translation [翻译科学]。

284. Prospective Translation 前瞻式翻译


A term used by Postgate to describe translation "which primarily regards the Reader".

Prospective translation is thus a TL-oriented translation procedure in which the translator's main

concern is to express the ST meaning in terms appropriate to the TL audience.


285. Protest 抗议


A term used by Reiss & Vermeer in the context of SKOPOS THEORY. If the recipient's

feedback takes the form of a protest, or in other words if the communication is not received as it

was intended, the communication is considered not to have been successful; such a protest can

occur because of either the content of the message or the intention of the producer.

286. Prototext 原型文本


Defined within Popovič theory of metacommunication as a text "which serves as an ohject of

inter-textual continuity". In other words, a prototext is any text which provides the starting-point

for the creation of a further text (or METATEXT).

287. Pseudotranslation 伪翻译

1 此术语用来指“那些并没有真正源文、而在目标文化中却被视为翻译的目标语文本”。

2 拉多采用的术语,指目标文本过度偏离源文本以致不能把它当成翻译。

1 A term used to refer to "TL texts which are regarded in the target culture as translations

though no genuine STs exist for them".

2 A term used by Radó to refer to a TT which deviates to greatly from its ST to be considered

a translation.

288. Public Service Interpreting 公共服务传译

见Community Interpreting [社传译]。

289. Pure Language 纯语言 (又名Logos [逻各斯]、True Language [本真语言])


A term used by Walter Benjamin in his writings on the nature of language and translation.

The pure language refers to the language of Paradise which Man used in order to name everything

in Creation.

290. Pure Translation Studies 纯翻译研究;纯翻译学


According to Holmes, the non-applied subdivision of TRANSLATION STUDIES. As such,

Pure Translation Studies is itself split into a descriptive and a theoretical wing.

291. Radical Translation 原始翻译


A term used by Quine to denote the "translation of the language of a hitherto untouched

people". The purpose of radical translation is to highlight the notion of indeterminacy in


292. Rank-bound Translation 级阶受限翻译


Defined by Catford as a type of TOTAL TRANSLATION. A rank-bound translation is one in


which "the selection of TL equivalents is deliberately confined to one rank (or a few ranks, low in

the rank scale)".

293. Rank-restricted Theories of Translation 关于级阶的翻译理论


One of six types of PARTIAL THEORY OF TRANSLATION identified by Holmes. A

rank-restricted theory of translation is defined as one which is only concerned with the features of

translation at linguistic ranks lower than entire texts.

294. Reader-oriented Machine Translation 读者取向机器翻译


A term used by Sager to refer to the speedy production of a TL version of a text by means of

MACHINE TRANSLATION in order simply to inform the TL reader of the content of ST.

295. Realia 独有特征


Defined by Vlakhov & Florin as text elements which provide local and historical colour.

There are four categories of realia: a) geographical and ethnographical; b) folkloric and

mythological; c) everyday items; d) social-historical.

296. Receptor Language 接受语


Defined by Nida & Taber as "the language into which a message is translated from the

original or source language".

297. Reconstructions, Translation with 重构式翻译


According to Gouadec, one of seven types of translation which serve to meet the various

translation needs which arises in a professional environment. In translation with reconstructions

ST is translated in its entirety without regard to its form. The aim of such a translation is to

communicate the content of ST in the simplest way possible; all the information is thus

immediately accessible to the TL reader.

298. Redundancy 冗余


Described by Nida as a feature of all natural languages which should be preserved through

the translation process, referring to the inclusion of unnecessary or repeated information within a


299. Refraction 折射


A general term used by Lefevere to refer to the range of literary processes to which


translation can be said to belong. Lefevere defines refraction as "the adaptation of a work of

literature to a different audience, with the intention of influencing the way in which that audience

reads the work".

300. Regulative Translational Conventions 规约性翻译常规


A term used by Nord to denote one of two types of translational CONVENTION. The

concept of regulative translational conventions refers to "the generally accepted forms of handling

certain translation problems below the text rank".

301. Relay Interpreting 转接传译


A term used to refer to the practice of interpreting between two (usually less widely spoken)

language via a third, mediating language.

302. Repertoreme 知识库要素


Defined by Toury as "any sign, irrespective of rank and scope, which forms apart of ...an

institutionalized repertoire". The term repertoire is understood as referring to "the aggregate of

rules and materials which govern both the making and use of any given product".

303. Rephrasing 变换措词


A term used by Hervey & Higgins to refer to "the exact rendering of the message content of a

given ST in a TT that is radically different in form, but neither adds nor omits details explicitly

conveyed in the ST".

304. Resistancy 阻抗 (又名Resistance)


A term used by Venuti to refer to the strategy of translating a literary text so that it retains

something of its foreignness.

305. Restricted Translation 受限翻译


A term used by Carford to refer to a mode of translation which contrasts with TOTAL

TRANSLATION. Restricted translation is defined as the "replacement of SL textual material by

equivalent TL textual material, not only one level".

306. Restructuring 重组 (又名Forward-transformation [前向转换])

Transformation [转换],或按照奈达与泰伯的解释,指翻译过程的第三阶段,即最后阶段。重组阶段就是对被转换的材料进行加工处理,其目的是为了将转换过程的结果转变成一种“适合接受语与预期接受者的文体形式”。

According to Nida & Taber, the third and final stage in the translation process. The

restructuring stage processes the transferred material; its purpose is to transform the results of the

transfer process into a "stylistic form appropriate to the receptor language and to the intended



307. Retranslation 转译

见Indirect Translation [间接翻译]。

308. Retrospective Science of Translation 后瞻式翻译科学

见Retrospective Translation [后瞻式翻译]、science of Translation [翻译科学]。

309. Retrospective Translation 后瞻式翻译


A term introduced by Postgate to describe translation "which primarily regards the Author".

Wilss uses the term retrospective science of translation to denote the study of such phenomena as

error analysis and translation criticism, which belongs to the subdivision of APPLIED

TRANSLATION STUDIES associated with translation as a product rather than a process.

310. Revoicing 换声

见Dubbing [配音]。

311. Rewording 换词

见Intralingual Translation [语内翻译]。

312. Rewriting 重写


A term introduced by Lefevere to refer to a range of processes, including translation, which

can be said to reinterpret, alter or manipulate an original text in some way. Rewriting is defined as

"anything that contributes to constructing the 'image' of a writer and/or a work of literature".

313. Rhymed Translation 韵体翻译


One of seven strategies for translating poetry described by Levefere. The metre of rhymed

translation is self-imposed rather than being copied form ST, which in this case was composed in

non-rhyming verse.

314. Science of Translation 翻译科学


One of several overlapping terms used to denote the discipline concerned with the systematic

study of translation phenomena.

315. Scopos Theory 目的论

见Skopos Theory [目的论]。

316. Secondary Translation 二级翻译


A term used by Diller & Kornelius to refer to one of two modes of translation. A secondary

translation is defined as a translation which has the purpose of "informing a TL receiver about a

communication between an SL sender and an SL receiver".

317. Second-hand Translation 二手翻译

见Indirect Translation 1 [间接翻译]。


318. Sekundäre Übersetzung

见Secondary Translation [二级翻译]。

319. Selective Translation 选译


One of seven types of translation proposed by Gouadec to fulfil the various translation needs

which can occur in a professional environment. In selective translation only details relating to one

specific aspect of ST are translated, thus eliminating all irrelevant information.

320. Self Translation 自译

见Autotranslation [自译]。

321. Semantic Disambiguation 语义消歧


A term used to describe a vital stage in the process of translating from a foreign language.

The task of the translator (or reader) is to determine the precise meanings of individual words on

the basis of the contextual clues which are available.

322. Semantic Translation 语义翻译


According to Newmark, one of two modes of translation, in which "the translator attempts,

within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the TL, to reproduce the precise contextual

meaning of the author".

323. Semantic Voids 语义空缺

见Void [空缺]。

324. Sense, Theory of 意义理论

见Interpretive Theory of Translation [翻译释意理论]。

325. Sense-for-sense Translation 意对意翻译


A general term used to describe the type of translation which emphasizes transfer of the

meaning or "sprint" of an ST over accurate reproduction of the original wording. The purpose of

such a policy is to accommodate the needs of the TL reader by producing a text which conforms to

the linguistic and textual norms of the target language and culture and which does not therefore

sound "foreign".

326. Serial Translation 序列翻译


Defined by Casagrande as a special type of BACK-TRANSLATION in which "a message in

code A is translated successively into codes B, C, D, etc. and if desired, back into code A".

327. Service Translation 服务型翻译


A term used by Newmark to denote what is also known as INVERSE TRANSLATION.

Service translation is the practice of translating our of one's native language.

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