Tense and Voice(时态和语态)


Tense and Voice 时态和语态

I. Tense

By tense, we mean a grammatical category indicating when and how a stated action takes

place. In theories of modern linguistics, English has two tenses, present and past; and two aspects,

progressive and perfect. But more prevailing in China’s EFL teaching is a traditional view that the

tense contains two concepts, time and aspect. The former includes past, present, future, and past

future; while the latter covers simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous. In consequence,

it is generally believed that there are sixteen tenses in the English language. Another important

point about tense in English is that different tenses are indicated by different verb forms, involving

the use of auxiliary verbs. In the Chinese language, however, there is no grammatical tense and the

time reference is expressed by adverbials, phrases of time, and so forth. The following table shows

clearly what verb form should be used for each tense. (The verb “write” is taken for example.)

time aspect simple








am/is/are writing

was/were writing

shall/will be


should/would be



have/has written

had written

shall/will have



have written

prefect continuous

have/has been writing

had been writing

shall/will have been


should/would have

been writing




past future

After we know what verb forms are used for different tenses, a new question is facing us: in

what situations should we use each tense? This question is of great significance because only a

good understanding of it can lead language learners to proficiency in the use of verbs.

1.1 The Present Tenses

The Simple Present Tense is often used to denote an action which takes place frequently at

the present time, or a present existence or state of affairs that the subject is in. It should also be

borne in mind that a future action arranged according to the schedule and one in adverbial clauses

of time, condition, or concession both call for a verb in its simple present tense. Furthermore, this

tense can be used for scientific statements and proverbs, in which an eternal truth is illuminated, or

for sports commentaries, news titles, stage or picture descriptions, plot introductions, and so on.

(1) He often surfs on the Internet for a great variety of information.


There exist all kinds of lotteries in our society.


It is easier to make a hundred watches agree than ten women.


Water boils at 100℃, and freezes at 0℃.


Our trip starts from Taiyuan today and finishes up in Hong Kong in ten days.


Chinese tennis faces uphill task at London Olympics.


In his play Shakespeare makes his characters live through their language.


Sam and Molly are a very happy couple and deeply in love. Walking back to their new

apartment after a night out at the theatre, they encounter a thief in a dark alley, and Sam is



The Present Continuous Tense is commonly used for an event that is taking place

simultaneously with the speech, or a repeated action that is in progress during the present period.

Another important use of this tense is that it can be used to express a plan in the near future. We

should also note that the use of adverbs of frequency in the Present Continuous Tense can indicate

a strong emotional feeling, such as compliment, anger, sympathy, dissatisfaction and curiosity.

(2) We are having a party to celebrate Jesse’s eighteenth birthday.


He is preparing for the coming examination these days.


I am considering accepting your suggestion at present.


I’m seeing my brother off at the station this afternoon.


She is always borrowing money and forgetting to pay you back.


He is constantly disturbing me while I am at work.


You are perpetually thinking of others first.


The Present Perfect Tense basically refers to a past occurrence that has no specified time

indication but bears a relation with the present, or a state that started in the past, and continues up

to the present. It should be remembered all the time that a non-terminative verb is required for its

reference to a durative state.

(3) So far, our factory has produced about eighteen million cars.


In the past twelve months the research members have studied the effectiveness of many

materials in a home building.


His first novel has received good reviews since it came out last month.


I have been and always will be conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.


The Present Perfect Tense is often meant to show a state that started in the past and continues

up to the present, which is similar to the Present Perfect Tense, but this tense has an implication

that the state will still go on or has just come to an end.

(4) Tom has been working in the library every night over the last three months.


I have to see the doctor because I have been coughing a lot lately.


For some time now, world leaders have been pointing out the necessity for agreement on

arms reduction.


1.2 The Past Tenses

The Simple Past Tense normally indicates a past habitual action or state of affairs, or an event

that took place at a particular time in the past.

(4) When I was a boy, I often played basketball with my friends.


He finished his university studies at the age of twenty.


In 1492, Columbus landed on one of the Bahama Islands, but mistook it for an island off



The last half of the nineteenth century witnessed the steady improvement of the means of



The Past Continuous Tense is used to denote a state at a particular point of time or a repeated

action through a period in the past. It can also help us express a plan in the past.

(6) I walked slowly through the market, where people were selling all kinds of fruits and



I was working on my graduation paper last year, and it’s still a long way to complete it.


We were driving along the river when the car ran out of petrol.


When we talk about an action that happened before a particular time in the past, we may turn

to the use of the Past Perfect Tense. Quite clearly, this tense can also refer to a durative state that

continued up to a particular time in the past.

(7) We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken into the office

during the night.


Last month, the Japanese government expressed their thanks for the aid they had received

from China.


Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it had been necessary for all planes to land

for refueling.


By using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense, we can describe a durative state which

continued up to a particular time in the past with an implication that the state might go on or had

just ended.

(8) When Alice came to, she did not know how long she had been lying there.


He said he felt bad because he had been sitting up late the night before.


1.3 The Future Tenses

The Simple Future Tense often refers to an event that takes place at a particular time in the

future. It should be noticed that British people prefer to use the auxiliary verb “shall” for the first

person as the subject, whereas Americans always use “will” for all persons. Besides, there are

some other constructions that can be used for a future action, for instance, “am/is/are +going to

+v.”, “am/is/are about to + v.” “am/is/are to + v.” and “am/is/are on the point/verge/eve/brink of


(9) She will graduate from Harvard University next year.


Who is going to take care of the child while you are away?


The lecture is about to begin in five minutes.


You are to finish all your homework before you watch TV.


Scientists are on the verge of making greater progress in the treatment of cancer.


The Future Continuous Tense can be used to indicate a state at a particular point of time or a

repeated action through a period in the future. What is more important is that this tense is often

used to ask for another person’s intention or plan, which appears more polite than the Simple

Future Tense.

(10) I will be attending a lecture on British literature at this time of tomorrow.


You will be experiencing quite a different culture in London.


If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you will be eating fresh watermelon in the



He will not be speaking at the meeting tomorrow because he has suddenly fallen ill.


Will you be working as a teacher after graduation?


The Future Perfect Tense denotes an action prior to a particular time in the future or a

durative state which will continue up to a particular time in the future.

(11) On her next birthday, Ann will have been married for twenty years.


By the end of next month, I will have saved enough for a small apartment.


I hope that her health will have improved greatly by the time we come back next year.


The Future Perfect Continuous Tense can be used for a durative state which will continue up

to a particular time in the future. It is possible that the state will continue or will have just come to

an end.

(12) It will have been snowing for five days if it snows again tomorrow.


We will have been working on the talent show for almost twelve hours when it ends.


1.4 The Past Future Tenses (The Future Tenses in the Past)

All the four future tenses in the past are commonly used for future actions or states of affairs

from the perspective of a particular time in the past, and more often than not, they appear in

indirect speeches, or for hypothetical use.

(13) He refused to tell us whether he would undertake the job.


Did you predict that many students would sign up for the dance competition?


I was on the point of leaving when you arrived.


He said that he would be having a meeting the next morning.


We would have put John’s name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.


II. Voice

Voice is a grammatical category to demonstrate the relationship between the subject and the

action that the predicator refers to. A general view is that the English language has two voices,

active voice and passive voice. The former means that the subject is the performer (agent) of the

action indicated by the predicator; however the latter reveals that the subject is the recipient

(patient) of the action. It is believed that active voice requires no specific verb forms, whereas

passive voice usually takes the form of “the auxiliary verb be + v-ed”.

(14) Jim invited Tom to the premiere of The Amazing Spider-Man. (active)


Tom was invited by Jim to the premiere of The Amazing Spider-Man. (passive)


As we can see, both the sentences, despite their difference in voice, convey almost the same

meaning, but differ in verb forms for the predicator, which is considered by many people to be the

only difference between the two voices. However, focus is a more important difference. An active

sentence chiefly focuses on the agent, laying greater stress upon the subjective will or function of

the agent; while a passive sentence focuses on the recipient rather than the agent, so passive voice

supplies more objectivity for sentences. This also leads to their distinguished difference in style,

for which passive voice is very common in scientific writing, legal literature, news reports, and so


Theoretically, passive voice can be used in all tenses, demanding different verb forms, but

the fact is that it merely appears in ten tenses. The following table will display the different verb

forms of passive voice in different tenses. (The verb “write” is taken for example.)

time aspect simple





shall/will be



be written


am/is/are being


was/were being



have/has been


had been written

shall/will have been


should/would have

been written

prefect continuous




past future

(15) All visitors to this village are treated with kindness. (simple present)


All flights were canceled because of the snowstorm. (simple past)


In the near future, more advances in the robot technology will be made by scientists.

(simple future)


The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune would be made.

(past future)


Traditional folk arts like paper cutting are being exhibited at the culture show of the

World Expo. (present continuous)


The attackers were arrested and didn’t know where they were being taken.

(past continuous)


In the last few years thousands of films have been produced all over the world.

(present perfect)


Experiments of this kind had been conducted in both the U.S. and Europe well before the

Second World War. (past perfect)


Ten candidates will have been interviewed by lunch time. (future perfect)


He promised that the task would have been completed by the following week.

(past future perfect)


Although the auxiliary verb be is used in most passive sentences, the verb get sometimes

takes its place. For all the nuances between them in meaning, the two structures are

interchangeable in most cases.

(16) These days, many drivers got punished because of their carelessness.

These days, many drivers were punished because of their carelessness.


Still we ought to familiarize ourselves with the passive constructions for some special

predicator forms, such as dative verbs, factitive verbs, phrasal verbs, or verbs containing a modal.

(17) We were shown many different examples of autonomic learning.

Many different examples of autonomic learning were shown to us.


This law is intended to reduce the number of accidents caused by children running across

the road when they get off the bus.


The old and the disabled are well taken care of by our government.


Orchestral instruments can be grouped under the following types: strings, woodwind,

brass, and percussion.


It cannot be ignored that there are still two other problems worthy of considerable attention.

One is that some verbs are often used in such a construction “It is v-ed that…”, including accept,

acknowledge, assume, believe, claim, consider, declare, estimate, expect, find, hope, know,

presume, recommend, remember, report, rumor, say, suggest, suppose, think, understand, and so

on. The other is that some verbs can express a passive meaning in their active forms, either in

simple or continuous aspect, for example, bind, carry, clean, cut, drive, dry, iron, lock, open, read,

show, shut, translate, wash, wear, write, bake, beat, brew, cook, build, print, sell, and so forth.

(18) It is said that anger does great harm to health. (据说生气对健康有害。)

It is recommended that college students should be provided with some courses on



It must be remembered that wealth does not necessarily lead to happiness.


This kind of pens writes smoothly.


Shirts made from cotton wear comfortably.


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