

1 Dear teacher and classmates:

Today's topic is travel, we may have been to a lot of scenic places, but,today I want to

introduce the spectacular scenery for you. now, please listen to a short music and imagine

where is here? What about do you think?(音乐1)

where is here? Yes, It is you think anout some thing? 2 yes ,there are some

flying, camel, Mogao Grottoes, desert and so on , may be most of us have not been to there,

I would not say there picturesque more beautiful than Jiangnan, but it is certainly different

views. I hope that we can have the opportunity to take a look it, the northwest region of the

motherland such a magical and beautiful ,Let me as host to introduce and taste

of Dunhuang in the magic and beauty of the landscape and features.

3 Dunhuang is located in the ancient Chinese roads leading to the Western, Central Asia

and Europe - the Silk Road, the famous city on the ancient Silk Road in China. It is like a

green pearl inlaid on the vast sea of sand. 敦, it means large, 煌,it means prosperous, all

the means is the grand splendor meaning, It is revealing Dunhuang's importance in the

economic, cultural, political at ancient period, just like上海 or Hongkong now. 4

5 Dunhuang is located remote location in Gansu western. In General,if you want to

there must use the main travel transport: train and plane, This is Dunhuang railway station

and airport, the train is safe and economical, but it’s slow,you need spend 40 hours from

shanghai. Although the plan’s tickets are very expensive, from Shanghai about 2000

yuan. but it’s vest fast, someone like it than train.

6 There are some famous attractions for worthwhile to visit in Dunhuang .If we have a

change to go there,you must visit the some famous views ,such as The Mogao Grottoes ;Crescent Moon Spring;The Echoing-Sand Mountain;Yadan landform;West

Thousand-Buddha cave;West Lake Nature Reserve;YangGuanScenicArea;YuMenGuanScenicArea; Dunhuang movie and Television City and so on.

7 First to introduce the Mogao Grottoes,the right is。

8 下面是莫高窟的中文介绍。 9 10

11 Some Foreign tourists were evaluated of Mogao such as words : "When I visited the

Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, just as saw the world's ancient civilizations." Mogao

Grottoes is the oldest, largest, richest galleries in the world' ","It is the greatest treasure

house of the extant Buddhist art in the world." now,let’s go.(视频1) Now I will be

introduced by digital movie Mogao Grottoes。The Mogao Grottoes, located 25 kilometers

southeast of Dunhuang City, chiselling in The Echoing-Sand Mountain cliff. North and

South over 1600 meters long, one above the five level of patchwork. It is China's largest

existing and best preserved, most content-rich classical cultural treasure house of art, and

the world famous center of Buddhist art. Now,you see the Mogao Cave 96, known as

the "Great Buddha" people's habits. It is Nine-story and the high is 45 meters, depending

on the cliff and built location the Mogao on Temple Grottoes middle of the inside is

dedicated to the world's largest indoor cross-legged sitting the Nitai (石胎泥塑彩绘)Maitreya Bodhisattva statues. Buddha, 35 meters high, is the third largest seated

Buddha in China。 The lower part of the Big Buddha accommodate the space while the

upper small plane was square. Outside the building to open two channels, both available

nearby to watch the Big Buddha, the Buddha head and waist light sources. This cave eaves

Tang Wende first year (888 years) existed, then layer 5, the Northern Song Dynasty

Conduit four years (966 years) and the Qing Dynasty rebuilt and changed to a four layer.

Rebuilt again in 1935, to form a 9-layer modeling. 12

13 14 15 coloured sculpture 彩塑

Painted sculpture for the main body of the Dunhuang Art, Buddha, Bodhisattva, disciples

like kings, King Kong, Guinness, God, etc.. The painted sculptures form of colorful, round

plastic, floating plastic film plastic, good karma plastic. Maximum of 34 m, the smallest

only 2 centimeters (the good karma mud, wood and stone like), the subject matter is rich

and craft superb, called Buddhist coloured sculpture Museum. 16

17 18 19 Dunhuang murals 壁画

Wealthy colorful grotto murals and paintings of various Buddhist stories, beautiful scenery,

pavilions and other buildings, landscapes, floral patterns, Flying Buddha, and then

working people for the production of a variety of scenes Sixteen States to Qing Dynasty

1500 reproduction the years folk style of art and historical changes, majestic and

magnificent. Also found that a large number of mural art, ancient artists based on

Nationalization, to learn the ancient art of Iran, India, Greece and other countries long, is a

symbol of the Chinese nation developed civilization. Dynasty murals show different

painting styles, reflecting the political, economic and cultural situation of China's feudal

society, is the ancient Chinese art history, glorious chapter in the precious image of

historical research for the History of Ancient China.

20 21 Flying 飞天 now,i want to ask you a question, do you think the flying are

women or men? Next please listeing.

Buddhism Feitian is the Gandharva and Jinna Luo. Gandharva task in the Buddhist

kingdom of fragrance and flowers for the Buddha, for Po, who live in the bushes, flying in

the Temple. Jinna Luo task is in Buddhist music, song and dance, but can not fly in the

clouds. Later, Gandharva and tight that Law mixed, men and women, regardless of

functions, regardless of, as one goes flying. Now, early music in the Temple called

"Heavenly Music and Dancing, later held the instrument dance called" Flying Kuregaku, ".

Style characteristics of Dunhuang Flying is not long wings, not raw feathers, with the

clouds, soar with Piaoye dress fluttering ribbons. Both varied and ever-changing. This is

on the basis of the national tradition, absorption and integration of the flying alien art

achievements, the development of Dunhuang Flying image created out of.

22 These the Flying murals and dance, to see the flying everyone can like which is the

dance? "A Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva", "Flying", (视频2.3)how are you

feeling after looking?Yes it’s Very beautiful.

23 Storage of Buddhist cave 藏经洞

On 1900 at Mogao Grottoes, accidentally discovered the " cave ", the cave has from fourth

Century to fourteenth Century five, sixty thousand pieces of ancient relics. This is the

beginning of the twentieth Century Chinese Archaeology of a major discovery, shocked

the world. After the development of the famous " Dunhuang studies ". Study of Dunhuang

after nearly 100 years of study, not only in academic, artistic, cultural and other aspects of

achieved results attract people's attention, but also to show the world the Dunhuang artistic

beauty, the rich culture and ancient Chinese working people very intelligent.

24 Here we see the destruction of the Mogao Grottoes: Mogao Grottoes in Yuan Dynasty

is little-known, hundreds of years kept the original basically. But since the cave was

discovered, immediately attracted to many Western archaeologist and explorer, with the

most low price from the king Yuanlu office obtained a large number of rare books and

paintings, out of China or scattered in folk, serious damage to the Mogao Grottoes and the

Dunhuang artistic integrity. A brief history of plunder: Guangxu twenty-six years

( AD 1900 ) Wang Yuanlu found " from ", possession of instruments and artifacts in

Ellsworth, more than 40000 pieces. Thereafter the Mogao Grottoes more attract sb.'s


In1907, UK in 1914 two suicide notes, Stein plundered more than ten thousand pieces of

cultural relics.

In 1908 the French Bashi and from the Tripitaka in chosen instruments in the boutique,

took about 5000 pieces.

In 1910 the Tripitaka in looting Sutra, mostly to Beijing, make capital library collection.

In 1911 the Japanese Ju Ruichao and Yoshikawa Koichiro from Taoist Wang, took about

600 scrolls.

In 1914 the Russians from Dunhuang took a number of Oldenburg and scrolls manuscripts,

and cave surveying and mapping, also stole 263rd murals.

In1924 American Wallner with a special chemical glue, adhesive exposing Mogao

Grottoes murals stole 26 block. All of them with a small amount of silver, took a lot of the

splendid culture of china.

25 Mogao Grottoes murals blank is stolen stuck go murals

26 Then ,hundred years or thousands years after the Mogao Grottoes will happen,

please watch the video.(视频4)

In order to protect the murals, Mogao Grottoes is open only 10 caves, because carbon

dioxide makes mural oxidation discoloration. The Mogao Grottoes visit, can only use the

flashlight watch guide, each with a flashlight, if you better to watch, can bring a three

battery flashlight. Recommendations for the use of cold light flashlight. Due to a variety of

camera flash to cultural relics have very large damage, please visit the Mogao Grottoes

determined before the camera into the!

27 鸣沙山The Echoing-Sand Mountain 28 29

30 Mingsha mountain has two unique: if a man from the top down, at the foot of the

sand will sob sound; the day people climbed at the footprints, the very next day was no

traces. Dunes, sand mountain peak downs, " such as dragon winds ", golden, like a golden

hill. Mingsha mountain was once called "the Shajiao mountain ". At the edge of Tengger

Desert, and Ningxia Zhongwei County of Shapotou, Inner Mongolia Dalate flag sounding

Sand Bay and Xinjiang Kazakh Autonomous County of the town with our country four big

mountain of.

31,32 Entertainment projects

In recent years, along with tourism's vigorous development, the government of Dunhuang

on the scenic area has taken various construction and protection measures, make its

appearance changes greatly, also carried out of sand treatment, Chung sand sliding, gliding

parachute, ride a camel in desert and entertainment projects, so that visitors interesting, the

region has.

33,月牙泉(音乐2) next i will introduce the Crescent Moon Spring with you 34

35 The ancient Crescent Spring called the manhole, common name the pharmaceutical,

starting from the Han Dynasty, "Dunhuang eight scenic spots" one, named " Moon Spring

Xiao che ". Crescent Spring north and South nearly 100 meters long, east-west width of 25

meters, the spring in West shallow, the depths of about 5 meters, such as crescent bend,

hence the name, " desert first spring " is called. Clear spring, ripple carry, such as jade.

Spring in quicksand, drought is not depleted, wind blown sand does not fall, spectacular.

Past dynasties scholars on this unique mountain landscape, the wonders of the desert

praise. In recent years, along with tourism's vigorous development, the government of

Dunhuang on the scenic area has taken various construction and protection measures,

make its appearance changes greatly, also carried out of sand treatment, Chung sand

sliding, gliding parachute, ride a camel in desert and entertainment projects, so that visitors

interesting, the region has. 36

37 The Crescent Spring has four odd: The crescent shape of through the ages as of old,

The evil boundary land into springs flow, Not flooded in sand dune, Ancient lake fish food

is not old. Go to Crescent Spring to play in the afternoon, Mingsha mountain at dusk best.

38 39 40

41 next I will introduce the other Landscapes, this is the 玉门关ne has

heard this in the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, Zhang Qian twice to the

western regions are from Yumen Pass travel.

42 You listen to this song, where is about to say next scenic spot? (音乐3) is, this is the

Yangguan. This is the yangguan museum.。

43 This is the Dunhuang film and Television City, have played in many films, are: " New

Dragon Gate Inn ", " Dunhuang ", " Fengshen Kingdoms ", " the wrath of the mad sand ",

" Dunhuang ", " talk about the desert Prince ", " mirage " and so on.

44 The following are some of the other attractions : the white tower, Kota, Ottawa

depression pool, the Great Wall of the Han, three Weishan

45 This is the Dunhuang National Geological Park, also called the demon city, is currently

Asia's largest, most mature geological morphology, most ornamental value yadandimao


46 47 48 This is the Dunhuang West Lake, West Lake scenic area is a national natural


49 This is Hometown of new landscape, the new face of dragon boat racing, the party

River customs line, London on highways (downtown to the Crescent Spring highway ),

Lake Villa ( small affluent families built cottage)

50 Populus euphratica, snow ( winter RIME ), rebound the lute, fountain

51 Poplar woods landscape ( in autumn the leaves turn yellow, golden, very charming

scenery )

52 --55 Dunhuang night

56 Dunhuang strange stone

57 Dunhuang dance

58 The characteristics of fruit: Dunhuang summer because of the sunshine time is long,

large temperature difference between day and night is sweet and delicious fruits grapes,

common fruits are: Li Guangxing, melon, sand jujube, peach, the grape purple Rouge

59 李广杏、鸣沙大枣、香水梨、金皇后、无核白葡萄

60 There are a variety of dried fruits: raisin, apricot, peach, apricot, Cynomorium, dried

apricots and other. Very delicious.

61 Following the presentation of the characteristics of Dunhuang snacks:

62Dunhuang dishes listed Chinese " new cuisine " in the first place.

63敦煌宴、这是其中的“大梦敦煌 ”,“月泉秀”。

64 These are the Dunhuang characteristic snack: mutton soup rice powder, Yu Qian,

sub-surface这些是敦煌的特小吃:羊肉粉汤 榆钱饭 臊子面

65 鸽子煲 66驴肉黄面 67 炒拉面 68 羊杂割 69浆水面 70 酿皮

71 剁椒鱼头 72 烤羊肉

73 This is Dunhuang camel crafts 74骆驼有单峰骆驼和双峰骆驼。

75 Characteristics of products: luminous cup, carpet, portraitCharacteristics of products:

luminous cup, carpet, portrait

76 Welcome to visit Dunhuang.

These are some of Dunhuang's unique decorations, which is earrings, paintings, flying

pendants, sweater chain, and carving picture.


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标签:羊肉   毛衣   榆钱   飞天
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