

(be) all ears(be) all nerves(be) child’s play(be) get out of the red(be) in a hole(be) in a tight corner(be) in/out of one's element(be) left for dead(be) of one mind(be) off one's head(be) on the ball(be) on the same wavelength(be) pale with fright(be) under the hammer(be) up in arms(go) on the stagea basket case

a bill of farea blessing in disguisea breath of fresh aira change of hearta far crya feather in one's capa flash in the pana gay gatheringa Gordian knota grain of trutha gut feelinga hangover (noun) / hung-over (adj)a hard/tough nut to cracka heavy pursea hill of beansa household word

a leap in the darka light pursea long haula matter of opiniona mere nobodya narrow escape (from death)a nose of waxa pain in the necka pain in the necka perfect strangera pet namea rainbow of coloursa rainbow of opinionsa rip-off / to rip sb offa word in one’s earabsent over leaveadd insult to injuryAffect Not To Knowaffix one's seal

an eye-openerarm in armaround the corneraround/round the clockas bold as brassas cool as cucumberas drunk as a lordas easy as rolling off a logas hard as nailsas sure as fateat the end of one's ropeat your fingertipsbe in hot waterbe in sb’s good booksbe in sb's good/bad booksbe in the redbe in the same boatbe moderate in viewsbeat one's breast/chestbet on the wrong horsebirds of a featherBirds of a feather (flock together)

bite one's head offbite sb's head offbite your tongueblack and blueblack outblow one's own horn/trumpetblow one's topborn in/to the purplebreak the back ofbreak the icebreak the neck ofbreathe down sb’s neckburn one's bridgesburn one's fingersburn your bridges

bury the hatchetby all nervesby fits and startscall a spade a spadecap in handcast (one's) pearls before swinecatch sb red-handedclear the airclear the deckscommon touchconvert sorrow into strengthcook sb's goosecost (sb) an arm and a legcrack a joke / crack jokescross your fingerscry in one's beercry over spilt milkdie game

draw a veil over sthdrown one's sorrows/troublesfetch and carryfit (fill) the billfit as a fiddlefit like a glovefollow one's nosefoot the billget into hot waterget out of bed on the wrong sideget out of the jaws of dangerget sth off your chestget the gateget/let sb off the hookgive sb hell

give sb the cold shouldergive the devil his duegive the law to sbGrasp all, lose allhalfway pathhave a ballhave a chip on your shoulderhit the nail on the headhook, line and sinkerI’m all earsif/when it comes to the crunchif/when push comes to shovein and outin bad repairin the bagjet lagJust my luck!keep abreast withkeep early hourskeep one’s headkeep one's head

keep one's own counselkeep one's temperkeep one's wordleft, right and centrelevel the scorelie in ruinslook blacklose one's headlove at first sightmake a clean breast ofmake a goose of bricks without strawMake hay while the sun in the budon pins and needlesout of sight, out of sb (back) in his own coinpush your luckring a bell/ring the bellrough handsscare/frighten the (living) daylightsout of sbscare/frighten the life out of sbset the world on firesnap sb's head off

speak of the devilstick to one's guntalk sb's head/ear offThank you all the sameThat's another pair of shoesthe apple of someone's eyeThe ball is in your courtthe icing on the cakethe jaws of deathYou can say that again!You know what I meansYou name and old

全神贯注地倾听着, 洗耳恭听When Payton speaks with the voice or the horn, I'm all ears.神经紧张;高度不安容易之极The tennis match was child’s play for Ben.不再亏损We have to produce new products to get out of the red otherwise we will gobankrupt.处于困境Wisconsin put Ohio State in a hole early and never let the Buckeyes climb out of陷入困境Frequently, conservation initiatives now find themselves in a tight corner.得心应手 ; 如鱼得水 / [口语]处于不相宜的环境,不得其所无法解的难题;被认为已死而撇下不管同心协力;众志成城It was like we were of one mind, holding down the foundation for Robby and Jim to神经错乱,神志不清Also, off one's nut or rocker or trolley or chump . Crazy, out of one's mind, asin:You're off your head if you think I'll pay your debts, orI think Jerry's gone off his nut over that car, orWhen she said we had to sleep in the barn we thought she was off her rocker, orThe old man's been off his trolley for at least a expression using head is colloquial and dates from the mid-1800s, nut hasbeen slang for "head" since the mid-1800s; rocker, dating from the late 1800s,may allude to an elderly person falling from a rocking chair; trolley, alsodating from the late 1800s, may be explained by George Ade's use of it in Artie(1896): "Any one that's got his head full of the girl proposition's liable to go[俚语];变机警;机灵能干;活跃;准备应急;提高警惕,警觉Greg isn’t on the ball today. He keeps making silly mistakes.投缘The group members were all on the same wavelength, so they were able to finishtheir project quickly.吓的面无人Her face was ghostly pale with fright. 她吓得面惨白。被拍卖;在拍卖Two sites that went under the hammer earlier this year failed to rise aboveforecasts.满腔怒火People were up in arms [about/over] the government’s plan to raise the当演员1.极度紧张(或焦虑)的人;精神濒于崩溃的人; 2. 财政拮据的国家(或公司)1. Darryl’s ex-wife is a total basket case.2. 20 years ago the country was an economic basket case.20年前,该国的经济一团糟

菜单;节目单塞翁失马焉知非福 (An unfortunate event or situation that results in an unforseenpositive outcome.)Losing his job turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Afterwards, Roger foundhis dream job.使人耳目一新的人The new employee, Gail, is a breath of fresh air in the office.改变主意、改变看法After seeing a mouse on the floor, I had a change of heart about eating at therestaurant.遥远的距离 (a long way)stuck at the airport in Memphis, a far cry from achievement to be proud of可引以为豪的成就It's a real feather in our cap to be playing in the state championship.代表英国参加这次比赛是真正让我们引以自豪的事。Something that happened only once or for a short time and was not repeated 昙花一现Sadly, their success was just a flash in the pan.不幸的是,他们的成功仅仅是昙花一现。快乐的聚会a difficult problem or situation 棘手的问题,难办的事;棘手的局面to cut the Gordian knot (= to deal with problems by taking forceful action)快刀斩乱麻一丝真理,一点儿可信的东西It sounds scary, and it contains more than a grain of truth—but in fact theRepublicans have proposed none of these specific cuts.本能、直觉(instinctive feeling, intuition; also called gut reaction)I have a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen today.宿醉难消Tyler was too hung-over from last night’s party to go to work.a problem that is very difficult to solve or a person who is very difficult tounderstand棘手的问题;难以理喻的怪人Prov. If you have plenty of money, you will feel happy and ne in the office is especially cheerful on payday, since a heavy pursemakes a light heart.小事;毫无价值家喻户晓的(名)字

冒险的行动His move to America was a leap in the dark.贫困A light purse is a heavy curse 为人无钱处处难长远的Peter told his boss that he wouldn’t quit. He’s in it for the long haul.见仁见智The best restaurant in Europe is, of course, a matter of opinion.无足轻重的人, 微不足道的人a situation in which you avoid danger although you very nearly do not 死里逃生We got out in time but it was a narrow escape. 我们险些未能及时逃脱。可以隨便捏弄的東西,容易塑捏的東西She is a nose of wax. 她沒有主見惹人讨厌的人或事They're a pain in the neck because they don't speak Thai so they have to have脖子疼My brother is a real pain in the neck sometimes.惹人讨厌的人或事They're a pain in the neck because they don't speak Thai so they have to have完全陌生的人He is a perfect stranger to me. 我與他素不相識昵稱;愛稱五颜六She ducks into a market stall, where local women are dyeing sarongs in a rainbowof tropical colours.各種觀點something that is not worth what you pay for it索价过高的物品Six dollars for a cup of coffee?! What a rip-off! 私房话, 秘密话逾假不归雪上加霜To add insult to injury, Greg’s wife left him for his best friend. 佯作不知蓋章、批准

something that surprises you and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc.使人大开眼界的事物;有启发性的东西The film on global warming was a real eye-opener for Tom.手挽手地在拐角处;即将到来(=all day and all night, usually without stopping) 昼夜不停地This is a terrific mission and we are very busy doing science round the clock.厚颜无耻的;极其胆大妄为镇定自若酩酊大醉极容易铁石心肠, 冷酷无情千真万确adv. 智穷力竭, 山穷水尽Frank was at the end of his rope over the matter.唾手可得With the World Wide Web, people have a vast amount of information at their陷入困境Ken was in hot water about forgetting his wedding anniversary.得宠于某人Ryan is not in his father’s good books right now because he scratched his you are in someone's good/bad books, they are pleased/not pleased with you.为(某人)所喜欢/厌恶He's in Melanie's bad books because he arrived two hours late.他迟到了两小时,梅拉妮对他很恼火。亏空The company has been in the red since September.同舟共济The governments of Portugal and Greece are in the same boat. They both need持稳键见解to show how sad or guilty you feel in an obvious or public way捶胸顿足There's no point in beating your breast about losing the money - you won't get itback.估计(或判断)错误You don't want to bet on the wrong horse or, perhaps even worse, buy the wrong(often disapproving) people who are similar in character 一类人;志趣相投者;一丘之貂He'll like Tony - they're birds of a feather.一丘之貉A: It’s funny that all of Kate’s friends are attractive.B: So is she. I guess birds of a feather flock together.

to speak to someone in a quick, angry way, for no good reason无缘由地对(某人)发火,莫名其妙地对(某人)发脾气I only asked if I could help - there's no need to bite my head off!我只是问一下我能否帮上忙——没必要无缘无故地对我发火![informal] to speak to someone in a quick, angry way, for no good reason无缘由地对(某人)发火,莫名其妙地对(某人)发脾气I only asked if I could help - there's no need to bite my head off!我只是问一下我能否帮上忙——没必要无缘无故地对我发火!别嚼舌头;忍住不说Jack bit his tongue while his manager criticized his performance.(被打得)遍体鳞伤;青肿的,青一块紫一块的;遍体鳞伤的;淤血的;(因受打击等而)感到痛苦的;伤心的用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻)自吹自擂Perfect a pair " king mother-in-law sells melon, blow one's own trumpet "attitude. 跟读1. [美国俚语]2. 大发脾气;冒火3. 发疯,发狂,发神经Don't blow your top when one or two people think it's smart to point out yourfaults and failings in a negative way.当某些居心不良的人以负面的形式指出你的错误与失败时,千万别发脾气。出身显贵1. 完成某事最艰巨(或最大量)的部分,做…的大部分(或最难部分);克服了某一问题的主要障碍,解决(某个问题的)主要困难(或矛盾)2. 破坏,毁坏,摧垮,伤及…的要害1. Now, to do that, the first thing we had to do was break the back of thisrecession. voice2. All sides used dramatic acts of violence and brutality to try to break theback of the enemy.打破沉默At the start of the meeting, Mike tried to break the ice by telling a joke.1. 压得…抬不起头来2. 伤其要害;毁坏,破坏3. 完成…的大部分(或最艰巨的部分);度过最艰难的时刻He will break the neck of you . 跟读他会打断你的颈骨。严密监督某人Jim found it hard to focus on his work with his boss breathing down his neck.破釜沉舟;自绝后路;采取无可挽回的行动Failing to meet a deadline once could burn one's bridges with a client forever.一旦不能如期交工,你将可能永远地失去这个客户。(因管闲事、好打听或因轻率、鲁莽等而)吃苦头;吃亏[亦作 get one's fingers burned]Gain got by a lie will burn one's fingers.靠欺骗得来的利益会使自己受伤。过河拆桥Jack tried to be kind to his boss when he quit in job because he didn’t want to

和解;停战Susan and Mike agreed that it was time to bury the hatchet. They apologized anddecided to be friends.神经紧张;高度不安一阵一阵地,间歇地直言不讳;实话实说It is time to call a spade a spade and demand compliance with this law.恭敬地,谦恭地So the king has had to go cap in hand to his rich neighbour, South Africa.对牛弹琴I'm afraid you're casting pearls before swine with your good advice - he won' find someone in the act of doing something illegal当场抓住(某人)干非法勾当消除误会;使空气清新;澄清事实清除障碍准备行动n. 平易近人的特性An effective administrator and also an effective leader, with a common touch化悲痛为力量to do something that spoils someone's plans and prevents them from succeeding扰乱(某人)的计划;使(某人)丧失成功机会;毁掉(某人)的前程Just tell her we can't - that'll cook her goose.只要告诉她我们不能——那将会毁了她。to be extremely expensive极其昂贵;花一大笔钱The designer handbag cost her an arm and a leg.I'd love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg. 我倒是想买辆劳斯莱斯,讲笑话,开玩笑I like to play golf, crack jokes or play badminton.我喜欢打高尔夫,开玩笑,打打羽毛球而已。祈祷好运Kate crossed her fingers and hoped it wouldn’t rain on her wedding day.借酒消愁 覆水难收You all know the expression, ? "Don't cry over spilt milk." Right? 跟读你们都知道有句话叫做,“覆水难收“,对吗?至死不屈He is a soldier who would die game.他是一个至死 不屈的 战士。

to not talk any more about a subject because it could cause trouble orembarrassment避而不谈…I think we should draw a veil over everything that happened at the party, don'tyou?借酒浇愁 to drink alot of alcohol because you wantto stop feeling sadI've got a bottle of whiskey here- shall westay in and drown our sorrows?1. 打杂,做杂务;当奴仆,听差遣[亦作fetch-and-carry]2. 跑来跑去传播消息(或谣言)They will fetch and carry parts, hold things, pick up tools, sort items, clean upand make themselves useful in myriad other ways.符合要求,适合要求非常健康If you want to climb three mountains in 24 hours, you have to be as fit as afiddle.如果你想在24小时内爬三座山,那你身体得特别好。完全相合;恰好凭本能行事付帐George agreed to foot the bill for dinner.陷入困境心绪不好;闹脾气I’d avoid talking with Bob today. He must’ve got out of bed on the wrong side.脱险把它说出来;一吐为快A: Keith, there’s something I need to get off my chest.B: What’s bothering you? Tell me.被赶走;被解雇[informal] to be sent away; to be rejected. I thought he liked me, but I got thegate. I was afraid I'd get the gate, and I was right.摆脱困境Luckily for her, the policeman let Jane off the hook for parking her car in a no-parking zone. 冷嘲热讽;冷言冷语[informal]​If someone gives you hell, they criticize you severely.严厉批评(某人)She gave me hell for being 20 minutes late.因为我迟到了20分钟,她狠狠训了我一顿。​If something gives you hell, it causes you a lot of pain.使(某人)受苦These new shoes are giving me hell.这双新鞋把我的脚磨得疼死了。

冷淡对待Ted gave his ex-girlfriend the cold shoulder when he saw her at the party.平心而论To give the devil his due , he is quite a conscientious worker.平心而论, 他工作还是认真的.But both characters are much more complicated than they look—Kyra, for instance,is suffering from a near-incapacitating case of liberal guilt—and Mr. Hare takesthe greatest of care to give the devil his due.把自己的意志强加于人贪多必失中庸之道狂欢;玩得开心;[美国俚语]尽情作乐,狂欢作乐;玩得高兴;过得愉快;[口语]狂欢作乐,消遣,痛快地玩With the arrival of full-frame CMOS sensors, digital photographers are about to心存芥蒂Tim has had a chip on his shoulder about businesswomen since he lost his job to awoman three years ago.说得中肯,一针见血;做得恰到好处,击中要害By calling for a halt, these MPs have hit the nail on the head.完全地;全部地;彻底地"Google has joined hook, line and sinker with the propaganda regime of Beijing, "洗耳恭听A: Doug, I’ve discovered the meaning of life.B: Really? I’m all ears.关键时刻If it comes to the crunch and you and your husband do split up, you can alwaysstay with us.面临最后紧要关头If push comes to shove, I’ll be here to support you.进进出出维修不善The road was in bad repair in parts.十拿九稳的;稳操胜券的After scoring their fourth goal, the victory was in the bag.时差反应偏偏就是这样倒霉It rained on my only day off. Just my luck!跟上,不落后于早睡早起保持镇静Stay calm, retain self-control, as in:When the rowboat capsized, George yelled that everyone should keep their head andhold onto the boat .

不发表己见; 保守秘密忍住性子守信到处地;全面地;极度地;在各个方面Businesses were closing in town left, right and centre.扳成平局But Nick Macleod landed two penalties for the visitors and Thomas sent aopportunity to level the score wide.化为废墟怒视发怒;慌张;失去理智,(头脑)发昏lose one's head, meaning "to become confused and agitated," as in:Whenever the stock market goes down sharply, people seem to lose their heads and一见钟情完全承认,彻底坦白供认(过失、罪行等),把…和盘托出The safest way for him to save his head is therefore to make a clean breast of[愚弄] 某人Today is April Fool's Day, but i have it regular, not to make fool of others,also not being made a goose of!今天是愚人节,可是我过的很平淡,没有去愚弄别人,也没有被别人愚弄!巧妇难做无米之炊to make good use of an opportunity while it lasts趁热打铁;勿失良机防患于未然According to Edwards, many disputes could be nipped in the bud if insurerscommunicated more openly with enrollees.如坐针毡,坐立不安眼不见,心不烦。;久违则情疏。Jim was happy when his ex-girlfriend moved out of his apartment -- out of sight,British & Australian, old-fashionedto treat someone in the same bad way that they have treated you (以牙还牙)I decided to pay her back in her own coin and refuseto help her.得寸进尺A: Dad, can I have another ice cream cone?B: Don’t push your luck, kid.A: Do you know April O’Neil?B: Hmm. Maybe. That name rings a bell.粗鲁的工人[informal] to frighten someone very much 吓得(某人)魂飞魄散Don't jump out on me like that! You scared the living daylights out of me! 别这样跳出来吓唬我!你差点把我吓死!=set the flames on fire(=do sth remarkable)有突出成就,非常成功People do not count him as a hero for he has not set the world on fire. 人们并不把他看作民族英雄,因为他并未做出惊天动地的事情to answer someone in an unreasonably angry way呵斥(某人),怒气冲冲地抢白(某人)There's no point trying to discuss anything with him if all he's going to do is snapyour head off.如果他只会怒气冲冲地呵斥你,就没必要和他讨论任何事情。

说曹操曹操到Speak of the devil! Everyone was just talking about you. 跟读说曹橾,曹操到!大家都正在谈你。坚守阵地;坚持自己的观点(或立场、思想、目标等)uk informal us talk sb's ear off​to talk to someone for a long time, usually loudly对(某人)喋喋不休She talked my head off.她对我喋喋不休地说了半天。依然感谢你(尤指别人没对你有什么帮助时,但你依然需要出于礼貌感谢某人)完全是另一回事.掌上明珠下一步就看你的了The ball is in their court now. Let’s wait for their decision.锦上添花Paula enjoyed the concert, and getting to meet the artist backstage after theshow was the icing on the cake.鬼门关;九死一生Few senior officers had the capacity to give their troops a laugh, and the singlefeature that made tolerable my vision of D Day, if there was such a feature, wasthat Happy Halloran would be the one to lead me into the jaws of death.你说得很对!一点没错!A: I met your boss today. He’s a real jerk.B: You can say that again!你知道我这么说的意思,表解释说明凡是你说得出的;应有尽有A: Daddy, can I have anything on the menu?B: Sure. You name it, you got it.老老少少,不分老幼

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