


Education: studying abroad & competition

• broaden/expand one’s horizon• enhance one’s social awareness• have a good command of English• be fully immersed in English• appreciate/celebrate cultural diversity• learn advanced science and technology• think independently/critically• communicate effectively/work efficiently• put what you have learned into practice• work well in teams/survival skills• have more financial burden/strain• encounter/experience culture shock• cannot distinguish right from wrong• may easily go astray/self-discipline• be vulnerable to societal ills/problems• lack integration into the mainstream society• lack cultural assimilation/cannot assimilate into …• rote learning 死记硬背/spoon-fed education• cramming method 突击学习/填鸭式教育• exam-oriented/teach to the test 应试教育• student-centered learning 以学生为中心• activity-based learning/group discussion• extra-curricular activity 课外活动• self-study 自学 online-education• in-class instruction 课堂教学• face-to-face learning/inter-active learning

• Very rarely do children in other countries receive academictraining as intensive as our children do.• But many educators say China’s strength in education is also aweakness. The nation’s education system is too test-oriented,schools here stifle creativity and parental pressures often deprivechildren of the joys of childhood, they say.

• These are two sides of the same coin: Chinese schools are verygood at preparing their students for standardized tests.• In an interview, Mr. Jiang said Chinese schools emphasizedtesting too much, and produced students who lacked curiosity andthe ability to think critically or independently.• “It creates very narrow-minded students,” he said. “But whatChina needs now is entrepreneurs and innovators.” This is acommon complaint in China.• Educators say an emphasis on standardized tests is partly toblame for the shortage of innovative start-ups in China. Andexecutives at global companies operating here say they havedifficulty finding middle managers who can think creatively andsolve problems.• In many ways, the system is a reflection of China’s Confucianistpast. Children are expected to honor and respect their parentsand teachers.

Science & Technology: online education

• satisfy/meet the needs/demands of different learners• cater to the needs of different learners• open up higher education opportunities to the learners• Students could have easier access to more educational resources.• study flexible hours/flexible schedule• cost/resource effective, time-saving,• reduce exposure to school bullying• lack face-to-face communication among teachers and students• lack cooperation with others• become socially inadaptable/inept• less motivation/less proactive• plenty of distractions/temptations• no self-control/self-discipline• cannot separate study hours from personal life• be addicted to computer games• be obsessed with …/addictive

• Online education that is consistent with best practices is

immensely beneficial to students.

• First, there are fewer and fewer doubts about whether it can be aseffective in achieving learning outcomes as face-to-faceinstruction. A growing body of research supports this conclusion.• Second, and as often noted, a primary advantage of onlineeducation is that it can be asynchronous (not at the same time),greatly increasing the flexibility and availability of education.• There is no question that, for brick-and-mortar institutions,online education offers a way to scale up operations to meetincreased demand at a marginal cost that is lower than that whichwould be necessary to add physical infrastructure (facility).• Certainly, there are problems within the online educationalsector, but it is worth noting that these problems are notnecessarily unique to that sector. There are schools that useunscrupulous (dishonest) or illegal student recruitmenttechniques. There are schools that have no accreditation at all orhold accreditation that does not allow students to transfer creditseasily to other schools or qualify for admission to graduateprograms.• There are many challenges, even for institutions that have well-established online programs. One is the dizzying pace at whichtechnology evolves. Student authentication, for example, is aconcern. Most companies offering assessment engines ortechnologies that verify student identity or other services aresmall, and questions remain about their sustainability.• Ultimately, though, I would say that the overarching challenge foronline education is the same as for higher education in general:accountability for outcomes.

Culture & Art: culture preservation & tourism

• ______a symbol of ancient civilization.• history/culture/tradition/heritage/civilization• _____symbolize/represent/showcase_______.• of high artistic value/scientific research value• History is passed down through ______.

• ____boost local economy/tourism industry.• keep/preserve/conserve cultural identity• can benefit cultural exchange/diversity

• raise/boost/arouse public awareness• promote/publicize our cultural heritage• raise funds for preservation and revival of ______

• In 2004 the Shanghai government created 12 preservation zones,giving historic neighborhoods at least some protection.• The government’s motive for such moves is often profit; it hasrecognized that the city’s extraordinary mix of architecturecontributes to its tourist appeal.• But there has also been pressure from the citizens of Shanghai,who have grown increasingly proud of their city’s landscape,including the Western-style architecture, once a symbol ofChina’s subjugation.• Not all Shanghainese, of course, agree that it’s a war worthfighting.• Some residents who have seen friends receive the equivalent ofthousands of dollars to relocate from crumbling homes to newapartments dismiss preservation efforts, and• officials stress the importance of improving the city’s livingconditions.

Mass Media: crime rate

• Juvenile delinquency refers to anti-social or illegal behavior bychildren or adolescents.• Crime committed by young people has risen since the mid-twentieth century globally.背景及解决方法• Proper school education and parental control/guidance are highlynecessary for cutting down juvenile delinquency.• Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing withjuveniles, such as juvenile detention centers.• Many people attribute juvenile delinquency 结果 to inappropriate

family parenting 原因.• It is noticed that a large proportion of young criminals come fromfamilies with either domestic violence or parental negligence andthey are susceptible to peer pressure来自家庭学校和青少年自身的原因• Some studies done by criminal psychologists reveals that juveniledelinquency can be traced back to their emotional disturbanceand mental frustration/disorder.• Another contributing factor is that teenagers are most likelybeing willful/impulsive and rebellious which may lead to anti-social behaviors.• Films which contain erotic, corrupt and provoking episode can doharm to young people. Imitation of the violent contents may leadto increase in the number of juvenile delinquents.来自媒体的负面影响• Increased exposure to media has been linked to higher rates ofsmoking, earlier sexual activity, social isolation and there is a direct relationship between time spent in front of ascreen and the risk of obesity.

benefits• worldwide fads and pop culture• growth of cross-cultural contacts• spreading of multiculturalism• international sporting events• reduce hostility among countries• popularity of foreign products and ideas• improve one's living standard• international tourism and immigrationdrawbacks• cause the widening gap between rich and poor• lead to the polarization of wealth• give rise to/contribute to outsourcing economy• exploitation of migrant workers is a result of• promote the idea of consumerism/materialism• result in the emergence of a dominant language

大作文结构句型. 单个副词• recently, nowadays, in recent years, in the past twenty years,• in the past two decades, in the last Century, in the 21st Century

2. 介词状语前置• With the development of the society,…• With the advance of the technology,…• With the booming of the economy,…• With the progress of the civilization,…

更好的开头句型---NY TIMES• In times of rapid technological change,…• As China’s economy recovers,…• With food prices remaining high in developing countries,• …has changed dramatically/drastically• …has changed at an amazing rate• People are attaching much importance to…• Remarkable changes have taken place in…• …is an ongoing process/trend/phenomenon• …is becoming increasingly popular/prevalent• …has gained such a popularity /…is on the rise• …is a heated debate/has triggered a heated discussion• …has been a growing concern/has drawn severe criticism• We often find ourselves involved in a real dilemma that…

Amazing 使人惊奇的同义词• staggering /ˈstæg.ər.ɪŋ/ adj 令人难以置信的 词组:staggeringly expensive housing price• astounding /əˈstaʊn.dɪŋ/ adj 使人震惊的词组:an astounding fact/achievement/development• astonishing /əˈstɒn.ɪ.ʃɪŋ/ adj 令人惊讶地例句:Her first novel enjoyed an astonishing success.• unprecedented /ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/ adj 前所未有的例句:This century has witnessed environmental destruction on

unprecedented scale.• unparalleled /ʌnˈpær.ə/ adj 不可企及的an

例句:They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previouspop group.• profound /prəˈfaʊnd/ adj 影响深远的例句:His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profoundeffect on him.

表示左右为难的不同单词• dilemma [diˈlemə] 左右为难的事情• paradox [ˈpærədɔks] 自相矛盾的说法• ambivalence [æmˈbɪvələns] 举棋不定的事• quandary [ˈkwɔndəri:] 令人不知所措的事• predicament [prɪˈdɪkəmənt] 令人尴尬的事• double-edged sword 双刃剑• two-sided coin 双面硬币• Catch-22 进退两难的局面

• some/many/most/a majority of/quite a few peoplethink/assert/argue/insist/claim/suggest/believe/proclaim/advocate/holdthe view/have the opinionthat ____A_____

• while/but/however/nevertheless/on the other hand,others/other peoplethink/assert/argue/insist/claim/suggest/believe/proclaim/advocate/hold theview/hold the opinionthat _____B____

argue: 争论 to give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc• The minister argued that cuts in military spending were : 断言 to say that something is certainly true• He asserts that she stole money from te: 提倡 to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or wayof doing something• He advocates the return of capital : 声称 a statement that something is true or is a fact, although otherpeople might not believe it• The government's claim that it would reduce taxes proved false.

insist: 主张 to state or demand forcefully, especially despite opposition• She insisted on seeing her im: 宣布 to announce something publicly or officially, especiallysomething positive• Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory evenas the first few votes came in.

• Those who support /favor----oppose /are against _名词__ mightargue that _句子_____.• The proponents /advocates----opponents/critics of __名词_ mightargue that ____句子_____.

英语中不同主题的支持者和反对者的说法• environmentalist/energy lobbyist• animal rights advocate/cultural conservationist• technology savvy/ technology laggard• technology optimist /technology pessimist• computer whiz/technophobeTo sum up/In general/In conclusion/In a word比较中立的观点• With views of both sides considered, we may draw the conclusionthat_________.非常肯定地站在一边• as I mentioned above/as what has been mentioned above, it is notdifficult to draw the conclusion that_____________.如果字数不够• In addition,_______________________.

NYT 标题党---大作文首段句型补充• More Pupils Are Learning Online, Fueling Debate on Quality -----Something fuels debate on …• Rise in Online Classes Flares Debate About Quality• -----------Something flares debate about …• Generational Divide Colors Debate Over Medicare’s Future -----Something colors debate over …• Police Lesson: Social Network Tools Have 2 Edges• -------------- something has two edges

• Cuomo’s Centrism Draws Praise but Stirs Suspicion• ---- something draws praise but stirs suspicion• An Attack Sheds Light on Internet Security Holes• ------------- Something sheds light on …• Japanese City’s Cry Resonates Around the World• Something resonates among the general public 引起共鸣• Crisis Saddles Village With Unwanted Notoriety• Something saddles sb. with a problem. 使面临问题• Radiation Errors Erode Confidence in Power Company• Something erodes confidence in … 使失去信心• At Particle Lab, a Tantalizing Glimpse Has Physicists HoldingTheir Breaths ------ something has sb holding their breaths• A Fixture of Hollywood’s Past, Now Tarnished by Strife• Something is tarnished by … 使黯淡• Bloggers Challenge President on Standardized Testing• Somebody challenges somebody on something.• Gun Issue Is Troubling Berkeley High• Something is troubling somebody.

• face a problem 面临一个问题• identify a problem 确认一个问题• raise a problem 提出一个问题• cause a problem 引起一个问题• present a problem 带来一个问题• remedy a problem 纠正一个问题• deal with a problem 解决一个问题• tackle a problem 解决一个问题• address a problem 解决一个问题• resolve a problem 解决一个问题• solve a problem 解决一个问题表示某个问题无处不在的形容词• prevalent [ˈprevələnt] 普遍存在的• pervasive [pəˈveɪsɪv] 无处不在的• widespread [ˈwaidspred] 分布广的政府提高公众对于某事的意识的词组• raise awareness of the environmental issue• educate/inform the general public about …

• promote/publicize [ˈpʌblɪˌsaɪz] …推广…表示解决方法的单词solution to… sth /take measure 措施 to do

• Many people attribute ___结果___ to ___原因____.

• Another reason lies in the fact that___句子________.

• _原因_ is considered to be the key contributing factor.

• Another contributing factor is that____句子________.

• Commentaries in newspapers, journals, or blogs point to two

major reasons for the growth of this multibillion-dollar tutoring


• The problem stems from a lack of competition in education.• The need for more outside tutoring goes hand in hand with the NoChild Left Behind Act, which set a high stakes testing programthat dominates schooling today.因果关系结尾段基本句型

• address the problem, people put forward various most important approach is that______. Secondly, ______.Finally,_____.或• ing these reasons, I think there are some ways to deal withthe problem. To begin with, _____. Next,_____. Last but notleast,______.

• My prescription for improving mathematics education wouldinclude eliminating the use of calculators.

• Ultimately, the solution to the problem rests on the introductionof choice and competition in education.• In short, this disturbing problem is attributed to many factors and Ibelieve with the joint efforts from individuals and government, it canbe eventually resolved.

或• in addition,____________________________

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